WE Unit 2 - Part 2

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Sample Exercise 21.

1 Predicting the Product of a Nuclear Reaction

What product is formed when radium-226 undergoes alpha emission?

Analyze We are asked to determine the nucleus that results when radium-226 loses an alpha particle.

Plan We can best do this by writing a balanced nuclear reaction for the process.

Solve The periodic table shows that radium has an atomic number of 88. The complete chemical symbol for radium-
226 is therefore . An alpha particle is a helium-4 nucleus, and so its symbol is . The alpha particle is a product
of the nuclear reaction, and so the equation is of the form

where A is the mass number of the product nucleus and Z is its atomic number. Mass numbers and atomic numbers
must balance, so

226 = A + 4

88 = Z + 2


A = 222 and Z = 86

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.1 Predicting the Product of a Nuclear Reaction

Again, from the periodic table, the element with Z = 86 is radon (Rn). The product, therefore, is , and the nuclear
equation is

Practice Exercise 1
What product forms when plutonium-238 undergoes alpha emission?
(a) Plutonium-234 (b) Uranium-234 (c) Uranium-238 (d) Thorium-236 (e) Neptunium-237

Practice Exercise 2
Which element undergoes alpha emission to form lead-208?

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.2 Writing Nuclear Equations
Write nuclear equations for (a) mercury-201 undergoing electron capture; (b) thorium-231 decaying to

Analyze We must write balanced nuclear equations in which the masses and charges of reactants and products
are equal.

Plan We can begin by writing the complete chemical symbols for the nuclei and decay particles that are given in
the problem.

(a) The information given in the question can be summarized as

The mass numbers must have the same sum on both sides of the equation:

201 + 0 = A

Thus, the product nucleus must have a mass number of 201. Similarly, balancing the atomic numbers gives

80 – 1 = Z

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.2 Writing Nuclear Equations

Thus, the atomic number of the product nucleus must be 79, which identifies it as gold (Au):

(b) In this case, we must determine what type of particle is emitted in the course of the radioactive decay:

From 231 = 231 + A and 90 = 91 + Z, we deduce A = 0 and Z = –1. According to Table 21.2, the particle with
these characteristics is the beta particle (electron). We therefore write

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.2 Writing Nuclear Equations

Practice Exercise 1
The radioactive decay of thorium-232 occurs in multiple steps, called a radioactive decay chain. The second
product produced in this chain is actinium-228. Which of the following processes could lead to this product
starting with thorium-232?
(a) Alpha decay followed by beta emission
(b) Beta emission followed by electron capture
(c) Positron emission followed by alpha decay
(d) Electron capture followed by positron emission
(e) More than one of the above is consistent with the observed transformation.

Practice Exercise 2
Write a balanced nuclear equation for the reaction in which oxygen-15 undergoes positron emission.

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.4 Writing a Balanced Nuclear Equation
Write the balanced nuclear equation for the process summarized as (n, ) .

Analyze We must go from the condensed descriptive form of the reaction to the balanced nuclear equation.

Plan We arrive at the balanced equation by writing n and a, each with its associated subscripts and superscripts.

Solve The n is the abbreviation for a neutron ( ), and  represents an alpha particle ( ). The neutron is the
bombarding particle, and the alpha particle is a product. Therefore, the nuclear equation is

Practice Exercise 1
Consider the following nuclear transmutation: . What is the identity of nucleus X?
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Practice Exercise 2
Write the condensed version of the nuclear reaction

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.5 Calculation Involving Half-Lives
The half-life of cobalt-60 is 5.27 yr. How much of a 1.000-mg sample of cobalt-60 is left after 15.81 yr?

Analyze We are given the half-life for cobalt-60 and asked to calculate the amount of cobalt-60 remaining from an
initial 1.000-mg sample after 15.81 yr.

Plan We will use the fact that the amount of a radioactive substance decreases by 50% for every half-life that passes.

Solve Because 5.27 × 3 = 15.81, 15.81 yr is three half-lives for cobalt-60. At the end of one half-life, 0.500 mg of
cobalt-60 remains, 0.250 mg at the end of two half-lives, and 0.125 mg at the end of three half-lives.

Practice Exercise 1
A radioisotope of technetium is useful in medical imaging techniques. A sample initially contains 80.0 mg of this
isotope. After 24.0 h, only 5.0 mg of the technetium isotope remains. What is the half-life of the isotope?
(a) 3.0 h (b) 6.0 h (c) 12.0 h (d) 16.0 h (e) 24.0 h

Practice Exercise 2
Carbon-11, used in medical imaging, has a half-life of 20.4 min. The carbon-11 nuclides are formed, and the carbon
atoms are then incorporated into an appropriate compound. The resulting sample is injected into a patient, and the
medical image is obtained. If the entire process takes five half-lives, what percentage of the original carbon-11 remains
at this time?

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.6 Calculating the Age of Objects Using
Radioactive Decay
A rock contains 0.257 mg of lead-206 for every milligram of uranium-238. The half-life for the decay of uranium-238
to lead-206 is 4.5 × 109 yr. How old is the rock?

Analyze We are asked to calculate the age of a rock containing uranium-238 and lead-206, given the half-life of the
uranium-238 and the relative amounts of the uranium-238 and lead-206.

Plan Lead-206 is the product of the radioactive decay of uranium-238. We will assume that the only source of lead-
206 in the rock is from the decay of uranium-238, which has a known half-life. To apply first-order kinetics
expressions (Equations 21.19 and 21.20) to calculate the time elapsed since the rock was formed, we first need to
calculate how much initial uranium-238 there was for every 1 mg that remains today.

Solve Let’s assume that the rock currently contains 1.000 mg of uranium-238 and therefore 0.257 mg of lead-206.
The amount of uranium-238 in the rock when it was first formed therefore equals 1.000 mg plus the quantity that
has decayed to lead-206. Because the mass of lead atoms is not the same as the mass of uranium atoms, we cannot
just add 1.000 mg and 0.257 mg. We have to multiply the present mass of lead-206 (0.257 mg) by the ratio of the
mass number of uranium to that of lead, into which it has decayed. Therefore, the original mass of was

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.6 Calculating the Age of Objects Using
Radioactive Decay

Using Equation 21.19, we can calculate the decay constant for the process from its half-life:

Rearranging Equation 21.20 to solve for time, t, and substituting known quantities gives

Practice Exercise 1
Cesium-137, which has a half-life of 30.2 yr, is a component of the radioactive waste from nuclear power plants. If
the activity due to cesium-137 in a sample of radioactive waste has decreased to 35.2% of its initial value, how old is
the sample?
(a) 1.04 yr (b) 15.4 yr (c) 31.5 yr (d) 45.5 yr (e) 156 yr

Practice Exercise 2
A wooden object from an archeological site is subjected to radiocarbon dating. The activity due to 14C is measured to
be 11.6 disintegrations per second. The activity of a carbon sample of equal mass from fresh wood is 15.2
disintegrations per second. The half-life of 14C is 5700 yr. What is the age of the archeological sample?

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.7 Calculations Involving Radioactive Decay
and Time
If we start with 1.000 g of strontium-90, 0.953 g will remain after 2.00 yr. (a) What is the half-life of strontium-90?
(b) How much strontium-90 will remain after 5.00 yr?

Analyze (a) We are asked to calculate a half-life, t1/2, based on data that tell us how much of a radioactive nucleus
has decayed in a time interval t = 2.00 yr and the information N0 = 1.000 g, Nt = 0.953 g. (b) We are asked to
calculate the amount of a radionuclide remaining after a given period of time.

Plan (a) We first calculate the rate constant for the decay, k, and then we use that to compute t1/2. (b) We need to
calculate Nt, the amount of strontium present at time t, using the initial quantity, N0, and the rate constant for decay,
k, calculated in part (a).

(a) Equation 21.20 is solved for the decay constant, k, and then Equation 21.19 is used to calculate half-life, t1/2:

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.7 Calculations Involving Radioactive Decay
and Time

(b) Again using Equation 21.20, with k = 0.0241 yr–1, we have:

Nt /N0 is calculated from ln( Nt /N0) = –0.120 using the ex or INV LN function of a calculator:

Because N0 = 1.000 g, we have: Nt = (0.887)N0 = (0.887)(1.000 g) = 0.887 g

Practice Exercise 1
As mentioned in the previous Practice Exercise 1, cesium-137, a component of radioactive waste, has a half-life of
30.2 yr. If a sample of waste has an initial activity of 15.0 Ci due to cesium-137, how long will it take for the
activity due to cesium-137 to drop to 0.250 Ci?
(a) 0.728 yr (b) 60.4 yr (c) 78.2 yr (d) 124 yr (e) 178 yr

Practice Exercise 2
A sample to be used for medical imaging is labeled with 18F, which has a half-life of 110 min. What percentage of
the original activity in the sample remains after 300 min?

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.8 Calculating Mass Change in a Nuclear Reaction
How much energy is lost or gained when 1 mol of cobalt-60 undergoes beta decay, + ? The mass
of a atom is 59.933819 u, and that of a atom is 59.930788 u.

Analyze We are asked to calculate the energy change in a nuclear reaction.

Plan We must first calculate the mass change in the process. We are given atomic masses, but we need the masses of
the nuclei in the reaction. We calculate these by taking account of the masses of the electrons that contribute to the
atomic masses.

A atom has 27 electrons. The mass of an electron is 5.4858 × 10–4 u. (See the list of fundamental constants in
the back inside cover.) We subtract the mass of the 27 electrons from the mass of the atom to find the mass of
the nucleus:

59.933819 u – (27)(5.4858 × 10–4 u) = 59.919007 u (or 59.919007 g/mol)

Likewise, for , the mass of the nucleus is:

59.930788 u – (28)(5.4858 × 10–4 u) = 59.915428 u (or 59.915428 g/mol)

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.8 Calculating Mass Change in a Nuclear Reaction

The mass change in the nuclear reaction is the total mass of the products minus the mass of the reactant:

Thus, when a mole of cobalt-60 decays,

m = –0.003030 g

Because the mass decreases (m < 0), energy is released (E < 0). The quantity of energy released per mole of cobalt-
60 is calculated using Equation 21.22:

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Exercise 21.8 Calculating Mass Change in a Nuclear Reaction

Practice Exercise 1
Electricity is generated in space vehicles from the heat produced by the radioactive decay of plutonium-238:
. The atomic masses of plutonium-238 and uranium-234 are 238.049554 u and 234.040946 u,
respectively. The mass of an alpha particle is 4.001506 u. How much energy in kJ is released when 1.00 g of
plutonium-238 decays to uranium-234?
(a) 2.27 × 106 kJ (b) 2.68 × 106 kJ (c) 3.10 × 106 kJ
(d) 3.15 × 106 kJ (e) 7.37 × 108 kJ

Practice Exercise 2
Positron emission from 11C, , occurs with release of 2.87 × 1011 J per mole of 11C. What is the
mass change per mole of 11C in this nuclear reaction? The masses of 11B and 11C are 11.009305 and 11.011434 u,

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Integrative Exercise Putting Concepts Together
Potassium ion is present in foods and is an essential nutrient in the human body. One of the naturally occurring
isotopes of potassium, potassium-40, is radioactive. Potassium-40 has a natural abundance of 0.0117% and a half-
life t1/2 = 1.28 × 109 yr. It undergoes radioactive decay in three ways: 98.2% is by electron capture, 1.35% is by
beta emission, and 0.49% is by positron emission. (a) Why should we expect 40K to be radioactive? (b) Write the
nuclear equations for the three modes by which 40K decays. (c) How many 40K+ ions are present in 1.00 g of KCl?
(d) How long does it take for 1.00% of the 40K in a sample to undergo radioactive decay?

(a) The 40K nucleus contains 19 protons and 21 neutrons. There are very few stable nuclei with odd numbers of both
protons and neutrons (Section 21.2).

(b) Electron capture is capture of an inner-shell electron by the nucleus:

Beta emission is loss of a beta particle ( ) by the nucleus:

Positron emission is loss of a positron ( ) by the nucleus:

(c) The total number of K+ ions in the sample is:

Of these, 0.0117% are 40K+ ions:

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.
Sample Integrative Exercise Putting Concepts Together

(d) The decay constant (the rate constant) for the radioactive decay can be calculated from the half-life, using
Equation 21.19:

The rate equation, Equation 21.20, then allows us to calculate the time required:

That is, it would take 18.6 million years for just 1.00% of the 40K in a sample to decay.

Chemistry: The Central Science, 14th Edition in SI Units © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd.

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