SUBMISSIONS Leave Inventory Out of Time
SUBMISSIONS Leave Inventory Out of Time
SUBMISSIONS Leave Inventory Out of Time
My Lord,
The brief facts are that the applicants are administrators of the estate of
the deceased NAGUJJA FLORENCE BIRABWA who were granted on 21st
January 2015. The administrators had not filed an inventory to date,
therefore requiring leave to file out of time.oll LL
I)whether the administrators can be granted leave to file the inventory out
if time.
My lord, it is trite law that an administrator is required to file an inventory
and true account of the property within 6 months of receipt of letters of
After the criminal case, the estate still couldn’t be administered because
the convict returned to the property there by making it hard for the
administrators to take authority over it let alone distribute it. The
administrators sued the trespasser vide CS 819 of 2020 Elizabeth
Nassanga and 2 ors vs NANTEZA SATAH KIGOZI for an order of ejectment
and for trespass to land.
The known estate of the deaased was the house and land and personal
belongings therein and have not been accessed by the beneficiaries/
administrators as shown by paragraph 6 of the affidavit.
The facts show that there has been a delay from the expiry of the period
within which to file, to date. however the inordinate delay has been
explained by the applicants as having been caused by the various court
cases involving the property of the deceased.
It is trite law that courts are enjoined with duty to ensure rules and
procedures are followed strictly and cannot aid a party who deliberately
comits lapses.
In this case My Lord, the lapse was not deliberate nor negligent. It was
inadvertent caused by the various court cases.
b) Sufficient reason
Sufficient reason cannot be laid down by any hard and fast rule but is
determined by reference to the circumstances of each case. This means
the applicant has a duty to lay before court all materials which court can
use to exercise it's discretion. However in The interest if justice, court
should not deny a party extension of time if doing so is not prejudicial.
In the instant case My Lord, granting extension of time will enable the filing
of the inventory and the completion of the civil case for recovery of the land.
Denial of leave in this matter would prejudice the court matter and
therefore deny the administrators or beneficiaries the ability to benefit from
the estate.
C) Any other reason
The applicant will be much obliged by any other order as this court may
deem fit.
The deceased never left behind any biological children but was succeed by
nephews and nieces, who nominated the administrators to be granted
authority of the estate. The beneficiaries if the estate/ administrators now
seek to file an inventory for the estate.
This honourable court has a wide discretion under s.98 of the CPA Cap 71
and under S.13 of the Judicature Act to make orders as it seems necessary
for the ends of justice. From the facts in the instant matter before this
court, it would be in the interest of justice for leave to be granted to file the
inventory out of time in order to have the matter involving the property of
the estate.
Most obliged,
Isaac Afunaduula