US10337841 DEW Patent
US10337841 DEW Patent
US10337841 DEW Patent
(12) United
Segev et al.
States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 10 ,337,841 B2
(45) Date of Patent: Jul. 2, 2019
Field .of......Classification Search
... HO1S 3 /0071 ; HOLS 3 /067; HO1S 3 /23 ;
(71) Applicant: RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE HOIS 3 / 2383; F41H 13 /0043 ; F41H
SYSTEMS LTD ., Haifa (IL ) 13 / 005 ; F41H 13 /0062
USPC 250/ 203.2 , 206 . 1, 221
(72) Inventors : Yehonatan Segev, Haifa ( IL ); Yochay See application file for complete search history .
Swirski, Haifa ( IL ) ; Shay Yosub , Haifa
( IL ); Yan Itovich , Haifa (IL )
(56 ) References Cited
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 10 ,095 ,016 B2 * 10 / 2018 Karlsen .............. GO2B 19 /0052
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2010 /0282942 Al 11/2010 Taylor
U .S .C . 154 (b ) by 265 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(21 ) Appl. No.: 15 /502,786 WO 2014071906 A1 5 /2014
(22) PCT Filed : Jul. 2, 2015 * cited by examiner
(86 ) PCT No.: PCT/IL 2015 /050682 Primary Examiner — Kevin K Pyo
$ 371 (c)(1), (74) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Mark M . Friedman
(2 ) Date : Feb . 9 , 2017
(87 ) PCT Pub . No.: WO2016 /024265 (57) ABSTRACT
PCT Pub. Date : Feb . 18 , 2016 A directed energy weapon includes a number of laser units,
each including a fiber laser generating an output beam with
(65) Prior Publication Data a power of at least 1 kW from a fiber, an objective lens
US 2017/0234658 A1 Aug. 17, 2017 arrangement for focusing the output beam into a focused
beam directed towards a target, and a fine adjustment
( 30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data mechanism for adjusting a direction of the focused beam . A
beam deflector arrangement is deployed to deflect a portion
Aug. 10 , 2014 ( IL ) .......... .............. 234036 of the focused beam from each laser unit as a deflected beam
in a direction in predefined relation to a direction of the
(51) Int. Cl. focused beam . An angle sensing unit generates an output
HOIS 3 /00 ( 2006 .01) indicative of a current direction of said deflected beam for
F41H 13 / 00 ( 2006 .01) each of said laser units . A controller actuates the fine
HOIS 3 /067 ( 2006 .01) adjustmentmechanisms based on the output from the angle
HOIS 3 /23 (2006 . 01) sensing unit to maintain a desired relative alignment
(52) U .S . CI. between directions of the focused beams.
CPC ....... F41H 13/ 0062 (2013.01); H01s 3/0071
( 2013 .01); HOIS 3 /067 (2013 .01); HOIS
3/ 2383 (2013.01); HOIS 3/005 (2013. 01 ) 17 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
20 ,60 34 18
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U.S. Paten
Jul.2,2019 Sheet1of13
Jul. 2 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 13 US 10 ,337 , 841 B2
FIG . 1
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US 10 ,337 ,841 B2
DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON comprising an additional pentaprism for each of the rows
deployed to deflect the set of once -deflected beams to form
FIELD AND BACKGROUND OF THE an array of deflected beams from a plurality of the rows.
INVENTION According to a further feature of an embodiment of the
5 present invention , the fine adjustmentmechanism comprises
The present invention relates to directed energy weapons at least one actuator deployed for displacing a fiber tip of the
and , in particular, it concerns directed energy weapons based fiber laser.
on fiber lasers . According to a further feature of an embodiment of the
It has been proposed to use high energy laser (HEL ) present invention , the fine adjustmentmechanism comprises
radiation focused on a target as weapon , both in offensive 10 at least one actuator deployed for varying an angular posi
and defensive roles . Various types of lasers suitable for tion of a mirror.
generating high energy beams are problematic for practical According to a further feature of an embodiment of the
implementations of a weapon due to their reliance on present invention , there is also provided a focus adjustment
dangerous chemicals or requirements for bulky hardware . mechanism including at least one actuator deployed for
Fiber lasers , i.e ., lasers in which the active gain occurs 15 displacing a fiber tip of the fiber laser so as to vary a length
within an optical fiber, are compact and avoid use of of an optical path from the fiber tip to the objective lens
dangerous chemicals . Although output powers of more than arrangement.
1 kW are available, output from a single fiber laser using According to a further feature of an embodiment of the
current technology does not provide sufficient output power present invention , there is also provided a set of shutters or
for implementation of an optimal directed energy weapon . 20 modulators associated with the controller and deployed to
Various attempts have been made to combine multiple control a quantity of light from each of the laser units to the
fiber lasers in a directed energy weapon so as to provide a angle sensing unit , wherein the controller is configured to
desired total power output. Examples include: U .S . Pat. No . operate the set of shutters or modulators to modulate the
7 , 970,040 and WO 2012 /062399 . deflected beams so as to facilitate angle sensing for each
25 individual one of the laser units .
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION According to a further feature of an embodiment of the
present invention , the plurality of laser units is implemented
The present invention is a directed energy weapon based as a two dimensional array of at least ten of the laser units .
on fiber lasers. According to a further feature of an embodiment of the
According to the teachings of an embodiment of the 30 present invention, there is also provided a tracking sensor
present invention there is provided , a directed energy deployed for tracking the target and evaluating alignment of
weapon for use against a target, the weapon comprising : (a ) the focused beams with the target, wherein the controller is
a plurality of laser units, each of the laser units comprising: further configured to actuate the fine adjustment mecha
( i) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber, the nisms based on an output from the tracking sensor.
output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW , (ii) an 35 According to a further feature of an embodiment of the
objective lens arrangement for focusing the output beam into present invention , the tracking sensor is implemented as a
a focused beam directed towards the target, and ( iii ) a fine directed energy weapon subsystem comprising : ( a ) a fiber
adjustment mechanism for adjusting a direction of the laser generating an output beam from a fiber, the output
focused beam ; (b ) for each of the laser units , a beam beam conveying power of at least 1 kW ; (b ) an optical
deflector arrangement deployed to deflect a portion of the 40 arrangement for focusing the output beam into a focused
focused beam as a deflected beam in a direction in pre - beam directed towards the target; (c ) a fine adjustment
defined relation to a direction of the focused beam ; (c ) an mechanism associated with the optical arrangement and
angle sensing unit deployed for receiving the deflected deployed to adjust a direction of the focused beam ; and ( d )
beams and generating an output indicative of a current a sensing arrangement deployed for: (i) sensing a part of the
direction of the deflected beam for each of the laser units ; 45 output beam reflected from an element of the optical
and ( d ) a controller associated with the angle sensing unit arrangement so as to be indicative of a direction of propa
and the fine adjustment mechanisms, the controller being gation of the focused beam ; and (ii) focal- plane sensing of
configured to actuate the fine adjustment mechanismsbased radiation arriving at the optical arrangement from the target
on the output from the angle sensing unit to maintain a so as to allow tracking of the target.
desired relative alignment between the directions of the 50 There is also provided according to the teachings of an
focused beams. embodiment of the present invention , a directed energy
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the weapon for use against a target, the weapon comprising: (a )
present invention , the beam deflector arrangement deflects a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber , the
no more than 1 percent of the energy of the focused beam . output beam conveyingpower of at least 1 kW ; (b ) an optical
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the 55 arrangement for focusing the output beam into a focused
present invention , the beam deflector arrangement includes beam directed towards the target; (c ) a fine adjustment
at least one pentaprism for each of the laser units . mechanism associated with the optical arrangement and
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the deployed to adjust a direction of the focused beam ; and (d )
present invention , the plurality of laser units is implemented a sensing arrangement deployed for: (i) sensing a part of the
as a two dimensional array of the laser units including a 60 output beam reflected from an element of the optical
plurality of rows of the laser units, and wherein the beam arrangement so as to be indicative of a direction of propa
deflector arrangement includes at least one pentaprism for gation of the focused beam ; and (ii) focal- plane sensing of
each of the laser units deployed to generate a set of once - radiation arriving at the optical arrangement from the target
deflected beams in generally parallel relation from the laser so as to allow tracking of the target.
units in each of the rows, the set of once -deflected beams 65 According to a further feature of an embodiment of the
being spaced apart by less than a diameter of the objective present invention , the sensing arrangement comprises : (a ) a
lens arrangement, the beam deflector arrangement further first sensing system deployed for focal- plane sensing of the
US 10,337 ,841 B2
part of the output beam reflected from the element of the FIG . 6 is a schematic top view illustrating a further
optical arrangement so as to be indicative of a direction of deflection of a two-dimensional closely spaced array of
propagation of the focused beam ; and (b ) a second sensing parallel alignment beams from the two-dimensional array of
system deployed for focal-plane sensing of radiation arriv - laser units into an angle sensing unit ;
ing at the optical arrangement from the target so as to allow 5 FIG . 7 is a schematic diagram illustrating the interrelation
tracking of the target. of each laser unit from the directed energy weapon of FIG .
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the 1 with components of a control system for fine adjustment
present invention , the output beam includes a first wave - of beam alignment;
length component conveying power of at least 1 kW andBasta 10 forFIGuse. 8asis part
a schematic diagram of a fine alignment tracker
of the directed energy weapon of FIG . 1
second wavelength component conveying a power at least according to a first implementation ;
two orders of magnitude smaller than the first wavelength FIG . 9 is a schematic diagram of an integrated laser unit
component, and wherein at least one component of the and fine alignment tracker according to a further aspect of
optical arrangement is transparent to the first wavelength
and is an at least partial reflector for the second wavelength1,, 15 the present invention , also for use as part of the directed
energy weapon of FIG . 1 according to an alternative imple
a reflected portion of the second wavelength component
mentation ;
providing the part of the output beam sensed by the sensing FIGS. 10A - 10C are schematic illustrations of the optical
arrangement. paths followed in FIG . 9 by the high - energy laser radiation ,
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the an angular sensing radiation channel, and a target tracking
present invention , the output beam has a given wavelength 20 channel, respectively ; and
conveying at least a majority of the power, and wherein the FIGS. 11A and 11B are schematic diagrams of an alter
part of the outputbeam reflected from the element shares the native implementation of an integrated laser unit and fine
given wavelength . alignment tracker according to an embodiment of the present
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the invention , illustrating the optical paths followed by the
present invention , the optical arrangement includes a corner 25 high - energy laser radiation with a reflected alignment beam ,
reflector deployed for reflecting a part of the focused beam and a tracking channel, respectively .
back through the optical arrangement.
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
present invention , the element of the optical arrangement EMBODIMENTS
reflecting part of the output beam is a surface of an objective 30
lens of the optical arrangement. The present invention is a directed energy weapon based
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the on fiber lasers .
present invention , the fine adjustment mechanism comprises The principles and operation of directed energy weapons
at least one actuator deployed for displacing a fiber tip of the according to the present invention may be better understood
fiber laser . 35 with reference to the drawings and the accompanying
According to a further feature of an embodiment of the description .
present invention , the fine adjustmentmechanism comprises By way of introduction , the present invention has a
at least one actuator deployed for varying an angular posi number of distinct aspects, each of which is believed to be
tion of a mirror. worthy of patent protection in its own right, and which are
40 believed to be of particular significance when employed
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS together in synergy. Specifically, a first aspect of the present
invention relates to a system and corresponding method for
The invention is herein described , by way of example ensuring correct relative inter-beam alignment (IBA )
only , with reference to the accompanying drawings between multiple beams from separate fiber laser units, each
wherein : 45 with its own objective optics . This inter -beam alignment
FIG . 1 is an isometric view of a directed energy weapon , facilitates reliable tracking of multiple fiber laser units on a
constructed and operative according to an embodiment of common target while using a shared fine alignment tracker.
the present invention , showing a two dimensional array of A second aspect of the present invention relates to a compact
laser units in a gimbaled housing; autonomous tracking collimator (CATC ) which integrates a
FIG . 2 is a front view of the directed energy weapon of 50 fiber laser unit with a fine tracking sensor and beam align
FIG . 1 ; ment verification in a compact combined unit employing a
FIG . 3A is a schematic isometric view of a beam deflector single optical aperture . A particularly preferred implemen
arrangement forming part of an inter -beam alignment sys - tation of the present invention optionally combining both of
tem for use in the directed energy weapon of FIG . 1 ; the above aspects will be presented herein with reference to
FIG . 3B is an enlarged view of a region of FIG . 3A 55 FIGS . 1 and 2 . Preferred features and implementations of the
designated III, illustrating alignment beam deflecting ele - IBA aspect of the invention will then be detailed with
ments associated with individual laser units ; reference to FIGS. 3A - 7 . A dedicated fine alignment tracker
FIG . 3C is an enlarged schematic isometric view illus - that could be used with an array of laser units according to
trating a secondary beam deflecting element for bringing the first aspect of the invention is illustrated schematically in
deflected alignment beams from a row of laser units into 60 FIG . 8 . Then , with reference to FIGS. 9 - 11B , various
closely spaced parallel relation ; implementations of the CATC aspect of the invention will be
FIG . 4 is a schematic front view illustrating the operation described .
of the secondary beam deflecting element; Referring now to the drawings , FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate a
FIG . 5 is a schematic side view illustrating the operation directed energy weapon , generally designated 10, con
of a plurality of staggered secondary beam deflecting ele - 65 structed and operative according to an embodiment of the
ments to bring alignment beams from a plurality of rows into present invention , employing a plurality of fiber laser units
closely spaced parallel relation ; 12 arranged in an array within a housing 14 which is
US 10 ,337 ,841 B2
mounted on a gimbal mount 16 providing elevation -over " directed energy weapon ” as used herein refers to any
azimuth coarse direction control. Also integrated into hous weapon , for defensive and /or offensive applications, in
ing 14 are a coarse tracking imaging sensor 18, such as a which electromagnetic radiation is directed towards a target
FUR , a fine tracking sensor 20 , which may optionally be to deliver sufficient power as to cause damage to the target.
integrated as part of a CATC unit 60 according to the second 5 In quantitative terms, the delivered power is typically in
aspect of the present invention , and an angular sensing unit excess of 50 kW , and more preferably at least 100 kW . The
34 , the function of which will be described below . present invention relates particularly to directed energy
Each laser unit 12 has a fiber laser 24 , typically mounted weapons employing optical wavelengths of electromagnetic
remotely from housing 14 , for example in the base of gimbal
mount 16 , generating an output beam from a fiber 26 ( FIG . 10 radiation , defined herein as encompassing short-wave infra
red (SWIR ), near infrared (NIR ), visible and ultraviolet
7 ) which conveys an output power of at least 1 kW , and more wavelengths . The invention is typically implemented in the
preferably at least about 10 kW . An objective lens arrange
ment 28 is configured for focusing the output beam into a SWIR or NIR ranges of the spectrum , where suitable high
focused , beam directed towards a target. It should be noted power lasers are currently commercially available .
that the term “ focused beam ” as used here includes the 15 The term “ fiber laser” is used to refer to any laser in which
possibility of a parallel collimated beam , which is effectively the stimulated emission effect occurs within an optical fiber .
focused at “ infinity ” for distant targets. Each laser unit 12 For directed energy weapon applications, high power lasers
also includes a fine adjustment mechanism for adjusting a should be used . A range of high energy fiber lasers with
direction of the focused beam . In the implementation illus - outputpowers in excess of 1 kW , and in some cases from 10
trated schematically in FIG . 7, the fine adjustment mecha - 20 kW upwards , are commercially available.
nism is implemented as a fiber tip displacement mechanism The term " objective lens” is used herein to refer to the
30 , providing fine adjustment of the tip of fiber 26 in at least outermost optical component from which an outgoing beam
the two dimensions perpendicular to the optic axis of laser is issued (not including a beam deflector), or the first optical
unit 12 . Other implementations of a fine adjustment mecha - component encountered by incoming radiation for imaging
nism , such as using a fast steering mirror , can also be used . 25 or sensing functions. The objective lens typically also
It is a particular feature of certain embodiments of the defines an optical aperture of the corresponding optical
present invention that directed energy weapon 10 includes arrangement.
an arrangement for inter -beam alignment to facilitate correct Where reference is made to a " controller" , " processor " or
relative alignment of the beams from laser units 12 . To this " processing system ” performing various different functions ,
end , each laser unit 12 has a beam deflector (or “ beam 30 the intention is typically to refer to a processing system
sampler” ) arrangement deployed to deflect a portion of the including one or more processors configured , by hardware ,
focused beam as a deflected beam in a direction in pre - software or any combination thereof, and by addition of any
defined relation to a direction of the focused beam . In the required interfaces or the like , to perform the recited func
example illustrated in FIGS . 3A - 7 , the beam deflector tions . As is well known , multiple functions performed by a
arrangement includes a pentaprism 32 associated with each 35 processing system may be performed by a single processing
objective lens arrangement 28 , either attached thereto or system , or may be distributed between multiple processing
spaces in front of the objective lens arrangement, which systemswhich may be physically separate and even remote
generates a once -deflected beam perpendicular to the from one another. All such arrangements fall within the
focused beam emerging from the objective lens . intended scope of the terms “ controller” , “ processor” and
An angle sensing unit (ASU ) 34 is deployed for receiving 40 “ processing system ” , whether used in the singular or in the
the deflected beams, optionally after one or more further plural. Furthermore, as will be clear to a person ordinarily
deflection ( as will be exemplified below ), and generates an skilled in the art, various common functions attributed
output indicative of a current direction of the deflected beam herein to sensors and/ or controllers are in fact performed by
for each of the laser units. This indication is then processed extensive multi- stage processing . One such example is a
by a controller 36 to determine a required alignment cor- 45 “ target tracking" function performed on output of an image
rection for the corresponding laser units . Controller 36 sensor, which typically involves multiple processes such as
generates outputs to actuate the fine adjustmentmechanism image pre -processing, feature identification and/ or classifi
for each laser unit to maintain a desired relative alignment cation , and application of various frame- to - frame tracking
between the directions of the focused beams. algorithms. Such processes and the corresponding required
At this stage , it will already be clear that the inter -beam 50 processing hardware / software are all well known in the art,
alignment aspect of the present invention provides highly and will not be described herein in detail.
advantageous solution for achieving high power density on Turning now to the features of directed energy weapon 10
a target using multiple fiber lasers. Specifically, the use of a in more detail, as mentioned above, each laser unit 12 is fed
plurality of separate laser units with their own optical by a fiber laser 25 which delivers an output beam from a
apertures avoids the complexity and scalability -limitations 55 fiber 26 . The output from fiber 26 typically emerges via a
of systems that attempt to combine multiple fiber laser suitable fiber terminator or “ end cap ” , which achieves some
outputs into a combined beam from a single optical aperture . initial spreading of the beam . The fiber laser feeds into the
At the same time, by providing reliable inter-beam align optical arrangement of the laser unit , which includes objec
mentbetween the outputs ofmultiple laser units, it becomes tive lens arrangement 28 and optionally other optical com
possible to employ a common fine-tracking system for 60 ponents. The optical arrangement achieves broadening of
maintaining precise alignment of the group of beams on a the beam and collimation to form a final beam which is
target, thereby rendering the system highly compact and cost referred to as a “ focused beam " directed towards a target. It
effective . These and other advantages of this aspect of the will be noted that typical ranges for use of the directed
present invention will become clearer from the following energy weapon of the present invention are typically from
description . 65 hundreds ofmeters up to several kilometers , such that the
It will be helpful to define certain terminology as used focused beam has a very small convergence , and for longer
herein in the description and claims. Firstly, the term ranges is effectively a collimated parallel beam .
US 10 ,337 ,841 B2
Each laser unit 12 has its own fine adjustmentmechanism beamswhich are in a closely spaced vertical row . This set of
for adjusting a direction of the focused beam . The option beams is preferably spaced apart by less than a diameter of
illustrated in FIG . 7 employs a fiber tip displacement mecha - the objective lens arrangement of the laser units , and typi
nism 30 , which can conveniently be implemented using a cally arranged in a close - packed bundle of rays with inter
piezo - electric actuator deployed to displace the fiber tip (or 5 beam spacing of less than 1 cm .
fiber terminator ) in two dimensions perpendicular to the A preferred beam deflection arrangement as illustrated
optical axis of the laser unit. Since coarse alignment is includes an additional pentaprism 38 for each of the rows
controlled by gimbalmount 16 , the range of fine adjustment deployed to deflect the set of once -deflected beams to form
required is typically small , and linear displacements of less an array of deflected beams from a plurality of the rows.
than a millimeter, or at most a few millimeters , in each 10 The specific exemplary arrangement of additional pen
direction are typically sufficient. taprisms 38 as presented here is best understood from the
It should be noted that the fiber tip displacementmecha view of FIG . 5 shows staggering of successive rows of laser
nism is only one of a number of possible fine adjustment units so that each additional pentaprism 38 deflects its group
mechanismswhich may be used to implement laser units 12 . of beams from its corresponding row upwards in a plane
As a further non -limiting example , a fine adjustmentmecha - 15 parallel to those of the other rows. The overall result is to
nism may be implemented with a beam reflected from a fast generate a two -dimensional array of parallel beams in
steering mirror (FSM ) which provides fine angular adjust- closely spaced relation corresponding to the two dimen
ment of the beam direction . Fast steering mirrors, typically sional array of laser units, but all aligned within a cross
employing at least one actuator such as a piezo electric section sufficiently small to be delivered to a single angle
actuator for varying an angular position of a mirror, are well 20 sensing unit. Although the angle sensing unit 34 could be
known in the art and are readily commercially available . The aligned in a vertical direction to directly receive the set of
term “ fast steering mirror" is used herein to refer to the beams, the preferred implementation illustrated here
entire assembly of a mirror with a set of actuators , details of includes a single large pentaprism 40 deployed to perform a
which will not be illustrated or described . third deflection , directing all of the beams into angle sensing
According to various particularly preferred implementa - 25 unit 34 that lies in the plane of the other optical apertures .
tions , the laser units 12 also include a focal length adjust- Angle sensing unit 34 may be implemented as a conven
ment mechanism , typically implemented by employing at tional sensing unit for determining direction of incidence of
least one actuator deployed for displacing the tip of fiber 26 laser beams of the appropriate wavelength . The lateral
in a direction parallel to an optical axis of the laser unit so offsets between the incoming beams are typically not sig
as to vary a length of an optical path from the fiber tip to the 30 nificant, since the device detects the incident angle of the
objective lens arrangement. This motion is used to vary an beam but is insensitive to lateral offsets . Specifically , the
effective focal distance of the system to correspond to the incoming beams are typically focused onto an array of
estimated distance to the current target. In the case of a fiber sensors and the position of the beam falling on the focal
displacement adjustment mechanism , the focal adjustment plane indicates the direction of incidence .
may optionally be integrated with the alignment adjustment. 35 In order to employ a single angle sensing unit for mea
Alternatively , in view of the fact that required response suring alignment ofmultiple beams, an arrangement must be
times for the focal length adjustment are relatively slow , made to enable the ASU to either distinguish between the
simpler or lower cost adjustment actuators may be used . One different beams or to receive the beams during different time
non - limiting example is use of a linear stage operated by a slots. A simplest implementation employs a shutter 42 (FIG .
stepper motor. 40 7 ) associated with each laser unit 12 and deployed to
Turning now to the beam deflector arrangement, while the selectively block or allow transmission of the beam
underlying principles of this aspect of the present invention deflected from the corresponding pentaprism 32 . According
may be implemented using a wide range of beam deflector to this approach , controller 36 preferably actuates shutters
arrangements, certain particularly preferred implementa 42 so as to sequentially open one shutter at a time and to
tions take advantage of the properties of a pentaprism which 45 retrieve from ASU 34 the angle measurement for the beam
achieves precise deflection of the sampled beam through 90 from the corresponding laser unit 12 . Other options include,
degrees while being insensitive to , and independent of, the but are not limited to , adding a distinctive frequency or
alignment of the pentaprism . The design of pentaprisms and time- varying signal as a modulation to the deflected beam ,
their properties are well known in the art of optics , and a and employing selective detection techniques to allow the
range ofpentaprisms suitable for use in the present invention 50 ASU to lock onto a given beam even in the presence of other
are commercially available . incident beams. Such modulation may be introduced by
As illustrated from various different views in FIGS. 3A -6 , shutters 42 operating as modulators .
each laser unit 12 is provided with a small pentaprism 32 The output of ASU 34 for each laser unit 12 is typically
deployed for deflecting a small proportion of the outgoing an angular offset from a default " correct ” direction for that
focused beam through 90°. The pentaprism preferably 55 laser unit . It should be noted that the " correct directions are
deflects no more than 1 percent of the energy of the focused not necessarily exactly parallel, since the focused beams are
beam , and typically much less. The deflected intensity is intended to combine at the target onto a small region of the
determined primarily by the dimensions of the pentaprism , target. Furthermore , slight misalignments of elements in the
which is preferably small compared to the optical aperture. beam deflecting arrangementmay lead to the “ correct” beam
In order to facilitate the use of a single angle sensing unit 60 alignment being slightly away from the expected beam
34 for measuring the alignment of multiple laser unit beam alignment measurement . All such factors are preferably
directions, the present invention preferably deploys stag - taken into consideration during an initial calibration process
gered arrays of pentaprisms to deflect beams from a row of performed after manufacture , and optionally repeated peri
laser units into a set of once - deflected beams in generally o dically , which defines the ASU output direction for each
parallel relation . This is best illustrated in FIGS. 3B and 4 . 65 laser unit which corresponds to the corresponding laser
The example of a two -dimensional array illustrated here thus unit 's “ correct " default beam direction . The real time ASU
generates , for each row , a set of horizontal once -deflected outputs are then indicative of any unintended deviation from
US 10 ,337 ,841 B2
the default direction , as well as measuring any currently tracking sensor 20 assesses the precision of the combined
applied fine steering correction . beam alignment with the target, and provides fine alignment
Referring to FIG . 7 , this shows schematically closure of correction inputs to controller 36 which are implemented
the control loop for maintaining correct alignment and fine together with the inter-beam alignment correction .
steering of the focused beam from each laser unit. The 5 Turning now to the remaining FIGS. 9 - 11B , there is
line- of -sight (LOS ) deviation measured by the ASU 34 is illustrated a further aspect of the present invention relating
provided to controller 36 which generates a beam steering to a self- contained directed energy weapon , generally des
correction command which is delivered to the fine adjust - ignated 60 , for use against a target, which combines directed
mentmechanism ( e. g ., fiber displacementmechanism 30 ) to energy output, target tracking and beam alignment verifica
achieve the correction . In calculating the beam steering 10 tion via a common optical aperture.
correction , controller 36 also employs input from a fine In general terms, directed energy weapon 60 includes a
tracking sensor ( details of which will be discussed further fiber laser 62 generating an output beam from a fiber 64 that
below ) which indicates any fine tracking correction which is conveys a power of at least 1 kW , and more preferably at
required to the overall beam direction of the directed energy least 10 kW . An optical arrangement 66 focuses the output
weapon to optimize its position on the target . As mentioned 15 beam into a focused beam directed towards the target.
above, since inter- beam alignment is maintained between Weapon 60 also includes a fine adjustment mechanism , here
the different beams, the entire weapon can operate under the exemplified by a fast steering mirror 68, associated with
control of a single shared fine tracking sensor. optical arrangement 66 and deployed to adjust a direction of
As will now be clear, the approach of this aspect of the the focused beam .
present invention allows compact juxtaposition of a rela - 20 Directed energy weapon 60 further includes a sensing
tively large number of laser units in a one -dimensional or arrangement deployed for:
more preferably two -dimensional array . In many typical a ) sensing a part of the output beam reflected from an
implementations , the combination of at least ten laser units element of optical arrangement 66 so as to be indicative
12 into a single weapon using inter-beam alignment is of a direction of propagation of the focused beam ; and
envisaged . 25 b ) focal-plane sensing of incoming radiation arriving via
Turning briefly to FIG . 8 , this illustrates a simple imple optical arrangement 66 from the target so as to allow
mentation of fine tracking sensor 20 , which may be tracking of the target.
employed to provide fine tracking information for correcting These two sensing functions are typically performed ,
the LOS of directed energy weapon 10 . Tracking sensor 20 respectively, by a first sensing system 70 deployed for
employs a shared optic aperture /objective 52 to collect 30 focal-plane sensing of the part of the output beam reflected
radiation from the target, which includes both radiation for from the aforementioned element of optical arrangement 66 ,
imaging of the target and a reflection of the laser output and a second sensing system 72 deployed for focal-plane
reflected from the surface of the target. A dichroic mirror 54 sensing of incoming radiation arriving via the optical
separates the wavelength (s ) of the laser (s ) directed towards arrangement from the target. It should be noted however
the target from the wavelengths used for imaging the target, 35 that, in certain alternative configurations (not shown ), sens
directing the former onto a laser spot tracking camera 56 or ing of both the target image and the reflected outgoing beam
???\òÂ?Ò?ÂòÂ?Ò?Â?Ò?Â?Ò?ÂòÂ?Ò?ÂòÂ?Ò??–??ti?âòffiti????/ ??m? /m??ti?\/?titiffim /? ??ti??????? /?ti?ti?m?ti?????????????–? –???/??/?/?/ ?/?/?§Â?Ò?§?§?/??
onto a target tracking camera 58 . The target tracking may be cases , sensing of the laser beam reflection may be differen
performed at a wide range of wavelengths and using a wide tiated from the target image by introducing a time- varying
range of imaging techniques including, but not limited to , 40 amplitude modulation to the corresponding component of
NIR imaging , SWIR imaging, visible light imaging and the outgoing beam , thereby allowing selective detection of
thermal infrared imaging, with a preference for NIR or the image component derived from the laser according to the
SWIR imaging . The outputs from cameras 56 and 58 are time variation profile . In this case , a focal plane array sensor
then processed by a processing system 60 (which may which can discriminate time varying signals should be used .
optionally be integrated with controller 36 mentioned above ) 45 An example of a suitable FPA sensor is commercially
to derive the laser spot position and the target position within available from Shilat Optronics Ltd . (Rehovot, Israel) .
the field of view . The “ laser spot” referred to here is the sum first preferred but non -limiting exemplary implemen
total or average spot reflected by the target from all of the tation of the above principles of operation is illustrated in
outgoing radiation . These positions are then correlated to FIGS . 9 and 10A - 10C . FIG . 9 shows a combined view of the
derive a pointing error, for use in a fine tracking correction 50 various different optical paths , while FIGS. 10A - 10C are
as described above . views of the same device but showing separately the optical
Operation of directed energy weapon 10 will now be paths for different wavelengths, and showing only those
clearly understood . Gimbal mount 16 operating under con - components which are relevant to each optical path , as will
trol of controller 36 based on input from coarse tracking now be detailed .
image sensor 18 aligns housing 14 facing towards a desig - 55 In this case , the output from optical fiber 64 includes a
nated target, typically maintaining this alignment to a suf- first wavelength component, designated ( 1) in FIG . 9 and
ficient accuracy to allow fine alignment correction within the illustrated in FIG . 10A , which is the high - energy laser
range of adjustment of the fine adjustment mechanism , and (HEL ) component, conveying power of at least 1 kW . This
typically to an accuracy of significantly better than one is combined within the same fiber 64 with a second wave
degree . The fiber lasers are actuated to generate a set of 60 length component, designated ( 2 ), that conveys a power at
focused beams all converging on the target . During opera - least two orders of magnitude smaller than the first wave
tion of the fiber lasers , the beam exiting each laser unit 12 length component. The two components are at distinct
is sampled via the beam deflection arrangement which wavelengths, typically originating from separate fiber lasers ,
directs the beam to ASU 42, and any line - of- sight correction and are coupled into a single fiber by conventional fiber
required in order to maintain inter-beam alignment with the 65 coupling arrangements. Alternatively , in certain cases, the
other laser units is implemented by fine adjustment mecha - HEL itself may be configured by use of dichroic mirrors to
nism of each laser unit . In parallel with this process, fine simultaneously generate guide beam of a different wave
US 10 ,337 ,841 B2
length within a single fiber . In order to selectively generate HEL beam . It should be appreciated however that an alter
the reflected beam for alignment purposes from the second native fine adjustment mechanism employing one or more
wavelength component, at least one component of the opti - actuators for displacing the tip of fiber 64 in at least two
cal arrangement is configured by suitable use of layered dimensions (as illustrated above in FIG . 7 ) may also be used
coatings to be transparent (i. e ., transmitting at least 98 % , 5 here .
and preferably over 99 % , of the incident radiation intensity ) At this point, the operation of directed energy weapon 60
to the first wavelength while being an at least partial reflector will be understood . Since the first and second wavelength
(i.e ., reflecting at least 5 % , and preferably at least 10 % , of components emerge from the same fiber 64 and are reflected
the incident radiation intensity ) to the second wavelength . at the same fast steering mirror 68 , the second wavelength
This , with a suitable choice of wavelength filters on the 10 component necessarily follows exactly the same direction as
sensors , ensures a sufficient intensity of the reflected portion the outgoing HEL channel, such that the resulting position of
of the second wavelength component providing the part of the sensed dot on sensor 70 is a reliable indication of the
the output beam sensed by the sensing arrangement. In one HEL beam direction . In parallel, the same objective optics is
particularly preferred but non - limiting implementation of used in deriving a target image at sensor 72 . By performing
the present invention as illustrated , the coatings to achieve 15 an initial production calibration for the device (optionally
at least partial reflection of the second wavelength are repeated intermittently ), a known mapping of the sensed
applied to a rear surface of the objective lens , with the beam direction to pixels of the tracking sensor can be
surface being shaped to focus the reflected component (2 ) determined , thereby allowing subsequent verification of the
towards first sensing system 70 . alignment of the beam with a tracked target . Fast steering
According to this implementation , fine alignment correc - 20 mirror 68 is then operated under closed loop control by a
tion of the HEL beam ( 1 ) is achieved by adjusting an angle line- of- sight controller 78 to maintain the outgoing beam
of fast steering mirror 68 , which is configured to be highly direction aligned with the tracked target.
reflective to the first wavelength so as to direct substantially Given the highly compact design of directed energy
all of the HEL beam outwards towards the target. The HEL weapon 60 in using a common aperture for both HEL
optical path is illustrated separately in FIG . 10A . In this 25 transmission and target tracking, a number of such directed
implementation , fast steering mirror 68 is preferably also energy weapons may be combined , for example by mount
configured to have significant reflectivity (at least 10 % ) and ing in a common gimbaled housing, to form a directed
significant transmission ( at least 10 % ) for the second wave energy weapon of substantially any desired power output.
length , thereby allowing a proportion of second wavelength Alternatively, as in the preferred embodiment of FIGS . 1 and
component ( 2 ) to follow a path from fiber 64 through a 30 2 , fine tracking sensor 20 may be implemented as directed
reflection at fast steering mirror 68 , reflection at the rear energy weapon 60 so as to simultaneously provide the
surface of an objective lens of optical arrangement 66 , required fine tracking functionality and to contribute to the
transmission through fast steering mirror 68 and transmis - transmitted HEL output. In this case , the output beam of
sion through a dichroic beam splitter 74 to reach sensor 70 . directed energy weapon 60 is preferably sampled by a
The second wavelength optical path is illustrated separately 35 pentaprism of the inter -beam alignment system in order to
in FIG . 10B . Most preferably, fast steering mirror 58 has a ensure correct alignment between the outgoing beamsof the
transmittance in the range of 50 % (+ / - 20 % ) transmission of two subsystems.
the second wavelength , thereby ensuring that the signal Turning finally to FIGS . 11A and 11B , there is shown an
following the above optical path arrives with sufficient alternative implementation of a directed energy weapon
intensity to facilitate measurement at sensor 70 , despite the 40 according to the second aspect of the invention , generally
proportions of the beam lost at each reflection /transmission designated 80 . Directed energy weapon 80 is generally
The design of the fast steering mirror is chosen such that the similar to directed energy weapon 60 , and equivalent ele
positioning of the actuators does not obstruct a transmitted ments are similarly labeled . In this case , instead of adding a
beam in the direction towards sensor 70 . second distinct wavelength to the beam from fiber 64 , a
In addition to the paths followed by the first and second 45 small proportion of the primary HEL beam is reflected in
wavelength components ( 1 ) and ( 2 ), directed energy weapon order to provide a sample for detecting outgoing beam
60 additionally serves as an imaging device for incoming alignment.
radiation (3 ) arriving via optical arrangement 66 from the In the preferred implementation illustrated here , a small
target for the purpose of tracking the target. The range of portion of the outgoing focused beam beyond the objective
wavelengths employed for target tracking preferably 50 optics of optical arrangement 66 is reflected by a small
excludes the first and second wavelengths, and may be any corner reflector 82 . Corner reflectors , formed by three mutu
suitable range of wavelengths with a corresponding choice ally perpendicular mirrors meeting at a corner, are well
of sensor 72 , including but not limited to , visible light, NIR knows in optics , and have the property ofreflecting incident
or SWIR wavelengths of one ormore range, for example, for radiation back along a path parallel to its incident path . The
image sensing via a CCD or CMOS image sensor. In the 55 reflected portion of the beam , which is less than 1 % of the
implementation illustrated here , dichroic mirror 74 is con - focused beam intensity ( and more typically a small propor
figured to reflect a majority of the radiation at the wave- tion of a percent), passes back through optical arrangement
lengths used for imaging, while a majority of radiation of the 66 and impinges on fast steering mirror 68 . Although FSM
second wavelength passes through , although a reversed 68 is configured to reflect as high a proportion of the HEL
layout could clearly be implemented . Optionally , additional 60 beam as possible, a small proportion , typically in the region
optical components such as a lens 76 complete the target of 0 . 2 % , “ leaks ” through the mirror. In this implementation ,
tracking imaging optical arrangement for forming an image that small leakage beam derived from the small reflected
at sensor 72. The overall optical path of the target tracking beam is still sufficient to allow sensing of the beam direction
channel is illustrated in FIG . 20C . using sensor 70 . The HEL beam paths are illustrated in FIG .
Directed energy weapon 60 has been described here 65 11A . As an alternative implementation of this concept,
implemented with a fast steering mirror 68 as the fine instead of a corner reflector, the objective lens system can be
adjustment mechanism for adjusting the direction of the designed such that the very small proportion of the HEL
US 10,337 ,841 B2
13 14
beam reflected off the rear surface (or some other surface ) of 4 . The weapon of claim 1, wherein said fine adjustment
the objective lens is directed towards sensor 70 in a manner mechanism comprises at least one actuator deployed for
analogous to the geometry of the FIG . 9 beam alignment varying an angular position of a mirror.
optical path . 5 . The weapon of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of laser
FIG . 11B shows the target tracking channel, which is fully 5 units is implemented as a two dimensional array of at least
equivalent to that of directed energy weapon 60 as described ten of said laser units .
above with reference to FIG . 10C . Other details, such as the 6 . The weapon of claim 1 , further comprising a tracking
control system , as well as the overall function of the device, sensor deployed for tracking the target and evaluating align
are also equivalent to that described above with reference to ment of said focused beams with the target, wherein said
directed energy weapon 60, and for conciseness of presen - 10 controller is further configured to actuate said fine adjust
tation , are not described again here . ment mechanisms based on an output from said tracking
To the extent that the appended claims have been drafted sensor.
without multiple dependencies, this has been done only to 7 . The weapon system of claim 6 , wherein said tracking
accommodate formal requirements in jurisdictions which do sensor is implemented as a directed energy weapon subsys
not allow such multiple dependencies. It should be noted 15 tem comprising:
that all possible combinations of features which would be ( a ) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber,
implied by rendering the claims multiply dependent are said output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW ;
explicitly envisaged and should be considered part of the (b ) an optical arrangement for focusing said output beam
invention. into a focused beam directed towards the target;
It will be appreciated that the above descriptions are 20 (c ) a fine adjustment mechanism associated with said
intended only to serve as examples, and that many other optical arrangement and deployed to adjust a direction
embodiments are possible within the scope of the present of said focused beam ; and
invention as defined in the appended claims. (d ) a sensing arrangement deployed for :
What is claimed is : (i) sensing a part of said output beam reflected from an
1 . A directed energy weapon for use against a target, the 25 element of said optical arrangement so as to be
weapon comprising : indicative of a direction of propagation of said
(a ) a plurality of laser units , each of said laser units focused beam ; and
comprising: ( ii) focal- plane sensing of radiation arriving at said
(i) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber , optical arrangement from the target so as to allow
said output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW , 30 t racking of the target.
(ii) an objective lens arrangement for focusing said 8 . A directed energy weapon for use against a target, the
output beam into a focused beam directed towards weapon comprising:
the target, and (a ) a plurality of laser units , each of said laser units
( iii) a fine adjustmentmechanism for adjusting a direc comprising:
tion of said focused beam ; 35 (i ) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber,
(b ) for each of said laser units , a beam deflector arrange said output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW ,
ment deployed to deflect a portion of said focused beam ( ii ) an objective lens arrangement for focusing said
as a deflected beam in a direction in predefined relation output beam into a focused beam directed towards
to a direction of said focused beam ; the target, and
( c ) an angle sensing unit deployed for receiving said 40 ( iii ) a fine adjustmentmechanism for adjusting a direc
deflected beams and generating an output indicative of tion of said focused beam ;
a current direction of said deflected beam for each of (b ) for each of said laser units , a beam deflector arrange
said laser units ; and ment deployed to deflect a portion of said focused beam
( d ) a controller associated with said angle sensing unit and as a deflected beam in a direction in predefined relation
said fine adjustment mechanisms, said controller being 45 to a direction of said focused beam ;
configured to actuate said fine adjustmentmechanisms (c ) an angle sensing unit deployed for receiving said
based on said output from said angle sensing unit to deflected beams and generating an output indicative of
maintain a desired relative alignment between said a current direction of said deflected beam for each of
directions of said focused beams, said laser units; and
wherein said plurality of laser units is implemented as a two 50 ( d ) a controller associated with said angle sensing unit and
dimensional array of said laser units including a plurality of said fine adjustment mechanisms, said controller being
rows of said laser units, and wherein said beam deflector configured to actuate said fine adjustment mechanisms
arrangement includes at least one pentaprism for each of based on said output from said angle sensing unit to
said laser units deployed to generate a set of once - deflected maintain a desired relative alignment between said
beams in generally parallel relation from said laser units in 55 directions of said focused beams,
each of said rows, said set of once -deflected beams being wherein said fine adjustmentmechanism comprises at least
spaced apart by less than a diameter of said objective lens one actuator deployed for displacing a fiber tip of said fiber
arrangement, said beam deflector arrangement further com - laser.
prising an additional pentaprism for each of said rows 9 . A directed energy weapon for use against a target, the
deployed to deflect said set of once - deflected beams to form 60 weapon comprising :
an array of deflected beams from a plurality of said rows. (a ) a plurality of laser units, each of said laser units
2 . The weapon of claim 1 , wherein said beam deflector comprising :
arrangement deflects no more than 1 percent of the energy (i ) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber,
of said focused beam . said output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW ,
3 . The weapon of claim 1 , wherein said beam deflector 65 (ii) an objective lens arrangement for focusing said
arrangement includes at least one pentaprism for each of output beam into a focused beam directed towards
said laser units . the target, and
US 10 ,337 , 841 B2
15 16
( iii ) a fine adjustment mechanism for adjusting a direc ( ii ) focal-plane sensing of radiation arriving at said
tion of said focused beam ; optical arrangement from the target so as to allow
(b ) for each of said laser units, a beam deflector arrange tracking of the target ,
ment deployed to deflect a portion of said focused beam wherein said output beam has a given wavelength conveying
as a deflected beam in a direction in predefined relation 5 at least a majority of said power, and wherein said part of
to a direction of said focused beam ; said output beam reflected from said element shares said
(c ) an angle sensing unit deployed for receiving said given wavelength .
deflected beams and generating an output indicative of 12 . The weapon of claim 11 , wherein said sensing
a current direction of said deflected beam for each of 10 arrangement comprises:
said laser units ; (a ) a first sensing system deployed for focal-plane sensing
( d ) a controller associated with said angle sensing unit and of said part of said output beam reflected from said
said fine adjustment mechanisms, said controller being element of said optical arrangement so as to be indica
configured to actuate said fine adjustment mechanisms tive of a direction of propagation of said focused beam ;
based on said output from said angle sensing unit to 15 and
maintain a desired relative alignment between said (b ) a second sensing system deployed for focal-plane
directions of said focused beams; and sensing of radiation arriving at said optical arrangement
( e ) a focus adjustment mechanism including at least one from the target so as to allow tracking of the target.
actuator deployed for displacing a fiber tip of said fiber 13 . The weapon of claim 11 , wherein said optical arrange
laser so as to vary a length of an optical path from said 20 ment includes a corner reflector deployed for reflecting a
fiber tip to said objective lens arrangement. part ofsaid focused beam back through said optical arrange
10 . A directed energy weapon for use against a target, the ment.
weapon comprising: 14 . The weapon of claim 11 , wherein said element of said
(a ) a plurality of laser units , each of said laser units optical arrangement reflecting part of said output beam is a
comprising: 25 surface of an objective lens of said optical arrangement.
(i) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber, 15 . The weapon of claim 11 , wherein said fine adjustment
said output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW , mechanism comprises at least one actuator deployed for
( ii) an objective lens arrangement for focusing said varying an angular position of a mirror.
output beam into a focused beam directed towards 16 . A directed energy weapon for use against a target, the
the target, and 30
( iii ) a fine adjustment mechanism for adjusting a direc weapon comprising :
tion of said focused beam ; (a ) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber,
(b ) for each of said laser units , a beam deflector arrange said output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW ;
ment deployed to deflect a portion of said focused beam (b ) an optical arrangement for focusing said output beam
as a deflected beam in a direction in predefined relation 35 into a focused beam directed towards the target;
to a direction of said focused beam ; (c ) a fine adjustment mechanism associated with said
( c ) an angle sensing unit deployed for receiving said optical arrangement and deployed to adjust a direction
deflected beams and generating an output indicative of of said focused beam ; and
a current direction of said deflected beam for each of ( d ) a sensing arrangement deployed for:
said laser units; 40
( i ) sensing a part of said output beam reflected from an
( d ) a controller associated with said angle sensing unit and
said fine adjustment mechanisms, said controller being element of said optical arrangement so as to be
configured to actuate said fine adjustment mechanisms indicative of a direction of propagation of said
based on said output from said angle sensing unit to focused beam ; and
maintain a desired relative alignment between said 45 (11) focal- plane sensing of radiation arriving at said
directions of said focused beams; and optical arrangement from the target so as to allow
(e ) a set of shutters or modulators associated with said tracking of the target ,
controller and deployed to control a quantity of light wherein said output beam includes a first wavelength com
from each of said laser units to said angle sensing unit, ponent conveying power of at least 1 kW and a second
wherein said controller is configured to operate said set 50 wavelength component conveying a power at least two
of shutters or modulators to modulate the deflected orders of magnitude smaller than said first wavelength
beams so as to facilitate angle sensing for each indi component, and wherein at least one component of said
vidual one of said laser units. optical arrangement is transparent to said first wavelength
11 . A directed energy weapon for use against a target, the and is an at least partial reflector for said second wavelength ,
weapon comprising : 55 a reflected portion of said second wavelength component
(a ) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber, providing said part of said output beam sensed by said
said output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW ; sensing arrangement.
(b ) an optical arrangement for focusing said output beam 17 . A directed energy weapon for use against a target, the
into a focused beam directed towards the target; weapon comprising :
(c ) a fine adjustment mechanism associated with said 60 (a ) a fiber laser generating an output beam from a fiber,
optical arrangement and deployed to adjust a direction said output beam conveying power of at least 1 kW ;
of said focused beam ; and ( b ) an optical arrangement for focusing said output beam
( d ) a sensing arrangement deployed for:
(i) sensing a part of said output beam reflected from an into a focused beam directed towards the target;
element of said optical arrangement so as to be 65 (c ) a fine adjustment mechanism associated with said
indicative of a direction of propagation of said optical arrangement and deployed to adjust a direction
focused beam ; and of said focused beam ; and
US 10 ,337 , 841 B2
(d ) a sensing arrangement deployed for:
(i) sensing a part of said output beam reflected from an
element of said optical arrangement so as to be
indicative of a direction of propagation of said
focused beam ; and
( ii ) focal-plane sensing of radiation arriving at said
optical arrangement from the target so as to allow
tracking of the target,
wherein said fine adjustment mechanism comprises at least
one actuator deployed for displacing a fiber tip of said fiber 10
* * * * *