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Jaipur, August 1964
No. F.15 (275) SCA{59}:- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-
section(1) of section (13) of the Rajasthan Goshala Act,1960 (Act No.
24 of 1960) the State Government hereby makes the following rules,
namely :-

1. Short title and extent:-

(1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Goshala Rules,
(2) They shall extend to the whole of the State of Rajasthan.
2. Definitions: - In these rules, unless the subject or context
otherwise requires;-
(a) “Act” means the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960;
(b) “Form” means a Form appended to these rules;
(c) “Section” means a section of the Act; and
(d) All other words and expressions used here in but not defined
shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the

3. Constitution of the Federation: - The Federation shall consist of

11 members to be elected by the Trustees of the Gaushalas in
the manner laid down in rule 4.

4. Election of the members of the Federation:-

(1) Within three months of the preparation of the Register of the
Gaushalas, the Registrar shall issue to every Trustee or
President or Secretary or Administrator or the person by
whatever designation known, in whom the administration of a
Goshala in the State vested , a notice in writing :-
(1) Stating the date, time and place of the meeting for election of
the members of the Federation at least 15 days in advance, and
(ii) Inviting nominations so as to reach the Registrar at least one
week before the date notified for election.

(2) Nominations shall be duly proposed and seconded by the

Trustees and shall also contain the consent of the person
nominated under his own signature which shall be duly attested
by any other trustee or by the Sarpanch of the Panchayat Samiti
of the area in which such person resides or by a Government
Officer of the Gazetted rank .
(3) All nomination papers shall be scrutinised by the Registrar or
any other officer authorised by him in this behalf, and those
nomination papers which are not in accordance with the
provisions mentioned in sub rule (2) shall be rejected by the
Registrar or such officer.

(4) On the date notified for the election, a meeting of the trustees
shall be called at the appointed time and place. The Registrar
shall preside over this meeting. A list of the candidates validly
nominated shall be announced by him. Any candidate may
withdraw his candidature by a notice in writing delivered to the
Registrar at least one hour before the time fixed for the meeting.
Immediately upon the announcement of the list of candidates
validly nominated and who have not withdrawn their candidature,
the election shall take place by a simple majority voting.

In case of equality of votes, result shall be declared by drawing

of lots in such manner as the Registrar may think proper.

(5) Each Goshala shall have one vote which shall be exercised
by its trustee. If there are more than one trustees in Goshala, the
right of voting shall be exercised by the trustee nominated by the
Goshala in this behalf.

(6) Trustees of at least one fourth of the total number of Goshala

or twenty five trustees each of which representing one Goshala,
whichever is less, shall form the quorum for such meeting for the
Provided that if at any such meeting the quorum is not present,
the Registrar shall adjourn the meeting to some other date and
the notice of such meeting shall be issued in the same manner
as is prescribed in sub rule (1) and no quorum shall be required
for any adjourned meeting.
(7) All votes shall be recorded by the trustees in person by ballot
(8) After all the 11 members have been elected; they will elect
from among themselves one member as the Chairman of the

5. Application for registration of Goshala:-

(1) An application for registration of a Goshala shall be in form I
and shall be submitted by the trustee of such Goshala in person
or sent by registered post (acknowledgement due) to the
Registrar at his office. Every such application shall be
accompanied by a statement in Form II and other particulars in
Forms III and IV.
(2) After the receipt of the application and the statement under
sub rule (1), the Registrar shall grant a receipt in Form No. V to
the trustee or his agent.

6. Maintenance of register and grant of certificate of registration: -

The Registrar shall maintain a register of Goshala in Form VI
and shall issue a certificate of registration of a Goshala in Form
7. Notice of enquiry: - The notice of enquiry required to be served
on the trustees of a Goshala under sub section (2) of section 7 of
the Act shall be in Form VIII.
8. Anuual statement of changes in the particulars of Goshala :- An
annual statement required to be furnished by the trustee of a
Goshala under section 8 of the Act shall be in Form IX and shall
be sent to the Registrar by registered post (acknowledgement
due ) or presented in person and a receipt obtained thereof.
9. Statement of accounts: - A statement of the accounts of Goshala
required to be furnished by the trustee to the Registrar under sub
section (3) of section 9 of the Act shall be in Form X.
10. Preparation of audit note: - The auditor appointed under section
9 of the Act shall prepare an audit note in Form XI.
11. Service of notices: - Every notice required to be issued under
this Act or these rules shall be served by registered post
(acknowledgement due).

By order of the Governor,

Secretary to the Government.

[Application for Registration of Goshala under section 5(1) of

Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960 (vide rule 5]


The Registrar of Goshala,

Rajasthan, Jaipur.


I.............................................Trustee/President/Manager/Secretary of hereby apply under section 5, sub
section (1) of the Rajasthan Goshala Act , 1960 , for the registration of
the Goshala known as ................................................ and established
in village / Town / City ........................................Following documents
are enclosed herewith :-
1. A statement in Form II as prescribed duly filled in by me.
2. A true copy of the resolution of the Goshala Committee
authorising me to function as a trustee with in the meaning and for the
purposes of the Act.
3. Two copies of the constitution, rules and regulations of the

Signature of trustee.



Place............ Name and address ofGoshala


Statement under section 5 (1) of Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960.

(Vide rule 5)

Application for registration of Goshalas

1. Name of Goshala with...............................

(a) Name of village / town (b) Tehsil
(c) Post Office & (d) District
2. Year of establishment.
3. Total number of persons who are the trustees of the Goshala
and names of all the trustees.
4. Names of the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the
Managing Committee of Goshala or its Administrator.
5. Name, designation and address of the trustee (President or
Secretary or Administrator) to whom communication for Goshala
be sent.
6. Annual expenditure (approximately.)
7. Annual income (approximately.)
8. Strength of cattle..........................
(i) Productive (economic)
(ii) Unproductive (un- economic)
9. Milk production in the Goshala on the previous day of signing the
10. Area of land (in acres).
(I) for cultivation -
(a) Barani area-
(b) Irrigated area
(ii) For grazing

I do here by certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the

above information is correct.

Signature of trustee.

Place.................. Designation

Date................... Name and address of Goshala


Under section 5 (1) of Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960.
(Vide rule 5)

Trustee to furnish particulars relating to the Goshalas.

1. Name of Goshala....................................
place of location (village, town) Tehsil................
S.D.O. or Assistant Collector’s Head-quarter.......................................
2. Post Office...............................Distance (Miles)...............................
Telegraph Office......................... Distance (Miles)...............................
Means of communication......................................
3. Nearest Railway station.......... Distance (Miles)...............................
Means of communication......................Whether the road is a pucca
4. Nearest Veterinary Hospital or Dispensary......................................
Distance (Miles)......................Means of communication......................
5. Year of establishment of the Goshala.
6. (a) Total number of persons who are the trustees of the Goshala.
(b) Names and addresses of all the trustees.
7. Mode of succession to the office of trustee relating to such Goshala.
8. Name of the President, Secretary and the treasurer of the Managing
Committee of the Goshala or its
9. Name, designation and address of the Trustee (President /
Secretary /Administrator) to whom communication for the
Goshala is sent.......
10. Annual expenditure ....................Period} Amount
Annual} Annual
Expenditure} expenditure
11. Different items of such expenditure and the amount there of for the
last year of the period.
(i) On account of salaries and wages.................................................
(ii) On account of feeding of cattle......................................................
(a) Fodder...................................................................
(b) Concentrate (Dana)...................................................
(iii) On account of construction and repair of buildings, wells etc.
(iv) On account of purchases of cattle.................................................
(v) On account of purchases of other articles.....................................
(vi) On account of rent of buildings......................................................
(vii) On account of rent of land...........................................................
(viii) On account of interest on loans......................................................
(ix) On account of miscellaneous expenditure.....................................
12. Annual income: - Period of Amount of
Annual income annual income


N.B. :- The period for giving the figures of expenditure (in column
No.10) and those of the income (in column No. 12 ) will be as
follows :-

(i) Incase of a Goshala established before the commencement of

this Act ;for each of the three years immediately
.......................preceding such commencement, or
(ii) In case of a Goshala established after the commencement, of
this Act, for the period which has elapsed since the
establishment of such Goshala.

13. Different sources of such income and the amount thereof from
each source for the last year of the period.
(I) By sale of milk and milk products.
(ii) By sale of animals.
(Iii) By sale of manure.
(Iv) By sale of hides, bones etc.
(V) On account of interest on the capital.
(Vi) On account of rent of buildings and shops.
(Vii) On account of Goshala cess.
(Viii) On account of donations& special subscriptions.
(Ix) On account of land revenue.
(X) On account of Government grant or subsidy.
(Xi) On account of any other source.
14. Fodder grown during the preceding year.........................
(I) In Kharif season (No. of acres)
(Ii) In Rabi season (No. Of acres)
(iii) Name of fodder crops grown in Rabi season.
15. Silage made during the preceding year (Mts) and names of crops
_ 16. Whether canal irrigation available? If so, for how many
17. Average milk production per day during the preceding year ( from
Ist January to 3Ist December).
(Ii) Milk production on the first day of the month in which the
statement is submitted.
18. Permanent funds on the first day of the month in which the
statement is submitted.
(I) Cash in bank as fixed deposit and/ or with some firm or
business men.
(ii) Invested in shares etc.
19. Cash in hand on the first day of the month in which the statement
is submitted.

20. (a) Strength of animals (on the day of the month in which the
statement is submitted.)
(i) Economic...............................
(ii) Un-economic........................
(b) Strength of Goshala workers (on the first day of the month in
which the statement is submitted).
N.B. Details of economic and un-economic animals and that of
Goshala workers are given in Form No. 2 (b).
21. Details of other properties of the Goshala on the first day of the
month in which the statement is submitted, such as:-
(i) Cattle sheds and other buildings being used.
(Ii) Buildings and shops given on rent.
(iii) No. of wells (Pucca and Kutcha separately).
(Iv) No. of silos (Pucca and Kutcha separately).
(v) No. Of wells in which water pumps have been installed.
(Vi) Land (a) free of rent........................ (giving khasra (No. of
acres) Nos. Villages and Tehsil etc. and date of such grant and
by whom.)
(b) Rented............................ (giving khasra (No. of acres)
Nos. Villages and Tehsil, etc. and date of taking the land.)
(vii) List of articles, each of them having a value of Rs.100/- or

22. Some important particulars of the Goshala during the preceding

(I) No. of animals admitted:-
(a) Economic animals received as gift or
(b) Un-economic animals received for
(ii) No. of animals purchased.................
(iii) No. of animals sold.........................
(iv) No. of animals died. (economic and un-economic
(V) No. of animals born.........................
(vi) No. of bulls (pure breed) produced.
(vii) No. of bulls (pure breed) sold and /or distributed.
(viii) No. of cows (pure breed) produced.
(ix) No. Of services given by the Goshala bull to the:-
(a) Goshala cattle.
(b) Outside cattle.
(x) Name of the contagious and infectious diseases (epidemics)
which affected the Goshala cattle.
(xi) No. of animals inoculated against each of such epidemics.
(xii) No. of animals sent to Gosadan............................

23. Whether there is electricity in the Goshala......................

24. (a) No. of branches of the Goshala ................................

(b) Places of branches...................................................
S.No. Name of place Distance from means of
Goshala communication
25. Any other particulars that may be required by the Registrar.
We do here by certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief the
above informations are correct.

Signature of trustees. Signature



Under section 5 (1) of Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960 (vide rule 5)
Details of economic animals

Heifers above Male stock above Young male Young

2 years 2 years stock female stock

Class Name Cows Dry Cove Uncove Stud Uncastr Castrate Betwee Below Below Below Bullocks Total
of of (Milk) red red bulls ated d n 1 & 2 one 1 and 1
Animal Breed being Yrs. Year 2 year
s raised years
as bulls

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Buffaloes Goats Sheep
Male Female
Male Female Bucks Goats Males Female Other Total Grand Remarks
ram ewes animals Total
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Details of Un-economic animals
1. Cows
2. Bullocks

3.Young male stock

4. Buffaloes

5. Sheep
6. Young female stock

7. Goats
8. Other animals…


Details of workers (on the first day of the month in which the statement is
submitted :-)
1. No. of Managers or Supervisors or Inspectors.
2. No. of Asstt.Managers or Supervisors or Inspectors.
3. No. of Ministerial Staff (Munneems, Accountants, Clerks etc…
4. No. of Cattle attendants.
5. No. of Chaukidars, cleaners etc.
6. No. of other workers.
7. Whether there is technically trained hand in the Goshala and, if so, his

We do hereby certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief the above
informations are correct.

Signatures of trustees. Signatures Designation

Signatures Designation

Signatures Designation

Name and address of Goshala

Form No. V
[Vide rule 5 [2] ]

Acknowledgement of application and statement etc., filled under

section 5 of the Rajasthan Goshala Acts, 1960 (Act 24 of 1960).

Received an application along with a statement and the

particulars in Forms II, III & IV respectively from the trustee or trustees
of ……………….for registration under section 5 of the Rajasthan
Goshala Act, 1960 (Rajasthan Act No. 24, 1960)

Dated the Registrar of Goshalas,

FORM No. VI (Part I)

The Register of Goshalas

Under section 6 of the Rajasthan Goshala Act. 1960.

(Vide rules)

1 Name of the Goshala …………………………………………..

2 Place ………………………
3 Tehsil ………. …………….. Sub-Division or Asstt. Collector’s head quarters
4 District ……………………..
5 Post Office ……………………… Telegraph Office.
6 Rly. Station …………………………….Distance …………… Miles.
7 Means of communication ………………………….. Nearest Vety. Hospital
or dispensary
……………. Distance ………….. (miles)
Means of communication…………….. Nearest Vety. Hospital or
…………………….. distance ………………… (miles) from Railway Station.

8 Year of establishment of the Goshala ……………….. No. of branches of

9 Place of branches of Goshala
And distance in miles…………….. (1)….. (2)….. (3)…. (4)….. (5)

10 Total number of persons who are the trustees of the Goshala.

11 Name and addresses of the President, Secretary, Treasurer or

Administrator of the Goshala.
(a) Name of the trustees ……………………………………
(b) Name of the President ………………….. .address....................
(c ) Name of the Secretary ……………………address …………....
(d) Name of the Treasurer ……………………address …………...
(e) Name of the Administrator ……………… address ……….....

12 Mode of succession to the office of the Trustees.

13. Annual expenditure for the preceding three years.

(a) …………………….. Year ………………….amount............
(b) …………………….. Year …………………. amount............
(c) …………………….. Year …………………. amount............

14. Annual income for the preceding three years ………………

Year 19 -
FORM No. VI (Part II)
[Under section 6 of Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960 (Vide rule 6)
The Register of Goshalas
S. Name of buildings Where Purpose for Remarks
No. including Shops Situated which used
Cattle shed etc.
1 2 3 4 5
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………

FORM No. VI (Part II Continued)

S Area in Whether Canal Khasra Tehsil Given From Taken Purpose Remarks

No. acres irrigated or or Nos. and or rent during for which

Un irrigated well villages or free the year used
------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
17 Other properties (each article having value of Rs. 100/- or more)

S. Name of article Number Description Remarks
1 2 3 4 5
18. Permanent funds on the first day of the month (name of month) in which
statement under Section No. of the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960 ….. (a)
Cash in Hand as fixed deposit or with some firm or businessmen ………..

(a) Invested in shares ……………

(b) Cash in hand ………………..

Clerk Registrar
FORM No. VI (Part III)
Under section 6 of Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960 (vide rule 6)

19. Livestock Strength (details of economic & un-economic animals).

Details of economic animals.

Heifers Male stock above Young male Young

above 2 2 years stock female stock
Class Name Cows Dry Cove Uncov Stud Being Castrate Betwee Below Below Below Bullocks Total
of of in red ered bulls raised d n 1 & 2 one 1 and 1 year
Animal Breed (Milk) being as bulls Yrs. Year 2
s raised years
as bulls

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Pure breed
Mixed breed

Buffaloes Goats Sheep

Male Female Bucks

Goats Males Female Other Total Grand Remarks
ram ewes animals Total
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Details of Un-economic animals
1. Cows
2. Bullocks

3.Young male stock

4. Young female
6. Sheep

7. Goats
8. Other animals…

FORM No. VI (Part III)

Average milk production per day during the preceding

Milk production on the 1st day of the month in which the statement is

Silage made during the preceding year.............................

Fodder crops grown during the preceding year...................

(a) In Kharif ............................ & (b) In Rabi...............................

(No. of acres) (No. of acres)

Number of animals sent in Gosadan during the preceding year.........................

Area (in acres) irrigated by canal........................
Whether there is electrictiy.................................
Some important particulars of the preceding year.................

(a) No. of animals born. (b) No. of animals

(c) No. of animals died d) No. of animals sold.
(e) No. of bulls sold. (f) No. of services given to
Goshala cattle and to out
side cattle.
FORM No. VII Register

[Under section 5 of the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960
(vide rule 6)]



In the matter of


Where as Shri __________________________________________ Trustee
of the Goshala, namely ___________________ has applied for the registration of
the said Goshala under section 5 of the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960 (Act No. 24
of 1960) and whereas I am satisfied after making necessary enquiry that the
required statements filed with the application are correct and the application is
genuine. I, therefore, certify in pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 5 of the said
Act that the said Goshala has been registered.

Date this ______________ day ________________ one thousand nine hundred

and ______________

Registrar of Goshala,
Rajasthan, Jaipur
(Vide rule 7)

[Notice of enquiry under section 7 (I) of the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960
(Rajasthan Act No. 24 of 1960)]


Where as I have reasons to believe or material information before me to

convince about the unsatisfactory condition of your Goshala, you are hereby
directed to appear before me in person or through authorised agent of the
following place, date and time with the following of relevant papers for inspection:-

Place of hearing __________________________

Date ___________________________________
Time ___________________________________
Relevant papers to be produced:-

(a) The details of the property pertaining to the Goshala;

(b) The name and address of the trustee of the Goshala;
(c) The mode of succession to the office of the Goshala
(d) The income and expenditure of the Goshala;
(e) The sources of income of the Goshala, and
(f) Any other papers or records that may be required by the Registrar of

Dated _________________

Registrar of Goshalas,
[Under section 5 of the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960]
(vide rule 8)

Annual Statement regarding changes in the particulars of Goshala under section 8

of the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960 (Rajasthan Act No. 24 of 1960)


__Place_____________________________ on behalf of
________________________ hereby apply for incorporating in the Register of
Goshalas the following changes in the particulars regarding the

1. Registered No. _________________________

2. (a) Name of Goshala _________________
(b) Place of Goshala _________________
(c) District __________________________
(d) Division _________________________

3. Column Number of statement in which the amendment is required

4. Particulars of the amendment with descriptive note
5. Remarks __________________________

I, ________________________S/o
__________________________________ Resident
of____________________________ Tehsil ______________________ District
______________________ hereby solemnly verify that all the informations given
are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and information.

Signature __________________________

Designation ________________________

Dated ________________
[Under section 9 (3) of the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960
(vide rule 9)]

Form of Income and Expenditure

Name of Goshala ____________________________________

Place ___________________________ District ______________________________________
Division _________________________________
Year of establishment of Goshala ______________________________________


19 - 19

S. Receipt Amount S. Expenditure Amount

No. No.
1 By sale of milk & milk products 1 Salaries and wages....
2 By sale of animals 2 Feeding on animals:-
(a) Fodder
(b) Concentrate (Dana)
3 By sale of manures, hides, skins 3 Construction and repairs of building,
etc............................. wells, etc....
4 By land Revenue 4 Purchase of cattle............
(a) Rent of Land........
(b) Sale of land produce
5 By interest on capital, dividends, 5 Purchase of other articles............
6 By rent of buildings. ....... 6 Rent of buildings........
7 By Goshala Cess (Legal) 7 Land...........
(a) Rent of land......
(b) Purchase of Land....
8 By donations and special 8 Interest on loans.....
9 By Gopastmi.................. 9 Traveling allowance.
10 By Government grants and 10 Contingency............
11 By contingency............ 11 Miscellaneous expenditure.
12 By other sources.

S.No. Receipt Amt S.No. Expenditure Amt.

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. By sale of milk & milk 1. Salaries and wages....
2. By sale of animals..... 2. Feeding of animals.....
(a) Fodder.....
(b) Concentrates (dana)...
3. By sale of manure, hides. 3. Construction and repair of
Skins, etc....... buildings, wells etc...
4. By land revenue....... 4. Purchase of cattle....
(a) Rent & Land........
(b) Sale of land produce
5. By interest on capital, 5. Purchase of other articles.
dividends etc.
6. By rent of buildings..... 6. Rent of buildings...
7. By Goshala Cess (lagan) 7. Land..........
(a) Rent of land.....
(b) Purchase of land
8. By donations and special 8. Interest on loans....
9. By Gopastimi. 9 Travelling allowance.
10. By Government grants and 10 Contingency......
11. By contingency..... 11. Miscellaneous
12. By other sources.....

Details of assets and liabilities:-


We do hereby certify that to the best of our knowledge & belief the above
informations are correct and are in accordance with the audited Statement of

Signature of trustees

Signature Designation
Signature Designation
Signature Designation

[Under section 9(1) of the Rajasthan Goshala Act, 1960 (vide rule

Audit Note
1. Duration of audit....................
2. Name of Goshala..............................
3. Registered No...............................
4. Is the Goshala affiliated with the Rajasthan State Goshala Federation?
5. Date on which Audit Note was ready.....................................
6. Date of submission of Audit Note to the following.........................

1. Registrar of Goshalas, Rajasthan................................

2. The Secretary of Goshala...................................


8. List of office bearers and employees present during audit


No. Name Designation No. Name Designation

1 2 3 4 5 6

9. List of office bearers and members of the working committee

No. Name Designation Address

10. List of paid employees.

No Nam Designation Salary No Name Designation Salary
e .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11. Balance on the date of audit.............

12. Mention of contravention of the Act, the Rules and
13. Examination of cases of contravention of the resolutions adopted by the
last general meeting.
14. Examination of prescribed account and other registers and comment, if
15. Examination of all items of the expenditure and income including
contingency, travelling allowance, etc. And mention of unauthorised items
;of expenditure with suggestions of ways, means and action for realisation
of the same from persons.................................................................
16. Liabilities and assets with comments...............................
17. Verifications of the record of land, building and checking the income and
expenditure in respect of them...............................
18. Full details and particulars of investment in Bank etc........................
19. Checking of figures entered in the pass books of bank etc. And
20. Contribution to the State Goshala Federation......................
21. Statement of cattle............................................

S. Cow Bullock Bull

Productive Un- Productive Un- Productive Un-Productive
economic Productive economic Productive economic Un-economic
Un- Un-
economic economic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Male Female Other Total

Calf Calf Productive Un-
economic Productive
8 9 10 11 12

Balance from last year


22. Figures of milk and milk products of the last three years....................

Year No. Of milk Milk in Year No. Of milk Milk in

cattle Mounds cattle mounds
1 2 4 3 5 6
196 196
196 196
196 196
196 196

23. List of articles and furniture (each article costing rupees 50/- and more)

24. List of arrears, Briti, advance............................

25. Statement of Income and Expenditure..............................

from year............Date................ to year..........................

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