Evolution of Computer
Evolution of Computer
Pre-Mechanical age
When the need of counting large numbers became prominent, the Abacus came into action. It
is said that the ancient Babylonian’s (2700 BC - 2300 BC) invented the Abacus but slightly
different abacuses/abaci were used in some other parts of the world. The Abacus can be used
to perform additions and subtractions also.
In ancient times nine numbers (1 to 9) were used. It is said that Pingala introduced the zero
(3rd or 2nd century BCE). Pingala again used the binary numbers as “laghu” and “guru”.
Nowadays it is the base of digital computers. After the introduction of the zero, people started
to think in many directions and it became a milestone of mathematics.
Herman Hollerith is known as the father of modern automatic computation as he used the
punched card as the method of storing and processing information. He built the First punched
card tabulating machine in 1890 and the first key punch. He merged with other companies
and formed (CTR) a computing-tabulating-recording company later named as IBM in 1924.
EDVAC was invented in 1947. It was the second electronic digital computer and it was
developed with von Neumann's storage programming concept and it is known as the first
storage programming computer. EDVAC was also invented with the same technology and the
same programming concept in 1949.
UNIVAC was invented in 1951 by Eckert and Mauchly. The main purpose was to invent a
machine which could be used as a commercial computer. They could deliver the first
computer to the U.S. Census Bureau.
IBM 701 was the first computer of IBM, introduced in 1952, it was designed for scientific
work and research which led to the development of the FORTRAN programming language
and it was one of the first machines used plastic based magnetic tapes for storage rather than
Honeywell 400 General purpose 1961 Honeywell international
CDC1604 Mini computer 1960 $ 1.03 Million Seymour cray and his team
Cost was relatively high
In 1964 - Late 1970s IBM introduced IBM MT/ST the first electric word processor. As its
name implies it was a combination of IBM Selectric electric typewriter built into a desk and
one or two magnetic tape-recording units. It offered word wrapping and mail merge features.
As there was no screen the operator could only see the typed content at the typewritten page
Large scale integrated circuits and very large-scale integrated circuit were used in the fourth
generation LSICs are developed by embedding thousands of transistors on a single silicon
semiconductor microchip.
Fourth generation computers consist of five separate units: input, arithmetic and logic unit,
memory, output and control unit.
At this time personal computers (PC) were wide spread all over the world. With the invention
of the microprocessor computers became very small in size. Palmtops were also introduced.
Most of the computers were portable and upgradable. Higher capacity hard disks were used
for secondary storages. Floppy disks and optical disks like CD were also used for secondary
storage. User interface became user friendly as the operating systems used graphical user
Some of the Forth-generation computer systems invented
Figure3; Apple II
In 1991 world wide web and the first web page launched to the public by Tim Berners lee by
launching the mosaic browser in 1993. Web opened to the non-academics also. The number
of websites grew from 130 in 1993 to over thousand at 1996. At that time Netscape navigator
was the popular web browser. Google company was officially launched in 1998 and it has
grown to become the most widely used web-based search engine now.
Graphical user interface is mostly used in operating systems of this generation.
Artificial Intelligence became accessible in this generation
Some important AI Technologies,
Neural networks
A series of algorithms that mimic the operation of an animal brain and nervous
system. Some of the applications of Neural networks are Voice recognition, character
recognition and hand writing recognition.
Genetic algorithms
A Genetic algorithm is an adaptive heuristic search algorithm inspired by Darwin’s
theory of evolution in nature. Fitness function and crossover techniques are the two
main features of the Genetic algorithm
Expert systems
Expert system is a computer software that attempts to act like a human expert on a
particular subject area. It has three parts. They are, User Interface, Inference Engine
and Knowledge Base
Some of the Fifth-generation computer systems invented
New trends
Nature inspired computing
In Nature inspired computing, try to solve complex problems in various environmental
situations by observing how naturally occurring phenomena behave.