Application Letter ETEEAP0

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Address: 230 Hulo St. Bignay Valenzuela City

Email: [email protected] | FB: Charlie Narvato Postigo | Phone: 09506015990

Date: ____________________

Ms. Andrada, Lyla M.

ETEEAP Office, City of San Fernando La Union 2500.

RE: Application for Enrollment in BIT MAJOR IN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING through the ETEEAP and
Online Learning

Dear Ms. Andrada

I am writing you to express my intent to enroll in your BIT MAJOR IN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING through
your ETEEAP. I am currently residing in 230 Hulo St. Bignay Valenzuela City. I have attached the following relevant
documents to support my qualifications:

1) Completed application form

2) Detailed CV
3) COE-DFR - COE-FRESH BAKER CORPORATION - (Service Record-Employment Certificate-Detailed Job
Description)-Current Job
4) COE-DFR-ZAMIL COOL CARE (Service Record-Employment Certificate-Detailed Job Description) Former Job
5) COE-DFR-SEPTTI INC (Service Record-Employment Certificate-Detailed Job Description) Former Job
6) COE-DFR-COOL CARE (Service Record-Employment Certificate-Detailed Job Description) Former Job
7) COE-DFR-REFAIRCON (Service Record-Employment Certificate-Detailed Job Description) Former Job
8) COE-DFR-PANASONIC (Service Record-Employment Certificate-Detailed Job Description) Former Job
9) Barangay Business Certificate- C3 Maintenance and Services - self-employed) - (Service Record-Employment
Certificate-Detailed Job Description) Former Job
10) Birth Certificate (NSO)
11) Passport
12) Driver License and Certificate
13) TESDA Training Certificate Welding NC 2
14) TESDA Training Certificate AIR-CONDITIONING And Refrigeration
15) TESDA Training Certificate Machining NC 2
16) Transcript of Record with Partido College
17) OTHER Certificate and training

Thank you and I hope and pray that my application be given consideration and my request to enroll in the above-
mentioned degree through the ETEEAP via online or modular distance learning will be granted.

Sincerely yours,


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