First Few Seconds For Flow

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Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

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First few seconds for flow: A comprehensive proposal of the neurobiology

and neurodynamics of state onset
Steven Kotler a, Michael Mannino a, Scott Kelso b, c, Richard Huskey d, e, f, *
Flow Research Collective, United States
Human Brain & Behavior Laboratory, Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, United States
Intelligent Systems Research Centre, Ulster University, Derry~Londonderry, North Ireland
Cognitive Communication Science Lab, Department of Communication, University of California Davis, United States
Cognitive Science Program, University of California Davis, United States
Center for Mind and Brain, University of California Davis, United States


Keywords: Flow is a cognitive state that manifests when there is complete attentional absorption while performing a task.
Flow Flow occurs when certain internal as well as external conditions are present, including intense concentration, a
Psychology sense of control, feedback, and a balance between the challenge of the task and the relevant skillset. Phenom­
Network neuroscience
enologically, flow is accompanied by a loss of self-consciousness, seamless integration of action and awareness,
Altered consciousness
and acute changes in time perception. Research has begun to uncover some of the neurophysiological correlates
Systems neuroscience
of flow, as well as some of the state’s neuromodulatory processes. We comprehensively review this work and
consider the neurodynamics of the onset of the state, considering large-scale brain networks, as well as dopa­
minergic, noradrenergic, and endocannabinoid systems. To accomplish this, we outline an evidence-based hy­
pothetical situation, and consider the flow state in a broader context including other profound alterations in
consciousness, such as the psychedelic state and the state of traumatic stress that can induce PTSD. We present a
broad theoretical framework which may motivate future testable hypotheses.

1. Introduction Brandmeyer et al., 2019; Wheeler and Dyer, 2020). While scientists have
explored some of the neurobiological changes beneath the aforemen­
Flow is an altered state of consciousness that is thought to occur tioned altered states (Brewer et al., 2011; Nash et al., 2018; Yanes and
when we are fully engaged in a relatively challenging task or activity Loprinzi, 2018), the precise neural mechanisms underpinning the onset
that is matched to our skills. The phenomenon has been scientifically of flow and the state itself remain unclear, both empirically and theo­
investigated for nearly fifty years, after first being elucidated by Mihaly retically. In addition, a comprehensive theoretical account of flow’s
Csikszentmihalyi in the 1970 s (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975), who studied neural dynamics is missing from the literature, yet exists for other
the state from a psychological framework (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). altered states (Preller et al., 2019; Girn et al., 2017; Travis, 2020). Thus,
While researchers built upon this framework for nearly five decades, the current research leaves open many questions: How does the brain
investigations into the state’s underlying neurophysiology are relatively transition into a flow state? What is the temporal nature of this transi­
recent. Yet, it is known that flow is associated with specific alterations in tion, including how long do the changes that facilitate state onset last,
brain activity, including changes in neural oscillation, and what neural dynamical processes mark the transition into the state
neuro-modulatory processes, dynamic activations of specific brain re­ itself? From a neuroscientific perspective, how is flow distinct from, or
gions, as well as alterations in large-scale brain connectivity. similar to, other altered states of consciousness?
Additionally, both cognitively and neurobiologically, the state of In order to answer the aforementioned questions, we compare and
flow shares overlap with other altered states of consciousness, including contrast the neurobiological mechanisms for flow with other profound
meditative and psychedelic states, states of traumatic stress, and so- alterations in consciousness, including both psychedelic states and the
called peak or optimal experiences (Carhart-Harris et al., 2012, 2014; traumatic stress that can produce Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

* Corresponding author at: Cognitive Communication Science Lab, Department of Communication, University of California Davis, United States.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Huskey).
Received 3 July 2022; Received in revised form 22 October 2022; Accepted 6 November 2022
Available online 8 November 2022
0149-7634/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

(PTSD). We argue that this comparative approach is helpful when as a categorization of the “spectrum” of flow experiences.
considering factors such as mood states, fear inhibition, emotional More broadly, flow is an altered state of consciousness (Dietrich,
arousal, hyper-vigilance, and contextual cue processing. We propose a 2004; Csikszentmihalyi and Nakamura, 2014; Lee et al., 2016). Altered
comprehensive empirical and theoretical account of the onset of flow. states of consciousness (Wittmann, 2018) are characterized as signifi­
This account includes a number of clear and measurable brain signals cant deviations from normal waking states of consciousness. For
that precede the onset of the state, and suggests that there is a large-scale instance, flow has been shown to be associated with phenomena found
brain network associated with flow. in other altered states, including disassociation, the feeling of oneness
The goals of this paper are five-fold: First, we review current research with everything, and out-of-body experiences (for disassociation,
on flow, laying the groundwork for a rigorous exploration of the flow’s Wanner et al., 2006; for oneness, see: Newberg et al., 2001; Tsaur et al.,
neurobiology, including establishing the criteria that any viable expla­ 2013; Yaden et al., 2017; Kotler, 2006, 2013; for out of body experi­
nation of flow’s neural dynamics should meet. The purpose of this paper ences, see: Kotler, 2006).
is to comprehensively draw upon the relevant literature in order to Several excellent recent systematic and scoping reviews have been
rigorously propose and justify a novel framework for the onset of flow, published on flow, which address psychology, physiology, and neuro­
as well as establish an agenda for future flow research. Second, we biology, for both individual as well as group flow, including van der
outline a conceptual scenario where two fundamental outcomes can Linden et al. (2021), Knierim et al. (2018), Khoshnoud et al. (2020),
occur: the onset of flow, or the onset of traumatic stress that may lead to Kryston et al. (2018), Fisher et al. (2021), Weber et al., (2016, 2020),
PTSD. Third, we propose a neural mechanism for the onset of flow that Gold and Ciorciari, 2020; Pels et al., 2018, and Peifer et al. (2022). Our
involves selected activation of a large-scale network and a set of brain review and proposal draws on this existing work and extends it in two novel
regions with specific patterns of networked communication. Fourth, by ways. First, we elucidate the underlying neural dynamics of flow, in
drawing upon recent studies of the neural dynamics of the psychedelic terms of network and coordination dynamics, something which has not
state, we construct a proposal for the brain dynamics of flow, and further been previously discussed. And second, also for the first time, we discuss
suggest that this proposal may yield a computational modeling the neural dynamics of flow in the context of the dynamics of trauma,
approach. Fifth, given our comprehensive account of a possible flow and the psychedelic state.
network and its dynamics, we link flow’s neurobiology with its phe­ Any viable explanation of flow’s underlying neurobiology needs to
nomenology, then compare those dynamics with both trauma, and the satisfy several criteria. First, it must account for the altered state of
psychedelic state. In doing so, we lay a foundation for generating new, consciousness that characterizes flow. Second, it must link flow’s
testable hypotheses that can add to the empirical literature on the phenomenological characteristics with neurobiological processes.
neurobiology of flow. Finally, any viable explanation of flow’s underlying neurobiology and
Finally, given the complexity of the brain and the contextual inter­ neural dynamics must consider both prior research and satisfy an
action between the body and environment during flow, a comprehensive additional number of explanatory requirements, including flow’s widely
explanation of the neurobiology of flow onset must incorporate concepts documented impact on performance and the currently theorized “flow
from a number of neuroscientific domains, explained at multiple levels triggers,” the pre-conditions that have been proposed to produce, or at
(Huskey et al., 2020). These include behavioral, theoretical, molecular very least, be correlated with, flow. Although the literature on flow is
and systems neuroscience. Thus, our proposal offers a first accounting of becoming extensive, the neurobiology underlying the concept and its
relevant mechanisms involved in flow: neurotransmitter systems, neural antecedent causes, much like hypnosis (Landry et al., 2017), are not yet
oscillation, and large-scale functional connectivity, and links each with fully explained. Flow neuroscience faces many of the same challenges
the phenological characteristics of flow. that face the general scientific study of consciousness, creating a unified
objective theory of subjective experience (Seth and Bayne, 2022).
2. An overview of flow research Nevertheless, the fact that flow and its well-documented effects can be
successfully investigated from a psychological and phenomenological
The formal study of flow began in the 1970 s, with Mihaly Csiks­ perspective (Melnikoff et al., 2022) suggests an optimistic outlook for
zentmihalyi’s systematic investigations. Csikszentmihalyi defined flow the neurobiological elucidation of flow. In what follows, we briefly
as “an optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform outline currently theorized flow triggers, their possible causal role, and
our best” and discovered that flow is a universal phenomenon in the resulting performance enhancements associated with flow.
humans, arising globally, independent of task, and regardless of class,
culture, or creed (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). 2.1. The Functionality of Flow’s Triggers
Additionally, Csikszentmihalyi identified six phenomenological
characteristics that are commonly present during flow: Hyper-focused, Previous theorizing argues that several “triggers” are causally linked
task-specific attention; the merger of action-and-awareness leading to with individual and group flow (Sawyer, 2017; Csikszentmihalyi and
total absorption in task-engagement; the diminishment of self-reflective Nakamura, 2002; and for a full overview, see Kotler, 2021). As this
cognition and awareness of bodily processes; an altered perception of paper concerns individual flow, it is only the individual flow triggers
time; a heightened level of task-performance accompanied by a feeling that are discussed herein. These triggers include: (a) clear goals, im­
of complete control; and significant positive affect, including high levels mediate feedback and the challenge/skills balance where both the task’s
of intrinsic reward, enjoyment, pleasure, euphoria and, often, increased challenge and an individual’s skills are high (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990;
feelings of meaning and purpose. Psychometrically, these six charac­ Csikszentmihalyi and LeFevre, 1989, 2012; Nakamura and Csikszent­
teristics have become the way researchers both define and measure flow. mihalyi, 2005), (b) novelty, complexity, unpredictability, and insight
Whether these characteristics are necessary as well as sufficient condi­ (Kotler, 2006, 2021; Teng, 2011), (c) risk (Martin and Priest, 1986;
tions for the experience of flow remains an open question. In fact, to our Celsi, 1993; Kotler, 2013; Schüler and Nakamura, 2013), (d) deep
knowledge, no research into the neurobiological mechanisms involved embodiment or the hyper-awareness of cross sensory modalities
in flow have confirmed the presence of all six characteristics. What has (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Chavez, 2008; Jaque et al., 2020), major
been shown is that the intensity of each characteristic helps researchers intrinsic motivators such as curiosity, autonomy, passion, purpose and
determine where an experience sits on the spectrum between micro- mastery (Bakker and Geurts, 2004; Quinn, 2005; Salanova et al., 2006;
flow, a low intensity flow experience, or macro-flow, a high intensity Kotler, 2021). Additionally, while this idea remains speculative, some
flow experience (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975; Csikszentmihalyi and Naka­ researchers have argued that flow triggers operate via independent yet
mura, 2002; Engeser, 2012). While this research is based on often overlapping mechanisms that govern the allocation of attention to
self-reported subjective assessments, it appears to be largely consistent the task-at-hand: the activation of dopaminergic and/or noradrenergic

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

pathways and/or the perceived low-levels of cognitive load, even when and Fisher, 2020). Whether the motorcyclist’s experience becomes
objective measures show otherwise (Harris et al., 2017a, 2017b; Kotler, ecstatic (flow) or traumatic is likely to depend on what happens next. If
2021). the experience is overwhelming, terrifying, or there are physical or
mental constraints that inhibit the execution of action plans, then the
2.2. A hypothetical situation: flow versus PTSD swerve is likely to result in traumatic stress. However, if flow’s triggers
are present, then we theorize that this should result in a sequence of
In order to examine the neurobiological processes that may occur neural responses that elicit flow, and the corresponding psychological,
during the onset of flow, consider the following hypothetical situation: A phenomenological, and behavioral responses.
highly skilled motorcycle rider is speeding down the freeway and sud­ This emphasis on “action” is particularly important to our discussion.
denly gets cut off by a car (the “event”). While other mental states are In the literature surrounding both flow and PTSD, action or the inability
possible (mind-wandering, for example), assume that pre-event, the to act consistently plays a crucial role. “Flow is triggered during a task,
motorcyclist is actively engaged in the task of driving down the freeway, thereby implying motor execution” (Michailidis et al., 2018). Addi­
with concurrent increases in focus and alertness. Next, to avoid collision, tionally, in flow, this action has two phenomenological qualities:
the motorcyclist has an immediate response, swerving around the effortlessness and empowerment. Effortlessness implies automatic pro­
offending car. Now consider two possible and frequently reported out­ cessing (Dietrich and Stoll, 2010), while empowerment refers to one of
comes of high-risk situations, each with their own distinct yet over­ the flow’s core psychological characteristics: a “sense of control.”
lapping psychological characteristics. Moreover, the “inability to act” is one of the causal factors involved in
In one possible outcome, the motorcycle rider starts to swerve, PTSD (Van der Kolk and Van der Hart, 1989) and learned helplessness
rapidly transitions into flow and skillfully avoids the car. The motor­ (Miller and Norman, 1979; Seligman, 1972). This suggests that the
cyclist draws upon prior experience and skills and performs a series of heightened sense of control in flow may be the opposite of learned
perfectly timed motor actions with a high level of task proficiency. More helplessness or what could be termed “learned powerfulness,” and
specifically, the situation elicits the flow’s theorized triggers and should considered as a possible pre-condition for resiliency and post-traumatic
be associated with psychological characteristics that are present during growth, a term coined by Tedeschi and Calhoun (2004) to describe
the experience, including complete concentration on the task-at-hand, “positive psychological change experienced as a result of the struggle
the merger of action and awareness, an altered sense of time (dilation with highly challenging life circumstances”.
or acceleration), a diminishment in sense of self, a heightened sense of Similarly, researchers have found that many of flow’s performance
control over the situation, and a post-event increase in positive affect benefits, including increases in well-being, meaning, empathy, motiva­
and mood. tion, grit, and environmental awareness are also characteristic of post-
Alternatively, the motorcycle rider starts to swerve, feels a sense of traumatic growth (Jayawickreme et al., 2022; Maitlis, 2020; Tedeschi
overwhelm and panic, yet manages to maneuver around the car and and Calhoun, 2004; Waters et al., 2022). This overlap in performance
avoid an accident. In this case, the motorcyclist is likely to experience benefits suggests that flow and post-traumatic growth may share un­
traumatic stress, including heightened anxiety, feelings of terror and derlying neurobiological mechanisms, an idea that aligns with Selye’s
powerlessness, and a post-event increase in negative affect, hyper- (1956) division between eustress (beneficial stress) and distress
vigilance and the distinct possibility of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (harmful stress) and lends additional support to our comparison of flow
(PTSD). In order to motivate a discussion concerning the transition into and trauma (for linkages between flow and eustress, see Hargrove et al.,
a flow state, we emphasize that, in this situation and before the event 2013).
takes place, the driver is not yet in flow; rather in a state of appropriate As a way to explore these changes, we examine the event temporally,
arousal and alertness (and valence). The transition into flow may occur breaking the incident into nine “sequence-coded” sections—starting
when an event takes place that could potentially lead to flow—that is, an with T = 0, the moment before the rider is cut off in traffic, and pro­
event with a confluence of flow triggers. ceeding to T + 9, the post-event moment when the rider drives down the
While these scenarios are not the event’s only possible psychological freeway in either flow or traumatic stress—and detail the precise
outcomes, both are frequently reported phenomena in high-risk situa­ neurobiological changes that underpin each step in the sequence. This
tions, including those found in adventure activities, sports and combat framework both allows us to see when, where and why the experiences
(for flow, see: Allen-Collinson et al., 2018; Jackson, 1992, for trauma, of flow and trauma overlap then diverge, while further serving to
see: Ozer et al., 2003; Van der Kolk and Van der Hart, 1989). We also elucidate flow’s phenomenology, its performance benefits and the
note that the comparison between flow and the precursors of PTSD in functionality of known flow triggers.
this hypothetical situation may generalize most readily to high-risk
situations. Admittedly, not all flow experiences are high-risk (e.g., aca­ 2.3. T = 0: Pre-Flow Events
demic achievement, work productivity, media use, artistry, mental
health). Nevertheless, we emphasize that this particular hypothetical The specific neurobiological pre-conditions that elicit flow comprise
situation is useful in that it allows for a broader theoretical investigation a vast state space. Nevertheless, people get into flow doing all sorts of
concerning flow experiences and an opportunity to consider their rela­ tasks, suggesting that the exact details of pre-event neurobiology are less
tion to PTSD and the psychedelic state. Moreover, we expect the same important than the increase in salience that marks the onset of the event.
sequence of neurobiological events should result in flow for both high- Therefore, we maintain our motorcycle hypothetical situation. At the
and low-risk circumstances. Therefore, we pose this hypothetical situ­ start of the event, our motorcyclist is speeding down the freeway in a
ation to underscore a crucial question: What precise alterations in brain state of alert focus. Neurobiologically, the executive attention network
function and neural dynamics distinguish these two outcomes, either the (EAN) is engaged, as this network has been shown to facilitate attention
transition into flow or the transition into traumatic stress? while driving (Ball et al., 1993; Clay et al., 2005), including when
Consider that, neurobiologically, the pre-flow/pre-trauma initial drivers experience a sudden road hazard then drive away safely, which
conditions are identical. The motorcyclist is experiencing heightened accurately describes our hypothetical situation (Åkerstedt et al., 2005).
focus and alertness, reflecting increased activity in large scale brain At T = 0, an “unexpected stimulus” arrives, requiring amplification
networks, including executive attention, salience, motor action planning in SN connectivity (Seeley et al., 2007, Menon and Uddin, 2010; Srid­
and execution. Next, as the “event” begins, the motorcyclist is cut off by haran et al., 2008). This is significant because the SN has been theorized
the car. Neurobiologically, this produces an immediate increase in ac­ to be involved in facilitating shifts into flow (Huskey et al., 2018, 2021;
tivity in the brain’s salience network (SN), which is charged with the Weber and Fisher, 2020). Moreover, the SN is involved in the initiation
detection of novel and relevant stimuli (Menon and Uddin, 2010; Weber of cognitive control (Botvinick et al., 2004), the coordination of

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

behavioral responses (Medford and Critchley, 2010) and the mainte­ the correct action and make adaptive decisions. This neurobiological
nance and implementation of task-sets —(Nelson et al., 2010) a term filtering phenomenon is known as sensory gating (Jones et al., 2016;
that describes the configuration of cognitive processes that are actively Zabelina et al., 2015), and is a core component of cognitive control
maintained for subsequent task performance (for a review, see Sakai, wherein prepotent stimuli are downregulated to facilitate flexible and
2008). Once that unexpected stimulus is detected, the key SN regions adaptive pursuit of a specific goal (Cole et al., 2013; Miller and Cohen,
that are active in both our flow and trauma scenarios likely include the 2001).
dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), the anterior right insula (aRI), This process functions as an attentional regulation mechanism and
the presupplementary motor area (PSA), amygdala, ventral striatum and appears involved in the transition into both flow and PTSD. Importantly,
ventral tegmental area (VTA). recent research in mice has shown that executive attention—as related
The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) is an important cognitive to sensory gating—rather than acting as spotlight, is actually regulated
control structure (Holroyd et al., 2004) and is likely involved in by inhibition, similar to a filtering process (Wimmer et al., 2015). In this
detecting the unexpected stimulus (the car), as the dACC is associated process, the thalamus serves as a bottom-up relay hub, communicating
with conflict detection and error identification (Carter and Van Veen, selected information to large areas within the cortex, including the
2007; for review: Falkenstein et al., 2000). In conflict detection, the ACC attentional system in the prefrontal cortex. This process is heavily
monitors attentional conflicts to signal whenever additional resources influenced by motivation and reward processing, which guide control
are required. In predictive-coding, a series of reciprocal connections deployment (Botvinick and Braver, 2014).
between the ACC and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are involved Yet this is not solely a bottom-up process, as Wimmer et al. (2015)
in the prediction and processing of error messages (Alexander and found a top-down feedback loop wherein changes in PFC activity inhibit
Brown, 2019). In addition, the aRI may be involved, as this region is also sensory components of the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). Thus, the
active during performance monitoring and error processing (Ullsperger PFC regulates thalamic activity by allowing relevant information to be
et al., 2010). In this scenario, the aRI initiates the process, acting as a processed, while suppressing irrelevant information via various sub­
“cortical outflow hub” that coordinates activity changes across multiple networks. In follow up research, Nakajima et al. (2019), discovered that
brain networks in response to error detection (Chang et al., 2013, 2012). the relevant inhibitory pathway extends from the PFC to basal ganglia
Beyond the dACC and aRI, there are three additional regions of in­ (BG) to TRN.
terest. The presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) facilitates the se­ In the PFC-BG-TRN pathway, the BG inhibits distracting and irrele­
lection of action plans and the suppression of conflicting action plans vant information, while enhancing appropriate cues. In our motorcyclist
(Nachev, 2007), allowing the motorcyclist to decide to, say, swerve left example, it is likely that the driver experiences the dampening of
instead of right. The amygdala plays, among other things, a role in threat auditory information in favor of the highlighting of visual information, a
detection (Öhman, 2005; Phelps and LeDoux, 2005), responding to commonly reported phenomenon in high-risk situations (Parr and Fris­
novel events in the environment, though it is especially sensitive to ton, 2018; Kotler, 2013). This is a form of goal-directed sensory filtering
novel dangers—like the motorcyclist being cut off by that car. Finally, that impacts attention and, via additional BG connections, motor per­
the dopaminergic regions including the ventral striatum and the ventral formance. This also means that cognition is intimately tied to action and
tegmental area are involved in motivation, reward and the reinforce­ further underscores the “ability to act” versus the "inability to act” as a
ment of behavior (Beier et al., 2015), including unpredictable, high-risk key differentiator between experience outcomes (flow or PTSD). Addi­
behaviors such as swerving a motorcycle in traffic. tionally, during threat recognition, two other processes involving the BG
are important to this discussion: the phasic response in dopamine (DA),
2.4. T + 1: Error Signaling signaling a reward-prediction error (Schultz, 2016; see T + 3 for further
discussion), and the inhibition of impulsive behaviors (see below).
Moving forward in our sequence, once the salience network detects a On the flow side of our motorcyclist scenario, the selection of
perceptual change, the brain generates an error signal that helps lock appropriate motor plans must correlate with a specific neurobiological
attention on target. This requires many of the regions involved in the mechanism, with the subthalamic nucleus (STN) the likely candidate.
orienting of attention to a perceptual event, including the posterior Ballanger et al. (2009) found that stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus
parietal cortex, as well as the frontal and subcortical control systems of (STN), via connections with the motor cortex, increases impulsive
spatial attention (Husain and Rorden, 2003; Mesulam, 1999). Addi­ behavior during high-conflict decision making, while an opposing
tionally, the dACC remains active, as this region is partially responsible “proactive inhibition” response (braking, in the motorcyclist’s scenario)
for reorienting. hinders performance in high-risk situations that demand an immediate
It is likely that there is an event-related potential (ERP) associated motor response. The authors appropriately refer to this model as
with this error detection. Based on the relevant literature, candidates “release your horses.”
include an error-relative negativity signal appearing 80–100 ms after the
stimulus (Muzammel et al., 2018) or the N200, a negative deflection 2.6. T + 3: task engagement verses disengagement
appearing 200 ms after the stimulus reflecting either conscious attention
or an unexpected stimulus or both (Muzammel et al., 2018; Patel and Concurrent with events described in T + 2, core neuromodulatory
Azzam, 2005). Relatedly, Grahek et al. (2022) have shown that the P3b processes are likely engaged as the motorcyclist’s reorienting response
(a signature of prediction error updating) tracks perceived efficacy at activates noradrenergic and dopaminergic pathways as well as the
achieving rewards. In short, there is a stronger P3b response when endocannabinoid system (ECS) in order to enhance executive attention,
people update from a low-efficacy of achieving a reward to a motor response and reward. We will address these systems individually.
high-efficacy prediction. Together, these error signals may help guide As a core hub in the salience network, the dACC helps focus attention
the allocation of selective attention and control necessary for experi­ on a single target by triggering the release of norepinephrine from the
encing flow. locus coeruleus (LC), the brainstem nucleus responsible for most of the
brain’s norepinephrine (Seeley et al., 2007; Berridge and Waterhouse,
2.5. T + 2: selective attention 2003; Mather et al., 2016; Ventura et al., 2008; Menon and Uddin,
2010). Connections running between the LC and the amygdala and be­
At this stage in our scenario, the motorcyclist recognizes the car and tween the LC and the PFC are centrally involved in fear processing,
its potential danger. A central, but still somewhat unanswered question attention switching, task-engagement, and increased learning (Corbetta
is how the brain, in a high-risk situation, is able to appropriately filter and Shulman, 2002). Further connections run between the LC and the
out an enormous amount of incoming information in order to perform motor cortex (M1) that extend to our facial muscles and eyes (Ferrucci

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

et al., 2013). This could explain why changes in facial expression have traumatic stress are associated with out-of-body experiences (Blanke
been repeatedly correlated with flow and trauma (for flow: de Manzano and Thut, 2007; Rabeyron and Caussie, 2016; Kotler, 2006), a phe­
et al., 2010; for trauma: Garrett et al., 2012). nomenon that might be partially explained by NE activity in the tem­
In the amygdala, the arrival of NE begins the process of threat poral parietal junction. In the TPJ, NE is normally linked to failure
assessment (Gu et al., 2019;LeDoux, 2015). It appears that NE arrives tracking, but the region (and especially the right TPJ) is also important
first in the basolateral amygdala (BLA), which is both critical for forming in empathy, perspective-taking and out-of-body experiences (Sha­
stimulus outcome value representations (Pizzagalli et al., 2011), and as may-Tsoory et al., 2005; Saxe and Kanwisher, 2003; Blanke and Arzy,
an adaptive response that primes learning. As both flow and trauma 2005). This suggests that an out of body experience might be a
result in rapid learning, the presence of NE in the BLA might help explain NE-triggered radical form of perspective-taking that arises early in
this phenomenon. perceived crisis situations, arguably during the pre-action plan selection
In the PFC, NE increases signal-to-noise ratios in cortical networks phase, perhaps to aid in that selection.
(Xing et al., 2016) and triggers many of the top-down processes asso­ When the brain detects a salient signal, there is also activity in the
ciated with executive attention. NE projections in the PFC are mesocorticolimbic dopamine system anchored by the ventral tegmental
well-distributed but are particularly active in the medial prefrontal area (VTA). The VTA provides signals related to novelty, error and
cortex (mPFC). While the amygdala-LC pathway is critical for creating reward, yet there is growing evidence that there are two different kinds
aversive memories, the LC-mPFC pathway is crucial to extinguishing of DA neurons and that each responds to a specific kind of “reward”
aversive memories, suggesting that this is an important division between (Bromberg-Martin, 2010). The first are value-coding neurons that are
flow and PTSD. Additionally, pharmacological targeting of the LC-NE activated by unexpected rewarding events and inhibited by unexpected
pathways in both the amygdala and mPFC has provided symptomatic aversive events. These value-coding neurons are found in the substantia
relief for people suffering from PTSD (Taylor et al., 2008). nigra (SN) and the VTA, while their projections end in the NAcc shell,
In high-risk situations such as our motorcyclist’s, NE is also involved dorsal striatum (caudate and putamen) and vmPFC (Schultz, 2007).
in decreasing and suppressing working memory in favor of flexible The second class of DA neurons are saliency-coding neurons that
attention (Berridge and Spencer, 2016). In times of stress, Snyder et al. originate in the substantia nigra and VTA and project to the NAcc core,
(2012) have shown that corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) acts as a dorsal striatum, and dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC). In both classes of DA
neurotransmitter in the LC, shifting discharge from phasic to tonic in neurons in the VTA, activity is both phasic and tonic and relates to both
order to promote behavioral flexibility. As there are bidirectional con­ expectation of reward and errors in reward prediction (Schultz, 2016).
nections between the LC and mPFC and orbital frontal cortex (OFC), this Additionally, DeYoung (2013) proposed these saliency-neurons are
shift from phasic to tonic carries information up to the PFC (Berridge and activated by the incentive value of new information; while Di Domenico
Waterhouse, 2003). According to Adaptive-Gain Theory (Aston-Jones and Ryan (2017) argue that these neurons alone could underpin intrinsic
and Cohen, 2005), this shift reflects a change from the exploitation of a motivation—two ideas that are relevant to flow’s phenomenological
known strategy for producing behavioral outcomes (a phasic process) to characteristics and impact on performance.
an exploration of a novel strategy for new and potentially preferential Yet, in our motorcycle example, the value-coding DA neurons are
outcomes (a tonic process). activated first, as the unexpected aversive event—the car’s arrival in the
Inversely, Sadacca et al. (2017) has shown that depletion of tonic NE motorcyclist’s visual field—would produce a reward prediction error
in the OFC and, possibly, the mPFC, can result in a lack of attentional and a phasic decline in DA activity (Schultz, 2016). This may be the
flexibility—which could help explain why experiences become either original error signal that starts the entire flow or trauma process (dis­
trauma or flow. Based on this evidence, we suggest that, if the motor­ cussed in T + 1). However, this phasic DA decline must be brief, as flow
cyclist does not have enough tonic NE in their system, they may not have has been consistently linked to heightened dopaminergic activity (Berns,
enough attentional flexibility to solve the swerve problem, resulting in 2005; Weber et al., 2009). Moreover, DA-producing experiences such as
traumatic stress. Further evidence for this can be found in the fMRI work risk, unpredictability, complexity, novelty, and insight, appear to pre­
of Naegeli et al. (2018) who found PTSD patients have exaggerated cipitate flow (Kotler, 2006, 2021). Finally, flow-proneness is associated
behavioral and autonomic responses to loud sounds, suggesting sensi­ with availability of D2 receptors in the dorsal striatum (de Manzano
tized phasic responses of LC neurons (for a review of NE-LC-PTSD et al., 2013) and increased dorsal striatum gray matter volume (Kavous
research, see: Borodovitsyna et al., 2018). et al., 2019).
Another line of evidence for the causal role of the LC-NE system in At this step in the sequence, the phenomenology of time perception
attentional control, particularly goal-directed attention and impulse comes into play. In crisis situations, both anecdotal and empirical evi­
control, comes from Bari et al. (2020). Using optogenetics, the authors dence (Kotler, 2013) show that time appears to slow down or speed up
demonstrate that the LC targets two different areas of the PFC, the very early in high-risk situations. Similarly, Arstila (2012) argues that
dorsal-medial PFC (dmPFC), known to be involved in enhancing focus this effect occurs due to a distortion of the relation between the temporal
and performance, and the ventrolateral orbitofrontal cortex (vlOFC), properties of the external world and the internal state. Dopamine may be
known to be involved in impulse reduction, with each area acting responsible for this change in temporal phenomenology, as it is the main
independently, yet synergistically, via ascending efferent connections neurotransmitter involved in time processing (Lustig and Meck, 2005;
from the LC (Corbetta and Shulman, 2002). In mice, separately stimu­ Meck, 1996). Dopamine agonists tend to speed up time perception,
lating the LC-NE pathways to the dmPFC and the vlOFC produces two whereas dopamine antagonists slow it down. In our motorcycle
distinct behavioral outcomes, either improved correct performance or example, the initial reward detection error would likely produce a
impulse control, respectively. Moreover, the LC-NE system also acts as phasic decline in DA that would slow the rider’s perception of time.
global modulator for arousal in response to a threat or stressor (Morris Additionally, Roseboom (2019) correlated the experience of time dila­
et al., 2020), which further emphasizes this systems role in the motor­ tion to the number of salient events which take place during a particular
cyclist scenario. The LC-NE system has been theorized to play an scanning period. The greater the number of salient events, the longer the
important role in flow, particularly task engagement verses disengage­ current moment seems to last. In other words, the activation of the
ment (van der Linden et al., 2021). Taken together, the LC-NE system motorcyclist’s salience network could begin the process of time elon­
responds to threats during high-stakes situations, regulates the decision gation, while the presence of dopamine could extend and/or deepen the
to engage or disengage a task, and modulates two distinct attentional phenomenon. Importantly, these processes provide a mechanism for
pathways, one involved in reducing distracting information and the time dilation that arises very early in the motorcyclist’s experience
other in reducing impulsive behaviors. without requiring the localized deactivation of the medial PFC (see T + 8
Interestingly, researchers have also found that both flow and for full discussion).

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

A significant body of research shows the endocannabinoid system These facts are relevant for two reasons. First, in order to facilitate
(ECS) is a regulator of anxiety and stress (for a review, see Hillard, the swerve action plan, the motorcyclist had to inhibit automatic
2018), and thus implicated in our motorcyclist’s response to the event. braking responses, a function of CRF+ activity. Second, the autotelic
In a wide variety of situations, the introduction of an acute stressor—the nature of flow suggests within-activity fear extinction and post-event
car, in our example—evokes bidirectional changes in the two main fear extinction, both functions of CRF+. This second argument is
molecules produced by the ECS: anandamide (AEA) and 2-archidonoly crucial as no averse affective memory responses have been associated
glycerol (2-AG). These molecules are synthesized on-demand in post­ with flow, yet the state frequently arises in high-risk situations that
synaptic membranes that feed back into presynaptic terminals (Kano would normally produce them (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Celsi, 1993;
et al., 2009), where they bind to canabiniond recepters (CB) receptors Kotler, 2013).
and serve a significant neuromodulatory function. Within the brain, CB Additionally, the endocannabinoid system (ESC) also plays a role in
receptors are found on GABAergic, glutamatergic, serotonergic, norad­ threat assessment, as it can both inhibit or excite CRH response. More
renergic and dopaminergic terminals—a list that includes many of the specifically, there are both tonic and phasic ECS reactions to stress. In
neurochemicals directly implicated in both flow and trauma, suggesting the brain, higher tonic levels of AEA regulate stress and anxiety and play
that the ECS may be something of a master neuromodulator of these a role in the prevention of PTSD (Gunduz-Cinar et al., 2013; Mayo et al.,
experiences. 2022). AEA is also the tonic signal of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis
In the amygdala (see T + 4 for further review), where the threat (HPA), which is partially responsible for mounting the stress response.
response is processed, CB receptors are primarily found in the baso­ Under steady-state conditions, Morena et al. (2015) argued that this AEA
lateral amygdala (BLA), but also in the central nucleus. When these tone exists in the BLA, where it inhibits the HPA under non-stressful
receptors are inhibited, there is a decline in anandamide (AEA) in the conditions, and activates it under stress. Interestingly, the ECS system
amygdala that contributes to the stress response by activating the is also active in the hippocampus and the mPFC, both regions critical for
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and increasing anxiety. fear-based associative processing, and over large portions of the PFC in
Additionally, increases in 2-AG, the other major molecule produced by general, including most of the regions active in threat processing,
the ECS, contribute to the termination and adaptation of the HPA action-plan selection, and the creation or extinction of fear-based
axis—that is, the end of the threat response—and potentially contribute memories. In total, mounting evidence suggests that the ECS plays a
to pain perception, memory and synaptic plasticity (Gray, 2015). In significant neuromodulatory role in both the onset of flow and the onset
total, a decline in ECS activity is associated with anxiety and traumatic of trauma.
stress, while (as we will see below) an increase in ECS activity may During threat assessment, information is also passed to the prefrontal
prevent traumatic stress and enhance correct task-performance and cortex for top-down evaluation (for a review, see Sussman et al., 2016).
attention, two key components of the flow experience. A network involving the temporal-parietal junction (TPJ), the orbital
frontal cortex (OFC) and ventral lateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) helps
2.7. T + 4: threat assessment reorient attention to salient stimuli and is particularly sensitive to un­
expected events (Corbetta and Shulman, 2002). Beyond these structures,
In this sequence, the neurobiological changes described in T = it appears that the specific prefrontal regions activated during threat
0 through T + 3 reflect the motorcyclist’s detection of an aversive and evaluation will differ depending on the situation, past knowledge, and
unexpected stimulus. Here, in T + 4, the motorcyclist’s brain performs prior experience. In the flow literature, critical factors that help establish
threat assessments and begins the process of action plan selection. We the challenge-skills balance such as tolerance for anxiety, ability to delay
examine these details by focusing on key neuronal regions that are gratification, confidence, and optimism, are influential at this stage, and
directly implicated in both neurobiological studies of flow and trauma, likely determine the exact pattern of prefrontal activity. Yet there are a
and by events necessitated by our motorcyclist’s scenario—the activa­ few areas in the PFC that deserve particular scrutiny for their relevance
tion of the salience network by an unexpected stimulus, for example. to our scenario.
In the brain, sensory information about the external environ­ In the motorcyclist example, in both flow and trauma, the appear­
ment—such as the sudden appearance of a car in our motorcyclist’s ance of an unexpected stimulus makes OFC activity likely. The OFC is
visual field—is processed by a pulvino-cortical loop that regulates se­ considered part of the vmPFC (discussed in greater detail below) and has
lective attention (Saalmann et al., 2012) and then relayed to the been implicated in both emotion and emotion-related learning, and is
amygdala through a network of corticothalamic afferents. The amygdala part of the ventral network that reorients attention to salient stimuli and
handles preconscious threat detection, emotional valence and, via emotional events (Thorpe, 1992; Hartikainen et al., 2012; O’Doherty
near-constant bidirectional signaling with the mPFC and the hippo­ et al., 2001; Rule et al., 2002). Yet, there are important OFC divisions. In
campus, associations with prior experience (Bishop, 2009; Hermans amygdala-generated fear responses, both the medial OFC and the
et al., 2014). Bidirectional links between the central amygdala, brain­ ventromedial PFC (see below) are implicated in fear extinction and
stem and hypothalamus are responsible for mounting fear responses reward-processing, while the anterolateral OFC signals the absence of a
(Adolphs, 2013). In our scenario, in both the flow and trauma condi­ reward and presence of certain negative stimuli (Milad and Rauch,
tions, amygdala activity is likely, as the car represents a dire and im­ 2007). In trauma studies, anterolateral OFC dysfunction has been
mediate threat that produces a fear response. implicated in PTSD.
In this fear response, sensory information is funneled into the basal Relatedly, the vmPFC has bidirectional connection to the amygdala
and basomedial cell groups, and the central nucleus of the amygdala and is involved in threat assessment and response, reward-processing,
(Janak and Tye, 2015). The basolateral amygdala (BLA) is implicated in and decision-making—all tasks that are required at this stage of the
survival-oriented behaviors such as freezing, fleeing, foraging, and event (Botvinick et al., 2001; Fellows, 2007; Rolls, 2000). Moreover, the
(possibly) fighting, and forms a circuit with the centrolateral amygdala, vmPFC assists in the selection of action plans (Yim, Cai and Wang, 2019)
(CLA) which is a critical structure for fear memory formation and stor­ and with solving problems associated with determining the actions of
age (Penzo et al., 2015). In mice, Hartley et al. (2019) found the central ambiguous agents—the car in this scenario (Vartanian and Mandel,
amygdala (CeA) is also involved in fear creation and extinction. CeA 2011). Evidence also shows that both the amygdala and the vmPFC are
neurons express corticotropin-release neuropeptide CRF+, which re­ active during the extinction of fear memories (Janak and Tye, 2015).
duces conditioned freezing responses, impairs fear memory acquisition, This idea aligns with studies of flow in rappers and musicians (Limb and
facilitates within-activity fear extinction, and is necessary for extinction Braun, 2008; Liu et al., 2012) showing heightened activity in the
memory retrieval. Meanwhile, activity in corticotropin-release CRF- vmPFC—perhaps as a result of the creative decision-making and action
neurons produces fear-based memories. plan selection required by improvisation. Yet, other researchers (e.g.,

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

Barros et al., 2018; Huskey et al., 2018; Klasen et al., 2012; Ulrich et al., of flow, while the decision to “avoid” leads to trauma, with the former
2014, 2016a,b, 2022) found reduced activity across the whole of the producing concurrent feelings of fortitude, and the latter producing
mPFC during flow, including the vmPFC. This discrepancy could concurrent feelings of fear. It is further likely that, subsequent to the
possibly be resolved with a better understanding of the interrelationship event, these two distinct neurobiological reactions would be associated
between the mPFC, amygdala and the endocannabinoid system. CB1 with different psychological outcomes: the absence of fear-based
receptors are plentiful in the mPFC and receptor activation by AEA in­ memories in the flow condition, and the presence of fear-based mem­
hibits NE production across the entire region—suggesting a shift in fear ories in the trauma condition (Izquierdo et al., 2016). A deeper
processing (Morena, 2015). consideration of the underlying neurobiology is warranted here.
Finally, the right ventral lateral PFC (vlPFC) is involved in flexible Recent work in mice (Salay et al., 2018) has clarified that freeze
action plan selection and emotional forecasting (Bechara, 2011), both responses are controlled by xiphoid nucleus (a substructure in the
processes that are relevant to our scenario. Yoshida et al. (2014) ventral midline thalamus) projections to the BLA. By comparison, fight
discovered vlPFC activity during a study of gamers in flow, a finding responses invoke projections from the nucleus reuniens (a structure that
they linked to the vlPFC’s role in the cognitive control of memory (Badre surrounds the xiphoid nucleus) to the mPFC. The argument being
and Wagner, 2007). Further explanation for vlPFC activity during flow explored here is that the transition toward flow begins with a signal sent
can be found in a frontal-striatal-thalamic loop that allows for the from the ventral midline thalamus to themPFC that activates the “fight”
flexibility in behavior seen in high flow activities like improv jazz, video motor-action plan.
gaming, or a motorcyclist swerving through traffic. As this flexibility is It is unclear if this “fight” signal is always required to create flow, or
present throughout the entire flow experience and not just at state onset, if flow results from more general approach and avoidance processes (e.
this could explain why Yoshida et al. (2014) found the vlPFC activated g., Cacioppo et al., 1999). Yet, in high-risk situations, three ideas support
throughout the flow experience, and particularly during later moments the activation of the fight response. First, Benson and Proctor (2004)
in the flow eliciting task. Additionally, upregulating CB1 receptor suggested that the psychological experience of “struggle” always pre­
binding in the vlPFC promotes stress-coping strategies following un­ cedes entrance into flow. Second, braking is the standard automatic
predictable stress exposure (McLaughlin et al., 2014; Wirz et al., 2018). response to a visual threat, yet this instinct is inhibited in this scenario
If the ECS is modulating the vlPFC during flow, this further explains why and replaced by the swerve motor-action plan. Temporal constraints
flow is likely to lead to post-traumatic growth and not post-traumatic dictate that action plan selection must occur immediately after the SN
stress disorder. detects a threat, with the nucleus reuniens -mPFC pathway representing
the hypothetical “shortest path” to activation. Finally, path selec­
2.8. T + 5: threat processing tion—fight or flight—is responsible for the reactivation or further sup­
pression of the ECS, which plays a significant role in determining
Following the threat assessment seen in T + 4, as the motorcyclist outcomes associated with either flow or trauma. More specifically, at T
recognizes the imminent danger, threat processing occurs T + 5. This + 3, the introduction of an acute stressor downregulated tonic AEA
will likely require multiple structures within both the executive atten­ production in the amygdala and hippocampus. In the flow condition,
tion network and salience network, but a full anatomical breakdown is after the ventral midline thalamus activates the fight response, we see an
perhaps unnecessary. We know that a threat is detected in our motor­ increase in sympathetic signaling that releases cortisol and reactivates
cyclist’s experience because both of our conditions—flow and trauma­ tonic AEA production in the amygdala. The evidence for tonic AEA
—activate the sympathetic nervous system. In humans, when the reactivation is twofold. First, researchers consistently find amygdala
amygdala detects danger, it sends a threat signal to the hypothalamus downregulation during flow (Limb and Braun, 2008; Ulrich et al.,
that results in the release of cortisol. This phenomenon is well- 2016a, 2022; Liu et al., 2012) and this necessitates the presence of AEA.
documented in the study of trauma (Bremner, 2006; Sherin and Nem­ Second, our flow-condition motorcyclist does not experience
eroff, 2011), but it appears in flow as well. A number of studies of flow in-situation feelings of fear and does not have post-event fear memories,
have found that cortisol levels follow an inverted U-shaped curve (Keller and both require the presence of AEA (Gunduz-Cinar et al., 2013).
et al., 2011; Peifer et al., 2014; Tozman and Peifer, 2016). Tozman and Additionally, in the trauma condition, continual inhibition of AEA
colleagues (2017) for example, examined cortisol levels in chess players produces fear conditioning, creates fear-memories and is a contributing
in flow, finding a moderate level of cortisol was associated with a higher factor in the later development of PTSD (Wyrofsky et al., 2019).
level of flow absorption, while a higher level of cortisol was associated
with a lower level of flow absorption. This finding suggests that flow 2.10. T + 7: action plan selection
may require some kind of stress response at the front end of the
experience. After threat detection and the sympathetic response detailed in T +
6, the motorcyclist selects the “swerve” action plan. There are a number
2.9. T + 6: the acute stress response in flow and trauma of lines of evidence that show the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
(dACC) is involved in action plan selection alongside its aforementioned
Returning to our hypothetical situation: The motorcyclist’s visuo­ roles (See T = 0 and T + 1). As Brockett et al. (2020) wrote: “Decades of
spatial attention is now directed toward the oncoming car, while the imaging and modeling research in humans have implicated the anterior
driver’s threat recognition system (Stein and Nesse, 2011) has identified cingulate cortex in the evaluation of situational demands and the hy­
a significant and imminent danger. From a cognitive-affective perspec­ pothesized alterations of downstream nodes such as the dorsal medial
tive, multiple psychobiological systems are now engaged, perhaps most striatum that facilitate appropriate action plan selection.” More specif­
importantly the acute stress or fight-flight-freeze response of the sym­ ically, Shenhav et al. (2016) has argued that the dACC is particularly
pathetic nervous system. In this scenario, given the situational context, sensitive to environmental changes that require a rapid motor response,
movement suppression and behavioral inhibition are not likely to occur, which is the case in our motorcycle scenario. Furthermore, cognitively
thus freezing is not an option (Roelofs, 2017). Instead, from a neuro­ demanding tasks—such as swerving in traffic— activate the dorsal ACC
phenomenological point of view, we argue that the transition into flow is and deactivate the posterior ACC (Binder et al., 1999; Drevets and
likely associated with the proactive willingness to approach, and the Raichle, 1998; Raichle et al., 2001).
transition into trauma is associated with the reactive inclination to avoid Action plan selection is modulated by dopamine, as D1 DA receptors
(Roelofs, 2017). From an objective standpoint, the motorcyclist pro­ in the ACC regulate effort-based decision-making (Schweimer and
duces the same “swerve” motor action plan, however, phenomenologi­ Hauber, 2006). Furthermore, once a decision is made and the action
cally, it may be the case that a decision to “approach” leads to the state plan selected, as a way to drive reinforcement learning, there is a further

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

increase in dopaminergic transmission in the right dACC (Holroyd et al., to work, with the wave’s amplitude heightening based on stimulus
2004). In the flow scenario, this increase in DA signaling amplifies the probability and task-relevance (Donchin and Coles, 1988). Third,
signal-to-noise ratio in PFC (Kroener et al., 2009) and could be studies have shown that flow proneness is associated with DA receptor
responsible for the heightened creativity that has been consistently activity (de Manzano et al., 2013; Gyurkovics et al., 2016). This matters
correlated with the state. Additionally, this dopaminergic activity likely because traits long associated with DA receptor activity—sensation
explains why “clear goals” and “immediate feedback” function as flow seeking, introversion-to-extroversion, and impulsivity—have also been
triggers. If “clear goals” are coded into the reward system and DA ac­ correlated with the P300 (Stelmack and Houlihan, 1994). Fourth, our
tivity is linked to effort-based decision-making, then having a clear goal in-flow motorcyclist has no post-incident fear despite having accurate
may favor action over inaction, and further explain the division between memories of the event. It is known that stimulus encoding that promotes
flow and trauma. Meanwhile, the sensitivity of dACC neurons to error successful memory storage and retrieval will increase P300 amplitude
responses and error feedback, coupled with DA neurons’ (Azizian and Polich, 2007) and that signal latency is related to how long
well-established reward sensitivity, may explain why immediate feed­ it takes to update a target stimulus, with verbal tasks taking longer than
back facilitates flow onset. spatial tasks (Kutas et al., 1977). As our motorcyclist has non-fearful
Furthermore, one of flow’s most interesting phenomenological at­ memories and responded to a visual stimulus, we predict a P300 wave
tributes is the sensation of flow itself, often described as effortless effort, that is larger in amplitude and shorter in latency.
where the experience is that every action and every decision being Additionally, this signal—phasic DA activity—occurs immediately
performed leads seamlessly, perfectly, fluidly to the next (Csikszentmi­ after the first sign that outcomes are better than anticipated, and pro­
halyi, 1990; Kotler, 2013). This suggests that dACC activity is not duces subsequent pulses after each confirming sign (Holroyd et al.,
limited to state onset. As subjects in flow select numerous, sequential 2004). In our example, there are a series of P300 waves, each probably
action plans, dACC activity may persist throughout the experience. In slightly smaller in amplitude, after the successful execution of each of
fact, research shows that the dACC is functionally connected with the the three mini-action plans (swerve, counter-swerve, straighten out).
dlPFC during flow (Huskey et al., 2018), which may further facilitate
phenomenological experience of “clear goals” and “immediate feed­ 2.12. T + 9: Localized hypofrontality
back” specifically, and more generally, may explain why so many
research subjects have described their phenomenological experience of At T + 8, the motorcyclist has executed the action plan and is either
the state as “flowy.” However, a challenge to this interpretation is that experiencing flow or traumatic stress. Early theorizing argued that flow
other studies have shown lower activation in the ACC during flow is associated with a significant downregulation of the PFC (Dietrich,
(Huskey et al., 2018; Klasen et al., 2012; Ulrich et al., 2016a, 2022). 2004), or what has been called “transient hypofrontality” in the litera­
ture. Specifically, Dietrich proposed transient hypofrontality as the
2.11. T + 8: The onset of flow neuronal process that underlies flow and all altered states of con­
sciousness (Dietrich, 2004). This idea has since been confirmed experi­
At this moment, our motorcyclist executes the swerve action plan mentally, albeit with mixed results (for a review, see Harris et al.,
and rapidly transitions into flow. For the purposes of this hypothetical 2017a). Some studies have found large-scale PFC deactivation during
situation, assume the swerve consists of three different miniature action flow. Both Limb and Braun (2008) and Liu et al. (2012) observed broad
plans: an initial swerve away from the car, a second movement to deactivations of the PFC in studies of musicians and rappers in flow. In
counter-balance the out-thrust of the first, and a final adjustment to re- Liu and colleague’s work, almost all of the lateral prefrontal cortices,
center the motorcycle along its new trajectory. When the motorcyclist extending from the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (loPFC) to the superior
performs the initial swerve away from the car, there is an increase in portions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) as well as the
dopaminergic reward signaling in the mesocorticolimbic pathway that dorsal portions of the mPFC, were deactivated.
corresponds with the successful execution of this first action plan. By comparison, the vast majority of studies have found evidence for
Additionally, “rebound-excitation theory” suggests that DA provides a more localized hypofrontality, particularly among the medial PFC
post-acute stress safety signal that inhibits fear-processing neurons in a (mPFC). As was discussed previously, this region is thoroughly impli­
spatially and temporally controlled manner (J.C. Lee et al., 2016; E.M. cated in the division between flow and trauma, yet—regarding hypo­
Lee et al., 2016). For example, experiments in acute stress conditions frontality—it appears that the mPFC is consistently deactivated during
showed phasic rebound-excitation of DA neurons in the VTA at the offset flow (Barros et al., 2018; Klasen et al., 2012; Ulrich et al., 2014, 2016a,
of aversive stimuli, with DA signal strength time-locked to the termi­ 2022). In fact, more recent evidence indicates that downregulation of
nation of fearful events. A weak signal promotes fearful memories and the mPFC is causally implicated in flow experiences (Ulrich et al.,
anxious behavior, while a strong one extinguishes fearful memories and 2016b), particularly among people who have low-baseline levels of flow
promotes resilience (J.C. Lee et al., 2016; E.M. Lee et al., 2016). In our experiences (Ulrich et al., 2018). Other research has shown low levels of
flow example, once our motorcyclist recognizes that the first of the three mPFC activity (Huskey, Craighead et al., 2018), and mPFC functional
mini-action plans is actually working, a DA safety signal should arise. connectivity (Huskey et al., 2018, 2021) during flow. Taken together,
The initial dopaminergic reward will likely produce a feeling of the data suggests that these PFC deactivations are localized to mPFC
surprise, as this is the phenomenological signal that arises during the regions, and the extent of these deactivations may be based on task-set
recognition of better than expected results, and provokes a P300 event- and task-requirements, rather than the across-the-board shutdown that
related potential (ERP). However, there are two types of P300 ERPs. The earlier researchers had proposed (for an extended treatment, see Harris
P300a is associated with novelty; the P300b with surprise (Polich, et al., 2017a).
2007). In our motorcyclist’s scenario, the signal is a P300b, as an EEG studies of flow show frontal alpha and theta activity (Eschmann
abundance of oddball paradigm experiments show that a novel and et al., 2021; Katahira et al., 2018). In the work done by Katahira et al.
unexpected stimulus produces a P300b wave approximately 300–400 (2018), frontal theta was localized to frontal-midline regions, which is
ms following presentation (Picton, 1992). implicated in cognitive control (Cavanagh and Frank, 2014) and con­
In this scenario, we speculate there are four reasons to predict a P300 centration (Lagopoulos et al., 2009). This finding is related to the
at T + 8. First, unless our motorcyclist is a professional, it is unlikely that increased effort and increased cognitive control required to produce
swerving around a car is a single well-rehearsed motor plan. Thus, the flow (when both task challenge and individual skills are moderate to
successful execution of each mini-plan would be surprising to our driver. high) and to task absorption (a complete concentration and merger of
Second, the P300 has also been related to appraisal updating—the threat action and awareness condition). Eschmann et al. (2021) have shown
of the car is updated into something less dangerous as the swerve starts that increased fronto-medial theta is associated with increased flow, and

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

increased motor performance, and that neurofeedback training can cognition, the DMN is functionally coupled with both task-positive
enhance both flow and motor performance. Similarly, the alpha oscil­ attentional networks and task-positive frontoparietal control networks
lations in Katahira’s study were found over the frontal central and (Andrews-Hanna et al., 2014; Christoff et al., 2016; Spreng, 2012; Xu
frontal right cortical areas and tended to increase with task difficulty. As et al., 2020; Dixon et al., 2016).
alpha has been repeatedly correlated with heightened creativity (Lus­ During flow, typically anti-correlated networks appear to be co-
tenberger et al., 2015) this increase could further account for the activated. The hyper-focus associated with flow requires activation of
amplified creativity seen in flow. Other EEG work has shown increased task-positive attentional networks. Yet, flow also shares considerable
fronto-alpha power during flow, particularly in midline regions, which overlap with a task-negative cognitive state, the psychedelic state
has been interpreted as relating to the reward-modulated deployment of (Csikszentmihalyi and Nakamura, 2018). This overlap includes
cognitive control (Castellar et al., 2019). phenomenological elements such as the diminishment of self, an altered
In summary, it appears that hypofrontality is localized to the mPFC, a sense of time (dilation or acceleration), and the merger of action and
structure that is a core component of the default mode network (Raichle awareness, as well as behavioral elements, such as a measurable increase
et al., 2001) and is heavily implicated in self-referential processing in creativity (divergent thinking) and insight. Therefore, a deeper un­
(Northoff et al., 2006). That the mPFC is consistently downregulated derstanding of the neural dynamics of the psychedelic state is useful for
during flow may explain why a core phenomenological characteristic of informing our examination of flow’s neural dynamics.
flow is diminished self-awareness and self-reflection. By comparison, Using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate the neural
flow seems to require large-scale activity across the PFC, excluding the dynamics of the psychedelic state, Barnett et al. (2020) found a simul­
mPFC, but including the ACC. Together, this accounts for recent theo­ taneous decrease in directed functional connectivity and an increase in
rizing that flow requires high levels of cognitive control (Fisher et al., undirected functional connectivity (particularly in the LSD condition).
2021; Weber et al., 2009, 2016; Weber and Fisher, 2020), which may The authors interpret this network co-activation as consistent with the
explain why flow feels simultaneously high-control, but effortless (see “increasing disorder and functional disorganization underlying the
also, Harris et al., 2017b; Huskey, Wilcox et al., 2018). psychedelic experience” (Barnett et al., 2020). Essentially, there is a
breakdown of ordered communication between critical brain regions.
3. A theoretical perspective on the neural dynamics for the This breakdown reflects a relaxation of constraints in global brain ac­
onset of flow tivity that corresponds with an expansion of the possible repertoire of
brain states (thereby increasing dynamic diversity). Carhart-Harris et al.
In this paper, in addition to the neurobiological mechanisms dis­ (2018) have argued these specific changes in neural dynamics correlate
cussed in sections T + 0 through T + 9, we also propose a neural with the uncontrolled cognition and perception that are signature
dynamical framework for the onset of flow. Here, the term “neural dy­ phenomenological aspects of the psychedelic experience.
namics” refers to how the brain exchanges information via oscillation, From a theoretical perspective, the psychedelic brain is at the “edge
that is, how neural oscillatory activity in one brain region affects, or is of criticality” (Carhart-Harris et al., 2018). In any self-organizing
statistically correlated, with neural activity in another brain region. dynamical system (like the brain), criticality is the transition point be­
These dynamical networks are how the brain changes its state over time. tween two tendencies or phases: an ordered state and a disordered,
From a theoretical perspective, understanding the neural dynamics chaotic one. By allowing the brain to best adapt to a wide variety of
involved in our motorcycle scenario—that is, understanding how the rapidly changing external conditions, this proximity to criticality facil­
neuronal regions involved in the onset of flow become functionally itates optimal processing and performance. For example, Atasoy et al.
coupled or uncoupled—may yield new empirical and testable insights (2017), using power-law distributions and connectome-harmonic
about the mechanisms involved, and lay the groundwork for a compu­ decomposition, found that a frequency-specific re-organization of
tational modeling approach. brain dynamics—specifically, an increase in repertoire—brings the
Functional connectivity (FC) between brain regions is defined as the brain closer to the edge of criticality. This is consistent with the entropic
statistical dependence between neural time series regardless of their brain hypothesis, metastability, the free-energy principle, and scale-free
direct anatomical connections (Friston, 1994). These patterns of activ­ cortical dynamics (Carhart-Harris and Friston, 2019, Kelso, 2012; Tog­
ity, as captured by EEG, MEG or fMRI, can be effectively measured using noli and Kelso, 2014; Bressler, 2008; Friston et al., 2020, Freeman and
a variety of functional connectivity analysis (Wang et al., 2014). The Breakspear, 2007). In altered states of consciousness—including psy­
resulting data reveals the flow of information among and within brain chedelic states—mounting evidence suggests that the brain functions at
networks and is critical for linking these networks and their dynamics to the edge of criticality, that is, at, or near, a metastable critical state
cognitive and phenomenological states (such as flow). For example, (Carhart-Harris, 2018; Cavanna et al., 2018 ;Kelso, 2012, 2021; Cocchi
using correlation either in the time or frequency domains, will yield et al., 2017).
undirected and symmetrical, shared information among the network Two important points considered here are worth elaborating, a
(Barnett et al., 2020). Directed functional connectivity analysis, on the theoretical one and a terminological one. Theoretically, given that we
other hand, can yield causal connectivity, i.e., the direction of infor­ are both describing and explaining a phase transition into flow, we
mation flow between nodes in the network (Friston et al., 2003; Man­ consider flow, as an altered state of consciousness described in our hy­
nino and Bressler, 2015; Bressler and Seth, 2011). pothetical situation, from a metastable perspective (Fuchs et al., 2000;
Given that one of the known phenomenological correlates of flow is Kelso, 1992). Crucially, this would mean that flow is a transient phe­
hyper-focused, task-specific attention, the underlying neural dynamics nomenon—a metastable tendency. Metastability (Kelso, 2012; Tognoli
should reflect a task-engaged cognitive state. This task-engagement in­ and Kelso, 2014) plays a central role in cortical coordination dynamics,
volves the activation of task-dependent networks, such as the dorsal and in general, refers to the simultaneous tendency for individual
attention network and fronto-parietal control network, and is often components of system to couple together and for the individual com­
contrasted to resting state or task-negative networks, such as the default ponents to remain autonomous. It is a property of a system of coupled
mode network (DMN; Fox et al., 2005). Typically, the activity of these oscillators, whereby the systems dynamics tend toward a stable attractor
networks is anti-correlated, though recent evidence has revealed a more (coordination pattern) but are never fully trapped by that attractor.
nuanced account wherein different network components may be Instead, the system remains in an unstable pattern near the stable co­
simultaneously active. In fact, evidence shows that tasks performed ordination pattern. In cognitive neurodynamics for example, different
automatically (Vatansever et al., 2017), or with low levels of difficulty regions of the cortex, comprised of neuronal populations, can simulta­
(Huskey et al., 2018b,a, Ulrich et al., 2014, 2016a, 2018, 2022) tend to neously couple and coordinate their behavior to produce certain
engage the DMN. Other research shows that, during goal-directed cognitive functions, but also express their own individual oscillatory

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

behavior, allowing the brain to rapidly shift its functionality in order to especially in the motorcycle scenario considered in this paper, is non-
make sense of the external world. Thus, cortical metastability produces resting and task-dependent. Additionally, while the edge-of-criticality
the simultaneous tendency for cortical areas to remain segregated, aspect of the psychedelic state increases the repertoire of possible
manifesting their own intrinsic activity, and to be integrated, influ­ states, we predict that entry into flow will constrain the repertoire of
encing each other by reciprocal coupling (Tognoli and Kelso, 2014). active brain states. We also suggest that this will correspond, empiri­
Terminologically, although we have used the word “state” as a cally, with an increase in directed, and a decrease in undirected, func­
description of both the neural and phenomenological aspects of flow tional connectivity. The brain, upon entry into flow, allocates its
throughout this paper, this may not accurately reflect reality. By defi­ resources vis-à-vis distinct connectivity patterns in a manner required
nition, state implies stability, however, considering the dynamics, i.e., for all the requisite performance-enhancing cognitive processes needed
the possible metastable nature of the phenomenon, the term state may for the task at hand—in this case, a successful swerve.
not, ultimately, be appropriate (Kelso, 2021). Moreover, research has shown that the brain can quickly tune itself
Recently however, Huskey et al., 2021, have theoretically and closer to or farther away from criticality depending on external input to
empirically compared the metastability proposal with the synchroniza­ the specific network (Zierenberg et al., 2018). Wilting and Priesemann
tion theory of flow (STF) first proposed by Weber et al. (2009). We (2019) have called the underlying mechanism driving this process:
carefully consider here the relevance of STF in the context of network “homeostatic plasticity.” In homeostatic plasticity, neurons and their
control theory and criticality. The STF proposes a functional synchro­ networks use negative feedback loops to maintain a target spike rate,
nization of cognitive control (including attentional structures) and thereby stabilizing network dynamics. By adjusting their excitability to
reward networks (RNs) in the brain, and understands flow as a syn­ compensate for unrestrained neural communication, neurons can
chronized brain state. self-organize into a variety of dynamical regimes. This reorganization
One open question is the nature of this connectivity. STF predicts moves the brain to a subcritical point, where neural communication is
that the brain transitions through a sequence of network topologies, well-constrained. It may be that this same subcritical point is where the
ending up in a functionally connected, highly synchronized state, which flow network manifests and operates.
corresponds with the flow state (Huskey, Wilcox et al., 2018). This idea Given this scenario, it is also important to note that both “neural
is very similar to and sits within the concept of controllability (and context” and “situational context” are likely to play central roles in
network control theory Gu et al., 2015; Lydon-Staley et al., 2021). The determining exact changes in brain dynamics during flow. Neural
concept of controllability states that, in terms of energy efficiency, the context refers to the specific selective functioning of local neural pro­
brain optimizes its dynamics among distributed neural systems to, in this cesses as they are modulated by global neural influences, as distin­
case, respond to the demands of the environment. Thus, the brain or­ guished from situational context, which involves both internal
ganizes its dynamics to move through various cognitive states, with information from the periphery and external information from the
structurally dense areas facilitating easily reachable states, and more environment, as well as the behavioral demands this information places
distributed regions facilitating more difficult to reach states (e.g., the upon the brain and body (Bressler and McIntosh, 2007). While the
flow state). On this account, network control theory offers an underlying relationship between these two categories of context is not completely
theoretical framework for how the brain organizes its dynamics to meet understood, the research clearly shows situational context shapes neural
task demands (for everyday living, but also for flow). STF is the specific context—meaning context dependent, task-relevant cues constrain brain
case where two systems in the brain, cognitive control systems, and connectivity. This dependent relationship likely increases pattern
reward – based (i.e., intrinsic motivation) systems functionally syn­ recognition and cognitive flexibility, while decreasing (or constraining)
chronize to allow the brain to reach the flow state. the possible states the relevant networks can operate within (Weber and
Recent work has started to probe the nature of this fronto-parietal Fisher, 2020). In other words, in flow, situational context likely in­
control network (FPCN), and the fronto-parietal reward networks fluences the sub-critical set point toward which homeostatic plasticity
(FPRN) connectivity. Using fMRI, Huskey et al., 2021 found increased tunes the brain in order to maximize cognitive flexibility and minimize
flexibility among the FPCN and FPRN during flow, but decreased flexi­ prediction errors.
bility among the reward network only. They also found comparatively In flow, the above mechanism would allow the brain to constrain the
low levels of synchrony in the FPCN and FPRN during flow. Meta­ possible task-specific parameter space between connections of selected
stability offers one possible explanation for this finding. From a meta­ cortical areas, but loosen them in other areas, allowing for the unique
stability perspective, it is possible that the brain during flow is creativity that is commonly associated with flow. The specific changes in
appropriately segregated or integrated and oscillates between these both directed and undirected functional connectivity hypothesized here
tendencies, rather than being attracted to them but not entering either. make it possible for the brain to increase pattern recognition and
However, Huskey et al., 2021 did not find strong evidence supporting cognitive flexibility, but within a specific context. Recent evidence from
this metastability hypothesis. With that said, other research has shown Konovalov and Krajbich (2018) supports this, as they found the brain
that the brain does exhibit non-linear criticality during flow (Weber engages in a novel form of pattern learning. Using a Bayesian
et al., 2018). It may be that the null metastability results observed in pattern-learning inference model, they found that brain networks both
(Huskey et al., 2021) was driven by the limited temporal resolution of predict patterns, while simultaneously developing rules that increase the
fMRI. finding of future patterns. Thus, we surmise here that contextual pro­
So far, empirical work shows that the brain is organized into a cessing constrains creativity in a flow state, essentially creating a highly
modular network topology during flow (Huskey et al., 2021), this to­ constrained novelty detection system that is specifically tuned to in­
pology is energetically efficient (Huskey, Wilcox et al., 2018), and ex­ crease task-specific performance and learning.
hibits high levels of flexibility (Huskey et al., 2021), which is associated As applied to our hypothetical situation, during flow, and due to
with the successful deployment of cognitive control during difficult tasks homeostatic plasticity, the motorcyclist’s brain is much closer to the
(Cole et al., 2013). However, the exact nature of brain-network con­ edge-of-criticality inside a context-constrained search space. This allows
nectivity during flow is unresolved, and this connectivity may very well the rider to find all possible best action-plans for swerving around that
exhibit metastable characteristics. offending car, but saves the brain from cue-dependent yet task-
Therefore, we return to our discussion concerning criticality. Con­ irrelevant association—which is something that happens in other
trasted with the increase in disorder accompanying the onset of a psy­ altered states, such as dreaming or psychedelic states.
chedelic state, entry into flow appears to require a decrease in Finally, from a computational perspective, the above analysis sug­
disorder—that is, an integration of information—driven by behaviorally gests that a modelling approach may be useful for exploring flow, given
salient and cognitively demanding task-oriented input. Thus flow, that it is very difficult to study this cognitive phenomenon in an

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

ecological context. A sufficient model used to simulate the network example, if the swerve had been highly efficacious (as would be likely
conditions, as well as the environmental stimulus, may yield more during flow), then we would see increased neuronal activation in the
description, explanation and prediction for the onset of the state (see e. corresponding motor areas than would be present in novice, or other­
g., Bensaid et al., 2019). Melnikoff and colleagues (2022), using the wise low-efficacy swervers. Some preliminary evidence points in this
concept of mutual information, recently proposed and empirically direction. Flow is associated with increased activity in sensorimotor
validated a computational theory of the subjective experience of flow. cortex and the cerebellum (which is often implicated in fine-motor co­
This model is based on the concept of Bayesian surprise, which we ordination) compared to conditions of low-difficulty (Huskey et al.,
believe directly corresponds with our proposed involvement of the 2018). Interestingly, however, the brain-network topology associated
P300b surprise signal. Likewise, Itti and Baldi (2009) found that this with this activation is more sparsely connected (a measure of energetic
kind of surprise (like our motorcyclist scenario) attracts visual-spatial efficiency) during flow relative to a low-difficulty condition (Huskey
attention. We suggest that integrating this phenomenological model et al., 2018). Research shows that, for well-rehearsed tasks, more effi­
with some of the underlying neural mechanism described here, would be cient brain-network topologies are associated with increased perfor­
a reasonable future step. mance (Bassett et al., 2009). Upregulation in sensorimotor cortex and
One interesting element of Melnikoff et al’s (2022) model is that it cerebellum, combined with an efficient brain-network topology, might
directly contradicts one of the core causal antecedents of flow; that is, be a neural signature of the merger of action and awareness associated
the challenge/skill balance. This model shows empirically that flow can with flow. Indeed, the functionality of the challenge-skills balance as a
occur, even when the challenge/skill balance is low. Such a finding is flow trigger implies expertise and the presence of pre-existing motor
novel given that the challenge/skill balance is the most common in­ plans and/or knowledge structures that expertise demands.
duction in experimental flow research (see e.g., Huskey et al., 2018b,a,
2021; Keller and Bless, 2008; Keller and Blomann, 2008; Ulrich et al., 4.3. Time Perception
2014, 2016a,b, 2018, 2022). However, the challenge/skill balance has
come under some recent scrutiny as recent experimental work has failed As discussed, time dilation can be produced by a number of different
to detect a difference between self-reported flow when challenge ≈ skill mechanisms. Phasic DA signaling speeds up and/or slows down our
(flow) or when challenge < skill (Huskey et al., 2021). Therefore, it will perception of time, as does an increase in signaling in the salience
become increasingly important to further verify the extent to which network. Additionally, Dietrich and others have argued that temporal
mutual information, rather than the challenge/skill balance, explains integration is a prefrontal function and that time dilation would be a
when and why flow occurs. Early tests of this mutual information model byproduct of transient hypofrontality (2004). This presents a conun­
have been conducted in behavioral contexts (Melnikoff et al., 2022) but drum as research syntheses (Coull et al., 2011) and meta-analytic work
could be extended into neuroscientific contexts using existing datasets (Wiener et al., 2010) show that accurate time perception requires a
(e.g., Huskey et al., 2021). If it turns out that mutual information (and distributed network of activation across prefrontal (inferior frontal
Bayesian surprise more generally) do offer a causal explanation for flow, gyrus, precentral gyrus, supplemental motor area) and basal ganglia
then it becomes possible to link this mechanism with existing neuro­ structures (anterior putamen, caudate nucleus), regions which have all
scientific research (e.g., Nour et al., 2018; O’Reilly et al., 2013; been implicated in flow (see e.g., Huskey, Craighead et al., 2018; Klasen
Schwartenbeck et al., 2016). et al., 2011; Ulrich et al., 2014, 2016). If these regions are all required
for accurate time perception, and these regions also show increased
4. Linking neurobiology with phenomenology activity during flow, then the largescale hypofrontality hypothesis pro­
posed by Dietrich (2004) is not well supported.
At the start of this paper, we described criteria any robust explana­ A narrower interpretation of Dietrich’s (2004) hypothesis may pro­
tion of flow-onset should meet, specifically it needs to explain the six vide an answer. Many of the structures listed above are implicated in
core characteristics of flow, the functionality of the state’s triggers, and “explicit” (how long a stimulus lasts, or the interstimulus interval) or
the state’s well-documented impact on performance. Does this expla­ “implicit” (using temporal information to achieve specific task goals)
nation satisfy these requirements? To answer this question, we revisit timing (Coull et al., 2011). Both types of time perception may be crucial
the six core phenomenological characteristics of flow and explore this for accomplishing challenging tasks that are associated with the flow
proposal’s ability to account for all six. experience. However, there is evidence of localized hypofrontality,
particularly in the mPFC, during flow. The mPFC is a core structure in
4.1. Complete concentration the DMN, and a consistent body of research shows that the mPFC and
DMN are downregulated during flow (see e.g., Huskey, Craighead et al.,
As discussed, flow is a state of complete concentration, but how this 2018; Huskey, Wilcox et al., 2018; Ulrich et al., 2014, 2016a,b, 2022).
concentration arises has yet to be determined. If we assume an error The DMN is also implicated in conscious awareness of time’s passing
signal (ERP) at the onset of flow, then the resulting activity in the (Lloyd, 2012). Therefore, it could be that just mPFC deactivation (as
salience network and the NE-induced amplification of attention could proposed by Dietrich, 2004), but not a large scale downregulation of the
serve as the gateway into complete concentration. Similarly, recent DMN, explains temporal dilation during flow.
computational modeling work (Frömer et al., 2021; Grahek et al., 2022) So far, we have discussed time’s passage during flow in terms of
shows that early prediction errors inform people about task efficacy and dilation. However, research suggests that, in some cases of flow, the
the expected value of reward associated with effort. When efficacy or perception of time speeds up. Keller and Bless (2008) found subjects
expected reward value is low, people allocate less effort compared to reported time went by faster while experiencing flow playing a video
when efficacy and reward are high. Considering that flow is a highly game. Additionally, Rutrecht et al. (2021), obtained a similar result in a
rewarding psychological state that requires high levels of efficacy, it is virtual reality game scenario. Others have found that a perception of
likely that these early prediction error signals influence subsequent time passing rapidly is associated with increased levels of flow and task
control deployment. Furthermore, it is likely that phasic DA release performance (Christandl et al., 2018). Indeed, ample evidence suggests
helps sustain that focus over time. that time often passes rapidly during flow (for a review see Barthelmäs
and Keller, 2021).
4.2. Merger of action and awareness Regrettably, this ambiguity between time dilation and the speeded
experience of time is prevalent in the flow literature. For instance,
The merger of action and awareness is less empirically tractable, but prominent self-report measures of flow, including the DFS-2 and FFS-2
likely correlates with the efficiency of motor activity. In our motorcycle (Jackson and Eklund, 2004) fail to distinguish between the two. Even

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

Csikszentmihalyi has contributed to this ambiguity by noting that time is increased activity within, and functional connectivity between reward
“distorted”, although he does argue that the speeded experience of time processing regions (Huskey et al., 2018b,a, 2021; Klasen et al., 2012;
may be more common (Nakamura and Csikszentmihalyi, 2005). At the Ulrich et al., 2014, 2016a).
same time, there is some evidence (Heim, 1892, Eagleman, 2009, Kotler, In animal models, acute stress releases dynorphin into the NAcc
2013) that time dilation is more frequently reported in high-risk situa­ which downregulates DA and has been correlated with learned help­
tions than time acceleration. Therefore, the nature of time perception, lessness and depressive symptoms (Kram et al., 2002). This may explain
and its neural substrates during flow, remains an open question. the division between flow and trauma, as this would occur in the trauma
scenario, while the flow scenario seems likely to require enkephalin
4.4. The Vanishing of Self release (which is associatd with feelings of euphoria, see Boecker et al.,
2008). As applied to our motorcycle hypothetical situation, once the
Dietrich and others have correlated the diminishment of our sense of swerve produces better than expected results, enkephalins would be
self to transient and localized mPFC hypofrontality (Dietrich, 2004). released. These chemicals both increase DA production (Kalivas and
This also tracks with research by Kotler & Murphy (forthcoming) Duffy, 1990), which would further enhance motivation and increase
showing that subjects report time dilation before they report the van­ autotelicity. Finally, work by Henry et al. (2017) relates heightened
ishing of self. If time is first dilated by activity in the salience network enkephalin signaling to the development of resilience, suggesting an
and the increase and/or decline in phasic DA (non-hypofrontal mecha­ opioid-related mechanism for the post-traumatic growth we see in the
nisms) and the vanishing of self is a result of localized mPFC hypo­ flow-condition motorcyclist.
frontality, this mechanism could match the reported evidence.
Research shows a consistent downregulation of the DMN during flow 4.7. Flow triggers and performance benefits
(see e.g., Huskey, Craighead et al., 2018; Huskey, Wilcox et al., 2018;
Ulrich et al., 2014, 2016a,b, 2022). In addition to temporal perception, The neuronal processes outlined in this paper offer a potential
the DMN is heavily implicated in self-referential processing (for a explanation of both flow’s triggers and flow’s performance benefits. We
meta-analysis, see Northoff et al., 2006). It could very well be that this again emphasize that more research is needed for demonstrating the
DMN downregulation explains the diminished self-awareness that is causal role of the triggers and their relationship with performance. On
commonly experienced during flow. Additionally, Klasen et al. (2012) the trigger side, clear goals, immediate feedback, the challenge-skills
found deactivation in the temporal parietal junction during a study of balance, novelty, complexity, unpredictability, risk, insight, curiosity,
flow in video gamers. As described above, the TPJ has been implicated in passion, autonomy, mastery and purpose, all engage the seeking system
both embodied and disembodied (out of body) experiences (Blanke and and activate phasic DA release. It is likely that any sudden change in DA
Arzy, 2005) and could play an additional role in the diminishment of our signaling and activity in the salience network—triggered either exter­
sense of self. nally or internally—can (but will not always) result in flow. Moreover,
and as discussed elsewhere, it seems these reward signals appear to bias
4.5. A sense of control the deployment of control, which should further facilitate task perfor­
mance. Now, from a descriptive perspective, flow’s triggers engage
A sense of control could be produced by either phasic DA increases multiple systems and processes, and thus the proposal in this paper
and/or a series of P300 ERPs—as both reflect better than expected re­ describes how global neurocognitive changes in the brain are associated
sults from task execution. As DA also increases pattern recognition and with those triggers.
amplifies muscle reaction times, these performance benefits could On the performance side, the significant increase in salience network
further contribute to the phenomenological experience of control. activity, especially the LC-NE system, coupled to an increase in dopa­
Indeed, error signals associated with reward and self-efficacy guide the minergic signaling could account for flow’s heightening of both intrinsic
deployment of control (Frömer et al., 2021; Grahek et al., 2022). motivation and learning rates (Pekrun, 1992; Seli et al., 2016; Tyng
Moreover, the FPCN, a core network in control deployment, is both et al., 2017). This increase in DA signaling could also partially explain
flexible and modular during flow (Huskey et al., 2021). This flexibility is flow’s impact on creativity and innovation, as DA also amplifies pattern
associated with successful control deployment during difficult tasks recognition. Additionally, as DA signaling correlates with an increase in
(Cole et al., 2013), and modularity is associated with energetic effi­ positive affect and positive affect has been shown to increase the like­
ciency (Bullmore and Sporns, 2012) and increased task performance lihood that the dACC will discover remote associations and activate
(Bassett, 2009). Finally, as the dACC aids in action plan selection and weakly recalled action plans, this could be a further mechanism for
remote action plan detection—two neuronal activities that, at least hy­ enhanced creativity (Kounios et al., 2006; Kounios and Jung-Beeman,
pothetically, should impact our phenomenological sense of control—it is 2014). Myers et al. (2016) found that grit correlated with ventral
further likely that the dACC activity proposed in this paper would striatal networks extending to the mPFC and rostral ACC, while Tour­
further correspond to that sense of control. outoglou et al. (2018) discovered that the ACC is the central hub for
tenacity-persistence in the face of challenges. Both of these systems
4.6. Autotelicity would be active in a flow scenario and could account for the downstream
development of grit and resilience that has been correlated with
In this scenario, autotelicity can be produced by the significant in­ post-traumatic growth. Moreover, recent neuroimaging studies on grit in
crease in dopaminergic signaling described in T + 3 and T + 7. In their academic performance link the trait to heightened spontaneous resting
excellent overview of the neurobiology of intrinsic motivation, Di state activity in the right dlPFC (Wang et al., 2017). This finding cor­
Domenico and Ryan (2017) argue that heightened activity in responds to research by Nakagawa et al. (2016), who state: “The dlPFC
salience-coding DA neurons accounts for the amplified intrinsic moti­ seems to be the main neural correlate of post-traumatic growth.”
vation of the autotelic experience. This idea receives further support
from both de Manzano et al. (2013) and Gyurkovics et al. (2016) who 5. The flow versus trauma question
both found empirical evidence linking DA activity to the autotelic nature
of flow. Furthermore, studies consistently associate heightened intrinsic In our hypothetical example, why does one motorcyclist experience
motivation with increased activity in the salience network and the ex­ flow and another traumatic stress? Before we explore alterations in
ecutive attention network and decreased activity in the default mode underlying neurobiological mechanisms that account for this difference
network (for complete review, see Di Domenico and Ryan, 2017). This is in psychological outcome, an examination of the similarities between
further bolstered by evidence showing that flow is associated with experiences is worth considering. Both flow and traumatic stress are

S. Kotler et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 143 (2022) 104956

altered states that arise during waking conscious experience, both improvisation and innovation (Amabile et al., 2005; Csikszentmihalyi,
require activation of similar large-scale brain networks and neuro­ 1997; Doyle, 2017), (b) learning and education (Rathunde and Csiks­
modulatory systems. Yet, it is within the actions of those neuro­ zentmihalyi, 2005; Berka et al., 2007; Craig et al., 2004), (c) motivation
modulatory systems that we can start this discussion. and productivity (Bryce and Haworth, 2002; Csikszentmihalyi, 1990;
One of the larger neurobiological differences between flow and Rheinberg and Engeser, 2018), (d) cooperation and collaboration
trauma involves phasic DA. As reviewed earlier, in flow, there is an in­ (Sawyer, 2015; Shehata et al., 2020; van den Hout et al., 2018), (e)
crease in phasic DA signaling that results from both the “fight response” well-being, meaning, purpose and eudaimonic values (Bonaiuto et al.,
and/or the successful execution of the initial “swerve” motor-action 2016; Seligman et al., 2007; Csikszentmihalyi and Nakamura, 2014), (f)
plan. This surge does not occur in trauma, because, while the execu­ appreciation for nature/environmental awareness (Bonaiuto, 2016;
tion of the same “swerve” motor-action occurs, in the trauma-scenarios anecdotally, also see Kotler, 2006, 2013), (g) empathy (Bachen et al.,
it is a fear-inducing stimulus. More specifically, rebound-excitation 2016; Mesurado et al., 2016; Vaillant, 2008), (h) grit, perseverance, and
theory (J.C. Lee et al., 2016; E.M. Lee et al., 2016) proposes that DA burnout (Aust et al., 2022; Constantinescu et al., 2017; Salanova, 2006;
neurons rebound—that is, reactivate phasic DA signaling—at the Von Culin et al., 2014; Amabile and Kramer, 2007), (i) intuition (Bolte
termination of fearful experiences, putting a “brake” on fear-excitation et al., 2003; Doyle, 2017; Järvilehto, 2016, see “Intuition and Flow” in
by supplying intrinsic safety signals. This increase in phasic DA also Flow Experience), and (j) perception (Sinnett et al., 2020).
explains why our flow-condition motorcyclist does not have fearful The theoretical model for the transition into flow outlined in this
memories, as the amygdala-connected, ECS-modulated, DA neurons in paper is unique in the literature as it lays out a neurobiologically plau­
the mPFC, via connections to the amygdala, play a crucial role in sup­ sible explanation for the flow’s onset thereby offering predictive insights
pressing hyperarousal and promoting fear extinction (Milad et al., 2009; and testable hypotheses — specifically, a set of neuro-markers that may
Fenster et al., 2018). be associated with flow onset and/or flow itself. First, this model pre­
Concurrent to this flow-condition increase in DA signaling, activity dicts that flow comprises a unique pattern of brain network activation,
in the endocannabinoid system is likely to further down-regulate the distinct from other similar states of consciousness, e.g., hyperfocus,
amygdala, thus promoting fear-extinction while reducing responses to psychedelic states, and deep meditative states. If this is correct, then
conditioned fear cues and the retrieval of fearful memories (Atsak et al., flow can be characterized as a phenomenologically distinct experience.
2012, Bitencourt et al., 2008). This would not happen in our trauma Second, although current neuroimaging methods may not be able to
condition, which helps explain why PTSD sufferers show heightened ascertain whether some of these neurobiological mechanisms are at
activity in the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex reflecting work during the transition into flow (particularly as described in our
over-expression of this network and the experience of “hyper-vigilance” hypothetical situation), future technological advances (e.g., wearable
(Szeszko and Yehuda, 2019). functional near-infrared spectroscopy [FNIRS] or EEG devices) may
Additionally, work by Jasnow et al. (2013) shows that facilitate the discovery of these mechanisms. Third, and perhaps most
fear-extinction is a less robust process than fear-creation. In this process, importantly, if contrasting neurobiological outcomes distinguish flow
inputs from the vmPFC and hippocampus activate when there is safety from traumatic stress, this would be particularly important as flow could
learning after fearful exposure (Hartley and Phelps, 2010), something be used as a possible therapeutic approach to PTSD, and resilience more
that is likely to occur in our flow condition. The opposite is true for broadly (see Tabibnia, 2020). As initial evidence pointing in this di­
trauma, as reduced activation of the vmPFC heightens fearful responses rection, research shows that increased cognitive control (which flow
and the creation of fear-based memories (Jovanovic et al., 2012). seems to require) is associated with decreased PTSD symptoms (White
et al., 2018).
6. Summary At the same time, there are several important questions that shape
inquiry into the neural basis of flow. For instance, we have outlined
The ideas presented herein suggest that there is a cortico-striatal- numerous flow triggers that are thought to causally elicit the flow
thalamic loop that governs the onset of flow. We have also proposed experience. Excluding the challenge/skill balance, the evidence for
that the basal ganglia, thalamus, amygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate nearly all of these triggers is correlational. Therefore, the causal role of
cortex are involved. Activity in this loop is modulated by a combination these triggers remains uncertain. Similarly, we cannot identify a single
of endocannabinoid, dopaminergic and noradrenergic signaling. More­ study that systematically manipulates all triggers to identify if all are
over, this hypothesis suggests that loop activation is downstream from simultaneously necessary to elicit flow. Said differently, the necessary
the fight response and the arrival of a series of P300 waves or, at the very and sufficient conditions that elicit flow require further investigation.
least, an increase of phasic DA in the VTA. More broadly, a “flow Similarly, we consider the phenomenological characteristics of what
network” is beginning to emerge where signals from the FPCN and it is like to be in flow (complete concentration, merger of action and
reward structures are integrated (see also, Weber et al., 2009). In fact, awareness, time dilation, the vanishing self, a sense of control, autote­
and as argued earlier, it appears that the salience network facilitates the licity). Csikszentmihalyi (1990) has argued that all six characteristics
transition into the flow network (for an extended treatment, see Weber describe the flow experience. Here again, the evidence for these char­
and Fisher, 2020). acteristics is largely correlational, and based on retrospective-self report
Overall, our exploration of a neurobiological account for the onset of measures. There is a dire need to systematically, and experimentally,
flow includes various perspectives, including both neuroscientific and confirm the presence of all six characteristics during flow.
phenomenological ones. We believe that, by incorporating this account One challenge is that this confirmation will largely rely on
into a broader framework with other cognitive states—i.e., PTSD and the comparing self-reported measures for these six phenomenological
psychedelic state—we gain a deeper insight into the neurocognitive characteristics, in a flow condition relative to non-flow conditions. Such
processes associated with flow. an approach makes it possible to claim that a flow condition elicits more
self-reported flow than a non-flow condition (for examples, see e.g.,
6.1. Open questions, future directions and research initiatives Huskey et al., 2018b,a, 2021; Keller and Bless, 2008; Ulrich et al., 2014,
2016a,b, 2018, 2022). Defining flow in comparison to non-flow is use­
While flow’s considerable impact on performance is widely docu­ ful, but comes with its own challenges. How much self-reported flow is
mented, these effects are rarely accounted for in the neurobiological required to say that someone is truly experiencing flow? Surely the score
descriptions of the state. Yet any theoretical overview of flow should should be above the scale mid-point. But by how much? And by how
include the state’s impact on cognitive performance, with specific much on each of flow’s six phenomenological characteristics? Are all six
attention paid to its impact on the following categories: (a) creativity, characteristics always present during flow? Right now, we do not have

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