Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 11 Earth and Life Science

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Teacher: GLENMAR V. AZARCON Semester: 2nd Semester

Teaching Date: May 30, 2023 No. of Hours: 60 mins


A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates an understanding of plant and animal
organ systems and their function.
B. Performance Standard
The learner shall be able to develop a presentation (e.g. role
playing, dramatization and other forms of multimedia) to show how an
organism maintains homeostasis through the interaction of the various
organ systems in the body.

C. Most Essential Learning Competency

Compare and contrast the following processes in plants and
animals: reproduction, development, nutrition, gas exchange,
transport/circulation, regulation of body fluids, chemical and nervous
control, immune systems, and sensory and motor mechanisms.

D. Specific Learning Objectives

At the end of the 60-minute discussion, 80% of the students are able
a. Define gas exchange in plants.
b. Value the importance of gas exchange among living organisms.
c. Determine the process of gas exchange in plants.


A. Topic: Gas Exchange in Plants
B. Material/s: TV/LCD Projector, Power point presentation,
visual aids
C. Reference/s: DepED SLM General Biology 2, Quarter 2, Module 4


Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings
- Good morning, class! - Good morning,
b. Prayer
- Kindly stand up for an opening prayer. Student A, - (Student A will
kindly lead the opening prayer. lead the
opening prayer)
c. Checking of Attendance
- Do we have absentees for today? - (Class monitor
Class monitor, kindly list down the names of the will list the
absentees and give it to me later. Also, please do names of
not forget to fill in the daily attendance chart. absent students
and fill in the
d. Motivation
- Every day is a new opportunity to learn. Do you - Yes, sir!
believe in that class?
- But do you also believe that there is fun in - Yes, sir!
- Alright! Before we will proceed with our discussion,
let us have a game.
- Are you familiar with “4 Pics, 1 word?” - Yes, sir!
- Very good! Are you ready, class? - Yes, sir!
(The teacher will flash the pictures on the TV/LCD

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

- Class, what can you say about the picture? What - I think the
does it show? Anyone who can guess? answer is
- Yes, Student B. Plants, sir.
- Very good! Yes, the answer is Plants!
- Now, I can see that you are now and on set to
learn something new today.
B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
- This morning, we will have an activity called
“Breathing and Exercise”.
- Each one of you will be provided with an activity
card where you will write observations later.
- Are you ready? - Yes, sir!
- Very good! Now, let me read to you the instruction.
- Normal breathing rates from 12-25 times per
minute. In this activity, you will compare your
breathing rate at rest to your breathing rate after
- Here is what we need to do:
- Sit quietly and breathe for one minute. While you
are doing this, count the number of breath (in and
out is one count) you take.
- Your 60 seconds starts now!
(Students will start
counting their
- Now, write your breathing rate in the activity card. breathing rate)
- This time, I need you all to stand up.
- Jog in place for 30 seconds, then sit down after.
Count the number of breath for one minute.
- Now, write your breathing rate in the activity card.

- Now, stand up again and jog in place for 1 minute, (Students will start
then sit down and count your number of breaths in counting their
one minute. breathing rate)

- Record your breathing rate in your activity cards.

Activity Card:

Activity Breathing Rate

After 30 seconds of
After 1 minute of
b. Analysis
- How did exercise affect your breathing rate? - Breathing rate
Anybody who can answer? increases
during exercise,
- Very good! sir.
- What other factors besides exercise might - Stress, sir.
influence your normal breathing rate? Anybody?
- Yes, that is true. Sometimes it even leads to
hyperventilation where you have rapid breathing
and panic attacks.
- Did you notice that your breathing change with - Because our
exercise? Can anybody give a possible reason for body uses more
this change? oxygen and
produces more
carbon dioxide,
- Yes, that is correct!
- This morning, what we will discuss is related to
exchange of gasses.
c. Abstraction
- One of the most essential events in the everyday
life of a living organism is the exchange of gasses.
This process is important as it keeps organisms
- Do you believe in that class? - Yes, sir!
- In humans, what type of gas do we take in? - Oxygen, sir!
- How about the type of gas we release? - Carbon dioxide,
- Yes, very good! The exchange of gasses in a
human body keeps us alive.
- Did you know that exchange of gasses also
happens in plants, and these exchange of gasses
also keeps plants alive.
- This morning, we will be discussing on the Gas
Exchange in Plants and we will understand how
does the gas exchange in plants takes place.
- Does anybody know what are the gasses needed - Carbon dioxide,
by plants? Anyone? sir!
- Very good!
- Gas exchange in plants refers to the process by
which plants take in carbon dioxide and releases
oxygen through tiny pores called stomata.
- Remember that plants do not breathe, they only
- Plants obtain gasses they need through their
leaves. They require oxygen for respiration and
carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
- Now, let us observe this model on how gas
exchange happens in plants.
- To further understand the gas exchange process in
plants, let us watch this video presentation.
d. Application
- The class will be divided into 4. The first and
second column will be group 1, the third and fourth
column will be group 2, the fifth and sixth column
will be group 3 and the last two columns will be
group 4.
- Each group will be provided an envelope.
- Inside the envelope is an illustration of a plant and
and the steps of gas exchange in plants.
- What you will do is show the gas exchange in
plants by determining the steps of gas exchange
and identifying the parts where the certain steps
- Each group will be given 5 minutes to complete the - None so far, sir.
- One representative will present your output in front.
Any questions?
- Okay, you may now stay with your group and start.
C. Generalization
- Why do you think gas exchange is important - Because it
among living organisms? Anybody? helps
organisms to
live and
survive, sir.
- Very good! What happens when plants are not - Plants will not
able to take in carbon dioxide? be able to do
meaning they
will not be able
to release
oxygen, sir.
- What happens to humans if gas exhange in plants - Plants will not
will not take place? survive, sir.
- Yes that is true.
- Gas exchange in plants is very important because
it affects everything around us.
- When plants give off oxygen, it supplies humans
with oxygen needed for respiration. And it keeps
our environement cooler. Meaning it can improve
our health.
- Another, when plants take in carbon dioxide,
photosynthesis takes place, and this process is
why we have wheat, rice, fruits and vegetables.
- Basically, without gas exhange in plants, no forms
of life will exist.
D. Values Integration
- Considering your knowledge in gas exchange in (Students will provide
plants and what are the possible effects if there will varied answers)
be no plants around us, as a senior high school
student, what would you do to ensure that there
will be enough plants in your community?

E. Evaluation

In a ¼ sheet of paper. Answer the following questions.

Direction. Write T if the statement is TRUE, and write F if the statement is FALSE.
1. Gas exchange in plants can take place in stomata.
2. Plants takes in oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide.
3. Roots absorb water and dissolves minerals from the soil.
4. One of the most essential events in the everyday life of a living organism is
the exchange of gasses.
5. Without gas exhange in plants, life is possible.

G. Assignment
Study on the gas exhange in animals (vertibrates and invertibrates).

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