Lillie 2015
Lillie 2015
Lillie 2015
Microelectronics Reliability
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Article history: While the transition to lead-free electronics, which began nearly a decade ago, is complete for most com-
Received 24 June 2014 mercial products, many safety, mission and infrastructure critical systems that were originally exempt
Received in revised form 1 February 2015 from RoHS and WEEE are only now transitioning. For these types of products qualification is very expen-
Accepted 17 February 2015
sive and the consequences of failure can be catastrophic, therefore carefully engineered control plans are
Available online 26 March 2015
needed when technology or process changes are required. A control plan is a set of activities that a manu-
facturer can choose or be required to perform to ensure product performance. This paper uses cost-based
FMEA to determine the projected cost of failure consequence for a technology insertion control plan for
Lead-free solder
Cost modeling
the adoption of lead-free solder for the assembly of electronic systems in critical applications that pre-
Reliability viously used tin–lead solder. A case study of the lead-free implementation of a power supply demon-
Control plan strates the return on investment of the control plan for the same product under to different risk scenarios.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0026-2714/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
970 E. Lillie et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 55 (2015) 969–979
Sandborn and Jafreen [8] develop a cost model for assessing the maintenance. Taubel [18] implements a similar approach for the
cost ramifications on an organization of transitioning from tin–lead calculation of a total ‘‘mishap cost’’ by relating the known costs
to lead-free parts. Neither [7] nor [8] address qualification or risk associated with mishaps to the probability of mishap for different
control activities, or the impact of these activities on the cost of a severities of mishap. In Taubel’s model, the definition of mishap
system implemented with lead-free solder. This paper describes derives from the Department of Defense’s Military Standard 882C
a model that analyzes the risk and cost implications, good or [19]: ‘‘an unplanned event or series of events resulting in death,
bad, of adopting activities in the risk control plan for lead-free sol- injury, occupational illness, or damage to or loss of equipment or
der. We are not addressing the tradeoffs associated with conver- property, or damage to the environment’’.
sion from tin–lead to lead-free solder (the models in [7,8] can be The models developed in [16–18] form the basis for the model
used for this) – we implicitly assume that a conversion decision used in this paper, which is described in the remainder of this sec-
has already been made or mandated. The purpose of the analysis tion. We have extended these models so that technologies can be
described in this paper is to quantify the ramifications of the con- inserted at various levels of rigor, and there is uncertainty in the
version and establish the value of activities designed to mitigate life-cycle cost of the system and effectiveness of the technologies
the conversion risks. We also wish to understand how the cost- in reducing failures. The model in this paper also replaces the
effectiveness of adopting lead-free solder changes when the appli- FMEA probability of occurrence with discrete event simulation
cation (i.e. risk environment) changes; although application based reliability sampling. The model presented here predicts rela-
changes do not necessarily change the consequence of failure, for tive costs (cost differences between cases) rather than absolute
the particular applications considered in this paper the application costs, and our model is directed toward the activities necessary
changes the consequences of failure significantly. to implement and qualify a technology insertion (specifically a
Section 2 of this paper describes the technology insertion model lead-free control plan).
used to assess the cost of risk of using lead-free solder in systems.
Section 3 applies the cost of risk model to a power supply imple- 2.2. Multiple severity model
mented in two different risk scenarios and demonstrates that the
optimum control plan differs depending on the usage scenario. In order to assess the cost of risk associated with technology
Finally, Section 4 discusses the results and suggests analysis insertion (lead-free solder in our case) we will determine the dif-
extensions. ference in failure consequence costs between the system with
and without the technology change. Note that the method
described in this section does not calculate the actual life-cycle
2. Technology insertion cost of risk model cost of the system, but rather the cost difference between the res-
olution and consequences of failure for the two cases while assum-
2.1. Review of relevant literature ing that other life-cycle cost contributions are a ‘‘wash’’. This is
referred to as a ‘‘relative accuracy’’ cost model in [20].
Barringer [9] defines the cost of reliability as those costs that are Systems can fail in different ways, and all failures do not
used to keep the system free from failure. Models that estimate the necessarily have the same financial consequences. A system failure
cost of reliability based on Barringer’s definition include [10,11]. that requires maintenance (repair) might cost less than a failure
Models based on the risk of failure where failures are ranked based that requires the system owner to replace the system. Ideally the
on severity and likelihood of occurrence have also been developed. system owner needs to predict the cost of all the failure events that
Hauge and Johnston [12] define risk as ‘‘the product of the severity are expected to occur over the life of the fleet of systems, taking
of a failure and the probability of that failure’s occurrence’’. In [12], into account that those systems can fail multiple times, in multiple
the severity and occurrence ratings are multiplied together to give ways, and with different financial consequences of failure depend-
a total magnitude of the risk due to the failure. Perera and ing how the systems fail.
Holsomback [13] describe a NASA risk management approach, Taubel [18] calculates a total mishap cost by plotting the known
which prioritizes risks based on likelihood and severity, with equal costs associated with mishaps versus the probability of mishap for
weight given to both factors. Perera and Holsomback identified different severities of mishap (e.g. Fig. 1). In the model, each sever-
risks from ‘‘fault-tree analysis results, failure modes and effects ity level has a distinct cost and an associated probability of occur-
analysis (FMEA) results, test data, expert opinion, brainstorming, rence. The area under the curve is the expected total mishap cost.
hazard analysis, lessons learned from other project/programs, A mitigation activity is a process that may reduce the overall
technical analysis or trade studies and other resources’’. Sun expected number of mishaps at specific severity levels. Each mit-
et al. [14] describe a software cost of reliability model that incorpo- igation activity is assumed to affect a specified set of severity levels
rates the severity level of failures. Sun et al. claim that the risk from and does not change the probability of a failure for the other
a defect in software depends on both the failure rate of the defect severity levels.
and the severity level of the defect. According to Sun et al., the risk
of a defect is defined as ‘‘the expected loss if [the defect] remains in
the released software’’. Another concept introduced in the litera- Severity Level 1
ture is the cost of risk. Liu and Boggs [15], in their paper on cable
life, define the cost of risk as ‘‘the cost to a [electric] utility associ- $1,000,000
ated with early cable failure’’ and the cost of failure as ‘‘the cost to
replace the cable’’. Liu and Boggs define the cost of risk as the cost
Severity Level 2
of failures that occur before the end of the service life of the
product. Severity Level 3
Rhee and Ishii [16] introduced a cost-based failure modes and
effects (FMEA) approach to measure the cost of risk and apply it Level 4
to the selection of design alternatives. Kmenta and Ishii [17] use 1.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01
scenario-based FMEA to evaluate risk using probability and cost. Probability
Scenario-based FMEA uses predicted failure costs to make
decisions about investments in reliability improvement versus Fig. 1. Multiple severity model (after [18]).
E. Lillie et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 55 (2015) 969–979 971
The model described in this section determines the expected 1. Determine all relevant failure modes
number of failures at each severity level rather than calculating
the probability of failure at each severity level. This is done because
some failures may occur more than once during the life of the pro- 2. Determine the expected number of
duct, hence the cost of (multiple) failures is accounted for. We refer occurrences and costs per occurrence for each
to this as the Projected Cost of Failure Consequences (PCFC) for the failure mode
fleet (population) of products.1 An overview of the steps in the
model is shown in Fig. 2.
The first step in the model is to identify and describe each rele- 3. Determine the total cost of failure
vant failure by determining the part affected by the failure, and the
failure mode, cause, and mechanism associated with an occurrence
of that failure. Additionally, each failure is defined by an applica- 4. Select a set of migang acvies
tion-specific severity level. The severity level determines the cost
associated with an occurrence of the failure.
5. Determine the cost of performing the
Next, the number of failures expected to occur over the service
migang acvates and repeat steps 2 and
life of the product at each severity level are determined. This is an
application-specific calculation (see the case study in Section 3 for
3 with the migaon acvies used
the methodology used). The collective expected number of failures
for each severity level is called the severity level profile. The 6. Determine the ROI of performing the acvies
calculation of the expected number of failures per product per unit
lifetime for each distinct severity level is given by: Fig. 2. Modeling steps.
fi ¼ fj ð1Þ assigned an expected cost associated with the consequences of
the occurrence of a failure of that severity.3
The transformation of FMMEA ratings to numerical values of
where fi is the expected number of failures of severity i per product
cost and expected number of failures is application specific. The
per unit lifetime; and n is the number of ways a product can experi-
cost associated with a certain severity of failure and expected
ence failure at severity level i.
number of failures for a given frequency rating could vary based
on several factors including: operating conditions, the context
2.3. Using FMMEA data to determine the initial PCFC the system is being used in, and the length of the service life.
Using an expected number of occurrences for each failure sever-
Assuming a repairable system, each failure experienced by the ity, and a cost associated with each occurrence at every failure, the
system is described by two characteristics: the severity of failure PCFC for the system can be determined. Fig. 3 shows a plot of the
and the frequency of occurrence of that failure. Severity correlates expected number of failures and cost associated with each failure
to the cost of the actions that the system or product owner will for five severity levels. The vertical axis is the number of failures
have to take to correct or compensate for the effects of a failure expected to occur per product per service life. The service life is
after it has occurred. One possible source of data for determining the required life the system, expressed in years or temperature
a PCFC is a Failure Modes, Mechanisms, and Effects Analysis cycles. The horizontal axis is the cost per failure event.4
(FMMEA) report (e.g. [21]).2 The cost and number of failures for each severity level are con-
Most FMMEAs in use today qualitatively describe severity and nected and form a curve as shown in Fig. 3. The area under this
frequency of failure, whereas to be used in this model each failure’s curve is the PCFC for the system.
severity and frequency must be quantitatively defined. Each fail- Z Em
ure’s severity and frequency will be used to determine: (1) the PCFCinitial ¼ CðxÞdx ð2Þ
expected cost that the system owner will incur for every instance E1
of the occurrence of that failure, and (2) the number of times the where E1 is the expected number of severity level 1 failures (Em is
failure is expected to occur over the service life of the system. the expected number of severity level m failures); m is the number
For example, in the FMMEA used for the case study in this of severity levels under consideration and C(x) is the cost of a failure
paper, severity of failure is rated on a scale of 1–5, with a severity event occurring at severity level x.
5 failure defined as a minor nuisance and a severity 1 failure In practice the area of the discrete trapezoids formed by the
defined as a catastrophic failure. Each of these severities must be points in the curve are determined and summed using,
To clarify, the models used in [18] and in this paper (although not exactly the PCFCinitial ¼ ½Eði þ 1Þ þ 0:5EðiÞ½Cði þ 1Þ CðiÞ ð3Þ
same – see Section 2.3) are continuous risk models, i.e. they assume that probabilities i¼1
are continuous, therefore the PCFC is defined as the area under the curve. However,
some risk models assume the probabilities are discrete, in which case the cost of where E(x) is the expected number of failures per product per unit
failure would be calculated be the sum of the probability of failure at each discrete lifetime of point (severity level) x on the curve.
severity level multiplied by the cost of failure resolution at the corresponding severity
level. Both approaches are valid, continuous risk is assumed in this paper.
2 3
A FMMEA categorizes failure events and assigns each event a rating for its It should be noted that FMMEAs also describe the frequency of failure on a
severity and likelihood of occurrence. Alternatively, a Failure Modes and Effects qualitative scale (this is usually called the ‘‘probability of occurrence’’). Kmenta and
Analysis (FMEA) or a Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) could also Ishii [17] use the probability of occurrence; however, in the model presented in this
be used as a source of data on the severities and frequencies of the ways a system paper, the expected number of failures per product per service life are determined
could fail. A FMEA is very similar to a FMMEA, except that a FMEA does not analyze from reliability distributions, not generated from the FMMEA.
the mechanisms associated with each failure. Additionally, a FMECA is an extension of The model described in this paper assumes that the cost of failure decreases
a FMMEA that includes a criticality analysis. Criticality analysis is a method of linearly between severity levels. The assumed linear decrease appears as shown in
prioritizing failures after each failure is assigned a severity and occurrence rating, Figs. 3 and 4 when graphed on a log–log plot. For the plots in the case study, the lines
where the highest priority failures (those to be dealt with first), are those with the between severity levels are represented by straight lines (on the log–log plots) for
highest aggregate severity and occurrence ratings. graphical convenience.
972 E. Lillie et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 55 (2015) 969–979
life of the product, the non-recurring (NRE) cost for each level of
rigor, and the particular failure modes, failure mechanisms, failure
causes, and parts the activity will impact if performed.
The cost of performing all activities, called the Total
Service Life
Implementation Cost, (CTotal) is calculated according to,
Severity Level 5
Severity Level 4
Severity Level 3
Severity Level 2
Severity Level 1
0.000001 X
failure causes, and parts. If an activity affects the mode, mecha- PCFCmodified ¼ CðxÞdx ð6Þ
nism, cause, or part that corresponded to a failure in the FMMEA
used to create the initial severity level profile, then if that activity where E1f is the expected number of severity level 1 failures after
is performed, the expected number of failures will change. Eq. (4) activities are considered and Emf is the expected number of sever-
shows the calculation of the new expected number of failures after ity level m failures after activities are considered.
activities are performed. The difference between the initial PCFC and the modified PCFC,
called the Reduction in Failure Cost is calculated as,
Nf f ¼ Nf i PR ði; RÞ ð4Þ Reduction in Failure Cost ¼ PCFCInitial PCFCModified ð7Þ
The Reduction in Failure Cost can be graphically represented as
where Nff is the number of failures expected to occur over the ser- the difference in the areas under the curves in Fig. 4. The top curve
vice life of the product for a particular failure listed in the FMMEA is the expected number of failures versus PCFC before activities are
after considering activities; Nfi is the number of failures expected considered, and the bottom curve is the expected numbers of fail-
to occur over the service life of the product for a particular failure ures versus PCFC after activities are considered.
listed in a the FMMEA before considering activities; PR (i, R) is the
fractional reduction in the expected number of failures to occur 2.5. Calculating return on investment
over the service life of the product due to performing activity i; q
is the number of activities performed that affect the failure under The final step in the model is to calculate the Return on
consideration; and R is the level of rigor activity i is performed at. Investment or ROI. The ROI is defined as the difference between
return and investment divided by investment. In this model, the
investment is the money spent on performing activities, the Total
Implementation Cost, and the return is the PCFC that will be avoided
Expected Number of Failures per Product
because activities have been performed, the Reduction in Failure
0.001 Reduction in Failure Cost C Total
Return on Investment ðROIÞ ¼
Service Life
0.0001 C Total
Severity Level 5
Severity Level 4
Severity Level 3
Severity Level 2
Severity Level 1
3. Cost implications of implementing a lead-free solder control
plan – a power supply case study
10 100 1000
Cost per Failure In this section, the model described in Section 2 will be used to
project the cost implications of implementing a lead-free solder
Fig. 4. The blue (dashed, top) curve represents the number of failures per product control plan on a power supply whose manufacturer has recently
per unit lifetime at each severity level before activities are considered, and the red
(solid, bottom) line represents the expected number of failures with the activities
changed from using tin–lead solder to lead-free solder. The case
performed. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the study will analyze the system under two sets of conditions: in
reader is referred to the web version of this article.) one situation the power supply is used in desktop computers and
E. Lillie et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 55 (2015) 969–979 973
Table 2
Solder connections portion of the full FMMEA for the power supply.
Table 5
Lead-free control plan activities.
Activity name Brief description Failure modes Failure causes impacted Failure mechanisms
impacted impacted
Risk and limitations of use Processes that identify and report limitations on system Solder joint Fatigue stresses, over loads, Material fatigue due
operation, to avoid unacceptable levels of risk to intermittent and poor quality to temperature
performance, reliability, safety, or airworthiness due to open circuits cycling
the use of lead-free solder or finishes. Include limitations
on incompatible materials, environmental conditions,
maintenance, rework, and repair and other risks
Deleterious effects of tin Plan to mitigate the deleterious effects of tin whiskers, Short circuits Conductive bridge between Tin whisker
whiskers prepared and approved and implemented in compliance conductors
to the requirements of GEIA-STD-0005-2
Repair rework maintenance Are the requirements of this standard applied equally to Solder joints Fatigue stresses, over loads, Material fatigue due
and support original equipment manufacturing and repair, rework, intermittent and poor quality and conductive to temperature
maintenance and support activities? open circuits; short bridge between conductors cycling and tin
circuits whisker
System reliability Are the effects of lead-free solder and termination finishes Solder joints Fatigue stresses, over loads, Material fatigue due
on solder joint infant mortality, failure rates and wear out intermittent and poor quality and conductive to temperature
monitored and the impact to product and system level open circuits; short bridge between conductors cycling and tin
safety, reliability and maintainability determined? When circuits whisker
performance is degraded and/or when failure trends
dictate detailed investigation, specific attention shall be
given to the effectiveness of mitigation of tin whisker
growth and subsequent impact on reliability performance
Product and system level Qualification of the lead-free solder and termination Solder joints Fatigue stresses, over loads, Material fatigue due
reliability finishes may include additional evaluation of reliability intermittent and poor quality and conductive to temperature
and durability at the product/system level. The evaluation open circuits; short bridge between conductors cycling and tin
is performed to obtain additional data on how the circuits whisker
electrical and mechanical characteristics of the assembled
product affect the transfer of thermal and mechanical
environmental stresses from the product level to the
solder joint level
Environmental and The life-cycle environmental and operating conditions for Solder joints Fatigue stresses, over loads, Material fatigue due
operating conditions the given application (for the individual assembly) known, intermittent and poor quality and conductive to temperature
and used in assessing the reliability of the given materials open circuits; short bridge between conductors cycling and tin
and processes in the given application? circuits whisker
Table 6 1000.00
Expected Number of Failures per Product Per Service Life
Cost and benefit data for various levels of rigor of performing the activity ‘‘risk and
limitations of use’’ (NRE = non-recurring).
System prior to performing lead-free control plan
Level of Fractional change in Mode Low High risk migaon acvies
rigor failures over the System aer performing lead-free control plan
product service life risk migaon acvies
1 1.00 – – –
2 1.00 – – – 10.00
3 Triangular 0.85 0.70 1.00
4 Triangular 0.50 0.40 0.60
distribution 1.00
5 Triangular 0.25 0.15 0.35
Level of NRE cost Mode Low High
1 Uniform distribution $1,000,000 $500,000 $1,500,000
2 Uniform distribution $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,500,000
3 Uniform distribution $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,500,000
4 Uniform distribution $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $4,500,000 0.01
$10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000
5 Uniform distribution $5,000,000 $4,500,000 $5,500,000
Cost of Each Failure
35 70
30 60
25 50
20 40
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
0%<ROI <75%
75%<ROI <150%
150%<ROI <225%
225%<ROI <300%
300%<ROI <375%
375%<ROI <450%
450%<ROI <525%
0%<ROI <75%
75%<ROI <150%
150%<ROI <225%
225%<ROI <300%
300%<ROI <375%
375%<ROI <450%
450%<ROI <525%
Return on Investment (ROI)
Return on Investment (ROI)
Fig. 9. Histogram of ROIs for the PC, g = 50,000 cycles.
Fig. 7. Histogram of ROIs for the PC, g = 25,000 cycles.
selected from the 100 generated) are shown. Each trial represents
one possible future for the system. In Fig. 6 the system without the
lead-free control plan activities (the blue dashed line) generally 100.00
have a higher expected number of failures than the system after
control plan activities are performed, however this is not univer-
sally true, in a few trials performing control plan activities leads
to a worse result. Note, performing control plan activities does 10.00
Expected Number of Failures per Product Per Service Life
System prior to performing lead-free control plan
risk migaon acvies
100.00 System aer performing lead-free control plan
risk migaon acvies 0.10
$10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000
Cost of Each Failure
not make the cost of failure lower (we assume that the same failure
always costs the same to resolve). Any positive return on invest-
ment is the result of changes in the number of expected failure
0.01 events or changes in the severity of the failure events.
$10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000
Cost of Each Failure
When g = 50,000 cycles the median ROI is negative, because the
cost of performing activities is so high that it is greater than the
Fig. 8. Results for the PC, g = 50,000 cycles. benefit of performing activities in 90% of the trials. But, when
E. Lillie et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 55 (2015) 969–979 977
20 risk migaon acvies
15 1000.0000
Fig. 11. Histogram of ROIs for the commercial aircraft, g = 25,000 cycles.
$10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000
Fig. 14. Results for commercial aircraft, g = 50,000 cycles, activities performed at
the highest level of rigor (level 5).
1.00 30
0.10 5
$10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000
Cost of Each Failure
Return on Investment (ROI)
Fig. 12. Results for the commercial aircraft, g = 50,000 cycles.
Fig. 15. Histogram of ROIs for the commercial aircraft, g = 50,000 cycles, activities
performed at the highest level of rigor (level 5).
35 as for the PC, except that the PCFC associated with each severity
3.4.2. Commercial aircraft results 3.4.4. Performing activities at the highest level or rigor
Next we perform the case study again for the power supply in a If the lead-free control plan activities are performed at level 5
commercial aircraft. All parameters are the same in this case study rigor for the commercial aircraft case (instead of level 3 assumed
978 E. Lillie et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 55 (2015) 969–979
$10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000
Cost of Each Failure
Fig. 16. Results for the commercial aircraft, g = 50,000 cycles, activities performed $10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000
at level of rigor 3, activities are not independent.
Cost of Each Failure
Fig. 18. Results for the commercial aircraft, g = 50,000 cycles, activities performed
90 at level 5 of rigor, activities are not independent.
50 60
30 50
20 40
10 30
Return on Investment (ROI)
Fig. 17. Histogram of ROIs for the commercial aircraft, g = 50,000 cycles, activities
performed at level of rigor 3, activities are not independent.
Return on Investment (ROI)
Fig. 19. Histogram of ROIs for the commercial aircraft, g = 50,000 cycles, activities
in the results shown in Figs. 12 and 13), the result in Figs. 14 and performed at level 5 of rigor, activities are not independent.
15 are obtained.
The median ROI when all activities are performed at level of
rigor 3 is 240% and the median ROI when activities are performed
at level of rigor 5 is 265%. There is not much change in ROI because performed at level of rigor 5 is 175%. Clearly, when activities are
the additional benefits of performing activities at a higher level of not independent, their effectiveness is reduced.
rigor cost more to attain.
An example of the non-independence of activities is considered in Section 3.4.5
(Figs. 16–19), however the non-independence of activities is potentially much more
complex than the example provided.