My Response To Forging Ploughshares - Jordan Wood On The Logic o
My Response To Forging Ploughshares - Jordan Wood On The Logic o
My Response To Forging Ploughshares - Jordan Wood On The Logic o
Our perichoretic logics only ever set forth vague heuristics, positing persons
not principles, that will refer to certain conditions regarding the possibilities of
various empirical facts: trinitologically, we refer to the same nature, different
persons; hypostatic union – same person, different natures;
cosmotheandrically – differently natured creatures, e.g. shadows & vestiges,
same universal personal omnipresence; and theotically – differently natured
persons, both images & likenesses, same eternal personal relation of love or
mutual indwelling.
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John Sobert Sylvest December 19, 2023 Uncategorized