Lunio Wasted Ad Spend Report 2024 V2
Lunio Wasted Ad Spend Report 2024 V2
Lunio Wasted Ad Spend Report 2024 V2
Ad Spend
Report 2024
The Global Impact of Invalid Traffic
Table of Contents
21. Google Display Network 44. Where Does the IAS Data Come From?
23. Google Search (inc. Shopping) 47. Overall Trends for Time-in-View
24. YouTube
59. Conclusion
60. About
Invalid traffic (IVT) refers to any website visits that Invalid traffic isn’t a security problem. It’s a marketing black hole. Integral Ad Science specialise in protecting programmatic
don’t come from a real person with genuine interest. media buying, and their data enabled us to dive even deeper
It can include bots (both good and bad), fake users, It instantly wastes budget - because those “visitors” will never into global paid traffic trends affecting advertisers. And
misattributed accidental clicks, malicious clicks from convert. And the financial costs continue to stack up when you data provided by Scope3, the world’s largest database of
competing advertisers, and otherwise invalid visitors that consider lost revenue opportunities. The return on ad spend for georeferenced emissions factors, allowed us to gain a unique
have zero chance of converting to customers. invalid clicks is always 0:1, which further stifles business growth. understanding of the environmental impact of invalid traffic and
the digital advertising industry more broadly.
The current era of automation and artificial intelligence means IVT also distorts analytics, leading to unwise budget allocation.
bot activity is becoming more prevalent and sophisticated. The Spam leads, which often follow on from fake clicks, contaminate Our aim is to provide a data-driven picture of the threat posed
2023 Imperva Bad Bot Report found that in 2022, nearly half CRMs, wasting the time and energy of sales teams. Projected by invalid traffic, and empower marketers with insights on how
(47.4%) of all internet traffic came from bots, a 5.1% increase over revenue forecasts become unpredictable. And the explosion of to maximise ad spend efficiency, eliminate sources of fake ad
the previous year. advertising automation is only making the problem worse. engagement, and reduce their carbon footprints.
While there is an abundance of invalid activity on the internet, To help unpack the issue and the impact it has on businesses,
not all of it has the same level of impact on businesses. In this we’ve put together our first annual report titled: Wasted Ad
report, we specifically hone in on the proportion of IVT that Spend Report 2024: The Global Impact of Invalid Traffic
has a direct detrimental effect on marketing performance and
business revenue. Namely, invalid traffic stemming from paid By analysing billions of paid ad clicks from thousands of
media campaigns. Lunio customers, we’ve exposed the true extent of the invalid
traffic problem across different industries, regions, advertising
channels, and more.
Lunio’s real-time decision engine analyses the validity Our breakdown of invalid traffic rates across individual ad
of millions of paid ad clicks per day across all major channels was limited to those with a sample size of clicks
marketing channels including Google, Meta, Bing, statistically significant enough to draw meaningful conclusions
LinkedIn, TikTok, and more. from. This includes Google Search (inc. Shopping), Performance
Max, Google Display, YouTube, Google Video Partners, Bing, Meta,
Traffic determined to be invalid is instantly excluded X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, TikTok, and Pinterest.
on the channel it’s detected on. Data identifying the
source of the invalid click is then used to populate cross- In our channel analysis we combined invalid traffic rates with
channel exclusion audiences to prevent it from negatively external data on ad revenue earnings to provide benchmarks for
impacting customers elsewhere. projected wasted ad spend and lost revenue opportunities.
Our inaugural Wasted Ad Spend report was conducted For our breakdown of invalid traffic rates by industry, company
over a 12-month period from May 2022 to May 2023, size, and region we segmented Lunio’s customer database
analysing a total of 2.6 billion paid ad clicks and an accordingly and established an overall invalid traffic rate for
estimated 104 billion impressions from more than 60,000 each individual category included in the report.
ad accounts.
We supplemented Lunio click data with results from a survey
We segmented the data by channel, industry, company size, and of hundreds of performance marketers conducted in June
region to provide actionable insights for marketers seeking to 2023. Respondents were invited to take part via a call-out sent
minimise wasted spend and maximise campaign efficiency. to Lunio’s mailing list. The results of the eight questions in the
survey are analysed in full and provide further insight into the
Invalid traffic rates are presented as percentages and represent business impact of invalid traffic for brands and marketers alike.
the number of invalid clicks divided by the total number of clicks in
the sample taken for each category.
We evaluated a sample of more than 2.6 billion paid ad clicks from Lunio Google vs Non-Google Channels
customers over the course of 12 months (May 2022 - May 2023).
This data set revealed: When the 2.6 billion clicks were segmented by Google vs non-Google channels it revealed a
significant difference - IVT rates were much lower on Google channels.
8.5% of all paid traffic was invalid.
To provide a benchmark estimate of what these average invalid traffic rates across Google and Non-Google platforms translate to in
terms of wasted ad spend, we looked to 2022 ad revenue earnings reports, as well as forecasted revenue projections for 2024.
In 2022, Google’s ad revenue amounted to $224.47 billion. In 2022, global social media ad spend stood at approximately $230 billion. In addition,
Bing generated $11.59 billion in 2022.
When we apply an IVT rate of 5.5% averaged across all Google channels, this equates to:
Therefore $241.59 billion represents an estimate of total ad spend on Non-Google
$12.35 billion wasted on Google in 2022. channels.
When we again apply an IVT rate of 5.5%, this equates to: $42.28 billion wasted on Non-Google channels in 2022.
$16.59 billion forecasted to be wasted on Google in 2024. In 2024, global social media spend is projected to surpass the $300 billion dollar mark for
the first time. In the same year, Bing is expected to generate $13 billion in ad revenue.
Based on the previous estimates: A study conducted by leading data company Nielsen revealed
that the average return on ad spend across all industries is 2.87:1.
$54.63 billion in ad spend was lost to IVT in 2022. When applied the wasted ad spend forecast for 2024 this equates
$71.37 billion in ad spend forecasted to be lost to IVT in 2024.
$204.83bn in lost revenue opportunity for
$75b brands and advertisers in 2024.
2022 2024
This represents a 33.1% increase in wasted ad spend between 2022 and 2024.
There are many factors contributing to Google’s unrivalled Google’s proactive stance puts them well ahead of most other ad
success in digital advertising. But our data suggests advertisers networks when it comes to IVT protection. But despite their efforts
are getting better returns on ad spend via Google at least in part to remove “as much invalid and fraudulent activity as possible”,
due to the company’s better in-built protections and policies they haven’t been able to completely eliminate the problem, or
According to Google’s documentation (1) (2): More sophisticated invalid activity continues to bypass their
prevention methods. An average invalid traffic rate of 5.5% across
“Our dedicated Ad Traffic Quality Team uses live reviewers, Google channels has significant financial implications for all
automatic filters, machine learning, and deep research to detect advertisers. But larger enterprise brands spending $1m+ per
and filter as much invalid and fraudulent activity as possible.” (1) month on Google Ads are the most affected.
“When our filters identify suspicious traffic but can’t be sure it’s
invalid, our automated systems flag the anomalies and gather
data for days to weeks. Then our team of live reviewers can
analyze the data and decide what to do.
Advertisers investing heavily in non-Google channels without for invalid engagement. For example, Story ads on Meta can have • IVT protection & third-party verification: Higher invalid traffic
protection against invalid traffic experience significant ad spend multiple interactive elements such as polls, making them more rates mean advertisers stand to gain even more value from IVT
losses and reduced profitability. vulnerable to bot interactions. prevention solutions like Lunio and third-party verification tools
such as IAS. These tools can provide additional traffic quality
IVT rates vary significantly across non-Google channels (explored Higher average invalid traffic rates have several implications for insights and help identify which campaigns are most affected.
in more granular detail in the following sections). But across the brands investing heavily in non-Google channels:
board, it’s clear their in-built protections and policies are less
effective. Non-Google channels don’t have the same level of • Higher proportions of wasted ad spend: This can negatively
resources or expertise dedicated to IVT prevention, making them impact their ROI and overall campaign effectiveness. While non-Google channels might have higher invalid
more vulnerable. traffic rates, they still offer valuable opportunities for brand
• Skewed analytics: Advertisers should be mindful of the influence visibility and engagement. Therefore, they can’t simply
But there are other factors underpinning the difference. Google- of invalid traffic when assessing campaign performance metrics be avoided altogether, or scaled back to minimal levels of
owned channels, particularly Google Search (which accounts provided by non-Google channels. They should pay closer investment.
for 58.1% of Google’s revenue), cater to users with high intent that attention to conversion volume and actual revenue generated
are actively searching for specific information. This intent-driven to provide a more accurate picture of the effectiveness of these Ideally, brands should adopt a diversified marketing mix
behaviour results in more genuine clicks and interactions. In channels. that includes both demand capture (e.g. Google Search)
contrast, non-Google channels like social media platforms have and demand generation (e.g. social brand awareness
lower user intent and higher potential for accidental clicks and • Audience targeting: Higher rates of invalid traffic make it more campaigns), but with a strategic approach to mitigate
fraudulent interactions. important to focus on precise audience targeting, primarily wasted ad spend due to invalid traffic.
through exclusions. For example on LinkedIn, invalid traffic can be
In addition, non-Google channels tend to offer more complex ad reduced by excluding certain locations, and specific job titles.
formats than Google channels. Generally speaking, the greater
the complexity of the ad format, the more opportunities there are
We’ve broken down our findings for each channel in the chart TikTok 9.19%
opposite, ranging from highest IVT rates to lowest, with detailed
analysis of the data in the following pages. Pinterest 14.00%
Meta 17.52%
As stated in the methodology section, we’ve only included
channels in our report with a sample size that is statistically X
(formerly Twitter) 23.61%
significant enough to draw meaningful conclusions from.
Google Video
Partners 24.55%
LinkedIn 24.64%
LinkedIn: 24.64%
LinkedIn came out as the worst-performing ad channel in terms LinkedIn has previously acknowledged they have a problem with
of IVT. And our report certainly isn’t the first to call into question bots. Their 2022 Transparency Report states they remove 96%
the authenticity of the platform’s user base. of fake accounts using automated defences. In the second half
of 2021, they removed 11.9 million fake accounts at registration
A 2022 investigation conducted by NPR found an abundance of and another 4.4 million before they were ever reported by other
fake profiles on the platform with AI-generated profile photos users. But more sophisticated bots are clearly still able to evade
used for marketing purposes. The majority of these fake profiles detection by better mimicking real human behaviour, which
were created to drum up sales for companies big and small. includes engaging with ads.
By using fake profiles, companies can cast a wide net online The average cost-per-click on LinkedIn can range between $10-
without beefing up their own sales staff or hitting LinkedIn’s limits $50. This is much higher than the average Meta benchmark,
on messages. Demand for online sales leads exploded during which sits at around $5 for B2B brands. As a result, financial
the pandemic as it became hard for sales teams to pitch their losses due to fake ad engagement add up far quicker on
products in person. And this level of demand has persisted in the LinkedIn compared to other channels.
post-pandemic era.
In short, marketers are highly unlikely to get the performance
In addition to fake sales profiles, scrapers and engagement bots they’d expect out of LinkedIn campaigns without an IVT
also contribute to the high levels of invalid activity on LinkedIn. prevention system in place.
Scrapers take all available information from profiles including
name, job, company, education, contact data (including email
addresses), and more. Engagement bots are typically used to An IVT rate of 24.64% applied to LinkedIn’s
perform actions like connecting with users, liking posts, leaving 2024 ad revenue forecast of $5.8 billion equates
comments, and other spammy activities in an effort to promote to $1.43 billion in wasted spend.
products and services.
In June 2023, the findings of a study reported by the Wall Street It’s worth noting that other third-parties, including IAS, have also
Journal revealed about 80% of Google’s video-ad placements disputed the results of this study, in particular the 80% figure
on third-party sites, through its Google Video Partners program, cited. Our data certainly lends credence to these criticisms. While
violated promised standards. there’s no doubt an issue with invalid impressions and clicks
across GVP, the rate isn’t anywhere near 80%. That said, one in
Google claims these third-party sites provide the same ad four clicks being detected as invalid still poses a major issue for
experience as YouTube, with audio-enabled, fully visible ads that advertisers.
can be skipped. But the study found ads on these partner sites
are muted 80% of the time, autoplay off to the side of the screen, Disputes over the validity of the study aside, advertisers have the
and cannot be skipped. choice to opt out of GVP anytime. However, our findings indicate
that with strong viewability and fraud prevention technology
Our data indicates these third-party sites also have a significant overlaid on GVP campaigns, there are still significant advantages
IVT problem, with almost one in four ad clicks being fake. This to be gained in terms of additional reach and exposure.
suggests some publishers are intentionally inflating impression
and click numbers with bot traffic to increase their own ad
X’s bot problem is infamous thanks to the legal disputes prior Newly-appointed CEO Linda Yaccarino has stated further efforts
to Elon Musk’s takeover in October 2022. Despite efforts to cut to ensure the authenticity of X’s user base are central to her
costs, clean up the platform, and verify users, our data shows plans for the creation of “Twitter 2.0” - a version of the company
23.61% of paid ad traffic coming from X is invalid. that aims to be “the world’s most accurate real-time information
source and a global town square for communication.”
The ease of account creation makes it easier for the automated
proliferation of fake users. There’s also a high prevalence of It remains to be seen whether these future efforts will be
scrapers on X, designed to ingest all forms of publicly available successful, both in tackling the bot problem and convincing
data on the platform, often for the purpose of training new AI major players in the digital advertising world to return to the
models. platform.
Meta: 17.52%
Unlike X, many advertisers invest heavily in Meta. Its 2022 ad Responding to the controversy, a spokesperson for Meta reported
revenue of $113.6 billion is second only to Google (albeit by a that the company blocks millions of spam accounts every
considerable margin). So the fact that Meta has an average IVT day. “We continue to invest in anti-spam technology, and in
rate of 17.52% presents a much bigger cause for concern for most our safety and security team of over 40,000 people, who are
brands. focused on keeping spam and other types of harmful content
off our platforms,”
The prevalence of bots and fake user activity on Meta are
plainly visible in the comments section of virtually any post with However, our data indicates these efforts are failing to drive
high engagement rates. Friend requests and follows from fake down levels of bot-driven invalid traffic stemming from paid ads
accounts are also common. on Meta. Advertisers who invest heavily in the platform without
any IVT prevention system in place are exposing themselves to
Earlier this year, many Instagram users with public profiles a considerable degree of ad spend inefficiency - to the tune of
reported their stories were being consistently viewed and almost $24 billion in wasted spend throughout 2024.
reacted to by bot accounts promoting adult content,
with suspicious usernames such as: or
emmahart283204r. An IVT rate of 17.52% applied to Meta’s 2024
ad revenue forecast of $134.72 billion equates
The existence of these accounts isn’t new. As mentioned, bots on to $23.6 billion in wasted spend.
Instagram have spammed the comments of posts for years. But
the sheer scale of this new form of bot activity targeting stories
was particularly pronounced. Meta have since clamped down on
the problem, and it now occurs with noticeably less frequency.
X: @fkabiriyani
Pinterest: 14.00%
TikTok: 9.19%
TikTok repeatedly hit headlines in 2023. But the focus was on This negative attitude towards TikTok is attested to in the results
An IVT rate of 9.19% applied to TikTok’s
national security rather than ad fraud. In March, the platform’s of this 2020 Twitter / X poll presented in the bottom right of this
2024 ad revenue forecast of $17.2 billion
CEO Shou Zi Chew appeared before congress in the US to slide. (Based on our findings we can assume up to a quarter of
equates to $1.58 billion in wasted spend.
respond to concerns about potential Chinese influence over the the 494 respondents are bots. But invalid votes aside, the results
platform and allegations that its short videos were damaging are still clear.)
children’s mental health.
Since then TikTok has ramped up investment in bot detection
Leaving aside the concerns raised during the congressional and ad fraud mitigation. In 2022, the Trustworthy Accountability
hearing, TikTok has fared relatively well in our findings. While it Group (TAG) confirmed the platform achieved TAG Certified
may come as a surprise to some, its average IVT rate of 9.19% Against Fraud status.
make it the best performing social media platform included in
our report - albeit with over $1.5 billion in estimated annual losses And TikTok’s efforts in this area appear to be paying off.
to invalid traffic in 2024. Advertiser’s confidence in the effectiveness and profitability of
the platform is clearly growing.
In earlier years, TikTok was plagued by allegations of artificially
inflated view, like, and follower counts. For example, a 2020 article A spokesperson for TikTok said: “Understanding that spam and
published by Vice revealed they were able to generate 25,000 fraud are evolving industry-wide threats, TikTok will continue
fake views and 1,000 fake likes just hours after uploading a video investing in solutions to strengthen our security infrastructure
to a brand new channel, by paying $50 to a website promising to and stay ahead of these challenges.”
drive up engagement rates.
Our findings indicate that the policies and security protocols
Of course, paying for fake engagement is a problem common put in place by TikTok have been much more effective than
to all social media platforms, not just TikTok. But the problem those put in place by Meta. But they haven’t eliminated the
was publicised much more on TikTok, leading to a shift in how problem completely. Advertisers who are considering scaling
consumers perceived the platform. their investment stand to gain a competitive advantage by
proactively protecting their campaigns against invalid traffic.
Google has long dominated the search engine market, with a Technologically speaking, Microsoft Ads often lags two to three
significantly larger userbase than Bing. However Bing’s share years behind Google Ads in most areas. One clear example of this
of the desktop search market grew by 26.8% from 2019 to 2021, is Microsoft’s beta launch of their own fully automated campaign
increasing from 4.85% to 6.15%. type in July 2023, which also happens to be called Performance
Max (coincidence?). This comes a full three years after Google’s
Furthermore, Bing’s integration with ChatGPT in February 2023 hit Performance Max was first made available in beta.
the headlines, leading to the addition of more than a million new
preview users and helping the channel reach the key milestone Given this trend, Microsoft’s continued investment in IVT detection
of 100 million daily active users. Given this, more and more will no doubt drive rates down further. But they will always lag
advertisers are beginning to increase their investment in Microsoft behind Search market leaders, Google.
Ads, with many seeing promising returns.
Bing has a lower cost-per-click (CPC) than Google Search, which An IVT rate of 8.46% applied to Bing’s 2024
means advertisers can drive more conversions with their budget. ad revenue forecast of $13 billion equates
And for many, this translates into a higher Return on Ad Spend to $1.1 billion in wasted spend.
(ROAS). But with an average IVT rate almost double that observed
on Google Search (4.72%), brands must take into account more of
their ad spend will be wasted through Bing campaigns.
Google’s Display Network (GDN) has an average invalid traffic Click fraud is a major contributing factor to the relatively high Lastly, it’s worth noting that Lunio only evaluates invalid clicks,
rate of 7.32%, making it the second worst-performing Google levels of invalid traffic on GDN. Some of the sites within the not invalid impressions. So the true extent of invalid activity
channel after Google Video Partners. Display Network are intentionally created by bad actors for the and wasted ad spend on GDN is likely much higher, as many
purposes of defrauding advertisers. Brands end up paying to campaigns are charged on a CPM basis rather than a per-click
Whilst overall GDN invalid traffic rates are lower than some other have their ads appear on these sites, whose only visitors are bots basis.
channels, the spread of IVT is much more sporadic. In the past that generate fake clicks. The fraudster then collects revenue for
year, Lunio has audited multiple GDN campaigns with >99% IVT sending invalid traffic through to the advertisers’ website. Advertisers investing heavily ($100k+ per month) in display
rates, and others with single percentage point IVT rates. campaigns should use DV360 paired with a viewability solution
The barrier to entry for creating fake websites that are eligible like IAS to filter out non-viewable and invalid impressions. This
Much of the exposure to IVT depends on the specific placements for Google Display placements via AdSense is very low. For this results in much higher ad spend efficiency when compared
within GDN (e.g. leveraging high-quality websites vs low-quality reason it’s one of the most common forms of ad fraud. against a standard GDN campaign.
content farms, preventing exposure to in-app ads etc), which
is why we’ve created our free GDN exclusion list to remove the Some unethical publishers may engage in deceptive practices
worst offenders: such as pixel stuffing and ad stacking to further increase the
levels of fake ad engagement. Pixel stuffing involves using 1×1
Download Lunio’s 100K Display Placement Exclusion List pixel ads that are pretty much invisible to humans, but the
advertiser is still charged for the “impressions”. Similarly, ad
stacking works by “stacking” lots of ads on top of each other.
Only the ad at the very front is visible, yet scammers claim credit
for all of them.
• 65,000+ Website Exclusions
• 16,000+ YouTube Channels While Google takes measures to detect and prevent invalid
traffic across the network, it’s a constant battle as fraudsters
• 30,000+ Mobile App Placements
continuously develop new tactics to bypass detection
Analysis by Channel
Performance Max (PMax) allows advertisers to run ads across Since so much of the activity within PMax campaigns is Should You Stick With PMax?
the entire Google Network from a single campaign. That includes algorithmically-driven, it can inadvertently lead to an increase
Search, Shopping, Gmail, YouTube, Maps, Discovery, and Display. in fake user engagement. Fake and invalid clicks are generally If the script reveals 95%+ of your budget is being spent on one
Since Google deprecated Smart Shopping campaigns in Q3 cheaper than legitimate ones. This can create a negative particular placement type (e.g. Search or Shopping), PMax may
2022, PMax adoption rates and overall ad spend have continued feedback loop whereby PMax continues to seek out more and not be the right option.
to rise. Many retailers and agencies are seeing promising results more junk conversions which never translate into revenue, simply
which continue to improve over time. because the acquisition costs are lower. In those instances, it often makes sense to revert back dedicated
Search, Shopping, and Dynamic Remarketing campaigns for
However, the increased simplicity and convenience of PMax PMax campaign analytics don’t allow advertisers to see eCommerce, or a granular Search campaign structure for lead
campaigns come at a cost. Our findings show advertisers how their budget is being split across channels. But a script generation. Doing so reduces exposure to IVT and gives much
are exposed to higher average rates of invalid traffic when developed by Mike Rhodes from AgencySavvy creates graphs more control over ad spend.
compared to standard Shopping campaigns. The 1.24% increase and tables that visualise PMax spend across Shopping, Video,
in IVT rate stems from a reduced ability to control audience Display, and Search. To learn more about Performance Max and get lots more tips
targeting, and a lack of control over ad types. from Miles and other PPC experts, check out our dedicated guide:
Google Ads Expert and Founder of PPC Mastery Miles McNair has
Since PMax forces the use of Display ads, it results in a higher used the script with many of his clients and documented the The Expert Guide to Performance Max
volume of invalid clicks compared to standard Shopping. In results:
addition, the traditional granular audience targeting options
found in Search and Shopping campaigns have also been
replaced with “Audience Signals”, which act as mere suggestions
“I don’t see many well-balanced PMax
to the algorithm, helping to nudge campaigns in the right
campaigns. It’s rare that you’d have
direction. This is not the traditional form of targeting that
70% of your budget going on Search
advertisers are used to.
and Shopping with the other 30% going
towards upper funnel networks to fill in
gaps. Spend mostly skews very heavily
22 | Wasted Ad Spend Report 2024
(90%+) towards Search and Shopping.”
Analysis by Channel
Search-based ads account for more than half ($162.4 billion) In addition, paid search ads have a straightforward format
of Google’s total ad revenue ($224.5). And year-on-year trends consisting of headlines, descriptions, and link URLs. This reduces
show considerable growth, as advertisers continue to increase the opportunities for bots to interact with the ads in a way that
their investment in this channel. Viewed through the lens of invalid could generate invalid traffic, especially when compared to
traffic, this uptick in spend is unsurprising. more complex ad formats found in Display campaigns or paid
Our findings suggests the higher returns and profitability typically
generated through Google search campaigns are at least partly It’s worth noting most retailers have now migrated their smart
due to lower levels of invalid traffic. Less ad spend is wasted, Shopping campaigns to Performance Max. For many, this has
which ultimately translates into more conversions and sales. likely resulted in an increase in wasted ad spend, given PMax’s
IVT rate is 26.2% higher relative to standard Shopping campaigns
This is testament to the effectiveness of the preventative (an absolute increase of 1.24 percentage points). This has
measures Google has put in place. As outlined in the executive significant financial implications for all retailers and eCommerce
summary of this report, Google’s Ad Traffic Quality Team uses businesses.
automatic filters, machine learning, deep research, and live
reviewers to detect and filter as much invalid activity as possible. As Google continues to encourage adoption and increased
spend on Performance Max, brands should forecast the impact
While this multifaceted detection and prevention system is largely of rise in invalid traffic and take appropriate steps to mitigate it.
responsible for bringing the average IVT rate below 5%, there are
a few other contributing factors. Firstly, the intent-driven nature
of paid search means ads are only shown to people who are An IVT rate of 4.72% applied to Google’s
actively looking for particular products or services. This reduces 2024 search ad revenue forecast of
the chances of fraudulent or accidental clicks, and increases the $187 billion equates to $8.81 billion in wasted spend.
volume of legitimate website traffic with genuine purchase intent.
In stark contrast to the poor performance of Google’s Video In-built protections aside, it’s worth noting that in June 2023, Brands running YouTube video ads solely through Performance
Partner network, native YouTube video campaigns have the lowest YouTube took definitive action against ad blockers, which has Max should take appropriate steps to mitigate against a
average rates of invalid traffic. This is due to several factors. implications for IVT rates. Users in certain regions have now significant rise in invalid traffic based on our findings.
started to see the following message appear:
In order to maintain the trust of advertisers, Google has made
substantial investments in protecting against viewbotting on YouTube told TechCrunch this warning sign is part of an An IVT rate of 3.93% applied to YouTube’s
YouTube (the use of automated scripts or bots to artificially inflate experiment. With YouTube set to roll out this policy worldwide over 2024 ad revenue forecast of $33.5 billion
video view counts). This not only significantly reduces the number the coming months, we expect a significant rise in IVT rates. The equates to $1.32 billion in wasted spend.
of fake impressions, it also prevents more sophisticated viewbots number of accidental clicks from genuine users will increase as
clicking through on ads in an attempt to mimic human behaviour. more people are shown ads. And the number of bot clicks will
increase too. Previously those scraping content from YouTube
YouTube’s platform structure and mechanisms for video delivery videos (e.g. for training AI models on natural language) would
also make it more challenging for scraper bots to interact with simply use an adblocker.
ads compared to traditional web pages. Since ads on YouTube
are delivered algorithmically based on the user’s profile data, bots Lastly, similar to Standard Shopping campaigns, YouTube videos
are unable to search for specific types of ad content to scrape the ads have been rolled into Performance Max. Advertisers who have
results. migrated their YouTube video campaigns to PMax will no doubt
benefit from greater convenience and simplicity i.e. they don’t
For fraudsters, the complexity of YouTube’s monetisation system need to set up and manage a separate campaign to deliver
makes it a less attractive target. YouTube requires consistent, ads on YouTube. But this comes at a cost, in the form of a 51.65%
sustained engagement in the form of watch time, comments, and relative increase in invalid traffic (an absolute increase of 2.03
other interactions for creators to benefit financially. This presents percentage points).
a significant hurdle to fraudsters seeking quick financial gains,
especially when compared to other platforms where engagement
metrics are easier to manipulate.
Larger businesses with 10,000+ employees experience significantly higher rates of invalid traffic than Despite the notable difference between large enterprises and smaller businesses, the data clearly
all other company sizes in the analysis, at 17.58% on average. This indicates they are significantly shows invalid traffic is a problem for all companies, regardless of size. For larger companies, the
more susceptible to the financial impact of invalid clicks. They’re also more likely to be affected by the higher average rates of invalid traffic call for more stringent monitoring and prevention methods.
downstream effects of invalid traffic such as skewed analysis and fake lead submissions.
On the other hand, smaller companies should not overlook the potential to significantly improve their
Larger businesses tend to allocate a significant proportion of their advertising budgets towards performance marketing efficiency by blocking invalid traffic and protecting up to 10% of their budget.
campaigns with broader targeting to prioritise reach and brand recall, which drives up their average A small increase in spend efficiency can translate into a significant advantage when competing
rates of invalid traffic across both Google and non-Google channels. against other SMBs with limited advertising budgets.
On the other hand, small to mid-sized businesses seem to fare better in comparison. Companies 17.58%
with 1 to 10 employees have an invalid traffic rate of 8.3%, followed by 11 to 50 employee businesses at Average IVT Rate
6.85%. This trend indicates smaller organisations are using more specific, localised targeting with lower 10,000+ Employees
potential for wide-scale invalid traffic. Narrower targeting helps keep advertising costs down, and this
inadvertently reduces IVT exposure.
Furthermore, low IVT rates among small businesses casts doubt over the prevalence of “competitor 12.62%
Average IVT Rate
click fraud”, whereby local businesses deliberately attack their competitors’ PPC campaigns to waste
Average IVT Rate
budgets. This was long thought by many to be rife among the 1 - 10 and 11 - 50 employee brackets 501 - 1,000 Employees
1,001 - 10,000 Employees
however, our data shows it doesn’t pose a meaningful threat in reality.
10.54% 9.72%
Average IVT Rate
8.30% 6.85%
Average IVT Rate
51 - 200 Employees
Average IVT Rate 201 - 500 Employees
Average IVT Rate
1 - 10 Employees
11- 50 Employees
Invalid Traffic by Industry
Invalid traffic is a pervasive problem that affects all businesses investing in digital advertising. However, our analysis of click data from clients across a
range of sectors shows that average invalid traffic rates vary significantly by industry.
An industry-by-industry breakdown is presented on the graph below, with analysis of each one on the following pages.
Invalid Traffic Rates
15% 17.42%
10% 13.38%
10.47% 9.61%
5% 7.52%
5.19% 5.08%
2.89% 2.02% 1.46%
Insurance Retail Real Financial Leisure, Business Gambling Hospitality IT & Transport Education Manufacturing Healthcare Consumer Legal Construction
Estate Services Travel & Services & Casinos Services Services
Healthcare (3.30%):
Healthcare experiences a moderate invalid traffic rate. Bots mimic having an interest in medical
services, generating false appointments or inquiries, including attempting to exploit health-
related ad campaigns.
Construction (1.46%):
The construction industry has a low invalid traffic rate due to less lucrative opportunities for bot
operators. Invalid traffic in this sector involves bots mimicking interest in construction projects or
services to generate false leads.
Overall, industries with higher financial incentives, such as insurance, real estate,
retail, and financial services, tend to experience higher rates of invalid traffic due
to the potential for financial gains through fraudulent activities. It’s essential for
businesses in these sectors to employ robust invalid traffic prevention measures and
regularly monitor their advertising campaigns to mitigate the impact of invalid traffic.
The data indicates that the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region has the The Latin America (LATAM) region stands out with the second-
lowest rate of invalid traffic, at 6.77%. This can be attributed to highest rate of invalid traffic at 18.23%. Cheaper costs to advertise
the region’s increasing digital maturity, widespread adoption with lower CPCs, and limited resources for fraud detection and
of better ad verification solutions (e.g. IAS), and ongoing efforts prevention, lower digital literacy, and a more fragmented digital
by businesses and regulatory bodies to combat ad fraud. advertising landscape, all contribute to higher rates of IVT.
For fraudsters, less developed ecosystems represent a more Businesses targeting this region should be particularly vigilant
lucrative target, making them less likely to focus efforts on the about higher rates of invalid activity.
APAC region. CPCs are also cheaper in APAC which make it a less
lucrative target. Finally, the United Kingdom and Ireland (UKI) region has the
highest rate of invalid traffic at 18.79%. This finding may be
Conversely, the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region surprising, considering the region’s strong digital economy
show a significantly higher rate of 17.42%. This discrepancy may and regulatory environment. However, the high rate points to
be influenced by the diverse nature of the region, encompassing the high-degree of sophisticated bot activity in these lucrative
countries with varying levels of digital infrastructure, regulatory markets, highlighting the need for businesses to remain diligent
frameworks, and market dynamics. The higher rate in EMEA in their efforts to combat invalid traffic.
suggests that businesses in this region may need to place
additional emphasis on implementing ad verification measures Ireland has historically seen high levels of sophisticated invalid
to ensure the quality and authenticity of their online ad traffic is traffic (SIVT). Ireland’s favourable regulatory environment and
above standard. corporate tax incentives attracts numerous tech companies,
including Google and Meta, to establish their European
North America (NA) has a relatively lower rate of invalid traffic headquarters in the country. However, this same environment
at 7.50%, which may be attributed to the region’s advanced can also attract malicious actors seeking to exploit gaps in
digital infrastructure, strong advertising industry standards, and enforcement and digital oversight.
widespread adoption of ad verification technologies. However,
this does not mean businesses in the region can be complacent,
as invalid traffic remains a persistent threat that requires
continuous vigilance.
We wish to thank all our respondents for taking the time to fill out the survey. We
hope the insights learned will help guide decision-making along the path towards
achieving greater performance marketing efficiency.
Below we’ve presented the results from each question in the survey, with an
analysis of what the data suggests about the current state of play in the world of
performance marketing.
budgets highlights the pressing need for greater efficiency in
managing paid media campaigns.
As the industry continues to grapple with limited resources
and economic uncertainties, eliminating wasted ad spend has
become a top priority for businesses aiming to drive growth in
a more competitive landscape.
Our marketing budget is increased
33 | Wasted Ad Spend Report 2024
The Paid Media Traffic Quality Survey - The Business Impact of Invalid Traffic
% of Responses
exactly what is being done to protect their ad spend on each
platform, and they want full visibility over the invalid traffic
that has been detected and filtered.
1 2 3 4 5
Not Confident Somewhat Very Confident
34 | Wasted Ad Spend Report 2024
At All Confident
The Paid Media Traffic Quality Survey - The Business Impact of Invalid Traffic
Refunds for invalid clicks can only be claimed on Google Ads, On the other hand, 52.3% of respondents had not claimed a
which excludes other platforms from this question and its refund, which suggests the complexity of the refund process
analysis. might be acting as a deterrent in some cases. It’s likely
there were more eligible brands that haven’t claimed a
47.7% of respondents had claimed a refund, indicating a refund due to the perceived difficulty. For some, paying for a
substantial number of professionals are aware of the issue of certain volume of invalid clicks is unfortunately viewed as an
invalid clicks and have actively sought to rectify it. Although it inevitable “cost of doing business”.
should be noted these responses come from marketers who
are interacting with IVT prevention solutions such as Lunio
which may skew results. That aside, the process of claiming
Have you Ever Claimed a Refund from an Ad Platform for
a refund is well-known to be long-winded, leading to a high
level of time investment from those brands that successfully
Invalid Clicks / Fake Users?
got their money back.
52.3% 47.7%
rebate system does not fully account for all invalid activity.
Despite this, there was a notable increase in the adoption of Yes 43.1%
third-party prevention solutions compared to the previous
year. In Lunio’s 2022 State of PPC Survey, 74% of respondents
stated they weren’t using any form of invalid traffic or click
fraud prevention system. This shows a growing recognition
of the importance of safeguarding paid media campaigns
against fake ad engagement. No 56.9%
% of Respondents
platforms, and dedicated solutions like Lunio can automatically
generate cross-platform exclusion lists. Filtering out invalid traffic via
exclusion audiences is a highly effective way of increasing ad spend
efficiency, especially on non-Google channels where average IVT rates
are often higher than 10%. 20.2%
Only 18.3% of respondents take a highly proactive stance against invalid
traffic, showing a gap in an understanding of the impact IVT can have
on campaign performance. Through reports, guides, and webinars,
Lunio aims to bridge this gap by raising awareness among performance
marketers about the problems created by fake ad engagement.
Yes - Extensive Yes - Extensive Yes - IP filtering and No
audience audience exclusion blacklisting only
exclusion parameters parameters only
& IP filtering and
6.4% Never
But the majority of fake leads come from bots filling online forms, 15.6%
usually with user information stolen from real people, making it 14.7%
difficult to tell whether they’re real or fake at a glance.
40% 43.1%
42.2% 39.4%
20% 22% 22%
15.6% 15.6%
5.5% 5.5%
Generating Conversion Invalid Justifying Rising Loss of Insights Loss of control Ensuring Precise Conversion rate Data integrity Upcoming Increase in AI- Maintaining Brand
Quality tracking & Traffic Marketing Advertising / Data in Ad over ad Audience optimisation & accuracy deprecation generated ads GDPR / Privacy Safety
Leads attribution ROI Costs Networks spend due to Targeting of 3rd party & automated compliance
automation cookies campaign
For this question, respondents could select a maximum of 3 The third biggest concern for performance marketers is invalid
performance marketing-related concerns from a list of 14. The traffic (42.2%). This indicates a growing awareness of the scale
top three concerns are featured in the analysis below. and cost of the problem. Invalid traffic directly wastes ad spend,
because those “visitors” never convert. It distorts analytics,
Generating quality leads came out on top, with 50.5% of leading to unwise budget allocation. And it also causes projected
respondents citing it as an ongoing issue. This highlights the revenue forecasts to become unpredictable. As the data in the
importance of refining audience targeting through exclusions, report indicate, ad networks currently aren’t doing enough to
especially when using automated campaign types. Many brands definitely tackle the problem. Therefore it’s down to marketers
would also benefit from implementing a dedicated solution like themselves to put in place extra protections to safeguard their
Lunio to eliminate bot-driven fake leads at the source, preventing campaigns against IVT on all channels.
them from entering CRMs.
To give an in depth picture of the current state of wasted ad How Does Viewability Data Complement Click Data?
spend, Lunio has partnered with Integral Ad Science (IAS) a
leading global media measurement and optimisation platform. A combination of viewability and click data provides unrivalled insight into invalid and fraudulent activity across every important
marketing channel including connected TV (CTV), programmatic, open web, paid search, and paid social.
About IAS
The table below outlines how a combination of pre-bid optimisation and post-click protection work hand-in-hand to provide full
Integral Ad Science (IAS) provides the industry’s most actionable
data to drive superior results. They take a measured, calibrated, coverage of the entire digital advertising ecosystem:
The IAS data presented in the following pages originates from the In order to understand and contextualise IAS data, it’s
18th edition of their Media Quality Report, first published in May important to establish definitions for two key terms. Unlike
2023. All performance benchmarks are available in a companion paid ad clicks, which are either legitimate or invalid,
workbook for those who wish to review the findings in more assessing the quality of ad impressions is more complex
granular detail. and nuanced.
Time-in-view is the average duration that a viewable impression
remains in view. Impressions that are not viewable according to
the Media Ratings Council (MRC) standard are not included in
this calculation.
Viewability | Overall | Worldwide
The graph opposite represents global viewability data averaged H1 2019 - 2022
across all environments including desktop display, desktop
video, mobile web display, and mobile web video.
Annual viewability averages worldwide have risen 9% between
2019 and 2022. This long-term upward trend has pushed average
viewability levels to hover between 70% and 75% for several years, 73.6%
with the global average reaching 73.6% in H2 2022. 72.5%
Viewability Rate
69.8% 70.2%
H1 2019 H2 2019 H1 2020 H2 2020 H1 2021 H2 2021 H1 2022 H2 2022
Taking the global average for viewability in H2 2022, 26.4% of This means it would be inaccurate to claim 26.4% of advertisers The path towards 100% viewability is central to advertising
impressions served during this time period were non-viewable ads. budgets were “wasted” on non-viewable ads. The proportion strategies for marketers across the globe. In theory, this would
of budget that was truly wasted is lower than 26.4%, but it’s not minimise ad spend inefficiency by ensuring every single ad
This represents a significant source of inefficiency within possible to establish an exact figure due to the way viewability served is seen by a real person, in accordance with viewability
programmatic ad campaigns. But unlike an invalid click, a non- is established. standards.
viewable ad doesn’t immediately equate to wasted ad spend, for
the reasons outlined below. Despite this, the upward trend in viewability is encouraging. But But in reality, striving for ever-increasing levels of viewability
these rates can only be achieved by using a pre-bid verification can result in a law of diminishing returns, whereby the financial
Non-viewable ads may still have some impact on consumers. solution like IAS. Advertisers running programmatic campaigns cost required to achieve 100% can actually hinder profitability.
Viewability requires half of the pixels in display ads to remain in- without any verification risk significantly higher amounts of wasted Data obtained from IAS clients show higher quality impressions
view for at least one second once they have rendered. For video ad spend due to the fact that a much higher proportion of their (i.e. those that meet viewability standards) end up costing more
ads, the threshold is two seconds while half of the video player is served ads will be non-viewable. than lower quality impressions. As a result, the advertiser may
in view. end up reducing their overall return on ad spend by continuing
to strive for viewability rates above certain levels.
Given this, some of the ads within the 26.4% deemed to be non-
viewable may have fallen just short of these thresholds. For Therefore striking a balance is the key to maximally efficient
example, they may have been in view for just under one or two spending. By using the appropriate pre-bid segments,
seconds, or only one-third of the ad may have been visible. In performance marketers can maintain relatively high viewability,
these cases, the ads could still have an impact on consumers, even maximise conversions, maintain a competitive cost-per-
though they didn’t meet the viewability standard. conversion, and minimise the impact on scale.
The graph below represents global time-in-view data averaged across all environments.
In contrast to the trend observed with viewability, annual time-in-view averages have declined since 2020 when a
historical high of 18.40 seconds was registered. Since then, there has been a steady decline in time-in-view, reaching
16.43 seconds in H2 2022, representing an 8.5% long-term reduction between 2019 and 2022.
18 18.40
17.5 17.83
16.59 16.66
H1 2019 H2 2019 H1 2020 H2 2020 H1 2021 H2 2021 H1 2022 H2 2022
Leveraging an open-source and science-backed methodology, The data selected for presentation in this report is primarily
It’s important for marketers to understand the impact of invalid
Scope3 emissions intelligence data powers the tools brands, focused on players in the programmatic space, and it represents
traffic extends beyond financial loss. It also contributes to a
agencies, publishers and technology providers use to measure, billions of impressions across tens of thousands of domains/
higher carbon footprint due to the energy costs associated with
understand and take action to reduce their carbon footprint. apps on desktop and mobile (including video and banner
generating and processing fake traffic, while offering absolutely
Founded in January 2022, Scope3 has a global workforce display ads).
nothing in return for advertisers.
distributed across North America, Europe and APAC.
To provide an accurate estimate of the programmatic industry’s
The environmental impact, coupled with the wasted
carbon footprint, Scope3 used a third-party data source in
spend experienced by brands calls for a united front
BIScience to assess total emissions values for a given market, as
against invalid traffic. By proactively eliminating IVT
well as for validation purposes against their own datasets.
and prioritising environmentally conscious advertising
practices, the industry as a whole can drive down its
carbon footprint while simultaneously driving greater
campaign performance.
The Environmental Impact of Digital Advertising & Invalid Traffic
The Overall State of Digital Carbon Emissions Emissions at the Per-Impression Basis
In their Q2 2023 State of Sustainable Advertising Report, Scope3 Understanding how ad industry emissions stack up at the global
looked at the total emissions attributed to programmatic display level is important. But using impression-level data is what
advertising. surfaces useful insights that can drive marketers and companies
to alter their behaviour.
In their reports, Scope3 also looked at how publisher emissions “Made-for-Advertising” (MFA) is a subset of climate risk inventory. Speaking to Digiday, Damon Reeve, CEO of the UK-based publisher
stack up to identify factors which drive up the total emissions alliance Ozone said:
These sites masquerade as prime real estate for online advertising,
attributed to programmatic advertising.
but ads placed on them yield little impact on consumer behaviour.
As such Scope3 have singled them out as a significant source of “MFA sites are a great working example of a programmatic
By charting how emissions are distributed at the publisher level,
carbon inefficiency within the digital advertising ecosystem. system being gamed. Advertisers don’t like them,
the difference between highly efficient domains and carbon heavy
publishers is clear. publishers don’t like them, and yet advertiser budgets still
Placements on MFA sites make up 15% of total advertiser flow to them. And that’s because they are designed to
On one end of the spectrum, there are incredibly carbon-efficient spend, according to an ANA study recently published. perform according to the ad-tech metrics that advertisers
publishers – these domains can be classified as Green. The value for their digital budgets.”
other side is a major problem area for digital advertising. These
The pages on MFA sites are overrun by towering banner ads and
domains have unnecessarily high carbon emissions and should be
strategically positioned video ad players, morphing the browsing
considered Climate Risk.
experience into a cacophony of chaos. The user experience
is terrible, but the programmatic algorithms that facilitate ad
What’s Climate Risk Inventory?
purchases perceive these sites as golden opportunities. In principle
the ads are more likely to be seen, and they’re cheaper than a lot of
Extremely high carbon domains, the worst emitting media
other ads.
properties which are typically fraud, made-for-advertising (MFA), or
low-value inventory.
By industry standards, MFAs do not meet the criteria for invalid
traffic (IVT). The visitors to such sites are mostly genuine, but the
According to Scope3’s Q2 report, climate risk inventory carries a
duration of their engagement is typically short-lived. This occurs
significant cost for marketers, both in terms of carbon and revenue.
when traffic is acquired through content recommendation
Emissions from climate risk inventory are on average 2x higher than
companies rather than organically earned. As a result they tread a
the market average, while underperforming by 13%.
fine line between legitimate traffic and potential IVT.
53 | Wasted Ad Spend Report 2023
The Environmental Impact of Digital Advertising & Invalid Traffic
Both Scope3 reports make it clear all forms of climate risk inventory When Scope3 data is paired with data from the IAS on viewability, it That important caveat aside, as overall viewability rates continue
need to be defunded. highlights the vital importance of using an ad verification solution to increase over time, carbon dioxide emissions for non-viewable
to minimise the amount of carbon emitted to serve non-viewable impressions will come down.
in the Q1 report (United States, Great Britain, France, Of the 3.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions globally any ad verification solution in place are contributing significantly
Germany and Australia). That’s equivalent to driving a car every year by programmatic display advertising, we can assume higher amounts of wasted carbon emissions, as a much higher
86 million miles, or 3,449 ‘road trips’ around planet Earth. 26.4% of all impressions were non-viewable - based on IAS proportion of their served ads are non-viewable.
Source of Emissions
Scope3 data reveals ‘ad selection’ is an obvious area of improvement.
With upwards of 60% of emissions coming from this part of the ad life in Ad Impressions
cycle, marketers who focus their attention on adjusting their programmatic Global Average
supply chain have the potential to lower emissions significantly.
60.7% Scope3 State of Sustainability Report - Q1 2023
The extra emissions baggage this factor carries might be exactly what the Ad Selection 10.1%
industry needs to actually remove unnecessary supply paths. Media Distribution
Creative Distribution
55 | Wasted Ad Spend Report 2023
The Environmental Impact of Digital Advertising & Invalid Traffic
While both the Q1 and Q2 reports focus on emissions at the Of the 2.6 billion clicks analysed in Lunio’s Wasted Ad Spend Report,
impression level, Lunio worked with Scope3 to provide a benchmark 228 million (8.5%) were invalid. When we apply an average IVT rate
estimate for emissions on a per-click basis, as well as an estimate of 8.5% to the emission benchmark above we can determine the
of how much carbon is wasted on invalid traffic. amount of carbon wasted per 100 paid ad clicks:
This was done by assuming an average click-through rate (CTR) for 561gCO2e is wasted on invalid traffic for every 100 paid ad
display campaigns. clicks. That’s equivalent to driving an average car for 1.4
The average CTR for Google Display ads sits around 0.5%. This
means advertisers can expect five clicks for every 1,000 impressions Considering marketing campaigns for large enterprises routinely
served. rack up tens of thousands of clicks, the amount of carbon wasted
on invalid traffic every year is substantial.
Based on Scope3 data this means five paid ad clicks uses
approximately 330gCO2e. This allowed to establish a carbon
emission benchmark per 100 paid ad clicks: 16.9 Miles
Less Carbon, Better Advertising 1. Eliminate invalid traffic across all campaigns
“94% of the total solution to curbing the climate crisis is The path towards decarbonisation and greater ad spend efficiency
cutting emissions, and emissions cuts that start in the starts with eliminating what doesn’t work. Namely, invalid traffic with
zero-conversion potential.
2020s make up 75% of what’s needed to meet existing
climate goals.”
Introducing a solution like Lunio to eliminate invalid activity across
all ad channels represents a low-effort, high-impact strategy
– Dr. John Foley, Project Drawdown
every brand can adopt to drive greater performance while
simultaneously reducing their carbon footprint.
The millions of metric tons coming from advertising every year fall
The downstream benefits go beyond reducing wasted spend.
into the category of emissions that can more readily be eliminated.
Excluding IVT prevents analytics being skewed by bad data. It
While robust and accurate emissions data is foundational to
dramatically reduces the number of fake lead submissions. And it
sustainable advertising, it is ultimately the actions that are taken
allows advertisers to focus 100% of their budget on audiences with
with it that will drive change.
genuine conversion potential, leading to higher sales volumes and
improved return on ad spend.
Marketing decision-makers need to keep emissions in mind to
achieve the goal of decarbonisation. Doing so not only benefits
the planet, it also drives significant increases in campaign
performance. With that said, here are four ways brands can reduce
their emissions:
The remaining three recommendations apply to brands 4. Optimise supply paths to reduce emissions stemming
investing in programmatic display campaigns: from ad selection
2. Use an ad verification solution to maximise viewability The ad selection part of the ad life cycle represents the lion’s
rates share of carbon emissions in the programmatic space. Brands
can work to streamline their ad tech stack by identifying and
Using an ad verification solution like IAS helps to maximise both moving away from high emitting partners, while also asking
viewability rates and profitability via programmatic campaigns. preferred publishers to review their supply paths and shift spend
Doing so serves to minimise carbon emissions associated with to green media solutions.
serving less effective, non-viewable impressions.
As our data shows, invalid traffic is the root cause of advertising Our research has found a considerable rise in Quality Path For years the ad industry has worked hard to stay ahead of
inefficiency and it’s increasingly impacting “walled garden” Optimisation adoption among marketers globally, indicating a bad actors. We’ve embraced new technology and practices
platforms too. Solving for what was once considered a real need for solutions that maximise ROI. We’ve seen viewability that promise to improve ad effectiveness and cut waste while
problem for the open web only now must be at the centre of improve across all regions, and global ad fraud rates have still delivering outcomes for marketers. But, the data shows
every marketer’s campaign strategy, regardless of channel. remained stable but optimising for viewability solely to reach there’s still more work to be done. Applying a sustainability
The lost revenue opportunity for brands as a result of invalid industry standards may not necessarily result in significant lens to campaigns has opened our eyes to the full extent
traffic polluting their campaigns amounts to hundreds of return on ad spend (ROAS). Quality spend is one of the leading of the waste problem in advertising, and also exposed how
billions of dollars per year - and the potential unmeasurable criteria for marketers when it comes to quality path optimisation, inefficiency is responsible for excessive, and unnecessary,
impact of polluted data could be even larger. Above all else, and by using the appropriate pre-bid segments, high viewability carbon emissions. By combining emissions data with other
our data makes one thing extremely clear: the security-first can be maintained, in addition to high conversions while data sources, like Lunio’s IVT data and IAS’s viewability data,
approach to tackling bots & IVT is failing, and will continue to
minimising the impact on scale. we can begin to pinpoint opportunities to reduce these
do so in this new AI-powered age. It’s time for an advertising-
unnecessary emissions, eliminating wasteful spend and
first approach to solving this problem, which focuses on
ensuring more effective and sustainable campaigns for
attaining profitable outcomes rather than providing arbitrary
marketers as a result.
deterministic good/bad classifications.
The data in this report highlights the true impact of invalid traffic. In addition to the spend directly wasted on invalid clicks and impressions, fake traffic destroys potential revenue opportunities and limits business growth.
Invalid traffic shouldn’t be viewed as an inevitable “cost of doing business”. By taking collective action to eradicate it, advertisers can help build a cleaner, more transparent digital
ecosystem where every click, impression and placement drives genuine business value.
Lunio is an invalid traffic prevention platform that Integral Ad Science (IAS) is a leading global media Scope3 is on a mission to decarbonise media and
automatically removes bots and fake ad engagements measurement and optimisation platform that delivers the advertising. For organisations seeking to make carbon-
across all walled-garden paid marketing channels - industry’s most actionable data to drive superior results aware business decisions, Scope3 is the supply chain
including Google, Bing, Meta, LinkedIn, TikTok, and many for the world’s largest advertisers, publishers, and media emissions data standard that delivers an accurate,
more. By eliminating fake traffic, 100% of your ad spend is platforms. IAS’s software provides comprehensive and comprehensive, and independent emissions model for
focused on audiences with genuine conversion potential, enriched data that ensures ads are seen by real people every company in the digital ecosystem. Leveraging an
allowing you to make better campaign optimisations with in safe and suitable environments, while improving return open-source and science-backed methodology, Scope3
validated data. No more wasted spend. No more worthless on ad spend for advertisers and yield for publishers. emissions intelligence data powers the tools brands,
traffic. And no more guesswork. Get complete traffic Our mission is to be the global benchmark for trust and agencies, publishers and technology providers use to
transparency to help you improve metrics that matter. The transparency in digital media quality. measure, understand and take action to reduce their
way paid media should be. carbon footprint. Founded in January 2022, Scope3 has a
For more information, visit global workforce distributed across North America, Europe
For more information, visit and APAC.