Spring Loaded
Spring Loaded
Spring Loaded
9540 End-of-Line Pressure/Vacuum Breather Vent
19540 Pipe-Away Pressure/Vacuum Breather Vent
9240 End-of-Line Vacuum Relief Vent
19240 Side Mount Vacuum Relief Vent
9800 End-of-Line Pressure Relief Vent
19800 Pipe-Away Pressure Relief Vent
OBJECTIVE spring loading is not required. For most series and designs spring
Protectoseal’s Spring Loaded Vents provide pressure and loaded vents are available for setting of 3 PSIG and above.
vacuum relief so that a tank’s vapor space can be maintained Maximum set points of 15 PSIG can be provided (12.5 PSIG for
within safe operating parameters. Different versions of these 12" size vents).
vents allow for spring loaded pressure settings, spring loaded Wide Range of Set Points. The spring loaded vents can be set at
vacuum settings or combinations of spring loaded pressure/ 3 PSIG or higher. Maximum set points of 15 PSIG (12.5 PSIG
weight loaded vacuum or weight loaded pressure/spring loaded for 12" vents) can be provided. Minimum set points on the weight
vacuum settings. Spring loading allows for higher pressure or loaded side of any spring loaded vent is 2 oz./in. Standard Viton®
vacuum settings than are available with conventional weight seating material. Other materials may be furnished upon request.
loading techniques. Spring loaded vents are intended for use on Numerous Sizes Available. Available in 2" (DN50) thru 12"
tanks and vessels that have higher pressure or vacuum design (DN300) Sizes. Aluminum flanged to mate with 125# ANSI and
ratings when compared to atmospheric storage vessels. The DIN PN 16 flat face flanges. All other materials mate with 150#
vents are normally closed to minimize loss of product and open ANSI and DIN 16 raised face flanges. Other drilling patterns
only to allow required pressure/vacuum relief. available upon special request.
TECHNIQUE PRO-FLOW III® Sizing and Selection Software.
Even tanks with high design ratings require protection from Use PRO-FLOW III® to select the correct size for pressure and
excessive pressure/vacuum accumulation in their vapor spaces. vacuum relief calculated in accordance with API 2000, ISO
With the set pressures allowed by a spring loaded design, the 28300, NFPA 30 and OSHA 1910.106.
vents can remain closed at higher pressures and are allowed to Quality Assurance. Each vent is Factory tested for casting in-
open only when the tank structure may be in jeopardy. Vapors tegrity, correct setting and leakage to meet Protectoseal’s high
can then be relieved, or make up air can be drawn into the tank, standards prior to shipment.
to maintain the tank within its design parameters. Product loss is
The ability to operate tanks at elevated pressure/vacuum is The vents are available in a wide range of materials to meet
provided. This becomes more important as tank storage process requirements. Aluminum, Ductile Iron, 316 Stainless
systems continue their transition from stand alone structures to Steel, Cast Steel and C/C76 housings can be provided. Consult
manifolded, multi-tank operations equipped with vapor recovery factory for other special alloys. The standard spring packages are
devices, flares, inert gas blanketing systems, etc. 316 Stainless Steel with Stainless Steel springs. Refer to mate-
rial specifications in the “How to Order Protectoseal Spring
Protectoseal offers a full range of spring loaded vent designs.
Loaded Vents” on Page 5.
Vents suitable for relieving vapors to the atmosphere are
available. Vents with flanged connections on their outlets are Available Options
also available so that relieved vapors may be directed to ® Alternate diaphragm materials
connecting piping for disposal or further processing. ® Material certifications for castings
® Lower than standard minimum pressure and/or vacuum
® Steam jacketing available
Easy Inspection and Maintenance. The spring packages are
® Manual or electronic indication of vent opening
readily removable from the cast housings to facilitate inspection
® FEP coating
and maintenance. For the 9800 Series Pressure Vent the entire
vent can be removed from the system. Replacement spring
packages or vents can be easily installed in the systems so that ® Kynar® coating (Kynar® is a Registered Trademark of Arkema, Inc.)
disruption of plant operations can be minimized. The pressure ® Special cleaning & packaging for the storage of ultrapure
/vacuum vents may be provided with any combination of spring liquids
loading on the pressure, vacuum or both pressure and vacuum
sides. Conventional weight loading techniques are used when
Specifications Spring Loaded Vents
For Pressure and / or Vacuum Relief
Series 9540 - End-of-Line Pressure/Vacuum Breather Vent (Dimensions shown are for reference only, contact factory for certified drawings.)
Series 19540 - Pipe-Away Pressure/Vacuum Breather Vent (Dimensions shown are for reference only, contact factory for certified drawings.)
Flange Size Ht. Width Length B.C. B.C. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Holes Holes
Cat. No.* K1 x K2 A B C F H D1 D2 G1 G2 E1 E2 N1 N2
19542P/V2 12" x 2" 16" 197/8" 16" 171/8" 153⁄ 8" 14 3/4" 14 3/4" 16" 16" 13/4" 3/4" 14 14
19542P/V3 12" x 3" 131/2" 191/4" 16" 17" 151⁄ 2" 14 3/4" 16" 16" 17 1/2" 13/4" 3/4" 14 14
19543P/V3 13" x 3" 15" 195/8" 16" 171/4" 159⁄ 16" 16" 16" 17 1/2" 17 1/2" 13/4" 3/4" 14 14
19543P/V4 13" x 4" 14" 195/8" 161/8" 18" 155⁄ 8" 16" 17 1/2" 17 1/2" 19" 13/4" 3/4" 14 18
19544P/V4 14" x 4" 193/4" 10" 201/2" 191/8" 161/2" 17 1/2" 17 1/2" 19" 19" 13/4" 3/4" 18 18
19544P/V6 14" x 6" 18" 11" 201/2" 195/8" 161/2" 17 1/2" 19 1/2" 19" 11" 13/4" 7/8" 18 18
19546P/V6 16" x 6" 221/4" 13" 253/4" 12" 183/8" 19 1/2" 19 1/2" 11" 11" 17/8" 7/8" 18 18
19546P/V8 16" x 8" 221/2" 131⁄ 2" 261/2" 13" 181/2" 19 1/2" 11 3/4" 11" 13 1/2" 17/8" 7/8" 18 18
19548P/V10 18" x 10" 261⁄ 2" 16" 32" 113/4" 101⁄ 2" 11 3/4" 14 1/4" 13 1/2" 16" 17/8" 1" 18 12
19550P/V12 10" x 12" 253⁄ 8" 19" 375/8" 151/4" 12" 14 1/4" 17" 16" 19" 1" 1" 12 12
19552P/V14 12" x 14" 281⁄ 4" 21" 393⁄ 4" 161/2" 12" 17" 18 3/4" 19" 21" 1" 11/8" 12 12
*Note Cat. No. specifies Aluminum construction. Refer to ”How to Order Protectoseal Spring Loaded Vents” on Page 5 for more options.
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Specifications Spring Loaded Vents
For Pressure and / or Vacuum Relief
Series 9240 - End-of-Line Vacuum Relief Vent (Dimensions shown are for reference only, contact factory for certified drawings.)
Series 19240 - Side Mount Vacuum Relief Vent (Dimensions shown are for reference only, contact factory for certified drawings.)
Flange Valve Ht. Width Length Width B.C. Dia. Dia. Holes
Cat. No.* K2 K1 A B C H D G E N
19240V2 12" 12" 193/4" 193/4" 187/8" 151⁄ 4" 14 3/4" 16" 13/4" 14
19240V3 13" 13" 101/2" 195/8" 19" 151⁄ 2" 16” 17 1/2" 13/4" 14
19240V4 14" 14" 101/4" 10" 12" 163/8" 17 1/2" 19" 13/4" 18
19240V6 16" 16" 153/4" 13" 151/4" 183/8" 19 1/2" 11" 17/8" 18
19246V8 18" 16" 161/4" 13" 151/2" 181/2" 11 3/4" 13 1/2" 17/8" 18
19248V10 10" 18" 171/4" 153/4" 191/4" 101⁄ 2" 14 1/4" 16" 1" 12
19250V12 12" 10" 193/4" 183/4" 213/4" 12" 17" 19" 1" 12
19252V14 14" 12" 221⁄ 4" 21" 21" 12" 183⁄ 4" 21" 11⁄ 8" 12
*Note Cat. No. specifies Aluminum construction. Refer to ”How to Order Protectoseal Spring Loaded Vents” on Page 5 for more options.
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Specifications Spring Loaded Vents
For Pressure and / or Vacuum Relief
Series 9800 - End-of-Line Pressure Relief Vent (Dimensions shown are for reference only, contact factory for certified drawings.)
Series 19800 - Pipe-Away Pressure Relief Vent (Dimensions shown are for reference only, contact factory for certified drawings.)
Flange Size Ht. Width Length B.C. B.C. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Holes Holes
Cat. No.* K1 x K2 A B C F H D1 D2 G1 G2 E1 E2 N1 N2
19802P2 12" x 2" 131/4" 193/4" 185/8" 137/8" 151⁄ 2" 14 3/4" 14 3/4" 16" 16" 13/4" 13/4" 14 14
19802P3 12" x 3" 11" 193/4" 191/4" 143/8" 151⁄ 2" 14 3/4" 16" 16" 17 1/2" 13/4" 13/4" 14 14
19803P3 13" x 3" 12" 195/8" 19" 141/4" 151⁄ 2" 16" 16" 17 1/2" 17 1/2" 13/4" 13/4" 14 14
19803P4 13" x14" 101/2" 195/8" 19" 151/4" 155⁄ 8" 16" 17 1/2" 17 1/2" 19" 13/4" 13/4" 14 18
19804P4 14" x14" 165/8" 19" 121/8" 161/16" 167/16" 17 1/2" 17 1/2" 19" 19" 13/4" 13/4" 18 18
19804P6 14" x16" 15" 11" 121/4" 163/8" 161/2" 17 1/2" 19 1/2" 19" 11" 13/4" 17/8" 18 18
19806P6 16" x16" 185/8" 11" 151/2" 173/4" 183/8" 19 1/2" 19 1/2" 11" 11" 17/8" 17/8" 18 18
19806P8 16" x18" 18" 131⁄ 2" 151/2" 181/2" 181/2" 19 1/2" 11 3/4" 11" 13 1/2" 17/8" 17/8" 18 18
19808P10 18" x 10" 271⁄ 2" 16" 183/4" 10 1/2" 101⁄ 2" 11 3/4" 14 1/4" 13 1/2" 16" 17/8" 1" 18 12
19810P10 10" x 12" 29 7/8" 19" 213/4" 11" 12" 14 1/4" 17" 16" 19" 1" 1" 12 12
19812P14 12" x 14" 233/4" 21" 21" 12" 12" 17" 18 3/4" 19" 21" 1" 11/8" 12 12
*Note Cat. No. specifies Aluminum construction. Refer to “How to Order Protectoseal Spring Loaded Vents” on Page 5 for more options.
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How to Order Spring Loaded Vents
For Pressure and / or Vacuum Relief
Series Part Spring Loaded Spring Loaded Pressure Vacuum Ductile Stainless
Number Pressure Side Vacuum Side Only Only Configuration Aluminum Iron Steel Steel C/C276
Standard Pressure & Vacuum Settings Spring Loaded Vents
For Pressure and / or Vacuum Relief
Safety Without Compromise
225 Foster Ave., Bensenville, IL 60106-1690
P 630.595.0800 F 630.595.8059
[email protected] www.protectoseal.com
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