22pam0062 Intermediate Academic English Part2

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Just as in Long Conversation, in Long Talks, we are
going to learn how to answer questions about people, time,
reason, place, method, etc (what, where, who, when, why,
how). At the end of this meeting, the students are expected

1. Understand what is being discussed or delivered in a

Long Talk.

2. Anticipate the topics or the questions by scanning the

answer choices.

3. Answer questions about things, people, reason, time,

methods, etc regarding to the Long Talk.

Long talk is different from both Short Conversation and
Long Conversation. In Long Talk, there is only one person
speaking. Thus, we can call this as monologue. There are 3

Intermediate Academic English 18

Long Talks in the last part of TOEFL LISTENING. Each of
them consists of 4 questions, and every question has 4
answer choices.

Just like the Long Conversation, the topics in Long

Talks are mostly about school life and the trending news.
Still, it is frequently that the Talk is a shortened lecture from
the courses which are taught in American colleges and

Before doing the Long Talks, there are some important

and useful strategies we need to know. These strategies are
more or less as the strategies we use for Long Conversation:

1. Scan the answer choices before listening to the question

There is a 12 second-interval between the questions. Use

the interval to quickly read the answer choices, so you
can guess the topic or the question.

2. Focus on the beginning of the Talk.

In Long Talk, the topic is introduced in the beginning, so

pay more attention for the 1st until 2nd sentences.

3. As you are listening to the Long Talk, try to well

remember about things, places, times, reasons, methods,
and other significant topics discussed in the Talk.

4. As you are listening to the Long Talk, look carefully the

choices and pick the best answers.

5. Wrong answers do not reduce your score. Therefore,

never leave your answer sheet blank.

Intermediate Academic English 19

Now, let’s discuss the strategies for Long Talk:

1. Anticipate the topics

Anticipating the topics means we try to guess the

topic before listening to the Long Talk. This is done by
quickly reading the answer choices from all the numbers
in long talk. We certainly cannot guess the topic
correctly 100%, but we can draw the general idea from
the answer choices.

Let’s see the following example:

1. a. Just before the final exam

b. On the first day of class

c. During a biology laboratory session

d. In a biology study group

2. a. To take the first exam

b. To study the laboratory manual

c. To read one chapter of the text

d. To do the first laboratory assignment

3. a. The first lecture

b. Reading assignment

c. Exam topics

d. Room assignments

Intermediate Academic English 20

4. a. Lecture and laboratory attendance

b. Exams and lab work

c. Reading and writing assignment

d. Class participation and grades on examinations

What is the topic of the talk from question 1 to question


We cannot actually guess correctly, but there are

some clues like ‘biology’ and ‘first day of class’ in no.1
(b) and (c), ‘exam’ in no. 2 (a), ‘reading assignment’ in 3
(b), and ‘exams and lab work’ in 4 (b). Thus, the topic for
the talk in questions 1 to 4 is

 Requirement for class of biology

2. Anticipate the questions

Before listening to the Long Talk and its questions,

the answer choices actually provide clue to what
question is the number about. Look at the example.

1. a. Just before the final exam

b. On the first day of class
c. In a biology study group
d. During a biology laboratory session
Discussion: All the answer choices are about time,
so the question use ‘when’

Question: When did something happen?  When

did the talk probably happen?

Intermediate Academic English 21

After trying no. 1, now let’s do these:
Exercise 2.1

2. a. for 15 hours
b. Twice a week
c. Three times in a week
d. once in a week

3. a. The first lecture

b. Reading assignment

c. Exam topics

d. Room assignments


4. a. Lecture and laboratory attendance

b. Exams and lab work

c. Reading and writing assignment

d. participation in class and grades of examinations


5. a. To take the first exam

b. To study the laboratory manual

c. To read one chapter of the text

Intermediate Academic English 22

d. To do the first laboratory assignment

3. Determine the topic

Knowing the topic or subject of a Long Talk is

essential because the first questions in Long Talks are
mostly about topic. To be able to determine the topic, we
must focus on the beginning of the Talk. Thus, it is very
important to give more focus to the first and second

Exercise 2.2 (EN2-M2-Exercise 2.2)

To have better understanding, let’s try this

exercise. First, you need to fill the blanks to complete
the conversation. Then, you can answer what is the
topic for each number.

a. What is the topic of Talk 1?


Narrator The …… part of …… 1 is:

…… to Biology 101. I’m …… Martin,
and …… is your …… assistant, Peter

Intermediate Academic English 23

: Smith

…… is the …… of ……1?

b. What is the topic of Talk 2?


c. What is the topic of Talk 3?

Intermediate Academic English 24


Narrator The …… part of …… 3 is:

I …… you’ve …… your …… …… far in
…… DC. ……, we’re …… to a …… of
the Smithsonian.

…… is the …… of ……3?


4. Draw Conclusion about people, things, time, place

While you are listening to a Talk, you must also think


- Who is delivering the talk

- Who / what is being discussed

- Where the Talk is delivered

- When the Talk is delivered

- Why the Talk is delivered or discussed

- How the Talk is delivered

- How long and how many things are mentioned there

Remember, in real test, you’re not allowed to take

any notes. Thus, it is important for you to have good
Intermediate Academic English 25
memory to be able to answer all the questions about the

Exercise 2.3

Now, let’s try this exercise: Listen to the first part

of each the Talk. Then try to imagine the situation. And
finally, answer the questions in the text

Intermediate Academic English 26

Review Exercises
In this part, try to complete the Talks you are listening to.
Then, answer the questions correctly!

Talk 1 (File name: EN2-M1-Review Exercise 1)

1. Question : When …… this talk …… take ……?

a. Just before the final exam
b. On the first day of class
c. In a biology study group
d. During a biology laboratory session

2. Question : How …… will …… Martin …… lectures?

a. for 15 hours
b. Twice a week
c. Three times a week
d. once in a week

3. Question : …… is the …… for the …… class?

a. To take the first exam

Intermediate Academic English 27

b. To learn the laboratory manual

c. To read a chapter of the text

d. To do the first laboratory assignment

4. Question : What …… is …… in the ……?

a. The first lecture

b. Reading assignment

c. Exam topics

d. Room assignments

5. Question : …… will the …… use to …… the ……

course grades?

a. Lecture and laboratory attendance

b. Exams and lab work

c. Reading and writing assignment

d. Class participation and grades on examinations

Intermediate Academic English 28

Talk 2 (File name: EN2-M1-Review Exercise 2)

6. Question: …… was the …… of yesterday’s ……?

a. Ring of Fire’s volcanoes
b. Hawaiian volcanoes
c. Different types of volcanoes
d. What caused the Ring of Fire

7. Question: …… is the topic of …… lecture?

a. Mauna Loa
b. The Volcanoes of Hawaii

Intermediate Academic English 29

c. The volcano’s characteristics in the Ring of Fire
d. The Ring of Fire

8. Questions: …… are most of the world’s …… volcanoes

a. Along the Ring of Fire
b. Within the Ring of Fire
c. In Hawaii
d. In the United States

9. Question: …… is …… of Hawaii’s ……?

a. They contain thick lava.
b. The contain a lot of gas.
c. They are not so violent.
d. They are located along the Ring of Fire.

10. Question: …… is Mauna Loa?

a. An explosive volcano
b. A long, low volcanic mountain
c. An island in Hawaii
d. A volcano located on the Ring of Fire

Intermediate Academic English 30

Guides, Peterson., Rogers, Bruce. 199. TOEFL Practice
Test (2nd Ed). Princeton: Peterson’s Guides.

Phillips, Deborah. 2001. Longman COMPELTE COURSE for

the TOEFL TEST. New York: Longman.

Rogers, Bruce. 2011. The Complete Guide to the TOEFL

Test PBT Edition. USA: Heinle Cengage Learning.

Intermediate Academic English 31

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