Mock Adv1

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142/1-Mock examination 2021







(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 27th January, 2021 a.m.


1. This paper consists of ten (10) questions each carrying ten (10) marks.

2. Answer all questions.

3. All necessary working and answers of each question must be shown clearly.

4. Mathematical tables and non-programable calculators may be used.

5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the
examination room.

6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

This paper consists of four printed pages

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142/1-Mock examination 2021

1. (a) Use a non programable calculator to evaluate each of the following:

"√ #
98.2 × 107 × (0.0076)−1
(i) ln correct to 6 decimal places,
tan π3 × cos3 π4
" √ #− 1
sin 18 + cos 48◦

(ii) correct to 4 decimal places,

cot(e2 ) sin 28◦
log4 (ln 62)
(iii) sinh−1 √ correct to 3 significant figures.
4C 5 264.72
(b) The annual rate of depreciation r on a car that is purchased for p dollars and
is worth w dollars t years later can be found from the formula
1 w
log(1 − r) = log . By using a non-programmable calculator, find correct
t p
to 3 decimal places the annual rate of depreciation on a car that is purchased
for $9,000 and sold 5 years later for $4,500.
2. (a) Prove that cosh2 x sin2 x − sinh2 x cos2 x = (1 − cosh 2x cos 2x).
(b) Find in logarithmic form the solution of 5 sinh x + cosh x = 5.
(c) Z
Use a suitable hyperbolic function substitution to find the general solution for
1 1
dx hence use the formula obtained to evaluate dx.
a2 − b2 x2 16 − 9x2
3. (a) In a Mathematics examination consisting of paper 1 (P1 ) and paper 2 (P2 ),
both papers were marked out of 100. A candidate is given a mark x for P1
and a mark y for P2 . A student is considered to have passed if 3x + 4y is
at least 210, but a candidate must score at least 35 marks and 44 marks on
P1 and P2 respectively. The lowest value for any candidate who passes the
exam is determined by x + y. Formulate this problem as a linear programming
problem for determining the minimum marks scored by a candidate.
(b) A cement dealer has two depots D1 and D2 holding 120 and 40 tons
respectively. He has two customers C1 and C2 who have ordered 80 tons and
50 tons of cement respectively. C1 is 20km from D1 and 40km from D2 . C2
is 15km from D1 and 30km from D2 . Transportation costs are proportional
to the distance travelled. How should he supply the tons of cement to the
customers so as to minimize total transport costs?

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142/1-Mock examination 2021

4. (a) The mean and variance of the observations a, b, 2, 4, 10, 12 and 14 are 8 and
16 respectively. Find the value of a and b given that a > b.
(b) The table below shows the height of Mango trees at Wazo Hill plantation:
Height(cm) 0 − 10 10 − 20 20 − 30 30 − 40 40 − 50 50 − 60
Frequency 5 7 12 10 9 7
(i) Calculate the Median
(ii) Use class mark of the modal class as assumed mean A to find mean using
Coding method.
h 0
5. (a) Use appropriate laws of algebra of sets to simplify A ∩ (A ∪ B)
(b) Two sets A and B are said to be equivalent if n(A) = n(B)
where n(X) = number of elements in X. If A, B and C are equivalent sets of
which A and C are disjoint sets, prove that
n(A ∪ B ∪C) = 3n(A) − n(A ∩ B) − n(B ∩C).
(c) At Magufuli High School, no student who is allowed to study less than two
subjects; If it was observed that 150 students study Physics, 110 study
Chemistry, 80 study mathematics and 20 study all three subjects. Find how
many students studies:
(i) Exactly two of the named subjects
(ii) Mathematics but not Physics

6. (a) Given that f (x) = x − 2 and g(x) = x2 − 4, find the value of x for which
f og(x) = go f (x).
(b) Sketch the graph of f (x) = 2 hence from it determine its domain
x − 4x + 3
and range.

7. (a) Show that the Newton raphson formula for finding the reciprocal of a number
N is given by the iterative formula Xn+1 = Xn (2 − NXn ) hence use the formula
to find correct to 4 decimal places the reciprocal of the Number N = 7 with
four iterations such that X0 = 0.13
Z 1
(b) Given I p = 3
dx for p = {0, 1}. Use 5 strips to compute the value of
0 x + 10
I p correct to four decimal places by applying:
(i) Trapezium rule for p = 0
(ii) Simpson’s rule for p = 1

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142/1-Mock examination 2021

8. (a) Find the area of triangle ABC with A(1, −4) and the midpoints of the other
sides through A being (2, −1) and (0, −1).
(b) Determine whether the points A(−3, −2), B(5, −1) and C(−2, 1) are inside,
on or outside the circle x2 + y2 − 2x + 8y − 8 = 0.
(c) Moving points B and C are on the circle x2 + y2 = 25. Let A be (2,0) and M
be the midpoint of BC. If BAC is the straight line, what is the locus of M?
2 +1
9. (a) Integrate x(3x )dx.
(b) If In = cosn xdx, obtain a reduction formula for In in terms of In−2 and use
it to integrate cos3 xdx.

(c) Find the area between the curve y = x(4 − x) and the x-axis from x = 0 to
x = 5.
d 2y dy
10. (a) If y = 3 cos(ln x), prove that x2 + x + y = 0.
dx2 dx
(b) Find for the implicit function 3y2 + 2y + xy = x3 .
(c) Sand is leaking through a small hole at the bottom of a conical funnel at the
rate of 12cm3 /s. If the radius of the funnel is 8cm and the altitude of the
funnel is 16cm, find the rate at which the depth of the sand falls when the
sand is 10cm deep inside the cone.

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