BXE Experiment No.4

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Experiment No.

1) Rectifier Circuits:

a. Implement half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier using


b. Observe the effect of capacitor filter on rectifier output.

Aim: To Observe the Waveforms of Half wave, Full wave and Bridge rectifier circuits with
andwithout filter.:
a. Implement half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier using diodes.

b. Observe the effect of capacitor filter on rectifier output.


Name Range Quantity

CRO (0-20 MHz) 1
CRO probes 2
Digital Ammeter, Voltmeter 1
[0-200μA/200mA], [0-20V]
Transformer 220V/9V, 50Hz 1
Connecting Wires

Silicon Diode 1N4007:
Max. Forward Current = 1A Max.
Reverse Current = 5.0μA Max.
Forward Voltage = 0.8V Max.
Reverse Voltage = 1000V Max.
Power Dissipation = 30mW
Temperature = -65 to 200° C

S.V.P.M.’S College of Engineering, Malegaon (Bk) Page 1 of 6

A rectifier is a circuit that converts a pure AC signal into a pulsating DC signal or a
signal that is a combination of AC and DC components.

A half wave rectifier makes use of single diode to carry out this conversion. It is named so
as the conversion occurs for half input signal cycle. During the positive half cycle, the
diode is forward biased and it conducts and hence a current flow through the load
resistor. During the negative half cycle, the diode is reverse biased and it is equivalent
to an open circuit, hence the
current through the load resistance is zero. Thus, the diode conducts only for one half
cycle and results in a half wave rectified output.

A full wave rectifier makes use of two diodes to carry out this conversion. It is namedso
as the conversion occurs for complete input signal cycle. The full-wave rectifier consists
of a center-tap transformer, which results in equal voltages above and below the center-
tap. During the positive half cycle, a positive voltage appears at the anode of D1 while a
negative voltage appears at the anode of D2. Due to this diode D1 is forward biased it
results in a current Id1 through the load R. During the negative half cycle, a positive
voltage appears at the anode of D2 and hence it is forward biased. Resulting in a current
Id2 through the load at the same instant a negative voltage appears at the anode of D1
thus reverse biasing it and hence it doesn’t conduct.

Circuit Diagram:

Figure 1. Half Wave Rectifier

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Full Wave Rectifier:

Figure 2. Full Wave Rectifier

Bridge Rectifier:

Figure 3. Bridge Wave Rectifier


PART-I: Half wave rectifier without filter.

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the fig.1.

2. Connect the multimeter across the 1kΩ load.
3. Measure the AC and DC voltages by setting multimeter to ac and dc mode
4. Now calculate the ripple factor using the following formula.

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5. Connect the CRO channel-1 across input and channel-2 across output i.e load and
observe theinput and output Waveforms.
6. Now calculate the peak voltage of input and output waveforms and also the

PART-II: Full wave rectifier without filter.

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the fig.2.

2. Repeat the above steps 2-6
3. Plot different graphs for wave forms and calculate ripple factor

PART-II: Bridge rectifier circuits without filter.

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the fig.3.

2. Repeat the above steps 2-6
3. Plot different graphs for wave forms and calculate ripple factor

Expected Waveforms:

1) Half wave Rectifier

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2) Full wave Rectifier

3) Bridge Rectifier

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Observation Table:

Sr. No. Parameter Half wave Full wave Bridge

Rectifier Rectifier Rectifier
(Volts) (Volts) (Volts)
1. AC Voltage across
Secondary of Transformer
2. AC Voltage at the output of
3. DC Voltage at the output of
4. DC Voltage at the output of
rectifier with filter
5. AC Voltage at the output of
rectifier with filter


We have observed waveforms of half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier circuits

withand without filter.

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