A Novel Technique of Solubility Enhancement: Nanocrystals

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Novel Technique of Solubility

Enhancement: Nanocrystals
Pharmaceutical Nanocrystals

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Jyoti Malik Anurag Khatkar
Affiliation: Research Scholar, Affiliation: Associate Professor,
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Field of expertise: Pharmaceutical Sciences Field of expertise: Pharmaceutical Research
Full Postal Address: Department of Pharmaceutical Full Postal Address: Department of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, MDU, Rohtak (Haryana), India Sciences, MDU, Rohtak (Haryana), India
Arun Nanda
Affiliation: Professor,
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Field of expertise: Pharmaceutical Research
Full Postal Address: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MDU, Rohtak (Haryana), India

Corresponding Author:- 3*Arun Nanda

Abstract:- In the modern era, poor solubility is one of research, the solubility of medicinal molecules made from
the major problems preventing drugs to reach to co-crystals has increased by 4–20 times. Due to the
market. There are several methods for improving the extremely low oral absorption, it is still a significant
solubility of medications that are poorly soluble. difficulty for the pharmaceutical industry to generate
Nanocrystals have been identified as a helpful and suitable co-crystals for medicinal medicines. Compared to
effective method of drug delivery. Nanocrystals are a co-crystals, nano-cocrystals (NCs) can further increase a
family of solid medications that combine the principle of drug's solubility by having crystals in the nanometer size
nanoscience with the crystal structure to produce range. Furthermore, several scientists claimed that nano
benefits in the area of dissolution rate and formulations are frequently dispersed to increase their
physicochemical properties. Various techniques are now stability. Co-crystals structure contributes to sufficiently
available to prepare nanocrystals. In this review, a enhance the bioavailability and dissolving rate of less
detailed insight on conventional and recent techniques of soluble natural compounds, and nano-scale particles with
nanocrystals preparation along with route of larger surface areas also have an impact on these properties
administration, merits, and demerits of nanocrystals, has [2]. Another noteworthy benefit of nano-crystals is their
been provided. In addition, various nanocrystals nearly complete drug content, which increases the likelihood
formulations prepared by various researchers, of achieving high therapeutic levels and the desired
characterization and marketed formulation with pharmacological effects, and sets them apart from
formulations available in clinical phase are summarized conventional colloidal drug delivery technologies. Because
in this review. Quantum dots also termed semiconductor they may be administered in several ways, such as
nanocrystals and Wulff construction are also discussed. injectable, ocular, oral, and pulmonary, they are incredibly
versatile [3]. Co-solvents or solubilizing molecules are
Keywords:- Nanocrystals, Solubility, Quantum Dots, another approach that has been employed to improve the
Cocrystals, Nanotechnology. solubility of drugs that have low water solubility. Because of
the solubilizing molecules or residues of organic solvents,
I. INTRODUCTION this raises the risk of adverse effects or toxic reactions in the
body. Thus, it is imperative to find safe and effective ways
According to reports, up to 70% of drugs currently to increase methods to improve the solubility and
being developed by the pharmaceutical industry have bioavailability of medications that are poorly have low water
low aqueous solubility, which can impair drug development solubility [4].
due to the dangers of poor oral bioavailability and viability
problems in pharmacologic and toxicological studies. Nearly  Nanocrystals
40% of currently marketed drugs also have this problem [1]. It is thought that nanocrystals were the catalyst for the
This challenge serves as a major impetus for scientists to development of modern nanoscience, which started in the
explore methods for enhancing the biopharmaceutical early 1980s and is still going strong today [5]. Nanocrystals
properties of pharmaceutical products. Co-crystals have a lot are solid, pure medicine particles have a size within
of potential uses for improving solubility. According to nanometer range. These compounds are 100% medicines,

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
free of carriers or other molecules, and they are frequently rotated by a milling machine's agitator blade or by agitating
stabilised using surfactants or polymeric steric stabilisers. the entire sample container. But in homogenization method,
Nanocrystals have special characteristics that help them to piston-gap and jet-stream are the two major types of high
overcome challenges such as increased saturation solubility, pressure homogenizers [15]. The ball milling process uses
higher dissolving rate, and greater cohesiveness to surface shear forces to produce nano-sized particles and high-
and cell membranes [6]. Due to the greater surface area to pressure homogenizations are typical top-down technique
volume ratio and faster dissolution rates brought on by [2]. The milling based nanocrystal technology is the one that
nanosizing, the solubility of hydrophobic medicines is is used the most in the pharmaceutical sector [16]. Many
improved by nanocrystalline drug technology. The related review papers have provided extensive explanations
Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) Class 2 and of mechanisms of both techniques [2,7,9,15,17].
Class 4 medications may be successfully reformulated using Precipitation is a bottom-up approach that uses crystal
the drug crystals [7]. As their name would suggest, they are growth and nucleation processes [2]. The bottom-up
crystallised, yet based on the manner of manufacturing, they approaches generally depend on the solvent-antisolvent
may also be partially or entirely amorphous [8]. precipitation principle. Initially, the API is dispersed in the
"Nanosuspensions" are produced when drug nanocrystals solvent.When a solvent containing API is combined with a
are dispersed in liquid media. Typically, stabilisers like non-solvent, the precipitation that results creates drug
surfactants or polymeric stabilisers are needed to keep the nanocrystals. [18]. Typically, the bottom-up strategy needed
dispersed particles from settling out of suspension. Water, less energy input than the top-down method. But before the
aqueous solutions, or nonaqueous chemicals can all be used complete process of formulation, organic solvent, which is
as dispersion medium. When converting drug microcrystals typically used as the solvent, needs to be eliminated. The
to drug nanoparticles, based on the manufacturing process, way that solvent and antisolvent are mixed in a bottom-up
the final result may be either crystalline or amorphous, technique may have an impact on the size of the
particularly when precipitation is used. It would be incorrect nanoparticles. In most trials, a drug-solvent mixture in a
to refer to these amorphous drug nanoparticles as syringe was injected into an antisolvent [15].
nanocrystals in technical terms. Still, the phrase Electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA), also known as
"nanocrystals in the amorphous state" is a term that is electrospraying, and spray drying have also been frequently
frequently used [9]. Controlled release nanocrystal used to create nanocrystals for application in medicine
technology is incredibly adaptable and offers a number of because of its ease of use and potential for scalability.
benefits, including very high drug loading, simplicity in However, to maintain the physicochemical stability of
production, prevention of dose dumping, and consistent drug nanoparticles over an extended period of time, it is not
release. Drugs are typically nanosized to increase their required to include any suspension stabilisers or surfactants
intrinsic solubility, bioavailability, and dissolving rate [10]. [19]. This approach can simply work in a continuous manner
and also has high reproducibility by regulating the process
 Quantum Dots (QDs) variables. EHDA is a single-step process that produces
Semiconductor nanocrystals called quantum dots have nanoparticles with a limited size distribution in contrast to
sizes between 2-10 nanometer, and they exhibit size- other traditional techniques like nano-precipitation
dependent optical features including absorbance and technologies [20,21]. The solid formulations produced by
photoluminescence [11]. They are zinc sulfide-coated spray drying technique are also more structurally and
organic NCs with an inorganic semiconductor core chemically stable than liquid formulations since they exhibit
(cadmium selenide) that glow when exposed to light. The less coagulation, deterioration, and other solvent-related
zinc sulphide coating improves their optical properties. QDs problems [22].
are more easily soluble in aqueous buffers with the insertion
of a cap [12]. Due to their extremely high surface-to-volume  Different Techniques used to Prepare Nanocrystals are
ratios, quantum dots illuminate with various colours. In Enlisted in Figure 1 and Figure 2:
contrast to the outer aqueous shell, which may be utilised to
combine biomolecules like peptides, proteins, and DNA, the
inner structure of quantum dots determines the colour that is
produced. Due to their narrow emission, bright fluorescence,
and great photostability, quantum dots can be employed to
identify therapeutic substances within cells and tissues. They
are excellent choices compared to other fluorescent
compounds because of their versatile bio-conjugation,
adjustable photo-physical properties for multiplexed
detection, and improved stability for prolonged examination
times [13].

 Different Techniques of Preparation

Different techniques have been used to make drug
nanocrystals [14]. Top-down and bottom-up technologies
are the two primary approaches used to create nanocrystals.
During milling technique, the little milling bead or ball is Fig 1 Different Methods of Nanocrystals Formation

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
is added drop wise within the water phase by frequently
adding stabilisers. It is simple to regulate the size of
emulsion droplets. The emulsion is then evaporated,
agitated, and extracted to get the drug nanocrystals.
Temperature gradient, pH level, stirring rate, evaporation
rate, and emulsifier all have a significant impact on the final
product's quality. This emulsion polymerization process
does not work well for large-scale pilot manufacturing since
it needs the aid of homogenization and ultrasound [26].

 Combination Techniques

 Nanoedge Process:
It was the first integrated process for lowering the
particle size designed for the manufacturing of nanodrugs.
The precipitation method is used in conjunction with the
high pressure homogenization (HPH) technique.
Precipitation is employed to create the initial crystal
particles, which decreases HPH slit obstruction and
increases the effectiveness of particle size reduction during
the homogenization technique [27]. In order to better grind
the particles and avoid secondary growth as well as the
issues with unequal particle size distribution and ostwald
ripening in the precipitation approach, the homogenization
Fig 2 Recent Techniques of Nanocrystals Preparation procedure from the HPH method is utilised. As a result, the
nanocrytal particles are more physically stable [28].
 Top-Down Techniques
 Smart Crystal Process:
 Laser Ablation: The basic components of smartcrystal technology are a
The solid target is exposed to laser light during laser pre-treatment stage and a HPH phase. Precipitation, spray
ablation, and the material that is expelled condenses into drying, freeze drying, or wet bead milling are a few
nanoparticles in the liquid around it. After that, the laser examples of pre-treatment steps that HPH can accompany
light converted stirred suspensions of microparticles into [29]. Smartcrystal process is acknowledged as a 2nd
nanoparticles [23]. The intensity of laser, the speed of generation technique for producing nanocrystals [30]. It uses
scanning, the characteristics of the suspension and other combination technology (CT), H69, H42 and H69
factors all have an impact on particle size. Although there approaches.
are no organic solvents used in this procedure, a tiny amount
of the medicine might experience oxidative degradation and  H69:
crystal state alterations as a result of using too much power. H69, which combines nanoprecipitation and HPH
The production of nanosuspensions containing paclitaxel, techniques, is related to nanoedge technology. The high
megestrol acetate, and curcumin has been accomplished pressure homogeneous cavitation zone is where nanocrystals
using this technique [24]. are formed, which results in extremely tiny and
homogeneous particle sizes [31]
 Ultrasound:
Through acoustic wave vibration, ultrasound is an  H42 and H96:
effective way to fragment medication particles into smaller This approach is paired with a different technique, such
ones. The fast dispersion of drug solution and the creation of as freeze drying, spray drying, or HPH. To create drug
acoustic cavitation in solution caused by ultrasound have nanocrystals, the mixture of an insoluble drug and a
been proven to promote nucleation. It is frequently used in stabiliser is first spray/freeze dried, evenly scattered
combination with other methods due to its simplicity of use throughout the stabiliser skeleton, and then redispersed in
and good reproducibility in the laboratory. The length of the the water using HPH. Combining the two techniques
horn, the immersion depth of the horn, the cavitation depth, decreases particle agglomeration and boots processing
and the strength of the ultrasonic treatment all affect the effectiveness. It is appropriate for industrial-scale
nanocrystal’s size [25]. manufacturing [32].

 Bottom-Up Technique  CT:

Top-down technology is combined in CT. Rotar-stator
 Emulsion Polymerization: and mills are now the two commonly utilized wet bead
An O/W emulsion is created by dissolving API in milling techniques [33]. Using the former as an illustration,
volatile organic liquids or liquids that are partly combined the ARTcrystal technique combines HPH with high-speed
with water as the dispersion phase. Next, the organic liquid shear technologies. To create stable and homogenous

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
suspensions, the drug solution is first processed using a  Ultrasound Probe High Pressure Homogenization
rotor-stator high-speed shear. Next, under intense pressure, Technique:
the nanocrystals are homogenised [34]. Baicalin nanocrystals were produced by Jin et al. 2013,
using an ultrasonic probe, HPH, and a fluidized drying
 Precipitation-Lyophilization-Homogenization technique. They did this by using combination of surfactants
Technique: pluronic F68 as steric stabiliser and SDS as an electrostatic
This technique was used by Morakul et al. 2014, to stabiliser. Pharmacokinetic tests on rats revealed a
produce clarithromycin nanaocrystals, with pluronic F-127 considerable improvement in the drug’s in-vivo
and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) acting as costabilizers. bioavailability [41].
The produced clarithromcin nanocrystals proved to be 400
nm cubic particles that were either completely crystalline or  Rotary Evaporation High Pressure Homogenization
slightly amorphous. It was very soluble and permeable [35]. Technique:
The rotary evaporation-HPH approach was used by
 High Gravity Antisolvent Precipitation Technique Zuo 2019, to produce curcumin-artemisinin cocrystal
(HGAP): nanomedicine. In comparison to curcumin nanocrystals,
The antisolvent precipitation technique and high curcumin-arteminsinin co-crystals, pure curcumin,
gravity controlled precipitation technique (HGCP) are curcumin-artemisinin co-crystal nanomedicine demonstrated
combined to produce HGAP. The advantages of the HGCP significant solubility benefits and high stability [42].
are maintained but the drawbacks of the product’s
contamination were removed [36]. Zhao and colleagues  Melt Quench High Pressure Homogenization Technique:
2009; used the HGAP method to produce danazol Yu 2021, produced nanoamorphous indomethacin
nanocrystals with a consistent size distribution. 190 nm was using a combination of the melt quench and HPH
the average size of particle. Danazol nanocrystals kept their techniques. The produced suspension included particles that
crystalline structure and molecular state [37]. were 245 nm in size. The nanosuspensions’ solubility was
much improved. However, the nanoamorphous has low
 Microjet Reactor Technique (MRT): stability. The presence of moisture and the presence of
MRT is equal to HPH. A high-speed fluid spraying recrystallization caused the particle size to start growing
into the reaction chamber is produced by mixing the drug considerably during 7 days, reached 890 nm within 30 days
solution within the high pressure chamber with the nozzle’s [43].
tiny aperture, and convective shear produces turbulence into
the reaction chamber. Cavitation, impact, and shear affect all  Antisolvent Precipitation-Ultrasound Technique:
work together to lower the final particle size. This approach Fenofibrate nanocrystals were produced by Zhang et
enables continuous, massive production. However, it is al. 2014, utilising the ultrasonic probe precipitation
impossible to avoid the energy usage and obstruction of the technique. Ultrasonic probes, however, have a few
passage [38]. drawbacks, including the possibility of leaving behind metal
particles, which makes them unsuitable for use in industrial
 Evaporative Precipitation into Aqueous Solution manufacturing [44]. For the purpose of producing carvedilol
(EPAS): nanosuspensions, Liu et al. 2012, added α – tocopherol
The less boiling point solvents are used in the EPAS succinate used as additional stabiliser into the organic
technique to dissolve the API, which is then heated above portion. The nanosuspension’s dissolving rate substantially
boiling. The heated solution is then sprinkled over hot enhanced. In vivo testing revealed that when compared to
aqueous solutions that contain stabilisers after that [36]. By conventional tablets, the nanosuspensions exhibited an
using EPAS, Chen et al. 2002, prepared cyclosporine A non- approximately two-fold rise in each parameter [45].
crystalline nanoparticles suspension. It has demonstrated a
rapid rate of dissolution because of its low crystallinity, tiny  Determination of Shape of Nanocrystals
nanoparticles size, and hydrophilic stabilisers [39]. The properties of nanocrystals and, consequently, their
applications in a variety of areas, like catalysis, plasmonics,
 Antisolvent Precipitation High Pressure Homogenization therapeutics, and biological imaging, are greatly influenced
Technique: by their shape and composition [46]. Using the surface
Utilizing PVP K 30 with SDS as crystal stabilisers, energies of the substance, Wulff construction in 1901
Huang et al. in 2015, coupled the antisolvent precipitation provides an easy way to determine the equilibrium shape of
technique and HPH technique to produce celecoxib nanoparticles [47].
nanocrystalline formulation within size range of particles
283.67± 20.84 nm. Celecoxib nanocrystalline formulation  Wulff Construction
had a clearly greater solubility than pure celecoxib and from As identified by Gibbs in 1873, the surface energy
the physical combination. For 10 days of keeping in intense minimization principle governs the thermodynamic
heat and heavy moisture, the product remained remarkably equilibrium shape of a nanocrystal, the easiest to describe.
stable [40]. The "Wulff construction," also known as the "classic" or
"thermodynamic" wulff construction, was described by
Wulff in 1901. This method uses a gamma plot, or a graph
of the surface free energy that depends on orientation, to

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
calculate the equilibrium shape of single crystals. Over the instance, the typical face centered cubic (FCC) metals,
past few decades, modifications to this primarily frequently depend on software created for the display and
thermodynamic, single crystal Wulff structure have been quantification of shape. The creation of computer-based
created to include twinning, alloys, substrate(s), and kinetic platforms for shape models is much more recent than the
effects, making it possible to mimic the majority of shapes models themselves, and it has been helped forward by the
and circumstances. All of these mathematical equations are open source movement and the widespread accessibility of
basic, and specialised crystallographic implementations, for computing resources [48].


 Various Methods for the Administering of Nanocrystals are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Different Methods of Nanocrystals Administration

Method Properties Reference
Oral administration  The procedure of administering medications orally involves dissolving [49,50,51]
them in luminal solutions before transferring them to the gastrointestinal
 Numerous studies have shown the advantages of taking medications orally
that are poorly soluble because they adhere to the gut wall and dissolve
more quickly.
 Furthermore, when medications with low solubility are frequently taken
with meals, the adsorption efficiency may be increased.
Parenteral administration  Cyclodextrins, surfactants, and liposomes have always been used for [52,53]
parenteral or intravenous delivery to enhance the dissolution rate of less
soluble medications.
 These techniques, however, can have a number of drawbacks, including
high injection volume and harmful effects.
 Therefore, nanocrystal medications are a prime candidate that can
overcome these drawbacks.
Pulmonary administration  It has been discovered that nebulizing nanocrystal pharmaceuticals using [54]
mechanical and ultrasonic nebulizer technologies can directly deliver drugs
with low solubility into the lungs.
 Nanocrystal technology can enhance the droplet dispersion of the less
soluble medicines.
 Drug in the form of nanocrystals can persist in the body longer than drugs
of larger sizes.
Dermal administration  The use of nanocrystal medicines for dermal application has many [55]
advantages, such as more penetration of cosmetic and medicinal
ingredients into the skin despite their low water solubility.
 Because of the greater saturation solubility of nanocrystal technologies,
concentration gradient might be increased.
 When compared to the rutin glycoside, which is only moderately soluble,
the bioactivity of rutin nanocrystal products was shown to be more than
500 times greater.
Targeted drug delivery  Nanocrystal medicines are ideal for targeted medication delivery since they [49,52,56]
have extensive human body penetration.
 The ineffectiveness of drug distribution into specified body regions without
causing side effects is generally known to be one of the main issues for
pharmaceutical applications.
 To improve the targeting of drug delivery, nanocarrier drug delivery
technology has been thoroughly researched.
 The most widely used nanocarriers for specific drug delivery include
micelles, liposomes, and nanoparticles made of polymers. But, the loading
rate is a significant issue.
Ocular drug delivery  The majority of drugs used for ocular therapy are administered topically as [57,58,59,60]
a solution or suspension. Traditional preparations have little ocular
availability because they are quickly removed from the application site by
lacrimation and fast blinking.
 After that, nanocrystal technology helped the delivery of ophthalmic drugs
by addressing problems with poorly soluble drugs' dispersibility.

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Pharmacodynamic experiments showed that the nanocrystals and hydrogel
effectively decreased intraocular pressure by upto 12 hrs when compared to
standard solution.
Intranasal route  Due to its potential for many activities, the intranasal route has recently [61]
become a popular method for treating a number of disorders.
 A medicine that has been applied to the nasal mucosa may have a local
impact or it may perform a systemic activity after being absorbed into the
 The nasal mucus layer has a wide, highly vascularised surface area and has
a low level of enzymatic activity; which helps to improve absorption once
the molecule has dissolved.
 In fact, systemic adverse effects like sleepiness connected with
antihistamine oral administration are less likely when the medication is
applied directly to the site of action.

 Merits of Nanocrystals  Permeability: Improved skin adhesion is a characteristic

of nanocrystals that makes skin delivery easier. Delivery
 Improved dissolution rate: The drug particle’s size must of drug through skin uses two different mechanisms: (1)
be reduced in order to improve its surface area. concentration difference between skin and nanocrystals
Following the Noyes-Whitney equation, increased formulation, and (2) hair follicles. Nanocrystals within
surface area speeds up the drug's dissolving rate, [62]. the size range of 200-300 nm helps to improved
 Increased saturation solubility: The saturation solubility absorption through the skin [66].
is a fixed quantity based on the composition of the  Adhesiveness: One of the distinguishing characteristics
component, the media used for dissolving, and the of nanocrystals is their improved adhesiveness; which is
ambient temperature. This statement holds true for caused by their nano size range. The improved oral
powder medications with a µm/nm size range. Particle absorption is a result of the greater adhesiveness. A
size has an inverse relationship with the saturation potential method for analysing adhesion properties is to
solubility. The rate of dissolution of pharmaceuticals use kinetics and adsorption isotherms. The particle size
containing nanocrystals is strongly correlated with their affects the adsorption kinetics process [67].
saturation solubility (C) and surface area (A). For
instance, increasing surface area (A) and saturation  Demerits of Nanocrystals
solubility (C) increases the dissolving velocity (dx/dt)
 Due to the medications' smaller size, the nanotoxicity
𝑑𝑥 𝐷𝐴 problems attracted attention and are still not entirely
= × (𝐶𝑠 − 𝐶𝑡)
𝑑𝑡 ℎ resolved.
 The cost of the production equipment constantly drives
 dx/dt – dissolution velocity up the price of the finished nanocrystals medicines.
 D – Coefficient of diffusion  The price of these nanocrystal medicines for
 A – Surface area pharmaceutical applications might readily grow due to
 h – diffusional distance the equipment, solvents, and surfactants.
 Cs – saturation solubility  They are also difficult to commercialise due to the lack
 Ct – concentration of particles [14]. of fabrication methods and processes that can be scaled
 Stability: Because the particles didn't aggregate and the  They are only applicable to BSC class II medications
Ostwald ripening mechanism wasn't present, the [49].
nanocrystals suspension was discovered to be stable
[63]. Stability can be obtained by utilising a variety of  Nanocrystals Formulation:
stabilisers, surfactants, and amphiphilic copolymers, as Various nanocrystal formulations were prepared using
well as by adding a suitable stabiliser [64,65]. different stabilizers and method of preparation, which are
listed in table 2.

Table 2 List of Reported Nanocrystals

Drug Co-former Stabilizer Method Reference
Carbamazepine Saccharin HPMC, sodium dodecyl Wet milling [1]
Indomethacin Saccharin HPMC, sodium dodecyl Wet milling [1]
Furosemide Caffeine, cytosine HPMC, sodium dodecyl Wet milling [1]
Bexarotene Poloxamer 188, PVP K 30 Soya lecithin Precipitation-combined micro [68]

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Docetaxel Herceptin Coumarin – 6, tween 80, Nano-precipitation and [69]
dimethyl sulfoxide adsorption
Itraconazole Maleic acid, adipic acid, Tween 80 Wet milling [70]
glutaric acid, succinic acid
Paclitaxel Succinic acid, N-hydroxy Pluronic grafted chitosan High pressure homogenizer [71]
Baicalein Nicotinamide Poloxamer 188 High pressure homogenization [72]
Carfilzomib Pluronic F 127 Human serum albumin Precipitation [73]
Fenofibrate HPMC Sodium dodecyl sulfate Wet milling [74]
Paclitaxel Cremophore RH 40, kollidon Tween 80, sodium lauryl Sonoprecipitation and high [75]
VA 64, mannitol, trehalose, sulphate pressure homogenization
Rutin HPMC Pluronic F-17, tween 80, Anti solvent [76]
HP-β-CD, PEG 6000, nanoprecipitation-
PEG 200 ultrasonication
Albendazole Malic acid Polyvinyl alcohol Acid-base neutralization [77]
combined with high—speed
mixing and dispersing
Naproxen Mannitol Poloxamer 188 Solvent-antisolvent [78]
precipitation method
Fisetin - Poloxamer P 407 Solvent-antisolvent [79]
Rufinamide Mannitol HPMC, Poloxamer 407 Antisolvent precipitation [80]
Repaglinide PEG 4000 Poloxamer 188 High pressure homogenization [81]
Apremilast Hydroxyl propyl cellulose, Poloxamer 407, tween 80 Wet media milling [82]
Ropivacaine - Q 11 peptide Precipitation [83]
Rosuvastatin - SLA, ploxamer 188 Antisolvent precipitation [84]
Carbotegravir Folic acid, polyethylene Poloxamer 407 High pressure homogenization [85]
glycol, polypropylene glycol
Aceclofenac HPMC, PVP K 30 Sodium lauryl sulphate Precipitation-ultrasonication [86]

 Characterization Techniques of Nanocrystals height, are assessed using atomic force microscopy [90]. A
highly developed label-free technique called surface
 X – Ray Diffraction (XRD): plasmon resonance (SPR) is used to look at how nanocrystal
To determine the crystallinity of a medication, the surfaces change, how well films disperse, and how well
XRD method is commonly utilised. The modification of the particles stick to one another [91].
polymorphic form served as evidence that the nanocrystals
had really been formed. The crystalline compounds’ XRD  Thermal Analysis:
patterns are correlated with those of the pure substance. One of key techniques for examining the
Every crystalline compound creates a distinct pattern, and thermodynamic properties of drug nanocrystals is DSC. To
the combination of the each compound reveals its pattern. A assess the thermal behaviour, the drug’s crystallinity and the
particle’s unique fingerprint is shown by its XRD pattern production of nanocrystals using different polymers are
[87]. examined. For those medications that come in a variety of
polymorphic forms, this study is essential [92].
 Morphological Analysis: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) helps to assess the
The size, structure and appearance of the NCs are sample’s quality while it is being heated and identify a
evaluated utilizing the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) solvent or hydrate’s structure [93].
and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). For TEM
examination, a wet sample with the right concentration is  Raman Spectroscopy:
needed, but for SEM analysis, the generated nanosuspension This method relies on the inelastic scattering of laser-
must be transformed into a dried via lyophilisation / spray generated monochromatic light. The inelastic scattering is
drying, which causes aggregation [88]. Certain ingredients defined as the modification of the frequency of photon in
are introduced as protectants when the particle size increases monochromatic light due to contact with the material. The
significantly. Mannitol is frequently used as a cryo- sample absorbs the laser photon light, which is subsequently
protectant during the lyophilisation process to eliminate reemitted. In compared to the frequency of the initial
water. It also reduces particle agglomeration and monochromatic light, the photons’ remission frequency is
association. The final particle may aggregate up to certain moved down or up. This process is termed as Raman Effect.
extent within the acceptable range [89]. Additionally, the This shifting gives details about the compounds’ low-
surface characteristics like as friction, magnetism and frequency rotational, vibrational, and other transitions. It is

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
employed as a technique to describe the phases and scattering methods [96]. The dynamic light scattering
transitions of different kind of nanoparticles as well as other technique, commonly termed as photon correlation
nanostructured materials (such as nanocrystals) in order to spectroscopy (PCS), is utilised to demonstrate the average
characterise the different categories of nanoscale materials - nanosuspension particle size [97]. Particle sizes more than 6
crystalline and amorphous [94]. μm cannot be analyzed using this method. Low-angled static
light scattering methods, such as laser diffractometry (LD)
 FT-IR Analysis: and optical microscopy, may detect bigger particle sizes. For
FT-IR is used to assess the chemical characteristics of the examination of big particles and mixtures of tiny and big
drugs and how they interact with various excipients. For particles, LD, a reliable technology, has advantages over
pulmonary administration of drugs, Liandong and his other approaches [98].
colleagues in 2015 developed and tested spray-dried powder
of curcumin nanocrystals. To analyze the alteration in  Solid-State NMR (ssNMR) Spectroscopy:
chemical properties and crystalline structure, FT-IR The kinetic behaviour and chemical arrangement of
spectroscopy experiments were perfomed on curcumin molecules in crystals may be studied using ssNMR
nanocrystals and the produced spray dried powders of spectroscopy. Consequently, ssNMR spectroscopy is a
curcumin nanocrystals. The results showed that spray dried crucial technique to evaluate and identify the crystal
and milling products were not change the chemical patterns. In Pinon’s research 2015, the NMR method was
properties of curcumin as they would in spray dried powder. used to examine how samples of the asthma medication
This was due to the location of the formulation’s peaks in theophylline were affected by three polymorphs and one
relation to the pure drug [95]. hydrated state [99].

 Particle Size and Polydispersity Index:  Nanocrystals Formulations Available in Market:

To demonstrate additional features like dissolving rate, The first items produced by industrial fabrication to hit
saturated solubility, physical stability, and therapeutic the market for medicinal uses were nanocrystals medicines
effectiveness, particle size and their distribution were crucial with an oral delivery mechanism [49]. List of nanocrystals
criteria. The most often utilised methods for determining formulation available in market are described in table 3.
particle size were microscopy, static and dynamic light

Table 3 Examples of Nanocrystals Available in Market and Clinical Trials

Brand name Drug Method of Approval Dosage form Company References
preparation year
Oral route
Rapamune Sirolimus Pearl mill 2000 Tablet Wyeth [100]
Avinza Morphine Pearl mill 2002 Capsule King pharma [7]
Ritalin LA Methylphenidate Pearl mill 2002 Capsule Noartis [7]
Emend Aprepitant Pearl mill 2003 Capsule Merck [100]
Tricor Fenofibrate Pearl mill 2004 Tablet Abbott lab [4]
Megace ES Megasterol Pearl mill 2005 Suspension Par pharmaceuticals [101]
Triglide Fenofibrate High-pressure 2005 Tablet Skye pharma and [7]
homogenization sciele pharma inc.
Naprelan Naproxen Pearl mill 2006 Tablet Wyeth [102]
sodium pharmaceuticals
Theodur Theophylline Pearl mill 2008 Tablet Mitsubishi tanabe [102]
Cesamet Nabilone Co-precipitation 2009 Capsule Lilly pharmaceutics [7]
Intravenous route
Invega sustenna Paliperidone High-pressure 2009 Intravenous Johnson and [4]
palmitate homogenization suspension Johnson/janseen
Aristada Aripiprazole High-pressure 2015 Intravenous Alkermes [103]
lauroxil homogenization suspension
Anjeso Meloxicam Pearl mill 2020 Intravenous Baudax bio [104]
Cabenuva Cabotegravir Pearl mill 2021 Intravenous Viiv healthcare [105]
& rilpivirine suspension
Nanocrystal formulation in clinical trials
Brand name Drug Method of Clinical Dosage form Company References
preparation trials

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Semapimod Guanyl Self-produced Phase II Intravenous Cytokine [7,9]
hydrazone pharmasciences
Paxceed Paclitaxel Unknown Phase III Intravenous Angiotech [7,9,106]
Theralux Thymectacin Pearl mill Phase II Intravenous Celmed [7,9]
Nucryst Silver Self-produced Phase II Topical Nucryst [107,108]
Panzem NCD 2-methoxy Pearl milling Phase II Oral Entremed [109]

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