Principles of Managerial Finance Brief 6th Edition Gitman Test Bank

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Principles of Managerial Finance Brief 6th Edition Gitman Test Bank

Principles of Managerial Finance Brief

6th Edition Gitman Test Bank
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Principles of Managerial Finance Brief 6th Edition Gitman Test Bank

Principles of Managerial Finance, Brief 6e (Gitman)

Chapter 2 The Financial Market Environment

2.1 Understand the role that financial institutions play in managerial finance

1) A financial institution is an intermediary that channels the savings of individuals, businesses, and
governments into loans or investments.
Answer: TRUE
Topic: Financial Institutions
Question Status: Revised

2) Loan transactions between commercial banks in which the federal government becomes involved are
referred to as federal funds.
Answer: FALSE
Topic: Financial Institutions
Question Status: Revised

3) The key participants in financial transactions are individuals, businesses, and governments.
Individuals are net ________ of funds, and businesses are net ________ of funds.
A) demanders; suppliers
B) users; providers
C) suppliers; demanders
D) purchasers; sellers
Answer: C
Topic: Financial Institutions
Question Status: Revised

4) Government usually
A) is a net supplier of funds.
B) is a net demander of funds.
C) borrows funds directly from financial institutions.
D) maintains permanent deposits with financial institutions.
Answer: B
Topic: Financial Institutions
Question Status: Revised

5) Firms that require funds from external sources can obtain them in one of the following ways
A) financial institution.
B) financial markets.
C) government.
D) private placement.
Answer: C
Topic: Financial Institutions and Markets
Question Status: Revised
AACSB Guidelines: Analytic skills

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6) Firms that require funds from external sources can obtain them from
A) private placement.
B) financial institutions.
C) financial markets.
D) all of the above.
Answer: D
Topic: Financial Institutions and Markets
Question Status: Revised
AACSB Guidelines: Analytic skills

7) Which of the following is NOT a financial institution?

A) A commercial bank
B) An insurance company
C) A pension fund
D) A newspaper publisher
Answer: D
Topic: Financial Institutions
Question Status: Revised
AACSB Guidelines: Analytic skills

8) Which of the following serve as intermediaries channeling the savings of individuals, businesses and
governments into loans and investments?
A) Financial Institutions
B) Financial Markets
C) Securities Exchanges
D) OTC market
Answer: A
Topic: Financial Institutions
Question Status: New

2.2 Contrast the functions of financial institutions and financial markets

1) Primary and secondary markets are markets for short-term and long-term securities, respectively.
Answer: FALSE
Topic: Financial Markets
Question Status: Revised

2) Financial markets are intermediaries that channel the savings of individuals, businesses and
government into loans or investments.
Answer: FALSE
Topic: Financial Markets
Question Status: Revised

3) A public offering is the sale of a new security issue typically debt or preferred stock directly to an
investor or group of investors.
Answer: FALSE
Topic: Financial Markets
Question Status: Revised

4) A primary market is a financial market in which pre-owned securities are traded.
Answer: FALSE
Topic: Financial Markets
Question Status: Revised

5) The Glass-Steagall Act was imposed to allow commercial and investment banks to combine and work
Answer: FALSE
Topic: Corporate Governance
Question Status: New

6) The shadow banking system describes a group of institutions that engage in lending activities, much
like traditional banks, but these institutions do not accept deposits and are therefore not subject to the
same regulations as traditional banks.
Answer: TRUE
Topic: Financial Markets
Question Status: New

7) Most businesses raise money by selling their securities in a

A) public offering.
B) private placement.
C) direct placement.
D) stock exchange.
Answer: A
Topic: Financial Markets
Question Status: Revised
AACSB Guidelines: Analytic skills

8) The nonexclusive sale of either bonds or stocks to the general public is called
A) private placement.
B) public offering.
C) organized selling.
D) none of the above.
Answer: B
Topic: Financial Markets
Question Status: Revised
AACSB Guidelines: Analytic skills

9) Which of the following provide savers with a secure place to invest funds and offer both individuals
and companies loans to finance investments?
A) Investment Banks
B) Securities Exchanges
C) Mutual Funds
D) Commercial Banks
Answer: D
Topic: Financial Institutions and Markets
Question Status: New
AACSB Guidelines: Analytic skills

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Choir. Lord, have mercy.
Furthermore let us pray for the repose of the happy babe, name,
and that to him may be vouchsafed, according to thine undeceiving
promise, thy heavenly kingdom.
Choir. Lord, have mercy, thrice.
That the Lord our God may place his soul where all the just
Choir. Lord, have mercy, thrice.
The mercy of God, the kingdom of heaven, and repose among the
Saints, for him and for ourselves let us ask of Christ, our immortal
King and God.
Choir. Vouchsafe, O Lord.
Priest. Let us pray to the Lord.
Choir. Lord, have mercy.
O Lord Jesus Christ our God, who hast promised to bestow the
kingdom of heaven upon them that are born again of water and of
the spirit and in a blameless life are translated onto thee, and hast
said, Suffer the children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom
of heaven; we humbly beseech thee to grant, according to thine
undeceiving promise, the inheritance of thy kingdom unto thy
servant, the blameless babe, name, now removed from us; and
count us worthy to continue and end an unblamable and christian
life, and to be stablished in heavenly abiding-places with all thy
And he exclaimeth,
For thou art the resurrection, the life, and the repose of all thy
servants, and of thy servant, the babe, name, now removed from us,
O Christ our God, and to thee we ascribe glory, with thine
unbeginning Father, and with thy most holy, and good, and life-
creating Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages.
Choir. Amen.
Then troparion.
Verily everything is vain, and life a shadow is, a dream; for vainly
every earth-born one disquieteth himself, as saith the scripture.
When we have gain’d the world, then dwell we in the grave, where
kings and beggars, elders and babes together are. Therefore, Christ
God, as lover of mankind, rest the departed babe.
Ode iv. Irmos.
I have heard, O Lord, the mystery of thy dispensation....
Refrain. Rest thou the babe, O Lord.
We wail not for the babes, but rather for ourselves do we lament,
we, who have always sinn’d, that we may be delivered from
Thou, Master, hast depriv’d the babe of the delights of earth: do
thou, as righteous judge, vouchsafe him heavenly blessings.
He hath declared thee a citizen of paradise, O truly happy babe,
he who hath taken thee from earth and ranged thee among the
choirs of Saints.
Both now. Theotokion.
All we that are illuminated, O all-pure, own thee God-bearing,
thou, O Ever-virgin; for thou the Sun of righteousness hast borne.
Ode v. Irmos.
Why hast thou rejected me....
Refrain. Rest thou the babe, O Lord.
By thy just dooming, ere he waxed perfectly in growth, thou hast,
as new grown herb, cut down the babe whom thou hast taken, Lord;
but, leading him, O Word, to hill divine of everlasting blessings, plant
him there.
As a young branch the sword of death hath come and cut thee off,
thou who of worldly sweets no trial hast sustain’d, thou happy one!
but, lo, to thee the gates of heaven Christ open’d hath, counting thee
with th’ elect, as being loving-kind.
Concerning me, lament ye not; for I in nowise have begun for
weeping to be meet; but rather weep ye alway for yourselves, ye
who have sinn’d, O kinsfolk and O friends, the dead babe cries, so
that of torment ye have no essay.
Both now.
I am despairing of myself when on the number of my deeds I
muse; but when in mind I bear thee, Mother of God, who above mind
didst bear the Lord, I am refresh’d with hope; for we have thee a sole
Ode vi. Irmos.
I will pour forth a prayer before the Lord, and to him will I tell my
grief; for my soul is full of evils, and my life draweth nigh unto hades,
and I pray as Jonas, O God, raise me out of corruption.
Refrain. Rest thou the babe, O Lord.
Thou was laid in a manger as a babe, and wast plac’d in an
elder’s arms, who generatest babes in the womb; and ere this one
attain’d perfect growth, thou hast bidden him to thee. Then we with
thanksgiving extol thee.
Thou didst say to the apostles, O Word, Let the children come
unto me; for my kingdom is for them that are such in wiseness. Then
count the babe remov’d to thee of thy light worthy.
Thou of earth’s blessings hast depriv’d thy babe, that thou of
heaven’s might’st make him sharer, who hath not overstepp’d thy bid
divine. O Good One, we extol thy judgments’ depth unmeasur’d.
Both now. Theotokion.
We have thee, Maiden, as a sheltering wall, for souls a full
salvation, and in afflictions ample room; and in thy light we aye
rejoice, and in this save us now, O Queen, from passions and from
Then the irmos. And after the irmos the priest saith the previously
written ectenia and the prayer. Page 139.
Then the condakion, tone viii.
Rest with the Saints, O Christ, thy servant’s soul, where is no pain
nor grief, nor sighing, but life that endeth not.
Thyself alone immortal art, who madest and didst fashion man; for
out of earth we mortals fashion’d were, and unto that same earth
shall go, as thou who madest me hast given command, and sayest
unto me, Earth thou art, and unto earth shalt thou return. And thither
all we mortals go, making the funeral wail, even the song, the
And these following icosi.
More sympathetic than a mother there is none, and than a father
more compassionate none; for vexed are their inward parts when
they the babes accompany hence: great is the sting which for the
children’s sake their hearts receive, and still the more when these
sweet-spoken are, and they their words remember with the song, the
For oft beside the grave they smite their breasts, and say, O thou
my son and sweetest child! hearest thou not thy mother what she
saith? lo, ’tis the womb that thee hath borne: why dost thou speak
not as thou wert wont to speak to us? But so thou silent art, even to
say with us the Alleluia.
O God, O God, who callest me, be now the comfort of my house,
for great the wailing is befalling them; for they all have regard to me,
even they who have me as a sole-begotten one. But thou who wast
of Virgin Mother born, refresh the bowels of my mother, and bedew
my father’s heart, even with this, the Alleluia.
Then the condakion, tone viii.
Rest with the Saints....
Ode vii. Irmos.
The hebrew children in the furnace.
Refrain. Rest thou the babe, O Lord.
Write in the book of them that saved be, as lover of mankind
compassionate, thy babe, that he rejoicing may exclaim to thy
might’s glory, Thou art bless’d.
By, O thou Word, thy countenance’s light, illuminate thy babe, who
now to thee in faith, at an untimely age, is gone, and sings to thee,
Thou blessed art, O Lord, O God.
Affliction’s cause thy going hence now seemeth unto them that
thee have lov’d, but unto thee procuracy in truth of gladness and of
joy; for thou, O babe, inheritest eternal life.
Both now. Theotokion.
Behold my grief, O Virgin, which th’ abundance of mine ills doth
bring on me, and ere my going hence give me refreshment by thy
mother prayers to make God merciful to me.
Ode viii. Irmos.
The furnace seven times more....
Refrain. Rest thou the babe, O Lord.
In Abraham’s bosom, in tabernacles of repose, where is their joy
who ever festal keep, in places of refreshment where living water is,
may Christ thee place, yea, he who for our sake became a child,
even ours who unto him cry ceaselessly, O priests, extol him, and, O
people, set him up for aye.
A constant cause of grief to us, yea, and for tears, thine ever
thought on parting is in truth become; for ere the tasting in this life of
things that give delight thou hast left earth, yea, and thy parents’
breasts. But Abraham’s bosom hath received thee, as babe, and
unparticipant of every stain.
Why mourn ye me, a babe, that hence is gone? lying he cries
invisibly: for I am wont not to be mourn’d; for destin’d is the joy of all
the just for babes: to them that works perform not there meetness is
for tears. But those the song upraise to Christ, O priests, extol him,
and, O people, set him up for aye.
Both now. Theotokion.
To mine assistance, O God-bearing one, arise, attend unto my
prayer, and me deliver from the dreadful doom, the grave essay, the
darkness, and the fire, the gnashing of the teeth, the contumely of
demons, and from every need, thou hope of them that have no hope,
thou, the despairing’s life.
Ode ix. Irmos.
Be thou in dread concerning this, O heaven, and let earth’s limits
be amaz’d: for God hath shewn himself in flesh to men, and wider
than the heavens thy womb becomes. Therefore the principals of
Angels and of men thee magnify, God-bearing one.
Refrain. Rest thou the babe, O Lord.
Christ, who unchang’d becam’st a babe, and willingly didst bear
the cross, and the maternal pain didst see of her that gave thee birth;
assuage the grief and bitter pain of faithful parents of a babe
deceas’d, that we thy might may glorify.
Master, thou King of all, who from on high didst send and take the
happy babe as a pure bird to heavenly nest, thou hast from diverse
snares preserv’d his soul, and join’d it with the righteous souls thy
kingdom’s sweets that taste.
To babes that nothing have perform’d, O Word of God, thou hast
vouchsaf’d a heavenly dwelling-place; for so thou art well-pleas’d, O
blessed one, with these to count up thy creation; and, taking now the
babe to thee, do thou thyself alleviate the parents’ pain, as all-
compassionate and lover of mankind.
Both now. Theotokion.
The heart’s eyes turn I ever unto thee, who hast maternal prayer
with him who birth receiv’d from thee; for I entreat thee, O All-pure,
Quell thou the passions of my soul, rouse me betimes to penitence,
O maid, and with thy light enlighten me.
Then the little ectenia.
And the exapostilarion.
Now am I at rest, and much forgiveness have receiv’d; for I have
passed from corruption, and am translated unto life: glory to thee, O
And the people the same.
Verse. Man is as grass, his day is as a flower of the field.
Verse. For his spirit goeth forth through him, and he shall not be.
Verse. And the mercy of the Lord shall endure to ages.
And to each verse the exapostilarion.
Then, Glory. Both now.
Now have I chosen the maiden Mother of God; for Christ,
redeemer of all, was born of her: glory to thee, O Lord.
And straightway the priest exclaimeth,
For holy art thou, O our God, and thou restest on the Saints, and
to thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages.
Choir. Amen. And they sing, Holy God....
Prokimenon, tone vi.
Blessed is the way in which thou goest to-day, O soul....
Verse. Return, O my soul, unto thy rest.
The epistle to the Corinthians, section clxii.
Brethren, all flesh is not the same.... ending, a quickening spirit.[49]
Verse. Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and received, O
Verse. His soul shall dwell in good things.
The gospel from John, section xxi.
The Lord spake unto the Jews that came unto him, I am the bread
of life.... ending, at the last day.[50]
And straightway the last kiss is given, while the singers sing these
stichera. Tone viii.
Like, O most glorious wonder!
Who would not weep, my child, because of thy lamented taking
from this life; for thou, a babe unwax’d in growth, from the maternal
arms, like to a bird, hast quickly flown, and unto all things’ Maker
hast betaken thee. O child! who would not weep, beholding faded thy
clear face, which erewhile beauteous as a lily was? Who would not
sigh, my child, and would not cry with wailing because of thy much
comeliness, and for the charm of thine estate? for as a ship that
leaves no track thou quickly from the eyes art gone. Come, ye, my
friends, kinsfolk, and neighbours, and, along with me, let us him kiss
whom send we to the grave.
Death is the freeing of the babes; for unparticipants of ills of life
they are declar’d, and unto rest attain, and they in Abraham’s bosom
with heavenly joys are glad, and now along with holy babes in choirs
divine rejoice, and festal high in faith they keep; for from corruption,
through the love of sin, they, being pure, translated are.
Glory. Tone vi.
On Adam pain befell of old in Eden through the tasting of the tree,
when bane the serpent spued; for thereby death hath come on the
omnigenous man who ate. But the Lord came, subdued the serpent,
and repose bestow’d on us. Then let us cry to him, O Saviour, spare,
and rest with thine elect him whom thou hast receiv’d.
Both now. Theotokion.
Thou that alleviation art for those in grief, deliverance of the weak,
God-bearing Virgin, save the city and the folk, thou that for those at
enmity art peace, for tempest-tost a calm, the faithful’s sole defence.
Then, Trisagion. O most holy Trinity.... Our Father.... For thine is
the Kingdom....
Then the troparion, With the spirits of the righteous.... Page 138.
And he commemorateth according to custom, saying the
previously written ectenia, and the prayer. Page 139.
Then the deacon. Wisdom.
Choir. The more honourable than the Cherubim.... Glory. Both
now. Lord, have mercy, thrice. Bless.
And the priest maketh this dismissal.
Thou that didst arise from the dead, and hast dominion over quick
and dead, Christ our true God, through the prayers of thy most pure
Mother, and of all thy Saints, place the soul of the babe, name,
removed from us, in holy tabernacles, and number it with the just, as
being good and the lover of mankind.
Choir. Amen.
And after the dismissal the priest saith,
Thy remembrance is everlasting, O thou deservedly blessed and
ever remembered babe, name.
And the choir singeth thrice, Everlasting remembrance.
After this the priest saith this prayer,
the deacon having said, Let us pray to the Lord,
and the singers, Lord, have mercy.
O Lord, who guardest babes in the life that now is, and in the world
to come preparest for them the amplitude of Abraham’s bosom, and,
for their purity, bright angelic places where the souls of the righteous
are established; do thou thyself, O Lord Christ, accept in peace the
soul of thy servant, the babe, name. For thou hast said, Suffer the
children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. For
to thee is due all glory, honour, and worship, with the Father, and
with the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
And, taking up the body, they go to the grave, preceded by the
priests and deacons and all the clergy, singing, Holy God....
And, the remains having been laid in the grave, the presiding
priest, taking a shovel, scattereth earth in the grave, saying,
The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof, the world and all
they that dwell therein.
And they depart giving thanks unto God.
End of the burial of a babe.
Chapter XX.

A table covered with brocade is placed in the middle of the church

in the customary place, and water in a stoup. And the priest, having
put on epitrachelion and phelonion, and holding in his hand the
honourable cross with an aspergillus, is preceded by the deacon with
the censer, and by two light-bearers with tapers. And having come
before the table, he layeth thereupon the cross, and, taking the
censer, he censeth the water crosswise, and beginneth as
customarily. And the priest having blessed, we begin psalm cxlii.
O Lord, hear my prayer....
Then, God is the Lord, and hath manifested himself unto us....
thrice, in tone iv.
And the present troparia, tone iv.
To the God-bearing one we now earnestly hie, we, sinful and lowly
ones, and bow down, crying in penitence from the depth of the soul,
Help us, O Queen, being pitiful unto us: make speed, we are undone
by the multitude of iniquities: turn not thy servants empty away; for
thee we hold indeed an only trust. Twice.
At no time, will we, unworthy ones, be silent, God-bearing one, to
tell of thy mighty acts; for, hadst thou not prevented with
intercession, who would have delivered us out of so many dangers?
and who would have kept us free until now? We will not turn away
from thee, O Queen; for thou ever savest thy servants from all ills.
Then, psalm l. Have mercy upon me, O God....
Then we sing these troparia, tone vi.
Thou that didst receive the salutation of the Angel, and didst bring
forth thy Creator, save, O Virgin, them that magnify thee.
The first troparion is said twice.
We sing praises unto thy Son, God-bearing one, and cry, O most
pure Queen, deliver thy servants from every danger.
Thou art the boast of kings, of prophets and apostles, and of
martyrs, and the mediatress of the world, All-undefiled one.
Every tongue of the orthodox praiseth, and blesseth, and glorifieth
thy most pure childbirth, O god-wedded Mary.
Grant even unto me, an unworthy one, O my Christ, forgiveness of
trespasses, I beseech thee, through the prayers of her that bore
thee, as being compassionate.
I have put my trust in thee, God-bearing one: save me by thy
prayers, and grant me forgiveness of iniquities.
Quicken me, O thou that didst bring forth the life-giver and
Saviour: save me, by thy prayers, thou blessed trust of our souls.
All-undefiled Virgin, who didst conceive in thy womb the Creator of
all things, save our souls by thy prayers.
God-bearing one all-praised, who by word didst above word bring
forth the Word, pray him to save our souls.
Propitiate towards me the judge and thy Son, me, above every
man most iniquitous, effecting this by thy prayers, O thou Queen.
As it is meet we cry to thee, Hail, God-bearing one, pure ever-
virgin! entreating to be saved by thy prayers.
Deliver me from the everlasting fire and the torments that await
me, O parent of God, that I may bless thee.
Despise not the supplications of thy servants, O Queen all-
extolled, we beseech thee, that we may be delivered from every
From ailments, and from all afflictions, and from dangers deliver
us, even us who fly to thy sacred protection.
Strange is the wonder appertaining thee, God-conceiving one; for
the creator of all things, and our God, for our sake and like us, was
born of thee.
Thy temple, God-bearing one, is declared a free hospital for the
sick, and a place of consolation for afflicted souls.
Most holy God-bearing one, who didst bring forth the Saviour,
save thy servants from dangers, and from every other necessity.
Deliver thy servants from every approaching menace, O most pure
Queen, and from every spiritual and bodily harm.
By thy prayers, O God-bearing Virgin, save all them that betake
themselves to thee, and deliver them from every want and affliction.
Who hieth to thy temple, O most pure God-bearing one, and
receiveth not quickly a spiritual and also a bodily healing?
O Compassionate One, who art besought by all saints and by
hosts on high, cleanse me through her that bore thee.
Spare, O Saviour, the souls of our brethren, who have died in
hope of life, and pardon and forgive their iniquities.
Hail, Virgin, propitiation of the world! hail, vase of divine manna
and golden candlestick of light, O Bride of God!
We sing thee, one God in Trinity, uttering the thrice-holy voice, and
praying that we may obtain salvation.
O Virgin, who didst bring forth the Saviour, and Master, and Lord
of the world! beseech him to save our souls.
Both now.
Hail, mountain! hail, bush! hail, gate! hail, ladder! hail, divine table!
hail, Queen, aid of all!
Through the prayers, O Gracious One, of thy most pure Mother,
and of all thy Saints, bestow thy mercies upon thy people.
Through the prayers of the glorious Archangels and Angels, and of
the hosts on high, safeguard thy servants, O Saviour.
Through the prayers of thine honourable and glorious Baptist, the
prophet, the forerunner, O Christ, my Saviour, preserve thy servants.
Through the prayers of glorious apostles and martyrs, and of all
thy Saints, bestow thy mercies upon thy people.
Through the prayers of the glorious unmercenary ones, O God-
bearing one, preserve thy servants, as being the protection and
stablishing of the world.
Let us glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, saying,
O Holy Trinity, save our souls.
Both now.
Thou that unspeakably to the uttermost didst conceive and bring
forth thy Creator, save, O Virgin, them that magnify thee.
Open unto us the gates of mercy, O blessed God-bearing one, that
we perish not who put our trust in thee, but through thee may we be
delivered from dangers; for thou art the salvation of the christian
Then, Let us pray to the Lord.
Priest. For holy art thou, O our God....
Choir. Amen.
Then the present troparia, tone vi.
Now present is the time that halloweth all, and the just Judge
awaiteth us. Then turn thyself to penitence, O soul, exclaiming, as
the harlot did, with tears, O Lord, be merciful to me.
Thou, who to-day the healing fountain in the Virgin’s all-revered
temple hast with waters shower’d, dost with the sprinkling of thy
blessing quell the ailments of the weak, O Christ, physician of our
bodies and our souls.
A virgin who no nuptials knew thou didst bring forth, and thou,
unwedded mother, virgin didst remain, God-bearing Mary: O pray
Christ our God that we be sav’d.
Most pure God-bearing Virgin, do thou direct our works, and pray
for pardon of our trespasses, as we the angelic song upraise,
Holy God, holy mighty one, holy immortal one, have mercy upon
And it is sung as customarily, and, after the trisagion, the deacon
saith, Let us attend.
Priest. Peace to all.
Choir. And to thy spirit.
Reader, the prokimenon, tone iii.
The Lord is mine illumination and my Saviour, whom shall I fear?
Verse. The Lord is the defence of my life, of whom shall I be
The epistle to the Hebrews, section cccvi.
Brethren, he that sanctifieth ... ending, them that are tempted[51]
Priest. Peace to thee.
Alleluia, tone vi.
Verse i. My heart uttereth a good word.
Verse ii. I speak of my works unto the King.
The gospel from John, section xiv.
At that time Jesus went up ..., ending, whatsoever disease he had.

Then the deacon the ectenia.

In peace let us pray to the Lord.
For the peace that is from above....
For the peace of the whole world....
For this holy temple....
For the Most Holy Governing Synod....
For our Most Pious....
That he would assist them and subdue under Their feet....
For this city.... (if it is a monastery)
For this holy habitation....
For healthiness of weather....
For them that voyage, that journey....
That this water may be hallowed by the might, and operation, and
visitation of the Holy Ghost.
That there may come down into this water the cleansing operation
of the supersubstantial Trinity.
That this water may be to the healing of soul and body, and to the
turning aside of every opposing might.
That the Lord God may send down the blessing of Jordan, and
hallow this water.
For all them that need help and assistance from God.
That we may be illuminated with the illumination of understanding
by the consubstantial Trinity.
That the Lord God may declare us sons and inheritors of his
kingdom, through partaking of this water, and through being
sprinkled therewith.
For our deliverance from every affliction....
Help us, save us, have mercy on us....
Commemorating our most holy, most pure....
Choir. To thee, O Lord.
For to thee is due all glory....
Then this prayer.
O Lord our God, mighty in counsel, and wonderful in works, Maker of
all creation, who keepest thy covenant and thy mercy towards them
that love thee and that keep thy commandments, who acceptest the
piteous tears of all them that are in need; for for this cause thou didst
come in the form of a servant, not terrifying us with phantoms, but
vouchsafing true bodily healing, and saying, Behold, thou art made
whole, sin no more: yea, thou didst with clay restore the eyes of the
blind, and didst bid him wash, and by a word didst make him see, O
thou that breakest the waves of adverse passions, and driest up the
salt sea of this life, and quellest the billows of lusts that are hard to
be endured; do thou thyself, O man-loving King, who hast given unto
us to be invested with a snow-white robe by water and the Spirit, by
the partaking of this water, and by being sprinkled therewith, send
down upon us thy blessing, which taketh away the defilement of
passions. Yea, O Blessed One, we pray thee to visit our infirmities,
and to heal our spiritual and bodily weaknesses by thy mercy:
through the prayers of our altogether most pure, most blessed Lady,
the God-bearing ever-virgin Mary; through the might of the
honourable and life-effecting cross; through the intercessions of the
honourable heavenly bodiless hosts; of the honourable glorious
prophet, forerunner, and baptist, John; of the holy glorious and all-
praised apostles; of our venerable and god-bearing fathers; of our
fathers in the saints, the great hierarchs and ecumenical doctors,
Basil the great, Gregory the theologian, and John Chrysostom; of our
fathers in the saints, Athanasius and Cyril, patriarchs of Alexandria;
of our father in the saints, Spyridon, wonderworker of Trimythes; of
our father in the saints, archbishop Nicolas, wonderworker of
Myrlicia; of our fathers in the saints, Peter, Alexis, Jonas, and Philip,
wonderworkers of all Russia; of the holy and glorious great martyr,
George, the triumphant; of the holy and glorious great martyr,
Demetrius, the myrrh-emitter: of the holy and excellently victorious
martyrs; of the holy and righteous god-progenitors, Joakim and
Anna; of the holy glorious and unmercenary wonderworkers,
Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, Pantelimon and Hermolaus,
Sampson and Diomed, Mocius and Anicetus, Thalaleus and
Tryphon; and of the holy, name, whose memory we keep, and of all
thy Saints.
And preserve, O Lord, thy Servant, our Most Pious, Autocratic,
all Russia. Thrice.
And His Consort, the Most Pious Lady, THE EMPRESS MARIA
And His Heir, the Right-believing Lord, the Cesarevitch and Grand
Duke, NICOLAUS ALEXANDROVITCH, and all the reigning House.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy upon the Most Holy Governing
Synod, give unto them spiritual and bodily health, and be gracious in
all things to this thy ministration of the christian polity. Remember, O
Lord, every episcopate of the right-believers, that rightly divide the
word of thy truth, and every priestly and monastic order, and their
salvation. Remember, O Lord, them that hate and them that love us,
our ministering brethren here present, and them that for a blessed
cause are absent and have desired us, unworthy ones, to pray for
them. Remember, O Lord, our brethren that are in bonds and
afflictions, and have mercy upon them according to thy great mercy,
delivering them from every need. For thou art the fountain of healing,
O Christ our God, and to thee we ascribe glory, with thine
unbeginning Father, and with thy most holy, and good, and life-
creating Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages.
Choir. Amen.
Priest. Peace to all.
Choir. And to thy spirit.
Deacon. Bow your heads to the Lord.
Choir. To thee, O Lord.
And the priest secretly the prayer.
Incline thine ear, O Lord, and hearken unto us, thou who didst
vouchsafe to be baptized in Jordan, and didst hallow the waters; and
do thou bless us all, who through the bending of our necks indicate
the representation of service; and count us worthy to be filled with
thy sanctification through the partaking of this water; and may it be
unto us, O Lord, for the healing of soul and body.
Exclamation. For thou art our sanctification, and to thee we
ascribe glory, and thanksgiving, and worship, with thine unbeginning
Father, and with thine all-holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now
and ever, and to ages of ages.
Choir. Amen.
Then, taking the honourable cross, he blesseth the water thrice,
dipping it and raising it perpendicularly in the form of a cross, and
singing the present troparion in tone i thrice.
O Lord, save thy people, and bless thine inheritance, granting
victory to our Right-believing EMPEROR, name, over enemies, and
preserving thine estate by thy cross.
And after this they sing this troparion, tone ii.
Make us worthy of thy gifts, O God-bearing Virgin, overlooking our
iniquities, and vouchsafing cures unto them that in faith receive thy
blessing, O thou most pure.
Then the priest kisseth the honourable cross, as also do all the
people, and he sprinkleth all with the sanctified water, and the altar,
and the whole church. And the people sing the present troparia, tone
Having a fountain of remedies, O holy unmercenary ones, ye
bestow healings unto all that are in need, as being counted worthy of
mighty gifts from the ever-flowing fountain of our Saviour; for the
Lord hath said unto you, as unto co-emulators of the apostles,
Behold, I have given unto you power over unclean spirits so as to
cast them out, and to heal every sickness and every wound.
Therefore in his commandments having virtuously liv’d, freely ye
receiv’d, freely ye bestow, healing the sufferings of our souls and
Attend unto the supplications of thy servants, thou altogether
undefiled one, quelling the uprisings of evils against us, and
releasing us from every affliction; for thee we have alone a sure and
certain confirmation, and we have gained thy mediation that we may
not be put to shame, O Queen, who call upon thee, Be instant in
supplication for them that faithfully exclaim to thee, Hail, Queen, thou
aid of all, the joy and safeguard, and salvation of our souls!
Accept the prayers of thy servants, O Queen, and deliver us from
every necessity and grief.
And, after the sprinkling, the ectenia.
Have mercy upon us, O God....
Furthermore let us pray for the preservation of this holy habitation,
and of every city and country, from famine, pestilence, earthquake,
flood, fire, sword, invasion of strangers, and civil war, that our good
and man-loving God may be gracious and favourably disposed to
turn away from us every rage that riseth against us, and to deliver us
from his impending and righteous threatening, and to have mercy
upon us.
Lord, have mercy, xl.
And the priest exclaimeth,
Hear us, O God our Saviour, thou hope of all the ends of the
earth.... and the rest.
Choir. Amen.
Priest. Peace to all.
Choir. And to thy spirit.
Deacon. Let us bow our heads to the Lord.
Choir. To thee, O Lord.
Priest, this prayer with a loud voice.
O most merciful Master, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, through the
prayers of our all-holy Lady, the God-bearing ever-virgin Mary;
through the might of the honourable and life-effecting cross; through
the intercession of the honourable heavenly bodiless hosts; of the
honourable glorious prophet, forerunner, and baptist, John; of the
holy glorious and all-praised apostles; of the holy glorious and
excellently victorious martyrs; of our venerable and god-bearing
fathers; of our fathers in the saints, the great ecumenical doctors and
divines, Basil the great, Gregory the theologian, and John
Chrysostom; of our father in the saints, archbishop Nicolas,
wonderworker of Myrlicia; of our fathers in the saints, Peter, Alexis,
Jonas, and Philip, wonderworkers of all Russia; of the holy and
righteous god-progenitors, Joakim and Anna, and of the holy, name,
whose is the temple, and of all thy Saints, make our prayer
acceptable unto thee; grant unto us forgiveness of our iniquities;
cover us with the shelter of thy wings; remove far from us every
enemy and adversary; give peace to our life; O Lord, have mercy
upon us, and upon thy world, and save our souls, as being good and
the lover of mankind.
Choir. Amen.
And the dismissal.
Chapter XXI.

After the priest hath said the prayer behind the ambo, we all go to
the baptismal font, the taper-bearers going in front, and after them
the deacons and priests with the gospel and with incense, while the
brethren sing the present troparia.
Tone viii.
The voice of the Lord crieth upon the waters, saying, O come ye,
and all receive the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, the
spirit of the fear of God, even Christ, who is made manifest.
To-day the nature of the waters is sanctified, and the Jordan is
divided, and turneth back the flowing of its waters, beholding the
baptism of the Master.
As a man thou didst come to the river, O Christ the King, desiring
to receive the baptism of a servant, O thou good one, at the hand of
the Forerunner, because of our sins, O lover of mankind.
Glory. Both now. The same tone.
To the voice crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the
Lord, thou didst come, O Lord, taking the form of a servant, asking
for baptism, thou who knowest not sin. The waters beheld thee, and
were afraid. The Forerunner became trembling, and cried, saying,
How shall the lamp of light be lighted? how shall the servant lay
hands upon the Master? Sanctify thou me and the waters, O
Saviour, thou that takest away the sins of the world.
And straightway, standing by the baptismal font, the deacon saith,
And the reader, the reading from the prophesy of
Chap. xxxv.
Thus saith the Lord, Let the thirsty desert be glad, let the wilderness
rejoice, and blossom as a rose, and let them bud forth and be
exceedingly glad. And let the desert of Jordan rejoice, and the glory
of Libanus shall be given unto it, and the honour of Carmel, and my
people shall behold the glory of the Lord, and the exaltedness of
God. Strengthen ye the weak hands, and comfort ye the feeble
knees; and say unto them that are faint-hearted in intention, Be ye
strong, and fear not, behold our God will render judgment, he will
come and save us. Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and
the ears of the deaf shall hear. Then shall the lame man leap as an
hart, and the tongue of the deaf be distinct; for in the wilderness shall
water break out, and a ravine in a thirsty land. And waterless places
shall become pools, and in a thirsty land shall be a spring of water:
there shall be joy of birds, abodes of syrens, and reeds and pools.
And there shall be a pure way, and it shall be called a holy way; and
the impure shall not pass there, neither shall an impure way be
there, and the dispersed shall walk therein, and shall not wander.
And no lion shall be there, nor of evil beasts shall one enter there,
nor be found there; but the redeemed and chosen of the Lord shall
walk therein. And they shall return and come to Sion with joy and
gladness, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads: praise, and
gladness, and joy shall penetrate them, and pain, grief, and sighing
shall flee away.
The reading from the prophecy of Esaias.
Chap. lv.
Thus saith the Lord, O every one that thirsteth, come ye to the water,
and as many as have no money, come ye, buy, and eat and drink,
wine and fat, without money and without price. Wherefore do ye
spend money for that which is not bread, and labour for that which
satisfieth not? hearken ye to me, and eat that which is good, and let
your soul delight itself in good things. Incline your ears, and follow in
my ways; hearken unto me, and your soul shall live in good things;
and I will promise unto you an everlasting testament, even faithful
things befitting unto David. Behold, I have given him to be a
testimony among the nations, a prince and a commander among the
nations. Behold, nations that have not known thee shall call upon
thee, and people that have not recognised thee shall have recourse
unto thee, because of the Lord thy God and the holy one of Israel,
for I have glorified thee. Seek ye God, and, when ye have found him,
call upon him, if haply he may draw nigh unto you. Let the impious
forsake his ways, and the transgressing man his counsels; and turn
ye unto the Lord your God, and ye shall be pitied; for in much wise
he forgiveth your sins. For my counsels are not as your counsels,
neither as your ways are my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heaven
standeth far from the earth, so standeth my way from your ways, and
your contemplations from my thoughts. For as the rain or the snow
cometh down from heaven, and returneth not thither, until it soaketh
the earth, and generateth, and increaseth, and giveth seed to the
sower, and bread to the eater, so shall my word be which goeth out
of my lips, and returneth not unto me void, until it accomplisheth all
that I have wished, and furthereth my ways and my commandments.
For ye shall go forth with joy, and be taught with gladness: for the
mountains and the hills shall leap, expecting you with joy, and all the
trees of the field shall clap their hands. And instead of the thorn shall
come up the cypress, and instead of the nettle shall come up the
myrtle; and it shall be to the Lord for a name and for an everlasting
sign, and it shall not be cut off.
The reading from the prophecy of Esaias.
Chap. xii.
Thus saith the Lord, Ye shall draw water with joy out of wells of
salvation. And thou shalt say in that day, Confess ye unto the Lord,
and call upon his name, declare his glory unto the nations, make
mention that his name is exalted. Sing ye the name of the Lord, for
he hath wrought excellent things: declare ye these throughout all
lands. Rejoice and be glad, ye that dwell in Sion, for the holy one of
Israel is exalted in the midst thereof.
Deacon. Wisdom.
Reader, prokimenon, tone iii.
The Lord is mine illumination, and my Saviour, whom shall I fear?
Verse. The Lord is the defence of my life, of whom shall I be
The epistle to the Corinthians, section cxliii, from
the paragraph, Chap. x.
Brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant how that all our
fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and
were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and did all
eat the same spiritual meat, and did all drink the same spiritual drink;
for they drank of the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock
was Christ.
Alleluia, tone iv.
Verse. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters, the God of glory
thundereth, the Lord is upon many waters.
The gospel from Mark, section ii. Chap. i.
At that time Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized
of John in Jordan. And straightway coming up out of the water, he
saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon
him. And there was a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my
beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
And the deacon saith the ectenia.
In peace let us pray to the Lord.
For the peace that is from above....
For the peace of the whole world....
For this holy temple....
For the Most Holy Governing Synod....
For our Most Pious, Autocratic Great Lord, THE EMPEROR
ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVITCH of all Russia; and for His
Consort, the Most Pious Lady, THE EMPRESS MARIA
For His Heir, the Right-believing Lord, the Cesarevitch and Grand
Duke NICOLAUS ALEXANDROVITCH; and for all the Reigning
That he would assist Them, and subdue....
For this city, (if it is a monastery, For this holy habitation)....
For healthiness of weather....
For them that voyage, that journey....
That this water may be hallowed by the might, and operation, and
descent of the Holy Ghost, let us pray to the Lord.
That there may come down into these waters the cleansing
operation of the supersubstantial Trinity, let us pray to the Lord.
That there may be bestowed upon them the grace of redemption,
the blessing of Jordan, through the might, and operation, and
descent of the holy Ghost, let us pray to the Lord.
That he would quickly beat down satan under our feet, and destroy
every evil counsel that he conceiveth against us, let us pray to the
That the Lord our God may deliver us from every evil device, and
from the essay of the adversary, and may count us worthy of
promised blessings, let us pray to the Lord.
That we may be illuminated with the illumination of understanding
and piety through the descent of the Holy Ghost, let us pray to the
That the Lord God would send down the blessing of Jordan, and
hallow these waters, let us pray to the Lord.
That this water may be a gift of sanctification, a loosing of sins, for
the healing of soul and body, and for every befitting need, let us pray
to the Lord.
That this water may well up unto eternal life, let us pray to the
That it may be manifested to the destruction of every counsel of
visible and invisible enemies, let us pray to the Lord.
For them that laid and draw thereof for the sanctification of
houses, let us pray to the Lord.
That it may be to the cleansing of soul and body of all that with
faith draw and partake of it, let us pray to the Lord.
That we may be counted worthy to be filled with sanctification
through the partaking of these waters, by the invisible manifestation
of the Holy Ghost, let us pray to the Lord.
That the Lord God may hearken unto the voice of the prayer of us
sinners, and have mercy upon us, let us pray to the Lord.
For our deliverance from every affliction....
Help us, save us, have mercy....
Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed....
While these are being said, the priest saith this
prayer secretly.
Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son, that art in the bosom of
the Father, O thou true God, fountain of life and immortality, thou
light of light, that camest into the world to enlighten it; do thou dawn
upon our mind by thy Holy Ghost, and accept us offering magnifying
and thanksgiving unto thee for thy wonderful mighty works from
eternity, and for thy saving providence in these last ages, in which
thou hast assumed our impotent and poor substance, and,
condescending to the estate of a servant, who art King of all things,
didst furthermore endure to be baptized in Jordan by the hand of a
servant, that thou, the sinless one, having sanctified the nature of
water, mightest lead us unto regeneration by water and the spirit,
and stablish us in the aforetime liberty. And, celebrating the memory
of this divine mystery, we beseech thee, O man-loving Master,
Sprinkle thou also upon us, thine unworthy servants, according to thy
divine promise, pure water, the gift of thy tenderness, that the prayer
of us sinners over this water may be acceptable through thy grace,
and that thereby thy blessing may be bestowed upon us and upon all
thy faithful people, to the glory of thy holy and adorable name. For to
thee is due all glory, honour, and worship, with thine unbeginning
Father, and with thy most holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit,
now and ever, and to ages of ages.
And he saith to himself, Amen.
And when the deacon hath finished the ectenia, the priest
beginneth this prayer with a loud voice.
Great art thou, O Lord, and wonderful are thy works, and no word
shall be sufficient for the praise of thy wonders.
For thou by thy will hast from, nothingness brought all things into
being, and, by thy power, thou sustainest creation, and, by thy
foreknowledge, directest the world. Thou from four elements hast
formed creation, and hast crowned the circle of the year with four
seasons. All the spiritual powers tremble before thee, the sun
praiseth thee, the moon glorifieth thee, the stars make intercession
with thee, the light hearkeneth unto thee, the depths shudder at thy
presence, the springs of water serve thee. Thou hast stretched out
the heavens as a curtain, thou hast founded the earth upon the
waters, thou hast bounded the sea with sand, thou hast diffused the
air for breathing. The angelic powers minister unto thee, the choirs of
archangels worship thee, the many-eyed cherubim, and the six-
winged seraphim, standing and flying around, cover themselves with
fear of thine unapproachable glory. For thou, being the uninscribable,
unbeginning and unspeakable God, didst come down upon earth,
taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; for
thou, O Master, through the tenderness of thy mercy, didst not
endure to behold the race of men tormented by the devil, but thou
didst come and save us. We confess thy grace, we proclaim thy

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