Enerium 150 Enerdis

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Table of contents

ENERIUM Measure station 2

INTRODUCTION .............................................. 6

1. AIM OF THE MANUAL ............................. 7

2. SAFETY ............................................... 8


3.1 Guarantee .................................................. 9
3.2 Property rights ........................................... 9
3.3 Copyright ................................................... 9
3.4 Registered trademarks .............................. 9
3.5 End-of-life of the devices ........................... 9

4. PACKAGING ....................................... 10

EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ............................ 11

5. GENERAL PRESENTATION ................... 13

5.1 Presentation ............................................ 13
5.2 Model Comparison .................................. 14

6. FRONT FACE ...................................... 15

6.1 Elements .................................................. 15
6.2 LCD Screen ............................................. 15
6.3 Optical Interface ...................................... 16
6.4 Optical Cable ........................................... 17
6.5 OK Key .................................................... 17
6.6 Navigation Keys ....................................... 17

7. BACK FACE ........................................ 18

7.1 Elements .................................................. 18
7.2 Measurement terminal ............................. 18
7.3 Auxiliary source terminal ......................... 19
7.4 Optional cards ......................................... 19
7.5 RS485 terminal ........................................ 20
7.6 Ethernet Connector ................................. 21

SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION ............................ 22

8. MAIN SCREEN .................................... 23

8.1 Home Screen........................................... 23
8.2 Main Menu ............................................... 23
8.3 Abbreviations ........................................... 24
8.4 Synoptic of the menus ............................. 24

9. MEASUREMENTS (SCREEN) ................... 26

9.1 Access ..................................................... 26
9.2 ‘’Measurements’’ screen .......................... 26
9.3 Information ............................................... 26
9.4 Return ...................................................... 28
9.5 Notes ....................................................... 28

10. ENERGIES (SCREEN) ............................. 30

10.1 Access ..................................................... 30
10.2 ‘’Energy‘’ Screen...................................... 30
10.3 Information ............................................... 30
10.4 Return ...................................................... 31
10.5 Notes ....................................................... 32

ENERIUM Measure station 3

11. SERVICES (SCREEN) ............................. 33
11.1 Access ..................................................... 33
11.2 “Services” Screen .................................... 33
11.3 Information ............................................... 33
11.4 Return ...................................................... 34

12. (SCREEN) ALARMS ............................. 35

12.1 Access ..................................................... 35
12.2 “Alarms’’ Screen ...................................... 35
12.3 Information ............................................... 35
12.4 Return ...................................................... 36

13. CUSTOMIZED SCREENS....................... 37

13.1 Access ..................................................... 37
13.2 “Customized Screens’’ Screen ................ 37
13.3 Principle ................................................... 37
13.4 Screens ................................................... 37
13.5 Return ...................................................... 38

14. (SCREEN) CONFIGURATION ................. 39

14.1 Access ..................................................... 39
14.2 ‘’Configuration ‘’ screen ........................... 39
14.3 Remote Communication RS 485 ............. 39
14.4 Remote Ethernet Communication ........... 40
14.5 Display ..................................................... 41
14.6 Electrical Network .................................... 42
14.7 Default values .......................................... 43
14.8 Notes ....................................................... 43

15. HARMONICS ....................................... 45

15.1 Access ..................................................... 45
15.2 ‘’Harmonics’’ Screen ................................ 45
15.3 Return ...................................................... 46

16. FRESNEL AND GAUGES ....................... 47

16.1 Access ..................................................... 47
16.2 “Fresnel and gauges’’ Screen ................. 47
16.3 Return ...................................................... 49

17. LOAD CURVES .................................... 50

18. RECORDING CURVES .......................... 51

18.1 Recorded variables.................................. 51
18.2 Synchronization modes ........................... 51
18.3 Operating modes of recording curves ..... 51
18.4 Indicators of the recording curve ............. 52

INSTALLATION ............................................. 53

19. MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY..................... 54

19.1 Cutting ..................................................... 54
Operations: Continuation ................................... 54

20. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION .................. 55

20.1 Preliminary notes ..................................... 55
20.2 Connection of voltage and current inputs 55
20.3 RS485 Connection .................................. 57
20.4 Ethernet Connection ................................ 58
20.5 Connection of input and output cards...... 59

ENERIUM Measure Station 4

20.6 Connection of the auxiliary source .......... 60

USE 61

21. OPERATING PROCEDURE .................... 62

21.1 Complete Procedure................................ 62
21.2 How to … ................................................. 62


22.1 E.set and E.view applications .................. 64
22.2 ModBus/RTU compatible specific application 64

23. MAINTENANCE ................................... 66

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..................... 67

24. CHARACTERISTICS ............................. 68

24.1 Measurements ......................................... 68
24.2 Load curves ............................................. 69
24.3 Alarms ..................................................... 69
24.4 Analog outputs ......................................... 69
24.5 Recording curves..................................... 69
24.6 Electrical .................................................. 70
24.7 Optional cards ......................................... 71
24.8 Metrology ................................................. 72
24.9 Mechanical .............................................. 73
24.10 Environmental constraints ....................... 74
24.11 Accessories ............................................. 74

25. MEASURED VARIABLES ....................... 75

25.1 Ground voltage ........................................ 75
25.2 Line voltages ........................................... 75
25.3 Current ..................................................... 75
25.4 Active power ............................................ 75
25.5 Transit direction of powers ...................... 76
25.6 Reactive power ........................................ 76
25.7 Apparent Power ....................................... 76
25.8 Power factor ............................................ 76
25.9 Cos() ...................................................... 76
25.10 Peak factor .............................................. 77
25.11 Tan() ...................................................... 77
25.12 Frequency................................................ 77
25.13 Harmonics ............................................... 77
25.14 Harmonics rate ........................................ 77
25.15 Energy and Energy metering ................... 78
25.16 Unbalance ............................................... 78
25.17 Phase order ............................................. 78
25.18 Time meter .............................................. 79
25.19 Average variable...................................... 79
25.20 Calculation of minima .............................. 80
25.21 Minima of variables.................................. 80
25.22 Minima of average variables ................... 80
25.23 Calculation of maxima ............................. 80
25.24 Maxima of variables................................. 81
25.25 Maxima of average variables .................. 81

26. INDEX ................................................ 82

ENERIUM Measure Station 5


ENERIUM Measure Station 6


This manual is meant for any person wishing to use an The product owner must keep this manual for the
ENERIUM 50 or ENERIUM 150 Central Readout entire duration of the product’s use.
Station for the measurement of network variables (V, U,
Any information or modification pertaining to this
I, F, P, Q, S, FP, tg , THD, etc.) and energy variables.
manual should be addressed to:
The present manual informs about:
● The product functions Publication Manager
1 - 9 Rue d’Arcueil
● Product implementation and use BP 675
● Product characteristics 92542 MONTROUGE Cedex
The ENERDIS Company has printed this manual with
the purpose to provide simple and precise information.
The ENERDIS Company does not assume any
responsibility for any wrong interpretation. Although all
efforts have been made to offer a manual as precise
as possible, the latter may however include technical
inaccuracies and/or typographical errors.

ENERIUM Measure station 7


You have just acquired an ENERIUM Measure station Operators’ Safety

of 50 or 150 type and we thank you for trusting our Read the following recommendations carefully
company and products. before installing the device.
To obtain the best service from your device: The device described in this manual is meant to be
● Read this operation notice carefully; used exclusively by personnel trained beforehand. The
maintenance operations must be exclusively executed
● Follow the precautions for usage which are by qualified and authorized personnel. For a correct
mentioned in it. and safe use and for all maintenance activities, it is
essential that the personnel follow the normal safety
Meaning of the symbol. Caution! Read the
reference manual carefully before using the device. procedures.
In this reference manual, if the instructions
preceded by this symbol are not followed or Precautions in case of breakdown
executed well, they can cause a bodily injury and
damage the device and the installations. When it is suspected that the device is no longer safe
(for example due to damages inflicted during transport
This device is meant to be used as per the conditions or at the time of its use), it should be disabled. It is
of the installation category III, degree of pollution 2, necessary to ensure that it will not be used accidentally.
complying with the provisions of the CEI 61010-1 The device will be entrusted to authorized technicians
standard. It has come out of the plant in perfect with a view to inspect it.
conditions of technical safety. In order to preserve
these conditions and guarantee a safe use of the Instruction for installation
device, the user should comply with the indications and On receipt of the device, check that it is intact and has
the symbols contained in this manual. not been subjected to any damage during transport. In
Before the installation, check the voltage for use and case of problem, contact the after-sales service for
the coincidental network voltage. possible repair or replacement.

Before any intervention, check that the device is

Instruction for cleaning
disconnected from all the voltage sources.
When the device is disconnected from the electricity
When use in total safety is no longer possible, the network, use only a dry rag to clean the external
device should be disabled and insured against an surface. Do not use either abrasive products or
accidental use. solvents. Do not wet the connection terminals.
The use in total safety is no longer guaranteed in the
following cases:
● The device is visibly damaged,
● The device no longer operates:
- after prolonged storage in unfavorable
- after serious damages inflicted during transport.

ENERIUM Measure station 8


3.1 Guarantee 3.4 Registered trademarks

The guarantee is applicable, except for express ENERIUM is a trademark registered by ENERDIS.
stipulation, during twelve months after the installation
of the equipment (see our General Sales Conditions,
communicated on request). 3.5 End-of-life of the
3.2 Property rights
The products that we market do not enter the domain
All manuals and documentation of any nature whatever of the decree no.2005-829 pertaining to the
are the property of ENERDIS and are protected by composition of electrical equipments and elimination of
copyright, all rights reserved. They cannot be waste originating from these equipments.
distributed, translated or reproduced, in whole or in In compliance with article L541-2 of the environment
part, in whichever manner and under whichever form. code, it is the responsibility of the holder of the waste
to ensure it or ensure the elimination.

3.3 Copyright
All Rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation or
translation of the present manual is prohibited without
prior authorization, within the limits envisaged by the
legislation governing the copyright rights.
Copyright ENERDIS – 2007.
First edition, September 2007.

ENERIUM Measure station 9


The equipment is delivered as per your order. It shall, Variable equipment

at the minimum, include the following articles:
Name Qty
Name Qty
Detachable Connector(s) associated with 0 to 2
ENERIUM Measure Station 1 optional cards
Type 50 or 150.
CD ROM containing: 1
- the present manual in PDF format
- E.set configuration software
- USB driver for the optical head accessory
Simplified commissioning manual (A4 format) 1
Plastic bag with the equipment, varying 1
according to the model
Attachment parts on a panel for the ENERIUM 2
50 or 150 models

ENERIUM Measure station 10

Equipment Description

ENERIUM Measure station 11

ENERIUM Measure Station 12

5.1 Presentation
ENERIUM is a measure station in 96 x 96 format,
complying with the DIN 43700 standard, for all types of
electrical networks, meant for all measurement
applications, display and supervision of low and
medium voltage networks.
The ENERIUM Central readout station is aimed for
companies managing the monitoring and reduction of
energy costs in an environmental framework and for
sustainable development, as well as for industries
having complex electrical networks justifying
monitoring and accurate calculation.
Thus, more than 50 network variables (U, V, I, P, Q, S,
FP, tg , THD, active, reactive and effective energy,
THD, etc.) are analyzed.
The information gathered is available on the front of
the device by means of a graphical monochrome LCD
display, as well as a On/Off output of RS485 type as
per the ModBus/RTU protocol or Ethernet as per General view of the ENERIUM 150 readout station
ModBus/TCP RTU protocol, whereas one or several
optional outputs provide an alarm report which delivers
metering pulses or manages analog outputs.
Its programming enables a precise adaptation of the
device to the environment.
The measure station comes in two models named

ENERIUM Measure station 13

5.2 Model Comparison
The table presented below gives the main features of
versions 50 and 150. The detailed technical and
electrical characteristics are part of chapter 24 on page


Calculation of the neutral current Yes
3 or 4 wire network management Yes

Tan  Yes

Harmonic range 25 50
400 Hz Network Yes
Graphic User Interface
Customizable screens Yes
Input-output cards (I/O)
Optional card (1) 1
Elementary alarms 16
General Alarms 8
Event log FIFO Yes
Load curve 8 variables from among possible 10 (2)
Recording curves No Yes
Communication Interface
Optical (front face) Yes

Ethernet (ModBus / TCP RTU) (3) Yes

RS 485 (ModBus RTU) (3) Yes

IP address parametering in front Yes

Fresnel Diagram No Yes

Gauges No Yes

Histograms (harmonics) No Yes

(1) The optional cards are: 2 analog outputs, 2 On/Off outputs, 2 On/Off inputs and 1 On/Off input+ 1 On/Off
(2) P+, P-, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, S+, S-, E-TOR1, E-TOR2.
(3) The communication interfaces RS 485 and Ethernet cannot be used simultaneously.

ENERIUM Measure Station 14


The positive, transmitting type LCD screen is a graphic

6.1 Elements display module, permanently back-lit by white LEDs.
The contrast is adjustable locally or by the
This paragraph presents the elements accessible in transmission of a command word from a local or
the front face for each of the two available models. remote communication. This adjustment is possible
directly with the E.set or E.view software (refer to the
corresponding notice).
The main menu is presented as follows:


The main menu.


All the displayed screens can be viewed, in one of the

Front View of the ’ENERIUM 50 or 150. five languages available (French, English, German,
Italian and Spanish). The language can be modified
Ref. Function See § (see paragraph 14.5.3, in page 41).
1. LCD display screen. 6.2 For ENERIUM 50, the icons and are not
2. OK Validation key 6.5 available.
3. Optical interface 6.3
6.2.1 Upper part
4. Navigation keys 6.6
The title of the displayed screen is in the upper part of
all the screens ("Ph-N Voltage” in the figure below).

6.2 LCD Screen


This screen displays:

Example of display with the screen title in the upper part
● All the measured and calculated variables (see
chapters 9 to 13 in pages 26 to 37)
6.2.2 Central part
● All parametering variables (see chapter 14, in page The measurement menus as in the following examples
39). are found here.
The detail of screens pertaining to:
● measurement, see chapters 9 to 13, pages 26 to
● parametering, see chapter 14, page 39.

ENERIUM Measure station 15

6.2.4 Additional Information
Upon powering up the measure station, a home screen
is displayed for a few seconds. This screen is displays
the ENERDIS logo and the station model. The last
screen then appears, displayed before the last break of
the auxiliary source. If the last screen displayed was a
parametering screen, it is the main menu which is
It is also possible to read the screen number displayed
in the ModBus memory field. It is also possible to force
the display of a screen by sending a command word

thru a local or remote communication (see document

MSO-7388 - Mapping and command words – Contact
The central part displays measurements. ENERDIS to obtain this document).

6.2.3 Lower part When no action has been detected on the keys for
more than 3 minutes, the display back-light is switched
It displays the information pictograms, from fixed into standby mode.
position. These are listed in the following table.
The figure below gives all the icons that can be viewed
in the lower part of the LCD screen. 6.3 Optical Interface

6.3.1 Presentation
The optical interface is made of the following elements:

The icons in the lower part of the screen (visualization of all

the icons for illustration only)

Icon Meaning
At least one active general alarm exists. Blinking
Order of phases incorrect; the voltage wires are
badly connected. Fixed Pictogram.
Verification of the order of phases of the voltage
lines is carried out continuously. The calculation Optical
is done over 3 periods and the 10 periods of the Interface
reference input signal.
Communication ongoing on one of the
communication ports (remote or local). Blinking
Pictogram. 1
Automatic scrolling mode of the active screens.
2 2
Fixed Pictogram.

Capacitive type network. Fixed Pictogram.

This pictogram has the same screen position as
the next pictogram.
Ref. Function
Inductive type network. Fixed Pictogram.
This pictogram has the same screen position as 1. Positioning device.
the preceding.
2. Infrared communication emitter and receiver.
Generator network. There is no pictogram for a
receiver network. Fixed Pictogram. Close view of the front optical interface.

ENERIUM Measure Station 16

6.3.2 Function 6.6 Navigation Keys
The optical interface allows parametering and reading
the measurements recorded by ENERIUM locally from
These keys enable the navigation in the different
a PCusing an optical cable (see paragraph 6.4, page
6.6.1 Function
6.4 Optical Cable Key Function
Leftward movement of the cursor
Return to the previous menu
The optical cable is an accessory, sold separately,
which is connected to ENERIUM optical interface in Rightward movement of the cursor
order to transfer information between a PC and
ENERIUM. The USB type connecOn/Off side of the Menu: downward movement of the cursor
optical cable is connected to the PC. The Parametering: value decrementation
communication protocol between ENERIUM and the
PC uses a ModBus in RTU mode. Menu: upward movement of the cursor
Parametering: value incrementation
For the communication parametering, see chapter 22,
page 64.

6.6.2 Use
USB plug
The diagram of paragraph 8.4 on page 24 specifies the
use of the navigation keys for the selection of menus.

Optical Head

The optical cable.

6.5 OK Key
This key validates the selected choice or the entered
parameters. It also enables the input or output of the
editing mode.

OK Key

Position of the OK key.

ENERIUM Measure Station 17


The electrical characteristics of the voltage inputs are

7.1 Elements given in paragraph 24.6.3 page 70.
The terminal characteristics are given in paragraph
The figure below shows the elements described in this 24.6.3 on page 70.


Back view of ENERIUM for all versions. Detail of the voltage input terminals.

Ref. Function See § Page 7.2.2 Current inputs

1. RS485 terminal (if no Ethernet 7.5 20 The ‘’Current input’’ terminals are marked 6 to 11 on
connector). the label on the rear part of ENERIUM.
2. Optional card terminal. 7.4 19 The electrical characteristics of the current inputs are
given in paragraph 24.6.4 page 70.
3. Ethernet Connector (if no 7.6 21
RS485 terminal). The terminal characteristics are given in paragraph
24.6.4 page 70.
4. ‘’Voltage’’ input terminals. 7.2.1 18
5. ‘’Current’’ input terminals. 7.2.2 18
6. Auxiliary source terminal. 7.3 19

7.2 Measurement terminal

The network monitoring inputs, namely those
monitoring the line voltages and those originating from
the current transformers, will be connected on this
Paragraph 20.2 on page 55 describes the different
authorized connections.

7.2.1 Voltage inputs Current inputs


The “Voltage input’’ terminals are marked 1 to 5 on the
label on the rear part of ENERIUM. Detail of the current input terminals.

ENERIUM Measure station 18

7.3 Auxiliary source Location of the optional card

The ‘’Auxiliary source’’ terminals are marked 12 and 13
on the rear part of ENERIUM.
Two types of power supplies are available:
● High voltage power supply: the supply is made
without preference on the same terminals (no
change), for alternating or direct current.
● Low voltage direct power supply: the supply is
exclusively made with DC. The polarity is free.
The electrical characteristics of the supplies are given
in paragraph 24.6.6 page 71.

The characteristics of the terminals are given in
paragraph 24.6.6 page 71. Location of the optional cards.

7.4.1 2 Analog output Card

Auxiliary source inputs
This card has two independent analog outputs, each
generating a direct current proportional to one of the
ENERIUM variables. Using a local or remote link, the
user may assign to each analog output:
● A variable to be monitored (V, U, I, P, Q, S, FP,
cos (), Tan () and frequency)
● Min and max output values
The transfer function is always of single slope type.
When the output variable reaches and exceeds the
maximum output value, the output remains blocked at
the maximum output value. When the output variable
reaches and exceeds the minimum output value, the
output remains blocked at the minimum output value.
It is possible to block an analog output with a value

lying between the authorized minimum and maximum,

Location of the auxiliary source terminal. by sending a command word over a local or remote
communication. The output is blocked automatically at
In the case of a power cut of the auxiliary source, the the end of 10 minutes or after the station restart.
strategic data are saved. See paragraph 24.6.7 page
71. The detail of the management of each of the two
analog outputs (assigned variable, etc.) is defined by
means of ModBus command words (see document
MSO-7388 – Mapping and command. Contact
7.4 Optional cards ENERDIS to obtain this document).
The cabling details are given in paragraph 20.5.1 page
Four card models are available: 59.
● 2 analog output card (paragraph 7.4.1); The electrical characteristics of the analog outputs are
given in paragraph 24.7.2 page 71. The analog output
● 2 On/Off output card (paragraph 7.4.2); can remain open permanently.
● 2 input card (paragraph 7.4.3);
● 1 input and 1 output card (paragraph 7.4.4).
7.4.2 2 On/Off output card
This card has two logic individual and independent
An optional card can be installed inside ENERIUM. A
outputs (digital), each programmable in either alarm or
cache protects the unused location.
pulsed mode.
The terminal of each of these cards is accessible in the
upper part of ENERIUM. For each of these, the user assigns one or two output
modes thru local or remote communication:
The terminal characteristics are given in paragraph
● Alarm mode: the output is activated when a
24.7.1 page 71.
variable measured or calculated by ENERIUM

ENERIUM Measure Station 19

crosses a threshold (maximal or minimum) which is 7.4.3 2 On/Off -input Card
allocated to it, for a time longer than the configured
time-lag. This elementary alarm is deactivated This card has two independent inputs (digital), each
when the variable crosses the threshold again, with programmable in pulse or synchronisation mode. For
close hysteresis. each of these the user allocates one of the two input
modes thru local or remote communication:
● Pulsed mode: the pulse output is of relay type. In
an off state, the relay is open. A pulse is ● Pulsed mode: when the input is configured in
considered emitted when the relay is closed. The pulsed mode, the received pulses are multiplied by
pulses are counted from the energy in the primary the pulse weight on this input and are then added
side of the transformer. This metering can be in an integrating meter. The weight of the pulse is
directed to a pulse meter (for example the CCT parameterable from 0.0001 to 999.9999.
ENERDIS). It is possible to initialize the meters with any value
by sending a command word (see document MSO-
7388 Mapping and command words. Contact
ENERDIS to obtain this document) or by the E.set
and E.view software using a local or remote
● Synchronization input mode: the input is used to
synchronize the records or to run alarms. It can
Example of chronogram in pulsed mode 032
also serve to synchronize the ENERIUM internal
alarm; the clock is then parametered as an external
To manage the pulse output, this output must be
synchronization input. When a pulse is detected on
associated (when parametering) with energy from
this input, ENERIUM automatically sets the internal
among three-phase active energy in generator
clock to the rounded-off hour (minutes and seconds
mode, three-phase active energy in receiver mode,
are worth zero), if the internal clock has less than 5
three-phase reactive energy of quadrants 1, 2, 3,
seconds gap with the rounded-off hour. It is also
and 4 and three-phase effective energy in
possible to read the input status in the ModBus
generator mode.
mapping (see document MSO-7388 - Mapping and
The pulse weight is also parameterable among the command words. Contact ENERDIS to obtain this
values 1, 10, 100, 1k, 10k and 100k. document).
The pulse width is common to all the outputs and it The detail of the management of each of the two logic
is programmable at 30 ms then from 50 to 500 ms, inputs (digital) is defined by means of ModBus
in steps of 50 ms, using a local or remote command words (see document MSO-7388 - Mapping
communication. and command words. Contact ENERDIS to obtain this
The pulse emission over one second is rounded to
the nearest millisecond. The cabling detail is mentioned in paragraph 20.5.2
page 59.
It is possible to block a pulse output in the High or
Low state by sending a command word or thru the The electrical characteristics of On/Off inputs are given
E.set and E.view software using a local or remote in paragraph 24.7.3 page 71.
communication. The output is automatically
unblocked after 10 minutes or after the station 7.4.4 1 On/Off input and 1 On/Off
output Card
Each logic output is composed of a static rely ensuring
isolation between the command and the output. This is This card has a single On/Off logic input and a single
a simple contact, which is closed to emit a pulse or On/Off logic output.
activate an alarm. The electrical characteristics of this card are similar to
The detail of the management of each of the two the “2 On/Off inputs’’ and “2 On/Off outputs” above.
On/Off outputs (assigned variable, etc.) is defined
using ModBus command words (see document MSO-
7388 – Mapping and command words. Contact 7.5 RS485 terminal
ENERDIS to obtain this document)
The cabling details are mentioned in paragraph 20.5.2, Available optionally, this terminal is connected to the
page 59. RS 485 bus.
The electrical characteristics of On/Off outputs are The RS 485 option is not available if the Ethernet
given in paragraph 20.5.2, on page 59. option is available.
Parametering of the RS 485 option is given in
paragraph 14.3 on page 39.

ENERIUM Measure Station 20

The characteristics of the terminals are given in
paragraph 24.6.5, RS 485 Output page 70.
The RS 485 terminal ensures the transfer of
information between the PC and ENERIUM in the
framework of:
● parametering of ENERIUM
● reading of real time or recorded measurements in

RS485 card and output terminal

Location of the Ethernet connector.

The cabling details are mentioned in paragraph 20.4,

page 58.


Location of the terminal of the RS 485 card.


Note: a twisted cable is recommended for direct

communication between a PC and ENERIUM.

Up to 247 ENERIUMs can be linked on the same RS485

communication line.

The cabling detail is mentioned in paragraph 20.3

page 57.

7.6 Ethernet Connector

Available optionally, this connector is connected to the
local Ethernet network.
The Ethernet option is not available if the RS 485
option is available. .
The parametering of the Ethernet option is mentioned
in paragraph 14.4 on page 40.
The connector characteristics are given in paragraph
24.6.5, Ethernet Output on page 70.
The Ethernet connector ensures the transfer of
information between a PC and ENERIUM in case of:
● parametering of ENERIUM
● reading of the real time or saved measurements in

ENERIUM Measure Station 21

Software Description

ENERIUM Measure station 22


It is assumed here that the mechanical assembly (chapter 8.2.1 Icons

19 page 54) and electrical connections (chapter 20 page
The main screen displays the eight menus (only six
55) have been performed.
menus on ENERIUM 50) available to the operator thru
This chapter describes the menus accessible by the icons (see the table below).
operator from the main screen.
The upper part of the screen shows the selected icon
name in the parametered language (see paragraph
14.5.3 page 41).
8.1 Home Screen
Icon Function Page
Measurements: displays the screen of 26
When powering up, a loading screen is displayed for a
the measured variables (U, I, P, THD,
few seconds while all the station functions are being etc.).
Energy: displays the screens of active, 30
Under the “Enerium 50’’ or “Enerium 150” line (depending reactive and effective energy meters,
on the model) a progress bar appears showing the status cumulated by the station.
of the equipment loading process.
Services: displays the screens of 33
variables (the time meters for the device
operating time and the internal time
stamping) linked to the maintenance of
the station.
Alarms: displays the screens for alarm 35
information (visualisation of alarm status
and relays associated with On/Off
outputs) and the existing alarm
Customized screens: displays the 37
screens parameterable by the user thru
local or remote communication.

Configuration: displays the menu for 39

configuration parameter changes (TP –
The Home screen.
TC ratio, communication, display
scrolling, language, password).

8.2 Main Menu Harmonics: displays the harmonic

amplitude of the range 1 to 50 in the

form of histograms for the electrical

variables V1, V2, V3, U12, U23, U31, I1,
The main menu is then displayed. I2 and I3 (ENERIUM 150 only).
Fresnel and gauges: displays the 47
Fresnel diagrams of electrical variables
V, U and I as well as the bar charts for
the electrical variables V, U, I and P
(ENERIUM 150 only).

Main menu.

ENERIUM Measure Station 23

Recall: the selection of an icon is made using Symbols Description
navigation keys (see § 6.6 page 17).
MVAh Total effective energy in mega.
When an icon is selected, its look changes by the
appearance of a routing creating a relief button. kVARh Total reactive energy in kilo.
The action on the "OK" key shows the menu MVARh Total reactive energy in mega.
related to the selected icon.
The "Up" and "Down" keys scroll between lines. kWh Total active energy in kilo.
Pressing the "OK" key displays the selected MWh Total active energy in mega.

8.3.2 Electric variables

8.2.2 Icons at the bottom of the screen
Symbols Description
These icons are located in the lower part of the different
screens. They display the following information: F Symbol for Frequency in Hertz.

Icon Function FP Power factor (ratio active / effective power).

At least one active global alarm. Blinking Hxx Ia Harmonic rate (%) of the 'xx' current range for
Pictogram. the “a” conductor (a = 1, 2 or 3).
Hxx Uab Harmonic rate (%) of ‘xx’ voltage range for the
Wrong phase order; the voltage inputs are badly “ab” line phase (ab = 12, or 23 or 31).
connected. Fixed Pictogram.
Ix Instantaneous current (A) of the “x” conductor
A cabling test thru verification of the phase order (x = 1, 2, 3).
on the voltage lines is carried out continuously.
The calculation is made over 3 periods and for all In Neutral current (A) (value available only in a 4-
10 periods of the reference signal input. wire networks).
Communication ongoing on one of the Ix Max Maximum average current (A)
communication ports (remote or local). Blinking Moy (x = 1, 2, 3 or N)
P Active power (W).
Automatic scrolling mode of the screens active.
Fixed Pictogram. Pmoy Active power (W) averaged over a defined
duration Pmoy
Capacitive type network: this pictogram has the Q Reactive power (VAR).
same position on the screen as the next
pictogram. S Apparent power (VA).

Inductive type network: this pictogram has the Smoy Effective power (VA) averaged over a defined
same position on the screen as the preceding duration.
THD Ix Harmonic distortion rate (%) of the current in
Generator network: there is no pictogram for a the “x” conductor (x = 1, 2 or 3).
receiver network. Fixed Pictogram.
THD Uab Harmonic distortion rate (%) of the “ab” line
phase (ab = 12, 23 or 31).
Uab Real composed voltage (V) between the “ab”
8.3 Abbreviations phase (ab = 12, or 23 or 31).
Vx Ground voltage (V) between phase (x = 1, 2 ou
3) and neutral.
The ENERIUM display uses abbreviations of electrical VT Real RMS voltage (V) between neutral and
symbols. These symbols, also used in the present earth.
document, are the following:

8.3.1 Units
8.4 Synoptic of the menus
Symbols Description
% Percent Symbol.
All the menus accessible from the main menu are shown
A Real RMS current symbol in Ampere hereafter with the reference to the related chapters.
V Real RMS voltage symbol in Volt.
Hz Network frequency.
VA Apparent power (total if 3).
VAR Reactive power (total if 3).
W Active power (total if 3 ).
kVAh Total apparent energy in kilo.

ENERIUM Measure Station 24

See page 26 See page 30 See page 33

See See
page 35 page 39

See page 45 See page 37 See page 47

Flowchart of all the main menus accessible on ENERIUM. SY01

ENERIUM Measure station 25


This screen displays the selection menu for the basic 9.3.1 Ph-N Voltage
measurements (V, U, I, P, Q, S, PF, THD, H, etc.).
Display of each phase/neutral voltage difference; The
VT value is the earth/neutral voltage difference.

9.1 Access
This is achieved from the main menu by selecting the
icon and pressing on the OK key.

9.2 ‘’Measurements’’

This screen looks as follows:

Example of the Ph-N Voltage screen ME01A

9.3.2 Ph-Ph Voltage

Display of the line voltage difference between phases
(U12, U23, U31) and frequency.

The Measurements Screen.

All the information displayed can be retrieved thru


local or remote communication.

Example of a Ph-Ph Voltage screen.

9.3 Information
This paragraph explains each screen accessible from
the Measurements screen after pressing the OK key.

For each of the screens, navigation between the

screens is done by pressing the keys .
See paragraph 9.5.1 page 28 for the rules for
value displays.
See paragraph 8.2.2 page 24 for the meaning of
the icons at the bottom of the screen.

ENERIUM Measure station 26

9.3.3 Current P: active power. This value can be negative if the load
Display of the current of each line. operates in a generator mode. The icon is then
displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Q: reactive power. This value can be positive if the load
is of inductive type. The icon is then displayed
at the bottom of the screen. This value can be
negative if the load is of capacitive type. The icon
is then displayed at the bottom of the screen.
FP: power factor (ratio of the active / effective powers).
This value can be negative if the load operates in
generator. The icon is then displayed at the
bottom of the screen.

Thru the and or icons , users know at

anytime the quadrant in which the load works.
Example of the Current screen. Page 30 shows the quadrant positions.

9.3.4 Maximum average current 9.3.6 Average power

Display of the maximum average current of each line; Display of the active (P) and effective (S) average
the duration of integration is defined using a local or powers over duration. The duration is defined by a
remote communication. local or remote communication.


Example of a Maximum Average Current screen Example of an Average Power screen

See paragraph 25.19 page 79 for the calculation See paragraph 25.19 page 79 for the calculation
mode of the averages by ENERIUM. mode of the average by ENERIUM.

9.3.5 Power 9.3.7 Ph-Ph Voltage THD

An example of display is shown below. Display of the harmonic distortion rate on the three
voltage lines.
The Harmonics function displays graphics only for
ENERIUM 150 (see chapter 15 page 45).

Example of a Power screen

Display of:

S: apparent power.

Example of a Ph-Ph Voltage THD screen.

ENERIUM Measure Station 27

9.3.8 Current THD
Display of harmonic distortion rates on the three
currents; the harmonic distortion rate of the neutral
current is not measured and thus not displayed.

Example of a Current Harmonics screen.

The Harmonics function displays graphics only for


ENERIUM 150 (see chapter 15 page 45).

Example of a Current THD screen

The Harmonics function displays graphics only for 9.4 Return

ENERIUM 150 (see chapter 15 page 45).

Pressing on the  key returns to the “Measurements’’

9.3.9 Ph-Ph Voltage Harmonics screen. Pressing twice on the  key returns to the
Display of higher harmonic rates and of their ranges main screen (see paragraphs 8.2 page 23).
over the three line voltages. Each indication is read as
follows (example):
● H03 U12: “range 3” harmonic rate of the U12 line
9.5 Notes
9.5.1 Display rule for voltages
Voltage displays (simple or composed) are made using
four digits with one floating point. The following table
shows the floating point position and the unit used for
different measured values.

V< Display
10 9,999 V
100 99,99 V

1 000 999,9 V
10 000 9,999 kV

Example of a Ph-Ph voltage Harmonics screen. 100 000 99,99 kV

The Harmonics function displays graphics only for 1 000 000 999,9 kV
ENERIUM 150 (see chapter 15, page 45). 10 000 000 9,999 MV
100 000 000 99,99 MV
9.3.10 Current Harmonics
Display of higher harmonic factors and their ranges on 9.5.2 Display rule for currents
the three currents. Each indication is read as follows
(example): Current displays are made using four digits with one
floating point. The following table shows the floating
● H02 I1: “range 2” harmonic factor of the current point position and the unit used for different values
I1. measured.

I< Display
10 9,999 A
100 99,99 A
1 000 999,9 A
10 000 9,999 kA

ENERIUM Measure Station 28

100 000 99,99 kA
1 000 000 999,9 kA
10 000 000 9,999 MA
100 000 000 99,99 MA

9.5.3 Display rule for frequency

Frequency displays are made using four digits with one
floating point. As an example, frequency is displayed
as 99.99 Hz.

9.5.4 Display rule for power

Power displays (active, reactive or effective) are made
using four digits with one floating point. The following
table shows the floating point position and the unit
used for different values measured.

P< Display
10 9,999 u
100 99,99 u
1 000 999,9 u
10 000 9,999 ku
100 000 99,99 ku
1 000 000 999,9 ku
10 000 000 9,999 Mu
100 000 000 99,99 Mu

For an active power, ‘’u‘’ means W. For a reactive power, ‘’u‘’

means VAR. For an effective power, ‘’u‘’ means VA.

9.5.5 Display rule for harmonics

Harmonic (of range x) or total harmonic distortion rate
displays are made using four digits with one floating
point. The point position is adjusted based on the
value measured.

9.5.6 Display rule for the power factor

Power factor displays are made using three digits with
one floating point (i.e. 9.99). A logo is used for the unit.
In case of an inductive power factor, the unit is the
pictogram. In case of a capacitive power factor, the
unit is the pictogram.

9.5.7 Display rule for the time meter

Ttime meter displays are made using ten digits with
one floating point and the unit is given. 99999999.99 h
is an example.

ENERIUM Measure Station 29


This screen displays the menu for selection of active,

reactive and effective energy measurements. 10.3 Information
This paragraph shows each of the screens accessible
10.1 Access from the Energy screen by pressing the OK key.

For all the displays, scrolling between screens is

This is achieved from the main menu by selecting the done with the  keys.
icon and pressing the OK key. See paragraph 10.5.1 page 32, for the rules for
value displays.
Also see paragraph 8.2.2 page 24 for the meaning
of the icons at the bottom of the screen.
10.2 ‘’Energy‘’ Screen
10.3.1 EP+ active Energy
This screen looks as follows: Display of two active positive cumulated energy meters
in receiver mode (quadrants 1 and 4) when powering
up ENERIUM. The total value refers to a “two values”
group: (see example):
indicates a metering of 231 457.897 kWh.

The Energy Screen.

All the information displayed can be retrieved thru

local or remote communication.

Generator receiver Example of an EP+ active Energy Screen

Generator receiver

Reminder of the quadrants used by ENERIUM.

ENERIUM Measure station 30

10.3.2 EP- active Energy 10.3.5 EQ3 Reactive Energy
Display of two active negative cumulated and absolute Display of two negative reactive cumulated energy
energy meters in generator mode (quadrants 2 and 3) meters in generator mode (quadrant 3) when powering
when powering up ENERIUM. The total value refers to up ENERIUM
a “two values” group: (see example):
The data is read as indicated in paragraph 10.3.3.
231 10.3.6 EQ4 Reactive energy
457.897 Display of two negative reactive cumulated energy
meters in generator mode (quadrant 4) when powering
Indicates a metering of 231 457.897 kWh. up ENERIUM.
The data is read as indicated in paragraph 10.3.3.

10.3.7 ES+ Apparent Energy

Display of two apparent energy meters cumulated and
absolute in receiver mode (quadrants 1 and 4) when
powering up ENERIUM. The total value refers to a “two
values” group: (see example):

Indicates a metering of 231 457.897 kVAh.
Example of an EP_ active energy screen

10.3.3 EQ1 Reactive energy

Display of two positive reactive cumulated energy
meters in receiver mode (quadrants 1) when powering
up ENERIUM. The total value refers to a “two value”
group: (see example):

Indicates the metering of 231 457.897 kVARh.

Example of an ES+ Apparent Energy Screen

10.3.8 ES- Apparent Energy

Display of two apparent cumulated and absolute
energy meters in generator mode (quadrants 2 and 3)
when powering up ENERIUM.
The data is read as indicated in paragraph 10.3.7.

10.4 Return

Example of a EQ1 Reactive Energy screen. Pressing on the  key returns to the “Measurements’’
screen. Pressing twice on the  key returns to the
main screen.
10.3.4 EQ2 Reactive energy
Display of two positive reactive cumulated energy
meters in generator mode (quadrant 2) when powering
The data is read as indicated in paragraph 10.3.3.

ENERIUM Measure Station 31

10.5 Notes

10.5.1 Display rules for energies

Energy meter display (active, reactive or apparent) is
made on two lines.
On the first line, the upper part of the energy meter is
displayed in the form 999999 Muh. On the second line,
the lower part of the energy meter is displayed in the
form 999.999 kuh. The letter “u” is defined as follows:

Energy Unit
Active W
Reactive VAR
Effective VA

ENERIUM Measure Station 32


This screen shows the menu for selecting information

relating to the device, time meters for the device’s 11.3 Information
operating time and the internal timestamping.
This paragraph shows each of the screens accessible
from the Services screen after pressing the OK key.
11.1 Access
For all displays, the direct passage to the next or
previous screen is possible with the  keys.
This is done from the main menu by selecting the icon See also paragraph 8.2.2, on page 24, for the
and by pressing the OK key. meaning of the icons at the bottom of the screen.

11.3.1 Product Information

11.2 “Services” Screen The following information is displayed:

This screen is as follows:


Example of a Product information screen


Ref. Indication
The Services Screen.
1. Type of ENERIUM (50, 150) and network
All displayed information can be retrieved thru frequency.
local or remote communication. No modification of 2. Serial number of ENERIUM.
the displayed values is possible.
3. Version number of the embedded software.
4. Indicates “Blank’’ if no communication card is
installed, else indicates the ModBus address for
the option RS 485 or the IP address for the
Ethernet options (see paragraph 14.3, in page 39
and in paragraph 14.4, in page 40).
5 Indicates “Blank’’ if no input/output card is
installed, else indicates the type of input/output
card inserted (see paragraph 7.4, on page 19).

ENERIUM Measure station 33

11.3.2 Time meter 11.3.3 Date/Time
Three time meters are seen. The information, which The following information, which ca only be read, is
can only be read, is displayed over ten digits, with fixed displayed:
point as follows:


Example of a Date/Time Screen.

Example of a Time meter Screen.
Ref. Indication
Ref. Indication
1. Date
1. "Operating Time": Time meter: duration of
presence of the supply voltage (auxiliary source) 2. Time
on ENERIUM (see paragraph 7.3, on page 19).
This indication is useful for the maintenance of The date/time variable is recorded in the form of
ENERIUM. number of seconds elapsed since January 1st,
2. "Network Presence" Time meter: duration during
which, at least one ground voltage, from among The display format of the date is "dd mmm yyyy",
V1[1s], V2[1s] and V3[1s] is different from zero. for all languages.
This indication is useful for the maintenance of the
The date and time are modifiable only by local or
monitored load.
remote communication.
3. "In Load" Time meter: duration during which, at
least one current, from among I1[1s], I2[1s] and
I3[1s], is different from zero. This indication is
useful for the maintenance of the monitored load. 11.4 Return
One press on the  key enables the return to the
“Services” screen. Two successive presses on the 
key return to the main screen.

ENERIUM Measure Station 34


This screen shows the menu for selection of alarms

(visualisation of the status of alarms and relays 12.3 Information
associated with On/Off outputs) and zero setting of
possibly stored alarms.
This paragraph shows each of the screens accessible
from the Alarms screen after pressing the OK key.
12.1 Access For each of the screens, the passage to the next
or previous screens is done by pressing the keys
This is done from the main menu by selecting the icon See also paragraph 8.2.2, on page 24, for the
and pressing on the OK key. meaning of the icons at the bottom of the screen.

12.3.1 Alarms
12.2 “Alarms’’ Screen The following information is displayed:

This screen is as follows:


Example of an Alarms screen.


This screen shows, for each of the eight global alarms,

the status of the active alarm, or having been activated
The Alarms screen, on call.
in the first column, and the status of associated On/Off
All displayed information can be retrieved thru outputs (relays) (paragraph 7.4.2, on page 19) in the
local or remote communication. second column.

Indication Explanation
Number Number of the global alarm (a global alarm is
sometimes a combination of two elementary
Status Status of the alarm (active or inactive) in the
- non-programmed alarm
 non active programmed alarm.
 active programmed alarm.
Relay Status of the associated relay (paragraph 7.4.2,
in page 19).
- relay not associated with the alarm
 relay associated with the alarm, but not
 relay associated with active alarm.

ENERIUM Measure station 35

The definition of alarms (number, NO/NF, delay time, Indication Explanation
threshold, measured variable) is only possible by local
or remote communication (see chapter 22, page 64). Status Status of this global alarm (active or inactive) in
the station.
- non-programmed alarm
12.3.2 Resetting of Alarms
 non active programmed alarm.
This screen enables the re-initialization of the alarms
 active programmed alarm.
(release of the alarm of associated On/Off outputs)
upon validation of the choice YES. Relay Status of the relay associated with this general
- relay not associated with the alarm.
 relay associated with the alarm, but not
 relay associated with the alarm and active.
El. Name of the associated electrical variable, ex
Alarm V1.
Status Status of the elementary alarm output
associated with this global alarm.
- output not associated with the alarm.

 output associated with the alarm, but not

Example of an Alarm resetting screen.  output associated with the alarm and
To re-initialize the alarms, proceed as follows:
Equation Logic Equation AND or OR
1. The Alarms Resetting screen is displayed.
2. Press on OK to enter the procedure.
The activation of a general alarm is signaled locally by
3. Press on  to highlight YES (black background). the blinking of the backlighting of the display area.

To quit this procedure without re-initializing the Thus, if a global alarm is activated, the ENERIUM
alarms, press on  to highlight NO (black screen will blink. The blinking is stopped after resetting
background). (RAZ) of the status word for the alarms (command
available under E.set, E.view or in the document MSO-
4. Press on OK to validate the choice. 7388 – Mapping and command words).
5. Return to the previous screen by pressing on .

12.3.3 General Alarm (1 to 8) 12.4 Return

Each of these eight screens displays the status, for
each of the 8 global alarms (activated, deactivated) of One press on the  key enables the return to the
this alarm, the associated load relay, the “Alarms’’ screen. Two successive presses on the 
corresponding logic equation and elementary alarms. key return to the main screen.
A global alarm is activated by a combination of
elementary alarms, combination defined from the
E.set or E.view application (see the corresponding

Example of a Global alarm screen

ENERIUM Measure Station 36


This screen shows the menu for selection of one of the ● Or by programmed automatic scrolling, of one,
three groups of screens defined using local or remote two or three of these screens.
The E.set or E.view software ensures the
parametering of these customisable screens.

13.1 Access
13.4 Screens
From the main menu by selecting the icon and
pressing on the OK key. This paragraph shows each screen accessible from
the Customised Screens screen (after pressing the
OK key, in their factory configuration.
13.2 “Customized Screens’’
Before any programming, the screen is as follows:

Example of a Customized Screen. EP01A

Reminder: the Title name is defined by the

E.set or E.view application (see this manual).

The “Customized Screens’’ screen. 13.4.1 Title 1: “S-P-Q-Tan() “

When not redefined by the user, this screen displays:
● Line 1: S three-phase.
13.3 Principle
● Line 2: P three-phase.
● Line 3: Q three-phase
Each of the three screens, basically named Title 1,
Title 2 and Title3, can be freely configured by the ● Line 4: Tan ().
user, using local or remote communication. Each of
these three titles collects, in a screen specific to the
user, a set of four measurements which the user wants
to display simultaneously. All the combinations of data
display are possible, from the variables measured by
ENERIUM (see document MSO-7388 – Mapping and
command words. Contact ENERDIS to obtain this
To view these three screens:
● Either manually, by access to this menu and
selecting one of the three screens.

ENERIUM Measure station 37

13.4.2 Title 2: “ V1-U12-I1-FP1 “
When not redefined by the user, this screen displays:
● Line 1: V1
● Line 2: U12
● Line 3: I1
● Line 4: FP1.

13.4.3 Title 3: “ In: H03 H05 H07 H09 “

When not redefined by the user, this screen displays
the harmonics of range 3, 5, 7 and 9 present on the
neutral current In.
● Line 1: H03.
● Line 2: H05.
● Line 3: H07.
● Line 4: H09.

13.5 Return
One press on the  key returns to the ‘’Customized
Screens’’ screen. Two successive presses on the 
key return to the main screen.

ENERIUM Measure Station 38


This screen shows the Configuration menu of


14.1 Access

From the main menu by selecting the icon and

pressing the OK key.

14.2 ‘’Configuration ‘’ CO06A

screen A password can be

Configuration screen.
requested before entry in the

The screen is as follows:

14.3 Remote
Communication RS
This information defines the characteristics of the
RS485 remote communication (see paragraph 20.3, on
page 57) between ENERIUM and the reading
Proceed as follows:

1. The Configuration screen is displayed.

Th Configuration screen. 2. Select the Remote Communication line with the
 keys and press on OK to display the Remote
If a password has already been defined, this is
necessary beforehand to access the
Communication screen.
Configuration screen. To do this, use the 
keys to modify the highlighted value (black
background) and  to change the position of the
cursor. Press on OK to validate. If the password
has been lost, the E.set software enables to
retrieve it.
The password is defined as indicated in paragraph
14.5.5, on page 41). The default password is

The RS485 Communication screen.

ENERIUM Measure station 39

14.3.1 JBus Address 14.3.6 Return
1. When the Remote Communication screen is Press once on the  key to return to the
displayed, press OK to select JBus Address. “Configuration’’ menu.
2. Press on OK to select the value (address) to be Press twice on the  key to return to the main menu.
3. Use the  keys to modify the highlighted value
on the black background and  to change the 14.4 Remote Ethernet
position of the cursor. The acceptable addresses
range from 001 to 247, inclusive of the limits.
4. Press OK to validate.
This information defines the Remote Ethernet
communication characteristics (see paragraph 20.4, on
14.3.2 Speed (Bauds) page 58) between ENERIUM and the reading
1. Select the Speed(Bds) line with the  keys and equipment.
press on OK.
Proceed as follows:
2. Use the  keys to modify the value displayed
(transmission speed in Bauds). 1. The Configuration screen is displayed.
The predefined values are 2400, 4800, 9600, 2. Select the Remote Communication line with the
19200, 38400 and 115200.  keys and press on OK to display the Remote
3. Press on OK to validate. Communication screen.

14.3.3 Parity
1. Select the Parity line with the  keys and
press on OK.
2. Use the  keys to modify the value displayed
(parity). The predefined values are Without, Odd
and Even.
3. Press on OK to validate.

14.3.4 Stop Bit

1. Select the Stop Bits line with the keys and
press on OK. The Ethernet Communication Screen.
2. Use the  keys to modify the value displayed
(number of stop bits). The displayable values are 1 14.4.1 IP Address
and 2. 1. When the Remote Communication screen is
3. Press on OK to validate. displayed, press on OK to select the IP Address
14.3.5 Reversal (ms) 2. Press on OK to select the value (address) to be
1. Select the Reversal (ms) line with the  modified.
keys and press on OK. 3. Use the  keys to modify the highlighted value
2. Use the  keys to modify the value displayed on the black background and the  keys to
(reversal time in ms). The displayable values range change the position of the cursor.
from 0 to 500 by increments of 50. 4. Press on OK to validate.
The reversal time, expressed in milliseconds,
corresponds to the waiting time between the time
when the RS485 frame has been received and the
14.4.2 Mask
time when ENERIUM responds. This value is to be 1. Select the Mask line with the  keys and press
defined based on the number of ENERIUM on OK.
connected on the RS485 line and the quality of the
2. Use the  keys to modify the value highlighted
field bus.
on the black background and the  keys to
3. Press on OK to validate. change the position of the cursor.
3. Press on OK to validate.

ENERIUM Measure Station 40

14.4.3 Gateway NO: the display screens will not scroll. Only the
manually selected screen will be continuously
1. Select the Gateway line with the  keys and
press on OK. YES: the display screens, having been defined, by
2. Use the  keys to modify the value highlighted E.view, E.set, as the ones to be displayed one after
on the black background and the  keys to the other, will be displayed cyclically at a periodicity
change the position of the cursor. defined by the value Time (see below). These
screens will be predominant with respect to the
3. Press on OK to validate. normal display.

14.4.4 Return All the visualization screens can be placed in this

list, in any order and possibly several times.
Press once on the  key to return to the
“Configuration’’ menu. It is possible to automatically set the parameters for
a maximum of 16 visualization screens. The list of
Press twice on the  key to return to the main menu. screens to be scrolled is configurable using local or
remote communication.
Pressing any key enables to block the automatic
14.5 Display scrolling mode and thus navigate with the keys in
the different screens. If no key is pressed for 10
seconds and the automatic scrolling mode is
This information defines the following display
always active, then the screens scroll again
automatically one after the other.
● Scrolling: activation or deactivation of the scrolling
4. Press on OK to validate.
for customized screens.
● Time: duration of display of each customized 14.5.2 Time (s)
Defines the display time for each selected screen.
● Language: language for message display. Proceed as follows:
● Contrast: contrast level of the LCD display. 1. Select the Time (ms) line with the  keys and
press on OK.
● Password: definition of a password to access the
Configuration screen. 2. Use the  keys to modify the underlined value
 to change the position of the cursor.
Proceed as follows for access to these sub-menus: The acceptable values range from 01 to 10.
1. The Configuration screen is displayed.
3. Press on OK to validate.
2. Select the Display line with the  keys and
press on OK to display the Display screen. 14.5.3 Language
Defines the language for message display; Proceed as
1. Select the Language line with the  keys, for
2. Use the  keys to modify the active language.
The available languages are French, English,
Spanish, German and Italian.
3. Press on OK to validate.

14.5.4 Contrast
Defines the contrast level of the LCD display; Proceed
The Display screen. as follows:
1. Select the Contrast line and press on OK.
14.5.1 Scrolling
Activates or deactivates the possibility for scrolling of 2. Use the  keys to modify the contrast level. A 0
measurement screens as well as the possible display level corresponds to a pale screen (low contrast); a
time; proceed as follows: 7 level displays a darker screen (high contrast).

1. When the Display screen is displayed, press on 3. Press on OK to validate.

OK to select Scrolling.
14.5.5 Password
2. Press on OK to select the value to be modified.
If the password is different from “0000”, (parametering
3. Use the  keys to modify the value displayed. when received from the factory corresponding to a free
The displayable values are Yes and No.

ENERIUM Measure Station 41

access), a password will be requested at the time of
entry in the Configuration screen.
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the Password line with the  keys and
press on OK.
2. Use the  keys to modify the highlighted value
(black background) and  to change the position
of the cursor.
The range of acceptable codes is that of the ASCII

If a code other than 0000 is activated, access to
the Configuration screen will only be possible The Electrical Network screen
after request for this password.
3. Press on OK to validate. 14.6.1 TP Primary
The password is active only 30 seconds after its
Defines the maximum voltage of the primary (line
definition. Thus, after immediate return to the home voltage) of the voltage transformer; Proceed as follows:
screen from the Configuration menu, the latter can
1. Display the Electrical network sceen and
be redefined without request of the password if the
30 seconds have not yet not elapsed. press on OK to select TP Primary.
2. Press on OK to select the value to be modified.
14.5.6 Return 3. Use the  keys to modify the value displayed
and  to change the position of the cursor.
It is essential to return to the main menu by successive This value corresponds to the maximum operating
presses on the  key in order to quit the Configuration voltage indicated on the primary of the voltage
mode and prohibit the access to this mode if a transformer.
password has been entered (paragraph 14.5.5, page The primary (line voltage) of the TP transformer
41). lies between 100 V and 650,000 V. The TP primary
No automatic return to the main menu is expected. can be adjusted in increment of 1 V.
However, if the power supply of the measure station is 4. Press on OK to validate.
interrupted, the station restarts from the main menu
and not as usual from the last screen displayed.
14.6.2 TP Secondary
Defines the maximum voltage of the secondary of the
14.6 Electrical Network voltage transformer; Proceed as follows:
1. Select the TP Secondary line with the  keys
and press on OK.
This information defines the transformation ratios of
voltage and current transformers used at the voltage 2. Use the  keys to modify the underlined value
and current entry terminals (see paragraph 20.2, on and  to change the position of the cursor.
page 55). This value corresponds to the maximum operating
voltage indicated on the secondary of the voltage
Indeed, all the measurements being viewed from the transformer.
primary side of the client transformers, the client The secondary (line voltage) of the TP transformer
transformer values are parametered in ENERIUM. The lies between 100 V and 480 V. The TP secondary
product of the CT primary by the PT primary should not can be adjusted in increments of 1 V.
be more than 693.0 MW (maximum three-phase power
3. Press on OK to validate.
= 3 x 693 MW = 1.2 GW).).
Proceed as follows: 14.6.3 TC Primary
1. The Configuration screen is displayed. Defines the maximum current of the primary of the
current transformer; Proceed as follows:
2. Select the Electrical network line, and press
on OK to display the Electrical network 1. Select the TC Primary line with the  keys and
screen. press on OK.
2. Use the  keys to modify the underlined value
and  to change the position of the cursor.
This value corresponds to the maximum working
current indicated on the primary of the current
The primary of the TC transformer lies between 1 A
and 25,000 A. The TC primary can be adjusted in
increments of 1 A.

ENERIUM Measure Station 42

3. Press on OK to validate.
14.7 Default values
14.6.4 TC Secondary
Defines the secondary current of the current This table indicates the default values of the
transformer; Proceed as follows: Configuration menu when the device is delivered.
1. Select the TC Secondary line with the  keys RS 485 Communication (*)
and press on OK.
Address 001
2. Use the  keys to modify the underlined value.
This value corresponds to the maximum working Speed 9600
current indicated on the secondary of the current Parity Sans
The secondary of the TC transformer lies between Stop Bit 1
1 A and 5 A. The TC secondary can be adjusted in Reversal 50
inrements of 1 A.
3. Press on OK to validate.
Ethernet Communication (*)
14.6.5 3 wire / 4 wire IP Address
Defines the type of network to be monitored; Proceed Mask
as follows:
1. Select the 3 wire/4 wire line with the  keys
and press on OK. (*)RS 485 and Ethernet communications cannot be shown at
the same time.
2. Use the  keys to modify the selection
displayed. Display
3 wire: non-distributed neutral.
4 wire: distributed neutral. Scrolling NO

3. Press on OK to validate. Time 03

Language Français
14.6.6 Return Contrast 3
Press on the  key to return to the “Configuration”
screen. Password 0000

Press twice on the  key to return to the main menu.

Electrical network
TP Primary 400
TP Secondary 400
TC Primary 5000
TC Secondary 5
3 wire/4 wire 4 wire

14.8 Notes
If some parameters can be modified directly from the
navigation keys of the display, others can only be
defined using local or remote communication.
For local or remote communication, see chapter 22, on
page 64.
The parameter setting by local or remote
communication can be done using the E.set or E.view
software. They enable the parameter setting (E.set) or
remote parameter setting and visualization (E.view)
using a digital connection (RS485, modem, optical,

ENERIUM Measure Station 43

Any other software or automaton compatible with the
ModBus RTU standard enables the parameter setting
The reader can refer to the specific manual for this
It is accepted that ENERIUM is supplied (see
paragraph 20.6, page 60) and connected to peripheral
equipment (see chapter 20, page 55). However, the
parameter setting can be performed without the
peripheral equipment being connected.
For additional information on the MODBUS/RTU and
MODBBUS/JCP/RTU protocol, contact ENERDIS to
obtain the document MSO-7388 – Mappings and
command words.

ENERIUM Measure Station 44


This screen displays the menu of Harmonics only

on ENERIUM 150. It enables the graphical
visualization of harmonics, range by range, the three
ground voltages, three line voltages, three currents
and the corresponding distortion factors.

15.1 Access

From the main menu by selecting the icon and

pressing the OK key. HA01A

The V1 Harmonics Screens

15.2 ‘’Harmonics’’ Screen ● The horizontal axis indicates the harmonic ranges
from 1 to 50 for ENERIUM 150. Range 0
corresponds to the continuous component and
The screen is as follows: ranges 1 to 50 correspond to harmonics.
● The vertical axis (0-100 %) indicates the harmonics
ratio in percentage with respect to the basic (range
● V1: instantaneous ground voltage in volts.
● Hxx: value in percentage related to the most
important harmonic found between ranges 1 and
● THD: total harmonic distortion (see formula used in
paragraph 25.14, on page 77.

15.2.2 V2 Harmonics
Harmonics screen. Displays the harmonics and additional data on ground
voltage V2. Refer to paragraph 15.2.1 - V1 Harmonics,
It is used as follows: on page 45 for details.
1. The Harmonics screen is displayed.
15.2.3 V3 Harmonics
2. Select the desired line with the  keys and press
on OK to display the corresponding screen. Refer Displays the harmonics and additional data on the
to the next paragraphs for details. ground voltage V3. Refer to paragraph 15.2.1 - V1
Harmonics, on page 45 for details.
15.2.1 V1 Harmonics
15.2.4 U12 Harmonics
Press on the OK key to display the harmonics and the
additional data on the ground voltage V1. The display Displays the harmonics and additional data on the line
is for example as follows: voltage U12. Refer to paragraph 15.2.1 - V1
Harmonics, on page 45 for details.

15.2.5 U23 Harmonics

Displays the harmonics and additional data on the line
voltage U23. Refer to paragraph 15.2.1 - V1
Harmonics, on page 45 for details.

ENERIUM Measure station 45

15.2.6 U31 Harmonics
Displays the harmonics and additional data on the line
voltage U31. Refer to paragraph 15.2.1 - V1
Harmonics, on page 45 for details.

15.2.7 I1 Harmonics
Displays the harmonics and additional data on the
current I1. Refer to paragraph 15.2.1 - V1 Harmonics,
on page 45 for details.

15.2.8 I2 Harmonics
Displays the harmonics and additional data on the
current I2. Refer to paragraph 15.2.1 - V1 Harmonics,
on page 45 for details.

15.2.9 I3 Harmonics
Displays the harmonics and additional data on the
current I3. Refer to paragraph 15.2.1 - V1 Harmonics,
on page 45 for details.

15.3 Return
Press twice on the  key to return to the main menu.

ENERIUM Measure Station 46


This screen displays the Fresnel and gauges menu

on an ENERIUM 15 only. It enables the graphic
visualization of:
● Three ground and line voltages, and currents in the
form of a Fresnel diagram.
● Three ground and line voltages, currents and
powers (P1, P2, P3) in the form of baragraphs.

16.1 Access

From the main menu by selecting the icon and Example of a 3V Fresnel diagram
pressing the OK key. The information is the following:
● V1: instantaneous ground voltage V1 in volts.
16.2 “Fresnel and gauges’’ ● V2: instantaneous ground voltage V2 in volts.
Screen ● V3: instantaneous ground voltage V3 in volts.
● 12: phase shift, in degrees, of the V1 ground
The screen is as follows: voltage with regard to the V2 ground voltage.
● 23: phase shift, in degrees, of the V2 ground
voltage with regard to the V3 ground voltage.
● 31: phase shift, in degrees, of the V3 ground
voltage with regard to the V1 ground voltage.
Press on the key  to return to the previous screen.

16.2.2 3U Fresnel
Press on the OK key to display the Fresnel diagram of
the three ground voltages and the additional data. The
display is as follows:

The Fresnel and gauge screen.

It is used as follows:
1. The Fresnel and gauges screen is displayed.
2. Select the desired line with the  keys and press
on OK to display the corresponding screen. Refer
to the next paragraphs for details.

16.2.1 3V Fresnel

Press on the OK key to display the Fresnel diagram of

the three ground voltages and the additional data. The
display is as follows: Example of a 3U Fresnel diagram.

ENERIUM Measure station 47

The information is the following:
● U12: instantaneous line voltage U12 in volts.
● U23: instantaneous line voltage U23 in volts.
● U31: instantaneous line voltage U31 in volts.
● 12: phase shift, in degrees, of the U12 line
voltage with regard to the U23 line voltage.
● 23: phase shift, in degrees, of the U23 line
voltage with regard to the U31 line voltage.

● 31: phase shift, in degrees, of the U31 line
voltage with regard to the U12 line voltage.
Example of a 3V baragraph
The Disequilibrium indication shows the rate of
unbalance between the line voltages. A correctly The indication “0 - 130 %” of the baragraph indicates
balanced network has a rate close to zero. the instantaneous value measured with regard to the
TP primary value programmed in
Press on the  key to return to the previous screen.
Configuration/Electrical network.
16.2.3 3I Fresnel For example, for a TP primary programmed for 400 V,
Press on the OK key to display the Fresnel diagram of 100% of the gauge corresponds to 400V .
the three currents and the additional data. The display 3
is as follows: Press on the key  to return to the previous screen.

16.2.5 3U Gauges
Press on the OK key to display the baragraph diagram
of the three line voltages. The display is as follows:

Example of a 3I Fresnel diagram.

The information is the following:


● I1: instantaneous current I1 in amperes.

● I2: instantaneous current I2 in amperes. Example of a 3U baragraph.
● I3: instantaneous current I3 in amperes. The indication “0 - 130 %” of the baragraph indicates
the instantaneous value measured with regard to the
● 12: phase shift, in degrees, of the ground current TP primary value programmed in
I1 with regard to the current I2. Configuration/Electrical network.
● 23: phase shift, in degrees of the ground current For example, for a TP primary programmed for 400 V,
I2 with regard to the current I3. 100% of the gauge corresponds to 400 V.
● 31: phase shift, in degrees, of the ground current
I3 with regard to the current I1. 16.2.6 3I Gauges
Press on the OK key to display the baragraph diagram
Press the key  to return to the previous screen.
of the three currents. The display is as follows:
16.2.4 3V Gauges
Press on the OK key to display the baragraph of the
three ground voltages. The display is as follows:

ENERIUM Measure Station 48


Example of a 3I baragraph.

The indication “0-130 %” of the baragraph indicates the

instantaneous value measured with regard to the TC
primary value programmed in Configuration/Electrical
For example, for a TC primary programmed for 5000 A,
100 % corresponds to 5000 A.

16.2.7 3P Gauges
Press on the OK key to display the baragraph diagram
of the three active powers. The display is as follows:

Example of a 3P baragraph.

The indication “0-130 %” of the baragraph indicates the

instantaneous value measured with regard to the TC
and TO primary values programmed in
Configuration/Electrical network.
For example, for a TC primary programmed for 5000 A
and a TP primary programmed for 400 V, 100 %
corresponds to 5000 * 400 , which is 1 154.7 kW.

16.3 Return
Press the  key twice to return to the main menu.

ENERIUM Measure Station 49


This curve cannot be displayed on the ENERIUM

screen but when using a specific application (E.view or
any application developed by the user).
The station can activate or not a recording of a load
curve. This load curve records from one to eight
variables among the following ten variables P+, P-, Q1,
Q2, Q3, Q4, S+, S-, TOR1, TOR2. The integration time
of these variables can be parametered among the
times 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 and 60 minutes.
Each recording is composed of a time stamping (date
and time), a status and selected variables (maximum
eight). The variables are always ranked in the following
order: P+, P-, S+, S-, Q1, Q4, Q2, Q3, TOR1 and
The recording depth is based only on the parametered
integration time. The number of selected variables
does not modify the recording depth.

Tps (1) 5 10 12 15 20 30 60
Pfd (2) 17 34 40 51 68 102 204
(1): Integration time in minutes
(2): Recording depth in days.

The E.set and E.view software automatically provide

the recording depth according to the selected
integration time.
The status contains the marking of following events:
synchro loss, synchro return and change of
configuration and mains supply cut.
It is possible to reinitialize the load curves in totality by
sending a command word by local or remote
communication. A material entry is allocated to one of
the variables On/Off1 to 2, by the sending of a
command word over the local or remote
For additional information, contact ENERDIS to obtain:
● the MSO-7389 document for the management of
load curves.
● the MSO-7388 document for the mapping and
command words.

ENERIUM Measure station 50


This function is only available on ENERIUM 150. ● Average three-phase TAN()s in generator and
receiver mode.
These curves cannot be displayed on the ENERIUM
screen, but by using a specific application (E.view or ● Average frequency
any other application developed by the user).
● Average peak factors
The product can record till four recording curves. The
recording period can be different from one curve to ● Average THDs in ground voltage, line voltage and
another. This recording period is chosen, for each in current of each phase
curve, between 1 and 59 seconds in increments of one
second or among the following predefined values: 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 and 60 minutes. 18.2 Synchronization
The recording depth is only based on the recording modes
period. The system is designed to save a maximum of
4032 values.
E.g.: for a recording period parametered at 1 second, There are three types of synchronizations to manage
the storage register will be full at the end of 4032 the launch or stop of the recordings of previously
seconds, or 1 hour, 7 minutes and 12 seconds. selected electrical variables:

According to the recording periods allowed from 1 ● for the first type called "Synchronization on date",
second to 60 minutes, the recording period ranges the recording of data starts or stops when
from 1 hour, 7 minutes and 12 seconds to 168 days. ENERIUM reaches the programmed date and time.

The E_Set and E_View software automatically provide ● For the second type called "Synchronisation on
the recording depth according to the selected On/Off input", the recording of data starts or stops
recording period. when the selected On/Off input changes status.
● for the third type called "Synchronisation on
alarm", the recording of data starts or stops when
18.1 Recorded variables the selected global alarm is activated. s

The following measurements can thus be recorded in a 18.3 Operating modes of

recording curve:
● Average ground voltages
recording curves
● Average line voltages
There are five operating modes of recording curves:
● Average currents
● Continuous Mode: the recordings are done in a
● Currents per second circular manner in the curve, the oldest recording
● Three-phase active power per second being deleted by the latest recording (FIFO type
curve). In this mode, the three types of
● Three-phase apparent power per second synchronization are authorised for the recording
launch. On the other hand, only the writing of a
● Three-phase reactive power per second
command word on the local or remote
● Global power factor per second communication can stop the data recording.
● Unbalance factor per second ● Mode with stop on full buffer: the three types of
synchronisation are authorised for the launch of the
● Average active powers over each phase and three- recording. The recording is stopped when the
phased in generator and receiver mode. storage register is full.
● Average power factors over each phase and global ● Mode with immediate stop on synchro: the
in generator and receiver mode recordings are done also in a circular manner in the
● Average Cos() over each phase and global in curve, the oldest recording being deleted by the
generator and receiver mode. latest recording (FIFO type curve). The recording

ENERIUM Measure station 51

starts as soon as a variable is allotted to the curve. The time setting of the product entails no change in the
The writing of a command word on the local or programming. Moreover, no marking is executed in the
remote communication, a "Synchro on On/Off curves in case of change of time.
input" or even a "Synchro on alarm" can
immediately stop the data recording. For more information, contact ENERDIS to obtain the
MSO-7390 document on recording curves and the
● Mode with stop on centered synchro 25%-75%: MSO-7388 document on the mapping and command
the recordings are done in the same manner as in words.
the third mode. But the recording stop occurs only
when 75 % of the recording curve contains data
recorded after the stop command, which can be the
writing of a command word on the local or remote
communication, a "Synchro on On/Off input" or
even a "Synchro on alarm".
● Mode with stop on centered synchro 50%-50%:
the recordings are done in the same manner as in
the third mode. But the recording stop occurs only
when 50 % of the recording curve contains data
recorded after the stop command, which can be the
writing of a command word on the local or remote
communication, a "Synchro on On/Off input" or
even a "Synchro on alarm".

18.4 Indicators of the

recording curve
Status of the recording curve
This indicator gives the status of the recording curve.
The status is:
● "Non-programmed" if the curve is not
programmed, i.e. if the variable allocated to the
curve is “none’’.
● "Pending" if a curve is programmed and waiting for
the start synchro.
● "In progress" if the curve records values
● "Terminated" if a stop command came or if the
curve stopped by itself.
Filling rate of the curve
This indicator gives the filling rate of the curve. For
curves managed in FIFO mode, this rate remains
blocked at 100%, when the recordings crash the oldest
When programming a new recording curve, this
automatically entails the stop and reset of the curve
previously ongoing recording or recorded. The
resetting of a trend curve can be launched manually,
by writing a command word on the local or remote
All the programmed curves recover their recordings
after a break of the auxiliary source, without performing
any marking.
It is possible to immediately stop the recording of a
curve by sending a command word on the local or
remote communication.

ENERIUM Measure Station 52


ENERIUM Measure station 53


This chapter describes the mechanical assembly of

ENERIUM. The dimensions are found in paragraph
24.9, on page 73.

19.1 Cutting
Assembling this version is done exclusively on panel.
Proceed as follows:
1. Make a cutting as indicated in the following figure.

Setting up a panel fastener: pull the clip end and slid it as

indicated above.

Operations: Continuation
This consists of the electrical assembly of the
ENERIUM and its additional elements (voltage
transformers, current transformers, etc.).

Dimensions of the cutting of the panel

2. Insert ENERIUM in the cutting, thru the external

3. Slide the two table fasteners and push them until
you find the correct positioning of ENERIUM.

ENERIUM Measure station 54


This chapter describes the electrical assembly of 20.1.5 Precautions against electrical
ENERIUM. parasites
Although ENERIUM is immuned against electrical
current disturbances, it is desirable to avoid immediate
20.1 Preliminary notes proximity of parts generating strong electrical parasites
(high power contactors, bus bar, etc.). The quality of
the communication on the computer bus depends a lot
20.1.1 Safety precautions on respecting these precautions.
Before proceeding with the electrical installation of
the equipment and its peripheral elements, check
that the power supply is disconnected and locked
in compliance with good engineering practices and
20.2 Connection of voltage
safety rules. and current inputs
20.1.2 Maximum applicable values
Refer to Chapter 24 – Technical characteristics, on The voltage and current inputs will be connected
page 68. based on the type of assembly selected. See
paragraph 7.2 on page 18, for the terminal localization
It is to be noted that any overshooting of the and the technical details. The abbreviations are as
maximum applicable values can cause a permanent follows:
deterioration of the device.
20.2.1 Unbalanced three-phase, 4 wires -
20.1.3 Protection of the U and I inputs 3 TC
The insertion of fuses on the voltage inputs as well a
short circuit system for the current inputs is strongly

20.1.4 Cables and terminals

The connections are made on:
● screw terminals which can be dismantled for 2.5
mm² cables for the optional cards and the RS485
remote communication.
● fixed screw terminals for the 2.5 mm² cables for the
power supply of the station and the voltage
measurement inputs.

● fixed screw terminals for the rigid or flexible wires

of 6 mm² section for the current measurement Assembly without TP.

ENERIUM Measure station 55

20.2.3 Unbalanced three-phase, 3 wires -
3 TC

Assembly with TP in star.

20.2.2 Balanced three-phase, 4 wires - 1
Assembly without TP.


Assembly without TP. Assembly with TP in star shape.


Assembly with TP. Assembly with TP in triangle shape.

ENERIUM Measure Station 56

20.2.4 Unbalanced three-phase, 3 wires - 20.2.5 Mono-phase assembly
2 TC


Assembly without TP.

Assembly without TP.


Assembly without TP.

Assembly with TP in star shape.

20.3 RS485 Connection

The RS485 output cannot be present when the

Ethernet card is present.
Only tests on the actual network can validate the
best combination (speed, network length,
impedance adaptation, etc.).

See paragraph 7.5, on page 20 for the location of the

terminal and the technical details.

20.3.1 In undisturbed environment


For an RS485 network in undisturbed electrical

Assembly with TP in triangle shape.
environment, if possible use a twisted-pair cable. This
cable will be connected to the 18 (A+) and 19 (B-)
terminals. The agreement adopted for terminals (A)
and (B) corresponds to the EI485 standard (§ 3.2)
specifying that a logic level ‘”1” on the line corresponds
to VB>VA and a logic level “0” corresponds to VA>VB.

ENERIUM Measure Station 57

RS485/RS232 Convertor

Connection of the RS485 link (standard connection).

20.3.2 In disturbed environment Connection of the RS485 link in disturbed electrical
With shielding environment with load and polarization resistances
In case of a particularly disturbed electrical
environment, a shielded twisted-pair cable must be
used and the shielding of this cable must be connected 20.4 Ethernet Connection
to the terminal 0 V (20) of ENERIUM.

The Ethernet output cannot be present when the

RS485 card is present.

Connect the RJ45 Ethernet plug of each ENERIUM to

an RJ45 inlet of a switch (or hub) using an Ethernet
cable (straight cable for connection to a switch, twisted
cable for the connection to a PC).
See paragraph 7.6, en page 21 for the location of the
terminal and the technical details.

Connection of the RS485 link in disturbed electrical

environment (presence of a shielding)

With shielding and resistances (polarization and

In order to improve the quality of transmission in
disturbed environment, it is also possible to polarize
the line in a single point. This polarization imposes the
rest level in the absence of transmission by two Ethernet Terminal
resistances of 1.2 k, between the 0 V line and the 5 V
line. These resistances are sometimes included in the
Ethernet Switch
RS485/RS232 convertors. It is sometimes necessary
to adapt the line by connecting a resistance of 120 
to the two ends of the bus.

Connection of the Ethernet link to a switch.

ENERIUM Measure Station 58


20.4.1 LED 1: Connection LED
Colour Meaning
Off No connection.
Orange Connection at 10 Mb per second.
Green Connection at 100 Mb per second.

20.4.2 LED 2: Activity LED

Colour Meaning
Off No activity
Orange Half duplex.

Green Full duplex.
Connection of analog outputs.

20.5 Connection of input 20.5.2 2 On/Off output card

Refer to paragraph 7.4.2, on page 19 for the
and output cards technical details regarding these On/Off outputs.
It is essential to parameter this card using local or
remote communication.
These cards are optional.
Connect the load and the connecting cable as follows:

Card Terminal Function

The following figures show the labels associated with output
different optional cards.
OUT1 1-2 No.1 On/Off Output.
2 On/Off outputs option card label
OUT2 3-4 No.2 On/Off Output.
ET_1 à 4

2 On/Off inputs option card label

1 On/Off input and 1 On/Off output option

card label

2 analog outputs option card label

Example of connection of On/Off outputs. The polarities on
the terminals 1-2 or 3-4 are indifferent.

20.5.3 2 On/Off input card

20.5.1 2 output analog card See paragraph 7.4.3, on page 20 for the technical
details regarding these On/Off inputs.
It is essential to parameter this card using local or It is essential to parameter this card using local or
remote communication. remote communication.
See paragraph 7.4.1, on page 19 for the technical
details regarding these analog outputs. Connect the input signal to the connecting cable as
Connect the load and the connecting cable as follows:
Card input Terminal Function
Card output Terminal Function
IN1 1-2 Signal input and earth. Polarities:
A01 1 A01 analog output cold point. indifferent.

A01 2 A01 analog output hot point. IN2 3-4 Signal input B and earth.
Polarities: indifferent.
A02 3 A02 analog output cold point.
A02 4 A02 analog output hot point.

ENERIUM Measure Station 59

20.6 Connection of the
auxiliary source

Note: ENERIUM is delivered with one of these two

types of power supplies. The type of power supply is
notified on the back label.

20.6.1 High level supply

Terminal 12 Polarity indifferent. See paragraph 7.3, on

page 19 for the technical details.

Terminal 13
Example of connection of On/Off input in pulsed mode. The
polarities on the terminals 1-2 or 3-4 are indifferent. 20.6.2 Continuous low level supply
20.5.4 1 On/Off input and 1 On/Off output Terminal 12 Polarity indifferent. See paragraph 7.3, on
page 19 for the technical details.
card Terminal 13
See paragraph 7.4.4, on page 20 for the technical
details. Connect the A.C or D.C power supply as illustrated
It is essential to parameter this card using local or
remote communication.
Terminals for AC or DC supply
Connect the input and the output as follows:

Card Terminal Function

IN1 1 See paragraph 20.5.3.
IN2 2
OUT3 3 See paragraph 20.5.2.
OUT4 4

Connection of the supply.

A fuse protection is necessary.


Example of connection of the logic input and output. The

polarities in the terminals are indifferent.

ENERIUM Measure Station 60


ENERIUM Measure station 61


21.1 Complete Procedure Display § Page

Recording curve 18 51

This paragraph describes the complete procedure for System Date 11.3.3 34
using ENERIUM. Automatic scrolling of screens 14.5 41

21.1.1 Mechanical assembly Fresnel Diagram 16.2 47

Refer to chapter19, on page 54. Customized screens 13.2 37

EP+ active energy 10.3.1 30
21.1.2 Electrical assembly
EP1 active energy 10.3.2 31
Refer to chapter 20, on page 55.
Apparent energy 10.3.7 31
21.1.3 Parametering
Reactive energy 10.3.3 31
Refer to chapter 14, on page 39.
Ethernet – define IP address 14.4 40
21.1.4 Measurement consultation Ethernet – read IP address 11.3.1 33
Use one of the following methods: Fresnel (diagram) 16.2 47
Type of ENERIUM See page Ph-Ph voltage harmonic 9.3.9 28
Manually from the display 22 Current harmonic (I) 9.3.10 28
Locally (PC and optical link) 64 System time 11.3.3 34
Remote thru RS485 link 64 Gauges 16.2.4 48
Remote thru Ethernet link 64 Display language 14.5.3 41
Password 14.5.5 41

21.2 How to … Serial number of the box

Software version number
Parity (RS485) 14.3 39
21.2.1 Display the information
Average power (P, S) 9.3.6 27
Display § Page
Powers (S, P, Q, FP) 9.3.5 27
ModBus Address (define) 14.3 39
Electrical network 14.6 42
ModBus Address (read) 11.3.1 33
Resetting of alarms 12.3.2 36
Ethernet Address (define) 14.4 40
Reversal (temps – RS485) 14.3 39
Ethernet Address (read) 11.3.1 33
RS485 (parametering) 14.3 39
Display (Scrolling and time) 14.5 41
Box operating time 11.3.2 34
Alarm (reset) 12.3.2 36
Duration of network presence 11.3.2 34
Alarms active on On/Off output 12.3.1 35
Load duration 11.3.2 34
Stop Bit (RS485) 14.3 39
Ph-N (U) Voltages 9.3.1 26
Configure the box 21.1.3 62
Ph-Ph (V) Voltages 9.3.2 26
Currents (I) 9.3.3 27
THD of the Ph-Ph voltage 9.3.7 27
Maximum average currents 9.3.4 27
Current THD (I) 9.3.8 28
Load curve 17 50
Enerium Type 11.3.1 33

ENERIUM Measure station 62

Display § Page
RS485 transmission speed 14.3 39

21.2.2 Modify the parameters

Display § Page
RS 485 remote communication * 14.3 39
Ethernet remote communication 14.4 40

Display 14.5 41
Electrical network 14.6 42

(*) The RS 485 and Ethernet interfaces cannot be present at

the same time.

ENERIUM Measure Station 63


The local or remote communication enables parameter ● Number of frames addressed to the station (outside
setting and reading of ENERIUM, either using the distribution).
E.set or E.view application, or from any specific
application using the ModBus protocol in RTU mode, ● Number of distribution requests received.
(Optical or RS485 Interfaces) or ModBus TCP in RTU ● Number of NAQ responses.
mode (Ethernet Interface).
● Number of unready slave responses.
For additional information regarding the ModBus/RTU
and ModBus/TCP/RTU protocol, contact ENERDIS to ● Number of unprocessed characters.
obtain the MS0-7388 document– Mapping and ● Number of responses outside the function 8.
command words.

The transmission format is fixed as follows:

22.1 E.set and E.view ● Speed of 38400 bauds.
applications ● 1 start bit.
● 8 data bits.
The reader should refer to the specific reference
manual for this software. ● Without parity.
● 1 stop bit.
● Reversal time of 0 ms (see paragraph 22.2.2, on
22.2 ModBus/RTU page 64, for the internal processing time).
compatible specific The station responds to all the slave numbers between
1 and 247.
It is also possible to download, via the optical interface
only, a new application in the station. In this case, a
22.2.1 Local communication by optical protocol different from ModBus is used.
22.2.2 Remote communication thru the
The communication support is described in paragraphs
6.3 and 6.4, on pages 16 and 17. RS485 interface
The communication support is described in paragraph
Communication is performed in half duplex mode. 7.5, on page 20.
The functions implemented in the products are: Communication is performed in half duplex mode.
● Function 03 : Reading of N words. The functions implemented in the products are:
● Function 04 : Reading of N words. ● Function 03 : Reading of N words.
● Function 08 : Reading of diagnostic meters (For ● Function 04 : Reading of N words.
details, see below).
● Function 08 : Reading of diagnostic meters (For
● Function 16 : Writing of N words. the details see below).
● Function 16 : Writing of N words.
The diagnostic meters are:
● Resetting of meters.
● Number of frames received without CRC.
● Number of frames received with CRC.
● Number of exceptional responses.

ENERIUM Measure station 64

The diagnostic meters are:
22.2.3 Remote communication thru the
● Resetting of meters. Ethernet interface
● Number of frames received without CRC. The communication support is described in paragraph
7.6, on page 21.
● Number of frames received with CRC.
According to the status of the network, communication
● Number of exceptional responses. is performed in half or full duplex mode.
● Number of frames addressed to the station (outside An IP address of configures
distribution). ENERIUM in DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
● Number of distribution requests received. Protocol). An IP address is thus automatically assigned
to the product by the network’s DHCP server.
● Number of NAQ responses.
To determine the allocated IP address and mask, use
● Number of unready slave responses. the E.set or E.view applications and launch the Search
command under Network/New Channel with Type of
● Number of unprocessed characters.
channel parametered to Ethernet and Port number
● Number of responses outside the function 8. defined at 502.
The processing of a frame addressed to slave 00 (i.e. Knowing the serial number of the searched equipment,
all the slaves present on the network) is performed. just establish the correspondence between the IP
The product does not send any response. address and the serial number to know the IP address
of the equipment.
The transmission format is fixed with 1 start bit and 8
data bits. On the contrary, the slave number, parity, It is possible to parameter the IP address, the mask of
number of stop bits, reversal time and the transmission the sub-network and the gateway by the GUI (see
speed can be parametered. paragraph 14.4, on page 40) or using local or remote
The product address on the ModBus network can be
parametered from 1 to 247, in increments of 1.
The communication speed can be parametered from
among the values 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
and 115200 bauds.
The communication parity can be parametered from
among the following values: Odd, Even and without
The number of stop bits for communication can be
parametered among the values 1 and 2.
The reversal time is a waiting time between the receipt
of the last of the three characters of the frame end and
the issue of the first character of the response frame.
The reversal time can be parametered from 0 to 500
ms, in increments of 50 ms.
Note: a reversal time configured for 0 ms is not the real
reversal time, which is then equal to the internal
processing time of the frame, which is around 35 ms.
For other values, the parametered time is the real
reversal time.
The default values are mentioned in paragraph 14.7,
on page 43.

ENERIUM Measure Station 65


Since no electronic or electrical part is exchangeable

by the end user, the measure station shall be returned
to Manumesure, the distribution and after-sales center.

ENERIUM Measure station 66

Technical characteristics

ENERIUM Measure station 67


ENERIUM measures and calculates more than 50 The average variables are calculated over a time
electrical variables. All these variables are effective programmable from 0 to 30 minutes. This variable is
values (RMS). refreshed at every tenth period.
Instantaneous variables are refreshed every second,
except for the THDs, every six seconds.
24.1 Measurements
The mini and maxi variables are updated every second
if needed.


V1, V2, V3, Vearth ● ● ● ● ●
U12, U23, U31 ● ● ● ● ●
I1, I2, I3, In ● ● ● ● ●
P1, P2, P3 ● ● (1) ● (1)
Pt ● ● (1) ● (1) ● (1) ● (1)
Q1, Q2, Q3 ● ● (1) ● (1)
Qt ● ● (1) ● (1) ● (1) ● (1)
S1, S2, S3 ● ● ●
St ● ● ● ●
FP1, FP2, FP3 ● ● (1)
FPt ● ● (1) ● (1)
Cos1, Cos2, Cos3, ● ● (1)
Cost, ● ● (1) ● (1) ● (1)
Tan , ● ● (1) ● (1) ● (1)
Frequency ● ● ● ●
Peak factor V1, V2, V3 ● ● ●
Peak factor I1, I2, I3 ● ● ●
Unbalance U ● ● ●
Harmonic (2) 1 to 50 V1, V2, V3, U12, ● ●
U23, U31, I1, I2, I3
THD V1, V2, V3, U12, U23, U31, I1, I2, I3 ● ● ●
Time meters: ●
network presence, in load, auxiliary source
Active, Receiver, Generator Energy ●
Reactive Energy Qcad1 Qcad2, Qcad3, ●
Effective, Receiver, Generator Energy ●
Pulsed metering input ●
On/Off1, On/Off2

(1) also measures in generator and receiver mode (2) up to range 25 for ENERIUM 50

ENERIUM Measure station 68

24.2 Load curves FP1, FP2, FP3 ●
FPt ●

Average values Cos 1, Cos 2, Cos 3 ●

Pt Gen, Pt Rec ● Cos t ●

Qcad1 Qcad2, Qcad3, Qcad4 ● Tan  ●

St Gen, St Rec ● Frequency ●

On/Off1, On/Off2 Inputs ●

24.5 Recording curves

24.3 Alarms
(not available on ENERIUM 50)

1 sec Values
1 sec Values
V1, V2, V3, Vearth ●
I1, I2, I3, In ●

U12, U23, U31 ●

Pt ●

I1, I2, I3, In ●

Qt ●

Pt ●
St ●

Qt ●
FPt ●

St ●
Unbalance U ●

FPt ●
THD V1, V2, V3 ●

Cos t ●
THD U12, U23, U31 ●

Tan  ●
THD I1, I2, I3 ●
Average values
Frequency ●
V1, V2, V3, ●
Unbalance U ●
I1, I2, I3, In ●
3 time meters: network presence, loaded, Aux ●
source. P1 Gen, P1 Rec, P2 Gen, P2 Rec, P3 Gen, P3 ●
Rec, Pt Gen, Pt Rec
Average values
Pt Gen, Qt Rec ●
FP1 Gen, FP1 Rec, FP2 Gen, FP2 Rec, FP3 ●
Gen, FP3 Rec, FPt Gen, FPt Rec
Qt Gen, Qt Rec ● Cos1 Gen, Cos1 Rec, Cos2 Gen, Cos2 ●
St ● Rec, Cos3 Gen, Cos3 Rec, Cost Gen, Cost
Frequency ●
24.4 Analog outputs Peak factor V1, V2, V3 ●
Peak factor I1, I2, I3 ●
1 sec Values THD U12, U23, U31 ●
V1, V2, V3, Vearth ● THD I1, I2, I3 ●
U12, U23, U31 ● THD V1, V2, V3 ●
I1, I2, I3, In ●
P1, P2, P3 ●
Pt ●
Q1, Q2, Q3 ●
Qt ●
S1, S2, S3 ●
St ●

ENERIUM Measure station 69

24.6.4 Current measurement inputs
24.6 Electrical Variable Range
Nominal input current 5A

24.6.1 Display Maximum input current 6.5A (which is 5A +30%)

● LCD display, monochrome (128 lines, 160 pixels), Peak factor 3
backlit by white LEDs. Contrast adjustable by local
Frequency 42,5Hz (which is 50Hz -15%) to 69Hz
or remote communication or via the local keyboard. (which is 60Hz +15%)
● On the main menu, display of 6 to 8 icons enabling
Maximum measured 25,0 kA (primary side view from the
the easy selection of variables to be visualised.
current client transformer).
● Display of V, U, I, F, P, Q, S, FP, Tan, THD
Consumption 0.15 VA
variables, energies and harmonics.
● Display of pictograms (alarm, phass order, Excees current 50 times the nominal current, which is
250A, for a duration of 1s supported 5
communication, automatic scrolling, inductive
times to follow every 5 minutes.
network, capacitive network, generator network),
Three-phase 1.2 GW (primary side view from the
● Display of texts dans 5 languages (German,
maximum active client transformer).
English, Spanish, French, Italian). power
● Forced setting of the screen possible after
Non-detachable 6 connection points. Screw terminals,
activation by local or remote communication. terminals with mobile cage.
● Automatic scrolling of screens specific to the user. Connection of rigid or flexible wires of
section 0.5 to 6mm2 (20-10 AWG).
24.6.2 Keys Maximum acceptable Coupling torque
● “OK” key for validation of choice. on the terminal: 0.8 Nm.

● Joystick (4  keys) for selection and Setting range TP primary from 1 A to 25 000 A in
navigation. steps of 1 A.
TP secondary from 1 A to 5 A in steps
24.6.3 Voltage measurement inputs of 1 A.

Variable Range
24.6.5 RS485 Output Communication
Nominal ground voltage 57.7 / 230 V
The RS485 card cannot be present at the same time
Nominal line voltage 100 V / 400 V as the Ethernet card.
Maximum line voltage 120 V / 480V (which is 100/400V Item Characteristics
Protocol ModBus RTU mode.
Peak factor 2
Speed 2400, 4800, 9600, 19 200 and
Frequency 42,5Hz (which is 50Hz -15%) to 115 200 Bauds.
69Hz (which is 60Hz +15%)
Parity without, even or odd.
Maximum measured line 650.0kV (primary side view from
voltage the client transformer) Number of stop bits 1 or 2

Permanent Surge Twice the line voltage of nominal Connection 2 fils + shielding, half duplex
input, which is 800V.
Detachable terminals 3 connection points. Screw
Consumption per phase 0.2 VA terminals.
Connection of rigid or flexible
Impedance 500 k wires of section 0.2 to 2.5 mm2
Non-detachable terminals 5 connection points. Screw (22-14 AWG)
terminals, with mobile cage. Maximum acceptable Coupling
Connection of rigid or flexible torque on the terminal : 0.4 Nm.
wires of section 0 to 2.5 mm2 (22-
14 AWG).
Maximum acceptable coupling
torque on the terminal : 0.4 Nm.
Setting range TP primary from 100 V to
650 000 V in steps of 1 V.
TP secondary from 100 V to 480
V in steps of 1 V.

ENERIUM Measure Station 70

Ethernet Output Item Characteristics
The Ethernet card cannot be present at the same time Information retention 10 years at 25 °C.
as the RS485 card.
Retention date/time 5 days.
Item Characteristics
Protocol ModBus / TCP in RTU mode.
Speed 10/100 Base T
24.7 Optional cards
Maximum length Transmission over 100 m max.
Connection 8 points RJ45 socket.
24.7.1 Terminal characteristics
Item Characteristics
Optical Interface Number of admissible 1 per ENERIUM.
optional cards:
Item Characteristics
Detachable terminals 2 x 2 connection points. Screw
Protocol ModBus in RTU mode. terminals.
Transmission Format Fixed at the speed of 38400 Connection of rigid or flexible
bauds, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, wires of section 0 to 2.5 mm2 (22-
without parity, 1 stop bit and a 14 AWG).
reversal time of 0 ms. Responds Maximum acceptable coupling
to all the slave numbers between torque on the terminal : 0.4 Nm.
1 and 247.
Digital input/output Optical (infrared) ensuring optical 24.7.2 2 output analog card
bidirectional transmission.
Item Characteristics
Connection By optical cord without electrical
contact. Number of outputs 2.
Output Signal D.C.
24.6.6 Auxiliary supply source
Maximum resistive load 10 V / I output
Source Characteristics
Maximum capacitive load 0.1 µF.
A.C/D.C (high tension) (*) 80 Vac/dc (or 100 Vac/dc -20%) to
265 Vac/dc (or 230 Vac/dc +15%). Response time 500 ms.
Frequency between 42.5 Hz (or Isolation between outputs 1 kV – 1 min.
50 Hz -15%) and 69 Hz (or 60 Hz
) in A.C. Limits (min and max) -22 mA,  Ioutput + 22 mA.
Low tension D.C (*) 19 Vdc (or 24 Vdc ) to 58 Vdc
(or 48 Vdc +20%). 24.7.3 2 On/Off inputs card
Consumption 15 VA – 10 W. Item Characteristics

Non-detachable terminals 2 connection points. Screw Number of inputs 2.

terminals, with mobile cage.
Input Signal Continuous.
Connection of rigid or flexible
wires of section 0 to 2.5 mm2 (22- Amplitude of the input signal Between 19.2 Vdc (or 24 Vdc -
14 AWG). ) and 72 Vdc (or 60 Vdc +20%).
Maximum acceptable coupling Level Interpretation Amplitude < 5 V: the logic level
torque on the terminal : 0.4 Nm. read is "0".
(*): Either model. Supply mounted by the manufacturer Amplitude > 10 V: the logic level
read is "1".
24.6.7 Information retention The signal width should be at the
minimum 30 ms.
The information saved after a supply break is the:
Absorbed power <0.5 W per On/Off input.
● Parametering
● Average values Isolation between outputs 2.2 kV – 1 min.

● Minimum values Type of protection Optocoupler.

● Maximum values
● Energy meters
● Pulse meters
● Event files
● Time meters
● Load curves
● Recording curves.

ENERIUM Measure Station 71

24.7.4 2 On/Off output card FP between [0.5 inductive and
0.8 capacitive]
Item Characteristics
V between [99% and 101%] of
Number of outputs 2. Vnom

Maximum admissible current  100 mA. I between [10% and 130%] of 0,5% of the
Inom measurement
Output signal D.C. signal varying from 19.2Vdc 0,05% of Pnom
(or 24 Vdc -20%) to 265 Vdc (or
220 Vdc +20%). Q Sin () = 1
A.C. frequency signal between V between [99% and 101%] of
42.5 Hz and 69 Hz, varying from Vnom
19.2 Vac (or 24 Vac -20%) to 265 I between [5% and 130%] of Inom 1% of the
Vac (or 230 Vac +15%). measurement
Output in pulsed mode Complies with CEI 62053-31 I between [2% and 5%[ of Inom 1,5% of the
(1998) standard. measurement
Isolation between outputs 2,2 kV – 1 min. Sin () lying between [0.5
Type of contact Dry contact. inductive and 0.5 capacitive]
V between [99% and 101%] of
Type of protection Static relay (bidirectional MOS Vnom
I between [10% and 130%] of 1% of the
Inom measurement
24.7.5 1 On/Off input and 1 On/Off output
card I between [5% and 10%[ of Inom 1,5% of the
Electrical characteristics identical to those of the “1
On/Off input” and “1 On/Off output” cards described in Sin ()between [0,25 inductive
paragraph 24.7.3 on page 71 and 24.7.4 on page 72. and 0,25 capacitive]
V between [99% and 101%] of
The differences are found in the number of inputs and Vnom
outputs available on the card, i.e.:
- Number of On/Off inputs: 1 I between [10% and 130%] of 3,5% of the
Inom measurement
- Number of On/Off outputs: 1
S V between [99% and 101%] of 0,5% of the
Vnom measurement
24.8 Metrology I between [5% and 130%[ of Inom 0,02% of Snom

Cos() Cos()between [0.5 inductive

and 0.5 capacitive]
(A 23°C 2°C, 50Hz (except for variable F))
V between [99% and 101%] of
Vnom/Unom = 230 V / 400 V for TP secondary > 100 V Vnom
I between [5% and 130%] of Inom ±0,02 points
Vnom/Unom = 57,7 V / 100 V for TP secondary = 100 V
Inom = 5A Cos()between [0.2 inductive et
0.2 capacitive]
Variable Conditions Accuracy V between [99% and 101%] of
V V between [10% and 120%] of 0,2% of the I between [5% and 130%] of Inom ±0,05 points
Vnom measurement
0,02% of Vnom Tan() Tan()between [1.732 inductive
and 1.732 capacitive]
U U between [10% and 120%] of 0,2% of the
Unom measurement V between [99% and 101%] of
0,02% of Unom
I between [5% and 130%] of Inom ±0,02 points
I I between [5% and 130%] of Inom 0,2% of the
measurement Tan()between [4.90 inductive
0,02% of Inom and 4.90 capacitive]
V between [99% and 101%] of
F F between [42,5Hz and 69Hz]  0,1Hz Vnom
CH -  250ppm I between [5% and 130%] of Inom ±0,05 points

P FP equals 1
V between [99% and 101%] of
I between [5% and 130%] of Inom 0,5% of the
0,02% of Pnom

ENERIUM Measure Station 72

Variable Conditions Accuracy Variable Conditions Accuracy

FP FP between [0.5 inductive and Effective V between [99% and 101%] of  0.5% of the
0.5 capacitive] E Vnom measurement
V between [99% and 101%] of I between [5% and 130%] of Inom
Harmonic FP equalsl 1  0.5 points
I between [5% and 130%] of Inom 0,02 points s per V between [99% and 101%] de
range Vnom
FP between [0.2 inductive and
0.2 capacitive] I between [5% and 130%] of Inom
V between [99% and 101%] of THD FP equals 1  0.5 points
Vnom V lying between [99% and
I between [5% and 130%] of Inom 0,05 points 101%] of Vnom
I lying between [5% and 130%]
Active E FP equals 1 of Inom
V between [99% and 101%] of
Vnom Time T = 23 °C  20ppm
(or  52 seconds
I between [5% and 130%] of Inom  0.5% of the
over 30 days)
I between [1% and 5%] of Inom  1% of the
FP between [0.5 inductive and
24.9 Mechanical
0.8 capacitive]
V between [99% and 101%] of
Vno m Overall Dimensions (mm) : 96*96*55 (H, L, D)
Weight: <600 g.
I between [10% and 130%] of  0.6% of the
Inom measurement Assembly: On panel according to DIN
I between [2% and 10%[ de Inom  1% of the
measurement Format: DIN 96 x 96.
Reactive Sin () = 1 Dimension of the cutting: 92 x 92 mm.
E V between [99% and 101%] of
Vnom Fastening: by angle fastening (panel
I between [5% and 130%] of Inom  1% of the
=5A Name plate on the rear part of the
I between [2% and 5%[ of Inom  1.5% of the
Device number on the rear part of the
FP between [0.5 inductive and
0.5 capacitive]
V between [99% and 101%] of
I between [10% and 130%] of  1% of the
Inom measurement
I between [5% and 10%[ of Inom  1.5% of the
FP between [0.25 inductive and
0.25 capacitive]
V between [99% and 101%] of
I between [10% and 130%] of  3% of the
Inom measurement

Figure 24-1 : dimensions in millimeters. 040

ENERIUM Measure Station 73

24.10 Environmental

24.10.1 Climatic constraints

Operating temperature: -10 to 55 °C.
Operating humidity: Up to 95% at 40 °C.
Storage temperature: -25 to +70 °C.

24.10.2 Safety constraints

Level of pollution : 2
Resistance to fire: Complies with UL94
standard for the severity
level V1.
Installation category III

24.10.3 Mechanical constraints

Protection index : According to CEI 60529, for
the following severity level:
IP 51 Index (front face).
IP 20 Index (rear face).
Mechanical shocks: According to CEI 61010-1.
Vibrations: CEI 60068-2-6 (A method).
Free fall with packing From a height of 1 m,
according to the NF H 0042-
1 standard.

24.10.4 Electromagnetic compatibility

According to the CEI 61326-
1 standard

24.11 Accessories

Optical cable: For local communication;

Connection to a PC by
minimum USB 1.1 plug.
Cable sold separately.
Software: Configuration software
E.view or E.set.

ENERIUM Measure Station 74


This chapter presents the mathematical formulas used for

the calculation of the different measurements by 25.3 Current
The measurements are perfomed from the “10-period”’’
current measurements for a network frequency
25.1 Ground voltage parametered at 50Hz and “12-period’’ for a network
frequency parametered at 60Hz. The formulas are:

The measurements are performed from the “10-period’’ 5

ground voltage measurements for a network frequency I L[1s] 1I L2[10T] (For F=50Hz) or
5 1
parametered at 50Hz and “12-period’’ for a network
I L[1s] 1I L2[12T] (For F=60Hz)
frequency parametered at 60Hz. The formulas are:
5 1
1 5 2
VL [1s]    VL [10T ] (For F=50Hz) or
5 1
10 
With I L[10T] 1  I L2[T]
VL[1s] 1VL2[12T] (For F=60Hz)

5 1 12

12 
and I L[12T] 1  I L2[T]
12 1

12 
With VL[10T] 1 
10 V [T] , V [12T]
2 L
1  VL2[T]
1 L = 1, 2, 3, N

128 
and VL[T] 1  vL2 128

128 
For L=1,2 et 3 : I L[T] 1  iL2

L = 1, 2, 3, T

128 
And for L = N I L[T] 1  (i1i2 i3)2
25.2 Line voltages
The measurements are performed from the “10-period’’
25.4 Active power
measurements of line voltages for a network frequency
parametered at 50Hz and “12-period’’ for a network
The measurements are performed from the “10-period’’
frequency parametered at 60Hz. The formulas are:
measurements of active powers for a network frequency
5 parametered at 50Hz and “12-period’’ for a network
U ab[1s] 1U ab
2 [10T] (For F=50Hz) or frequency parametered at 60Hz. The formulas are:
5 1
PL[1s] 1PL [10T] (For F=50Hz) or
U ab[1s] 1U ab
2 [12T] (For F=60Hz)
5 1
5 1
10 PL[1s] 1PL [12T] (For F=60Hz)
1 5 1
With U [10T ] 
ab  U ab
[T ] ,
10 1 10
With P [10T ]  1 
U ab[12T] 1 U ab
2 [T]
L [T ] ,
12 1
1 12
PL [12T ]    PL [T ]
128 12 1
128 
and U ab[T] 1  (va v )2
PL[T] 1 vLiL
ab = 12, 23 ou 31 128 1

ENERIUM Measure station 75

L = 1, 2, 3.
25.8 Power factor
P[1s] is the sum of active powers at the second :
P[1s]  P1[1s]  P2[1s]  P3[1s] The products measure the power factors "at the second"
on each of the FP1[1s], FP2[1s] and FP3[1s] phases, as
well as the three-phase power factor "at the second"
25.5 Transit direction of FP[1s].
The measurements are performed from other
powers measurements, according to the following formula.

PL [1s] L = 1, 2, 3 or nothing for the three-

The products measure the transit direction of the powers FPL [1s] 
"at the second". S L [1s]
● If P[1s] is positive, the transit direction of the powers
is the Receiver. The quadrant is associated to each of these variables. If
Px[1s] and Qx[1s] (x = 1, 2, 3 or nothing for the three-
● If P[1s] is negative, the transit direction of the powers phase variable) are of the same sign, then the quadrant is
is the Generator. selfic; otherwise, it is capacitive.

25.6 Reactive power 25.9 Cos()

The products measure the reactive powers "at the
The products measure the cos() "at the second" on
second" on each of the Q1[1s], Q2[1s] and Q3[1s] phases,
as well as the three-phase reactive power "at the second" each of the cos(1)[1s], cos(2)[1s], cos(3)[1s] phases,
Q[1s]. as well as the global cos() "at the second" called
The measurements are performed from other
measurements, according to the following formula: The cos() are calculated according to the following
formula :
QL [1s ]  SigneQL [1s ] S L2 [1s ]  PL2 [1s ] 5
cos(L)[1s] 1cos(L)[10T] (For F=50Hz) OR
L = 1, 2 or 3 5 1
1 5
SigneQ L [1s] is the sign of the reactive power, cos( L )[1s]    cos( L )[12T ] (For F=60Hz)
developed from the simplified Hilbert transformation. 5 1
For F = 50 Hz : L = 1, 2 and 3

SigneQ L [1s] 
6400 and
Sign of
 i 1
v (i 1) * (i1  i(i  2) )
cos( global)[1s]
For F = 60 Hz : with
cos( L )[10T ]  cos( Angle _ VL _ Fondamental[10T ]  Angle _ I L _ Fondamental[10T ])

SigneQ L [1s] 

Sign of and
i(i 1) * (i1  i(i  2) )
i 1 cos( L )[12T ]  cos( Angle _ VL _ Fondamental[12T ]  Angle _ I L _ Fondamental[12T ])

Q[1s] is the sum of "at the second" reactive powers Q[1s]

= Q1[1s] + Q2[1s] + Q3[1s]. The quadrant is associated to each of these variables.
● If the angle  is between 0° and 90° or between 180°
and 270°, then the quadrant is selfic.
25.7 Apparent Power
● If the angle  is between 90° and 180° or between
270° and 360°, then the quadrant is capacitive.
The products measure the apparent powers "at the
second" on each of the S1[1s], S2[1s] and S3[1s] phases,
as well as the three-phase apparent powers "at the
second" S[1s].
The measurements are performed from other
measurements, according to the following formula:

S L [1s]  VL [1s]  I L [1s] . L = 1, 2 or 3

S[1s] is the sum of apparent powers "at the second" S[1s]

= S1[1s] + S2[1s] + S3[1s].

ENERIUM Measure Station 76

25.10 Peak factor 25.11 Tan()
The measurements are performed from the “10-period’’ The product measures the global “at the second’’ Tan(φ) .
active power measurements for a network frequency
parametered at 50Hz and “12-period’’ for a network The quadrant is associated with each of these variables.
frequency parametered at 60Hz. The formulas are: If P[1s] and Q[1s] (three-phase variable) are of the same
sign, then the quadrant is selfic, otherwise it is capacitive.
25.10.1 For the voltages Q[1s]
5 tg ( g )[1s] 
FCVL[1s] 1FCVL[10T] (For F=50Hz) or P[1s]
5 1
FCVL[1s] 1FCVL[12T] (For F=60Hz) 25.12 Frequency
5 1

with FC [10T ]  Vpeak [10T ] The measurements are performed from the
V [10T ] measurements of “10-period’’ active powers for a network
frequency parametered at 50Hz and “12-period’’ for a
and FC [12T ]  Vpeak [12T ] network frequency parametered at 60Hz. The formulas
V [12T ] ares:
with V [10T ]    v L2 10T
1280 1 F[1s]=F_sampling x
and V [12T ]    v L2
1536 1 With the following functional relationship: F_sampling =
128 * F[1s]
with Vpeak [10T ]  max[ abs(vL )]

and Vpeak [12T ]  max[ abs(vL )] 25.13 Harmonics

L = 1, 2, 3
The products measure the harmonic rate Hx "at the
25.10.2 For the currents second", range by range, on the three ground voltages V1,
5 V2, V3, on the three line voltages U12, U23, U31 and on the
FCIL[1s] 1FCIL[10T] (For F=50Hz) three currents I1, I2, I3, in compliance with the CEI 61000-
5 1
4-7 standard (edition 2). The measurements are
5 performed from the harmonics hx[10T], according to the
OR FC [1s]  1 
 FC
IL [12T ] (For F=60Hz) formula :

with FC [10T ]  Ipeak [10T ]

I [10T ]

and FC [12T ]  Ipeak [12T ]

I [12T ]
When the ground voltage, line voltage or current is equal
with to 0, then the harmonic rate of the concerned variable is
not calculated and its value is 0.
1280 1536
  i L2
I [10T ]    i L2 and I [12T ]  In the case of ENERIUM 50, the measurement is
1280 1 1536 1 performd up tol range 25. In the case of ENERIUM 150,
the measurement is performed up to range 50.
With Ipeak[10T ]  max[ abs(iL )] and
Ipeak[12T ]  max[ abs(iL )]
25.14 Harmonics rate
L = 1, 2, 3

The products measure the harmonic rate “at the second’’

on the three ground voltages THDV1[1s], THDV2[1s],
THDV3[1s], on the three line voltages THDU12[1s],
THDU23[1s] and THDU31[1s], as well as on the three
currents THDI1[1s], THDI2[1s] and THDI3[1s], according to
the definition of the CEI 60050-551-20 standard.

ENERIUM Measure Station 77

The measurements are performed from the range by
range harmonics “at the second’’, calculated according to 25.16 Unbalance
the following formula:
50 The products calculate every second the voltage
H 2
n unbalance rate called Des[1s], from the measurements of
THD  100  n2 the line voltages “at the second’’ and according to the
H 12 following algorithm:

When the ground voltage, line voltage or the current is

equal to 0, the harmonic rate of the concerned variable is Thus variables Fact1 and Fact2, such as:
not calculated and its value is 0.
Fact1  U12 [1s]  U 23 [1s]  U 31 [1s]
2 2 2

25.15 Energy and Energy Fact 2  U12 [1s]  U 23 [1s]  U 31 [1s]

4 4 4

Or the variable Fact3, such as:
The products calculate “at the second’’ the active energy
EP[1s], reactive energy EQ[1s] and the apparent energy If (3  Fact12  6  Fact 2)  0
Then Fact 3  0
The measurements are performed from other
measurements already calculated, according to the Else Fact 3  3  Fact12  6  Fact 2
following formula:

N ech
EX [1s]  M [1s]  . X = P, Q or S. Or the variable Fact4, such as:
3600 Fech
If (6  Fact 2  2  Fact12 )  0
The energies are measured in absolute values, they are
thus always positive. Then Fact 4  0

M is the variable measured “at the second’’ (Active, Else Fact 4  6  Fact 2  2  Fact12
Reactive or Apparent power). Nech is the number of
samples collected during the sampling window. Fech is the
sampling frequency.
If Fact 4  0 Then
According to the quadrant, the energy measured is added
( Fact1  Fact3)
in an total meter. Des[1s]  1000
● If P[1s] is positive, the EP[1s] energy measurement is Fact4
added to the active energy meter in receiver mode
CEPR and the measurement of ES[1s] energy is Else Des[1s]  0
added to the apparent energy meter in receiver mode
● If P[1s] is negative, the EP[1s] energy measurement
is added to the active energy meter in generator
25.17 Phase order
mode CEPG and the measurement of ES[1s] energy
is added to the apparent energy meter in generator
This function executes the cabling test, by verification of
mode CESG.
the phase order on the voltage lines. The calculation is
● If P[1s] and Q[1s] are positive, the EQ[1s] energy performed over 3 periods and every 10 periods of the
measurement is added to the reactive energy meter input reference signal. If the phase order is incorrect, as
of the first quadrant CEQ1. If P[1s] is negative and pictogram lights up in the lower strip of the visualization
Q[1s] is positive, the EQ[1s] energy measurement is screens.
added to the reactive energy meter of the second
quadrant CEQ2. If P[1s] is positive and Q[1s] is
negative, the EQ[1s] energy measurement is added to
the reactive energy meter of the third quadrant CEQ4.
If P[1s] and Q[1s] are negative, the EQ[1s] energy
measurement is added to the reactive energy meter
of the fourth quadrant CEQ3.
It is possible to reset all the meters using a command
word on the local or remote communication. It is also
possible to reinitialize a meter independently from
another, with a value, also using a command word on the
local or remote communication.

ENERIUM Measure Station 78

● FCV1[aver], FCV2[aver], FCV3[aver]
25.18 Time meter
● FCI1[aver], FCI2[aver], FCI3[aver]
The averages listed above are calculated according to
The products integrate three time meters.
the following formula:
● The first time meter totals the time during which the

 X [1s]
product is active, i.e. the period during which the 1
auxiliary source is present. This time meter is called X [moy]   i
“Auxiliary source presence’’ time meter.
N i 1

● The second time meter totals the time during which 25.19.3 Arithmetic averages (B)
the “one second’’ measurement of at least one ground
voltage, from among V1[1s], V2[1s] et V3[1s], is The products calculate the arithmetic averages of “at the
different form zero. This time meter is called “network second’’ variables in the two quadrants in receiver mode.
presence’’ time meter. These averages are the following:

● The third time meter totals the time during which the ● P1R[aver], P2R[aver], P3R[aver], PR[aver]
“one second’’ measurement of at least one current ● Q1R[aver], Q2R[aver], Q3R[aver], QR[aver]
from among I1[1s], I2[1s] et I3[1s], is different from
zero. This time meter is called “load presence’’ time In the case where Px[1s] is positive or nil (receiver mode),
meter. it is the value measured “at the second’’ which is taken
into account in the average. When Px[1s] is negative
(generator mode), it is the value 0 which is taken into
account in the average.
25.19 Average variable
25.19.4 Arithmetic averages (C)
The averages are sliding averages, updated every tenth The products calculate the arithmetic averages of “at the
of the integration duration. The integration duration is second’’ variables in the two quadrants in receiver mode.
common to all variables. This integration duration is These means are the following:
chosen from among the following predefined values: 1, 2, ● FP1R[aver], FP2R[aver], FP3R[aver], FPR[aver]
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 and 60 minutes.
● cos(1)R[aver], cos(2)R[aver], cos(3)R[aver],
All the average values can be updated by writing a
command word on the local or remote communication.
The reinitialization consists of placing the 0 value in the In the case where Px[1s] is positive or nil (receiver mode),
variable, with the exception of averages of the variables it is the value measured “at the second’’ which is taken
of type FPx and cos (x), for which the reinitialization into account in the average. When Px[1s] is negative
consists of placing the value 1. (generator mode), it is the value 1 which is taken into
account in the average.
25.19.1 Quadratic averages
The products calculate the quadratic averages of the “at 25.19.5 Arithmetic averages (D)
the second’’ variables in the four quadrants. These The products calculate the arithmetic average of “at the
averages are the following: second’’ variables in the two quadrants in generator
mode. These averages are the following:
● V1[aver], V2[aver], V3[aver]
● P1G[aver], P2G[aver], P3G[aver], PG[aver],
● U12[aver], U23[aver], U31[aver]
● Q1G[aver], Q2G[aver], Q3G[aver], QG[aver]
● I1[aver], I2[aver], I3[aver], IN[aver]
In the case where Px[1s] is negative (generator mode), it
The averages listed above are calculated according to
is the value measured “at the second’’ which is taken into
the following formula:
account in the average. When Px[1s] is positive or nil
N (receiver mode), it is the value 0 which is taken into
 X [1s]
X [moy]   2
account in the average.
N i 1
25.19.6 Arithmetic means (E)
25.19.2 Arithmetic averages (A) The products calculate the arithmetic averages of “at the
second’’ variables in the two quadrants in generator
The products calculate the arithmetic averages of “at the mode. These means are the following:
second’’ variables in the four quadrants. These averages
are the following: ● FP1G[aver], FP2G[aver], FP3G[aver], FPG[aver]
● S1[aver], S2[aver], S3[aver], S[aver] ● cos(1)G[aver], cos(2)G[aver], cos(3)G[aver],
● F[aver], Des[aver]
In the case where Px[1s] is negative (generator mode), it
● THDV1[aver], THDV2[aver], THDV3[aver]
is the value measured “at the second’’ which is taken into
● THDU12[aver], THDU23[aver], THDU31[aver] account in the average. When Px[1s] is positive or nil
● THDI1[aver], THDI2[aver], THDI3[aver]

ENERIUM Measure Station 79

(receiver mode), it is the value 1 which is taken into The minima listed above are developed according to the
account in the average. following algorithm:

If X [1s]  XG[min] AND P[1s] 0

25.20 Calculation of minima Then  XG[min]  X [1s] with X = P or Q.

Each minimum is timestamped (date and time of

detection of the minimum). All the minima can be
reinitialized by writing a command word over the local or
25.22 Minima of average
remote communication. The reinitialization consists of variables
placing the value 0 in the variable, with the exception of
the minima of variables of type FPx and cos (x), for
which the reinitialisation consists of placing the value 1. 25.22.1 Minima (A)
The products also calculate the minima of average
variables in the two quadrants corresponding to the
25.21 Minima of variables receiver mode. These minima are the following:
● FP1R[min aver], FP2R[min aver], FP3R[min aver],
FPR[min v]
25.21.1 Minima (A)
The products calculate the minima of “at the second’’ ● cos(1)R[min aver], cos(2)R[min aver],
variables in the four quadrants. These minima are the cos(3)R[min aver], cos(g)R[min aver]
The minima listed above are developed according to the
V1[min], V2[min], V3[min] following algorithm:
● U12 [min], U23[min], U31[min] If X [moy]  XR[min moy] AND P[moy] 0
● I1[min], I2[min], I3[min], IN[min]
Then  XR[min moy]  X [moy] with X = FP or cos(g).
● F[min]
The minima listed above are developed according to the 25.22.2 Minima (B)
following algorithm: The products also calculate the minima of average
Si  X [1s]  X [min] variables in the two quadrants corresponding to the
generator mode. These minima are the following:

Then  X [min]  X [1s] ● FP1G[min aver], FP2G[min aver], FP3G[min aver],

FPG[min aver]
with X = Uab, IL ou F
● cos(1)G[min aver], cos(2)G[min aver],
ab=12, 23 or 31 cos(3)G[min aver], cos(g)G[min aver]
L = 1, 2 or 3. The minima listed above are developed according to the
following algorithm:
25.21.2 Minima (B)
The products also calculate the minima of “at the second’’
IfX [moy]  XG[min moy] AND P[moy] 0
Then  XG[min moy]  X [moy]
variables in the two quadrants corresponding to the
receiver mode. These minima are the following:
with X = FP or cos().
● P1R[min], P2R[min], P3R[min], PR[min]
● Q1R[min], Q2R[min], Q3R[min], QR[min]
The minima listed above are developed according to the 25.23 Calculation of maxima
following algorithm:

If X [1s]  XR[min] AND P[1s] 0 Each maximum is timestamped (date and time of
detection of the maximum). All the maxima can be
Then  XR[min]  X [1s] with X = P or Q. reinitialized by writing a command word over the local or
remote communication. The reinitialization consists of
placing the value 0 in the variable, with the exception of
25.21.3 Minima (C) the maxima of variables of type FPx and cos (x), for
The products also calculate the minima of “at the second’’ which the reinitialization consists of placing the value 1.
variables in the two quadrants corresponding to the
generator mode. These minima are the following:
● P1G[min], P2G[min], P3G[min], PG[min],
● Q1G[min], Q2G[min], Q3G[min], QG[min]

ENERIUM Measure Station 80

● U12[max aver], U23[max aver], U31[max aver]
25.24 Maxima of variables
● I1[max aver], I2[max aver], I3[max aver], IN[max aver]
● Des[aver]
25.24.1 Maxima (A)
The products calculate the maxima of “at the second’’ ● THDV1[aver], THDV2[aver], THDV3[aver]
variables in the four quadrants. These maxima are the ● THDU12[aver], THDU23[aver], THDU31[aver]
● THDI1[aver], THDI2[aver], THDI3[aver]
● V1[max], V2[max], V3[max]
● FCV1[aver], FCV2[aver], FCV3[aver]
● U12[max], U23[max], U31[max]
● FCI1[aver], FCI2[aver], FCI3[aver]
● I1[max], I2[max], I3[max], IN[max]
● S[max aver]
● F[max]
The maxima listed above are developed according to the
● S1[max], S2[max], S3[max], S[max] following algorithm:
The maxima listed above are developed according to the
following algorithm:
If X [moy]  X [maxmoy]
If  X [1s]  X [max] Then  X [max moy]  X [moy]

Then  X [max] X [1s] 25.25.2 Maxima (B)

The products also calculate the maxima of average
with X = Uab, IL, F or S ab=12, 23 or 31 L = 1, 2 or 3. variables in the two quadrants corresponding to the
receiver mode. These maxima are the following:
25.24.2 Maxima (B)
The products also calculate the maxima of “at the ● PR[max aver], QR[max aver],
second’’ variables in the two quadrants corresponding to ● FPR[max aver], cos(g)R[max aver]
receiver mode. These maxima are the following
The maxima listed above are developed according to the
● P1R[max], P2R[max], P3R[max], PR[max] following algorithm:
● Q1R[max], Q2R[max], Q3R[max], QR[max]
If X [moy]  XR[maxmoy] AND P[moy] 0
The maxima listed above are developed according to the
following algorithm Then  XR[max moy]  X [moy]

If  X [1s]  XR[max] AND P[1s] 0 25.25.3 Maxima (C)

Then  XR[max] X [1s] with X = P or Q. The products also calculate the maxima of average
variables in the two quadrants corresponding to generator
mode. These maxima are the following:
25.24.3 Maxima (C)
The products also calculate the maxima of “at the ● PG[max aver], QG[max aver],
second’’ variables in the two quadrants corresponding to ● FPG[max], cos(g)G[max]
generator mode. These maxima are the following:
The maxima listed above are developed according to the
● P1G[max], P2G[max], P3G[max], PG[max], following algorithm:
● Q1G[max], Q2G[max], Q3G[max], QG[max]
If  X [moy]  XG[maxmoy] AND P[moy] 0
The maxima listed above are developed according to the
following algorithm: Then  XG[maxmoy]  X [moy] .
If  X [1s]  XG[max] AND P[1s] 0
Then  XG[max] X [1s] with X = P or Q.

25.25 Maxima of average


25.25.1 Maxima (A)

The products calculate the maxima of average variables
in the four quadrants. These maxima are the following:
● V1[max aver], V2[max aver], V3[max aver]

ENERIUM Measure Station 81


%, 26 Auxiliary supply source Electrical, 81

3/4 wire Characteristics, 82 Ethernet, 82
By default, 47 Average current, 26 Information retention, 82
Configuration, 47 Average power, 30 Keys, 81
A, 26 Average variable LCD, 81
Abbreviations, 26 Mathematical formulas, 91 Load curves, 80
Activation Backlighting, 15 Measurements, 79
Global alarm, 40 Balanced three-phase, 64 Mechanical, 84
Active energy, 26 Blocking Metrology, 83
Active Energy EP-, 34 Analog outputs, 20 On/Off I/O card, 83
Active Energy EP+, 33 Pulse, 21 On/Off input card, 82
Active power Breakdown, 8 On/Off output card, 83
Mathematical formulas, 87 By default Optical interface, 82
Active power, 26 3/4 wire, 47 Output analog card, 82
Address Contrast, 47 Recording curves, 80
ENERIUM, 74 Display, 47 RS485, 81
ModBus, 37 Electrical network, 47 Voltage inputs, 81
Addresse Ethernet Communication, 47 Cleaning, 8
By default, 47 Language, 47 Command word
Alarm Password, 47 LCD, 15
Synchronization, 57 Scrolling Communication
Alarms TC primary, 47 Card, 37
Characteristics, 80 TC secondary, 47 Local or remote, 73
Icon, 25 Time, 47 Remote, 73
Number, 39 TP primary, 47 Communication ongoing
Relays, 39 TP Secondary, 47 Icon, 16
Resetting, 40 Cable Communication RS 485
Screen, 39 RS485, 65 By default, 47
Status, 39 Cables Communication speed, 74
Analog cards Dimension, 63 Configuration
Connection, 67 Cabling (test), 26 3/4 wire, 47
Analog outputs Cabling test, 26 Change, 55
Affected values, 20 Calcul of minima Default values, 47
Blocking, 20 Mathematical formulas, 92 Icon, 25
Card, 20 Calculation of maxima Password, 45
Min/max values, 20 Mathematical formulas, 92 Remote communication, 43
Output definition, 20 Capacitive network Screen, 43
unblocking, 20 Icon, 16, 26 TC primary, 46
Analog Outputs Caracteristics TC secondary, 47
Characteristics, 80 Table, 14 TP Primary, 46
Apparent energy, 26 Card TP secondary, 46
Apparent energy I/O-, 34 Analog outputs, 20 Configuration change, 55
Apparent energy I/O+, 34 Input/Output, 37 Connection
Apparent power, 26 On/Off input/output, 21 Analog cards, 67
Apparent power, 26 On/Off inputs, 21 Auxiliary source, 68
Apparent Power On/Off outputs, 20 Cards E/S, 67
Mathematical formulas, 88 CEI 61010-1, 8 Ethernet, 66
ASCII, 46 Characteristics On/Off I/O cards, 68
Automatic scrolling Alarms, 80 On/Off input cards, 67
Icon, 16, 26 Analog outputs, 80 Output cards, 67
Auxiliary source Auxiliary supply source, 82 RS485, 65
Connection, 68 Current inputs, 81 Contrast
Terminal, 19, 20 Display, 81 Adjust level, 45

ENERIUM Measure station 82

By default, 47 TC secondary, 47 Protection, 68
Dsiplay, 45 Electrical parasites, 63 Gateway
Contrast LCD, 15 Elementary alarm By default, 47
Contrast level Global alarm, 40 Remote communication, 45
Adjust, 45 Statuts, 40 Gauges 3I, 52
Copyright, 9 End of life, 9 Gauges 3P, 53
Cos() Energies Gauges 3U, 52
Mathematical formulas, 88 Display rules, 35 Gauges 3V, 52
Current, 30 Energy Generator network
Fresnel, 52 Icon, 25 Icon, 16, 26
Harmonics, 50 Screen, 33 German
Mathematical formulas, 87 Energy and metering Language, 45
Transformer, 46 Mathematical formulas, 90 Global alarm
Current input ENERIUM Activation, 40
Terminal, 19 Accessories, 85 Blinking, 40
Current inputs Address, 74 Elementary alarm, 40
Characteristics, 81 Cuting, 61 Equation, 40
Connections, 63 Electrical connection, 63 Icon, 16, 26
Terminal, 19 Fixation tableau, 61 Relays, 40
Currents Maintenance, 75 Screen, 40
Display rule, 31 Mechanical assembly, 61 Status, 40
Fresnel, 52 Mechanical characteristics, 84 Ground voltage
Gauges, 52 Number, 37 Fresnel, 51
Cursor Technical characteristics, 77 Mathematical formulas, 87
Move, 17 Type, 37 Guarantee, 9
Customized screens Use, 69 Half duplex, 73, 74
Icon, 25 ENERIUM 150, 13 Harmonic distortion rate, 26
Screen, 41 ENERIUM 150 Harmonic rate, 26
Cutting, 61 Comparison, 14 Harmonics
Date ENERIUM 50, 13 Current, 31
Display, 38 ENERIUM 50 Display rules, 32
Synchronization, 57 Comparison, 14 Icon, 25
Default values Equation Mathematical formulas, 89
Configuration, 47 Global alarm, 40 Percentage, 49
Delivery Ethernet Ph-Ph voltage, 31
default values, 47 Address by default, 47 Ranges, 49
DHCP, 74 Characteristics, 82 Rates, 49
Dimensions, 13 Connection, 66 Screen, 49
DIN 43700, 13 Gateway, 45 THD, 49
Display Gateway by defaumt, 47 Harmonics I, 50
By default, 47 IP Address, 44 Harmonics rate
Characteristics, 81 LED, 67 Mathematical formulas, 89
Contrast, 45 Mask, 44 Harmonics U, 49
Language, 45 Mask by default, 47 Harmonics V, 49
Password, 45 Remote communication, 44, 74 Home screen, 16
Remote communication, 45 Terminal, 19, 22 Hour, 38
Scrolling, 45 Ethernet Communication Display, 38
Time, 45 By default, 47 How to, 71
Display rule Face Hub, 66
Currents, 31 Front, 15 Hxx Ia, 26
Energies, 35 Format, 13 Hxx Uab, 26
Frequency, 32 FP, 26 Hz, 26
Harmonics, 32 French I
Power, 32 Language, 45 Harmonics, 50
Power factor, 32 Frequency, 26 Icons
Time meter, 32 Display rule, 32 Alarms, 25
Voltages, 31 Mathematical formulas, 89 Automatic scrolling, 16, 26
Distributed (neutral), 47 Fresnel 3I, 52 Capacitive network, 16, 26
E.set, 73 Fresnel 3U, 51 Communication ongoing, 16
E.view, 73 Fresnel 3V, 51 Configuration, 25
Electric variables, 26 Fresnel and gauges Customized screens, 25
Electrical connection, 63 Icon, 25 Energy, 25
Electrical network Screen, 51 Fresnel and gauges, 25
3/4 wire, 47 Front Generator network, 16, 26
By default, 47 Face, 15 Global alarm, 16, 26
Remote communication, 46 Full duplex, 74 Harmonics, 25
TC primary, 46 Fuse Inductive network, 16, 26

ENERIUM Measure Station 83

Measure, 25 On/Off outputs, 21 Reactive energy, 34
Ongoing communication, 26 Manumesure, 75 Metrology
Phase order, 26 Mask Characteristics, 83
Phase order, 16 By default, 47 Minima of variables
Services, 25 Remote Communication, 44 Mathematical formulas, 92
In, 26 Mathematical formulas ModBus/RTU, 73
In load, 38 Apparent Power, 88 Mono-phase, 65
Indicators Energy and metering, 90 Move
Recording curves, 58 Frequency, 89 Cursor, 17
Inductive network Harmonics rate, 89 Menu, 17
Icon, 16, 26 Line voltages, 87 MVAh, 26
Information Maxima of variables, 93 MVARh, 26
Retention duration, 82 Peak factor, 89 MWh, 26
Information retention Phase order, 90 Navigation
Characteristics, 82 Power factor, 88 Key, 17
Installation, 59 Reactive power, 88 Navigation key, 15
Cleaning, 8 Unbalance, 90 Neutral
Instructions, 8 Mathematical formulas Distributed, 47
Installation Category, 8 Ground voltage, 87 Non-distributed, 47
Instantaneous current, 26 Mathematical formulas Neutral current, 26
Instantaneous ground voltage, 49 Current, 87 Non-distributed (neutral), 47
Integration time, 55 Mathematical formulas Number ENERIUM, 37
IP address Active power, 87 oad curves
Remote communication, 44 Mathematical formulas Characteristics, 80
IP address Transit direction of powers, 88 OK, 15
By default, 47 Mathematical formulas Key, 17
Italian Cos(), 88 OK key, 15
Language, 45 Mathematical formulas On/Off I/O card
Ix, 26 Tan(), 89 Characteristics, 83
JBus Mathematical formulas On/Off I/O cards
Address, 44 Harmonics, 89 Connection, 68
Key Mathematical formulas On/Off input
navigation, 17 Time meter, 91 Synchronization, 57
OK, 17 Mathematical formulas On/Off input card
Keys Average variable, 91 Characteristics, 82
Characteristics, 81 Mathematical formulas On/Off input cards
kVAh, 26 Calculation of minima, 92 Connection, 67
kVARh, 26 Mathematical formulas On/Off input/output
kWh, 26 Minima of variables, 92 Card, 21
Language Mathematical formulas On/Off inputs
By default, 47 Calculation of maxima, 92 Card, 21
Display, 45 Mathematical formulas Management, 21
French, Italian, German, Maxima of average variables, 93 Pulse mode, 21
Spanish, 45 Maxima of average variables Synchronization mode, 21
LCD, 15 Mathematical formulas, 93 On/Off output card
Backlighting, 15 Maxima of variables Characteristics, 83
Blinking, 40 Mathematical formulas, 93 On/Off output cards
Characteristics, 81 Maximum average current, 30 Connection, 67
Command word, 15 Measured variables, 87 On/Off outputs
Contrast, 15 Measurements Card, 20
Stop blinking, 40 Screen, 29 On/Off outputs
LCD screen, 15 Measures Alarm mode, 21
LCD Screen, 15 Icon, 25 On/Off outputs
LED Ethernet, 67 Mecchanical assembly, 61 Max/min threshold, 21
Line voltage Mechanical On/Off outputs
Fresnel, 52 Characteristics, 84 Pulsed mode, 21
Line voltages Menu On/Off outputs
Mathematical formulas, 87 Main, 15, 25 Mode Associate output, 21
Load curves Move, 17 On/Off outputs
Screen, 55 Menus Relays, 21
Local communication Synoptic, 26 On/Off outputs
Optical interface, 73 Mesurements Management, 21
Loss of synchronization, 55 Characteristics, 79 Ongoing communication
Maintenance Meters Icon, 26
ENERIUM, 75 Active energy, 33 Operating procedure, 71
Management Apparent energy, 34 Operating time, 38
On/Off inputs, 21 Initialize, 21 Operators’ safety, 8

ENERIUM Measure Station 84

Optical Pulsed mode Reversal, 44
Cable, 17 Associate output, 21 Reversal by default, 47
Interface, 16 On/Off outputs, 21 Speed, 44
Optical cable, 17 Tally, 21 Speed by default, 47
optical interface Q, 26 Stop bit, 44
Local communication, 73 Ranges of harmonics, 49 Stop bit by default, 47
Optical interface, 15, 16 Rates of harmonics, 49 RS232, 66
Characteristics, 82 RAZ RS485, 37
Optional card Status word for alarms, 40 Characteristics, 81
Terminal, 19, 20 Reactive energy, 26 Connection, 65
Output Reactive Energy EQ, 34 Output, 65
Associate On/Off outputs, 21 Reactive power Polarization resistance, 66
Output analog card Mathematical formulas, 88 Remote communication, 73
Characteristics, 82 Reactive power, 26 Terminal, 19, 21
P, 26 Real composed voltage, 26 Transmission format, 74
Packaging, 10 Real RMS voltage, 26 S, 26
Par default Recorded variables, 57 Safety, 8
Communication RS 485, 47 Recording Screen
Parity Depth, 55, 57 Alarms, 39
By default, 47 Recording curves Configuration, 43
Remote communication, 44 Characteristics, 80 Customized screens, 41
Password Continuous mode, 57 Energy, 33
0000, 46 Filling rate, 58 Fresnel and gauges, 51
By default, 47 Indicators, 58 Global alarm, 40
Configuration, 45 Mode buffer stop, 57 Harmonics, 49
Display, 45 Mode with immediate stop, 58 Home, 25
Time lag, 46 Mode with stop centered 25, 58 Load curves, 55
Peak factor Mode with stop centered 50, 58 Measurements, 29
Mathematical formulas, 89 Operating modes, 57 Recording curves, 57
Percentages of harmonics, 49 Period, 57 Resetting alarms, 40
Period Screen, 57 Services, 37
Recording curves, 57 Recording period, 57 Screen number
Phase order Registered trademarks, 9 Read, 16
Mathematical formulas, 90 Relays Scrolling
Phase order Alarm (associated), 39 Automatic, 45
Icon, 16, 26 Global alarm, 40 By default, 47
Phase shift On/Off outputs, 21 Display, 45
Fresnel (gound current), 52 Remote communication Services
Fresnel (ground voltage), 51 Display, 45 Icon, 25
Fresnel (line voltage), 52 Electrical network, 46 Screen, 37
Ph-N voltage, 29 Ethernet, 44, 74 Shielded twisted cable, 66
Ph-Ph Voltage, 29 Gateway, 45 Simple voltage, 26
Pmoy, 26 IP address, 44 Smoy, 26
Polarity JBus address, 44 Spanish
Supply, 68 Mask, 44 Language, 45
Power, 30 Parity, 44 Speed
Display rule, 32 Reversal, 44 By default, 47
Power factor RS 485, 43 Remote communication, 44
Mathematical formulas, 88 RS485, 73 Status
Power factor, 26 Speed, 44 Global alarm, 40
Display rule, 32 Remote Communication Status word for alarms, 40
Powers Configuration, 43 Stop bit
Gauges, 53 Stop bit, 44 By default, 47
Presence network, 38 Resetting Remote communication, 44
Presentation, 13 Alarms, 40 Supply
Product information, 37 Resistance Alternative, 20
Property rights, 9 Polarization, 66 Continuous, 20
Protection Reversal High level, 20, 68
Electrical parasites, 63 By default, 47 Low level, 20, 68
Fuse, 68 Remote communication, 44 Polarity, 68
Voltage inputs, 63 RJ 45, 66 Switch, 66
Pulse RS 485 Synchronization
Blocking, 21 Addresse by default, 47 Loss, 55
On/Off inputs, 21 JBus Address, 44 Modes, 57
Tally, 21 Parity, 44 On alarm, 57
Weight, 21 Parity by default, 47 On date, 57
Width, 21 Remote communication, 43 On On/Off input, 57

ENERIUM Measure Station 85

MS1-7385 edition 1 – 05/2016 © Chauvin Arnoux – All rights reserved and reproduction prohibited

Enerdis Enerdis
16, rue Georges Besse - Silic 44 16, rue Georges Besse - Silic 44
92182 Antony cedex 92182 Antony cedex
Tel. : +33 1 75 60 10 30 Tel. : +33 1 75 60 10 30
Fax : +33 1 46 66 62 54 Fax : +33 1 46 66 62 54
[email protected] [email protected]
www.enerdis.fr www.enerdis.fr

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