LL M (Executive)
LL M (Executive)
LL M (Executive)
Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai, established under the Maharashtra National
Law University Act VI of 2014 is one of the premier National Law Universities in India. The
Act envisaged to establish National Law University in Maharashtra to impart advanced legal
education and promote society oriented research in legal studies for the advancement of
societal life of the people in the country. The prime goal of the University is to disseminate
advanced legal knowledge and processes of law amongst the students and impart to them
the skills of advocacy, legal services, and law reforms and make them aware and capable
MNLU Mumbai believes in the values enshrined in the Indian Constitution viz. Justice, Liberty,
Equality, Fraternity, Secularism, Humanism etc. and makes all out efforts to inculcate them in
its students, staff, and others to make this institution not only center of legal knowledge but
The University offers BA.,LL.B.(Hons.) & B.B. A., LL.B.(Hons.) five years integrated program and
one year LL.M. program in Corporate and Commercial Laws, Constitutional & Administrative
Law, Maritime Law, LL.M. (Investment and Securities Laws) in association with National
and is planning to add more programme from new academic year. The course structure and
curriculum of the University are framed by a team of dedicated and committed teachers
Hon’ble Dr. Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, Judge Supreme Court of India is the Chancellor of the
University who not only guides but also inspires the institution with his novel ideas and rich
experience in law field. Prof.(Dr.) Dilip Ukey, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of the University an
eminent scholar in the field of law and is guiding and leading the University to achieve
newer heights. Prof.(Dr.) Anil G. Variath serving as Registrar of the University with his three
decades experience in the legal profession and dynamic vision coupled with excellent
administrative skills is enabling university to make newer strides in the field of legal
Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai as one of the Premier Law Institutions in India
requires no introduction today as it has already made its own space in the field of legal
education. The University established in the year 2014 by the Government of Maharashtra
with the objective of imparting specialised and systematic instruction, training and research
in law has grown as one the premier institutions of excellence in legal education located in
the economic capital of India MNLU Mumbai has developed an exemplary professional and
The University offers B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) five years integrated program and one-year LL.M.
program in Constitutional Law, Criminal laws, Corporate and Commercial Laws and Maritime
law. From the Academic Year 2020, the University has also introduced M.A in Mediation to
acquaint students with the modern processes of Law. Cognizant of this changing paradigm
of learning MNLU Mumbai has signed MoUs with some leading Universities and premier
Institutions in India and abroad for a more sustained and engaged exchanges of ideas
related to law and allied subjects and society in modern times. Pursuant to the signing of
MoU with National Institute of Security Management, a unit of SEBI; the University has
introduced a novel LL.M. programme in Investment and Security Laws from the academic
year 2020-21. MNLU Mumbai is also introducing various new degrees and P.G. Diploma
Programmes to broaden the academic and placement horizons for the students.
The LL.M. (Executive) programme is an attempt to spread out the quality legal education to
those who could not pursue their higher education owing to professional commitments. The
University had launched LL.M (Professional) Programme in 2019. I am happy to say that the
programme was a big success and we were inundated with positive response from the
professionals. Now we have launched LL.M. (Executive) Programme and I wish coordinators
Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai is one of the Premier Law Institutions in India.
The University has been established in the year 2014 under the Maharashtra NationalLaw
University Act (Maharashtra Act VI of 2014). The University disseminates advanced legal
knowledge under the able guidance and mentorship of the University’s Chancellor, Hon. Mr.
Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, Hon’bleJudge, Supreme Court of India, and under the able
leadership of its Hon. Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Dilip Ukey. Located in the pristine region of
Mumbai, its surroundings contribute to making MNLU Mumbai such an exemplary academic
The University has spread its wings to varied field of knowledge by introducing novel courses
as well as by associating with different institutions of excellence; the details of which have
been spelt out by our Hon’ble Vice Chancellor. MNLU Mumbai has always focused on
imparting quality education since its inception which makes our students stand out among
their peer. With advanced curriculum integrated with theoretical and practical aspects of
legal profession coupled with the dedication of the students and commitment of the
faculties, our students have inculcated enhanced skills and strength to meet the challenges
There are many people who could not complete higher education in Law due to various
reasons. It’s a matter of great pleasure for us conduct an Executive Post Graduate
programme to cater the needs of such working professionals. It is my privilege to wish the
Post Graduate Department and the Coordinators of the programme all success and to
and tailored to meet the needs and expectations
their internal policies. Besides providing Fifty percent (50%) of marks or its equivalent
prospect for Continuing Legal Education the grade in case of candidates belonging to
build a network of legal fraternity. Students of and Forty-Five percent (45%) of marks or its
The total numbers of seats are 50. 3. No upper age limit is prescribed for
However, the University reserves the right to appearing in Entrance Exam 2022.
alter the number of seats for the 4. One who has been in service or had
Note: (Reservation: As per Maharashtra 5. Candidate shall have to pass Entrance Exam
scheduled in July 2022. The merit cut-off list will accordingly be prepared for admission. Reservation is as
The LL.M. (Exe) Curriculum will have the following components:
The Compulsory Courses consisting of the 3 Papers and Dissertation. Elective Courses consist of 6 papers.
Four mandatory papers of (3) credits & each Six Elective papers of (2) credits each.
The programme will be for a period of one academic year. The academic
year will run from July 2022 to June 2023. The intense academic activity
during each semester will be spread across 18 weeks and it shall include
It shall be mandatory for every student to appear for every examination conducted by MNLU
MUMBAI. There shall be end term exam conducted at the end of every semester. A student who
absents himself/herself for an examination shall be declared “Failed” in that course. He/she shall
appear in Examination for that course, when conducted the next time. If he/she passes the course
in the next attempt, the grade obtained shall have ® mentioned against it in the transcript. For
constituted by the Vice Chancellor, shall have power to make such modifications, alterations or
The LL.M. (Executive) Programme will be conducted through class room teaching. Attendance in the
contact classes is an important component of the programme. It is expected that students shall
Every student has to secure a minimum of 70% attendance in all the subjects taken individually in
each Semester to be eligible to appear in the End-Semester examination. Student, who falls short
of requisite attendance, shall not be permitted to take the end of the course/ end Semester
Semester I Semester II
C1-Law & Justice in Globalising C3-Comparative Public Law
E1- Anyone from Elective Subjects E6- Anyone from Elective Subjects
NOTE: MNLU Mumbai may at its discretion add, remove or alter the scheme and structure
other factors in the interest of the efficient conduct of the programme. Students can
choose 3 subjects in each semesters and depending upon majority of choices made,
subjects would be offered in that semester. Minimum of 20 students should offer the
choice for a course to get it offered for the batch. Only 6 Courses would be offered to
Duration & Courses may be changed by the University with prior notice.
1.10 (Ten) supernumerary seats under Foreign National/NRI/NRI Sponsored category.
2.02 (Two) seats for permanent resident of Jammu & Kashmir in accordance with the UGC
Note: Supernumerary seats shall be filled in by the University separately. Such notifications
Seat Distribution:
i.The above seat distribution is based on the Section 6(1) of the Maharashtra National Law
University Act 2014 and Section 4(2) of the Maharashtra State Public Services (Reservation for
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Denotified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis), Nomadic Tribes, Special
ii. Maharashtra EWS seats have been calculated as per Maharashtra GO Ra आधो - 4019/
iv. For MH-EWS, certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority of
Caste Validity Certificate is required from the candidates admitted under caste based
Horizontal Reservations
i. 30% for Women across all categories.
ii. 5% seats for Specially Abled Persons (SAP). Certificate of Disability issued by
iii. Five (5) % seats of the total sanctioned intake for an institute, shall be
right to cancel the admission anytime if the eligibility requirements are not met
Rs. 1,70,000/- (Rs. One Lakh Seventy Thousand only) for Non-Maharashtra Domicile.
USD 3500/- (USD Three Thousand Five Hundred only) for Foreign Nationals.
Rs.1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand and Five Hundred Only) –Non Refundable
Course Fees The fees for the full one program is Rs. 1, 50,000 (Rs. 75,000 for I & Rs. 75,000 for II
Semester). The Course fees is inclusive of admission fees, tuition fees and library. It does not
If the candidate decides to opt out of the program after paying the admission fee and the first
instalment of ₹75,000 towards the Course fees, full refund will be given if notified within 7 days of
payment. However, after 7 days of such payment, no refund shall be given. The request for refund
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