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19 Ways They are Trying to Kill us Red Level Alert - Parts 4-6

Dr. Johnson's Main Website at: 1st Alternate Site: 2nd Alternative Site: Email: [email protected] Free Gift: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News! Correspondence/Donation/Mailing Address: Scott Johnson, 450 Conover Blvd. West #202, Conover, NC 28613 Table of Contents: Bible Study 4. VACCINEScontinued 5. FALSE PANDEMIC PANIC 6. PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS 7. FLUORIDATED CITY WATER Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines: Reprove: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to excite a sense of guilt. Circumspectly: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard against surprise or danger. Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isa 9:7 Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: Jer 31:23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity; The LORD bless thee, O habitation of justice, [and] mountain of

holiness. Isa 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear. Isa 59:3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. Isa 59:4 None calleth for justice, nor [any] pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. Isa 59:9 Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, [but] we walk in darkness. Isa 59:14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Isa 58:2 Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God. Isa 56:1 Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation [is] near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. Isa 56:2 Blessed [is] the man [that] doeth this, and the son of man [that] layeth hold on it; 4. Vaccinations: California seizes kids age 12 and up for vaccines without parental consent October 10, 2011

California Governor Edmund Gerald Brown has effectively taken possession of children age 12 and older, by removing the need for parental consent for vaccines. Merck and the pharmaceutical giants must be loving this fascist law. AB 499 was signed into law on Oct. 9, 2011. The bill is unconstitutional, exemplifying tyranny at its greediest. This violates a parents right and duty to protect their children from harm. It violates the most basic understanding of parental rights. It threatens to cause the very disease it purports to protect against, as Gardisil is contaminated with viral HPV. Recall Governor Jerry Brown. Related: In 6 countries, Mercks Gardisil contaminated with genetically engineered viral HPV

September 15, 2011

* Gardasil victim found to have HPV DNA in her blood 2 Years Post-Vaccination * 13 different vaccine vials 13 different lots of Gardasil from around the world tested * Results 100% contamination with HPV Recombinant DNA. By Canary Party SANE Vax tested 13 vials of the Gardasil vaccine, from six different countries, and found that all were contaminated with genetically modified HPV DNA. The vaccine maker Merck, has claimed for the last five years on the package insert that the vaccine contains NO viral DNA. That claim quietly disappeared from the insert this past April, without any explanation, warning or notice being offered to the pubic. Keep in mind that the National Institutes of Health holds a patent on the technology that makes the HPV vaccine possible, profiting off of every HPV vaccine sold, and what that might mean with respect to the Department of Health and Human Services taking appropriate action on all the emerging and glaring problems with these vaccines. This is especially important information to get into the public view, as California has just passed a law mandating children as young as 12 to be given the vaccine without parental consent being required. (Call Gov. Jerry Brown and tell him to VETO that law.) #### By SANE Vax SANE Vax Inc. contracted with an independent lab to test for contamination and found HPV recombinant DNA (rDNA) in 13 vaccine vials. The Gardasil vials with different lot numbers were from New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Poland, France and three states in the U.S. 100% of the samples tested positive for the presence of the genetically modified HPV DNA. Governor Rick Perrys Gardasil Vaccine Mistake Cost Girls their Lives, Play from 3:34 to 7:24 Alex Interviews Man with Autistic Son: Report The Truth About Gardasil January 11, 2011

Gardasil is the HPV vaccine, touted to fight cervical cancer. What they are not telling you is that thousands of girls are having adverse reactions to the HPV Vaccines, some have even died -at last count, at least 103 lives have been lost. We have got to do something about this. These girls need our help! These girls are having reactions such as; seizures, strokes, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, headaches, stomach pains, vomitting, muscle pain and weakness, joint pain, auto-immune problems, chest pains, hair loss, appetite loss, personality changes, insomnia, hand/leg tremors, arm/leg weakness, shortness of breath, heart problems, paralysis, itching, rashes, swelling, aching muscles,pelvic pain, nerve pain, menstrual cycle changes, fainting, swollen lymph nodes, night sweats, nausea, temporary vision/hearing loss just to name some of them! There is no known Medical treatment to help these girls, as they suffer in silence. The doctors, if they even admit the connection, have no idea how to help them. So they spend their days going from appointment to appointment, from specialist to specialist trying to find someone to help them. Many of these families have started looking for help outside of mainstream medicine. However, most insurance plans do not cover this type of treatment, and as a result, this route is out of reach for many girls. As you look at the faces on this page, remember that these are just some of the thousands of girls whose lives have been affected by Gardasil. Sadly, one of the girls pictured above, Jessie Ericzon, passed away just two days after her third gardasil injection. If you or someone you know is experiencing any side effects or you would just like to contact us, you can do so at [email protected] or you can log into our Gardasil forum to tell your story. Play: ONE MORE GIRL - Documentary SEER Stat Fact Sheets: Cervix Uteri Cancer: It is estimated that 12,200 women will be diagnosed with and 4,210 women will die of cancer of the cervix uteri in 20101. So if we compare this death statistic (for cervical cancer in 2010) with the official statistics for total cancer deaths in the US for 2010 (See: Estimated Cancer Deaths for Selected Cancer Sites by State, US, 2010 ) which is: 569,490 you will quickly see that cervical cancer deaths for 2010 only comprised 00.74% of all cancer deaths in the US for 2010 which is a very small percentage indeed. It is so small they didn't even list cervical cancer deaths on the chart I listed at: (See: Estimated Cancer Deaths for Selected Cancer Sites by State, US, 2010 )

I also find it ironic this report goes onto say: From 2003-2007, the median age at death for cancer of the cervix uteri was 57 years of age4. Approximately 0.0% died under age 20; So what this means is that in the very time period these young adolescent to teen girls are being targeted for the HPV Gardasil vaccine there is a zero percent incidence of them dying from cervical cancer. A Medically derived study/graph at - - clearly shows that HPV 16 & 18 are not even prevalent in Colombian women until their mid-20s - long after vaccine efficacy has worn off if a girl is administered Gardasil or Cervarix in her adolescent years. Learn more: From: KM Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 To: Dr. Scott Johnson Subject: Re: 19 Ways They are Trying to....Parts 1-3 Hi Scott, In part 3 you talk about Gardasil vaccine being abortofactive. The vaccine that was causing all the miscarriages in autumn '09 was the the h1n1 flu vax. I remember contending vigorously with a couple of my pregnant cousins at the time over the safety of the vaccine. I showed them the message boards and neither of them were impressed as they both ended up delivering healthy children. Their attitudes were 'well, it didn't happen to me so it's all good'. Also this vaccine nearly took out my Dad. I told him not to get it but he did and Mom had a time and a half caring for him. Mom actually listened to me when I said not to get it and after seeing what Dad went through she was very grateful for the warning. God Bless!! K From: ER Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 1:48 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Shocking news from my company Hello Dr Johnson, just wanted to pass on some info i found out over the weekend from my company We just had our yearly conference and we were told that now we will HAVE to get a FLU VACCINE or we will be let go. I knew it was only a matter of time that we would be hit with this. Now that California says all health care workers have to have a flu shot to work, my company has now jumped on board. This really got my blood boiling. Telling me i have to get a completely useless toxic shot to keep my job. There were about 100 people in the room including management and i just suddenly had the urge to say something. The Lord gave me the courage to speak up. I asked when this policy was to take effect and they said it was to take place immediately. And

i told them i will not take the shot and i said that everyone needs to go to the CDC website and see all the toxic ingredients in just this one shot. There was kind of a stunned silence in the whole place as everyone could not believe that i said what i did just after they told us we would be fired it we did not get the vaccine. I flat out said i will not be getting any vaccines and that they can not make me. So i am not sure if i still have a job or what is going to happen. But if it takes me loosing my job for a few people to find out the truth about vaccines then so be it. Maybe learning the truth about vaccines will be the start of them seeking the truth about other issues. I hope and pray that leads them to the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if just one person can be saved and come to know the Lord out of all of this, is so worth me loosing my job. Just wanted to pass on the info and let people in the medical field know that mandatory vaccines are coming to a town near you. --------------------------------------From: ER Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 2:57 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Update on flu shots Just wanted to share the email i sent out to just about everyone in my company. Not sure if i will have a job after this and i have 3 kids and a wife who is a stay at home mom. So we need prayers for sure but i know God will provide. Thanks ********************** I am not trying to cause trouble but if you look at the facts and look at the ingredients in a flu shot there is just no way I will ever get one. And to think someone could be fired for not taking a useless injection is just beyond me. I sent this email just to get a discussion going and want everyone to rethink making this mandatory. I love my job and I love working for but I will not get injected with a shot that has very well documented toxic ingredients. Shouldnt we question a government that makes it mandatory to get any injection that is full toxins? When does it stop? What will be forced upon us next from our government? Everyone should go to the CDC website and read the ingredients in all the other injections as well. I am not a Dr but I cant understand why anyone would think it is safe to inject all of the toxins in these shots into your body. Dr. Donald Miller, a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington, recommends avoiding the flu shot and taking vitamin D instead. According to Dr. Miller, Seventy percent of doctors do not get a flu shot. Health officials say that every winter 36,000 people will die from it. But the National Vital Statistics Reports compiled by the CDC show that only 1,138 deaths a year occur due to influenza alone -more than 34,000 of the 36,000? flu deaths are actually pneumonic and cardiovascular deaths. There is also a lack of evidence that young children benefit

from flu shots. In fact, a systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. But there is also a risk of harm from the flu vaccine itself, particularly from the mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde it contains. New Studies Show the Flu Shot May Not Work A recent study published in the October issue of the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine found that vaccinating young children against the flu had no impact on flurelated hospitalizations or doctor visits during two recent flu seasons. Another large-scale, systematic review of 51 studies, published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2006, also found no evidence the flu vaccine is any more effective for children under 2 than a placebo. Additionally, no studies have conclusively proven that flu shots prevent flu-related deaths among the elderly, even though this is one of the key groups to which theyre pushed. Even if the flu vaccine did work, you should know that it is simply an educated guessing game as to whether or not this years vaccine will protect against the strains in your area. You see, because the flu virus mutates so rapidly, the vaccine must be updated every year to include the new, most common strains. Yet, sometimes scientists are way off. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states: In some years when vaccine and circulating strains were not well-matched, no vaccine effectiveness can be demonstrated in some studies, even in healthy adults. It is not possible in advance of the influenza season to predict how well the vaccine and circulating strains will be matched, and how that match may affect the degree of vaccine effectiveness. What you CAN be sure of when you get the flu shot is that youll be injected with a laundry list of hazardous ingredients, which are included as additives to the vaccines. Flu Shot Additives are Well-Known Toxins Two-thirds of the vaccines made for the 200809 flu season contain full-dose thimerosal, which is 49% mercury by weight, according to Dr. Miller. Mercury is a neurotoxin, with a toxicity level 1,000 times that of lead. Still, each flu shot contains 25 micrograms of mercury, which amounts to a mercury content of 50,000 part per billion -- 250 times more than the Environmental Protection Agencys safety limit. And thats not all. Dr. Miller points out the other substances in flu shots, all of which are known to be harmful to health, especially for children:

Formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing agent is used to inactivate the virus. Aluminum, added to promote an antibody response, is a neurotoxin that may play a role in Alzheimers disease. Triton X-100 (a detergent) Polysorbate 80 Carbolic acid Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) Gelatin Various antibiotics such as neomycin, streptomycin, and gentamicin that can cause allergic reactions Why expose yourself or your child to these toxins to take a flu shot that likely doesnt even work? Especially when there is such a better option --------------------------------------From: ER Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 11:18 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Update Just wanted to share with you the emails going back and forth at work regarding the flu vaccine i am refusing. I am not concerned about you sharing these emails as i know my time with that company is about done. I really feel this will be a great testimony and i want to start a ministry as well. I believe God is allowing all of this to unfold to test my faith and to have a real testimony. I am done with the medical field and all the lies...I know my family and i might go through some hard times and we will struggle to pay the bills but that is not important next to sharing the truth of Jesus. You have been a mentor for me and seeing you take that leap of faith and walking away from the medical field has been a real inspiration to me. So i pray God will continue to use you in a mighty way. Thanks and God Bless. -----------------------------------------From: Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 7:21 AM To: ER Cc: Subject: Flu Shot Credentialing ER, I appreciate the concerns you have over receiving a flu shot. Obviously, you feel quite strongly about the issue as demonstrated by your October 8, 2011 email. Flu shots for contracted vendors have become a customer requirement with certain facilities in the United States. If ******* is under contract with one of those customers, we are obligated to follow their requirements. We do not make, encourage or discourage these obligations. When they occur, we need to follow them to remain compliant with the requirements of the customer, as we do with any other credentialing requirement. These requirements can be numerous, can come in many forms and the recent flu shot

requirement is simply another of the many customer requirements for which we must adhere. Specifically in Florida, there are facilities that require the flu shot as part of the credential package to gain access to provide our services. Accordingly, you will need to get a flu shot in order to perform your duties as a ********* Technologist in those contracted facilities. You may not agree with this trend in the delivery of medical services, however our business model is to provide services on the premises of our customers. --------------------------------------My (ER) response: **** I want to apologize for the mass email that went against company policy but on the other hand I see it that evil needs to be exposed and the truth needs to be heard. This email is only to *** and yourself and I will not send you any other emails like this after this one. But it is my duty as a believer in the one true God who came to earth in the form of Jesus Christ and died and rose from the dead for you and I and everyone to exposes my fellow colleagues to the truth. Have you really researched the vaccines and the people who push mass vaccination? Just take Bill Gates as one example. He has been quoted that we need to reduce the population of the world and that vaccines can help to do this. "The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!" [About 1 Billion People!]- Bill Gates. If you dont believe me then look it up. Look up the Georgia guide stones. They are the 10 commandments for the New World Order. There first goal is mass depopulation. This is pure evil and evil needs to be exposed. Why do they feel they need to kill as many people as they can? Its real simple, they bow down to Satan and do his bidding. John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. The thief is the Satan and he comes to destroy us in anyway he can. I am not trying to push my beliefs on anyone and it is your choice but I am led by the Lord Jesus to share his truth and I hope and pray your eyes can be opened to just how evil this world is and I hope and pray you would turn to the one true God and believe in Jesus and his sacrifice and spilled blood. I know it is not politically correct to talk about Jesus in the work place these days but I will not deny him and I love you enough to share his truth with you. 2 Timothy 2:12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us. *** I know you are a man of the Bible and I hope and pray you really are saved. But cant you see this as a spiritual battle? Ephesians 6 :10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. I do not say all of these things because I think I am so holy or I am so good. I know I am nothing but a filthy rag apart from the mercy and grace of God.

I could have lied to you and had a Dr or a nurse sign something stating that I had a flu shot as some people have suggested. But that would be wrong and how can I confess to follow the Lord Jesus and be lying to you at the same time. I wanted to know why ***** said that a religious waiver against vaccines will not be accepted. It is state law and it has been up- held by the Supreme Court that a religious wavier can be used. Also ***** said that she would not be getting the flu shot and when I said everyone needs to go to the CDC website and look up the toxic ingredients she agreed with me. If this is ******* policy it needs to apply to everyone in the company right? So **** I just want you to know I only want the best for this company and for you and I pray for this company and the medical directors. I want to help people and be part of a company that helps people. One of the most impressive things I have seen is that every year before we have dinner in Tucson we pray to the Lord Jesus. So I know I am working for a good company that gives thanks to God. But we also must be willing to suffer and give to thanks to God in all situations even it means we must suffer. So if stand up for Christ means my job or that I will have to suffer then I am ready to except that and give the glory to God. Thanks for your time. ER -------------------------------------------$20,000 Offer!***PRESS RELEASE*** THE FOLLOWING OFFER is made to U.S.-licensed medical doctors who routinely administer childhood vaccinations and to pharmaceutical company CEOs worldwide: Jock Doubleday, president of the California nonprofit corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., hereby offers $20,000.00 (U.S.) to the first medical doctor or pharmaceutical company CEO who publicly drinks a mixture of standard vaccine additive ingredients in the same amount as a six-year-old child is recommended to receive under the year-2000 guidelines of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The mixture will not contain viruses or bacteria dead or alive, but will contain standard vaccine additive ingredients in their usual forms and proportions. The mixture will include, but will not be limited to: thimerosal (a mercury derivative), ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (a disinfectant dye), benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant), formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant), and aluminum. The mixture will be prepared by Jock Doubleday, three medical professionals that he names, and three medical professionals that the participant names. The mixture will be body weight calibrated. Because the participant is either a professional caregiver who routinely administers childhood vaccinations, or a pharmaceutical company CEO whose business is, in part, the sale of childhood vaccines, it is understood by all parties that the participant

considers all vaccine additive ingredients to be safe and that the participant considers any mixture containing these ingredients to be safe. The event will be held within six months of the participant's written agreement to the above and further elaborated terms. This offer, dated January 29, 2001, has no expiration date unless superceded by a similar offer of higher remuneration. Contact Jock Doubleday at [email protected] Jock Doubleday President Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc. A California Nonprofit Corporation P.O. Box 1794 Ojai, CA 93024 --------------------------------------From: KM > Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 8:10 PM > To: Dr. Scott Johnson > Subject: Re: New eAudio--Tattoos, Body Modification& Piercing Exposed! > Hi Scott, > I just finished listening to part 1 and you said you were not sure if the craft Docs are still pushing the IUD or not. YES unbelievably they are on virtually every channel of the TV right next to all of the wonderful vaccine commercials and the pill. > Enough to make one very sick. ----------------------------------------Vaccination: The pet controversy Remember that humans are vaccinated only a few times in their lives, (although we can certainly see that Big Pharma is trying their best to see to it that this changes) whereas animals are so treated once or twice a year for their entire life. Most people with chronically ill animals believe the animals were already sick when they got them, but often we can trace their problems to the time of vaccination (or to their parents having been vaccinated). It's true that vaccinosis (a condition which refers to a chronic disease pattern occurring after vaccination) does not afflict all vaccinated animals; some are fortunate enough to have very strong immune systems. But if you or your animals have ever been affected by it, you'll never forget it. You take a risk every time you allow your animals, your children, or yourself to be vaccinated. Remember, it's your decision, unless the laws in your state complicate your freedom of choice. Learn more: 5. FALSE PANDEMIC PANIC- An investigation into the World Health Organizations (WHO) proclamation that the world was in a bonafide pandemic (after changing the criteria for that level 6 classification), it was discovered that there were unscrupulous and conflict of interest ties to the pharmaceutical companies. Wow! What a surprise! And yes, what was the payoff going to be? Billions of flu shots sold. Sometimes I think they need to float a trial balloon just to see how many people are still buying their scary propaganda, inflamed and enabled by the corporate owned

mainstream media. Pharmaceutical companies, with the governments help, have already accomplished blackmailing parents into shooting up their children with a plethora of vaccines if they want to send them to school. The Powers That Be are bent on finding some way to force their poisons into all of us. Keep in mind that whatever the TV is trying to sell you, whatever story they go crazy over, it means one of 2 things. It is either to promote TPTBs agenda, or to divert your attention away from TPTBs agenda. And when they omit news thats important to your life, its so you dont think theres an agenda at all.

Dr. Johnsons Presentations: Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)

Avian Flu, Population Control, H5N1, Biological Warfare: 1-5 In recent years, the specter of the Avian Bird Flu has been hanging over mankind like a sharp sword. 'Experts' have repeatedly stepped to a news microphone to warn that human deaths could reach into the hundreds of millions worldwide - a death carried by birds in their global migratory patterns. A TV show entitled "Fatal Contact" even aired, depicting so many fatalities that their bodies were carried away in dump trucks. When this show aired back in May of 2006, I was actually on a 14 city tour of America entitled: 'Avian Flu: Killer of Millions?'. This teaching is an updated version of that presentation. This teaching covers so much more than Avian Flu and can be used as an 'icebreaking' education tool for both saved and unsaved who may not understand these issues. I endeavored to present the big picture with this presentation & point people to our only hope for any calamity: Jesus Christ. Recently I have gotten several confirmations that the 'Avian Flu Pandemic' card is soon to be played, and in reality it is long overdue. Topics will include: Proof the Illuminati telegraphs their punches prior to cataclysmic events, Why Avian Flu is the perfect vehicle for world depopulation, What the globalist elite are planning for Americans, Why the Avian Flu could be a repeat of the Spanish Flu of 1918 that killed millions!, Vaccinations and injectable microchips regarding the Avian Flu, potential kill rates, food shortages, forced vaccinations, project bioshield, and quarantines. I will also extensively cover proactive steps you can take to protect your families and yourself. For a complete listing of the recommendations I made on this presentation go to: Mild Silver Protein Website is at: The previous DVD of this presentation is available at: 16 videos | Created Aug 15, 2008 6. PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS- I think the number of deaths caused by prescription drugs each year is up to 200,000 if Im not mistaken. And thats not even the mistakes. Thats the number for properly prescribed meds! The drug companies trump up a crisis,

like cholesterol numbers that are too high, restless legs, hyperactive kids, whatever, just when they are ready to release their shiny new pill for exactly that problem. They lie and fudge in their testing, hide the flaws in the results, push for fast track approval, and wala! Billions more pour into their coffers, while people start keeling over in droves. By the time the FDA decides to even study the issue, thousands have died. Dont you just love being the real test subjects for them? And you didnt even get paid to be in a clinical trial! Even if the hungry lawyers get the class action suits going, the award damages are far, far smaller than what the company has already raked in. Oh well, theres always collateral damage with these things, you know? Havent I heard those words somewhere before, like when the government is making excuses for killing innocent civilians during war? How are Americans dying? A definitive review and close reading of medical peer-review journals, and government health statistics shows that American medicine frequently causes more harm than good. The number of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (ADR) to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million. Dr. Richard Besser, of the CDC, in 1995, said the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections was 20 million. Dr. Besser, in 2003, now refers to tens of millions of unnecessary antibiotics. The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million. The total number of iatrogenic deaths shown in the following table is 783,936. It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States. * The term iatrogenic is defined as induced in a patient by a physicians activity, manner or therapy. Used especially to pertain to a complication of a treatment. Source: J.A.M.A. (Journal of the American Medical Association) Nov%2027.doc Now lets look at some statistics from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control).The 2003 data shows that Heart Disease and Cancer are by far the most common causes of death in America. These two causes are responsible for 65% of all recorded deaths. What is that telling us?

Source: & * So Iatrogenic deaths from the conventional medicine field would technically be #1 in the above list if it was included, which it should be. 7. FLUORIDATED CITY WATER- This is a little trick they stole from the Hitler playbook. Its just so expensive to dispose of the waste from aluminum manufacturing, so what could we conger up as a good use for it? Never mind that it actually causes brain damage, cancer, makes your teeth mottled and discolored and corrodes your bones, well just put that skull and crossbones on the 55 gallon drums to warn the people who are dumping it into the water supply. But theyll still think its good for them because we said so, right? Then well pay the dentists to agree. Infowars Hidden Camera Fluoride Treatment FacilityWatch (Stop at 7:28) Proactive Remedies--Fluoride Action Network email: [email protected] web: 2011 is turning out to be a big year in the fight against fluoridation. It seems that just about every week, one or two more communities are rejecting this unethical and unsafe practice. Well, this week is no different. We have two more big fluoride-free victories to tell you about. On September 30, the BPP Water Corporation in Spencer, Indiana stopped adding fluoride to the drinking water for approximately 10,500 people. The water company cited the rising cost of fluoride as a major factor in their decision. In Florida, approximately 700,000 people will be free from fluoridated water later this fall. The Commissioners of Pinellas County voted 4-3 to end the seven-year practice of adding fluoride to the drinking water after hearing its potential harm from dozens of concerned citizens. The decision to end fluoridation and save taxpayers approximately $200,000 per year was made even after substantial pressure from numerous dentists and the Florida Dental Association was put on commissioners. There are also a number of communities that will be holding upcoming votes and public hearings on fluoridation in the coming months, including: Williams Lake, British Columbia: On November 19th, residents will be asked to vote on a fluoride ballot question: "The cost to add fluoride to the City's water system is increasing from $22,000 per year to approximately $94,000 per year. Are you in favour of the City continuing to add fluoride to its water supply." Churchill, Manitoba: On October 18th, citizens will have the opportunity to vote on a fluoridation referendum.

Austin, Texas: On October 18th at 3pm, the City Council's Public Health and Human Services sub-committee will hold a public hearing on why the Austin Utility Department should place a fluoridation health warning on Austin's water bills. The warning will alert residents to the risks associated with consuming fluoride, and tell them how they can reduce these risks. Aspen, Colorado: On October 11th, the City Council will hold their next meeting. They are expected to continue the debate on whether or not to continue fluoridating the drinking water, and possibly make a decision. Hot Springs, Florida: Councilors will be studying the fluoridation issue, and will be taking public comment at upcoming meetings. Bethel, Alaska: On October 11, the City Council will be holding their second public hearing on a resolution banning fluoridation. Damariscotta And Newcastle, Maine: On November 8, the residents of these two towns have the opportunity to vote on a fluoridation referendum on their local ballots. Hartland, Michigan: On November 15, the Township Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing to consider whether it should stop adding fluoride to its drinking water amid health concerns. ...and this is just the start. Many more communities are debating the issue, and many more will be voting on it this fall and winter, including New York City, Moncton (New Brunswick), and Philomath, Oregon. If you know of any upcoming public hearings, meetings, or votes on fluoridation please make sure to notify FAN, so we can spread-the-word about these important opportunities to end fluoridation. White House Petition Update We are more than 60% of the way toward our goal of 5,000 signers before the October 26th deadline. Thank you to the 3,100 of you who have already signed our petition calling for the White House to prohibit all federal agencies from promoting, endorsing, or funding fluoridation of the public drinking water. Once we collect the remaining 1900 signers we will get an official response to our petition from the Obama administration. If you haven't signed the petition, please take a minute to do so here. If you had problems signing it, then please see our suggested instructions. Stuart Cooper Campaign Manager Fluoride Action Network ------------------------------

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