Stephen Nalty - Public Servants vs. Public Tyrants

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The document discusses corruption within the US government and legal system, and one man's experience facing imprisonment for his activism.

Stephen Nalty received a 40 year prison sentence for his work as a Colorado de jure people's Grand Jury Administrator and activism against government overreach and corruption.

Stephen Nalty was involved with the National Liberty Alliance (NLA) as an organizer in Denver and Colorado, working to establish common law grand juries in counties across the state.

Public Servants vs.

Public Tyrants
Public Oath Stickld sentenced to 40 years by Public Tyrants. While lawfully, peacefully, and transparently
performing his duties as a Colorado de jure people's Grand Jury Administrator, he was also being stalked by the
FBI and others from Colorado Agencies without his knowledge. A true Public Servant and American state
national, stephen-john: nalty received a sentence of 40 years from 'Judge' Michael J. Spear, an impostor
pretending to be a Judge, a trespasser of the Law. Spear presided over a non-judicial, non-constitution 2, foreign
territorial administrative tribunal which has no jurisdiction on the land and operates under color of law 3 • Nalty
never gave Spear's foreign territorial administrative tribunal 4 consent, never contracted with it and was, and is,
mis-characterized5 by Spear, the 2nd Judicial District Court of Colorado, the Attorney General Cynthia Coffman,
another impostor pretending to be the Attorney General, and yet another impostor pretending to be a Deputy
Attorney General, RobertS. Shapiro. The list of impostors, trespassers of the Law, involved with this travesty of
justice numbers over 300. 6• A large percentage of them are also named on the ABA Lien. 7 Although he never
entered a plea, nalty is now pleading guilty in the Court of Public Opinion to being: a Defender of Freedom and
Justice for All; a Sovereign Oath Activist and Public Oath Stickler; a Protector of the people's tax assets 8 ; as well
as a Public Servant, American state national and Colorado de jure people's Grand Jury Administrator. Spear,
violating the Law, entered a plea on behalf of STEPHEN JOHN NALTY, which is an agency/corporation, not a
man. Spear thereby appointed himself as Agent for the Agency STEPHEN JOHN NALTY. Nalcy resigned as the
Agent for the Agency thereby accepting Spear's self-appointment. Whether Spear realizes it or not, Spear
actually sentenced himself to 40 years.

Nalty, now almost 69 years old, realized during the last 19 years (since 1999) that something was really, really
rotten in the united States of America9 • He became a voracious reader and student of the causes. In 2013, he
finally found what looked like "the solution" to all the corruption and abuse that he witnessed everywhere. He
was introduced to U.S. vs. Williams 10 , a 1992 Supreme Court Decision written by Justice Antonin Scalia (who
was murdered in Texas in 2016). This Supreme Court Decision says, essentially, that the people have the Right
to run the Grand Jury independently and without interference from the other branches of government, especially
the Judiciary. Nalty became involved with National Liberty Alliance (NLA) as a Denver County, Colorado
organizer and later as a Colorado State organizer. In September 2017, he learned that his involvement with NLA
landed him in an investigation the FBI opened in January 2014. He did every Thing peacefully, openly, honestly,
transparently, in the public record using his own name, autograph and private seal, yet the Attorney General of
Colorado and the FBI conspired to entrap nalty and others with 40 fabricated charges that paint a very different
picture of what really happened.

After helping establish the de jure people's common law grand jury in 63 counties within Colorado and
participating in letter writing campaigns to every County Sheriff11 advising them of their obligations and power
under the Constitution for the united States of America and the Colorado Constitution, nalty and about 25 others
were thrown out of NLA in December 2014. Nalty was out of the country during the entire month of December
2014 and was informed when he returned that NLA Brass had become dictatorial and that is not what people

Source: Search- Nalty- Not My Tribe & Nalty- Intra-governmental Memo to President Trump, December 12, 2017
2 "No action can be taken against a sovereign in the non-constitutional courts of either the United States or the state
courts & any such action is considered the crime of Barratry. Barratry is an offense at common law." State vs. Batson, 17
S.E. 2Nd 511 , 512, 513

3 "The appearance or semblance of Law without the substance oflegal Right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of
state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state is action taken under color of
law." Atkins v. Lanning, D.C. Okl. 415 F.Supp. 186,188
4 America, Some Assembly Required, page 5 ~ 3, by Anna Von Reitz,
5 Dear Supreme World Settlement Commander, Saturday, October 28,2017, page 2, ,-r 7 & page 3, C.,
6 Notice of Fraud, 24'h Publication,
7 226 Pages,- October 28,2017, &
8, &
9 Search- QAnon: The Storm and the Awakening, page 2, ~ 3, Friday, January 19, 2018
10 504 u.s. 36 (1992)
11 The County Sheriff, A Constitutional Officer - By What Authority, December 14, 2014
agreed to when they became involved with NLA. 20/20 hindsight indicates that NLA was infiltrated and then usurped
by the FBI. The 25 proceeded on with their Grand Jury work within Colorado. After assembling for weeks, several of
the people became the Colorado de jure people's Grand Jury Administration. Separately, Steven Dean, Byfield and
stephen-john: nalty began investigating Oaths and Bonds of Public Servants to determine if they were in compliance
with the Law. They started with the Governor and the Attorney General. Both were sworn into office on January 11,
2015. The Colorado Constitution and the General Laws of Colorado require that they file their Oaths of Office and
Official Bonds (Recognizance Bond) BEFORE they commence the duties of their office. On February 12, 2015, a
visit to the Secretary of State Office to obtain Certified Copies of their Oaths of Office and Official Bonds produced a
shocking result. Neither John W. Hickenlooper nor Cynthia Coffman had either Oath or Bond for the current term
filed and recorded at the Secretary of State Office per a woman named Mary. Mary searched everyone of the several
places they could possibly be, several times. Neither Oaths nor Bonds were there, therefore, both Hickenlooper and
Coffman failed to qualify for their offices; are occupying vacant offices and are receiving paychecks from the people
fraudulently. In fact, a diligent search for Coffman's BAR number in Colorado and Georgia has produced no evidence
that she is even an attorney. They are "Impostors" pretending to be Public Servants. When it was suggested that they
resign and publish their resignation letters in the Denver Post in the 1'' Notice of Fraud (, they
failed to respond. We are up to our 241h Publication of the Notice of Fraud now. All can be found on except the 23rd which was stolen from nalty's office by the FBI on April 5, 2017 before he
could publish it. One maxim of Law is Failure to deny is to admit. Byfield and nalty traveled to about half the
County Clerk and Recorder Offices throughout Colorado over a six month time span obtaining Certified Oaths of
Office (and asking for Official Bonds) for the Sheriff,' County Commissioners, Clerk and Recorder, Treasurer,
Assessor and Coroner. A disturbing pattern developed showing contempt for both the Law and the people (by whom
and for whom all government exists and acts 12). In fact, Official Bonds were purportedly replaced by CTSI, Inc.
"crime insurance" in most counties without Due Process of Law or a vote from the people contrary to both
Constitutions. Horror stories poured into the Grand Jury Administration meetings about 'Judges' telling people in court
"not to mention the Constitution one more time" or they would be held in contempt and jailed. 'Judge' Alfred Conway
Harrell, Jr. in Denver County Court found Byfiled in contempt and sentenced him to 30 days "flat time." Byfiled's
Habeas Corpus got him out 17 days later and if it had not been for delays in mail by the Denver County Sheriff
Department, Byfield would probably have been released in less than 7 days.

The people have Lawful processes to hold their Public Servants to the Law and make them accountable. Any Public
Servant who violates the Law has no immunity whatsoever. Criminal Presentments, Constitution Citation Criminal
Complaints, Consensual Commercial Obligation Liens and Bills of Exchange are but a few of the Lawful means the
people have at their disposal and were used by the people assembled. If the people don't keep their Public Servants in
check, the Public Servants become Tyrants instead of servants.

The forty year sentence for which nalty is imprisoned as well as the twenty-two year sentence Byfield is serving are
proof that our Public Servants have crossed the line and are now Public Tyrants. If they won't obey the Law, how dare
they take a paycheck from the people who gave them employment and how dare they retaliate against the very people
demanding that they obey the Law. The corruption and arrogance is rampant and pervasive. If it hasn't found it's way
into your life yet, it will. "The Awakening" is taking place soon a~~ people wil ~tand together for their Rights, the
Law, and Freedom & Justice for All. })t~t/lffi{(JlluJ btj- ~.f!!A'7f ©L.S. stephen-john: nalty
In the Public Domain - Make No Ch nges - Publish Freely
P.S. If you are unaware of the following, you may want to check them out:
A) The Conviction Factory: The Collapse of America's Criminal Courts by Roger I. Roots, J.D., Ph.D.,
DEC. 2017),, Thomas Freed, [email protected]
C) Report on Human Trafficking, and
Wednesday, January 3, 2018 - confirmed/
E) Originall3 1h Amendment,
F) "The United States Supreme Court has clearly, and repeatedly, held that any judge who acts without jurisdiction is
engaged in an act of treason." U.S. v. Will, 101 S. Ct. 471, Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat) 264,404
G),, &

12 Yick Wu v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 36 S. Ct. 1064, 60 L.Ed. 206 (1915)
Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
Sections 1605 and 1607
18 usc 2333
18 USC 1341 and 1342

This MANDATORY NOTICE is provided to all Territorial United States District and State and
County Courts, their officers, clerks, bailiffs, sheriffs, deputies, and employees and all Municipal
Appointees including their DISTIRCT, STATE, and COUNTY COURTS, their OFFICERS and

The vessels doing business as Stephen John Nalty, STEPHEN JOHN NALTY, STEPHEN NALTY,
STEPHEN J. NALTY, together with all derivatives and permutations of these names, are not acting in
any federal territorial or municipal capacity and have not knowingly or willingly acted in any such
capacity since the day of nativity: July 15, 1949. All vessels are duly claimed by the Holder in Due
Course and held under published Common Law Copyright since July 15, 1949.

These vessels are publishing MANDATORY NOTICE that they are Foreign Sovereigns from the
Colorado state of The United States of America. This is your MANDATORY NOTICE that these
above-named vessels are owed all material rights, duties, exemptions, insurances, treaties, bonds,
agreements, and guarantees including indemnity and full faith and credit; you are also hereby provided
with MANDATORY NOTICE that these vessels are not subject to Territorial or Municipal United
States law and are owed The Law of Peace, Department of the Army Pamphlet 27-161-1, from all
Territorial and Municipal Officers and employees who otherwise have no permission to approach or
address them.

Any harm resulting from trespass upon these vessels or the use of fictitious names or titles related to
them shall be subject to full commercial liability and penalties: 18 USC 2333, 18 USC 1341 and 1342.

So said, signed, and sealed this 81h day of February in Crowley County, Colorado, The United States of

stephen-john: nalty
6564 State Highway 96
Onley Springs, Colorado

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