Template - Project Charter

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Factors of success

Prerequisites 1.Clear project vision and objectives: Having a well-defined

(necessary conditions vision for what the project intends to achieve, along with
for making a project) specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART) objectives.

2.Realistic timeline: Establishing a feasible timeline that

considers all phases of the project, from initial research
and development.

3.Adequate funding: Securing sufficient budget to cover all

aspects of the project, including development, testing,
deployment, marketing, and maintenance.

4.Competent project team: Assembling a team with the right

mix of skills, including technical expertise (developers,
engineers), design, project management, and other
relevant areas.

5.Regulatory compliance: Awareness and adherence to

relevant laws and regulations, especially those relating to
data privacy, intellectual property, and industry-specific

6.Scalability and maintenance plans: Planning for the future

scalability of the project and setting up maintenance
protocols for the long-term sustainability of the product.

7.Effective communication channels: Establishing clear

communication channels within the team and with
stakeholders to ensure smooth information flow and

8.User-centric design approach: Ensuring that the product

design is user-centric, taking into account user experience
(UX) and user interface (UI) design principles to satisfy
the key consumers.

Limitations В доке
Project success criteria Achievement of objectives: The project meets its initial goals
and objectives as outlined in the project plan. This includes
delivering all project deliverables within the agreed scope.

On-time delivery: Completing the project within the set timeline.

Adherence to the project schedule is often a critical indicator of

Staying within budget: The project is completed within the

allocated budget, with effective management of resources and

Team performance and morale: The project team works

effectively and efficiently, with high morale and minimal
conflict or turnover.

Compliance and standards: Adherence to relevant legal,

regulatory, and industry standards throughout the project.

Sustainability and scalability: The project results are sustainable

in the long term and can be scaled up if needed.

Effective communication: Maintaining clear, transparent, and

timely communication with all stakeholders throughout the

User adoption and satisfaction: For projects like app

development, the rate of user adoption and satisfaction are
critical. This includes user engagement, retention, and positive
External Stakeholders


Interests: User-friendly interface, reliability, and usefulness in managing academic and

extracurricular activities.
Requirements: Privacy of data, ease of use, and integration with academic systems.

Organizers of events

Interests: Efficient event management, ease of scheduling and communication with

Requirements: Reliable scheduling tools, notification systems, and attendee management

HSE partners

Interests: Strong collaboration and value from the partnership.

Requirements: Reporting tools, visibility on app platforms, and alignment with
educational goals.

HSE staff

Interests: Efficient management of their tasks and schedules.

Requirements: Easy-to-use task management and scheduling features.

HSE App X developers

Interests: Compatibility and integration with existing systems, sharing best practices.
Requirements: Technical documentation, API access, and collaborative development


Interests: Easy coordination of tasks, clear communication channels.

Requirements: Tools for scheduling, task management, and real-time updates.


Interests: Efficient management of mentoring sessions, easy communication with

Requirements: Scheduling tools, integration with communication platforms.

Invited speakers

Interests: Clear information about events, seamless integration with personal schedules.
Requirements: Reliable scheduling, notifications, and logistical details about events.
Invited companies

Interests: Effective collaboration with the university, opportunities for branding and
Requirements: Tools for event participation, data on student engagement, and feedback

Independent sponsors

Interests: Return on investment, brand visibility, social impact.

Requirements: Data on app usage and impact, marketing and branding opportunities.

Internal Stakeholders


Interests: Overall project success, ROI, and alignment with company strategy.
Requirements: Regular progress updates, risk management reports, and stakeholder

Project manager

Interests: Successful project execution within scope, time, and budget.

Requirements: Effective project management tools, team cooperation, and stakeholder


Interests: Accurate data for analysis, clear project goals.

Requirements: Access to data, analytical tools, and clear reporting mechanisms.


Interests: Aesthetic and functional design of the app.

Requirements: User feedback, design tools, and collaboration with the development team.

IT team lead

Interests: Robust and secure IT infrastructure.

Requirements: Resources for infrastructure, support from management, and skilled team


Interests: Clear development goals, efficient coding practices.

Requirements: Detailed specifications, development tools, and supportive work

ML Developer

Interests: Building effective and efficient algorithms.

Requirements: Data access, computational resources, and collaboration with other tech

Frontend developer

Interests: User-centric interface design.

Requirements: User feedback, design tools, and collaboration with designers.

Backend developer

Interests: Efficient and scalable backend systems.

Requirements: Server resources, access to databases, and collaborative development

Marketing specialist

Interests: Effective promotion of the app, high user engagement.

Requirements: Marketing tools, budget, and user data for targeted campaigns.

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