LG-940C Manual

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Original of Instructions

(English Manual)
Paper Guillotine

Model: LG-940C

Longer Machine Industrial Co., Ltd

No.108, Renhuagong 12th Rd.,
Dali Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan.
Tel: +886-4-2496-0606
Fax: +886-4-2496-2209
[email protected]
Content Table
Chapter 1 Safety
1-1 General Safety Rules
1-2 General safety notes
1-3 Safety Device Position
1-4 Name Plate
Chapter 2 Transportation and Installation
2-1 Transportation

2-1-1 Crane and hoist transportation

2-1-2 Forklift truck transportation
2-2 Installation
2-2-1 Machine size
2-2-2 Hosting diagram
2-2-3 Space equipment
2-2-4 Illustration of hazard region
2-2-5 Marking & Warning
2-2-6 Hydraulic oil circuit diagram

2-3 Mounting cutting-blade

2-4 Cutting-blade’s replacement
2-5 Trial cutting and adjustment
2-6 Mounting Clamping cover
Chapter 3 Operation
3-1 Operational Panel
3-2 To shut down the machine
3-3 Manipulation for stopping operation
3-3-1 Emergent stops
3-3-2 Other Stops
4-1 Introduction

4-2 Check the oil level

4-3 Waste disposal

Chapter 5 Trouble Clearing
Appendix: Dismantling and Scrapping
Computer manual
Electric Drawing
Chapter 1 Safety


1. Read and understand this manual 1. Do not attempt to operate or service the
before attempting to operate or service machine without reading and
the machine. understanding this manual.

2. Be familiar with the machine safety 2. Do not start the machine unless you are
rules and practices. sure there is no danger to you or your
fellow workers.

3. In case of an accident while the 3. Do not clean or lubricate moving arts

machine is running, press the emergency of a machine that is running.
stop button to stop the machine.

4. Please put on the glove while replace 4. Do not unauthorized persons to operate
the blades. the machinery.

5. The max. cutting thick is 135mm. 5. Do not put the hand under the blade
during cutting process.

6. Please replace the blade every 1600 6. Do not reach into the machine to make
cuts for general paper. adjustments while it is running.

7. Please replace the blade every 1000 7. Do not open any guards while the
cuts for the paper that thickness is more machine is running.
than 0.6mm.

8. The cutting-edge should be evenly 8. Do not knock or hit the control plates.

9. Hang the upper-tier holes of cutting 9. Do not allow horseplay in the working
blade on fixture when the blade is area.
grounded closed lower-tier holes.

10. Should be installed on a rigid 10. Do not enter the risk area while the
platform or a solid foundation. machine is working.
The expected life of the machine
The machine is packed in wooden case before shipment. It can be stored for longer under
dry and ventilated environment. It is necessary for the machine to be clean and prevent
dust while the wooden case is broken or opened. The suitable environment conditions for
the storage are as below:
a. Peripheral temperature: -25~55_, and up to +70_ for short periods less than 24 hrs
b. Relative humidity: 30_~95_ RH
c. Atmosphere: free from excessive dust, acid fume, corrosive gases and salt.

The machine is designed for not using at the potentially explosive environment.
Generally, the machine should be installed under the following conditions:
a. Supply voltage: 0.9~1.1 nominal frequency
b. Source frequency: 0.99~1.01 nominal frequency
c. Peripheral temperature: -25~55_, and up to +70_ for short periods less than 24 hrs
d. Relative humidity: 30_~95_ RH
e. Atmosphere: free from excessive dust, acid fume, corrosive gases and salt.
f. Electrical equipment is capable of operating correctly at altitures up to 1000 m above
mean sea level.
g. Please avoid exposing to heat rays or direct sunlight that can change the temperature of
the environment.
h. Please avoid exposing to abnormal vibration.
i. The machine needs ground earth connection.
1-2 General safety notes
Please Read These Safety Recommendations Before Proceeding Any Further.
1. Allow only authorized personnel to have access to enclosures containing electrical
2. Read appropriate manual or instructions before attempting operation or maintenance
of machine. Make sure you do understand all instructions.
3. Consult your supervisor when in doubt as to the correct way to do a job.
4. The Power should be 380v 3 Phase.
5. Before operating the machine check that all protective components and interlocks
work properly. If not, immediately contact your local distributor.
6. Do not cut the stony material (like: stone, steel, copper, granite.., etc.)
7. The machine can cut the material like paper, card, board, rubber, cork, veneer, leather
and plastic foils (the each piece is less than 1 mm).
8. Know where all stop push buttons are located in case of an emergency.
9. Keep chemical and flammable material away from electrical or operating equipment.
10. Please put on the glove while replace the blades.
11. Always to record all operating process while machine is in trouble shooting.
12. Do not operate machine if unusual or excessive noise or vibration occurs. Report any
excessive or unusual vibration, sounds, smoke, or heat as well as any damaged parts.
13. Disconnect main electrical power before attempting repair or maintenance.
14. Recycling all replaced parts and chips to save the resources.
15. Make sure that waste is well disposed to conform to the environmental protection
regulations, such as oil.
16. It is recommended to remove or recycle all useable parts from the machine which to
be junked.
17. Do not operate machine by wearing gloves or the clothes which is possibly entangled
in by the machine.
18. Electric maintenance should be done by qualified personnel or by personnel who has
electric knowledge.
19. Do not operate equipment unless proper maintenance has been regularly performed
and the equipment is known to be in good working order.
20. Before operating this machine, each technician or operator must study this guide and
obey carefully, failure to observe this guide could result in severe body injury or loss
of life.
21. Total response time of the system: 40ms
22. Resolution capability of the ESPDs: 30mm
23. Minimum distance of the ESPDs: 208mm
24. A failure of the transmission elements in the event, which the pile is not be withdraw
by force beneath the knife.
25. WARNING: There is a residual risk cause by the spindle under the rear table of the
guillotine. Please keep away the zone during operate.
26. The guillotine shall be regularly check against before operate, tests included the:
a. Functioning of the control systems.
b. Stopping performance monitoring (emergency stop function).
c. Clamp forces
d. Functioning of the ESPD
e. Two-hand control
f. Overrun protection
g. Functioning of limit switches
1-3 Safety Device Position
1-4 Name Plate
Chapter 2 Transportation and Installation

2-1 Transportation
2-1-1Crane and Hoist Transportation
Please read the following precautions completely before operating crane and hoist, and
operate as the figures, diagrams, or tables shown as below:
a. Crane and Hoist license required: A licensed operator who is certified to operate the
type of equipment.
b. Please ensure hoist hook is located in gravity center line of the machine.
c. The strength of lifting devices should be able to load machine weight, such as Crane,
Hoist, lifting fixture, hoist block, shackles, etc.
d. Before the lifting operation, please remove the front cover of Y axis and then fix it in
the front side.
e. During the lifting operation, the steel cable must be pulled tightly. Use a blanket to
avoid contact scrapes between steel cable and machine.
f. Avoid the dangers of collision: Please remove the obstacles around the lifting area and
operate all control switches carefully.
g. When the machine is lifted up, please check if any pipes are dropped out.
h. The operator should not operate crane and hoist under the area of the hoisted machine.
2-1-2 Forklift Truck Transportation
Please pay attention to transport and lift this high precision machine for avoiding
any strong extrusions or collisions. The lifting capacity of forklift truck must be sufficient
for the machine. Table 1 shows the suggested forklift truck capacity.
2-2 Installation

a.The installation plane of foundation must be leveled to avoid the machine's

frame from deformation (Should be installed on a rigid platform or a solid
b.Take the table plane as a reference-surface.
c.Use a level to align the machine
d.After aligning, tighten the fixed screws (4 screws located on its bottom).
e.Connect the machine to power supply
f.Make sure that the power source to be utilized confirms to the power
requirements specified on the machine's nameplate.
g.Use a rated-capacity cord.
h. Turn on the main line switch, pilot lamp will light.
i. To start main motors (cutting blade motor/clamping motor).
j.Check the rotation of the motor, it should rotate in the same direction as the
arrow sign. If the motor doesn't rotate in the same direction as the arrow sign,
the clamp will not descend and two wires with phases from the motor has to
be shifted.
k.Fuse replacement, use attached 5 A fuse for replacement. Back-up fuses are in
the control box.
l.For safety, earth-current line must be connected to the machine.
m. Use a rated-capacity cord (8.5mm2 x 4Cx 5M) to avoid electrical fire.

p.For safety, earth-current line must be connected to the machine (8.5mm2 x 4C).
2-2-1 Machine Size
2-2-2 Hoisting Diagram
2-2-3 Space Equipment
2-2-4 Illustration of hazard region
2-2-5Marking & Warning

Caution Electric Shock

Do not Stay under Overhead Load

Keep Hands Away

Do Not Open This Door When The Machine is in Motion

Don’t Operate Authorized People Only

Keep Hands Away

2-2-6 Hydraulic oil circuit diagram
2-3 Mounting Cutting-blade


1. Setup the new blade on blade-changing tool.

2. Lift up & right let whole tool into 3rd and 7th blade screw hole on knife beam, and
start tighten other blade screws. Then, take out the blade changing tool away
and tighten 2 screws on blade.

3. Turn on the Clutch (switch) on the control panel. (Don’t switch ON the motor)
(It may need to wait a 90 seconds to switch ON if you just turn off the motor.)
4. Take off the cover as below.

5. Insert the hand tool and turn it clockwise, must sure the blade edge can touch
and also pass up the cutting stick. In this moment, you can also tighten the
leftmost screw of cutting blade.

6. After the cutting blade pass the cutting stick, Turn off the clutch (switch) on the
control panel, put the hand tool back. Then, turn ON the motor and try to do the

After using the hand tool , must put it back , otherwise the motor can not be

7. To adjust the cutting blade parallel (If needs)

loose the screw and adjust the parallel of right part blade.
8. Adjust the knife depth (If needs)


If needs, First loose the screw A and use tool to loose B. then, use tool to adjust C
the depth and ascend of blade. After adjusting, please tighten the A and B.
Clockwise: blade descend, Anti-clockwise: blade ascend
2-4 Cutting-blade’s replacement
1. Switch ON motor and use JOG (INCH) function on the control panel, press
both cutting buttons to let blade beam go down a little bit until the position that
you can take off the leftmost blade screw.

2. Switch OFF the motor & JOG (INCH) function and take off the leftmost blade

3. Switch ON motor again and press both cutting buttons to let knife back to Top

4. Take off the 3rd & 7th blade screws, then setup the blade-changing tool.

5. Take out all blade screws, then you can lift the blade down by changing tool.


Replace cutting stick (if needs)

Take out the cutting rail from the cutting-stick slot, turn the cutting stick around for
a new surface, please notice that one stick can be use 4 sides. Finally, Insert the
cutting stick into the cutting-stick slot.
2-5 Trial cutting and adjustment
1. Put a pile of paper against the back gauge and clamp it firmly. Move the back
gauge to a proper position.

2. Press the clamping button switch to hold the paper pile.

3. Press the operation button switch for a cut.

4. Back-gauge and its adjustment

For left / right angle of back gauge, please adjust screw –B1 and B2. Loose one
side and tight one side.

For adjust up/down, first loose B1 and B2, and adjust A1. Then, reset B1and B2.




5. The cutting blade should be shifted or ground once every 1600 cuts for general
papers. (carton, 1000 cuts)

6. The cutting-edge should be evenly whetted.

2-6 Mounting Clamping cover (False clamp)

The Min. cutting length of the machine is 30mm, the Min. cutting length become
100mm after installed the clamping cover. Following is the way to assemble/
disassemble the clamping cover.

First, use No. 5 Hex key wrench to loose the both black screws on the clamp.
Then, put the clamping cover under the clamp and align the cutting line on the
cutting stick.

Press the clamp down button to send down the clamp slowly till the both bolts of
the clamping cover into the clamp. Then, to tight the both black screws. Finally, hit
the foot pedal to send up the clamp.
To take out the clamping cover

1. Hand Button to send down the clamp to press on the table

2. use the No.5 Hex Key wrench to loose the both black screws
3. send up the clamp by foot pedal
Chapter 3 Operation
3-1 Operational Panel

See picture 3.1 for each switches function.

A. Motor start
B. Motor stop
C. Blower
D. Line lamp
E. JOG / INCH (cutting blade down inch without clamping)
F. Clutch ( for knife changing)
G. Up (clamping up manually)
H. Down (clamping down manually)
I . Control panel Key power switch
J. Emergency Stop


K. Main Power switch

L. Buzzer

M. Hand tool home position


N. Clamp pressure adjuster

3-2 To Shut Down the Machine

Turn off the power, when the end of cutting process.

3-3 Manipulation for stopping operation

※CAUTION: All personnel must know the location of Emergency Stop buttons and how
to use them in case of Emergency.

3-3-1 Emergent Stop

In case of any emergency cases, press the button which is nearest button as soon as
Machine will be stopped immediately. After the emergency situation has solved, twist the
switch clockwise to release the pushbutton.

3-3-2 Other Stops
a. The machine will be stopped immediately, if there is something between protection
safety guards.
b. The machine will be stopped immediately, if operator opens the electric control box.
c. The machine will be stopped immediately, if operator opens the cover in the back of
Chapter 4 Maintenance
4-1 Introduction
The periods of general maintenance divided in order to diminish breakdown and elongate
running life of machinery.

Following maintenance frequency is for one shift working (8 hours/ Per day), if the
machine run 2 shifts, please shorten the maintenance frequency.



Gear Oil

Hydraulic Cold Zone: R32

System Oil Hot Zone: R68

Helix ULTRA #40

4-2 Maintenance and Lubrication

Weekly Lubrication

Please add the grease on this TWO points once a week.

Machine back side

Please add the grease on this SIX points once a week.

(Under the main air table)

(Under the main air table)

Please add the grease on this Two points once a week.
Machine back side

Please fill the oil cup up once a week by Motor Oil (#40), Please Do Not take out the
cotton thread.
6 Monthly Lubrication

(Under the main air table)

Please add the grease on the point every 6 months.

Please clean the filter once 1~3 months (Depends)

2 Yearly Lubrication

Machine back side

Please change Gear Oil (#140) once a two years.

Take out the screw from bottom side to leak oil and fill up the new Gear oil from Top,
around 700ml.
Please change Hydraulic oil (Cold Zone: R32, Hot Zone R68) once a two years.
Around 24 Liter.
4-3 Waste disposal
a. The waste oil and water disposals:
(1) Please observe the local law to dispose the industrial wastes. Do NOT abandon the
waste water, oil at will.
(2) The possible way to cope with waste water and oil is to gather them into a storage
container, and then entrust it to professional factory.
(3) The waste water and oil may be toxic. Please do NOT reuse them again. It may
cause damage to the components of the machine.
b. The waste material disposals:
(1) The disposal of the waste material is to gather it into a container firstly.
Then depend on the local law to retreat.
(2) Entrust the waste collector to properly dispose of the waste material.
(3) Please do NOT abandon or dump the waste materials at will.
Chapter 5 Trouble shooting
Note: No matter what kind of abnormality happens, the operator must press
the emergency stop button first, and stop the machine.

Simple Trouble Shooting

Trouble result solution
The buzzer of relay ring The electric current is over drive To reset the circuit breaker
or the motor is superheat. under the relay.

The cutting is over The crank of blade is too To adjust the crank of blade by
descending descended, or the new blade is too the hex-key.

The computer is crashed The driver is superheat To turn off the power and restart
the computer after a few

The cutting is not at the It should be the blade is not To adjust the screw of blade
same level on the cutting horizontal enough. parallel in the back of the
line. machine.

After cutting, the goods is The back gauge is not at the same To adjust the screw of
not vertical. level. back-gauge in the back of the

Please adjust the (A) if the blade is displaced.

Please Check (B) and (C) if the computer does not skip the cutting.
Dismantling and Scrapping
Before dismantling the machine, disconnect all the energy sources with care.

Discharge the pressure tanks and any tension accumulations or electrostatic
The materials must be eliminated in compliance with the lows in force in the country
where the machine is dismantled.

Dismantling of Electrical Systems

Be careful when disconnect the wires, because they are always in tension, even
when the main switch is open.

Disconnect the wiring from the control panels by following the reference number of each
cable as shown in the wiring diagram enclosed to this manual.

Do not take the reference numbers away from cables and terminal boards.

Dismantling of Hydraulic Systems

To dismantle the hydraulic systems follow to their relative lay-out enclosed to this manual.

Mechanical Dismantling
Before carrying out the mechanical dismantling of the machine, it is necessary to wash all
the parts that are in contact with the material and to clean the whole structure with

To remove the machine from the factory, it is necessary to take the bed-plate fixing nuts
away, to dismantle the elements and to lift them from their seats.

Use a packing adequate to the weight and features of the parts that are to be packed and

Fix a plate on the packing specifying the weight, the content and all the information
necessary for the transportation


In compliance with the national (Italy) and the European laws to have to correctly dispose
the materials in a different way according of its composition.
List of machine parts and the materials of which they are made;
Liquid crystals screen
Electronic components
Pulleys Aluminum
Hydraulic pistons Steel arval400
Electrical motors Copper-cast iron-steel
Oil tank varnished steel
Supporting frame
Bronze bushing
Reducer lubricating liquid Lubricating oil
Control unit lubricating liquid Hydraulic oil
Belts Polyurethane
Bearing C100 UNI
Feeding cables Copper-rubber
Hydraulic pipes Steel-rubber
Cutting blades Steel HSS

In case of doubts as regards the composition of some part; contact the Longer Machine
Customer Service
Computer Manual

It can press AUTO after choosing the address


Here can insert the name of clients

Select address

Data Lock

Press DATA SET the screen will skip to picture 3

Touch Screen Lock


- this page you can set the cutting size with function, 99 step can be used.
- After set the sizes and function, just press Auto to semi-auto mode

To Start the job

Manual Back gauge movement & function selec

Only clamp down (with Max. Pressure) without cutting

Air stop

No Cutting

Push Out – when you cut bigger size and after cut small size, you can
use this function let back gauge push the material near operator.

Fully auto cut function (need hold 3 sec.)

This can bring you to the group which is empty

the size will go to memory list after make a cut

Insert the size and press Skip, the back gauge will Go to the size

Choice one size Press END one time, the data under the one you
chose will be deleted. Press END twice, all data will be deleted.

Insert the size

Example for data set:

Normal way size date set 1

Normal way size date set 2

This is special way for date set, this will cut 100 mm for 5 times, just like you set
700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 mm.
This is special way for date set, this will cut 100 mm then 50mm for 3 times, just
like you set 700, 600, 550, 450, 400, 300, 250 mm

Point, you can select the number of cut

Go to the size

Press STOP to stop the job

Press to back previous size



to count the cutting cycle, can set a alarm for knife changing.

Language select

The back gauge to next set size automatic after cut or not.

Calibrate the back gauge size * password:1234

The default cutting timer is 1.6 seconds, you can adjust

depends paper height.

Back gauge forward with air or not

use it when you install / uninstall the False Clamp

Others – seldom to use, please do not change the data.

When the machine got the error, the problem part will show on Main page and this
Electrical Drawing

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