Power System Protection

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Switchgear and


1. The pressure coil of a directional relay has an impedance of (100 + j 274.74) ohms.
What is the MTA for this relay? What change will have to be made to the pressure
circuit so as to change this angle to (a) 30° and (b) 15°?
2. For the system shown below, design the complete Over Current protection using the
IDMT relays. Thus, decide the CT ratios, the plug settings and the TMS at all locations.

3. Prove that the slope of the internal fault characteristics for a double-end-fed system is
greater than 200%.
4. Higher slopes are required in cases where there is a lot of mismatch between the CTs
at various terminals. Explain.
5. For a 5 A CT, the total impedance of the secondary winding and leads is 0.01 ohm.
Determine the VA capacity of the CT secondary at (a) the rated secondary current and
(b) the maximum fault current of 20 times the rated CT secondary current
6. Prove that the restricted earth fault relay does not operate for faults beyond the star
connected winding of a three-phase delta-star transformer.
7. A single-phase 11 kVI11 kV 1.1 MVA transformer protected by percentage differential
protection. CTs with 5 A secondary are used. It is known that the magnetizing currents
of the two CTs, for maximum external fault current, differ by 0.5 A. Assuming no other
source of error and a minimum pick-up of 0.01 A, find the minimum percentage bias
setting so that the scheme remains stable on maximum external fault current.
8. Design the differential protection for a three-phase, 50 Hz transformer with the
following nameplate ratings: MVA 250, 15.75 kVl400 ky 50 Hz, delta-star.
9. Mal-operation of bus bar protection causes large disturbances to the system. Explain.
10. How many distance measuring units will be required for the complete three-stepped
protection of a transmission line section in case of (i) a singly-fed systems and (ii) a
double-end-fed system?
11. The impedance seen from the relay side in a distance relay is 10 ohms. Given that the
CT ratio is 1000 : 1 and the PT ratio is 100,000 : 110, determine the actual impedance.
Given that the line has a resistance of 1 milliohm per km and a reactance of 20 milli-
ohm per km, find the distance to fault. Assume single-phase line.
12. Explain why only middle 60% of the double-end-fed line gets instantaneous distance
protection from both ends in a three-stepped distance scheme.
13. How is loss of prime mover detected? What are the problems encountered in
implementing this protection?
14. Why a negative sequence voltage relay cannot detect single phasing between relay and
motor but can detect single phasing between the supply and the relay?
15. A generalized phase comparator can have a phase angle margin of +a, -β. The cosine-
type phase comparator is a special case where a = β = 90". How will the mho relay
characteristic appear if the phase angle margin is changed to ±45°?

Switchgear and Protection

Tutorial -2
1. A generator connected through 5 cycle CB to a transformer is rated 8000 kVA with
the ; reactance of X d = 10 %, and X d = 16 % and Xd = 100 %. It's operating at no
load an d rated voltage when 3 phase short circuit occurs between breaker and
transformer. Find: i) sustained short circuit in breaker r ii) the initial symmetrical
rms current in breaker r iii) maximum possible DC component of short circuit in
breaker iv) the momentary current rating of the breaker. v) current to be interrupted
by breaker vi) the interrupting kVA
2. The percentage impedance of a transformer is 8% Determine the short-circuit
current for a three-phase short circuit on the secondary terminals of the transformer?
3. In the diagram of Figure shown above, TB = 0.2 s. If the circuit breaker operating
time is 0.5 s, determine the operating time of relay RA so that there is no loss of selectivity.
4. In the diagram of Figure 1.16, the operating time of relay RB = 0.3 s, operating time of
relay RA = 0.6 s. The circuit breaker operating time is 0.5 s. Investigate whether there
will be any loss of selectivity between the primary and the backup protection
5. The load current in a system is 100 A. The short-circuit current for the smallest fault is
1000 A. An over-current relay capable of carrying a current of 5 A continuously is to
be used. (a) Suggest a suitable CT ratio. (b) What will be the relay current for the
smallest fault? (c) Will the protective CT be able to faithfully reproduce the fault
6. A 132 kV system, inductance and capacitance up to location of the breaker is 0.4 H and
0.015uF respectively. Determine (i)the maximum value of re-striking voltage
(ii) frequency of transient oscillation and the maximum value of RRRV
7. The short circuit current of a 400kV system is 10kA. The current chopping occurs at
1.8 % of the peak of the current. Calculate prospective value of voltage when C=
100uF and L= 30H.
8. In a short circuit test on 220kV , three phase system, the breaker gives the following
results, Pf of fault = 0.4, recovery voltage = 0.95 of rated voltage. The breaking
current is symmetrical and natural frequency of oscillation is 15kHz. Calculate RRRV
9. A 400 kV system, inductance and capacitance up to location of the breaker is 0.8 H and
0.05uF respectively. Determine (i)the maximum value of re-striking voltage (ii)
frequency of transient oscillation and the maximum value of RRRV
10. For a 400kV system, the CBs are design to withstand 10% above nominal system
voltage. Why?
11. SF6 CBs are preferred in 220kV substations. Why?

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