Pasanabheda Review

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Vol 2|Issue 2| 2012 |97-105.

International Journal e-ISSN: 2248 – 9207
Print ISSN: 2248 – 9193
Pharmacy Review & Research
KM Ruby1*, Jaya Dwivedi1, Rajani Chauhan2
Department of Chemistry, Banasthali University, Tonk, Rajasthan, 304022, India.
Department of Pharmacy, Banasthali University, Tonk, Rajasthan, 304022, India.

Pashanbheda or stone breaker is a well known Indian drug referred to botanical name Bergenia ligulata. This plant
already has been recognized for its role in dissolving kidney stone. Its pharmacological activity are antidiabetic, antipyretic,
hepatoprotective, anticancer, antiprotozoal, diuretic, cardiovascular, antiscorbutic, antilithiatic, anti-inflammatory due to
phytochemicals Bergenin, Pashaanolactone,β-Sitosterol, Stigmesterol, Tannic acid, Gallic acid, Parasorbic acid, Isovaleric
acid, 1,8-cineole present in Pashanbheda.

Key words: Pashanbheda, Stone breaker, Bergenia ligulata, Pharmacological activity, Phytochemicals.

INTRODUCTION Changu, Karponanag, Lachen to Thongu, Nathang,

Bergenia ligulata belongs to family Prekchu -Tsokha, Pangolakha- Subaney Dara, Gangtok
saxifragaceae. Pashanbheda, Pashana, Zakhmehayat, (domesticated) in sikkim. The flower are white, pink or
Asmaribheda, Ashmabhid, Ashmabhed, Nagabhid, purple [3,6,7].
Upalbhedak, Parwatbhed and Shilabhed are the common
name of Bergenia ligulata. It is called Stone breaker Biodiversity and Traditional knowledge of Bergenia
becauses it dissolv slabs. Rhizome is the medicinalally Ligulata in Kumaun Himalaya
used part of this. The plant Bergenia ligulata is main Kumaun Himalaya is rich in biodiversity and
botanical source of Pashanbheda drug which is used in home of several medicinal plants. Our ancesters were
indigenous system of medicine [1-5]. aware of the medicinal values of Pashanbheda and proves
are our ancient literatures like Ayurveda, Charaka
SCINTIFIC CLASSIFICATION Samhita, Susrata Samhita and Vagbhata which were
Kingdom: Plantae known as divine truth of this plant. Bergenia ligulata is a
Division: Magnoliophyta well known Indian drug referred to as Pashanbheda or
Class: Magnoliopsida Stone breaker. It is an important medicinal plant of
Order: Saxifragales temperate Himalaya between 4,000 - 12,000 feet. Hooker
Family: Saxifragaceae (1888) has reported three species of this plant from India
Genus: Bergenia in the Flora of British India. Wehmer (1948) reported three
Species: ligulata species of Bergenia from India in the Wealth of India.
Pande (1984) has observed one species i.e Bergenia
DISTRIBUTION ligulata from Almora district. Recently, Gaur (1999)
Bergenia ligulata is a perennial climbing plant reported only Bergenia ligulata from north-west Himalaya
that grow well in moist and shady areas of Afghanistan, in the flora of the district Garhwal, north-west Himalaya.
Himalayas (Kumaon to Bhutan), South Tibet, Meghalaya, Sharma observed two species i.e Bergenia ligulata and
Lushai hills west Bengal (Darjeeling, Labha, Takdah, Bergenia stracheyi from India in medicinal plants of India.
Rimbick( Kalimpong), Arunachal Pradesh (Nyam Jang Recently, Pangtey (2005) reported two species Bergenia
Chu), Bhutan (Phuntsoling district, Deothang district, Ha ligulata from lower altitude and Bergenia stracheyi from
district and Mongar district). It is found in Kyongnosla, higher altitude from kumaun Himalaya.

Corresponding Author KM Ruby E mail: [email protected]

Vol 2|Issue 2| 2012 |97-105.

Figure 1. Bergenia ligulata plants with different colour The plant Bergenia ligulata is chief botanical source of
of flowers „Pashanbheda‟, drug in indigenous system of medicine.
Already this plant has been recognized for its role in
dissolving kidney stone. It is also effective in fever, eye
ailments, dysentery and diarrhea, piles, inflammation,
chronic ulcers etc. The traditional data of Pashanbheda is
limited and more information will help in discovering new
drugs for several diseases. Extensive survey in and around
kumaun Himalaya revealed this plant found in mixed
vegetation on rocky slopes in moist & shady habitats,
predominantly on northern and western slopes [8].
Taking reference from various ayurvedic
medicinal books Bergenia ligulata is used as a medicine in
different diseases as described:

Ayurveda: Leaf juice in urinary troubles, cold,

hemorrhagic disease, distension of stomach and epilepsy.
Sushruta Samhita : In stones and sugars.
Charak Samhita: Useful in urinary complaints and stones.
Unani: In dissolving stones.
Chakradatta: In urinary troubles and stones.
Rajnighantu: In urinary disease.
Bhavaprakash: Astringent, bitter and sweet, purifies the
urinary bladder.

Bergenia ligulata root, rhizome, and whole plant

is used for kidney and bladder stones, urinary problems [9-
18]. Rhizome is the main part or source of drug. It is light,
cool, bitter, have useful effect in cough and cold [19]
flowers are also consume as a form of pickled. With honey
Bergenia ligulata is applied to gums in teething of children
to allay irritation [11]. Bergenia ligulata has been reported
to exhibit various pharmacological activities and thus has
several traditional uses. It is used as an antidiabetic,
antipyretic, [11,20,21] and as a tonic [13,22,23].
Ethanobotanical study of upper siran velly in Pakistan
show that Bergenia ligulata (but pewa) used as diuretic,
[11,24-26] hepatoprotective, alcoholic extracts of Bergenia
ligulata showed anticancer, antiprotozoal, diuretic,
cardiovascular, antiscorbutic, antilithiatic [9,27,28],
litholytic property, anti-inflammatory, activity in dose
dependent manner in rats [29,30]. Saxifraga ligulata
(Bergenia ligulata) is used in formulation of herbal
composition. Its composition is usefull for caring the skin
around the eyes [30-32]. The plant Bergenia ligulata
showed in vitro, in vivo animals study for the activity of
calcium oxalate monohydrate growth inhibition, decreases
calcium phosphate nucleation, calcium oxalate inhibition,
diuretic, hypermagneseuric and antioxidant effect


Phytochemicals of rhizome
Bergenia ligulata rhizome has many bioactive
chemical constituents such as Paashaanolactone Arbutin,
(+)-Afzelechin2 and Bergenin2 Catechin and Minerals,
Vitamins, Abumin (7.75%), Glucose (5.5%), Mucilage,
Gallic acid etc. Starch (19%), Ash (mostly calcium
oxalate) [35-38].

Vol 2|Issue 2| 2012 |97-105.

Table 1. Traditional uses of Bergenia ligulata

Location Part used Traditional Use
Boils, cuts, wounds, and opthalmia, kidney
Tribes of Dharchula (UP) Root
stone, urinary complaints
Johari Root In asthma, urinary troubles
Kumaoni Rhizome In fever and thirst
Monpa(Arunachal Pradesh) Leaf In boils, cuts, wounds
Root In lever complaints and TB
Naga Leaf Boils, cuts and wounds
Plant In dizziness, headache, vertigo
Central Himalaya Region Leaf For dissolving kidney stones

Table 2. Traditional Knowledge of Pashanbheda

Plant Parts
S.No Ailments Method Used Community Reported Used
Local knowledgeable person, Van
Kidney and Gall
1 Rhizome Dried powder is used Rawat, Bhotiya and Illiterate local
bladder stone
Wound / old Leaves and Powder of dried leaves and rhizome Local illiterate people, Buxa and
wounds Rhizomes are applied to heal old wounds Van Rawat
3 Septic Rhizome Paste of rhizome used as antiseptic Locals and Van Rawat
Leaves and Leaves and rhizome boiled with water
4 Cough and cold Bhotiya
Rhizome and given in cold and cough.
Crushed rhizome mixed with curd and
5 Cut and Burns Rhizome Bhotiya and Van Rawat
applied on burns
Dysentery and Infusion of rhizome is taken orally for
6 Rhizome Locals, Van Rawat and Bhotiya
Diarrhoea diarrhoea and dysentery
7 Fever Rhizome Dried powder is given in fever Buxa
Rhizome juice is given in acute
8 Asthama Rhizome Van Rawat and Buxa
Gasto-intestinal All kinds of intestinal problems are
9 Rhizome Local literate and illiterate people
problems cured by chewing fresh rhizome
Crushed rhizome sap is applied in eye Local knowledgeable people, Van
10 Eye ailments Rhizome
diseases Rawat and Bhotiya.
Septic pimples
developed on the Local people, Bhotiya and Van
11 Rhizome Rhizome paste is applied
head of new born Rawat
baby (Laizi)
The rhizome is crushed and used in all
12 Chronic ulcers Rhizome Van Rawat and Bhotiya
kinds of ulcers
Cutaneous Rhizome paste is effective in
13 Rhizome Local people
infections cutaneous diseases
14 Inflammation Rhizome Paste of fresh rhizome is used Local people
15 Rheumatic Rhizome Rhizome paste is anti rheumatic Local people
Fresh & dried rhizome extract is used
16 Helmintic Rhizome Bhotiya
Fresh & dried rhizome extract is used
17 Piles Rhizome Buxa, Bhotiya and Local people
Leaves and Rhizome & leaves paste is applied
18 Tonsils Bhotiya and Van Rawat
Rhizome externally
19 Cardiac problems Rhizome Rhizome powder is given Bhotiya
Rhizome paste cure internal wounds
20 Colitis Rhizome Bhotiya
including colitis
Rhizome powder is given to increase
21 Aphrodisiac Rhizome Bhotiya
Rhizome sap is taken orally in all kind Locals, Van Rawat, Bhotiya and
22 Urinary diseases Rhizome
of urinary problems Buxa

Vol 2|Issue 2| 2012 |97-105.


β-Sitosterol (A) Bergenin (B) (+)- Afzelechin (C)


Tannic acid (D) Gallic acid (E) Stigmesterol (F)



Parasorbic acid (G) Isovaleric acid (H) 1,8-cineole (I)

OMe 3' OH
2' 4'
8 1'
MeO HO 9 O 5'
7 2

6 3
OH 5 4 OH

Terpinen-4-ol (J) (Z)-asarone (K) (+)- afzelechin(L)
2' 3' 3'
4' OMe OMe
2' 2' 4'
8 1' 4'
OAC 9 O 5' 8 8 1'
7 2 1'
6' OMe 9 O 5' OMe 9 O 5'
7 2 7 2
6' 6'
6 3
10 6 3 6 3
5 4 OAC 10 10
5 4 OH 5 4 OMe


(+)-afzelechin tetraccetate(M) (+)-5,7,4’-trimethoxyafzelechin (N) (+)-tetramethoxyazelechin (O)

Vol 2|Issue 2| 2012 |97-105.

OMe and identified as (+)-Afzelechin (L) by EI-MS, IR, H1 and

C13 NMR spectroscopy. The inhibitory compound 12 was
OMe O investigated in the inhibition of α-glucosidase activity at a
concentration of 0.25 mm and the ID50 (50% Inhibition
dose) value was 0.13 mm. For confirming the structure-
activity relationship, compounds M-P were investigated in
OAC the inhibition of α-glucosidase activity test. Compound M-
P inhibited 2.8%, 41.8%, 59.4% and 90.4% of α-
glucosidase activity at a concentration of 0.25mm. The
(+)-3-acetyl-5,7,4'-trimethoxyafzelechin (P)
ID50 values of compound O and P were 0.14 and 0.05 mm
respectively. Compound P had strongest inhibitory activity
Phytochemicals of seeds
Seeds of Bergenia ligulata contain Coumarin, in this compound and IC50 value of P was 2-fold higher
Tannic acid, Gallic acid, Minerals and Wax [39]. than those of L and O. Previously, α-glucosidase inhibitory
activity of natural occurring flavan-3-ols has been
reported. IC50 value of (+)-Catechin and (-)-Epicatechin
Phytochemicals of root
The root of Bergenia ligulata showed the were 12.8 and 0.18 mm respectively. Compound L, O and
presence of alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, P showed more potent inhibitory activity than those of
tannins, glycosides, carbohydrates and saponins in Catechins. This research suggests that the α-glucosidase
preliminary investigation. β-Sitosterol, Stigmesterol, inhibitor in B.ligulata was primarily (+)-Afzelechin [46-
Tannic acid and Gallic acid were isolated by using thin 49,66].
layer and column chromatography [40].
In fact, the whole plant of Bergenia can be used MEDICINAL ACTIVITY OF RHIZOME
in medicine, but its active ingredients were mainly focused Anti-inflammatory activity
on Polyphenols, among which Bergenin is studied and Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of
applied most frequently [41-44,66]. The volatile oil from aqueous and 50% ethanolic extracts of the rhizomes of
roots of Bergenia ligulata was analyzed by GC-MS. (+)- Bergenia ligulata are reported to attenuate the
(6S)-Parasorbic acid 47.45%, Isovalaric acid 6.25%, 1,8- inflammatory response as determined by pharmacological
Cineole 4.24%,(Z)-Asarone 3.50%, and Terpinen-4-ol and biochemical measurements. The treatment
2.96% were the most prominent constituents. From the significantly decreased the inflammation. The activity
rhizomes of B. ligulata only Bergenin and β-sitosterol level of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), which has been
have been isolated. reported to rise in inflammation decreased in rats receiving
the extract treatment. The study reports the radical
scavenging activity of the rhizomes of B. ligulata, and
Quantification of Bergenin and (+)-Afzelechin
Rhizome, petiole and leaf (1gm each) were establishes the therapeutic rationale of using B. ligulata in
extracted with methanol and analysed by HPLC for the Indian System of Medicine [50-52,66].
estimation of Bergenin and (+)-Afzelechin. Extraction of
the rhizome material using three reflux periods (60, 90,120 Antilithic activity
min.) showed that a 90 min reflux periods time gave the The alcoholic extract had no effect in preventing
highest yield of the two active constituents, Bergenin and stone formation in rats (after the method of Lyon) but was
(+) - Afzelechin. Thus a procedure involving two cycle of of significant help in dissolving preformed stones. Low
refluxes (90 min each) with methanol (50 ml) was found to doses of Pashanabheda extract (0.5 mg/kg of alcoholic
be suitable for the complete quantification of Bergenin and extract) promote diuresis in rats, but higher dose 100
(+)-Afzelechin in all the test samples. Bergenin was found mg/kg reduce the urine output and also reduce the diuresis
to be the major component of B. ligulata rhizomes with the produced by urea [30,54].
concentration being about 7 times greater than that of (+)- The crude aqueous-methanolic extract of
Afzelechin while the latter was not detected in the aerial Bergenia ligulata rhizome (BLR) was studied using in-
parts (petiole,leaf). The content of Bergenin in the petiole vitro and in-vivo methods. The result was that BLR
and leaf was found to be less than 8 times of that found in inhibited calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) crystal aggregation as
the rhizomes. Therefore rhizomes from the major source of well as crystal formation in the metastable solutions and
Bergenin and (+) - Afzelechin [45]. exhibited antioxidant effect against 1,1-diphenyl-2-
picrylhydrazyl free radical and lipid peroxidation in the in
vitro. BLR caused diuresis in rats accompanied by a
Antidiabetic activity
The 80% ethanolic extract of B. ligulata rhizome saluretic effect. In an animal model of urolithiasis,
was fractionated to investigate for α-glucosidase or developed in male wistar rats by adding 0.75% ethylene
antidiabetic activity. Sample solution were evaluated at glycol (EG) in drinking water, BLR (5-10 mg/kg)
dose levels of 5.0, 0.5, 0.05 mg/ml to obtain dose– prevented CaC2O4 crystal deposition in the renal tubules.
response. The ethyl acetate extract exhibited an inhibitory The lithogenic treatment caused polyuria, weight loss,
effect of α-glucosidase activity. The α-glucosidase impairment of renal function and oxidative stress,
inhibitor was isolated by silica gel column manifested as increased malondialdehyde and protein
chromatography with chloroform and methanol as eluents carbonyl contents, depleted reduced glutathione and

Vol 2|Issue 2| 2012 |97-105.

decreased antioxidant enzyme activities of the kidneys, The ethanolic extracts of root of Bergenia
which were prevented by BLR. Unlike the untreated ligulata were assessed for hepatoprotective activity in
animals, EG intake did not cause excessive hyperoxalurea albino rats that was compared with standard drugs. Acute
and hypocalciurea in BLR treated groups and there was a toxicity studies were carried out for ethanolic extract of
significant increase in the urinary Mg2+, instead of a slight Bergenia ligulata root on healthy Swiss albino mice of
decrease. These data indicate the antiurolithic activity in body weight 25- 35g by using Up and Down or Stair case
Bergenia ligulata mediated possibly through CaC2O4 method. Evaluation of the hepatoprotective activity was
crystal inhibition, diuretic, hypermagneseuric and done by measuring the levels of serum glutamate pyruvate
antioxidant effects and this study rationalizes its medicinal transaminase (SGPT), serum glutamate oxaloacetate
use in urolithiasis. Garimella studied urine or cell transminase(SGOT) serum alkaline phosphatase and total
culture in vivo on Bergenia ligulata and the result was that bilirubin levels. The ethanolic extract of the roots of
the plant decreases calcium phosphate precipitation Bergenia ligulata was found to produce significant
[55,66]. activity.

Anti-bradykinin activity Diuretic activity

The alcoholic extract of Bergenia ligulata The ethanolic extracts of root of Bergenia
rhizome displays marked anti-bradykinin activity. ligulata were assessed for diuretic activity in albino rats
Although it does not affect the action of 5-HT and that was compared with standard drugs. For evaluation of
acetylcholine on isolated guinea pig ileum. It has been the diuretic activity Lipschits method, was used. It was
shown to potentiate the action of adrenaline on guinea-pig done by measuring the volume of urine collected at the
trachea and ileam muscle. Its cardiotoxic, antidiuretic and end of 5 hrs and Na+,K+ and Cl- concentration in urine.
CNS depressant action on experimental models have been The ethanolic extract of the roots of Bergenia ligulata was
reported with large doses. It is unlikely that these effects found to produce significant activity.
will be encountered with the doses in clinical use. In rats, The extracts of Bergenia ligulata root were
the LD50 of the aqueous extract was 650 mg/kg studied in the presence of artificial reference urine (ARU)
intraperitoneally. It is widely used in the treatment of and human urine (HU) the growth behaviours of CHPD
dysuria and renal failure, cystitis and crystalluria. Its anti- crystals grew within the rings. The addition of aqueous
inflammatory property finds a use in the treatment of extract of B. ligulata to the calcium chloride in the
abscesses and cutaneous infections. It is also used in the supernatant solution modified the diffusion process and
treatment of dysentery and diarrhea [60]. hence the periodic precipitation and the number of
liesegang rings. The maximum length of the crystals was
Antiviral activity reduced due to inhibition produced by the addition of
Methanol-water extract from rhizomes of aqueous extract of B.ligulata the HU aqueous extract (AE)
Bergenia ligulata inhibited in vitro the replication of of B. ligulata contained a large number of salts and
influenza virus in a dose dependent manner and did not organic molecule. And their complex formation may have
show virucidal activity at effective concentration. promoted the effect on growth of CHPD crystals .But
Pretreatment of cells with B. ligulata extract was shown to when they are added separately to CaCl2 they inhibit the
be most effective to prevent cell destruction. The extract growth of crystals. This suggests that these solutions
inhibited viral RNA synthesis and reduced viral peptide separately inhibit the growth of crystals in in–vitro
synthesis at10 microg/ml. The principal chemical condition. But mixing with HU (humane urine) changes
compound was condensed tannins in the extract [61,62]. their behaviour markedly. The diuretic nature of
AE/B.ligulata seems to be important in the remedy rather
Antibacterial activity than their inhibitive nature [60-66].
The antibacterial activity was tested using the
disc diffusion method measured by 10, 25 and 50 mg/ml MEDICINAL ACTIVITY OF COMBINED PLANT
plant extract. The zone of inhibition was calculated by PART (ROOT, RHIZOME AND LEAVES)
measuring the minimum dimension of the zone of no Antipyretic activity
microbial growth around the well. Aqueous, 50% ethanolic The ethanolic (95%) extracted of roots, rhizomes
and methanolic extracts of B. ligulata rhizomes were and leaves and aqueous extract of whole plant of Bergenia
tested for their ability to inhibit the growth of E. coli, B. ligulata Wall in yeast induced fever in albino rats of wistar
subtilis, and S. aureus at the dose levels of 10, 25 or 50 strain were assessed for antipyretic activity.51 The yield of
mg/ml for each extract. At a dose level of 50 mg/ml, the semisolid mass (w/w) was obtained as ethanol extract of
antibacterial effect was most significant. Incidentally, the roots (13.36%), ethanol extract of rhizomes (15.12%),
antibacterial effect of the extracts at this level was ethanol extract of leaves (11.02%) and aqueous extract of
comparable to ciprofloxacin (25 mg/ml). The results whole plant (09.21%). Acute toxicity studies were carried
clearly suggest that B. ligulata possesses a strong out for all the extracts of Bergenia ligulata Wall on
antibacterial activity [63-65]. healthy swiss albino mice of body weight 25-35g by using
Up and Down or Stair case method. The suspension of all
MEDICINAL ACTIVITY OF ROOT the extracts of Bergenia ligulata Wall was prepared in 5%
Hepatoprotective activity gum acacia and employed for assessment of antipyretic

Vol 2|Issue 2| 2012 |97-105.

activity at the dose of (300 and 500mg/kg- body weight). ligulata were assessed for antipyretic activities in albino
The standard drug used was paracetamol (200mg/kg.p.o). rats that were compared with standard drug. The
Rectal temperature of experimental animals was recorded assessment of Antipyretic activity was carried out using
at a time interval of 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr and 5 hr after drug Brewer‟s Yeast induced pyrexia method in wistar rats.
administration for evaluation of antipyretic activity. The Rectal temperature was recorded at a time interval of 0, 30
ethanolic extract of roots and rhizomes of Bergenia min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr after drug administration for evalution
ligulata Wall at a dose of 500mg/kg.p.o decreased the of antipyretic activity the ethanolic extract of the roots of
yeast induced fever in experimental animals [51,63]. Bergenia ligulata was found to produce significant
The ethanolic extracts of root of Bergenia antipyretic activity [64].

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