Madanaphala (Randia Dumetorum Lam.) : A Phyto-Pharmacological Review

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Published online in http://ijam. co.

ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2015, 6(2), 74-82

Madanaphala (Randia dumetorum lam.): A Phyto-Pharmacological Review

Review Article

Todkari Dinesh Prakash1*

1. Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita Siddhant,

Dhanwantari Ayurveda Medical College, Udgir.


In contemporary era medicinal plants have tremendous contribution in the healthcare

system as a source of medicine to the rural population because plants are having nutritional as
well as medicinal values. Literature of medicinal plants in ayurvedic classics is in scrupulous
detail but it is randomly distributed. Even in Nighantu classics we found limited descriptions.
To get thorough knowledge about any medicinal herb it is essential to go through all classical
Ayurveda texts. Madanphala (Randia dumetorum Lam). is onymous as a usual drug of choice
for Ayurvedic physicians since past due to its therapeutic properties like emetic, antipyretic,
anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antihelmenthic, immunomodulatory, analgesic, wound
healing etc. It is also useful in the treatment of diseases like kushtha (skin diseases), jwara
(fever), shotha (inflammation), vidradhi (abscess), Pratishyaya (common cold). It occurs
throughout the India upto 4000 ft. Altitude. It is found in foothills of Himalaya from Jammu
to Sikkim, it is seen in Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Bengal and South Maharashtra. Its extract mainly
contains glycosides, triterpenoid glycoside, Saponins named as dumentoronin A, B, C, D, E
and F etc. Reflecting its therapeutic importance, a review has been done under various
aspects of Randia dumetorum lam. Apart from classical ayurvedic textual references; present
article enlightens recent research studies carried on this plant for its clinical and
pharmacological evaluation.

Key words: Madanphala, Randia dumetorum Lam., Ayurveda.

Introduction years interest of researches in medicinal

Ever since ancient times, in search plants has increased significantly.
of rescue for their disease, the people Identification and validation of plant
looked for drugs in nature. According to derived substances for the management of
the World Health Organisation (WHO), several diseases is the goal of current
more than 80% of the World's population researchers. It is estimated that about 25%
relies on traditional herbal medicine for of the western medicines are directly or
their primary health care needs. In last few indirectly derived from plant sources (1).
Indian medicinal plants are considered as a
*Corresponding Author: huge source of various pharmacological
Dinesh Prakash Todkari principles and compounds that are usually
Assistant Professor, used as home remedies for common
Department of Samhita Siddhant, ailments. In ancient texts description of
Dhanwantari Ayurved Medical College, such plants is in scrupulous detail, but it is
Udgir. in randomly dispersed form. To get deep
E-mail: [email protected] knowledge about any medicinal plant, it is
mandatory to go through all available

Published online in http://ijam. co. in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Todkari Dinesh P et. al., Madanaphala (Randia dumetorum lam.): A Phyto-Pharmacological Review

classical ayurvedic texts as well as review helpful in recitation of verses, but it also
from modern researches. Randia gives immense information regarding
dumetorum lam. (Madanaphala) which identification, description, properties,
belongs to family Rubiaceae (2) is a large functions and therapeutic uses of
deciduous thorny shrub which grows up to corresponding plant. Some of the
5 metres of height. It is found in all over significant synonyms of madanaphala
India Up to 4000 ft. Altitude especially in with their meanings (13) are as:
sub-trophical Himalaya from
Jammu to Sikkim. It is seen in Gujarat, 1. Madana - Inducing emesis
Tamilnadu, forests of Dehradun, suralik
range, Orissa, Bengal, Bihar, South 2. Pindi - Having round
Maharashtra, coastal districts of South shape fruits
India and dry forests of India(3). It has 3. Shalyaka - The tree has
been famous as a common drug of choice thorns
for Ayurvedic physicians from ancient 4. Vishapushpak - Flowers are
time. Randia dumetorum lam., is used as poisonous
ingredient in many ayurvedic formulations 5. Phala - Excellent among
like Mrutsanjivan agad(4), Siddharthak fruits used in
snana(5), Duralabhadi kshara(6), Bala treatment
tailam(7), Mahanil tailam(8). Also it is 6. Marubak - Its poisonous
considered as drug of choice in Vamana flowers can cause
(therapeutic emesis), Asthapan basti ones death; grows
(decoction enema) and Anuvasana basti(9) in marubhumi
(oil enema). This multiple use of 7. Karhat - Its thorns can
madanaphala shows its importance among prick painful or
Ayurvedic physicians, still we didn’t get raises beauty of
its complete information under a single brides hands
umbrella. The purpose of present review 8. Shwasana - Even grows in
article is to furnish a comprehensive scanty water
review on the phytochemical and region.
pharmacological aspects of Randia
dumetorum lam. Taxonomic Classification (14)
Kingdom - Plantae
Review of Madanaphala (Randia Sub kingdom - Tracheobionata
dumetorum lam.) Super division - Spermatophyta
I. Literary review Division - Magnaliophyta
Etymology (10): Literary Class - Magnoliopsida
Madanaphala means fruit inducing Sub Class - Asteridae
emesis. In English, Randia = In memory of Order - Rubiales
Issac Rand, botanist of Chelsea, London; Family - Rubiaceae
dumetorum = of thorny bushes, of hedges- Genus - Randia
madanphala has many thorns. Species - Dumetorum
Synonyms Vernacular names (15)
Charaka Samhita has summarized It is usually recognized as ‘Madanaphala’
6 synonyms for madanaphala (11) and in in India and its other vernacular names are
Bhavaprakash nighantu we found 9 as:
synonyms(12). These poecilonyms are not 1. Hindi - Mainphala
only for Sanskrit Chhandashastra which is

Published online in http://ijam. co. in
ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2015, 6(2), 74-82

2. Bengali - Manphal, Ashtanga Aragvadhaad Vamanakarak

Mayanaphala hridaya i(25) (26),
3. Marathi - Gel, Gelphala, Niruhan(27)
Madanaphala Bhavapra Haritakyadi
4. Gujarati - Mindhal, Mindhol, kasha varga(28)
Mindhar nighantu
5. Kannada - Mangarikai, Nighantu Manjishthadi
Karigidda, Kari Adarsha varga(29)
6. Malayalam - Malankara, Kaiyadev Oshadhi
Malamkarakka a varga(30)
7. Punjabi - Mindhal, Rara, nighantu
Manphal Dhanwan Guduchyadi
8. Telugu - Mrangakaya, tari varga(31)
Mongakaya nighantu
9. Assam’s - Maen, Behmona Raj Shalmalyadi
nighantu varga(32)
10. Tamil - Marukkarai
11. Urdu - Mainfal, Jauz- ul-
Qai II. Pharmacognostical review
12. English - Emetic nut tree a) Macroscopic(33):
A large deciduous thorny shrub
13. Kashmiri - Madanfal which grows up to 5 metres of height.
Leaves are simple, obovate, wrinkled,
14. Oria - Palova
shiny and pubescent. Flowers are white,
15. Arabic - Jauzulaki, Ji jul kai. solitary and having honey like fragrance
seen at the end of short branches. Fruits
are globose, smooth berries with
Classification of Madanaphala in longitudinal ribs, yellow when ripe. Seeds
different Ayurveda texts many, compressed, embedded in the dark
fetid pulp. Fruit 1.8 - 4.5cm long, globose
Table 1: Classification in different or broadly wide, longitudinally ribbed or
Ayurveda texts smooth yellowish brown, crowned with
Samhita Gana / According to persistent calyx-limb, fruits contains
Varga karma numerous seeds 0.4 – 0.6 cm long,
Charaka Asthapanopa Vamana(18) compressed, smooth, brown and very hard.
Samhita ga(16), These seeds are called as ‘madanphala
Anuvasanop pippali’.
Sushruta Aragvadhaad Urdhwabhaga
Samhita i(19), hara(21)
Ashtanga Aragvadhaad Vamanopayo
sangraha i(22), gi(24),
Tiktaskandh a) Flowers

Published online in http://ijam. co. in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Todkari Dinesh P et. al., Madanaphala (Randia dumetorum lam.): A Phyto-Pharmacological Review

sessile or very short-

stalked. Whitish pale
greenish or yellowish white
but turning yellow as they
fade out, “highly
fragrant”(Roxb) bisexual &
b) Leaves Fruit(35) transverse section shows
epicarp consisting of single
layered epidermis,
sometimes obliterated in
surface view, epidermal
cells thin-walled and
polygonal, mesocarp, broad
zone consisting of thin-
c) Fruits walled, parenchyamatous
cells, some cells contain
b) Microscopic: reddish-brown content, a
Miscellaneous parts of plant studied number of vascular bundles
microscopically shows features as depicted found embedded in this
in Table 2. zone, endocarp stony
consisting of light yellow
Table 2: Microscopic characters of polygonal,
different parts of Randia dumetorum sclerenchymatous cells of
lam. variable shape and size.
Part Characteristics Seed(35) Transverse section shows a
Leaves(34) Simple, opposite, seed coat, consisting of
sometimes with one of each single layered, rounded to
pair arrested almost sessile oval epidermal cells, a few
or very short petioled layers of yellowish-brown
obovate, obtuse or Sub pigmented cells and
acute at apex, the base endosperm forms bulk of
tapering narrowed in to a seed consisting of large
very short petiole 3.8 or oval and irregular shaped
rarely up to 5 cm long and parenchymatous cells,
1.8-3cm broad wrinkled albumen horny, translucent,
when young, pubescent on cells of outermost layer
one or both surfaces smaller in size.
especially on the nerves Powder(35) Reddish brown, under
beneath but glabrous when microscope shows
mature main nerves 6-10 numerous, large, irregular,
pairs. reddish brown cells
Flowers(34) Fairly large, under 2.5 cm sclereids of variable shape
in diameter often terminal and size, pieces of xylem
on short leaf bearing vessels with reticulate
branchlets or young shoot thickenings, thin-walled,
or axillary or a leaf opposed crushed parenchymatous
short peduncle. Solitary or cells and yellow-orange
rarely 2 or 3 together sub- pieces of seed coat

Published online in http://ijam. co. in
ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2015, 6(2), 74-82

V. Pharmacological review
III. Phytochemistry In modern pharmacology, action of
Various parts of this plant shows variety drug depends up on its active principle
of chemical constituents which are shown where as in Ayurveda the mode of action
in following table- of drug depends on Rasapanchaka(40)
(Five principles on which drug acts).
Table 3: Chemical constituents
Plant Chemical constituents Table 4: Ayurvedic properties(41)
part(36) Rasa Viry Vipa Guna Prabha
Bark(36) Scopoletin, d-mannitol a ka va
and a mixture of saponins Madhu Ush Katu Laghu Vamak
Root(36) Scopoletin, d-mannitol ra, na ,
Root Triterpene-1- keto-3- Kashay Ruksh
bark(36) hydroxyoleanane a, a,
Powered Scopoletin Tikta, lekha
root(36) Katu. na
Leaves(36) Ether extract- 5.7; protein
3.9; dig – carbohydrate All the qualities of madanaphala
70; fibre, H2O with ash are almost same in ayurveda and nighantu
8.5; Calcium 2.8; classics but according to charaka it is of
phosphorus 0.04 and iron, aruksha (less rough), Vijjal (picchila),
0.5% iridoid-10- Ashukari (Fast acting) properties(42). Due
methylixaside. to these properties Madanaphala has been
Fruit Ripe fruit contains used as excellent drug in many diseases
glycosides, randioside A, like kushtha (skin diseases), jwara (febrile
mollisidial triterpenoid conditions), shotha (inflammation),
glycosides and randianin, vidradhi (abscess), Pratishyaya (common
six saponins dumetoronins cold), vrana(wound), Gulma(abdominal
A to F (37). tumour) (43).
A haemolytic triterpenoid
saponins that is
Randianin, from fruit of Table 5: Action of madanaphala.
R.dumetorum(38). Emphasized in Ayurveda classics.
Seeds Fat (1.5%), Protein Action Efficacy Effect on
(14.2%), mucilage resin, Dosha
organic acid(1.4%) and Vamaka(44) Adhoga Kaphasha
volatile oil. raktapitta(46 maka
Sarvagadavir Hrudaya Pittasham
IV. Analytical review (39): odhi(45) daha(46) aka
Foreign matter - Not more than 2 % Kapha-pitta Tamakashw Vatanulo
Total Ash - Not more than 6 % hrida(45) asa(46) maka
Acid-insoluble - Not more than 0.25 Aashukaari(4 Kushthagna
ash % 5)
Alcohol-soluble - Not less than 19 % Pavananulomi Shophahara
extractive (45)
Water-soluble - Not less than 16 % Lekhana(41) Vidradhi

Published online in http://ijam. co. in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Todkari Dinesh P et. al., Madanaphala (Randia dumetorum lam.): A Phyto-Pharmacological Review

VI. Pharmacological activities. Conclusion

1. Antibacterial activity: “The The plant has been attributed with a
preliminary antibacterial activity of number of activities in the classics. The
Methanolic extract of Randia dumetorum multi-dimensional activities of Randia
lam., Was done on some standard and wild dumetorum lam., have been revalidated in
pathogenic strains. The inhibition of the recent times on several experimental
bacterial growth was more pronounced on models and even in well designed clinical
E.coli as compared to the other tested trials. It is known as good source of
organisms (47)”. This shows the anti- saponins, glycosides, d-mannitol,
bacterial action of Randia dumetorum Scopoletin present in Randia dumetorum
Lam. lam., might be either medicinally
2. Anti-Allergic activity: In Ayurveda, important or nutritionally sound. It
Randia dumetorum Lam. is used in possesses therapeutic potential in diseases
treatment of Asthma (tamakshwasa), like kushtha (skin diseases), jwara (febrile
Rhinitis, cold, pain etc. “Extract and its conditions), shotha (inflammation),
fraction on milk induced leucocytosis and vidradhi (abscess), Pratishyaya (common
eosinophilia in mice, passive paw cold), Gulma (abdominal tumours), Vrana
anaphylaxis and mast cell degranulation in (wound), Adhoga Raktapitta (Blood
rat models (48)”. disorders) etc. Though there are certain
3. Anti-inflammatory activity: “The properties which are still to be evaluated
crude methanol extract of fruit of Randia out, almost all these utilities have been
dumetorum effectively reduced the revalidated through relevant experimental
carrageenin induced oedema in hind paw models in recent past. Various parts of this
of the rats, significant reduction in medicinal thorny shrub reveals
granular tissue formation was recorded. Antibacterial, Anti-Allergic, Anti-
This activity seems to be significant at inflammatory, Analgesic,
various acute phases of inflammation and Immunomodulatory, therapeutic emetic
on formation of granular tissue” (49).This and also used to check wound healing etc
proves the action of madanaphala on Shows us multiple precision of the plant.
shopha (inflammation).
4. Analgesic activity: Analgesic activity 1. Pallab naity,Dipak Mishra et
was tested in mice weighing between 20- al.,Biological activities of crude
250 with six numbers of animals in each extracts and chemical constituents of
group by Acetic acid induced writhing Bael, Aegle marmelos (L.), Indian
response and Hot-plate response in mice. Journal of experimental biology :
500 mg/kg methanolic extract of fruit November 2009, 47, pp. 849-861
Randia dumetorum give analgesic activity 2. Vaidya. V. M. Gogte, Ayurvedic
in both models(50). This proves its Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses
shoolanashaka (pain killer) action. of medicinal Plants(Dravyaguna
vignyan) Part II, medicinal plants,
5. Immunomodulatory activity: “Randia Plant no.(87), First English Edition,
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and chloroform fraction which strongly 454.
affected immune system seems to be 3. Kirtikar k.R; Basu B. D. Indian
bioactive fraction of this plant” (51). Medicinal Plants. Panni office,
Bhuwaneshwari Ashrama,
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Published online in http://ijam. co. in
ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2015, 6(2), 74-82

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ISSN: 0976-5921
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