Pac Ai in Banking 2023

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Preface ................................................................................................................... 3
How can generative AI be used within the front office of banks?........................... 5
How can generative AI be used within the middle office of banks? ....................... 6
How can generative AI be used within the back office of banks? .......................... 7
What is needed to adopt generative AI within a bank successfully?...................... 9
PAC Recommendations ....................................................................................... 11
About PAC ........................................................................................................... 12


Spencer Izard is a PAC research director based in London, UK. As a global team
member, he is responsible for research covering AI, cloud services, and cyber-
security for the UK market. Spencer also leads consultancy engagements from
technology and industry-focused perspectives, with a particular focus on the
banking industry. Spencer is a leader and strategist with 25 years of experience
helping senior leaders and CxOs evolve how they operate their businesses.

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 2

It is often said that the world of technology evolves and innovates at a high velocity.
However, with the release of ChatGPT 3.0 at the end of November 2022, PAC feels
comfortable saying that another technology inflection point has occurred. In this
instance, it was the global awareness of what a large language model (LLM)
generative AI is due to the media attention the public beta release of ChatGPT
provided. A generative AI (GenAI) is a category of artificial intelligence designed to
generate new content from existing data, such as text, images, music, or even
videos. These AI models are trained on vast amounts of written, visual, and
auditory data to learn patterns and structures within the data it can access. The
most common interface with an LLM GenAI is a natural language text interface
where a person describes what they want to be generated through a statement or
In the few months since its release, PAC has witnessed a technological “arms race”
by software companies to address how they incorporate GenAI into their suite of
products due to the mass public awareness of the technology. Software companies
are approaching this from different perspectives based on the focus of their
business. Still, PAC has seen many technology companies approach this
innovation as “The answer is GenAI; now what is the question?”. Whilst this
exuberance within the technology industry is nothing new, the sheer velocity of
software companies incorporating GenAI into their existing software and services
has been unprecedented, and it can be overwhelming for banks in the immediate
However, for this report, it is important to frame the technological journey the
banking industry has been experiencing for the past decade to best understand the
role and value of GenAI in its current form. PAC considers that the onset of digital
transformation a decade ago forced banks to adjust how they provided business-
to-consumer (B2C) services due to an expectation by customers to have access to
their banking services through online and mobile application services anywhere at
any time. This forced evolution impacted all forms of banking, from retail, corporate,
and investment, to private and was further impacted with the onset of Open
Banking being adopted across many countries. Though the now ubiquitous use of
digital banking services, which still vary in maturity across regions and countries,
led, in PAC’s opinion, to the rise of technology start-ups focused on disrupting and
innovating the financial service sector commonly referred to as Fintech companies.
From PAC's experience, a significant part of the success of Fintech firms can be
attributed to established banks not being operationally agile enough to rapidly pivot
and change to meet the market demand for digitally-led banking experiences. Up
to that point, established banks saw their competition as other banks of similar size
and lineage. This translated means that their peer-level competitors were as
complicated, cumbersome, and all too often inefficient as each other, managing a
range of legacy software and services. Through changing regulations and open
banking, the barrier to entry for providing banking services was greatly lowered,
stimulating the rise in Fintech companies that were not encumbered by legacy
operational and technological constraints faced by the established banks. The
rapacious demand for digital banking services combined with the greater access to

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 3
sophisticated digital banking software across all tiers of the industry stimulated the
ability of challenger banks to compete more equally with the larger institutions.
However, the biggest change to the banking industry during this past decade has
been the formation of neo-banks. Typically, neo-banks are entirely digital with no
physical branches and provide cloud-based services to clients. However, neo-
banks can operate without a banking license, as they rely on a partner licensed
bank, but this limits the financial services they can offer, and because of this,
obtaining one is a common aim.
With Fintech firms providing new digital banking services, often targeted at a
specific industry niche, and the rise in challenger and neo-banks, significant With Fintech firms
pressure has been exerted on large traditional banking institutions. Whilst they providing new digital
have sat on a veritable “gold mine” of data about their clients and a range of other banking services, often
elements, their legacy operating models and cumbersome core banking systems targeted at a specific
have challenged their ability to compete in the digital age. This lack of agility saw industry niche, and the rise
many traditional banks create their own neo-bank to compete because they could
in challenger and neo-
build out a completely new banking service from the ground up quicker than they
could evolve their existing banking services. During this period, when engaging
banks, significant pressure
with banks, PAC steered the discussion towards the aforementioned “gold mine” has been exerted on large
of data being the true value differentiator for traditional banks and that they needed traditional banking
a strategy and technologies to unlock that value whilst weathering the challenges institutions.
led by an abundance of Fintechs. The reason for this discussion was that whilst
challenger and neo-banks were offering modern digital banking experiences, their
ability to compete with traditional institutions with decades of customer data insight
was not on an equal footing. PAC still vehemently believes that, whilst digital
banking services are integral to modern banking, without data-driven insight, digital
experiences are less valuable over the long term. The combination of digital
banking experiences and the “gold mine” of decades-long data that traditional
banks have access to is the real value differentiator in the competitive banking
As PAC has observed, over the past decade, traditional banks have focused on
leveraging cloud, container, and automation technologies to deconstruct the
PAC believes that GenAI
operational complexities of core banking services, internally democratising access has the practical potential
to data, and creating a range of digital banking services. Now with the onset of to fundamentally positively
generative AI (GenAI), PAC considers there to be a confluence of factors that can disrupt how front, middle,
drive competitive value for traditional banks to fully integrate the depth and breadth and back-office functions
of internal and external data they have access to with a diverse range of Fintech behave…
services and solutions to drive success for them over at least the next decade. PAC
believes that GenAI has the practical potential to fundamentally positively disrupt
how front, middle, and back-office functions behave by democratising access to
complex insights and supporting the ability to deliver banking services at new scale
Despite the relatively nascent nature of GenAI, it can already be applied to the
following scenarios across banks' front, middle, and back offices. This report will
discuss later what banks should be doing to assess the opportunity of GenAI today,
understand any risks, and how best to progress the use of GenAI from a concept
to a production-ready tool.

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 4

Much like digital transformation before it, the most immediate impact that GenAI
can have on banks is further improving customer service points of engagement and
personalised product offerings within the front office in the following ways:

Customer Service: Over the past decade, all customer-facing channels, whether
retail, corporate, wealth, or private, have introduced digital banking services
through online or mobile application experiences to meet market demands.
However, the majority of these experiences still required the involvement of a
customer service representative across all banking channels to provide advice,
insight, and recommendations. Even those banks that used chatbots and virtual
assistants as a means of digital customer engagement were limited by the
sophistication of ask-and-respond interactions before the introduction of
conversational and generative AI. The value and capabilities now understood by
the general public of generative AI (GenAI) is a combination of a range of AI
disciplines, including, for example, natural language processing (NLP) and large
language models (LLM). As the technologies currently stand for the purpose of
customer service, a bank would leverage a GenAI service in combination with a
conversational AI solution to provide new or augment existing chatbot or virtual
assistant interfaces. The LLM capability at the core of GenAI can aid both digital
assistants and customer service advisors with increased levels of insight relating
to individual customers, their questions, and the banking services that would best
… However, like any use
meet their needs. However, like any use case for GenAI it is only as strong as the case for GenAI it is only as
pool of data it has access to, so banks will have to determine the data strategy strong as the pool of data it
needed to drive value from a GenAI upfront for this use case. has access to…

Focused Offerings: As mentioned earlier in this report, the “gold mine” of data
that large traditional banks have accumulated over the years relating to their
customers and products is a key value differentiator that is unlocked by the
potential of GenAI. Creating focused financial offerings for individuals within retail
and private banking channels and for corporate banking tailored to their specific
needs and interests is a differentiator that can drive new forms of competitive
advantage. The depth and breadth of data a bank has on customers, as individuals
and groups with common preferences, allows them to create recommendations for
bespoke financial products or customise retail products to an individual's specific
needs at a far greater scale through digital services than has been previously
possible. GenAI can provide these types of personalised banking services through
digital engagements via online portals or mobile apps or as an invaluable advisory
tool to support front-office bank employees in customer interactions.
The role of GenAI in providing product offerings also lends itself to both reactive
and proactive interactions with clients. Through chatbots and digital assistants, the GenAI can, with access to
technology can provide recommendations when a client requests. However, it can the right data, create
also assist sales staff in proactively developing one or more bank offerings to realistic simulations of
propose to clients. Generative AI (GenAI) can, with access to the right data, create financial market conditions
realistic simulations of financial market conditions and customer behaviour. This and customer behaviour.
helps to train front-office bank staff to sell products and services to clients based
on different market conditions and scenarios to refine their sales strategies.

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 5

The primary function of the bank mid-office is to support the front office by
minimising financial fraud and other risks to the bank's business while ensuring the
bank complies with all applicable industry regulations. The established operating
model is that retail, corporate, investment and private bank channels operate their
own middle-office capabilities. This part of a bank must deal with high complexity
and volumes of data making it an ideal focus for applying generative AI (GenAI) to
its core middle office operating functions in the following ways:

Automating Compliance: For many years, PAC has witnessed banks investing in
technologies to automate compliance processes because they are often complex
and time-consuming due to the volume of transactions banks have to process
within each bank channel (e.g., retail, corporate, investment, and private). As
compliance regulations evolve or a bank creates a financial product that has to
comply with one or more regulations, degrees of operational friction are incurred.
In addition, as digital banking channels democratise access for many types of bank
customers to a plethora of sophisticated financial products, the scale of compliance
activities are increasing in both volume and velocity. PAC believes that GenAI
provides vital capabilities to support compliance teams to operate at greater scale,
complexity, and sophistication by generating risk assessments, reviewing and
updating compliance policies, and procedures, generating compliance reports, and
responding to regulatory queries. The technology can generate compliance risk
assessments by providing a GenAI with access to a range of data spanning
historical and current market data combined with compliance-related data. To
assist in avoiding potential fines and penalties, a GenAI focused on the compliance
function can review and update compliance policies and procedures to ensure they
are up to date with the most recent regulations and generate reports to identify
areas of non-compliance across its operational activities.

Risk Management: As mentioned above, another core function within a bank's

middle office that GenAI can add value to is the process of identifying, assessing, GenAI can be used to
and mitigating risks to protect from financial losses. Risk management is typically screen relevant
a complex and challenging range of processes with volumes and velocity of activity transactions for potential
often outstripping a department's ability to meet demand. Banks have already been risk violations to aid in
leveraging automation technologies to stem the tide of risk exposure due to the mitigating risks before they
introduction of more sophisticated and varied digital banking services. Due to the
highly sensitive nature of this banking function and the potential for false positives
when investigating fraud and other types of violations, this is where PAC believes
GenAI, partnered with explainable AI (XAI), capabilities can advise members of risk
and fraud detection teams at a scale that is currently overwhelming many such
teams. As know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) policies
and procedures are essential to banks managing the risk and verifying customers,
clients, and suppliers, GenAI can be used to screen relevant transactions for
potential risk violations to aid in mitigating risks before they occur. The technology
can also be used to monitor market data and customer behaviour for patterns that
could impact risk and report back with a range of risk scenarios and potential
mitigations. The interactive nature of GenAI also provides an invaluable means to
train employees on risk management by ensuring they are aware of risks and how
to address them.

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 6

Whether managing accounts, processing and reconciling transactions, or providing

customer support capabilities, the bank's back office is understandably as
complicated and integral as the front and middle. The core behaviours of a bank's
back office can be supported by generative AI (GenAI) in the following ways:

Scaling Underwriting: Over the past decade, easier access to credit in all its forms
has grown in abundance and sophistication processed between banks and clients
through a range of digital banking services. Like so many other parts of a bank, the
underwriting department within the back office continues to see increased volumes
and velocity of loan and credit applications, requiring shorter risk assessment and
evaluation cycles to meet the scale of demand. To authorise a credit product for a
client, the underwriting department performs a risk assessment of the applicant,
due diligence on related documentation, loan structuring (in partnership with front
office teams), and application risk mitigation. It keeps accurate records aligned with
the bank's underwriting guidelines. These tasks are highly complex, requiring
sophisticated data assessments and modelling to determine the authenticity and
applicability of the applicant against the bank's risk profile for providing a relevant
product. From PAC’s experience, underwriting is an ideal back-office function
where the use of generative AI (GenAI) can aid in compressing common repeatable
tasks, allowing underwriters to focus on more complex or unique scenarios by
automating the data analysis of large volumes of structured and unstructured data
required to assess an application. GenAI, in combination with explainable AI (XAI),
can generate a risk assessment and score from access to financial statements,
credit reports, and market trends. Surfacing all the information an underwriter
needs to make an informed assessment and decision or leverage GenAI further, This (…) allows underwriters
should any additional questions occur from the content generated. Access to all
to model complex market
the data underwriters require allows a GenAI to perform scenario analysis and
scenarios through the
predictive modelling by simulating different financial scenarios to predict outcomes
based on market and bank data. This, like the assessment and scoring generated highly flexible natural
for an individual applicant, allows underwriters to model complex market scenarios language processing (NLP)
through the highly flexible natural language processing (NLP) interface of GenAI. interface of GenAI.

Supporting Accounting: The accounts department within the back office of a

bank performs what can be argued as the most vital role across the bank. It is
responsible for maintaining accurate financial records and producing reliable
financial reports that adhere to the plethora of banking regulations. The department
maintains the bank's general ledger, ensuring it is balanced by ensuring
transactions are reconciled and posted to the appropriate accounts. It also
manages tax-related activities, including planning, calculating liabilities, filing tax
returns, and adapts the bank's operations as tax laws and regulations change to
minimise risk, ensure compliance, and optimise tax strategies. Due to its critical
responsibility in maintaining the bank's detailed financial records, it also provides
essential expert support during internal and external audits. This is only the briefest
of descriptions of the department. Still, it should be clear from the breadth and
depth of activities highlighted that generative AI (GenAI) has an opportunity to
provide operational value akin to the prior examples due to the complex workflows
and data needing to be navigated. For example, GenAI can compare tax laws and
regulations to historical data to advise on tax optimising strategies and generate

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 7
compliance reports. The technology can also support audit procedures by
performing audit trail analyses that adapt to any scenarios or questions raised
during the process. As a precursor to participating in the performance of an audit,
GenAI can perform financial statement analysis by generating reports from the
analysis scenarios posited by the accounts team pertaining to balance sheets,
income statements, and cash flow statements to identify patterns, trends, and
anomalies to improve the bank's overall financial performance.

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 8

The opportunity generative AI (GenAI) presents for the banking industry is

clear to PAC. Still, as is often the case with transformative technologies,
the journey to practical value realisation is not so much. However, what
PAC has seen over the last decade, spurred on by the onset of digital
transformation, is an ever-increasing requirement by banks to adopt a
transformative technology faster into their operational eco-system of
solutions and services to meet both market demands and drive competitive
advantage in ever decreasing timeframes.
Adopting a technology like GenAI into one or more of a bank's day-to-day
operating functions requires the consideration of its cultural, ethical,
technological, and operational impact. From PAC’s experience, no matter
how advantageous a technology looks, the act of adoption when the wide-
spread practical use of it is still nascent presents a range of risks which, if
not identified, understood, and addressed, will likely diminish the value of
investing in the technology.
The question PAC posits to banks is regarding their risk appetite in
correlation to the expected benefit of GenAI to drive competitive advantage (…), whilst it is essential to
through operational efficiencies and new market opportunities. Given that identify the opportunities
established banks are commonly in the process of modernising legacy presented by a
bank functions and systems, the potentially disruptive adoption of GenAI transformative technology
could overwhelm a bank's ability to implement the technology and realise like GenAI it is also critical
value. So, whilst it is essential to identify the opportunities presented by a to identify the risk factors
transformative technology like GenAI it is also critical to identify the risk
that a bank must consider
factors that a bank must consider when developing an adoption strategy.
when developing an
The following, in no particular order of importance, are the risks specifically
relating to generative AI that PAC recommends banks develop a strategy adoption strategy.
to address:
§ Data privacy and security concerns.
§ Ethical and fair use of generative AI for internal and external
§ Accuracy, explainability, and reliability of generated content.
§ Integration and compatibility with existing solutions and services.
§ Continuous training and management of GenAI models.
§ Customer and employee acceptance and trust.
§ Lack of clear business use cases and ROI/TCO models.
§ Limited access to relevant data.
§ Ensuring ongoing regulatory compliance.
§ Cost of implementation, and ongoing maintenance, performance,
and scalability costs.
§ Lack of skilled generative AI talent both in the short and long

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 9
Whilst a range of these risks applies to adopting any technology into a bank, a
selection of them PAC considers to be of particular importance to generative AI
(GenAI). For example, risks two, three, and six focus on the types of risk disruption
particular to GenAI. In recent years it is rare for a technology to have a sociological
and societal impact on human behaviour to the degree generative AI is already
starting to have. These risks, combined with risk eleven, focused on access to
skilled talent, require, from PAC’s perspective, a level of capability and experience
not currently accessible within the internal teams of banks needed at the scale
required to adopt the technology into front, middle, and back-office banking
Given the range of examples of how generative AI can shape the banking industry
covered in this report and a desire to adopt the technology swiftly whilst mitigating
risks, PAC knows there is value in partnering with a professional services provider
to reduce the time-to-market in adapting banking services to be supported by
GenAI. Whilst it is essential for all the key decision-making, strategic development,
and ongoing management to be led by leaders in the bank, the access to expertise
and resources that a partnership provides through co-innovation and co-creation,
from PAC’s experience provides a solid foundation to mitigate the risks outlined
above. Of the professional services providers PAC engages with PwC has shown
impressive and sustained levels of investment, talent upskilling, and development
of toolkits and frameworks regarding AI broadly, and generative AI specifically,
which they have invested in for many years. To this end, examples of the value a
professional services provider like PwC brings to the adoption of generative AI
within a bank are as follows:
1. Help identify the right use cases for generative AI across a bank and the
process, cultural, and technological interdependencies needed to be
2. Leverage responsible AI frameworks and tools to support mitigating the
range of risks more specific to generative AI identified above regarding its
ethical use when applied to customer and employee use cases.
3. Reduce the risk of failure by leveraging the depth and breadth of a global
network of banking and AI experts, which is a core PwC capability, to
achieve a swift time to market and value for incorporation into front, middle
and back-office bank functions.
4. Ensuring the compliance impact of generative AI is understood by the
bank, and a framework is in place to ensure AI-specific regulations are
adhered to, as well as those specific to the role of AI within the banking
5. Importantly, given the relatively nascent operating nature of generative AI
(GenAI), a professional services provider like PwC provides a full end-to-
end managed service covering the development of a GenAI strategy, (…), one of the critical roles
building out the capability, to managing the operation of the service. PAC a company like PwC
considers this a particularly valuable offering due to the continuous provides for banks is the
evolution of GenAI over the coming years, which will require ongoing breadth and depth of
expertise to ensure banks have a service that evolves and expands to partners the company has
meet their needs across the front, middle, and back offices. across the financial
6. From PAC’s perspective, one of the critical roles a company like PwC services software eco-
provides for banks is the breadth and depth of partners the company has
system that minimises
across the financial services software eco-system that minimises
technology adoption risks for banks. They expand, contract, and reinforce technology adoption risks
the range of partner capabilities to evolve and adapt to meet the banking for banks.
sector's needs. A good example of this is Microsoft announcing its three
AI customer commitments with PwC as a key launch partner.

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 10

After decades of moderate operating innovation within the banking industry in the
last decade, as described at the start of this report, numerous waves of technology-
led innovation have fundamentally changed how banks are expected to operate by
their clients. PAC considers generative AI to be another such wave of innovation.
However, this wave has the potential for a greater impact on the role of humans
across all parts of society, as generative AI can fundamentally affect how we
perform certain tasks.
Though for all the certainty of innovation being identified by what generative AI can
do, how it could alter the nature of human behaviour comes with a wide range of
societal and ethical questions that need to be identified, asked, and addressed. It
is unclear to any of us what the full impact of generative AI and similar technologies
will be on society's behaviour in the long term. However, it is clear that governments
and industry bodies are likely to react faster to the impact of generative AI than
occurred, for example, for data protection which took several decades.
Whilst it is essential to consider, on an ongoing basis, the ethical complexities of
all forms of AI use, it is clear to PAC that the use cases for the banking sector
currently provide a means in many parts of the bank to enable employees to
manage front, middle, and back office tasks at a scale that aligns with the velocity,
volume, and growing complexity of interactions expected between a bank and all
types of its clients. To this end, PAC recommends that banks consider partnering
with a professional services provider like PwC to leverage their extensive
capabilities and access to expertise to co-innovate a bank’s generative AI strategy
and then co-create its incorporation into front, middle, and back-office banking

How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 11

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How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 12
How can generative AI shape the banking industry? – Copyright PAC 2023 13
© Copyright PAC 2023

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