Sujin 3

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STS Requirement None

Anubian Mite
STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements The Anubian Must have at least one, but no more than two
of the following Destinies – Compassion, Ignorance, Pride,
and Integrity
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed DEX / Willpower [Merit] / Medicine, Academics or Crafts / Node Sense / Undead Lore [Academics] or Burial Rites [Perform] / Ghost Sense [Node Sense] /
Choose Combat Specialty
Access Mentor (Concerned Ancestor) or Retainers (Undead Servants)
 Fixed Ambidextrous [Merit] or Fast [Merit]
 Special Charmed [Merit] or Iron Will [Merit]
 Fixed Anubian doubles as Essence
 Fixed COM or MAN / Choose an Anubian Path Ability from – Second Life (Air), Grave Touch (Fire), Raise the Unburied (Water), Wraith Visage (Wood) and Stone
Golem (Earth)
Limitations Negative Energy Absorption (Each time an Anubian touches a member of a race from another dimension than the one from which the Anubian race
originates, both the Anubian and the person he touches start losing a point of NRG per phase of physical contact) [Medium Aberration] /
Atrophied Destiny (Anubians often seem coldhearted and logic minded. A fact which is also reflected by their Destinies. Although the Anubian may still use
Destinies for maturation time EXP, and receive Temporary Destiny Point whenever he achieves 5+ successes on a destiny related action, but he can no
longer spend willpower to get a Destiny Bonus to Destiny related Actions. This Aberration applies Compassion, Ignorance, Pride, and Integrity) [Medium
Anubian Path Abilities
Second Life (Air) Quantum Construct – Lv 2) Causes up to one Ancestor Spirit per Dot to manifest physically in the mortal realm, but can only sustain this solid form within
([Second Life + COM] x 5M) around the Anubian / 2 Essence and 1 WLP Cost
Grave Touch (Fire) Disintegrate – Lv 2) The Anubian can drain Vital Energies from any living thing causing their target to dry out and shrivel up from the point the Anubian
touches his target. This is a Touch Attack that also causes 1 die of non-soakable Bashing Damage per dot in (Grave Touch + Anubian), to the Anubian
himself, and 1 Die of Aggravated Damage per dot in (Grave Touch + Composure) / 2 Essence Cost
Raise the Unburied (Water) Quantum Construct – Lv 2) Causes unburied corpses to be animated as Skeletons and Zombies, depending on their state of decomposition. It takes 1 minute
to raise each new undead, during which time the Anubian must mark the undead’s new master. The effect lasts until the undead are to far damaged to
function. These undead do not possess any free will and without commands from their master they won’t do anything else, but rot away. / 1 Permanent
WLP Cost
Wraith Visage (Wood) Body Morph [Density Decrease and Invisibility] – Lv 2) 1 WLP Cost
Stone Golem (Earth) Quantum Construct – Lv 2) Allows the Anubian to create a single hulking giant from clay and stone and Animate it. It may takes several days to put the
golem together, but just 1 minute to animate, during which time the Anubian must mark the Golem’s new master. The effect lasts until the Golem is to far
damaged to function. The golem does not possess any free will and without commands from it’s master it won’t do anything except defend itself / 1
Permanent WLP Cost

STS Requirement Anubian Mite (Anubian must be raised up to the rating in Anubian
Anubian Mite, at which point Anubian and Anubian Mite must be raised
STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements DEX 3+ / RSN 3+ / COM 4+
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed Academic, Investigate, Arts, Crafts or Science / Dagger [Melee or Thrown], Blowgun [Marksmanship] or Scythe [Melee] / Choose an Anubian Path Ability
from – Second Life (Air), Grave Touch (Fire), Raise the Unburied (Water), Wraith Visage (Wood) and Stone Golem (Earth)
 Fixed Choose an Anubian Path Ability from – Second Life (Air), Grave Touch (Fire), Raise the Unburied (Water), Wraith Visage (Wood) and Stone Golem (Earth)
 Fixed Choose an Anubian Path Ability from – Second Life (Air), Grave Touch (Fire), Raise the Unburied (Water), Wraith Visage (Wood) and Stone Golem (Earth)
Special Anubian Doubles as an Energy Reserve for Essence
 Fixed DEX or STA / Academic, Investigate or Science / Meditate, Crafts or Arts / Poison Lore [Medicine, Science or Survival] / Choose an Anubian Path Ability from –
True Life (Air), Nether Flame (Fire), Crimson Hand (Water), Recall Spirit (Wood) and Ivory Hand (Earth)
 Fixed COM or MAN / RSN or RAP / Choose an Anubian Path Ability from – True Life (Air), Nether Flame (Fire), Crimson Hand (Water), Recall Spirit (Wood) and
Ivory Hand (Earth) / Choose an Anubian Path Ability from – Second Life (Air), Grave Touch (Fire), Raise the Unburied (Water), Wraith Visage (Wood) and
Stone Golem (Earth)
Anubian Path Abilities
True Life (Air) Quantum Construct – Lv 2) Causes up to one Ancestor Spirit per Dot to manifest physically in the mortal realm. Unlike Second Life, the Anubian truly returns
the Ancestor back to life, lasting until the Ancestor dies from violent, malicious or natural causes / Requires 3+ Second Life / 1 Permanent Health Cost
Nether Flame (Fire) Entropy Control – Lv 2) The Anubian has the rare ability to manipulate the Eb and Flow of Entropic Fields / 3 Essence Cost and 1 WLP Cost
Crimson Hand (Water) Elemental Mastery [Blood] – Lv 2) The Anubian has the rare ability to manipulate spilled Blood and use it as a means to attack and defend himself / Requires
3+ Raise the Unburied / 3 Essence Cost and 1 WLP Cost
Recall Spirit (Wood) Immortality – Lv 2) Causes up to one recently deceased target per Dot in (Recall Spirit + Wraith Visage) to come back to life with just 0 Level Health. Not all
targets can come back to life, some have simply sustained too much damage. The Anubian can undo up to 2 Damage per Recal Spirit, the target suffered in
excess of his Health Pool, on the attack that killed him. Though it’s effects are almost immediate (taking 1 Phase per excess damage suffered by the target),
this Ability must be used within 1 day per dot the Anubian has in (MAN x Recall Spirit) Days, or it will not work / Requires 3+ Wraith Visage / 1 Permanent
WLP Cost
Ivory Hand (Earth) Elemental Mastery [Bones] – Lv 2) The Anubian has the rare ability to manipulate the bones of the dead or even the living / Requires 3+ Stone Golem / 1
Essence Cost and 1 WLP Cost
STS Requirement Race Template (Human, Qinn, Gregori or Anubian) for Half Sujins,
Half-Sujin or Sujin True Blood for pure Blooded Sujin

STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements 3+ DEX / 3+ STA / 3+ COM / 4+ (DEX or COM) / 3+ Integrity or
Discipline / 3+ Torment or Pride
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed Brawl / Evasion / Prowess or Toughness / Lunazu Form (Ability – See Below)
Special Half-Sujin doubles as NRG Reserve for Ki Pool
 Fixed Ki Sense [Node Sense] / 1 Level Worth of Ki Abilities / Lunazu Form (Ability – See Below)
 Fixed WIT or DEX / 1 Level Worth of Ki Abilities / Lunazu Form (Ability – See Below)
 Fixed COM or STA / Counter Strike [Evasion or Prowess] or (Choose Ki Ability) [Power or Prowess] / 2 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities / Lunazu Form (Ability – See Below)
 Fixed STR or RAP / Ki-Sense [Node Sense] / 3 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities / Lunazu Form (Ability – See Below)
Limitations Tail [Low Aberration] / Lunazu Form (One night each month when the moon is at it’s highest, the Half-Sujin changes into a hulking hybrid of man and beast.
Effectively triggering it’s namesake Boost Power for one night) [Low Aberation] / Lunazu Rage (whenever the Half-Sujin assumes Lunazu Form, he
automatically sinks into a terrible rage. If he chooses to take this form voluntarily he may make a willpower roll to resist his terrible Rage, or spend an Iron Will
to avoid it entirely) [Low Aberration]
Lunazu Form Boost Lv 1 (Fixed Boost – Boosts Sizemorph Grow, [Heritage Power – Mega WIT, Claws or Quickness, see below], DEX, [Heritage Power – Choice, see below]
and STA +1, in this order. Two of the Boosts the Half-Sujin receives are Boost Levels based on his Sujin Sub-racial Heritage, as shown below / Uncontrolled Only
until Lunazu Form 4 is Achieved (3 for Sujin True Blood and Sujin Hybrids) / Side Effect – The Character becomes a humanoid Hybrid of the Animal Type
associated with their Sujin Parentage, with no control over his Normal Ki Abilities until Lunazu Form 5 is Achieved (4 for Sujin True Bloods and Sujin Hybrids) /
Static Effect / 4 NRG Cost, 2 Essence Cost and 1 Willpower Cost)
Kijin (Fox) – Lethal Blast (Moon-fire Breath-weapon [Arcane Dmg] / 0 Range / Cone 60O wide and [Lethal Blast + Half Sujin] x 2 M long) +1 and
Kijin (Fox) – Quickness (No NRG Cost / Lasts for 3 Turns) +1
Gojin (Wolf) - Claws (No NRG Cost / +1 Accuracy per Half Sujin) +1 and Regenerate (Fast Recovery x3 / Maintenance / 3 Energy Cost and 2 Ki Cost) +1
Rajin (Lion) - Claws +1 (3 Ki Cost / +1 Accuracy per Half Sujin / +1 Damage per Sujin True Blood) and Mega COM (Face of Terror) +1
Nejin (Rat) - Quickness (2 Ki Cost / Lasts for 1 Minute) +1 and Mega WIT (Synergy) +1
Pojin (Monkey) – Mega STA (Sturdiness) +1 and Mega DEX (Omni-dextrous) +1
Urjin (Tiger) – Claws (No NRG Cost / +1 Damage per Half Sujin) +1 and Mega STR (Crush) +1
Bujin (Armadillo) – Claws (No NRG Cost / +1 Accuracy per Half Sujin) +1 and Armor (+1 Soak per Dot while ‘Mobile’ or +5 Soak per Dot when ‘Fortified’ [and as a
Kijin (Fox) – result unable to evade attacks or move]) +1
Power Unbound
Much of the Sujins more primal instincts hold them down. Although they are expected to overcome this limitation on their own, sometimes conflicting emotions can make it necessary, or a
thirst for vengeance can make it desirable, to cut the Tail. This subdues the Characters Primal instincts, giving them a far greater potential for Ki Manipulation. However, this also limits the
Sujins chances ever to achieve the 4th Stage of the Legendary Khansuja Warrior.
A Sujin who has cut his Tail, marks himself for life. The act of doing so colors their skin. He must also pay 12 EXP (-2 EXP per Fixed Ki Ability Level used for Power Unbound) for the first Dot, as
soon as these are availlable, He must also redistribute any dots he has in the Lunazu Form ability, but also loses the Lunazu Form, Lunazu Rage and Tail Aberrations. Hybrids, who have two
different tails, must cut both of them, assuming the Color of the first and Power Unbound Ability of the second.
Orange (Skin / Markings) Boost Lv 3 - Kijin [Fox Tailed] (Permanent / Fixed – Boosts 3 Levels of Ki Abilities, Sense The Arcane and Mental Prodigy [Tactical] +1)
Blue (Skin / Markings) Boost Lv 3 - Gojin [Wolf Tailed] (Permanent / Fixed – Boosts 3 Levels of Ki Abilities, Prowess and STA +1)
Black (Skin / Markings) Boost Lv 3 - Rajin [Lion Tailed] (Permanent / Fixed – Boosts 3 Levels of Ki Abilities, Intimidate and COM +1)
Red (Skin / Markings) Boost Lv 3 - Pojin [Monkey Tailed] (Permanent / Fixed – Boosts 3 Levels of Ki Abilities, Prowess and DEX +1)
White (Skin / Markings) Boost Lv 3 - Urjin [Tiger Tailed] (Permanent / Fixed – Boosts 3 Levels of Ki Abilities, Intimidate and STR +1)
Green (Skin / Markings) Boost Lv 3 - Bujin [Armadillo Tailed] (Permanent / Fixed – Boosts 3 Levels of Ki Abilities, Toughness and RAP +1)
Purple (Skin / Markings) Boost Lv 3 - Nejin [Rat Tailed] (Permanent / Fixed – Boosts 3 Levels of Ki Abilities, Evasion and WIT +1)
Ki Abilities
Ki Strike Claws (Kinetic Discharge / Deals Bashing DMG / +1 DMG per Dot) Lv 1
Lethal Ki Strike Claws Lv 1
Ki Blast Blast Lv 1
Lethal Ki Blast Lethal Blast Lv 1
Body of Ki Armor (-2 Soak per Dot / +1 Soak per Ki Warrior / Maintained) Lv 1
Ki Infusion Quickness (Adds +2 Reflex per Dot / Movement is multiplied by 1 + [Ki Infusion/2] / For 1 Turn Only per Use / Can only be used at the Start of a New Turn) Lv 1
Stun Resistance Armor (-2 Soak per Dot / +1 Soak per Ki Warrior / Bashing Only) Lv 1
Hidden Power Boost [Physical] (Fixed [Choose One Option per Dot. Options may not be chosen more than twice and once chosen they can no longer be Changed – +1 STR, +1
DEX, +1 STA, +1 Choice Ki Ability with 1+ Dot) / Cost per use – 2 Ki and 1 WLP / Static Effect) Level 1
STS Requirement Half-Sujin
Sujin True Blood Other Requirements 4+ DEX / 4+ COM / 4+ Integrity or Discipline / 4+ Torment or Pride

STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced

Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed DEX / Choose one Hybrid Option and one True Blood Option – Once Chosen these options apply to all Ranks of Sujin True Blood [See Below]
Special Sujin True Blood doubles as NRG Reserve for Ki Pool
True Blood Kijin [Fox Tailed]) Arcane Lore [Academics] or Magical Arcana [Linguistics]
Gojin [Wolf Tailed]) Wuxido (Sujin Martial Arts) [Brawl, Evasion or Prowess]
Rajin [Lion Tailed]) Swords [Melee or Prowess] or Counter Strike [Evasion or Prowess]
Pojin [Monkey Tailed]) Acrobatics [Athletics], Climb [Athletics] or Jump [Athletics]
Urjin [Tiger Tailed]) Pain Resistance [Resistance] or Overt Violence [Intimidate]
Bujin [Armadillo Tailed]) Toughness
Nejin [Rat Tailed]) Sneak Attack [Stealth]
Hybrid Kijin [Fox Tailed]) Sense the Arcane [Node Sense]
Gojin [Wolf Tailed]) Stare Down [Intimidate]
Rajin [Lion Tailed]) Resources (Family Funding), Sanctum (Your Place on the Family Estate) or Backing (Family Support)
Pojin [Monkey Tailed]) Physical Prodigy [DEX], Omni-Dexterous [DEX] or MP (Tactical) [RSN]
Urjin [Tiger Tailed]) Brawl or Prowess
Bujin [Armadillo Tailed]) Toughness
Nejin [Rat Tailed]) Sleight of Hand [Larceny] or Open Lock [Crafts]
Access Devotion [Merit] (Sujin Honor - Cost 5 EXP)
 Fixed Wuxido (Sujin Martial Arts) [Brawl, Evasion or Prowess]
Access 2 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
 True Blood Kijin [Fox Tailed]) Mana Craft [Crafts or Investigate], Herbalism [Medicine or Survival] or Alchemy [Science]
Gojin [Wolf Tailed]) Brawl, Evasion or Prowess
Rajin [Lion Tailed]) Melee, Evasion or Prowess
Pojin [Monkey Tailed]) Evasion, Prowess or Node Sense
Urjin [Tiger Tailed]) Toughness, Brawl or Prowess
Bujin [Armadillo Tailed]) Toughness
Nejin [Rat Tailed]) Evasion, Prowess or Thrown
Hybrid Kijin [Fox Tailed]) Sujin True Blood Doubles as NRG Reserve for Mana
Gojin [Wolf Tailed]) Choose 2 (Intimidate, Survival, Awareness, Athletics, Endurance or Resistance)
Rajin [Lion Tailed]) Choose 2 (Politics, Command, Socialize or Intimidate)
Pojin [Monkey Tailed]) Choose 2 (Athletics, Awareness, Empathy, Savvy or Investigate)
Urjin [Tiger Tailed]) Choose 2 (Athletics, Intimidate, Endurance, Resistance or Survival)
Bujin [Armadillo Tailed]) Endurance or Crafts / Resistance
Nejin [Rat Tailed]) Choose 2 (Stealth, Savvy, Subterfuge, Style or Awareness)
Access 2 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed Willpower / Node Spark / Recharge / 2 Levels worth of Ki Abilities
Access 2 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed Iron Will / Node Sense / 2 Levels worth of Ki Abilities
True Blood Kijin [Fox Tailed]) Choose 2 (Academics, Style, Investigate, Socialize, Subterfuge, Politics or Science)
Gojin [Wolf Tailed]) COM
Rajin [Lion Tailed]) COM
Pojin [Monkey Tailed]) DEX
Urjin [Tiger Tailed]) STA
Bujin [Armadillo Tailed]) STA
Nejin [Rat Tailed]) DEX
Hybrid Kijin [Fox Tailed]) Access to 2 Levels of Arcane Spells / Empathy, Style or Socialize
Gojin [Wolf Tailed]) STR or DEX
Rajin [Lion Tailed]) CHA or STR
Pojin [Monkey Tailed]) WIT or RAP
Urjin [Tiger Tailed]) COM or STR
Bujin [Armadillo Tailed]) STA or COM
Nejin [Rat Tailed]) RAP or DEX
Access 3 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
Limitations Bad Temper [1 Pt Flaw] (Gojin, Rajin, Bujin or Urjin), Vengeful [2 Pt Flaw] (Gojin, Rajin, Urjin or Nejin), Obsession (Competative) [2 Pt Flaw] (Kijin, Pojin or
Nejin), Bad Vibe I (People sense your Power) [2 Pt Flaw] (Kijin, Rajin or Bujin) or Enemy II (Escalated Rivalry) [2 Pt Flaw] (Kijin, Gojin, Pojin, Bujin or Nejin)
STS Requirement Warrior and [Mystic or Rogue]
Ki Warrior
STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements Half-Sujin, Human, Changeling, Gregorian, Qinn or (3+ DEX, 3+
WIT, 3+ COM, 4+ DEX or COM, 3+ Discipline)
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed Brawl or Melee / Evasion or Prowess
Special Ki Warrior doubles as NRG Reserve for Ki Pool
Access 1 Level worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed Ki Spark [Node Spark], Ki Recovery [Recharge], Counter Strike [Evasion or Prowess] or Dodge [Evasion or Prowess] / 1 Level Worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed Ki Spark [Node Spark], Ki Recovery [Recharge], Counter Strike [Evasion or Prowess] or Dodge [Evasion or Prowess] / Athletics, Endurance or Resistance / 2
Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed Ki Spark [Node Spark], Ki Recovery [Recharge] or Ki Sense [Node Sense] / Counter Strike [Evasion or Prowess] or Dodge [Evasion or Prowess] / 3 Levels Worth
of Ki Abilities
 Fixed STR, DEX or STA / 4 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
Limitations Anima Banner (an aura of white flaming energy flares up whenever the Ki Warrior is using Attack or Defense Powers, alerting everyone to his presence) [Low
Sense Power Level Ki Warriors have the potential to sense the Ki Power of other Warriors (Provided they possess 1+ Ki Sense [Node Sense]) by applying the following formula –
([Ki/4] + Number of Ki Abilities) x ([Energy/4] + Number of NRG Activated Powers) x (Total Level of Active Ki Abilities + DMG + ACC) x (Total Level of Active
NRG Activated Powers + Lethal Soak + [Health/2]) x [Total Combat Specialties/3], giving the Ki Warrior some notion of his targets power based on a numeric
Value ranging from 6 to 1.000.000 and beyond.
Vocation Notes Ki Warrior is considered a Basic Vocation for characters with the Half Sujin, Qinn, Changeling, Gregorian or Human template. This also means that the Ki
Warrior Template doesn’t have any template Requirements. However, Sujin Ki Warriors are extremely ‘Challenge Prone’. They find it hard to resist a challenge,
almost persistently charge head first into enemies who are much more powerful than themselves, or issue challenges to opponents whom they consider a fair
challenge themselves. this doesn’t mean they are stupid, it just means that they are far more invested in increasing their skills and reputations as Ki-Warriors,
than Ki Warriors of other Races and have a far more difficult time in resisting the temptation to accept or issue a challenge from a ‘worthy’, whether they are
motivated by being the best, improving their skills as Ki Warriors, or are on a quest to attain the legendary Khansuja State, not seen in centuries, but believed
in by many Sujin. In essence this needs to be acted out but might be guided with willpower rolls influenced by Destiny Ranks, as appropriate.
Ki Abilities
Ki Strike Claws (Kinetic Discharge / Deals Bashing DMG / +1 DMG per Dot) Lv 1
Lethal Ki Strike Claws Lv 1
Ki Blast Blast Lv 1
Lethal Ki Strike Lethal Blast Lv 1
Body of Ki Armor (-2 Soak per Dot / +1 Soak per Ki Warrior / Maintained) Lv 1
Ki Infusion Quickness (Adds +2 Reflex per Dot / Movement is multiplied by 1 + [Ki Infusion/2] / For 1 Turn Only per Use / Can only be used at the Start of a New Turn) Lv 1
Stun Resistance Armor (-2 Soak per Dot / +1 Soak per Ki Warrior / Bashing Only) Lv 1
Hidden Power Boost [Physical] (Fixed [Choose One Option per Dot. Options may not be chosen more than twice and once chosen they can no longer be Changed – +1 STR, +1
DEX, +1 STA, +1 COM, +1 Choice Ki Ability with 1+ Dot) / Cost per use – 2 Ki and 1 WLP / Static Effect) Level 1

STS Requirement Mystic and [Scholar, Craftsman or Courtier]

Ki Mystic
STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements Half-Sujin, Zhou, Human or Anubian or (3+ STA, 3+ RAP, 3+ WIT,
3+ COM, 4+ [RAP or COM], 3+ Humility)
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed Medicine or Empathy / Meditation
Special Ki Mystic doubles as NRG Reserve for Ki Pool
Access 1 Level worth of Ki Disciplines
 Fixed Ki Sense [Node Sense] / 1 Level Worth of Ki Disciplines
 Fixed Ki Spark [Node Spark], Ki Recovery [Recharge], Willpower Meditation [Meditate] or Ki Meditation [Meditate] / Empathy, Medicine or Meditate / 1 Level Worth
of Ki Abilities / 1 Level Worth of Ki Disciplines
 Fixed Willpower Meditation [Meditate] or Ki Meditation [Meditate] / Ki Spark [Node Spark], Ki Recovery [Recharge] or Ki Sense [Node Sense] / 1 Level Worth of Ki
Abilities / 2 Levels Worth of Ki Disciplines
 Fixed STA, RAP, WIT or COM / 4 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
Limitations Anima Banner (a pulsing aura of warm red energy envelops the Ki Mystic whenever he is using Ki Disciplines, which also emits a soothing hum-sound, alerting
everyone to his presence) [Low Aberration]
Sense Ki State Ki Mystics have the potential to sense the state of Ki, of their subjects (Provided they possess 1+ Ki Sense [Node Sense]). Using it as such allows them to use
Node Sense instead of Medicine or Empathy to make a medical diagnosis or to judge anothers emotional state.
Vocation Notes Ki Mystic is considered a Basic Vocation for characters with the Half Sujin, Zhou, Human or Anubian template. This also means that the Ki Warrior Template
doesn’t have any template Requirements.
Ki Abilities
Symbiosis Symbiosis (New Power) Lv 1 (the Character may have only one Symbiosis at a time / Both the Ki Mystic and the Target may turn one Lethal Damage into
Bashing Damage per dot in this power, but this effect will also give the other the same amount of Bashing Damage / Maintenance / Touch)
Health Meditation Regeneration Lv 1 (Requires a STA + Meditation Roll, Difficulty +4, 1 Extended Roll per Minute / Maintenance / +1 Effect Level per Meditate)
Body of Ki Armor Lv 1 (-2 Soak per Dot / +1 Soak per Ki Warrior / Maintained)
Ki Infusion Quickness Lv 1 (Adds +2 Reflex per Dot / Movement is multiplied by 1 + [Ki Infusion/2] / For 1 Turn Only per Use / Can only be used at the Start of a New Turn)
Hidden Power Boost [Physical] Lv 1 (Fixed [Choose One Option per Dot. Options may not be chosen more than twice and once chosen they can no longer be Changed – +1
STR, +1 DEX, +1 STA, +1 COM, +1 Choice Ki Ability with 1+ Dot) / Cost per use – 2 Ki and 1 WLP / Static Effect)
One with the field Invisibility Lv 1 (Requires a COM + Meditation Roll, Difficulty +4, 1 Extended Roll per Turn / Costs 1 Ki and 1 NRG)
Eternal Body Life Support Lv 1 (For Unaging Only / +3 Effect Lv’s / Requires Mystic 5 or Ki Mystic 4+)
Sight beyond Sight ESP Lv 1 (Requires a RAP + Meditate Roll, Difficulty +4, 1 Extended Roll per Minute / Distant Scan / Extra Senses / Costs 1 Ki and 1 WLP)
STS Requirement Ki Warrior or Ki Mystic
Ki Master
STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements 3+ DEX / 3+ WIT / 3+ COM / 4+ DEX or COM / 3+ Discipline
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed Brawl, Melee, Evasion or Prowess
Special Ki Master doubles as NRG Reserve for Ki Pool
Access 1 Level worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed 3 1 Level Worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed 5 2 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed 7 3 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
 Fixed 5 WIT, RAP or COM / 4 Levels Worth of Ki Abilities
Limitations Anima Banner (an aura of white flaming energy flares up whenever the Ki Warrior is using Attack or Defense Powers, alerting everyone to his presence) [Low
Sense Power Level Ki Warriors have the potential to sense the Ki Power of other Warriors (Provided they possess 1+ Ki Sense [Node Sense]) by applying the following formula –
([Ki/4] + Number of Ki Abilities) x ([Energy/4] + Number of NRG Activated Powers) x (Total Level of Active Ki Abilities + DMG + ACC) x (Total Level of Active
NRG Activated Powers + Lethal Soak + [Health/2]) x [Total Combat Specialties/3], giving the Ki Warrior some notion of his targets power based on a numeric
Value ranging from 6 to 1.000.000 and beyond.
Vocation Notes To Sujin Ki Warrior is considered a Basic Vocation. This also means that the Ki Warrior Template doesn’t have any template Requirements. However, Sujin Ki
Warriors are extremely ‘Challenge Prone’. They find it hard to resist a challenge, almost persistently charge head first into enemies who are much more
powerful than themselves, or issue challenges to opponents whom they consider a fair challenge themselves. this doesn’t mean they are stupid, it just means
that they are far more invested in increasing their skills and reputations as Ki-Warriors, than Ki Warriors of other Races and have a far more difficult time in
resisting the temptation to accept or issue a challenge from a ‘worthy’, whether they are motivated by being the best, improving their skills as Ki Warriors, or
are on a quest to attain the legendary Khansuja State, not seen in centuries, but believed in by many Sujin. In essence this needs to be acted out but might be
guided with willpower rolls influenced by Destiny Ranks, as appropriate.
Ki Abilities
Ki Flight Flight Lv 2 (requires Ki Warrior 5 or Ki Master 3)
Taiyo Ken Boost Lv 2 (2 Ki Cost + 1 WLP Cost / Causes [Number of affected Levels in Ki Abilities x Number of Dots Boosted per Ability] Bashing Damage [1 Die per +1 Dot
Boost Minimum, after Unboosted Soak])
Rippling Strike Claws Lv 2 (2 Ki Cost / Explosion / +2 Dmg per Dot / -1 Accuracy / Full Phase Action)
Rising Wave Claws Lv 2 (2 Ki Cost / +1 Dmg per Dot / Instant / Alternate Damage – Damage Successes Boost the Damage Dice of the Next Attack. This may be repeated,
even on a Rising Wave Attack. However, once the characters target has suffered [1 x Character’s Rising Wave] of Rising Wave Attacks, the Next Rising Wave
Attack will deal damage as Normal)
Daichi Wushu (Earth) Elemental Mastery (Earth) Lv 2 (Requires 12+ Levels worth of Ki Abilities per New number Wushu Abilities)
Shimesu Wushu (Water) Elemental Mastery (Water) Lv 2 (Requires 12+ Levels worth of Ki Abilities per New number Wushu Abilities)
Shinrin Wushu (Wood) Nature Mastery Lv 2 (Requires 12+ Levels worth of Ki Abilities per New number Wushu Abilities)
Kitai Wushu (Air) Elemental Mastery (Air) Lv 2 (Requires 12+ Levels worth of Ki Abilities per New number Wushu Abilities)
Hinote Wushu (Fire) Elemental Mastery (Fire) Lv 2 (Requires 12+ Levels worth of Ki Abilities per New number Wushu Abilities)

STS Requirement Sujin True Blood, Ki Warrior 5 and Ki Master 3+

STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements 4+ STR / 4+ DEX / 4+ STA / 4+ COM
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed 2 x Khansuja Stage 1
Special Khansuja doubles as NRG-Reserve for KI.
 Fixed Khansuja Stage 1 / 2 x Khansuja Stage 2
 Fixed Khansuja Stage 1 / Khansuja Stage 2 / 2 x Khansuja Stage 3
 Fixed Khansuja Stage 2 / Khansuja Stage 3 / 3 x Khansuja Stage 4
 Fixed Khansuja Stage 3 / Khansuja Stage 4 / 4 x Khansuja Stage 5
Limitations A Sujin without a tail can attain Khansuja Stage 3. A Half Sujin can attain Khansuja Stage 3, or Stage 2 if they cut their tail.
Ki Abilities
Khansuja Stage 1 Boost Physical Lv 2 (+1 Effect Level / Fixed – STR +1, DEX +1, STA +1, STR +1, DEX +1 and STA +1 / Double Effect for the 1 st time it is triggered, but also requires a
heightened state of emotional stress for the 1 st time it is triggered / Side Effect [Golden Hair, waving with energy] / Costs 1 Ki and 1 NRG / 1 Charge per Day per
Khansuja Stage 1 + Khansuja)
Khansuja Stage 2 Boost Epic Physical Lv 1 (+1 Effect Level / Fixed – Epic STR +1, Epic DEX +1, Epic STA +1, Epic STR +1, Epic DEX +1 and Epic STA +1 / Double Effect for the 1 st time it is
triggered, but also requires extensive training with the Khansuja 1 form to trigger for the first time / Side Effect [Body is enveloped with waves of flaming
energy] / Linked to Khansuja Stage 1 / Costs 1 Ki / 1 Charge per Day per Dot)
Khansuja Stage 3 Boost (Combat Skills and Ki Ability Extras) Lv 2 (Level 1 only, with no more than +1 per Ability / +1 Effect Level, which must be a Defensive Ki Ability / Double
Effect for the 1st time it is triggered, but also 3 near death defeats with the Khansuja Stage 1 form to trigger for the first time / Side Effect [Hair grows into
manes that run al the way down the Sujins Back] / Linked to Khansuja Stage 2 / Costs 1 Ki / 1 Charge per Day per Dot)
Khansuja Stage 4 Boost Ki Abilities Lv 1 (No more than +1 per Ki Ability / +1 Effect Level, which must be a Defensive Ki Ability / Double Effect for the 1 st time it is triggered, but also
requires intense meditation and focus to become attuned to oneself [requires 2 of : Compassion, Torment, Humility, Discipline and Integrity to be 5+] for the
first time it is triggered / Side Effect [Side Effects from Stage 1 and 2 are replaced for a lean, furred body and Long hair in the color associated with the Sujins
Sub-Race : Rajin = Black, Gojin = Blue, Pojin = Red, Urjin = White, Nejin = Purple, Kijin = Orange and Bujin = Green] / Linked to Khansuja Stage 3 / Costs 1 Ki / 1
Charge per Day per Dot)
Khansuja Stage 5 Signature Boost Lv 1 (Ki Abilities Only / +2 Effect Levels, which must be for a Defensive Ki Ability / Requires an Indominable Will [10+ Willpower] / Side Effect
[The Sujin loses all Khansuja Side Effects, except for the Hair Color and waves of Energy Enveloping his Body] / Linked to Khansuja Stage 4 / Costs 1 Ki / 1 Charge
per Day per Dot)
STS Requirement Tuatha
STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements Discipline, Integrity or Pride 4+
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed Flight [Ability – See Below] / Fortified Will [Ability – See Below]
Special Gregorian doubles as NRG Reserve for Faith or Ki
 Fixed COM or STA / Integrity, Discipline or Pride / Heart Light (Fathers Touch) [Ability – See Below]
 Fixed STR or CHA / Flight [Ability – See Below] / Heart Light (Mothers Embrace) [Ability – See Below]
Special Gregorian doubles as NRG Reserve for Ki, Faith, Spirit or Mana
 Fixed WIT or DEX / Fortified Will [Ability – See Below]
 Fixed RAP or COM / Flight [Ability – See Below] / Heart Light (Mothers Embrace) [Ability – See Below] / Heart Light (Fathers Touch) [Ability – See Below]
Gregorian Abilities
Feathered Wings Flight Lv 1 (Adds [Flight x 3] Movement Points for Flight related Movement per Turn, while in combat. Also adds a Multiplier to Movement Rate equal to
[Flight +2] for Flight over Land, out of Combat) / Restrainable [Wings] / 2 NRG to use)
Heart Light (Fathers Touch) Bioluminescence Lv 1 (Acts as Sunlight – Treats All undead as though they were Vampires and is Invisible to the Living / 1 NRG Cost and 1 WLP Cost)
Heart Light (Mothers Embrace) Regenerate Lv 2 (AoE – [HL Mothers Embrace + COM] x 1M Radius / 1 NRG Cost and 1 WLP Cost)
Fortified Will Willpower Reserve Lv 1 (Adds a Second Willpower Rating with Willpower Points [Recovers 1 Point per Day. One Point of Fortified Will may be used to
recover 1 Willpower Point per Scene. If Willpower has a full pool, Fortified Will Points may also be used to recover Iron Will] / Doesn’t apply to Willpower
Rolls [As a rule no more than 1 Willpower can be spend per Action, per Willpower Trait – WLP, Iron Will and Fortified Will])

STS Requirement None

STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements Humility or Integrity 4+ / RSN 3+ / COM 4+
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed STA / Huge / Linguistics, Resistance, Academics or Meditate / Zhou Scales [Ability – See Below]
Special Zhou doubles as NRG Reserve for Essence
 Fixed RSN / Enormous [Ability – See Below] / Spirit Sense [Node Sense], Sense the Arcane [Node Sense], Prowess or Toughness
 Fixed COM / Linguistics, Animal Ken, Investigate or Empathy / Zhou Scales [Ability – See Below]
Special Zhou doubles as NRG Reserve for Faith, Mana, Spirit or Ki
 Fixed RAP / Enormous [Ability – See Below] / Linguistics, Endurance, Science or Awareness / Node Sense, Prowess or Toughness
 Fixed STR / STA / Enormous [Ability – See Below] / Zhou Scales [Ability – See Below] / Crush [STR], Immoveable Object [STA], Natural Empath [RAP], Mental
Prodigy (Choice) [RSN] or Dreadful Mien [COM]
Limitations Slow (Speed 3) [H] / Atrophied Attributes (DEX cost Double Distribution, Bonus Points and EXP to raise) [M]
Zhou Abilities
Zhou Scales Armor Lv 1 (-2 Soak per Dot [only Soaks +1 per Dot])
Enormous Sizemorph Grow Lv 1 (Always On, can’t be turned off / Requires Huge / Can’t be raised beyond 3 dots / only adds +1 STR per Dot instead of +2)

STS Requirement Changelings are required to select a Base Race of 1+ Dots and add
Changeling this to his sheet as his sub-race, to represent the race he was born
STS Type  Racial /  Cultural /  Vocation /  Affiliation –  Advanced Other Requirements As per Race the Changeling is born into
Rank Stereotype Bonuses per Rank
 Fixed Choose 1 Social Attribute (CHA, MAN or COM. each Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) / Choose 1 Finesse Attribute (DEX, MAN or WIT. each
Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) / Limited Shape Shift (Changeling Ability – See Below)
 Fixed Choose 1 Resistance Attribute (STA, COM or RAP. each Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) / Limited Shape Shift (Changeling Ability – See
Below) / Sense Motive [Empathy], Disguise [Style], Escape Artist [Larceny], Glibness [Savvy] or Diplomacy [Socialize]
 Fixed Choose 1 Mental Attribute (RSN, RAP or WIT. each Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) / Limited Shape Shift (Changeling Ability – See Below)
 Fixed Choose 1 Mental Attribute (RSN, RAP or WIT. each Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) / Choose 1 Physical Attribute (STR, DEX or STA. each
Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) / Minor Wild Shape (Changeling Ability – See Below) or Copy Cat (Changeling Ability – See Below) /
Limited Shape Shift (Changeling Ability – See Below) / Sense Motive [Empathy], Disguise [Style], Escape Artist [Larceny], Glibness [Savvy] or Diplomacy
[Socialize] / Empathy, Style, Larceny, Savvy or Socialize.
 Fixed Choose 1 Social Attribute (CHA, MAN or COM. each Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) / Choose 1 Finesse Attribute (DEX, MAN or WIT. each
Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) / Choose 1 Power Attribute (STR, RSN or CHA. each Attribute may only be chosen once for changeling) /
Minor Wild Shape (Changeling Ability – See Below) / Copy Cat (Changeling Ability – See Below) / Limited Shape Shift (Changeling Ability – See Below) / Sense
Motive [Empathy], Disguise [Style], Escape Artist [Larceny], Glibness [Savvy] or Diplomacy [Socialize]
Limitations Minority (the character is part of a well known minority that carries a dark stigma for many) [2 Point Flaw]
Changeling Abilities
Limited Shape Shift Shape Shift Lv 1 (1 Type of Humanoid of +/- more or less Size Levels than the character, per dot in [Changeling + Limited Shapeshift] / Shapeshift is limited to
exchanging Dots in Changeling for Dots in other racial templates / Permanent until ended / Activation time is one full Turn / Cost 1 Willpower to trigger).
Alternately the Character can choose one slot to alter his gender. However, this also requires him to possess the Gender Bender [Limited Shapeshift] Power
Minor Wild Shape Shape Shift Lv 1 (1 Type of Animal of the characters Size Level or lower, per dot in [Changeling + Minor Wildshape] / Shapeshift is limited to exchanging Dots
in Changeling and Minor Wildshape for (Changeling + Minor Wild Shape) Nova Points worth of powers representing the creatures natural abilities /
Permanent until ended / Activation time is one full Turn / Cost 1 Willpower to trigger)
Copy Cat Shape Shift Lv 1 (1 specific person of +/- more or less Size Levels than the character / Requires the Character to drink a drop of blood from the person he is
impersonating. He can only impersonate the last (Copy Cat + Changeling) persons he drank blood from / Shapeshift is limited to exchanging Dots in
Changeling and Minor Wildshape for (Changeling + Minor Wild Shape) Nova Points worth of powers representing the creatures natural abilities / Permanent
until ended / Activation time is one full Turn / Cost 1 Willpower to trigger).

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