Crop Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Models
Crop Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Models
Crop Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Models
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Detecting plant diseases during the growth of The neuron architecture in the human brain serves as
plants is a critical challenge in agriculture, as late inspiration for deep learning techniques. These methods use
detection can lead to reduced crop yields and lower Artificial Neural Network and their discrepancies, i.e.,
profits for farmers. To tackle this issue, researchers have Convolutional neural network and Recurrent Neural
developed advanced frameworks based on Neural Networks, to find hidden frameworks in the data. Compared
Networks[1]. However, many of these methods suffer to machine learning techniques, deep-learning methods have
from limited prediction accuracy or require a vast two major advantages [3]. To begin with, they do so
number of input variables. This project comprises of automatically, doing away with the requirement for a
CNN and LSTM models, the CNN component of the completely separate feature extraction module. Second,
project has demonstrated remarkable accuracy, processing large datasets with numerous dimensions takes
achieving a 98.4% success rate in identifying plant less time when using Deep Learning techniques. Deep
diseases from static images. Learning methods are consequently suggested. Due to their
efficiency with image data, DL techniques like CNN and
Keywords:- CNN Architecture, VGG Architecture, Fully LSTM are frequently used in applications involving
Connected Layers, VGG-19, Neural Networks, CNN, LSTM, computer vision.
Convolutional Layers.
Deep CNN Models in Plant Disease Identification [6] Plant Disease Prediction using Hybrid Model [9]
The research paper discusses the application of deep The research paper discusses the effectiveness of a
learning models, particularly Convolutional Neural hybrid model for plant disease prediction, which combines
Networks (CNNs), for the identification of plant diseases. machine learning, deep learning, and image processing
The reseach paper is proposed by Harjeet Kauri, Deepak techniques to accurately identify diseases in plants like
Prashar and Vipul Kumar Various. Well-known CNN pepper, tomato, and potato. The hybrid model's ability to
IV. CONCLUSION FROM REVIEWING THE PAPERS includes image classification and feature extraction. Growth
of pre-trained models are given below.
The key accuracy result among these Research Papers
is that Support Vector Machine (SVM) and KNN 99% and
99.5% respectively [7]. This accuracy level is exceptionally
high and indicates that the model was highly effective in
correctly identifying and classifying different plant diseases
within the dataset. The only drawback that occurred while
researching into that paper is that its dataset.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) undergo able to learn temporal features from sequences of images.
supervised learning, wherein a dataset of labelled images is This is useful for tasks such as disease progression analysis.
provided to the network. Through this process, the network For example, a CNN can be used to track the changes in the
gains the ability to associate image features with their size and shape of a diseased leaf over time.
corresponding labels. Once trained, the network uses its
learned features to predict new image classifications. CNNs are Typically used for Plant Disease Detection in
these ways:
In several image-related tasks such as object
recognition, semantic segmentation, and image Using photos of plant illnesses identified with the
classification, CNNs have continuously shown outstanding associated plant disease to train the CNN model. CNN
performance. They find applications beyond image tasks, gains the ability to identify various plant diseases by
extending to domains like natural language processing, identifying spatial and temporal features in the images.
machine translation, and video analysis. Once the model is trained on the CNN, it is ready to
classify the diseases in the crops.
The suitability of CNNs for plant disease detection is The CNN gives the probability score for every crop
attributed to their capacity to discern spatial features within disease as an output, and the class that gets the highest
images. The identification of spatial features is crucial in probability score will get predicted and marked as the
plant disease detection, as they enable the recognition of correct class.
patterns within the distribution of affected plant tissue.
B. VGG-19-
For instance, a CNN can be trained to recognize VGG19 is a CNN architecture initially crafted by
distinct patterns like the circular lesions characteristic of researchers from the University of Oxford, renowned for its
fungal leaf spot diseases. Additionally, the network can robust performance in image classification tasks. While it
learn to distinguish the irregular shape and texture offers impressive results, it demands significant
associated with bacterial leaf blight diseases. CNNs are also computational resources for training. Nonetheless, a
Fully Connected Layers: The third fully connected layer serves as the output layer
and features 1000 neurons, representing the 1000 classes
VGG19's architecture includes three fully connected present in the ImageNet dataset, which was the dataset
layers following the convolutional blocks. initially used to train VGG19..
The first fully connected layer comprises 4096 neurons It typically uses a softmax activation function to produce
with a ReLU activation function. class probabilities.
The second fully connected layer also consists of 4096
neurons with a ReLU activation function.
LSTM Networks can be used in Crop Disease Detection Although the LSTM model has achieved a
Systems in the following ways: comparatively lower accuracy of 70%, its role in analyzing
sequential data, such as disease progression, is crucial. The
Classifying the Diseases: LSTM provides valuable insights into the temporal aspect of
LSTM networks can be used to classify plant diseases disease development, enhancing the overall system's ability
by analysing sequences of plant images. For example, A to understand disease dynamics.
collection of crop photos annotated with the corresponding
crop disease might be used to train an LSTM network. An
example of a temporal characteristic that the LSTM network
would be trained to extract from the photos would be the
variations in the size and form of illness symptoms over