Crop Disease Identification Using Deep Learning Techniques

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Crop Disease Identification Using Deep

Learning Techniques
Nitika Arya1, Ankit Sharma2, Amit Vajpayee3
Apex Institute of Technology, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab, India1,2,3

Abstract:- Detection and control of plant diseases is investigating sustainable, environmentally friendly
critical to maintaining global food security. Recent alternatives, such as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
advances in deep learning and computer vision have (PGPR), to increase agricultural productivity and get the
revolutionized precision agriculture, especially in most out of farming while minimizing the ecological
automatic detection of crop diseases. This research aims footprint. In short, the emergence of permaculture, driven by
to further advance this new trend using deep learning learning technology and environmentally friendly methods,
techniques. It focuses specifically on the use of was a major turning point in the history of agriculture. The
convolutional neural networks (CNN), specifically the integration of smart agriculture, digital connectivity and
VGG19 architecture, for the accurate and efficient sustainability not only solves today's agricultural problems,
detection of agricultural diseases. The study utilized a but also opens the door to more efficient operations,
large database containing numerous photographs of efficient and environmentally friendly agriculture.
healthy and diseased plants. Adding this information
increases the power and capabilities of the model. The II. LITERATURE REVIEW
VGG19 architecture is based on algorithms that use
transfer learning techniques to extract complex Plant disease diagnosis based on deep learning models.
information from images. This article provides an in-depth look at deep learning
models for plant disease identification. It shows the high
Keywords:- Agriculture, Detection, Rice Disease, Iot accuracy achieved by this method in detecting pests and
Architecture System. diseases affecting plants. [1]

I. INTRODUCTION Identification of plant diseases using deep learning.

This review focuses on new developments, starting from
In recent years, there has been a worldwide focus on machine learning techniques and examining plant diseases
permaculture practices due to concerns about food security, based on deep learning. [2]
environmental degradation, and increasing demand for
agriculture. Permaculture is a revolution in agricultural Conducted a comprehensive review of machine
technology that not only improves the quality of crops but learning and deep learning for plant disease detection. This
also promotes ways to maintain ecological balance and review focuses on the use of plant images for disease
health in society. detection, including machine learning such as naive Bayes,
decision trees, and nearest neighbors. [3]
With the emergence of smart farming and agricultural
technology, traditional agriculture is undergoing significant Using images for deep learning-based detection of crop
changes, sometimes referred to as Agriculture 4.0. This diseases in agriculture. An in-depth research report on leaf
change includes new technologies such as data analytics, disease awareness research. It proposes a CNN-based deep
artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) learning model for leaf disease detection. [4]
that enable instant data, remote monitoring, and appropriate
crop management. This integration supports permaculture by Plant disease diagnosis and distribution: a qualitative
reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and optimizing literature review. The automatic plant disease diagnosis
resource use. model expresses its accuracy in early detection of diseases
after extensive training. [5]
To ensure sound and efficient agriculture, the transition
to digital agriculture has become mandatory due to the Systematic literature review of plant diseases. This
development of technology Nausea. Farmers who embrace literature review provides insight into motivations,
this digital revolution will be better equipped to deal with classification systems, data, challenges, and future
issues such as famine, economic change, and climate generations in plant disease diagnosis. [6]
change. In addition, excessive dependence on chemicals and
pesticides has developed in agriculture to protect crops and
increase crop yield. However, this concept also raises issues
such as biodiversity, human health, and environmental
sustainability. Therefore, there is growing support for

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The understanding of using machine learning, deep III. METHODOLOGY

learning and computer graphics for disease detection and
classification has been well received in all fields. These  Data Collection and Preparation
reviews and case studies highlight the evolution of The first stage in constructing an effective crop disease
agricultural disease testing. detection model is the collecting and preparation of a
diversified dataset. The collection should comprise photos of
healthy plants along with numerous sick plants spanning
diverse crop types. Datasets like the Plant Village Dataset
provide a broad assortment of plant diseases for training and

Fig 1 Sample images from Plant Village dataset for different types of leaf diseases.

 Data Pre-Processing  Model Selection

Image pre-processing serves a significant function in Deep learning models, notably Convolutional Neural
boosting the quality of input data. Techniques such as Networks (CNNs), have demonstrated promising results in
resizing photos to a defined resolution, normalization, and plant disease diagnosis. Popular designs like VGG, Res Net,
augmentation (e.g., rotation, flipping, brightness change) are Inception, and Dense Net may be evaluated. Transfer
widely applied to assure consistency and increase model learning, leveraging pre-trained models like VGG-19, helps
generalization. training with less data, boosting accuracy and convergence.

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2 The basic structure of CNN

 Training Model and Validation issues. Adopting these methods can ensure the stability and
Selection of training model on given data using reliability of crop diseases.
appropriate optimizer and error. Data sets are often divided
into training sets, validation sets, and test sets to evaluate  Technology Introduction
model performance. During training, measures such as early Shallow matching model using random forest and
stopping, and sample checking are used to reduce the drop XGBOOOST.
rate and ensure the best sample weight for delivery is
maintained. Combining shallow VGG model and random forest
(RF) with XGBoost algorithm can be successful in disease
 Hyperparameter Tuning diagnosis. This scheme uses VGG topology, RF and
Fine-tuning model hyperparameters such as learning XGBoost algorithms to improve detection accuracy and can
rate, batch size, and activation function greatly affects model provide efficient and cost-effective solutions.
performance. Use exact or stochastic search strategies to
improve these parameters. Effective adaptive methods for crop disease detection

 Measure Evaluation. Using adaptive learning models such as VGG19 to

evaluates your model's performance using various improve the accuracy and efficiency of crop disease
metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score and diagnosis. This approach enables fast and accurate treatment
confusion matrix. These parameters help evaluate the by using pre-trained models to detect diseases in crops.
model's ability to identify healthy and unhealthy plants.
Methods based on data augmentation and transfer
 Testing and Deployment learning.
Test the entire model on an unseen test dataset to
evaluate its generalization and real-world applicability. Once A model combining data augmentation with transfer
testing is complete, the model can be used as a web or learning in convolutional neural networks (CNN) has been
mobile application for farmers or plant enthusiasts, proven to be able to identify plant diseases, as seen in maize
providing fast and accurate diagnosis. diseases. This strategy focuses on supplementing data and
transferring data from pre-trained models to improve the
 Ethical Considerations and Limitations model's disease recognition.
Personal data, data collection and ethical
considerations regarding data collection are not correct. It is  Cnn With Transfer Learning For Leaf Disease Detection
also important to identify the limitations of the model (such Implementing CNN with transfer learning yielded
as dependence on image quality and environment). great accuracies, such as 99.18%, in identifying leaf
diseases. This approach comprises using pre-trained CNN
In summary, the process includes data collection, architectures with transfer learning methods to extract
prioritization, model selection, training, validation, illness-related characteristics from pictures, allowing precise
hyperparameter estimation, evaluation, testing and ethical disease identification.

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 3 Diagram for identifying crop diseases.

 Deep Learning Models With Transfer Learning For Rice The suggested strategies emphasise the employment of
Leaf Diseases multiple models, algorithms, and methodologies, stressing
Deep learning models like CNN-VGG19, applying the significance of deep learning, transfer learning, and
transfer learning, allow exact diagnosis and classification of upgrades in dataset quality for accurate and fast crop disease
rice leaf diseases. These models exploit transfer learning's diagnosis. These technologies provide prospective options
ability to adapt pre-trained models to rice leaf disease for upgrading agricultural practices by simplifying early
detection, assuring accurate disease categorization. disease control and boosting crop output.

 Deep Learning-Based Disease Detection Techniques IV. EXPERIMENTS AND METHODS

The employment of deep learning-based algorithms
allows the effective diagnosis of agricultural diseases, vital  Fine-Tuned Transfer Learning for Rice Leaf Disease
for sustaining crop quality and output. These strategies Identification
harness developments in deep learning to identify illnesses Utilizing VGG19 with fine-tuned transfer learning,
in crops during their early stages, facilitating informed tests attempted to forecast rice leaf diseases. The strategy
decision- making for enhanced agricultural results. utilised transfer learning methodologies to adjust pre-trained
models for illness categorization, enabling exact

Fig 4 Fine-tuned transfer learning for the VGG19 model for rice leaf disease identification.

 Vgg-19 For Plant Disease Classification  Shallow Convolutional Models For Plant Disease
Research includes implementing VGG-19, a Identification
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model, using transfer Experiments presented shallow VGG models linked
learning for predicting disease classes in plants. The with XGBoost and Random Forest (RF) for disease
research aims to accomplish early diagnosis and diagnosis in plants. Utilizing VGG19, the models attempted
categorization of plant diseases using deep learning to reliably detect different plant diseases.

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Vgg-19 Model With Transfer Learning For Tomato Leaf V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
The experiment deployed a VGG-19 model with The adoption of the VGG19 model has shown
transfer learning, reaching an accuracy of 95.48% in excellent results in reliably diagnosing crop diseases,
diagnosing tomato leaf diseases. The technique exceeded obtaining a noteworthy accuracy of 92.4%. This high
typical machine learning networks in illness detection. accuracy is a testimony to the durability and effectiveness of
deep learning approaches in plant disease detection,
 Hybrid Model For Plant Disease Detection demonstrating their promise for real-world use in
Experimentation featured a hybrid model that agricultural contexts.
efficiently exploited a minimal number of training
parameters to identify Bacterial Spot disease in peach plants. The importance of this breakthrough rests in its
The suggested model attained an outstanding accuracy of practical ramifications for the agricultural business.
99.35%. Accurate and prompt diagnosis of agricultural diseases is
critical for farmers to prevent possible losses and promote
 Improved Crop Disease Identification With Vgg19 And optimum crop health. The VGG19 model, utilizing its deep
Alexnet learning capabilities, provides a reliable and efficient tool
Experiments contrasted VGG19 with AlexNet models, for this goal.
displaying VGG19's accuracy of 92.4% for the training set,
89.9% for the verification set, and 87.8% for the test set in
crop disease detection.

Fig 5 Performance analysis of Inception VGG19 model using Plant Village dataset.
(a) Model recognition accuracy; (b) train and test loss.

One of the key benefits of using deep learning models models can help farmers use more targeted and effective
like VGG19 is their ability to process and analyze large treatments. This can support sustainable agriculture by
amounts of data quickly and reliably. This rapid operation reducing reliance on extensive treatments and optimizing the
leads to timely diagnosis and classification of crop diseases, use of resources such as pesticides.
supporting farmers in timely selection of disease control.
In addition, the effectiveness of the VGG19 model in
In addition, the scalability of deep learning models diagnosing diseases represents a step forward in the use of
makes it possible to adapt to different types of crops and technology in solving agricultural problems. As technology
diseases. This performance is important in agriculture continues to advance, integrating deep learning models into
because many crops will suffer from specific diseases, each agriculture can pave the way for innovations in crop
requiring diagnostic and treatment technology. The management and production.
development of the VGG19 model in keeping many records
and classifying diseases very well contributes to its benefits However, although the VGG19 model achieves high
in agriculture. accuracy, there may be problems in its actual application.
Factors such as dataset diversity, model generalization to
The use of deep learning models such as VGG19 is different environmental conditions, and the need to
also compatible with the spread of precision agriculture. By continually update models to include new diseases may
providing accurate and targeted disease diagnosis, these

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

represent practical challenges for continued research and improve disease classification accuracy by combining the
development. output of multiple models 3.

In conclusion, the successful introduction of the  Include Additional Datasets:

VGG19 model demonstrates its ability to become an Expand the dataset used to train and test models for a
important tool that provides accuracy and efficiency in wide range of plant species, diseases, and disease
diagnosing crop diseases. While more research and classifications. Environmental conditions. Integrating more
advancements are needed to solve real-world problems, the information can help create more flexible and
use of deep learning models such as VGG19 has the comprehensive models and thus facilitate their application in
potential to revolutionize agricultural disease management, many agricultural situations.
ultimately leading to higher yields and sustainable
agriculture.  Improved Breadth and Diversity:
Expansion of the model to accommodate a variety of
VI. CONCLUSIONS plants and organisms. This expansion could lead to the
creation of flexible and resilient models that can identify and
In particular, the combination of deep learning using diagnose diseases in different crops, thus leading to more
the VGG19 architecture provides an important step in the effective disease control.
evolution of crop diseases. The use of powerful neural
network models such as VGG19 provides an effective By examining this approach, future research attempting
method for automatic identification and classification of to use deep learning for plant disease diagnosis may seek to
various diseases. VGG19 is known for its communication improve the accuracy, adaptability, and utility of the process.
neural network (CNN) model, and its application has been
successfully applied in many studies in the identification and REFERNCES
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