Automatic Public Lighting System

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Automatic Public Lighting System

Akash Gurnule, 2Rajesh Rathod, 3Shubham Makode, 6
Yashoda A. Kale ,
Swapnil Rathod, 5Vaibhav Gade Under Guidance, Assistant Professor,
U. G. Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Shreeyash College of Engineering & Technology, Shreeyash College of Engineering & Technology,
Chh. Sambhajiagar, Maharashtra, India Chh. Sambhajiagar, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract:- Motion and ambient light sensors are used by Another proposal involves a ZigBee-based Remote
an automatic public lighting system to dynamically Control Automatic Street Light System, integrating ZigBee
adjust illumination for both safety and efficiency. When modules for detecting faulty lights and implementing
it's not in use, it optimizes energy use and lowers intelligent decision- making for ON/OFF/DIMMING based
expenses and its impact on the environment thanks to on vehicle movement, pedestrians, and environmental
central control. With an emphasis on sustainability and conditions, utilizing a PIR motion sensor.
efficiency, this adaptable solution reimagines the
infrastructure of urban lighting for a more resource- M. Abhishek et al. implemented a traffic flow-based
aware and brighter future. street light control system utilizing solar energy, employing
an 8052 series microcontroller, and replacing conventional
Keywords:- Arduino UNO R4 , Irsensors, LED, LDR, bulbs with LEDs to achieve a threefold reduction in power
Auxillary Power Supply, ConnectedComponent . consumption.

I. INTRODUCTION C.Bhuvaneshwari and colleagues investigated a solar

street light equipped with an automatic tracking system to
Introducing an advanced automated public lighting improve the efficiency of solar power generation. The
system utilizing ambient light and motion sensors for system incorporated a sun-tracking sensor, Light
dynamic illumination control. This system optimizes energy Dependent Resistor (LDR), amplifier unit, LM324 IC, and
consumption through a centralized management structure, AT89C51microcontroller.
resulting in up to 30% energy savings compared to
traditional systems. It represents a sustainable solution, III. METHDOLOGY
delivering consistent and adaptive lighting, accompanied by
significant cost reductions through enhanced safety and The current system utilizes a single-phase power
reduced carbon emissions. delivery to streetlights, incorporating five additional
components for power regulation. An Infra-Red Proximity
Employing state-of-the-art sensor technology, the Sensor at the base detects presence, and data is sent to the
automatic public lighting system provides an innovative Arduino for real-time adjustments. The Arduino
solution applicable to both commercial and rural lighting. commands dim and bright modes, controlling streetlight
Motion and ambient light sensors collaboratively facilitate brightness. A battery eliminator, powered by the single-
real-time adjustments, ensuring energy conservation and phase line, supplies 5V inputs to sensors and Arduino.
optimal lighting conditions. This system establishes a new
standard for contemporary city lighting infrastructure,  Working of the circuit:
showcasing its ability to achieve substantial energy The circuit employs an LDR connected to A0 to
efficiency gains of up to 30%, while emphasizing efficiency, control streetlight activation based on ambient light. IR
safety, and environmental responsibility in urban settings. sensors (IR1, IR2, IR3, IR4) and object sensors are
connected to A1, A2, A3, A4. LEDs are activated based on
II. RELATED WORK sensor readings, with the first and last LEDs serving as start
and end indicators.
The study conducted by K. Santha and colleagues on a
Street Lighting System Dependent on Vehicle Movements
concentrated on the automatic adjustment of streetlights
through algorithms for brightness and dimness, as well as
light intensity. The research employed a PIC microcontroller
for effective control and regulation.

IJISRT23DEC343 1198

Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Circuit diagram:

Fig.1 Circuit diagram

 Flow chart:

Fig 2. Flow Chart

 Components : light output is desired. The super-bright 3mm LEDs are

exceptionally luminous, making them suitable for a wide
 LEDs : range of applications such as projects, illuminations,
LEDs come in various sizes and shapes, including the headlamps, spotlights, car lighting, and models. These LEDs
compact 3mm LED. Our inventory comprises a diverse are efficient for low-power, high- intensity lighting and
selection of the most commonly used models, ranging indicators, fitting easily into breadboards to enhance the
from 3mm to 10mm. The size designation corresponds to visual appeal of your projects.
the outer diameter of the LED. The 3mm LEDs, being the
smallest, are ideal for applications with limited space, while
the 8mm and 10mm models are preferred when maximum

IJISRT23DEC343 1199

Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 IR Sensor: Offering expanded memory, a faster clock, and
The Infrared Obstacle Avoidance IR Sensor Module additional onboard peripherals, the UNO R4 WiFi facilitates
(Active Low) consists of a pair of infrared transmitting and precise calculations, smooth handling of complex projects,
receiving tubes. When the transmitted light waves encounter and the capability to handle demanding tasks effortlessly.
obstacles and are reflected back, the receiver tube captures The board introduces a 12-bit DAC, CAN BUS, OP AMP,
the reflected IR waves. The onboard comparator circuit OFF pin, VRCT pin, and Qwiic connector, enhancing its
processes this information, activating the green indicator capabilities and allowing for greater design flexibility.
LED. The module utilizes a 3-wireinterface with Vcc, GND,
and an OUTPUT pin, compatible with 3.3 to 5V levels. Maintaining compatibility with UNO hardware and
Upon detecting an obstacle, the OUTPUT pin generates a operating at 5V, the UNO R4 WiFi extends its versatility by
digital signal (low-level). A built-in preset allows for fine- supporting a wider input voltage range, up to 24V. This
tuning the operational range, with an effective distance broader range enables seamless integration with motors,
spanning from 2cm to 80cm. LED strips, and other actuators, simplifying projects by
using a single power source and allowing for easy porting of
projects developed with previous UNO form factor boards.

The UNO R4 WiFi stands out with its Wi-Fi and

Bluetooth connectivity capabilities, thanks to the ESP32-S3
co-processor. This integration frees up the RA4M1
microcontroller for other tasks. With built-in Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth, makers can develop IoT projects, leveraging
standardized APIs and existing projects. The board is fully
compatible with Arduino Cloud, facilitating remote data
storage, interactive dashboards, Over-the-Air uploads, and
variable sharing among boards.

LED matrix creativity: The UNO R4 WiFi boasts a

Fig. 3 IR SENSOR vibrant 12x8 red LED matrix (96 dots) perfect for creative
projects, animating visuals or plotting sensor data, all
 Arduion Uno R4: without requiring extra hardware. Users can utilize the
Two Uno R4 boards are available: Uno R4 provided API and tutorials for manual LED control via
Minima and Uno R4 WiFi. The later has a WiFi sketch code. Access a gallery of pre-made animations and
coprocessor and LED matrix, but the Minima doesn't. leverage our online tool for easy creation of custom visual
Common features on both Uno R4 Minima[14] and Uno R4 effects.
WiFi[15] boards:Microcontroller (MCU):[16]
IC: Renesas R7FA4M1AB (32-bit ARM Cortex-M4F core
with single-precision FPU)Clock Speed: 48 MHz
Flash Memory: 256 KB boot rom
SRAM: 32 KB (16 KB ECC) (16 KB parity)
EEPROM: 8 KB (data flash)USART peripherals: 4
SPI peripherals: 2
I²C peripherals: 2 Operating Voltage: 5 Volts USB-C
Barrel jack connector and VIN pin on shield header supports
up to a maximum of 24 volts DC. Additional features only
available on the Uno R4 Minima board:[14]

The SWD programming connector is a 10-pin 5x2

1.27mm header designed for connecting to the Arduino
UNO R4 WiFi. This board combines the processing
capabilities and innovative peripherals of the RA4M1
microcontroller from Renesas with the wireless connectivity Fig.4 ARDUINO UNO R4
features of the ESP32-S3 from Express. In addition to these
features, the UNO R4 WiFi includes an onboard 12x8 LED IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
matrix, Qwiic connector, HID support, VRTC, and OFF pin,
catering to various needs that makers might have for their The implemented project successfully detects obstacles
projects. through IR sensors, switching on the lights as expected. The
design incorporates three modes: OFF mode (daytime),
Active mode (low natural light triggers motion sensors), and
ON mode (pedestrian presence triggers LED lights).

IJISRT23DEC343 1200

Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The design basically includes three working modes:
 OFF mode: When there is enough natural light in the
surrounding ie. during the daytime, the entire system is
switched off and the batteries are charging
 Active mode: When the natural light drops below a
certain level the system automatically turns on and the
motion sensors are powered.
 ON mode: On the presence of pedestrians, the sensors
turns on which in turn switches on the LEDlights. These
lights turns off after a period of time.


This smart project demonstrates the potential to

estimate vehicle speed, recognize number plates, and
enhance road safety. It proves beneficial in both rural and
urban areas, emphasizing the use of renewable resources for
power efficiency. The project's scope extends to various
applications, such as industrial lighting, campus
illumination, and parking lots. Its cost-effectiveness, eco-
friendliness, and remote accessibility make it a practical
solution for energy conservation.


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Street light glow on detecting vehicle movement using
[3]. K.Santha Shee h.S.Padmadevi, Survey on Street
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[4]. Srikanth M. Sudhakar KN.ZigBee Based Remote
Control Automatic Street Light System
[5]. M.Abhishek. Syed ajram shah, K.Chetan, K.Arun
Kumar, Design and implementation of traffic flow
based street light control system with effective
utilization of solar energy, International journal of
Science Engineering and Advance Technology,
USEAT, Vol 3, Issue 9, September 2015
[6]. C.Bhuvaneshwari, R.Rajeswari. C.Kalaiarasan.
Analysis of Solar energy bused street light with auto
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[7]. Steve Chadwick. "Street Light Monitoring a Practical
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