Smart Street Lights: Lakshmiprasad, Keerthana
Smart Street Lights: Lakshmiprasad, Keerthana
Smart Street Lights: Lakshmiprasad, Keerthana
Abstract— Being an energy saving era, it is prior to save energy 24-hours online Monitoring.
effectively. The paper explain how the energy can be saved from Reduce energy use by up to 40 autonomous devices
the street lights through effective management using GSM embedded along with sensors which monitor the
technology. The key objective is to design an intelligent system
that takes decisions for luminous control (ON/OFF/DIM)
environmental parameters like sound, fog,
considering the light intensity during day and night temperature, carbonmonoxide emission.
simultaneously. System enables anti-thefting of power and it is B. Features of Intelligent System
easily adoptable to the present street lights using single computer
module. The intelligent system is suitable for solar cell The system compromises of server, GUI to display and
installations. nodes which are micro controlled processed with embedded
sensors measuring different parameters. Each node in the
Keywords— PIC microcontroller, GSM module, Wireless sensor network is linked to the main server via a protocol. The
systems, Single computing, Supporting softwares analog data sensed by the sensor is converted in digital
form, processed by microcontroller and then sent to the
I. INTRODUCTION server. The master controls all the slaves .The other nodes
sends the data to master and the master collects the data and
Supply of electricity to the consumers continuously is
further sends to concentrator and server where the data is
not happening now a days due to rise in demand and less
monitored and on necessary alterations process it to switch
energy production. This can be overcome either by
ON/OFF the nodes devices. This scenario will bring out all
increasing the power production or by saving the electrical
the above advantages specified.
energy. Saving is economical than producing more power.
Lighting solutions consume large power than any other II. SURVEY MODULES
devices. According to study, global grid based electricity
A. IEEE References
consumption for lighting was about 2700 TW in 2005,
which was an equivalent of 19% of total global electricity WSN for intelligent street lighting system
consumption. Intelligent lighting control and energy Design of new intelligent street light control system
management system is the perfect solution for saving An intelligent driver for Light Emitting Diode Street
energy, particularly in public lighting systems. It aims at Lighting
remote ON/OFF/DIM of lights which can save energy costs Integrated System for Intelligent Street Lighting
by 40% and maintenance costs by 50% and increases the life
of lamp by 30%. This system can be realized in the street C. Company Working on Similar Technology
lights in which intensity can be varied based on the 1) IoTcomm Technologies, China: IoTcomm
frequency of the people in the street. Technologies develops communication technologies for the
Internet of Things (IoT), including but not limited to Power
Based on the environmental and economic factors, Line Communication (PLC), GPRS, Zigbee and WIFI. By
cities need smart energy management systems urgently for integrating PLC and wireless communication technologies
energy saving, maintenance cst reduction and CO2 emission seamlessly, IoTcomm has developed an intelligent street
reduction. This system consists of spatially using lighting control and management system, which provides its
autonomous devices embedded along with sensors which customers with the least expensive and the most reliable
monitor the environmental parameters like fog, mist, solution to significantly reduce power consumption,
carbonmonoxide emission. operating costs and environmental impacts. IoTcomm also
A. Main Function offers power line communication modules and wireless
communication modules, which are readily to be integrated
Remote on/off, Dimming and on-site Status Check.
into smart automation systems including lighting, heating
System Fault Detection/Alarm. Anti-theft and cooling, security, fire detection, access control, or
Detection/Alarm. Date Management (energy energy monitoring equipments for both commercial and
consumption report). residential buildings. 59
International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management
Vol 2 (02), March-April 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg. 59-63
D. Field Survey in Mettur Dam Locality Number of Lamps: 62500 (25 Lamps per Timer)
TABLE 1 Number of Energy Units Utilized: 4166000 per month
Identity Quantity Expenditure
Monthly Bill of 1.25 crores (Rs.3 per unit)
G.I pole 1 4200INR
Foundation(erection 1 2100INR III. PROBLEM CITED
of pole)
Foundation(erection 1(9m) 1100 INR This system resolves the faulty street lamps issue, where
of pole) people are rarely taking the initiative to report faulty street
Junction Box 1(6m) 620INR lamps in their locality. With this device, it able to track
Cable 41*6 3 5 7700INR whenever there is faulty lamps and sends the data to the
Internal wire 1 500INR control centre. Thus, technician will be able to acknowledge
Bracket 1 800INR the faulty street lamps at the first moment and head for the
Sodium fitting 5 500INR repair. Another benefit of this system is the cost saving in
Sodium Lamp 1 800INR terms of wiring. The Xbee module will allow the streets
Earthing 1 850INR lamps communicate to the control system via wireless. With
Evacuation for N/A 3000INR the wiring method, the high cost of the construction and
Laying cable
material makes the system uneconomical; moreover, the
Total 27120INR
reliability of the system will reduce too. Although this
system monitors the health of the street lamp status, it did
E. From Mettur Substation not have other smart feature whereby controlling the street
Bulb Used: lamps by automatically turning ON or OFF the lamps. If this
feature is apply to this system, this allow another great
Mostly sodium vapor bulb of 250W or 150W. energy saving.
250W is used for main roads.
In addition, any faulty lamp will be automatically
150W is used for internal roads.
turning OFF which avoid more energy wastage causes by
Types of Bulb: the faulty lamps. With the application of the lamp
illumination control on the system, the lamps are able to turn
Sodium-yellow color- Steady nature
ON the lights with low illumination when the surrounding
Mercury-white color- Not used usually condition needs the low light illumination of the lamps (e.g.
Metal halide-white color- Power consumption is rainy or cloudy day).
quite high, hence not normally used.
There are no data of the return of investment (ROI)
Height of Street Light: 7m, 8m, 9m, 10m of this system, but it may believe that the ROI will be in less
Power: than 8 years. One of the main weaknesses of this system is
the device are placed at outdoor, thus, precaution steps need
70 Watts for 7m & 8m poles to be taken whereby the case of the devices must be
150Watts for 9m pole designed carefully. It must be sealed or isolated probably to
250 Watts for 10m pole avoid the environmental that could affect the lifespan of the
Distance Between Successive Street Pole:
19-20m (between 7-7m and 8-8m poles)
24-25m (between 9-9m and 10-10m poles) A. Assumptions and Prerequisites
(Distance between poles depends on width of the roads.) The user is at Control Station i.e. the Master Node,
Phase: Single phase (230V) and Three Phase (440) Used which is the governing device of wireless sensor network.
together The user must be aware of working wireless sensor network
based application. User must provide proper network setup
Lamps: Sodium Vapor Lamps parameters for WSN based application. Environmental
Network: Arranged in parallel network Conditions such as rain, snow, storms etc.can affect the
System performance. The Master node must function
Linear Control: No linear control available on lamps. properly during entire working, i.e. it should not fail in the
Expenditure: Use of Intelligent Timer due procedure. 60
International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management
Vol 2 (02), March-April 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg. 59-63 61
International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management
Vol 2 (02), March-April 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg. 59-63
B. Block Diagram 96% savings at the time of dusk, say from 6am to
A. Software Requirement
Microsoft Visual Basic for user interface.
SQL for database.
Embedded C for microcontroller chip.
Eagle software for circuit layout.
B. Hardware Requirement
On Road
Fig. 1 Transmission side GSM SIM300 module for wireless communication.
Microcontroller C8051F350 for controlling various
PLC module.
Beta-LED fixtures.
Camera for street surveillance
Fig. 2 Receiving side
various sensors.
Works on profile basis i.e. all street lights are ON from A PC for observation and running of controlling
6:00pm to 6:00 am, in other words street lights are
functioning completely for 12hrs a day. Assuming 20 nodes Various sensors for sensing external
to be working power consumed by them will be given as:
LED’s as street-light lamp.
Bulb used = 150W
Power supply unit.
Number of nodes = 20
Number of working hours per day = 12 Thermacol for visualization of streets and street
light vicinity.
Power consumed per day = 20*12*150/1000 = 36 units
Five small rods as a street light poles
i.e., 36*30=1080 units per month
Monthly bill for 20 nodes (3 INR/unit) = 1080*3=
3240INR per month Thus the proposed system is described that integrates
new technologies offering ease of maintenance and energy
Expected power saving in various ways savings and it is appropriate for street lighting in remote as
well as urban areas where traffic is low at times. Wireless
0% consumption say from 7am to 7pm.
Sensor networks may present a new solution to bring the
97% saving at the time of dusk say from 7pm to 8pm.
installed cost down and to ensure energy efficiency. Over
7% energy saving because of voltage correction say
the past 10years many new RF solutions have been
from 8pm to 11pm .
developed into our every-day life.
55% consumption because of dimming technique
used say from 11pm to 1am. IX. FUTURE SCOPE
34% consumption because of dimming as well as Once this Intelligent System is implemented, we could
staggering technique say from 1am to 2am. directly go for Wireless Power Transmission which would
55% consumption because of dimming technique further reduce the maintenance costs and power thefts of the
used say from 2am to 6am. system, as cable breaking is one of the problems faced 62
International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management
Vol 2 (02), March-April 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg. 59-63
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