Review of Various Software Cost Estimation Techniq

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Review of Various Software Cost Estimation Techniques

Article in International Journal of Computer Applications · May 2016

DOI: 10.5120/ijca2016909867


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Umesh Kumar
Govt. Women Engineering College Ajmer


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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 141 – No.11, May 2016

Review of Various Software Cost Estimation Techniques

Shivangi Shekhar Umesh Kumar
Research Scholar-M.Tech-CSE Assistant Professor(CSE &IT)
Govt. Women Engg.College, Govt.Women Engg.College,Ajmer,Rajasthan

ABSTRACT This paper begins with the introduction. Section 2 covers the
The industry of software should be efficient. Due to rapid various existing and emerging cost estimation techniques and
change in technology, implementation of complex software their respective advantages and disadvantages. Section 3 deals
systems at cheaper cost and the urge to maintain better quality with the selection of the estimation techniques. Section 4 is
software are some of the major challenges for the software the conclusion and the references have been outlined in
companies. One of the toughest works is cost estimation, in section 5.
the field of software engineering. It is the estimation of total
cost required in developing software. Researchers have
proposed various methods of cost estimation. This paper gives Various methods are available to estimate the cost of software
an insight into the various models and techniques used in [3]. These techniques are classified mainly into two types:
estimating cost of the software. The benefits and drawbacks of Algorithmic and Non-Algorithmic techniques [4]. In this
the existing cost estimating techniques have been highlighted section we enlist these techniques along with their advantages
in this paper. There is as such not any single method which and disadvantages so as to get an idea which one is more
can be regarded as the best method so in this paper it is suitable or can be regarded as the best technique.
suggested that a combination of the methods should be used to
get an accurate cost estimate.
2.1 Non-algorithmic techniques
Non-Algorithmic techniques base their estimation process on
General Terms analogy and deduction. We need to have knowledge of a
Software Engineering: Software Cost Estimation previously complete project similar to our current software
project. Estimation is done on the basis of analysis of previous
Keywords software projects or data sets. Some of the techniques based
Software cost estimation, Estimation techniques, Cost models, on Non-Algorithmic methods are as detailed below:
COCOMO, Algorithmic method, Non-Algorithmic method.
2.1.1 Estimation based on analogy
1. INTRODUCTION The basic idea behind estimation by analogy is that [5]
whenever we get a new software project for cost estimation, it
Cost estimation includes the process or methods that help us
is just compared to historical similar projects to arrive at the
in predicting the actual and total cost that will be needed for
nearest similar software project through which we can
our software and is considered as one of the complex and
estimate our current project cost. The values and data from
challenging activity for the software companies. Their goal is
previously complete projects are deduced to calculate cost of
to develop software which is cheap and at the same time
our current project. We can use this technique both at system
deliver good quality. Software cost estimation [1] is used
or component level [6]. The details of the exact steps
basically by system analysts to get an approximation of the
followed for estimation based on Analogy are given below:
essential resources needed by a particular software project and
their schedules. Important parameters in estimating cost are i. Determining the attributes of our current project.
size, time, effort etc. Process of software estimation basically
focuses on four steps. At first we estimate software size, then ii. Finding a historical similar project as compared to our
the needed effort after this we derive the schedule and at last current project whose attributes are already stored in the
calculate cost of the software. Various techniques are used in database.
software cost estimation and we can broadly classify these iii. Calculating the cost of the current project from the
techniques into two categories namely Algorithmic and Non- historical similar project.
Algorithmic techniques. Algorithmic techniques rely on
mathematical equations to estimate software cost. Following enlists the advantages and disadvantages of this
Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is a popular and widely technique:
used Algorithmic set of models. Algorithmic methods have
many advantages but at the same time these methods are hard
to learn and too much data are needed about the current  Depends on the values and data of previous projects.
project state in these methods. Conversely Non-Algorithmic
techniques are easy to learn but we need to have complete  Estimators experience can be used which helps in
information about one of the very similar previous projects as arriving at a better cost estimate.
compared to our current software project, as estimation in  We get to know the minute distinction between the
these are made on the basis of historical data [2] .So basically previous completed projects and our current projects and
there is as such not any single method which can be regarded this in a way also helps in knowing their impacts.
as the best one. So a combination of the methods is usually
suggested to arrive at a better cost estimate.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 141 – No.11, May 2016

Disadvantages:  It takes more time.

 Using this method requires estimators to find out the 2.1.5 Price to win estimation
attributes through which a project can be described best Here we are focused more on the budget of customer rather
also we need to provide weightage to these to get a better than the functionality of the software. Overall software cost is
analogy. agreed on the basis of an outline proposal and the
 We cannot use this technique for every project. development of software is restricted by that cost.
2.1.2 Expert judgement method  Cost is estimated according to the budget of customer.
Estimation based on Expert judgement [7] captures the
knowledge of experts and the estimation of cost is dependent Disadvantages:
on those projects which involved the inclusion of the expert.
Usually there are some scenarios when we have limitations to  This method may lead to delay in delivery of the
gather and find data. Expert Judgement method is good to be software project, due to which software developers may
used in these situations. It is the widely used estimation suffer loss.
strategy for software projects. Wideband Delphi technique [8] 2.1.6 Artificial neural network based estimation
is one of the cost estimation technique based on expert
Artificial Neural Network based estimation models are trained
judgement. Here the participants are involved in two
by the use of historical data. They produce good results and
assessment rounds. Work breakdown structure is another
the algorithmic parameter values are adjusted in such a way
example of the expert judgement method.
that the differences between the actual and predicted estimates
Advantages: are reduced.
 The impacts caused due to new technologies, architecture Advantages:
and languages can be predicted by the experts.
 Artificial Neural Network [11] based estimation methods
are consistent with unlike databases and they provide
 It is difficult and tedious to document the factors used by power of reasoning in estimation process.
 We cannot fully rely on the estimators or experts,  Large amount of training data is required
chances are that they can be biased, optimistic or
pessimistic  No guidelines or instructions are provided for designing.

2.1.3 Top-down estimation 2.1.7 Fuzzy logic based estimation

In this technique we derive total cost from global properties Fuzzy Logic [12] based estimation is also called soft
using either of algorithmic or non-algorithmic technique. computing technique. Soft computing techniques are
Then this cost is splitted to various components of the system. emerging software estimation techniques. Fuzzy logic has
Top-down Estimation is more beneficial in the early stages of evolved as an important tool to solve such problems, for
software development because detailed information is not which mathematical models cannot be created or we can say
available during this stage [9],[10]. Putnam’s Model is an that it is difficult to create. Development of software is many
example of this technique. a times characterized by parameters that exhibit fuzziness.
Application of fuzzy logic in cost estimation helps in
Advantages: overcoming many problems which exists in the already
 It requires very less detail about the project, moreover it available cost estimation techniques.
is faster and easier to implement. Advantages:
 Unlike other techniques top-down estimation focuses on  No training is required also this method is more flexible.
activities like integration, management etc. Usually these  Provides reliable estimates.
are overlooked in other techniques. Disadvantages:
 This method is difficult to use.
 This technique does not take into consideration low level
 Cost estimation of complex features is tedious.
problems which are difficult and can increase the cost of
the system. 2.2 Algorithmic techniques
2.1.4 Bottom-up estimation Algorithmic methods make use of equations and mathematics
to perform the process of estimation. Moreover these
Bottom-up estimation is opposite of Top-down estimation
equations are derived from research and uses inputs like
method. In this method we derive cost of each software
Source Lines of Code(SLOC)[13],function points, and cost
component and then the result is combined to achieve the
drivers like risk assessments, languages, design methodology
overall cost of the software. Goal is to derive system estimate
etc. Models like COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model),
from the accumulated estimate of the small component [10].
Putnam’s Model, Function Point based models and SEER-
Advantages: SEM Models [14] are some of the Algorithmic models.
 This technique is more stable .
2.2.1 Constructive cost model
Disadvantages: One of the popular and extensively used algorithmic model
 It does not take into account the system level activities for the estimation of cost and at the same time get the
like documentation, integration and their associated schedule of a developing software was given by Barry
costs. Boehm[15],[16] and is known as the Constructive Cost
Model(COCOMO)[15]. The parameters and equations that are

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 141 – No.11, May 2016

used in this model are obtained through previous software Here, D0 which represents manpower build-up factor ranges
projects. The size of code is usually given in KLOC(thousand from 8 to 27 for new and rebuilt software respectively. Tool
lines of code) and the obtained effort is in Person that is used for estimation of cost and manpower scheduling is
Months(PM).Basically three models of COCOMO have been SLIM and it is based on the Putnam’s Model.
proposed by Boehm and these are as follows:
 Basic COCOMO – Being the first of the COCOMO set
of models ,the formula used by this model is:  This model is basically based on two variables which are
time and size.
Effort = a*(KLOC)b , here KLOC denotes the code size and
the constant is represented by a and b. The value of these Disadvantages:
constants [17] depends on the type of project, that is whether  Putnam’s Model does not take into account other aspects
its organic, semi-detached or embedded. of software development life cycle.
 Intermediate COCOMO – In this we obtain nominal 2.2.3 Function point based analysis
effort estimation and the value of constants a and b Function Point Analysis was developed by Albrecht [19] to
differs from that of basic COCOMO. Formula used in measure the functionality of software projects. This method
this model is: measures the size of the software, it considers internal logical
Effort = a*(KLOC)b* EAF. Here the effort adjustment factor files [20], external interface file, external input-output, and
is represented by EAF. external inquiries from functional viewpoint metric.
ESTIMACS and SPQR/20 are the models based on Function
 Detailed COCOMO – This works on each sub-system point analysis estimation.
separately and serves as a boon for large systems made
up of non-homogenous subsystems. Advantages:
 They are not dependent on the language, tools and
Constructive Cost Models presumes the system and software methods of implementation.
requirements to be stable and predefined. But usually this
situation is not always valid. This model provides some  Development costs can be estimated in early phases of
advantages but it also has some disadvantages. software development.
Advantages:  Results are better than SLOC (Source Lines of code).
 Simple to estimate cost Disadvantages:
Disadvantages:  It requires manual work which is more time consuming.
 Because estimation in COCOMO Model is done at early
 Difficult for a new developer to estimate size of the
stages of software development, many a times it may
software[21] as function point usage requires experience.
lead to estimation failures.
As a result of these problems the newest version of COCOMO 3. SELECTION OF ESTIMATION
which is COCOMO II was developed in 1990 and uses TECHNIQUES
broader set of data. It uses source lines of code, function point It is quite clear from the above mentioned comparison of the
and object points as inputs. It also includes some techniques that as such there is not any single technique which
modifications to the effort multiplier cost drivers of previous can be credited as the best one. The merits and demerits of
COCOMO. The obtained output is in the form of size and each technique of estimation are correlated, so an
effort estimates later developed into a project schedule. amalgamation of these techniques [22] can help in ruling out
Advantages: weaknesses of any particular method. It can reduce the
negative effects of a technique and can help in augmentation
 COCOMO II proves to be an industry standard model. of their individual strength. Also we can cross check one
method with another. Usually it is recommended to use non
 It has a clear and effective calibration process. algorithmic methods like estimation by analogy or expert
Disadvantages: judgement method for the projects which are known. On the
other hand for larger and less known projects it proves better
 Calculation of duration for small projects is to use algorithmic methods. Amongst the algorithmic models,
unreasonable. COCOMO II is much better than COCOMO I as it is not only
confined to use Source lines of code but can make use of
2.2.2 Putnam’s model function point, object point as software metrics to measure
This model examines many software projects and depends on the size of the software projects. So efforts should be made to
distribution of manpower. The equation used in this model is use combination of the techniques to arrive at a better estimate
as given below: of the software.
S = E * Effort1/3 *td4/3.
Here, S is the size of the software [18] in LOC (Lines of Predicting actual cost estimate required to develop particular
code), Environment factor is denoted by E which depicts the software is a tedious task. Planning and budgeting of software
development capability, td denotes the software delivery time project is largely affected by cost estimation, thus it is an
and effort is represented in person year. Apart from this one essential process in software estimation. Cost estimation if
more relation was found by Putnam which is given below: done before the initiation of a project can aid in determining
the features which can be included within the limited
Effort = D0 *td3. resources of the project. It also helps in reducing risks. So we
can say that overall cost estimation is very impactful for the

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Volume 141 – No.11, May 2016

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