SPM Cost Estmate Slides For Bca 4-195245927

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Software Project Management

Software Cost Estimation

Software cost estimation

Predicting the resources required

for a software development

 To introduce the fundamentals of software costing and

 To describe three metrics for software productivity
 To explain why different techniques should be used for
software estimation
 To describe the COCOMO 2 algorithmic cost estimation
Topics covered

 Productivity
 Estimation techniques
 Algorithmic cost modelling
 Project duration and staffing
Fundamental estimation questions

 How much effort is required to complete an activity?

 How much calendar time is needed to complete an
 What is the total cost of an activity?
 Project estimation and scheduling and interleaved
management activities
Software cost components

 Hardware and software costs

 Travel and training costs
 Effort costs (the dominant factor in most
 salaries of engineers involved in the project
 Social and insurance costs
 Effort costs must take overheads into account
 costs of building, heating, lighting
 costs of networking and communications
 costs of shared facilities (e.g library, staff restaurant,
Costing and pricing

 Estimates are made to discover the cost, to the

developer, of producing a software system
 There is not a simple relationship between the
development cost and the price charged to the
 Broader organisational, economic, political and business
considerations influence the price charged
Software pricing factors
Programmer productivity

 A measure of the rate at which individual

engineers involved in software development
produce software and associated
 Not quality-oriented although quality assurance
is a factor in productivity assessment
 Essentially, we want to measure useful
functionality produced per time unit
Productivity measures

 Size related measures based on some output from the

software process. This may be lines of delivered source
code, object code instructions, etc.
 Function-related measures based on an estimate of the
functionality of the delivered software. Function-points
are the best known of this type of measure
Measurement problems

 Estimating the size of the measure

 Estimating the total number of programmer
months which have elapsed
 Estimating contractor productivity (e.g.
documentation team) and incorporating this
estimate in overall estimate
Lines of code

 What's a line of code?

 The measure was first proposed when programs were
typed on cards with one line per card
 How does this correspond to statements as in Java which
can span several lines or where there can be several
statements on one line
 What programs should be counted as part of the system?
 Assumes linear relationship between system
size and volume of documentation
Productivity comparisons

 The lower level the language, the more

productive the programmer
 The same functionality takes more code to implement in a
lower-level language than in a high-level language
 The more verbose the programmer, the higher
the productivity
 Measures of productivity based on lines of code suggest
that programmers who write verbose code are more
productive than programmers who write compact code
High and low level languages
Function points

 Based on a combination of program characteristics

 external inputs and outputs
 user interactions
 external interfaces
 files used by the system
 A weight is associated with each of these
 The function point count is computed by multiplying
each raw count by the weight and summing all values
Function points

 Function point count modified by complexity of the

 FPs can be used to estimate LOC depending on the
average number of LOC per FP for a given language
 LOC = AVC * number of function points
 AVC is a language-dependent factor varying from 200-300
for assemble language to 2-40 for a 4GL
 FPs are very subjective. They depend on the estimator.
 Automatic function-point counting is impossible
Object points

 Object points are an alternative function-related

measure to function points when 4Gls or similar
languages are used for development
 Object points are NOT the same as object classes
 The number of object points in a program is a weighted
estimate of
 The number of separate screens that are displayed
 The number of reports that are produced by the system
 The number of 3GL modules that must be developed to
supplement the 4GL code
Object point estimation

 Object points are easier to estimate from a

specification than function points as they are simply
concerned with screens, reports and 3GL modules
 They can therefore be estimated at an early point in the
development process. At this stage, it is very difficult to
estimate the number of lines of code in a system
Factors affecting productivity
Quality and productivity

 All metrics based on volume/unit time are

flawed because they do not take quality into
 Productivity may generally be increased at the
cost of quality
 It is not clear how productivity/quality metrics
are related
 If change is constant then an approach based on
counting lines of code is not meaningful
Estimation techniques

 There is no simple way to make an accurate estimate of

the effort required to develop a software system
 Initial estimates are based on inadequate information in a
user requirements definition
 The software may run on unfamiliar computers or use new
 The people in the project may be unknown
 Project cost estimates may be self-fulfilling
 The estimate defines the budget and the product is
adjusted to meet the budget
Estimation techniques

 Algorithmic cost modelling

 Expert judgement
 Estimation by analogy
 Parkinson's Law
 Pricing to win
Algorithmic code modelling

 A formulaic approach based on historical cost

information and which is generally based on the size of
the software
 Discussed later in this chapter
Expert judgement

 One or more experts in both software

development and the application domain use
their experience to predict software costs.
Process iterates until some consensus is
 Advantages: Relatively cheap estimation
method. Can be accurate if experts have direct
experience of similar systems
 Disadvantages: Very inaccurate if there are no
Top-down and bottom-up
 Any of these approaches may be used top-down or
 Top-down
 Start at the system level and assess the overall system
functionality and how this is delivered through sub-systems
 Bottom-up
 Start at the component level and estimate the effort
required for each component. Add these efforts to reach a
final estimate
Top-down estimation

 Usable without knowledge of the system architecture

and the components that might be part of the system
 Takes into account costs such as integration,
configuration management and documentation
 Can underestimate the cost of solving difficult low-level
technical problems
Bottom-up estimation

 Usable when the architecture of the system is known

and components identified
 Accurate method if the system has been designed in
 May underestimate costs of system level activities such
as integration and documentation
Estimation methods

 Each method has strengths and weaknesses

 Estimation should be based on several methods
 If these do not return approximately the same result,
there is insufficient information available
 Some action should be taken to find out more in order
to make more accurate estimates
 Pricing to win is sometimes the only applicable method
Experience-based estimates

 Estimating is primarily experience-based

 However, new methods and technologies may make
estimating based on experience inaccurate
 Object oriented rather than function-oriented
 Client-server systems rather than mainframe systems
 Off the shelf components
 Component-based software engineering
 CASE tools and program generators
Algorithmic cost modelling

 Cost is estimated as a mathematical function of

product, project and process attributes whose
values are estimated by project managers
 Effort = A  SizeB  M
 A is an organisation-dependent constant, B reflects the
disproportionate effort for large projects and M is a
multiplier reflecting product, process and people

 Most commonly used product attribute for cost

estimation is code size
 Most models are basically similar but with
different values for A, B and M
Estimation accuracy

 The size of a software system can only be known

accurately when it is finished
 Several factors influence the final size
 Use of COTS and components
 Programming language
 Distribution of system
 As the development process progresses then the size
estimate becomes more accurate
The COCOMO model

 An empirical model based on project experience

 Well-documented, ‘independent’ model which is not
tied to a specific software vendor
 Long history from initial version published in 1981
(COCOMO-81) through various instantiations to COCOMO
 COCOMO 2 takes into account different approaches to
software development, reuse, etc.
COCOMO 2 levels
 COCOMO 2 is a 3 level model that allows increasingly detailed estimates to
be prepared as development progresses
 Early prototyping level
 Estimates based on object points and a simple formula is used for effort
 Early design level
 Estimates based on function points that are then translated to LOC
 Post-architecture level
 Estimates based on lines of source code
Early prototyping level

 Supports prototyping projects and projects where there

is extensive reuse
 Based on standard estimates of developer productivity
in object points/month
 Takes CASE tool use into account
 Formula is
 PM = ( NOP  (1 - %reuse/100 ) ) / PROD
 PM is the effort in person-months, NOP is the number of
object points and PROD is the productivity
Object point productivity
Early design level

 Estimates can be made after the requirements have

been agreed
 Based on standard formula for algorithmic models
 PM = A  SizeB  M + PMm where


 PMm = (ASLOC  (AT/100)) / ATPROD

 A = 2.5 in initial calibration, Size in KLOC, B varies from

1.1 to 1.24 depending on novelty of the project,
development flexibility, risk management approaches and
the process maturity
Post-architecture level
 Uses same formula as early design estimates
 Estimate of size is adjusted to take into account
 Requirements volatility. Rework required to support change
 Extent of possible reuse. Reuse is non-linear and has associated costs so this is
not a simple reduction in LOC
 ESLOC = ASLOC  (AA + SU +0.4DM + 0.3CM +0.3IM)/100
 ESLOC is equivalent number of lines of new code. ASLOC is the number of lines of
reusable code which must be modified, DM is the percentage of design modified,
CM is the percentage of the code that is modified , IM is the percentage of the
original integration effort required for integrating the reused software.
 SU is a factor based on the cost of software understanding, AA is a factor which
reflects the initial assessment costs of deciding if software may be reused.
Exponent scale factors
 Product attributes
 concerned with required characteristics of the software product being
 Computer attributes
 constraints imposed on the software by the hardware platform
 Personnel attributes
 multipliers that take the experience and capabilities of the people
working on the project into account.
 Project attributes
 concerned with the particular characteristics of the software
development project
Project planning

 Algorithmic cost models provide a basis for

project planning as they allow alternative
strategies to be compared
 Embedded spacecraft system
 Must be reliable
 Must minimise weight (number of chips)
 Multipliers on reliability and computer constraints > 1
 Cost components
 Target hardware
 Development platform
 Effort required
Management options
Option choice

 Option D (use more experienced staff) appears to be the

best alternative
 However, it has a high associated risk as expreienced staff
may be difficult to find
 Option C (upgrade memory) has a lower cost saving but
very low risk
 Overall, the model reveals the importance of staff
experience in software development
Project duration and staffing

 As well as effort estimation, managers must estimate

the calendar time required to complete a project and
when staff will be required
 Calendar time can be estimated using a COCOMO 2
 TDEV = 3  (PM)(0.33+0.2*(B-1.01))
 PM is the effort computation and B is the exponent
computed as discussed above (B is 1 for the early
prototyping model). This computation predicts the nominal
schedule for the project
 The time required is independent of the number of
people working on the project
Staffing requirements

 Staff required can’t be computed by diving the

development time by the required schedule
 The number of people working on a project varies
depending on the phase of the project
 The more people who work on the project, the more
total effort is usually required
 A very rapid build-up of people often correlates with
schedule slippage
Main points to remember

 Factors affecting productivity include individual

aptitude, domain experience, the development project,
the project size, tool support and the working
 Different techniques of cost estimation should be used
when estimating costs
 Software may be priced to gain a contract and the
functionality adjusted to the price
Main points to remember
 Algorithmic cost estimation is difficult because of the need to estimate
attributes of the finished product
 The COCOMO model takes project, product, personnel and hardware
attributes into account when predicting effort required
 Algorithmic cost models support quantitative option analysis
 The time to complete a project is not proportional to the number of
people working on the project

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