Bindu 122 Gauranga

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Sr i K

ishhna K
Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa(
tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam Bi n du
Issue No. 122 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications
24 February 2006 Śrī Vijayā Ekādaśī, 11 Govinda, 519 Gaurābda Circulation 1,676


By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada’s
Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode Śrī Hari-nāma-cintāmai chapter one
Prema-vilāsa 7.37-49
Srila Narahari Chakravarti’s
Sri Prema Das

METHODS DIFFER BUT THE materialists. Every ācārya has a specific

means of propagating his spiritual move-
GOAL IS THE SAME ment with the aim of bringing men to
Translation and purport to
Krishna consciousness. Therefore, the
Śri Chaitanya-caritāmta 7.37
method of one ācārya may be different
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta from that of another, but the ultimate goal
Swami Prabhupada
is never neglected. Srila Rupa Goswami
aparādha kamāila, ubila prema-jale recommends:
kebā eāibe prabhura prema-mahājāle tasmāt kenāpy upāyena mana k e niveśayet
sarve vidhi-niedhā syur etayor eva ki karā
Lord Chaitanya excused
them all, and they merged One must somehow think of Krishna, whether in a
into the ocean of devotional friendly way or inimically. All of the injunctions of
śāstra are servants of this principle. [The first line is
service, for no one can escape from Bhāg. 7.1.32. The second is from Padma Purā a.]
the unique loving network of
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. An ācārya should devise a means by which
people may somehow or other come to
PURPORT Krishna consciousness. First they should be-
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was an ideal come Krishna conscious, and all the pre-
ācārya. An ācārya is an ideal teacher who scribed rules and regulations may later gradu-
knows the purport of the revealed scrip- ally be introduced. In our Krishna conscious-
tures, behaves exactly according to their ness movement we follow this policy of Lord
injunctions, and teaches his students to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. For example,
adopt these principles also. As an ideal since boys and girls in the Western countries
ācārya, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu devised freely intermingle, special concessions regard-
ways to capture all kinds of atheists and ing their customs and habits are necessary to
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bring them to Krishna consciousness. The visits the place of Sri Iswara Puri carries
ācārya must devise a means to bring them to some dirt back with him. Sri Madhavendra
devotional service. Therefore, although I am Puri was the first fructified seed of the de-
a sannyāsī I sometimes take part in getting sire tree of devotional service, and Sri
boys and girls married, although in the his- Iswara Puri is the nourishment of that fruc-
tory of sannyāsa no sannyāsī has personally tified seed (Cc. ādi 9.11). 
taken part in marrying his disciples.  — Vrindavan Das Thakur. Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata with
commentary of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. En-
THE NOURISHMENT OF glish translation by Bhumipati Das. Edited and pub-
lished by Pundarik Vidyanidhi Das. Vrajaraj Press.
THE DESIRE TREE OF LOVE Vrindavan. 2001.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati
Thakur Prabhupada THE HOLY NAME IS
Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata ādi 9.170 Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode
Śrī Hari-nāma-cintāmai chapter one
īśvara-purī-brahmānanda-purī-ādi yata
sarva śiya hailena nityānande rata Nāmālocanāra Mukhya-patha
Iswara Puri, Brahmananda Puri, (The holy name is the direct path.)
and the other disciples of
prabhu tumi jīvera ma gala cintā kari’
Madhavendra Puri all felt great
kali-yuge nāma-sa ge svaya avatari’
attachment for Lord
Nityānanda. [Haridas Thakur told Sri
Sri Iswara Puri was born in Chaitanya Mahaprabhu:] “O
a brāhma a family of Kumarahatta (near the Supreme Lord, thinking how to
Halisahara Station on the E.B. Railway Line) benefit the conditioned souls, in
and was a beloved disciple of Sri Kali-yuga you descended to this world with
Madhavendra Puri. The Caitanya-caritāmta the holy name. (77)
(antya 8.28-30) describes how Sriman yuga-dharma pracārile nāma-sa kīrtana
Madhavendra, being pleased by his service, mukhya-pathe jīva pāya k a-prema-dhana
benedicted him with the following words:
“You taught that nāma-sa kīrtana (chanting
“May you obtain the wealth of love for
of the holy name) is the yuga-dharma (religion
Krishna.” Prior to enacting the pastime of
of the age). By following this direct path of
initiating Mahaprabhu with the ten-syllable
chanting the holy name, the conditioned souls
mantra at Gaya, Sri Iswara Puri came to
attain a great treasure of love for Lord
Nabadwip and resided at the house of
Krishna. (78)
Gopinath Acharya for one month. At that
time he had discussions with Adwaita nāmera smara a āra nāma-sa kīrtana
Prabhu and Mahaprabhu in which he re- ei mātra dharma jīva karibe pālana
cited to them his book, Śrī K a-līlāmta “Simply by chanting or remembering the
(Caitanya-caritāmta, ādi-līlā, chapter 11). holy name the conditioned souls will become
When Sriman Mahaprabhu visited delivered. (79)
Kumarahatta to see the birthplace of Sripad
Iswara Puri, He took some dirt from that
— Bhaktivinode Thakur. Śrī Hari-nāma-cintāma i. Sri
place and bound it in His outer garment in
Chaitanya Gaudiya Math. Mayapur. Bengali. Gaurabdha 497.
order to teach the living entities how to re-
— Bhaktivinode Thakur. Śrī Hari-nāma-cintāma i. English
spect one’s spiritual master (Cc. ādi 17.101). translation by Sri Kusakratha Das. Krishna Library. Culver
Even today, every Gaudiya Vaishnava who City, California. 1994

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NITAI MEETS ISVARA PURI always floated in his own tears. And Iswara
Prema-vilāsa 7.37-49 Puri became mad with ecstasy after accept-
ing the deliverer of the universe, Lord
One day a sannyāsī came to the house of
Vishwambhar, as his disciple.
Hadai Pandit to beg alms. The pious Hadai
You may say that Lord Chaitanya is the
Pandit happily agreed, requesting what the
guru of the entire universe, yet He accepted
sannyāsī would like. “Give me your son.” the
a guru. This is certainly puzzling. Therefore I
sannyāsī said, “He will assist me as I travel on
say that to instruct the people in general the
pilgrimage.” Hadai was heart-broken with
Lord established the principles of religion by
separation, but he kept his promise and turned
His own example. 
over his son to the care of the sannyāsī. Al-
— Mathurā-ma ala Parikramā. Translated from chapter five
though he was a disciple of that sannyāsī, of Srila Narahari Chakravarti Thakur’s, Śrī Bhakti-ratnākara.
Nityananda Prabhu did not accept a sannyāsa- Published by Pundarika Das. Vrindavan. No date.
da a. He dressed as an avadhūta and wan-
dered about on pilgrimage for many years,
absorbed in remembrance of Sri Nandanandan TRANSCENDENTAL VIRTUES
Krishna. Once he met Iswara Puri, who said Sri Prema Das
to him smilingly, “You have finished your pil- The poet Prema Das (c. 1712 A.D.), or
grimage. Now you must begin your mission. Premananda Das as he sometimes identified him-
Krishna has manifested Himself in Nabadwip. self in his poems, was the author of the famous
Go and search for him.” Nityananda Prabhu Vaśī-śikā, a book that describes the life of
and Vishwarup (Shankararanya) were the Mahaprabhu’s associate Sri Vamsi-vadana. Prema
same personality; both were manifestations of Das was born in the village Kuliya, near
Sankarshan, Balaram.  Nabadwip. When he was 16 years old he left home
Bibliography and went to Vraja where he became a cook for
Govindaji, the deity of Srila Rupa Goswami. Al-
— Nityananda Das. Prema-vilāsa. Mahesh Library. Calcutta.
1999. Bengali. though Prema Das was an exalted vaiava and
— Unknown translator. The Acarya’s Songs and Poems Glo-
a talented poet, his poems are not so well known.
rifying Lord Gauranga and Lord Govinda. Found in the The following song was composed as a caturdaśa-
Vai ava Folio Archives. Compiled by Sri Narasingha svarāvalī — based on a sequence of 14 vowel sounds
Caitanya Matha. No date.
beginning each successive line. This is somewhat
INITIATION FROM ISHWARA PURI akin to the style of constrained English writing
Srila Narahari Chakravarti’s known as “alphabet acrostic” wherein each line
begins with a successive letter of the alphabet.
Śrī Bhakti-ratnākara 5.2100 to 2107
A few days after the disappearance of his
father, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to aśea gu era nidhi gaurā ga-sundara
Gaya to perform śrāddha. At that time the ānande vibhora sadā nadīyā-nāgara
most fortunate Iswara Puri regained his life
Lord Gaurangasundara is an ocean of tran-
by seeing Gaurachandra. Gaurasundara is
scendental qualities. He roams in the town of
the life of the devotees; thus he offered the
Nadiya, always overcome with spiritual bliss.
greatest affection to Iswara Puri. Lord
Chaitanya spoke his initiation mantra in indu jini vadanera śobhā manohara
Iswara Puri’s ear and then, receiving the īśvara brahmādi yāre bhāve nirantara
mantra back from Iswara Puri, he fell on the His glorious handsome face defeats the
ground offering his obeisances. After accept- moon. Shiva, Brahma, and all the demigods
ing Iswara Puri as his guru, Lord Chaitanya always worship him with ecstatic love.
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uddhārilā jaga-jane diyā prema-dhana ohra-deśa yā-iyā prabhu bahu līlā haila
ūna pāpī tāpī nāhi kailā vicāra a audārya-gu ete sārvabhauma nistārila
Giving them the great treasure of ecstatic Lord Gauranga went to Orissa and en-
spiritual love, he delivers the people of the joyed many pastimes there. With great and
world. In giving that gift he makes no dis- generous mercy Lord Gauranga delivered
tinction between the sinners and the aus- Sarvabhauma.
tere renunciates. caturdaśa-svarāvalī ye kare kīrtana
 a śudhibāra prabhu śrīmatī rādhāra acire labhaye se-i gaurā ga-cara a
rītimata nadīyāra haila avatāra
Anyone who chants these fourteen lines
Trying to repay the debt he owes Sri glorifying Lord Gauranga will quickly attain
Radha, the Lord has descended to this Lord Gauranga’s feet.
world in Nadiya and accepted the role of śrī-jāhnavā rāmacandra-pada kari āśa
a devotee. caturdaśa svarāvalī gāya prema-dāsa
lipta śrī-gaurā ga-tanu śrī-haricandane Aspiring to attain the feet of Ramachandra Das
līlāvatī nārī heri haya acetane
and Sri Jahnava-devi, Prema Das sings these
Lord Gauranga’s fair form is anointed fourteen lines glorifying Lord Gauranga. 
with sandal paste. Seeing him, the girls of Bibliography
Nadiya are overcome with spiritual bliss — Jagadbandhu Bhadra’s Gaura-pada-tara ginī. Sri Gauranga
and fall unconscious. Press. Calcutta. 1931. Bengali.

emana dayālu prabhu nāhi habe āra — Unknown translator. The Acarya’s Songs and Poems Glorify-
ing Lord Gauranga and Lord Govinda. Found in the Vai ava
aikāntika k a-bhakti karila pracāra
Folio Archives. Compiled by Sri Narasingha Caitanya Matha.
No one will ever be as merciful as Lord No date.

Gauranga is. He preaches the glories of pure — Sukumar Sen. A History of Brajbuli Literature. University of
Calcutta. Calcutta. 1935.
unalloyed devotion to Lord Krishna.
SRI KRISHNA KATHAMRITA BINDU Today there are two śiva-li gas of
A free bi-monthly service provided by: Kshetrapala Mahadeva present at the birth-
Gopal Jiu Publications place of Mahaprabhu that were installed by
c/o Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir
National Highway No. 5, IRC Village Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur. It is said that
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751015 Thakur Bhaktivinode collected these li gas
Phone: (0674) 2553250, 2557026 from nearby, at the place known as Shibera-
Email: [email protected] draban. [Shibera-draban is approximately one
kilometer from the ISKCON project going to-
Subscriptions: [email protected]
wards the Yogapitha, near a small bridge cross-
Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the Inter- ing the road.] The devotees there worship Lord
national Society for Krishna Consciousness, Shiva with the following Bengali verse:
Founder-Acharya His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. ohe ketrapāla śiva tumi dayāmaya
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His k a-bhakti deha more ha-iyā sadaya
Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. All other mate- O Kshetrapala Shiva, protector of the Dham! You
rials, unless specified, © ISKCON Bhubaneswar/Gopal are certainly very merciful. Being kind to me;
Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket permission is please give me love for Krishna. 
given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print form pro-
vided no changes are made to the contents. — From Sri Krishna Kathamrita magazine, issue 7, page 33.
Gopal Jiu Publications. Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

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