Bindu: Sri Krishna Kathamrita

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Sri Krishna Kathamrita

तवकथामृतं तप्तजीवनम्
tava kathāmṛtaṁ tapta-jīvanam
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications

Issue No. 473 Śrī Mohinī Ekādaśī 4 May 2020 Circulation 9,742

• The Madman Ramananda Ray


His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

• The Glories of Srila Ramananda Ray

By an unknown Gaudiya Vaishnava

no one should imitate him. Unfortunately, there are

rascals who imitate the activities of Ramananda Ray.
We need not discuss them further.
In Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s final pastimes,
Ramananda Ray and Swarup Damodar always engaged
in reciting suitable verses from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
and other books to pacify the Lord’s ecstatic feelings of
separation from Krishna. When Lord Chaitanya went
to southern India, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya advised
him to meet Ramananda Ray, declaring that there was
no devotee as advanced in understanding the conjugal
love of Krishna and the gopīs. While touring South India,
Lord Chaitanya met Ramananda Ray by the bank of the
Godavari, and in their long discourses the Lord took the
position of a student, and Ramananda Ray instructed
The Madman Ramananda Ray him. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu concluded these discourses
by saying, “My dear Ramananda Ray, both you and I
His Divine Grace are madmen, and therefore we met intimately on an
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada equal level.” Lord Chaitanya advised Ramananda Ray
Purport to Cc. ādi 10 134 to resign from his government post and come back to
The Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā (120–24) states that Jagannatha Puri to live with him. Although Sri Chaitanya
Ramananda Ray was formerly Arjuna. He is also Mahaprabhu refused to see Maharaja Prataparudra
considered to have been an incarnation of the gopī Lalita, because he was a king, Ramananda Ray, by a vaiṣṇava
although in the opinion of others he was an incarnation scheme, arranged a meeting between the Lord and the
of Vishakhadevi. He was a most confidential devotee of king. This is described in the madhya-lila, chapter twelve,
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu verses 41–57. Sri Ramananda Ray was present during the
said, “Although I am a sannyāsī, my mind is sometimes water sports of the Lord after the Ratha-yātrā festival.
perturbed when I see a woman. But Ramananda Ray is Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu considered Sri
greater than Me, for he is always undisturbed, even when Ramananda Ray and Sri Sanatan Goswami to be equal
he touches a woman.” Only Ramananda Ray was endowed in their renunciation, for although Sri Ramananda Ray
with the prerogative to touch a woman in this way; was a gṛhastha engaged in government service and

next column  
Issue Four Hundred Seventy Three, Page — 2 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Sri Sanatan Goswami was in the renounced order of Glory, glory, glory to the jewel mine of love, Sri Ram
complete detachment from material activities, they were Ray, who is the ocean of transcendental mellows. Sri
both servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Chaitanya by his own wish takes bath in that ocean.
who kept Krishna in the center of all their activities. They are just like the lover and the beloved relishing
Sri Ramananda Ray was one of the three and a half the mellows of love.
personalities with whom Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gaura prema rasa ghana bhavānanda mandana
discussed the most confidential topics of Krishna jaya jaya rāmanānda rāya
consciousness. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu advised ālāla-nātha sannidhāne venkaṭapura nāma grāme
kṛpā kari ha-ilā udaya
Pradyumna Mishra to learn the science of Krishna from
Sri Ramananda Ray. As Subala always assisted Krishna in Ramananda Ray, the son of Bhavananda Ray, is the
his dealings with Radharani in kṛṣṇa-līlā, so Ramananda embodiment of the dense mellow and love of Gaura.
Ray assisted Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in his feelings He mercifully appeared in Venkatapur, a place near
of separation from Krishna. Sri Ramananda Ray was the to Alalanatha.
author of the Jagannātha-vallabha-nāṭaka. [Note: Venkatapur is today known as Bentapur, and
Alalanatha is known as Alarnath.]
śrī kṛṣṇa caitanya nāma śrī rādhāramana rāma
tāhāre ānanda vitārite
śrī viśākhā sundarī rāmānanda nāma dhari
udaya ha-ilā avanīte

To give pleasure to Sri Krishna Chaitanya, who is

actually Sri Radharaman Ram, beautiful Vishakha
has appeared on the earth taking the name of
śaiśabe saṅgī sane rādhā kṛṣṇa guna gāne
Painting by Murari Das. 16th century. Commissioned by Maharaja Prataprarudra.

du nayane premadhārā baya

rādhā kṛṣṇa prema līlā bime anya nāhi khelā
nīti nava nikuñja racaya

In his childhood he would sing the glories of Radha

Krishna while tears of love would roll down from his
eyes. There was no other sport for him than the loving
pastimes of Radha and Krishna. He would always create
new kuñjas [forest groves or bowers for their pastimes].
kaiśorete alpadine sarva śāstra adhyayane
su paṇḍita pradhāna ha-ilā
bhakati siddhānta khani rasika mukuṭa mani
nija gune jagat jinilā

Very early in his youth he became the chief of great

scholars by studying all the scriptures. He was the mine
of all devotional conclusions and the crown jewel of
all rasikas, those who are learned in transcendental
mellows. He conquered the world by his own qualities.

The Glories of Srila Ramananda Ray pratāprudra mahārāja

jānilena jagamājha
rāmānanda apūrva ratana
By an Unknown Gaudiya Vaishnava karibāre rāja kāja yogya nāhi sabhā mājha
rājya bhāra karilā arpana
jayare jayare jaya pitarīti ratnālara
rāma rāya rasera sāgara King Prataprudra handed over the work of ruling
āpani caitanya yāhe mano sādhe ava gāhe the kingdom to Ramananda, knowing him as a
rasonmādī nāgarī nāgara wonderful and incomparable jewel within this world.
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Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Four Hundred Seventy Three, Page — 3

Unknown artist
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Ray on the bank of rhe Godavari River

eka dina śubhakṣane godāvarī nadī snāne the mind. That golden form, illuminating all the
āilena dolāra chaḍiya directions, sat on the throne of Ramananda Ray’s
saṅge pātra mitra-gaṇa cale vandī bādkagaṇa
heart and stole his everything.
pāṭhaka purohita agre la-iyā
vyākula ha-iyā rāya nayana meliyā cāya
One day at an auspicious time, Ramananda Ray dekhe ghāṭa chāḍi kata dūre
came on a palanquin to the bank of the Godavari basi jala sannidhāne kare nāma saṅkīrtane
cita corā sei nyāsī bare
to take bath, accompanied by courtiers, ministers,
With great restlessness, Ray opened his eyes and
musicians and priests.
saw that a little distance from the bathing ghat that
kari nitya kṛtya snāna ānkhi mudi kare dhyāna
chief of the sannyāsīs was doing nāma-saṅkīrtana,,
nija iṣṭa śyāma nava ghana
sitting close to the river.
śyāmarūpa heri bāre yateka yatana kare
tata here gaura varaṇa sūryaśata sama jyoti ujjvala kanaka kāṅti
paridhāne aruna vasana
Completing his daily activities and bathing, with subalita dīrgha kāya dhairaja dharite pāre
closed eyes he was meditating upon his worshipable, mana prāna haila ucāṭana
Shyama, whose complexion is like new clouds. Yet the He was as effulgent as hundreds of suns. His bodily
more he strived to see the form of Shyama, he was complexion was like bright gold and he was dressed in
only beholding someone with a golden complexion. saffron cloth. His form was strong and tall, the hairs on
ājānu lambita bhuja eka nava nyāsīrāja his body were standing on end like kadamba flowers,
rasabhūpa mānasa mohana and his lotus-like eyes were shedding tears of love.
gaura rūpe ālo kari hṛdi siṁhāsanopari prānapaṇe prāna ḍhāne āsi paḍe śrī caraṇe
varsi kare sarva sva haraṇa karilena ātma samarpana
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kaha bali āliṅgite kutuhalī
That personality was the king of all ascetics. His nyāsī puche tumi rāmāṇanda
arms extended down to his knees. He was the reservoir Beholding that king of ascetics, his mind and heart
of all transcendental mellows and enchanting to became so restless he was unable to restrain himself.
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Unknown artist
Issue Four Hundred Seventy Three, Page — 4 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु

The vision revealed by Mahaprabhu to Ram Ray

With the utmost eagerness he rushed forward and each other in the secluded home of a Brahmin on
fell at his lotus feet, surrendering unto him. Saying, the bank of the Godavari River.
“Krishna! Krishna!” that sannyāsī embraced him with iṣṭa goṣṭḥi kṛṣṇa kathā rāya vaktā prabhu śrotā
great joy and asked, “Are you Ramananda?” baye yāya premera pāthara
teṅha kahe sei hao carane śaraṇa cāo prema sindhu gaura rāya rāya megha bariṣaya
tava dāsādama śūdra manda sindhu tāhe ratna ālaya ha-ila
nyāsi mani tā śuniyā du bāhu pasāriyā In these discussions of kṛṣṇa-kathā, where Ray was
rāmānande hṛdaye dharilā
the speaker and the Lord was the listener, the ocean
Ramananda replied, “This śūdra is your wretched and of love was flowing incessantly. Gauraraya is the
lowly servant seeking shelter at your lotus feet.” Hearing ocean of love and Ramananda Ray became the cloud
his words, the crest jewel of all renunciates extended his raining the jewels from that ocean.
arms and embraced Ramananda to his chest. pahilehi pada śuni āveśete nyāsīmani
sahaja prema uddipaṇe prabhu bhṛtya dui jane rāmarāyera mukha ācchādila
acetana bhūmite paḍilā iṣṭa goṣṭhi samāpana kare joḍe nivedana
kampa aśru pulaka gāya doṅhe bhume gaḍi yāya kare rāya gaurāṅga carane
vismaya māne saba jane Hearing the verse beginning with the words
By that touch of love the Lord and his servant fell to the “pahilehi rāga”, the crest jewel of the ascetics became
ground unconscious. Shivering, tears, and horripilation overwhelmed with emotions and covered Ram Ray’s
appeared on their bodies, and they were rolling on the mouth. At the end of their discussion, Ray pleaded
ground. Seeing this everyone became astonished. the following at the lotus feet of Gauranga.
rasa prema sindhu jane rāya taraṅginī mile [Note: The “pahilehi rāga” verse (Cc. madhya 8.194),
kallola bhāsila tribhūvane was personally composed by Ramananda Ray. It
godāvarī nadī tīre sei rātre vipra ghare speaks about the height of the love of Radha and
nirajane milana doṅhāra Krishna where they become one in mind and heart.]
All in the three worlds were inundated by the ye tattva sphurāle more brahmādira o agocare
waves of the ocean of transcendental mellows āmi kabhu nā jāni svapane
generated from their meeting. That night they met kalite sannyāsī veśe more dekhā dile ese
ebe heri śyāma-goparūpa
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Four Hundred Seventy Three, Page — 5

Photo by Bhakta Charles

The Gambhira in Jagannath Puri where Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu stayed

“The philosophy that you have manifested within paraśe caitanya diyā rāmarāye uṭhāiyā
me is not visible even to Lord Brahma, and I do not mahānanda sindhu ukhalila
know them even in my dreams. You came before ājñā diyā āni tāre nīlācale corā ghare
antaraṅga rasa āsvādane
me as a sannyāsī, but now I see you in the form of a
cowherd boy who has a blackish complexion. By touching Ram Ray, Sri Chaitanya brought him
svarṇa pañcālikā ḍhākā muralī vadana bāṅka back to external consciousness and thus the ocean
eki tava līlā aparūpa of great transcendental bliss surged up. Giving the
prabhu kahe tāhā śuni tumi bhakta cūḍāmani order, Mahaprabhu brought Ramananda to the
sarvabhūte kṛṣṇa daraśana
secret chamber in Nilachala where they relished
“That form is covered by a golden cloth, is playing confidential transcendental mellows.
a flute, and has a three-fold bending form. How prema vaicitra līlā milame milā amilā
wonderful your pastimes are!” Hearing this, the Lord bhāvocchāse niśi jāgaraṇa
said, “You are the crest jewel of all the devotees and bale sakhī o viśākhā kothā se tribhaṅga bāṅkā
therefore you see Krishna within everyone.” eme dekhā nahe prāna yāya
rāma kahe gaurahari chāḍa tumi bhāribhuri [In Nilachala] they discussed the pastimes of various
nijarūpa nā kara gopana
loving affairs of union and separation, remaining
ebe prabhu mṛdu hāsi gūḍharūpa parakāśi
priya rāmānande dekhāilā awake throughout the night overwhelmed with
emotion. [Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said,] “O my dear
Ray replied, “O Gaurahari, please give up your
friend Vishakha, where is that threefold bending form?
pretext. Don’t cover yourself.” The Lord then
smiled and revealed his confidential form to his Bring him before me, otherwise I cannot survive.”
dear Ramananda. rāya kahe vinodinī kena ha-ila unmādinī
ei bāje madhura vāṅśarī
rasarāja mahābhāva dui tanu abhinava
dhairya dharaha rāi cala vṛndāvane yāi
svarūpa rahasya prakāśilā
milāiba śyāma vaṁśīdhārī
vivarte vivarta raṅga tāhāte vilāsa raṅga
heri rāya mūrachita bhela Ramananda Ray replied, “O Vinodini [a name for
The Lord manifested himself in the two confidential Radha], why are you so impatient? Listen to the
forms of rasarāja, the king of mellows, and mahābhāva, the sound of that sweet flute. Have patience my dear Rai
embodiment of the topmost love. The Lord then revealed [Radha]. Let us go to Vrindavan. There I will unite you
the two becoming one. Seeing this pastime, Ray fainted. with that flute-player Shyama.”
Issue Four Hundred Seventy Three, Page — 6 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
āveśete gaura hari rāya svarūpera kare dhari gaurāṅga parāna bandhu rāmarāya guna sindhu
cala sakhī vilamba nā saya eka bindu jagata ḍubāya
cala tvarā vṛndāvane parāna baṅdhuyā vine arjuna arjunā yāya kari nitya samāśraya
dehe mora prāna nāhi raya gaura līlāmṛta āsvādaya

Immersed in that mood, Gaurahari, grabbing Gauranga is the dear friend of Ram Ray. While Ram
the hands of Ray and Swarupa, said, “Let’s go. I Ray is the ocean of all good qualities, a little drop
cannot tolerate any delay. Let’s go to Vrindavan of which inundates the entire universe, Arjuna and
immediately. I am not able to remain alive without Arjunaa are eternally within him and he is tasting
the love of my heart.” the nectar of Gaura’s pastimes.
rāya svarūpa sahacarī laye gaura rāseśvarī [Note: In his Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā (text 120), Srila
gopīnātha samīpete yāya Kavi Karnapur states that Ramananda Ray is both the
heri gaurā gopīnātha māne pāinu prānanātha Pandava Arjuna as well as the cowherd boy Arjuna. A
bhāvollāse vāmete dāṇḍāya few verses later, (text 123) he says that Ramananda is
Accompanied by Ray and Swarupa, Rasesvari also the gopī Arjuniyaa. Hence this stanza describes
[Radha, the controller of the rāsa-dance] Gaura went Ramananda Ray as both Arjuna and the gopī Arjunaa.]
to [Tota] Gopinath. Upon seeing Gopinath, Gaura pradyumna miśrete dvāre jānāilā jagatere
considered, “I have got my beloved!” And stood on nija rāmānandera mahima
the left in ecstatic trance. rājā pratāprudra rāya yāra kṛpāya gaurapāya
tāra gunera ke pāibe sīmā
bhāva nidhi gaura hari rāya bhāva puṣṭikārī
bhāva bujhi karaye sevana Through Pradyumna Mishra, Chaitanya
apana nātaka gīta śunāya satata niti Mahaprabhu revealed the glories of his dear
sukhe gorā kare āsvādana Ramananda to the world. Who can reach the limit of
Gaurahari is the ocean of bhāva, and Ray is the one who the wonderful qualities of Ramananda Ray, by whose
nourishes that bhāva. Understanding Gaurahari’s bhāva, mercy Maharaja Prataparudra attained Lord Gaura?
he performs service accordingly. He constantly arranged jaya rāmānanda rāya kṛpākara amāyāya
dramas and songs that Gaura relished in great joy. eka bindu gaurāṅge mati diyā
gambhīrāra guptadhane dhanī kara nija gune

kahe dīna dvija abhāgiyā
Glories to Ramananda Ray! Please be merciful and
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu
give me a drop of attachment to Lord Gauranga!
A free bi-monthly service provided by: By your kindness, please enrich me with the secret
Gopal Jiu Publications treasure of the Gambhira! This unfortunate and
c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir wretched Dwija submits this plea.
National Highway No. 5 [Note: It’s not clear who is the author of this song.
IRC Village Out of humility, it’s not uncommon for the followers
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 751015 of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to neglect giving their
name as the author. The signature “dwija” could refer
Email: [email protected] to any one of many of Mahaprabhu’s associates who
Website: wrote padyāvalī kīrtana, such as Dwija Kavichandra, the
Subscriptions: [email protected] author of Govinda-maṅgala, Dwija Pran Krishna, who
Gopal Jiu Publications is a section of the International translated the Gīta-govinda into Bengali, Dwija Shankar,
Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His who wrote Govinda-līlāmṛta, or any other of the dozens
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
of devotees with Dwija in their name. Alternatively, it’s
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace also possible that the author, while dropping his name,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book
Trust. All other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON Gopal Jiu
was simply acknowledging his varṇa as a Brahmin.]
Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket permission is given — Translated by Mani Gopal Das from Śrī Śrī Parikara-gaṇera
to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print form provided no Mahimā Sūcaka. Compiled by Kishori Das Babaji. Vaishnava Research
changes are made to the contents. Institute. Halisahar, West Bengal. 2005. pp. 65-72. Bengali.

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