Thesis Chapter 2

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tive & quantitative data were collected by desk study, questionary survey, and inteviews. 75
Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and out of these distributed questionnaires,
70 (93.33) questionnaires were returned. The data collected were analyzed using the Relative
Importance Index (RII). The results show that the top ten critical factors that affecting
performance agreed upon by all parties were an escalation of material prices, unavailability
of resources, number of disputes between owner and project parties, quality of equipment or
machinery and raw materials, unavailability of competent staff, financial constraints, material
and equipment cost, local climate conditions cost of variation orders and leadership skills for
project manager. The study found that independent variables showed a significant relation with
the dependent variable and the independent variables explain 68.2% of the variance of the
dependent variable performance of irrigation construction projects under Amhara National
Regional State Irrigation and Lowland Areas Development Bureau irrigation construction
projects in East Amhara. The study result indicates except for Client Satisfaction-related
factors, other factors (Cost Related Factors, Time-Related Factors, Quality Factors, and
Productivity Related Factors) influenced the construction performance of small and medium-
scale irrigation construction projects positively.

Keywords: Contractors, Owners, Consultant, Performance, Multiple Regression Analysis,

AWWCE, Construction projects

i|P a g e


1.1. Background of the Study

A project is a complex, non-routine, one-time effort limited by time, budget, and resource and
performance specifications designed to meet customer needs (Ofori, 2013). The construction
industry has complexity in its nature because it involves a large number of parties such as
clients, contractors, consultants, and others these parties are not properly managed according to
the contract agreement, and monitoring and evaluation systems its poor (Nyangwara, 2015). A
construction project is expected to be successful through a combination of many events and
interactions, planned or unplanned, over the life of a facility, with changing participants and
processes in a constantly changing environment. From various projects, the infrastructural
support for the country’s economy is provided by the construction industry by way of buildings
(housing, office space, retail space, factories, etc.) roads, railways, irrigation schemes, and water
supply schemes. Ethiopia’s water work construction sectors are among the most rapidly
growing sectors of the country. A large number of irrigation projects have been implemented
to improve productivity and allow stable production throughout the whole year, ensuring food
security (Shumye, 2018).

Most of the project performance in Ethiopia is very poor for different reasons and Irrigation
projects are among those which suffer a lot. The Success of construction projects significantly
depends on how the project has been managed and how driving elements can be controlled.
Irrigation and construction project success factors and performance indicators frequently
change from one project to the next. The main performance elements of irrigation projects are
classified depending on participants, the scope of services, the size of the project, the nature of
the contract, the implications of technology, and a variety of other factors.

The construction of irrigation systems involves converting the engineering solutions. It provides
in the design document a physical reality that enables safe storage or diversion, conveyance,
distribution, and application of water. In this regard, it is essential to select qualified consultants
and contractors, as well as to use appropriate construction materials and follow standard
construction procedures, etc. The primary problems during this implementation phase are
among others inadequate capacity of the client, consultants, and contractors that always lead to

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poor contractual administration, insufficient monitoring and evaluation, frequent design
changes that result in excessive cost, and time overruns (Gebul, 2021).

The study conducted by (Gebul, 2021), on ten large-scale irrigation projects in Ethiopia showed
that 78% of the reasons for project cost overrun were attributed to design, scope, and quality
changes. The average time overrun in irrigation project implementation is about 145%, which
has direct and indirect cost implications. The authors also assessed ten large-scale irrigation
dam projects and found an aggregate average cost overrun and time overrun of 176% and 151%,
respectively. For a poor country such as Ethiopia, such inefficiency in project implementation
has wide-reaching consequences. Reasons for such wasteful resource use were found to be
incomplete design, design change, scope and quality change, poor construction time estimate,
constructors’ low capacity, client inactions, and shortage of material.

The IAG (Eneyew, 2014) also conducted an assessment on the effectiveness of contract
administration on two large-scale irrigation projects (Megech-Seraba and Zarema May-Day in
the Tigray Region in Ethiopia) that are under construction. It was found that the poor
performance of these projects was partly attributable to the weak institutional capacities of
implementing bodies which were characterized by slow decision-making processes, inadequate
monitoring and evaluation, and coordination capacity. Even if such studies have been conducted
at the country level, the performance of small and medium-scale irrigation construction projects
was not part of the assessment yet. Small and medium scale projects do have an impact on the
livelihood of the farmers and contribute a lot to the economy of the country. Huge capital is
allocated both by the government and other donors to construct small and medium-scale
irrigation projects but little attention is given to the construction performance of the projects
and most of them are lagging behind their schedule. This paper will try to assess the factors
affecting the performance of small and medium-scale irrigation construction projects in Eastern
Amhara constructed by Amhara Water Works Construction Enterprise.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The construction industry plays a major role in the development and achievement of the goals
of society. Mainly irrigation development is key to the sustainable and reliable agricultural
development of nations. Boosting the construction performance of irrigation schemes will
ensure economic sustainability for low-income earners (Nyangwara, 2015). Smallholder
irrigation farming is valuable for improving the welfare of rural communities in Ethiopia.

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Irrigation schemes in Ethiopia perform below average as some have collapsed. Even though the
Irrigation practice is one of the ancient practices of Ethiopians it is confined to a small-scale
level and a fragmented approach. Smaller, medium, and large-scale irrigation infrastructure
must be created to ensure food security for Ethiopia's rapidly growing population at the
household level. Notwithstanding the construction industry's significant contribution to the
economy of developing countries including Ethiopia and the critical role, it plays in those
countries' development, the performance of the industry remains generally low (Eneyew, 2014).

Besides, the construction projects in Ethiopia are dominantly completed within a period longer
than what is agreed upon by the contracting parties and with costs deviating highly from the
contract amount (Meja, 2020). According to previously conducted research (Sammy, 2014),
Ethiopia's irrigation construction projects they are not developed to their full potential and rank
among the lowest in the world. This is attributed to frequent claims, variations, and change
orders occurring in those projects. Given the crucial role that the irrigation sector plays in
Ethiopia and other developing countries, as well as the poor performance of the sector there,
raising the sector's performance should be a top priority. Thus, improving the performance of
the construction of irrigation projects in the country including in Eastern Amhara needs to be
one of the priority considerations for the improvement of the capability of constrictions in
developing countries.

The previous studies (Nyangwara, 2015), also emphasize that project performance and
performance improvements are critical issues for the construction industry. Poor construction
performance of small and medium-scale irrigation projects in the Amhara region became a
common phenomenon and led the region to a crisis in the water development works. The driving
factors affecting the construction performance of irrigation projects in the study area should be
properly identified to find way-outs to improve the construction performance of the projects,
therefore increasing performance increases efficiency, so this research aims to analyze the
performance parameters on small and medium-scale irrigation construction projects in the case
Eastern Amhara

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1.3. The Objective of the Study
1.3.1. General Objectives

The main objective of this research is to identify and evaluate the critical factors that affect the
performance of small and medium-scale irrigation construction projects of Amhara National
Regional State Irrigation and Lowland Areas Development Bureau constructed by Amhara
Water Works Construction Enterprise in Eastern Amhara.

1.3.2. Specific Objective

▪ To assess the current performance of small and medium-scale irrigation project

construction in the case of East Amhara.

▪ To identify significant factors that affect the performance of small and medium-scale
irrigation construction projects in the case of East Amhara.

▪ To evaluate the relationship between project performance and the identified significant
factors of small and medium-scale irrigation construction projects in the case of East

▪ To forward recommendations for enhancing the construction performance of small and

medium-scale irrigation projects in the case of East Amhara.

1.4. Research Questions of the Study

▪ What is the current status of the construction performance of small and medium-scale
irrigation projects in Eastern Amhara?

▪ What are the top driving factors impacting the construction performances of small and
medium-scale irrigation projects in East Amhara?

▪ What is the relationship between key factors and project performance of small and medium-
scale irrigation construction projects under Amhara Water Works & Energy Development
Bureau in East Amhara?

▪ What will be the possible recommendations to enhance small and medium-scale irrigation
projects from their poor construction performance?

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1.5. Significance of the Study

By revealing how risk impacts are managed and minimizing and improving the sector
performance (quality, project completion time, design, finance, resource utilization,
sustainability, and project competitiveness) in a different scenario, this study is expected to
contribute to the irrigation project significantly. Additionally, the study expects to help find
strategies to enhance the successful execution of irrigation projects for policymakers and
decision-makers in the water resource development sector.

1.6. Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study is constrained in both scope and depth as a result of many limitations related to
finances, time, labour, and because of the national problem. Accordingly, the study area is
limited to Selected Amhara Water Works Construction Enterprise small & medium-scale
irrigation construction projects in Eastern Amhara started from the year 2008 E.C. to 2013 EC
(2016 – 2021 GC) Completed. The study is restricted to issues with project performance and
variables that affect project performance. The researcher faced the following problems and
challenges while conducting the study.

1.7. Key Term Operational Definitions

▪ Project: Irrigation construction projects constructed in the last six years from 2008-2013
E.C. under Amhara National Regional State Irrigation and Lowland Areas Development

▪ Construction: means New small- and medium-scale irrigation construction projects are
being built under the under Amhara National Regional State Irrigation and Lowland
Areas Development Bureau.

▪ Owner: a government agency for which the construction project is being carried out.

▪ Contractor: A person, either natural or legal, who has a contract for the construction of
a building with them.

▪ Consultant: The person or organization selected by the owner to develop and approve
all budgets, as well as to carry out and oversee the project's necessary cost management.

▪ Performance: the accomplishment of a specific irrigation construction project about the

set costs, time, quality, and productivity standards.

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▪ Key performance indicator (KPI): a method of measuring performance that assesses
an organization's effectiveness or the success of a specific task it undertakes.

▪ Time overruns: It is defined as time that recently passed after the planned completion

▪ Cost overruns: The difference between the project's preliminary and final construction
cost estimates is the time after the intended completion dates.

1.8. Organization of the Study

There will be five chapters in the study. The study's background, a statement of the problem,
the objective of the study, the research question, the significance of the study, the scope and
limitations of the study, Operational definition of key terms are all covered in the first chapter.
The theoretical review, empirical review, research gap, and conceptual framework are covered
in the second chapter. The main factors affecting the performance and key performance
indicators in small and medium irrigation construction projects are identif ied in this chapter
through a thorough analysis of concepts and definitions. The research methodology and
techniques for this study are described in the third chapter. This chapter demonstrates the
approach employed to accomplish the study's necessary goals and respond to its research
questions. The fourth chapter contains data collected, interpreted, and d iscussed through
Regression, correlation, frequency, proportion, mean, and standard deviation. The last and the
fifth chapters contain a major finding, conclusion, and suggestion.

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APPENDICES A: Questionnaires


Section 1: Introduction

Dear respondent, Sir/Madam,

I am a graduate student in the Department of Civil Engineering, at ARBAMINCH

CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN EASTERN AMHARA'. The study is required for the partial
fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Construction Technology & Management. The
result of the study will assist the case organization (Amhara National Regional State Irrigation
and Lowland Areas Development Bureau) by investigating the current factors that affect the
performance of small & medium irrigation construction and adjusting its focus on the key
performance indicators. Hence, for this study, your response will be kept confidential and your
participation is voluntary. The information you provide and your genuine response will
determine the soundness and validity of the finding. Therefore, I kindly request you to fill out
the questionnaire carefully as soon as possible.

✓ No need to write your name.
✓ For the Likert scale type statements and multiple-choice questions indicate you're a tick
mark (√) in the answers with the appropriate block.
✓ With great excuse, possibly return to a timely
✓ For any problem or suggestion contact the researcher through the following addresses:
Name: Meaza Teshome E-mail: Phone: +251
I thank you in advance for your cooperation!!

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Section 2: General Information
Please give your response to all the questions either by putting a tick mark (√) at the choice that
best describes the question asked or by writing in the space provided:
1. Type of Organization Owner Contractor Consultant
2 Job title of the respondent Project Manager Site Engineer/ office
engineer Others (specify)__________________________________________
3. Years of experience of the respondent
Less than one 1 to -5 6 to 10 10 years and above
4. Marital Status; Company Size (Number of laborers or employees)
Less than 50 From 50 to less than 100 From 100 to 250 More
than 250

Section 3: Factors Affecting the Performance of Irrigation Construction Projects

Below are a number of factors affecting the performance of construction projects. From your
experience, please express your opinion on the importance of the following as factors that affect
the performance of Irrigation construction projects in Amhara water irrigation & energy projects
in Easter Amhara projects based on the associated numbers given here. (Please tick the
appropriate box).

Where, 1=Very Low Important, 2= Low Important, 3= Medium Important, 4=High

Important, 5=Very High Important

No. Groups/Factors Rate of Occurrences

1. Cost factors 5 4 3 2 1
1.1 Market share of the organization
1.2 Cash flow of project
1.3 The profit rate of the project
1.4 Material and equipment cost
1.5 Project labor cost
1.6 Project overtime cost
1.7 Cost of rework
1.8 Cost of variation orders
1.9 Waste rate of materials
1.10 Escalation of material prices
1.11 Differentiation of currency prices
1.12 Incomplete drawing

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2 Time factors 5 4 3 2 1
2.1 Too many change orders from the owner
2.2 Poor project management assistance
2.3 Unforeseen ground conditions
2.4 Low speed of decision-making
2.5 Project complexity
2.6 Effective communication
2.7 Financial constraints
2.8 The average delay in claim approval
2.9 The average delay in payments from owners to contractors
2.10 Site preparation time
2.11 Unavailability of resources
2.12 The time needed to rectify defects
2.13 The time needed to implement variation orders
3 Quality factors
3.1 Conformance to specification
3.2 Unavailability of competent staff
3.3 Quality of equipment or machinery and raw materials
3.4 The quality assessment system in the organization
3.5 Quality training or meeting
3.6 Incomplete drawing
3.7 Incomplete technical specification
4 Productivity factors
4.1 Project size and complexity
4.2 Management-labor relationship
4.3 Absenteeism rate throughout the project (late start and early exists)
4.4 Number of new projects per year
4.5 Sequencing of work according to the schedule
4.6 Local cultural characteristics
4.7 Non-working holidays
4.8 Local climate conditions
4.9 Wedges amount
4.10 Employees motivation
4.11 Employees attitudes
5 Client Satisfaction factors
5.1 The Problem of Leadership Skills for Project Managers
5.2 Number of disputes between owner and project parties
5.3 Less Speed and unreliability of service to the owner
5.4 Number of rework incidents
5.5 Information coordination failure between owner and project parties
5.6 Conflict incidences
5.7 Poor workmanship and incompetent workers

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Section 4: Key Performance Indicators’ Irrigation Construction Projects

Based on the occurrence of performance-related problems you filled out under part two, below
are the numbers of key performance indicators of irrigation construction projects. From your
experience, please fill in the effect of these occurrences on project performance t o determine
the key performance indicators of irrigation construction projects in the selected irrigation
projects on the following rating numbers. (Please tick the appropriate box).

Where, 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Medium, 4=High, 5=Very High

S.N. Key Performance Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1.1 Cost
1.2 Time
1.3 Quality
1.4 Productivity
1.5 Client satisfaction

Section 5: Questionnaire related to Overall performance of irrigation Construction

Projects executed in Amhara water irrigation & energy projects in Easter Amhara

Below is the Overall performance of Irrigation construction projects. From your experience,
please express your opinion on the rate of occurrences in the overall performance of Irrigation
construction projects based on the representative numbers listed below. (Please tick the
appropriate box).

Where, 1= Poor Performance, 2= Low Performance, 3= Moderately Performances, 4=

Good Performance, and 5= Very Good Performance.

Rate of Occurrences
5 4 3 2 1
Perceived Overall executed irrigation construction project performance
based on Time overrun, cost overrun, quality, productivity, and Client
satisfaction issues) considering the above factors

If you have any additional comments, please write


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