Chor Gene Cheah Innovation Designs of Industry 4 0

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Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

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Innovation designs of industry 4.0 based solid waste management:

Machinery and digital circular economy
Chor Gene Cheah a, Wen Yi Chia b, Shuet Fen Lai c, Kit Wayne Chew c, d, *, Shir Reen Chia e,
Pau Loke Show b
Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (M3) Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Jalan Broga,
43500, Semenyih, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Jalan Broga, 43500, Semenyih,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia, Jalan Sunsuria, Bandar Sunsuria, 43900, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, Fujian, China
Institute of Sustainable Energy, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Jalan IKRAM-UNITEN, 43000, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia


Keywords: The Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) holds the opportunity to improve the efficiency of managing solid waste
Industrial revolution 4.0 through digital and machinery applications, effectively eliminating, recovering, and repurposing waste. This
Solid waste management research aims to discover and review the potential of current technologies encompassing innovative Industry 4.0
Artificial intelligence (AI)
designs for solid waste management. Machinery and processes emphasizing on circular economy were sum­
Machine learning (ML)
Internet of things (IoT)
marized and evaluated. The application of IR 4.0 technologies shows promising opportunities in improving the
management and efficiency in view of solid waste. Machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and image
recognition can be used to automate the segregation of waste, reducing the risk of exposing labour workers to
harmful waste. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and wireless communications enable the traceability in
materials to better understand the opportunities in circular economy. Additionally, the interconnectivity of
systems and automatic transfer of data enable the creation of more complex system that houses a larger solution
space that was previously not possible such as centralised cloud computing to reduce the cost by eliminating the
need for individual computing systems. Through this comprehensive review-based work, innovative Industry 4.0
components of machinery and processes involving waste management which focuses on circular economy are
identified with the critical ones evaluated briefly. It was found that the current research and work done is based
on applying Industry 4.0 technologies on individual waste management systems, which lacks the coherency
needed to capitalise on technologies such as cloud computing, interconnectivity, big data, etc on a larger scale.
Therefore, a real world comprehensive end-to-end integration aimed to optimize every process within the solid
waste management chain should be explored.

1. Introduction could lead to environmental pollution and unsanitary conditions. This

promotes the development and outbreak of vector-borne diseases (De
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines and Debnath, 2016), which causes a detrimental effect on the health of
solid waste as any form of rubbish and discarded material, or sludge the people in its area. According to Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata (2012), a
produced from water treatments or air pollution control facilities as a SWM system serves as the prerequisite for other municipal services,
by-product produced through processes and activities. Solid waste stating that “A city that cannot effectively manage its waste is rarely able
management (SWM) is the process of collecting, disposing, and treating to manage more complex services such as health, education, or trans­
of solid materials that are no longer useful. A proper implementation of portation”, therefore emphasizing its relative importance.
SWM preserves sustainability whereas a poor implementation of one In the early stages of civilization, crude methods of waste disposal

* Corresponding author. School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia, Jalan Sunsuria, Bandar Sunsuria, 43900, Sepang, Selangor,
E-mail address: [email protected] (K.W. Chew).
Received 10 March 2022; Received in revised form 23 May 2022; Accepted 3 June 2022
Available online 11 June 2022
0013-9351/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C.G. Cheah et al. Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

such as throwing waste onto unpaved streets and roadways were used (i.e., Scopus, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Taylor & Francis Online, and
(Nathanson, 2020). But over the decades as technology have integrated Wiley online library). Several processes throughout the SWM are eval­
itself into SWM, improvements were made. One of the challenges the uated along with the utilization of the technologies that support sus­
current generation facing today in managing our solid wastes is the tainable development with regards to circular economy include IoT, AI,
devastating growth rate in our waste production which are influenced ML, system integration, smart automation and cyber-physical systems.
by industrialization, the increase in human population and the urbani­ These cover the waste classification, landfilling, composting, recycling,
zation of municipals (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012; Kaza et al., and energy conversion stage which transform the unrecyclable solid
2018). A country’s waste generation rate is affected by factors such as its wastes into useful products. The usage and advantages of the technol­
geology, economic development, public habits, and local climate. It is ogies in these specified applications are summarized. Optimization of
deduced that the high rate of urbanization resulted in developed coun­ the waste collection system with smart bins in particular is mentioned
tries contributing the most to global waste (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, while pelleting method used in the recycling process is specified. Sub­
2012; Das et al., 2019). Table 1 shows the comparison of projected urban sequently, three types of energy conversion technologies which are
municipal solid waste (MSW) generation for 2025 among different in­ pyrolysis, gasification and anaerobic digestion are reviewed.
come levels.
Governments began introducing recycle bins for people to separate 2. Waste management
waste in efforts to improve waste segregation and promote recycling
with a later report showing that there was an increase in the quantity of 2.1. Current state of waste management
waste collected (Michaelis, 1995).
In the wake of a connected and data-driven era, technological ad­ In 1999, the World Bank projected that the rate of waste produced in
vancements in electronics, software and communications have provided Asia would increase to 1.8 million tonnes per day (Hoornweg and
greater and more accurate measurements of solid waste production. This Bhada-Tata, 2012). In 2012, that projection was verified to be accurate
has led to better awareness and the perception of the crippling issues and on track which indicated a lack of improvement over the decade.
faced due to the surge in waste generation catalysed by the rapid growth The global volume of solid waste per year is estimated to increase to 2.2
in the human population and the urbanization of municipals. Therefore, billion tonnes annually by 2025 and the global impacts caused by solid
huge attention has been placed on the need to reduce pollution and waste is encroaching (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). This is espe­
mitigate the ramifications while preserving the sustainability of our cially concerning as solid wastes accounts for high and concentrated
environment for the future generation. With the transformation of the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) in developing countries such as
world through the IR 4.0, promising technologies are emerging such as methane and carbon dioxide which contribute to global warming.
smart automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cyber-physical sys­ Furthermore, open burning releases harmful pollutants and toxic agents
tems which are enabled by big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) and, into the atmosphere, jeopardizing the air quality and subsequently the
leading to systems that can communicate with each other (Ślusarczyk, health of a country’s population (Ghosh et al., 2019; Magazzino et al.,
2018). As a result, these powerful technologies contributed to revolu­ 2020).
tionizing the solid waste industry. As many parts of the world continue to experience an increase in
The IR 4.0 holds the opportunity to improve the efficiency of man­ population and develop urbanized communities, the solid wastes
aging solid waste through digital and machinery applications, effec­ generated is growing faster than the rate of urbanization (Hoornweg and
tively eliminating, recovering, and repurposing waste (Roy, 2019). Bhada-Tata, 2012), Developed and urbanized community produces
However, creating and incorporating new technologies to tackle solid more waste per capita due to their higher consumption (Das et al., 2019;
waste problems alone is not enough. Reduction in waste generation Kaza et al., 2018). Therefore, it is a great deal of responsibility to
deserves significant emphasis. The automation of certain processes and improve SWM by implementing and making effective use of the ad­
the combination of data with IoT supports remote monitoring and vancements with the technology of the IR 4.0 to eliminate the risk of
control which eliminates the risks and hazards associated with solid diseases, reduce harmful emissions and pollution. A common method of
waste labour workers. With big data and AI, advanced analytics can be disposing solid waste is by burying them at landfills due to its high cost
synthesized to provide a deeper understanding and reveal underlying of operation (Williams, 2013). It is key that solid wastes must be treated
relations within them. Technologies like machine learning (ML) can be and disposed appropriately as the inappropriate processing of waste will
used to train algorithms in image recognition to automate some of the bring about negative consequences. Uncontrolled landfills may lead to
waste segregation processes (Raju and Thiagarajan, 2021). Large scale air pollution due to the harmful gasses produced by organic wastes. The
manufacturers can use data harnessed through IoT to gain a clearer dumped and buried organic wastes will undergo hydrolysis, acido­
picture on how their products are used and track disposal patterns to genesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis to produce methane and
nurture future designs for a truly circular economy. carbon dioxide (El-Fadel et al., 1997) which generally known as two of
In this paper, a comprehensive literature review is done on the the main contributors to global warming (Forster et al., 2007; Shakun
technologies of Industry 4.0 along with the discovery and potential of et al., 2012). In addition to that, the landfill leachate produced is
innovative design for waste management, using keywords such as extremely harmful to the environment which causes land and water
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Cloud pollution (Bodzek et al., 2006). By improving upon the methods of SWM,
Computing, and IR 4.0 to obtain peer-reviewed journals and books it becomes easier to alleviate and eliminate these issues before they
related to this review topic in the online databases from various sources develop into more complex problems that are significantly more difficult
and expensive to solve down the line. Fig. 1 shows the main stages of
Table 1
Projected urban MSW generation for 2025 among different income levels
(Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). 2.2. Circular economy

Income level Projections for 2025

The development and advancement of computational power at
Per capita (kg/capita/day) breakneck speeds have resulted in a device that fits into pockets which
Lower Income 0.86 contains virtually all the information in the scope of human knowledge.
Lower Middle Income 1.26 Overall, this has allowed us to become more perceptive and knowl­
Upper Middle Income 1.59 edgeable due to the ease of distributing and accessing information. By
High Income 2.06
combining sensors with computational power, scientists and engineers

C.G. Cheah et al. Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

Fig. 1. Stages of waste management.

possess the ability to collect, process, and analyse data that have led us
to perceive the global challenges in our current generation such as
climate change and overconsumption. A compelling thought is that the
advancements in technology seem to have a somewhat linear relation­
ship with the negative effects on our environmental health. For example,
deforestation which carried out to support our consumption of products
is ultimately reduces our ability to capture carbon from the atmosphere
(De Villiers et al., 2014). Natural resources are extracted and processed
to build and power our vehicles to drive humanity’s progress but
introduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Since the 2nd indus­
trial revolution, widescale farming of livestock has been adopted which
contributes to about 14.5% of global GHG (Quinton, 2019). Even as­
tronomers look for extra-terrestrial pollution in space as a sign of life and
extra-terrestrial technology (Kopparapu et al., 2021).
With these issues, our generation is driving tremendous efforts to­
wards sustainability as we do not have the capacity to keep up with the
growth of consumption. According to Jessica et al. (2019), the global
human population is consuming 75% more resources than the Earth is
regenerating on a yearly basis even with the improvements in efficiency
of extracting resources. This means that radical changes must be made to
preserve sustainability whereby more environmentally friendly and
economical methods of waste management should be investigated and
implemented. Principles revolving around reducing the consumption,
recycling, and reusing resources which are commonly known as the 3R’s
Fig. 2. Concept of circular economy.
to attenuate the environmentally damaging effects must be practiced, to
reduce the potential negative effects.
unsustainability was initiated in 185 years with consumption level of 3
Preceding the idea of recycling and reusing our resources, the linear
whereas the unsustainability was started in 200 years with constant
economy model was practiced (Sorensen, 2018). This model exercises
circulation fraction of 0.17. Similar trend is observed with consumption
the extraction of natural resources, producing products, consuming
level of 6 and 10.
them, and throwing away the product once it is no longer used. With
this, comes a new idea relative to the linear economy model. Commonly
known as the Circular Economy (CE), its importance is driven by 3. Industry 4.0 based solid waste management
explosive growth in developing countries and the realization of unsus­
tainable methods (Winans et al., 2017). CE in contrast to linear economy Since the invention of the computers, humans have further devel­
revolves around the principles of 3Rs and the 6Rs (reuse, recycle, oped this technology which led to the surge of technological advance­
redesign, remanufacture, reduce, recover) which essentially aims to ments through the 3rd Industrial Revolution to create automated
optimize the system by minimising the waste of natural resources that systems, technologies, and electronics. Although these systems were
have been used in making a product by reusing/repurposing, recycling, powerful, to create more dynamic and advanced systems, they needed to
remanufacturing, redesigning, recovering used products and reducing communicate with each other by transferring and receiving data.
the waste produced, adding value, and expanding its lifespan. Fig. 2 IR 4.0 focuses on the interconnectivity of computer devices, to drive
summarizes the concept of CE. In China, the CE model is currently smart automation enabled through emerging technologies like AI and
implemented as the national policy in effort to increase sustainable ML. It is the era of which systems are designed to make decisions without
development (Geng et al., 2012). An efficacy analysis was carried out in human intervention with cyber-physical systems that heavily rely on the
2014 with results indicating that sustainable development was achieved IoT. This powerful concept of systems creating and sharing information
as the Circular Economy Efficiency has seen an overall upwards trend wirelessly leads to the true potential of IR 4.0. This revolutionary
within regions of the country from 2005 to 2010 (Wu et al., 2014). Other technology is now incorporated within industries such as agriculture
studies have shown that through simulative models, the implementation with automated farms and the global communications industry (Ali
of CE shows sizeable benefits in sustainable development and may delay et al., 2017; Muangprathub et al., 2019). This does not stop there, with
the collapse of the integrated socio-economic system due to the over­ newer technologies being introduced such as virtual reality and
consumption of natural resources when compared to a model without CE self-driving vehicles (Maier, 2016; Simiscuka et al., 2019). Overall, the
(Hanumante et al., 2019). For instance, in non-CE case, the benefits of IR 4.0 aim to automate, improve, and optimize processes.
Real time data can be used to gain better insights which leads to

C.G. Cheah et al. Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

improved management and decision making. These benefits can be in­ through the implementation of IoT equipped items, where collected data
tegrated into many if not all applications of SWM to increase its efficacy. from sensors of products are sent to a central network to be processed
The IoT is a relatively new paradigm which consists of a network of and analysed. This could pave a path for new areas of research due to the
interconnected devices that are equipped with electronic sensors and increase in different types of data that can be collected and improve
components that allow them to process data and communicate between upon the data of existing ones. ML can be used in tandem with image
each other on a framework, transferring information through the recognition to automatically classify and sort waste. Fig. 3 shows the
internet. Advancements in communications technology and electronic comparison between IoT and AI.
engineering have led to the development of the infrastructure needed to In recent developments, one of the prominent and emerging tech­
sustain the existence of IoT (WiFi, Bluetooth, microcontroller, etc). First nologies of IR 4.0 is the use of additive manufacturing. Additive
coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999 to describe the connection of devices to manufacturing (also known as 3D Printing), is a computerized process of
the internet (Pradyumna et al., 2018), IoT has developed itself into creating 3D products by depositing material layer by layer. This unique
various industries such as healthcare, transportation and agriculture method allows for the ability to create complex shapes that were pre­
(Elijah et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2021; Zantalis et al., 2019). In the viously too difficult manufacture. There are multiple technologies
development of smart transportations for instance, mobile phones developed in additive manufacturing such as Stereolithography (SLA),
function as an IoT device and can provide real-time geographical loca­ Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM),
tion to predict traffic to calculate an optimized route to save time, while Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) and many more (Ashima et al.,
reducing carbon emissions and energy use (Rito et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2021). The adoption of this technology in manufacturing can bring
2020). In recent developments, additive manufacturing is an emerging about benefits such as the ability to manufacture highly complex
IR 4.0 technology. Therefore, the application of IoT can be beneficial in products and improve productivity by reducing human errors during
managing solid waste. While IoT seems to be a promising technology, it fabrication. Additive manufacturing can also be configured towards a
comes with its drawbacks if insufficient attention is paid to the security more environmentally friendly process by reducing wastage due to the
and privacy challenges that come along with it (Brous et al., 2020; ability to print the products on site without the need for transportation,
Dlamini and Johnston, 2016). On top of that, IoT serves as a platform for hence reducing emissions and energy use (Haleem and Javaid, 2019).
real-time monitoring applications as shown in Vijayakumar and Ramya Additionally, this technique of manufacturing products will effectively
(2015); Ward et al. (2011). The application of IoT can be beneficial in reduce waste by obviating the need to process the raw materials prior to
managing solid waste. As information is automatically collected and traditional manufacturing methods such as cutting, milling, drilling, etc.
shared wirelessly, governments and municipals have easier access to a and a result, reducing the volume of waste generated.
richer dataset, drawing a clearer picture of their entire waste manage­
ment supply chain. This allows for underlying issues to be pinpointed 3.1. Waste classification
easily and aids the planning and decision making for future projects.
AI is defined as the development of computers that adopts the ability 3.1.1. Optimization of solid waste collection (smart bins)
to learn, make decisions without human interruption, and correct itself As mentioned previously, a challenging component of a city’s waste
similar to human intelligence (Kok et al., 2009). This useful tool can be management system is the surge in solid waste production from
used in the management of solid waste by optimizing garbage collection households due to the rapid urbanization of municipals. The growth in
routes based on the available data collected in real time. ML is a subset of population translates to a need for a cost efficient and environmentally
AI. It is a computer algorithm that can predict outcomes based on a data friendly solution. A well-known traditional solid waste collection
set that it has been learning from without requiring external human method is the scheduled truck pickups. These scheduled pickup trucks
instructions and was previously described by scientists as an IoT tool for follow a regular route with no information on whether unfilled bins in
predictive generation (Messaoud et al., 2020). ML works by parsing data certain routes are not needed to be collected yet. This method is found to
through an algorithm, training it to recognize patterns (El Naqa and be inefficient, expensive to operate, and contributes to emissions as well
Murphy, 2015). This data set can be in the form of audio or images. A (Sheng et al., 2020). By using integrated IoT technologies, a better
larger training data set will yield in a more accurate prediction algo­ management of waste collection are in reach.
rithm and may further enable decision making (Farzana et al., 2020). A A smart waste compacting bin powered by solar was worked on by H.
review showed that ML was applied in agriculture to aid in detecting the N. Saha et al. (2017). It is a flexible container compatibility and is fitted
quality of crops and in some cases, even capable of recognizing species with sensors to detect the level of waste within the bin. The data is then
(Liakos et al., 2018). It is integrated almost everywhere, from smart­ transmitted to a cloud server in which users can take advantage of the
phones for enhanced imaging and processing (Lézoray et al., 2008), to data provided to create smarter and more efficient collection routes and
facial detection using deep learning neural networks (Manik, 2017). schedules. A more thorough implementation of this was proposed by
Since ML works well with a large set of data to train upon, more ap­ Banyai et al. (2019) in efforts to produce an effective waste collection
plications of this technology can be enabled by producing abundant data system by leveraging further integration with waste management sites

Fig. 3. Comparison between IoT and AI.

C.G. Cheah et al. Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

(sorting, recycling, incineration, and composting). Automatic routes are Solid waste is disposed and usually buried to fill up excavated pits. It is a
computed on the server. It also gives more control for the users as it common method used worldwide due to its relatively low cost of oper­
suggests the implementation of a customer support where trouble­ ations (Williams, 2013). Modern landfills are well-engineered and
shooting, scheduling, and planning can be performed. In the smart bin well-managed in developed countries and are strategically located on
proposed in a work by Dugdhe et al. (2016), an additional gas sensor was ground that are resistant to hazardous waste. In developing countries,
added to detect the levels of methane emissions to prevent fire accidents landfills lack of proper treatment needed before disposal are sometimes
during high temperatures. Overall, these works aim to utilize IoT tech­ considered as open dumping (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). When
nology by integrating sensors within the trucks and bins to collect waste is brought and buried at landfills, the decomposition of waste
real-time information about the status of each bin, including its location, produces harmful emissions (carbon dioxide, methane) (Gardner et al.,
waste level and emissions of harmful gas. As time passes by, historical 1993) and leachate that will result in land and water pollution (Bodzek
data can be collected, and used to further optimize the collection process et al., 2006). Therefore, researchers have placed efforts to automate and
and may provide improved estimations and new insights to patterns in improve the monitoring of harmful emission.
solid waste generation for future research. However, despite all the Govindan et al. (2020) developed a gas emission monitoring system
reduction in emissions and improvement in energy savings, further for a food waste lab scaled model. It utilized sensors that detects the
investigation and real-world experiments are needed to determine the levels of methane and carbon dioxide and sends the data through the
financial feasibility for this system. cloud that allows for the remote monitoring of landfill emissions without
the need to access the site. Mehrdad et al. (2021) used ML models’
3.1.2. Automated and intelligent segregation of waste collection systems techniques to predict the methane production released from landfills.
Even with the optimized scheduling and routing of garbage collec­ The temperature and leachate leakage were monitored and three ML
tion, improper sorting and classification of waste will lead to the loss of models such as support vector machine, neuro-fuzzy interface system,
resources within an economy due to improper treatment of waste where and artificial neural network (ANN) were used. In another study,
recyclable materials may be incinerated or buried in the ground to Bagheri et al. (2017) investigated the application of fuzzy logic and ANN
decompose. Innovations in electronics and software have led to the in managing the penetration of leachate from landfills. The developed
production of accurate systems dealing with image recognition and models showed precise accuracy in determining the concentration of
automated decision making. As ML can learn how to recognize objects contaminants. It was also discovered that the performance of a
and patterns, it can be used to classify and sort waste, reducing the need multi-layer perceptron ANN is more accurate than the radial basis
for human labour. A system leveraging on image processing and ML was function ANN within the context of this research. Similarly, Abunama
proposed which was able to accurately identify and sort the waste et al. (2019) developed an ANN – Multi-linear perceptron (MLP) to
products into various materials such as metal, plastic, and glass predict the rate of leachate generation in MSW landfills. In attempt to
(Hulyalkar et al., 2018). This automates the process which does not treat harmful leachate, Spagni and Marsili-Libelli (2010) successfully
require human labour to be functional. identified and controlled various process conditions accurately with the
In another work, Farzana et al. (2020) trained their computer to use of AI to remove nitrogen via nitrite. These implementation and ap­
recognize and classify waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable plications of data analysis through ML and AI has helped to automate
categories with accuracy up to 84%. Segregation of waste is an impor­ some of the processes that would usually require a great deal of
tant task as useful energy can be extracted and redirected back into the drudgery.
economy (Sudha et al., 2016). A more developed implementation of Aside from methane and carbon dioxide, a harmful gas known as
automatic waste segregation using artificial based robotics had been Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) can be released from landfills due to the
carried out by Wilts et al. (2021). The robot was installed on a full-scale biodegradation of municipal solid waste (Ko et al., 2015). Exposure to
waste treatment plant in Barcelona. The robot consists of an array of H2S can cause rapid central nervous system and respiratory depressions.
sensors, robotic arms, and a camera along with a metal detector above Autonomous robots can potentially be utilized to mitigate the risks
the conveyor belt. The camera functions as the eyes of the system to associated with the labour work within landfills. As robots are
recognize and identify the types of waste while the sensors and robotic non-biological, they can replace humans in hazardous conditions with
arms physically sorts the waste. Once the 1st phase of training was high concentrations of poisonous gases. Bennetts et al. (2013) presented
completed, the system was able to recognize and sort up to 13 different a robotic and mobile instrument to measure the concentration of gases in
materials such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cardboard, wood, a landfill. The robot utilizes a TDLAS sensor to remotely measure the gas
paper, mixed plastics, green wastes, etc. Over the course of 4 months of concentrations by emitting a beam. The robot is fitted with electrical
training, the accuracy of the machine was recorded and averaged to a motors and wheels to allow it to navigate the landfill terrain with the
purity of 90% for all the materials. However, the high accuracy of the help of odometry and GPS modules. The TDLAS sensor was tuned to
system was only obtainable with a single layer of waste. Results showed detect CH4 gases within the landfill. The data is then collected and
that the system struggled to appropriately identify and sort wastes that compiled to produce a gas leak distribution mapping of a designated
were overlapping. This could prove beneficial in creating automated area. Results from the study shows that the robot was reliable in
waste sorting systems and with adequate training and development, may determining the source location of the gases. This innovative technology
result in robust and quicker systems which can be scaled linearly and pushes the development of automation in managing solid waste in
implemented to cope with the explosive growth in solid waste produc­ landfills.
tion while reducing the overall operational cost due to reduced labour
and higher operating flexibility. Consequently, the reduction in need for 3.3. Composting
a worker to carry out these tasks will yield a decline in health-related
issues. The frequency of waste collection and type of disposal methods Composting waste is a form of recycling organic matter through
are influenced by multiple factors included community’s culture, eco­ biological decomposition under aerobic conditions. In controlled con­
nomic development as well as climate. Therefore, it is critical that sys­ ditions, composting will produce heat caused by the microbial break­
tems should be constantly updated to keep up with the changes in down of organic material (Epstein, 2017). Due to its complexity and
volumes of waste produced. human supervision is required, researchers have been motivated to
automate this process to a varying degree. Prior to the incorporation of
3.2. Landfilling IR 4.0 technologies within this field, Casas et al. (2014), proposed a
monitoring compost system equipped with sensors which collecting data
A standard waste disposal method practiced today is landfilling. and sending it to a wireless sensor network (WSN). As this data

C.G. Cheah et al. Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

collection is automated, the need for human intervention which could and recycle waste generated from another environment. This is made
expose harmful pathogens is negated. In a study by Rahane (2011), an possible thanks to the physical system containing three separate
additional dimension on the compost system process was added through controlled environments. The uppermost environment is the vegetation
a contoured time control scheme to monitor and control temperatures to layer where sunlight provides for the growth of flora. The middle layer
increase the efficacy of composting. A more advanced systems inte­ houses poultry which feeds on the vegetation grown above it. The bot­
grating multiple sensors (temperature, humidity, ultrasonic, and light tom layer contains a fish tank that depends on the waste produced by the
dependent resistor (LDR)) and circuitry was proposed by Vivien Arief poultry. This comprehensive system is equipped with sensors to monitor
Wardhany et al. (2019). This household compost monitoring system multiple variables (Table 2). The impressive collection of various sen­
doubles as a smart chopper, where the input is organic waste. The sors creates a stream of rich information from the system. These data
organic waste is then shredded into smaller pieces to improve the vol­ coupled with image recognition technology to detect ill poultry and
ume to surface area ratio for more efficient composting. It also comes crops and will be sent to the cloud for offsite computing. When the
equipped with an alert system consisting of LED lights and sound system detects anomalies within the environments such as a low mois­
buzzers to help indicate that the composting phase has been completed. ture reading, the system automatically activates the motorized valve
A work published by Bhoir et al. (2020) showed an automated IoT allowing for water to flow in. This is also automated for many other
enabled monitoring compost system that combines an aquaponic system sections such as the humidity and temperature.
equipped with moisture sensors with the organic waste bin. The aqua­ In addition, Raj et al. (2020) proposed an IoT enabled waste segre­
ponic system switches on the water pump when it detects low levels of gator capable of separating waste into metal, bio-degradable, and
moisture to obtain a consistent level of composting. It was highlighted non-biodegradable types. Metal is separated from the input waste
that this method is inexpensive and relatively safe in mitigating pollu­ through magnets. Waste with low density such as paper are filtered out
tion by reducing the amount of organic matter being sent to the landfills using a blower and separated into a non-biodegradable bin while the rest
which may contribute to methane emissions. Another study (Jo et al., of the waste are considered as biodegradable waste. The monitoring and
2019) describes the physical design and implementation of an IoT control are handled through the cloud where data is stored. It is noted
compost monitoring system in a farm based in Sarawak, Malaysia that that this system possesses high accuracy at filtering out metal and paper
produces compost and organic matter. It leverages humidity and tem­ waste, however, it is not an ideal option for real world use as the waste
perature sensors near the compost pile and communicates the data generated would be of high complexity.
through 4G network into a nearby home where the farmer can monitor According to Simic (2013), the automotive industry contributes to
the ambient surroundings of the compost. The results show it being a about 5% of the global industrial waste, indicating that end-of-life ve­
feasible solution to monitor a large variety of crops and livestock. hicles are categorized as an environmental issue. As electric vehicles
Nikoloudakis et al. (2016) introduced a complex cloud service that seem promising in replacing the internal combustion vehicles in the
supports composting without any human intervention. A customized future, the increase of waste generated by end-of-life vehicles are
mobile enclosure was introduced to facilitate the automation of pro­ impending. Therefore, the waste management of end-of-life vehicles are
cesses needed to sustain high quality composting. It houses of paramount importance (Karagoz et al., 2020). In 2015, Yi and Park
cyber-physical systems consisting of multiple monitoring sensors (hu­ (2015) proposed the design and implementation of an IoT enabled
midity, temperature, light, etc), actuators, and a ventilation system to End-of-Life vehicle Recycling centre. This design mainly focuses on the
manipulate the variables affecting the yield quality of the compost. The monitoring of vehicles and aims to improve the efficiency within the
full architecture of this system contains multiple composting setups. dismantling process with a mix of an improved data dashboard and
Each system is connected through the internet through an Arduino cyber-physical systems. By incorporating RFID technology, the system
board which serves as the medium between the sensors and the cloud. identifies the type and various information about the vehicle. This in­
The system autonomously carries out scheduled task such as stirring and formation is then used to search up a database to obtain dismantling
ventilation. The system is also developed with the capability to perform instructions from the manufacturer. This reduces the amount of time
dynamic actions to achieve the optimum conditions for composting
variables when the sensors detect an undesired level. An example of
Table 2
these actions is that the fan system turns on when the sensors detect an Sensors used to measure the variables in the end-to-end system (Gnanaraj and
outdoor night temperature of 28 ◦ C or less. Upon a field analysis, the Jayanthi, 2017).
automated cloud service fares up to a substantial increase in composting
Sensors Variable Remark
speed as opposed to a human supervised setup.
NFC, RFID, Motion, Bird Monitoring Track animals and collect
Temperature, information about movements and
3.4. Recycling Weight other behaviours
Motion, Size, Camera Fish Monitoring
Recycling is a prominent method to reduce the negative impacts of Temperature, Environment Monitoring sensors are
solid waste. In recycling, recyclable materials such as plastic, metal, Humidity, Air- supplemented by model
composition calculations to meet the
glass, paper, and electronics are collected and converted back into
requirements from the local
reusable materials which increases energy savings, reduces pollution, population
and conserves natural resources (2021b; Yang et al., 2012). This form of Camera, Poultry and fish Track animals’ behaviours or
CE aims to reduce the amount of waste that is to be fully disposed Accelerometer consumption habits attached to animals to quantify fine-
(landfilling, incineration, decomposition). While it is a widely adopted scale movements
Soil sensor, Camera Soil attribute Characterize soil through soil
method, the development of recycling technology is limited, and it re­ colour information, moisture
quires energy to recycle which produces side streams of waste. The content, organic matter, etc
problems of solid waste should be tackled at the root by reducing the Temperature, Time, Fertilizer and Examine the microbial activity as
waste generated instead. (Bartl, 2014). In addition, Yang et al. (2012) Humidity compost decomposing organisms are
included in compost fertilizer
mentioned that with the current level of technology, recycling of com­
Camera Segregation of ill Detect crop diseases with
posite materials is difficult, and hence more research and development is crops/poultry appropriate electromagnetic
needed to produce better material separation technology. spectrum wavelength.
In 2017, Gnanaraj and Jayanthi (2017) proposed an IoT based Monitor the abnormal trajectory of
end-to-end waste management. The system utilizes sensors and actua­ the poultries to access their stress
tors to monitor and manipulate the environment with the ability to reuse

C.G. Cheah et al. Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

spent by workers to figure out the dismantling process. Furthermore, the an oxygen-free environment (Mandal et al., 2016). Slow pyrolysis is a
data collected can be used to improve management and pinpoint errors method used to produce biochar and biogas at 300 ◦ C–550 ◦ C. It pro­
within the chain process. duces bio-oil liquid as its by-product while fast pyrolysis is used to
In 2018, Reuter et al. (2018) carried out an extensive analysis on a produce gas of which its by-products are liquid and very low biochar at
modular design phone, built around the circular economy. It was found temperatures above 600 ◦ C. Pyrolysis is important in the context of fire
that this approach allowed for greater environmental advantages such as debris analysis as it provides significant recovery of chemicals in the
the ease of recycling by having the ability to dismantle the phone before samples during laboratory analysis (Newman, 2008).
the recycling process, allowing for the maximum recovery of precious In 2017, Kondratenko et al. (2017) leveraged a cyber-physical sys­
metals. The authors mentioned that simulations with consistent data are tem and the internet to automate the control processes in pyrolysis
required for a successful design towards recycling needs, most of which complexes for municipal polymeric waste (MPW) through the use of
are technologically not available on a commercial scale. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) over networks like
ethernet, mobile networks, and WiFi. The system monitors the special­
3.4.1. Pelleting ized pyrolysis complexes through connected computing devices and
Pelleting is an effective method used in the recycling industry to sensors. The control and automation aspect are controlled through
reduce the density and size of biodegradable waste such as plastic. In the bifurcated layers of integrated hardware and software, with actuators
pelleting process, loose waste material is fed into a pelleting machine involved in the manipulation of MPW utilization, to the control units
which compresses the material through mechanical work (Sharvin Vikas and monitoring outputs in real time. Control algorithms were also
et al., 2021). The smaller bulk size yields the ability to transport and developed to detect anomalies in the case of an emergency. A study
store waste more efficiently (Härdtle et al., 1987; Sharvin Vikas et al., (Ullah et al., 2021) was done to investigate the feasibility of incorpo­
2021). Aside from plastic applications, increasing waste fuel density rating IoT technology in the pyrolysis of cumulating carbon
through pelleting results in positive combustion characteristics such as fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) waste. A central server will collect data
increased fuel density (Härdtle et al., 1987). from the sensors and control the actuators to adjust its parameters
Deo et al. (2021) proposed a real-time analysis of iron ore pellets through a control system to recover some of the heat generated. The
with the use of ML. The system is equipped with a camera setup and results suggests that the implementation of IoT will yield benefits in
various Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based models such as decreasing the consumption of energy and accelerate the pyrolysis
Mobilenet, VGG16, and Restnet50 which were trained with a fixed data process.
set. Results shows that the system is fairly accurate and capable of Further works that implement Industry 4.0 technology were done by
identifying the sizes of pellets successfully. Further optimization of the Naveda et al. (2019) in attempt to optimize multiple variables in a py­
pelleting process through ML was explored by de Abreu. T. N et al. (de rolysis reactor that affects the quality and properties of biochar. It ide­
Abreu et al., 2021) whereby an algorithm was trained to perform ates an interface to monitor various gas concentrations and
real-time performance analysis of the roller press system within the temperatures across the reactor by alerting the operators when they
pelleting machine. Data is collected from the sensors in the pelleting exceeded the specified limit. Precious energy is wasted from the land­
machine over time. Then, the predictive algorithm is trained to auto­ filling of tyres as energy can be recovered from it through pyrolysis
matically map the real-time data of the system to the influential vari­ (Sharma et al., 2000). A method of extracting biofuel from tyres was
ables that affects the roller press’s performance such as the motor proposed by Osayi et al. (2014) through thermal degradation. However,
torque, humidity, and roller misalignment. This creates a powerful as the characteristics of the biofuel produced varies greatly across fac­
real-time diagnosis of the current state of the roller press which previ­ tors like the composition of the feed, its ambient temperature and
ously required a tedious process of manual collection and correlation of pressure, this method consists of numerous steps that require human
data which is only available post processing. These implementations supervision and knowledge. As a result, a proposal was made by Bhyri
could potentially be applied in the pelleting of waste fuel to automate (2020) to produce a system to automate the extraction of
the segregation of pellets based on the optimum shape and size for bio-crude/biofuel with the use of IoT in waste tyres. It resulted in the
effective energy recovery. It could also be used in improving the oper­ ability of the system to maintain optimum conditions through users’
ational uptime of the pelleting equipment by reducing the workload inputs, actuators, and a microcontroller. Manipulation and control were
needed to diagnose it. designed for computing devices (phones, PCs) where data is easily
In a 2021 study, Yang et al. (2021) criticized the low compressive accessible through communication networks. Especially in this time of
strength of pellets in an ironmaking blast furnace. An algorithm was the pandemic, these works aim to create a solution for monitoring and
then developed that intelligently predicts and recommends the optimum controlling manual pyrolysis processes on the internet to nullify the
composition of each raw materials to maximize the compressive need of physical presence.
strength of the pellet. This process can be applied similarly to the pro­
duction of waste fuel pellets which increases the particle density and 3.5.2. Gasification
may positively influence the combustion properties (Garcia-Maraver Gasification is the conversion of biomass (crops and manure) mate­
and Carpio, 2015). rials into syngas (Synthetic Gas) which can be used for energy recovery.
They can also be converted into useful products like detergents and
3.5. Energy conversion technologies plasticizers (Zhang et al., 2019). It consists of a few general steps (dry­
ing, pyrolysis, combustion, and reduction). Gasification is of a common
According to the Department of Environmental Quality in Oregon, topic in the recent research on biofuel production (Molino et al., 2018).
USA, conversion technology is the transformation of solid wastes that A recent proposal developed a ML based optimization system on
cannot be recycled, into useful products like fuel, heat, electricity, and hydrothermal gasification (HTG) that is able to optimize the process
steam. Wastes such as organic food, manure, grease, and oil may un­ conditions based on the properties of the biomass (Gopirajan et al.,
dergo mechanical, thermal, or biological processes to achieve this 2021). HTG produces hydrogen for energy recovery. As the quality of
output. There are various types of energy conversion processes of which gasification depends on a multitude of parameters such as the temper­
they are anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, and gasification. ature and pressure (Rizkiana et al., 2014), the automated optimization
of these parameters will save time and reduce cycle times. The dataset
3.5.1. Pyrolysis used to develop the algorithm contains biomass characteristics, HTG
One of the conversion techniques practiced today is pyrolysis. It is process parameters, and product gas yield which was collected from
defined as the decomposition of organic matter by high temperatures in over 21 previous publications. Then, the actual biomass data collected is

C.G. Cheah et al. Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

compared with the training dataset. Finally, an Adaptive Multivariate 4. Challenges and future trends
Random Forest (AMVRF) function was applied to obtain the predicted
yield. In another publication, Ozbas et al. (2019) presented a ML model Multiple development is needed for a more thorough implementa­
to predict the concentration of hydrogen produced by gasification. tion of the technologies within solid waste management. Current
Predictive analysis models such as linear regression and decision tree research and work done is based on applying Industry 4.0 technologies
regression were incorporated. A smaller training data set that was on individual waste management systems, which lacks the coherence
collected through laboratory experiments was used. From the result, the needed to capitalise on technologies such as cloud computing, inter­
experimental values and predicted values showed high similarities with connectivity, big data, etc on a larger scale. Furthermore, it is expensive
an r2 value of 0.99. Thus, the authors suggested that the ML models to implement this kind of innovative technology due to the need for new
proposed, could be used in the modelling of various gasification prod­ infrastructure. Current IT installations and systems may require some
ucts with different model structures and experimental conditions adaptation and in the case of solid waste management, its diversity and
without further alteration. complexity may require the development of proprietary communication
An interesting work by Chaiwong et al. (2019) showcases the wire­ systems to achieve a greater level of coherency. As IR 4.0 technologies
less and remote monitoring system for a gasification stove which utilizes use multiple sensors, wireless communication, and computing re­
the syngas produced through gasification. The author notes that biomass sources, it would be costly to develop, implement, and maintain. In
cooking stoves are more efficient when contrasted to the traditional addition to that, a skilled workforce with a wide array of technical
cooking stove. The system is equipped with a Raspberry Pi computer knowledge needed to develop and apply these cutting-edge systems may
that is connected to the internet and provides real-time tracking of the be difficult to obtain. Therefore, technical education will need time to
status of the stove. The user is able to remotely control the intake airflow evolve to meet the current demands. Additionally, further resources
for various combustion conditions through a mobile phone app that would need to be invested in the security of the IoT based system to
manipulates the pulse width modulation signals. prevent malicious attacks from disrupting the SWM chain or manipu­
lating the data stored on the servers. A potential solution to this would
3.5.3. Anaerobic digestion be the use of blockchain technology due to its cryptographic properties
Another effective form of waste treatment technologies is anaerobic (Javaid et al., 2021). Blockchain technology is a shared, immutable
digestion. It is a biological process of breaking down organic waste ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking
through microbial decomposition in an oxygen-less environment assets (data) in a peer-to-peer network. This means that the information
(2021a; Khalid et al., 2011). Organic waste is generally placed in a stored on a blockchain based storage is impossible to manipulate
sealed reactor and left to be digested by microorganisms. This results in without collusion, making it a difficult target for cyber-attacks. How­
biogas which can used to generate heat and power for energy recovery ever, in contrast to this, Ghiro et al. (2021) argued that blockchain
or can be further refined into biomethane to be used in vehicle appli­ technology is not appropriate in securing IoT applications.
cations (Scarlat et al., 2018). Another challenge is that the core technologies of Industry 4.0 rely
The use of ML is surfacing in works aimed to predict performances in heavily on electronics. An example of this, is in the case of using com­
anaerobic digestion reactors and aids to improve the efficiency and puters, sensors, and wireless connectivity to track and optimize the
control of the processes. Using ML to predict the performances of routes for efficient garbage collection schedules, effectively reducing
anaerobic digestion allows operators to collect valuable information to emissions and energy use. Another example is the use of RFID and
enhance the industrial designs (Xu et al., 2021) which was previously an wireless communications enable the traceability in materials to better
extremely tedious and time-consuming method while enabling them to understand the opportunities in circular economy. However, by imple­
optimize their operational strategy. In a study, Seo et al. (2021) imple­ menting these technologies, it is imperative to understand that the
mented a recurrent neural network to develop an effective prediction electronic resources used to support these applications constitutes as e-
model for estimating the production of biogas as a product through the waste themselves. Therefore, more research is encouraged in the recy­
anaerobic digestion of food waste. Wang et al. (2020) applied ML al­ clability of these electronics as well as research in empirically deter­
gorithms to accurately predict the rate of methane production in mining the viability of this technology.
anaerobic digestion. The accuracy of the prediction was validated by A forerunner in the digitalization industry (Rosen et al., 2015),
comparing them with actual values. However, in lower production rates Digital Twins (DT) is a subset of an IR 4.0 based technology. It is a virtual
of methane, it appears that the accuracy deteriorates. representation of an object/process in the physical world that simulates
Dong et al. (2011) presented a novel automated online monitoring real life behaviour. It pairs with the physical object via sensors which
system for anaerobic digestion reactors capable of producing an accu­ allows for the virtual system to mimic its physical counterpart, enabling
rate diagnosis of the reactor systems. Additionally, it housed an alert the ability to simulate the physical object’s performance under various
system for potential risks such as overloading and high temperatures. and extreme conditions. This technology has sparked an interest in
Logan et al. (2019) in turn, developed a remote monitoring system for development by companies and aims to provide a better analysis on how
anaerobic digestion, and evaluated its performance on food based waste. processes are affected (Cimino et al., 2019, 2020; Negri et al., 2020). As
Through this implementation of IoT, it resulted in improved operation DT uses IoT sensors and devices, real-time data can be pulled and be
and maintenance due to a more consolidated form of data which used to predict potential failures in the future which reduces the
increased the reactor operator’s ability to control the plants process maintenance cost. This has been done in the context of intelligent
performances. However, it is not explicit if the system incorporates a manufacturing to improve the operational uptime (Zhong et al., 2017).
fully cyber-physical system to carry out its corrective processes to It is expensive to implement a comprehensive end-to-end integrated
improve the production rate. Xu et al. (2021) compared three ML models SMW system that incorporates IR 4.0 technology aimed to improve and
(Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Deep Learning) in the optimize every process within the entire waste management chain. As a
prediction of a zero-valent iron-based (ZVI) anaerobic digestion reactor result, Digital Twin technology can be used to perform a full scale
and discovered that the Extreme Gradient Boosting algorithm provided accelerated risk assessment simulation to identify process failures and
the highest accuracy and feasibility in predicting the production rate of carry out tests to determine and improve the robustness of the system
methane with a root mean squared error of 21.09. It was highlighted before a real-world implementation is carried out. Future research on
that the methane yield is greatly influenced by the particle size and this may be worth pursuing because it is a pioneering concept in the
dosages of ZVI. context of SWM.
Innovative technologies are expensive to introduce especially in this
context because of the infrastructure needed to support IR 4.0

C.G. Cheah et al. Environmental Research 213 (2022) 113619

Technology. This comprehensive SWM system incorporates IR 4.0 can be used to perform a full scale accelerated risk assessment simula­
technologies which are costly to develop, implement, and maintain tion to identify process failures and carry out tests to determine and
especially with a trial-and-error approach. Therefore, by exploring this improve the robustness of the system before a real-world implementa­
area of research, it may open opportunities to reduce the cost incurred tion is carried out, greatly reducing the cost that may be incurred
through traditional prototyping. Additionally, unexpected risks would through traditional prototyping.
pose no loss in the virtualized environment. Finally, opportunities The application of IR 4.0 technologies such as IoT and cloud
discovered through the virtual environment can be applied in real life. If computing, system integration, smart automation, and cyber-physical
successful, the full implementation of such system will result in a fully systems show promising opportunities in improving the management
interactive model where virtual scenarios can be created to test how the and efficiency in view of solid waste. This is thanks to the improved
system would operate in real life if subjected to these conditions. This generation of real-time data in both quality and quantity which can be
interactive model will serve as a reference model for the actual imple­ used to gain better insights for improved decision making and man­
mentation of the SWM initially, and as the real-world implementation is agement while enabling the automation of smart systems. RFID and
built, the virtual system will be paired with the physical one via sensors wireless communications enable the traceability in materials to better
to double as a real-time monitoring system. Therefore, more research is understand the opportunities in circular economy. Additionally, the
needed for a real world comprehensive end-to-end integration aimed to interconnectivity of systems and automatic transfer of data enable the
optimize every process within the solid waste management chain. creation of more complex system that houses a larger solution space that
was previously not possible such as centralised cloud computing to
5. Conclusions reduce the cost by eliminating the need for individual computing
This review delved into research related to current innovative de­
signs encompassing Industry 4.0 technologies. In aims to ease and assist Credit author statement
future research, a survey of existing literature was carried out and the
findings were summarized. Industry 4.0 remains at the forefront of Chor Gene Cheah: Data curation, Visualization, Methodology,
technological research and as a result, the literature is considerably Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Wen Yi Chia:
dynamic. Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - review & editing. Shuet Fen
The significance of SWM was introduced along with the negative Lai: Methodology, Validation, Writing - review & editing. Kit Wayne
consequences that will incur if SWM is neglected. One of the main Chew: Funding acquisition, Project administration, Resources, Super­
challenges that the current generation faces is the devastating growth vision, Writing - review & editing. Shir Reen Chia: Conceptualization,
rate of waste generation due to the rapid urbanization of municipals and Methodology. Pau Loke Show: Conceptualization, Validation,
as a result, produces the associated global impacts such as the emissions Supervision.
of GHG which contributes to global warming. Current practice in the
waste management industry was surveyed and summarized. Improve­ Declaration of competing interest
ments upon the methods of SWM promotes the ability to alleviate and
eliminate the corresponding issues before they develop into more The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
complex problems that are significantly more difficult to solve down the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
line. the work reported in this paper.
In terms of more environmentally friendly and economical methods
of waste management, the concept of Circular Economy was then pre­ Acknowledgment
sented as a step in the right direction to preserve sustainability through
the 6Rs (Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair) whereby its This work was supported by Xiamen University Malaysia Research
implementation should be investigated and carried to manage the con­ Fund (Grant number: XMUMRF/2021-C7/IENG/0033) and Hengyuan
sumption rate that currently exceeds the limit of which the Earth is International Sdn. Bhd.
capable of regenerating yearly. It was found that technological im­
provements in the SWM space alone are not sufficient and hence, sig­
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