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12 (2021) 200058

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Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances

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An entity-relationship model of the flow of waste and resources in

city-regions: Improving knowledge management for the circular economy
Jonathan Cohen *, Jorge Gil
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sven Hultins gata 6, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden


Keywords: Waste and resources management is one of the domains where urban and regional planning can transition to­
Circular cities wards a Circular Economy, thus slowing environmental degradation. Improving waste and resources manage­
Waste management ment in cities requires an adequate understanding of multiple systems and how they interact. New technologies
Circular economy
contribute to improve waste management and resource efficiency, but knowledge silos hinder the possibility of
Industry 4.0
Entity-relationship model
delivering sound holistic solutions. Furthermore, lack of compatibility between data formats and diverse defi­
SQL nitions of the same concept reduces information exchange across different urban domains. This paper addresses
the challenge of organising and standardising information about waste and resources management in city
Given the amount and variety of data constantly captured, data models and standards are a crucial element of
Industry 4.0. The paper proposes an Entity-Relationship Model to harmonise definitions and integrate infor­
mation on waste and resources management. Furthermore, it helps to formalise the components of the system
and their relationships. Semi-structured interviews with government officials, mobile app developers and aca­
demics provided insights into the specific system and endorsed the model. Finally, the paper illustrates the
translation of the ERM into a relational database schema and instantiates Waste Management and industrial
Symbiosis cases in Buenos Aires (ARG) and Helsingborg (SWE) to validate its general applicability. The data
model for the Circular Flow of Waste and Resources presented here enhances traditional waste management
perspectives by introducing Circular Economy strategies and spatial variables in the model. Thus, this research
represents a step towards unlocking the true potential of Industry 4.0.

Introduction Simultaneously, cities play a crucial role in meeting the Paris

Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (European
The current linear economy, based on "take-make-dispose", is un­ Commission 2018; OECD 2020). Although urban areas only occupy 2%
sustainable; in the year 2020, only 8.6% of global resources were being of the world’s total land area, they are hotspots of resources consump­
reused (Circle Economy 2020). To satisfy the material needs of this tion and resulting wastes (Themelis 2019). Cities are globally respon­
traditional economic system, we need 1.7 Planet Earths (Lin et al. 2018), sible for producing 70% of the wealth, 70% of the waste, and 70% of the
forcing life to operate beyond its safe limits (Steffen et al. 2015). greenhouse gases (United Nations Conference of Housing and Sustain­
Humans need to act urgently to avoid irreversible damage to the envi­ able Urban Development 2016).
ronment (Policymakers 2018). Thus, the Circular Economy (CE) para­ The Circular Cities Hub1 defines a Circular City as a place where (1)
digm has gained momentum among academics, practitioners, and "resources can be cycled between urban activities, within city regions"
policymakers as a promising alternative. This paradigm seeks to maxi­ and (2) "cities can be designed so that land and infrastructure can be
mise resources utilisation by following the 3Rs principle: Reduce, Reuse, reused/recycled over time". One area of spatial planning that can
and Recycle. The CE focus on eco-effectiveness instead of eco-efficiency directly contribute to (1) is waste management (Gravagnuolo, Angri­
(Toxopeus, De Koeijer, and Meij 2015) by decoupling economic growth sano, and Girard 2019; ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation
from the extraction of natural resources (Kjaer et al. 2019). Network) 2019), and solving this problem requires a holistic approach

* Corresponding author at: halmers University of Technology: Chalmers tekniska hogskola, Sweden.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Cohen).

Received 23 July 2021; Received in revised form 2 September 2021; Accepted 8 September 2021
Available online 13 September 2021
2667-3789/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

that integrates knowledge from different domains. land use and transport systems. The integrated modelling of these urban
According to P. Hall a systems approach must be adopted when systems has allowed planners to explore future scenarios and analyse
dealing with spatial planning issues, and that planning should be "[...] how their realisation might impact urban dynamics (Acheampong and
exploratory and instructive. It should aim to help communities think Silva 2015). Finally, CityGML 3 is an open data standard developed to
clearly and logically about resolving their problems (...). In other words, represent and exchange 3d city models. Besides being an example of
it should aim to provide a resource for democratic and informed deci­ how a data standard can ease information exchange for different
sion-making" (Hall 1992, Ch. 1 & 9) and technological ubiquity and application domains, it allows models to be expanded and scaled up.
open-data can contribute to materialise these ideas. Moreover, he re­ Since adopters of the standard share the same point of departure
minds us that computer-aided systems (’cybernated planning’) do not -database structure-, it is easy to develop extensions for new urban do­
necessarily imply making planning more straightforward but making it mains such as water and energy systems.
more flexible. By considering more information, planning becomes Given the outstanding challenges of digitalisation in the waste and
’potentially’ more rational. As more information is needed to tackle resources management domain, and inspired by the examples from
complex challenges, the need for adequate Information Systems and other domains, the objective of this study is to improve KM for the CE in
Knowledge Management (KM) also increases (Reyes-Córdoba, Sharratt, city regions by proposing a data model for Circular Flow of Waste and
and Arizmendi-Sánchez 2008; Israilidis, Odusanya, and Mazhar 2021). Resources (CFWR). On the one hand, data models offer researchers and
An entire ecosystem of new technologies is being developed and practitioners that work with resource usage a structured means to store
deployed to improve waste and resources management. In industrial and query data. On the other hand, standardising data inputs and out­
terms, this is often known as the fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry puts allows researchers and practitioners to build scalable analytical
4.0, and known as intelligent, data-driven, smart, or digital cities in tools. This study considers waste management in its most comprehen­
urban studies and with regards to city management. Digitisation pro­ sive form, where waste is a by-product of human activity with potential
cesses (such as IoT, big data, and information processing) are funda­ value for reuse as a resource. The scope is limited to the process of
mental to achieving several of the SDGs (Batty et al. 2012; Lang et al., closing material loops by focusing on the following phases of a typical
2018). Waste management has used these technologies for (i) Data supply chain cycle: Collection and Disposal, Recycling and Recovery,
capture and development of sensor-based technologies, (ii) Data trans­ Circular Inputs and Manufacturing (Kalmykova, Sadagopan, and Rosado
mission and communication, (iii) Testing capabilities and IoT experi­ 2018). The study adopts a methodology that includes an on-desk liter­
ments, and (iv) Tracking routing and achieving efficient operations ature survey, a data model development process, and stakeholder
(Esmaeilian et al. 2018; Hannan et al. 2015). Digitalisation processes engagement through interviews for both knowledge acquisition and
have shown to improve resource use in city regions, for instance, validation of the results.
addressing resource scarcity (Perkins et al. 2014), material criticality The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents previous efforts
(danger) (Chauhan, Jakhar, and Chauhan 2021; Chou and Fan 2010), or to manage knowledge about waste and resources by developing data
the financial burden on local authorities (Huang et al. 2018; Oliveira standards or models. Section 3 describes the methodology, followed by
Neto et al. 2017). Section 4 presenting the results: a conceptual diagram of the system,
Although Industry 4.0 is supporting spatial planning processes and formalised into an Entity-Relationship model (ERM), and translated into
the CE, data continues to be sparse and heterogeneous in frequency, a relational database schema for demonstration purposes. Section 5 il­
geography and quality, and solutions overlap, making it difficult to track lustrates how the model can be applied, and was validated using four
progress towards the CE. The development and use of common data cases relevant to waste management and industrial symbiosis. The paper
standards can enhance collaboration and information exchange between concludes by discussing the results and giving indications for future
governmental agencies (Kontokosta 2018). (Lam 2005) reports that research.
"lack of architecture interoperability" and "incompatible technical
standards" are fundamental barriers for e-government integration; Related work
hence, the importance of data standardisation and of adopting a stan­
dard data model to secure a common definition of concepts. Compre­ This section reviews efforts to manage knowledge about waste and
hensive reviews of how industry 4.0 is contributing to deliver CE and resources in city regions in a context of digitalisation. The first part
more sustainable production practices agree that future research needs covers significant contributions that use elements of Industry 4.0 to
to take a multidisciplinary approach to include different perspectives tackle environmental challenges, namely specific applications for waste
(Alnajem, Mostafa, and ElMelegy 2021). In particular, Lang et al., 2021 management, industrial symbiosis and urban metabolism, showing what
highlight the need "for a well-understood digitization standard, and each information is being captured and how it is stored. In the second part,
stage of this process needs to be clarified and proceeded." More specif­ existing (and developing) data standards and solutions to organise in­
ically, lack of standardisation is among the most critical barriers to formation about waste and resources are presented.
developing smart waste management systems (Sharma et al. 2020;
Rajput and Singh 2018). One can identify a mismatch between the Industry 4.0 applications
amount of data generated to manage waste and resources, and the ca­
pacity to handle these new data sources to deliver sustainable urban As reviewed in (Esmaeilian et al. 2018), technological advancement
planning and waste management. in waste management has focused on 4 areas: data acquisition and
Looking at other urban planning domains, one can find examples sensor-based technologies; communication technologies and data
where this mismatch has been addressed. The General Transit Feed transmission infrastructure; the capabilities of IoT systems in field ex­
Specification 2(GTFS) is a data standard for public transport services that periments; and truck routing and scheduling for waste collection oper­
has revolutionised how public transport is managed and studied in cit­ ations. After the review the authors suggest that a centralised waste
ies. Thanks to this development, both logistic operations have improved, management system is needed and they emphasise on the importance of
citizens can plan their trips more easily (Bob 2000, Ch. 10), and collecting data on the lifecycle of products and the use of IoT to provide
numerous digital tools and research projects have been delivered. In real-time data.
terms of information integration, Land Use and Transportation Inte­ Several studies introduce devices to capture information about the
gration Models (LUTI) empirically explore the relationship between the status of waste bins, such as temperature, humidity, or current capacity

2 3
https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs https://www.ogc.org/standards/citygml

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

(Gutierrez et al. 2015). Information about the status of waste bins can be provide better outcomes.
used to optimise collection routes, and real-time data can make this Metabolic studies of cities are known for being data intensive and
process even more efficient (Faccio, Persona, and Zanin 2011). In other obtaining the necessary data is critical and time-consuming. Metabolism
cases, information about collection trucks, resource consumption, of Cities 8 is an ambitious crowd-sourced effort that addresses this
emissions, current position and time is being generated and used to challenge by providing a hub of all the data needed to estimate the
optimise waste management operations (Arribas, Blazquez, and Lamas metabolic process of various cities. Although volunteers have initiated
2010; Bing et al. 2014). On a related note, the Trash Truck MIT 4 project collecting information on more than 60 cities, data and documents can
uses ’digital dust’ to map the flow of specific waste streams. By be uploaded without a strict protocol, resulting in variability in
embedding GPS devices in waste objects, the researchers were able to completeness and quality. A data standard or protocol could help solve
gather accurate data about how waste moves in space and time, which is this problem, and would provide a structured database for the tools
crucial to control what happens in the real world and validate plans and developed to calculate urban metabolism. Shahrokni, Lazarevic, and
models. Brandt (2015) try to reduce the existing data gap in urban metabolism
Individual smartphones have also become devices for capturing data studies by exploring how the Smart City paradigm can support urban
relevant to waste and resources management. UnWaste 5 and Litterati 6 metabolism calculations. Smart Citizens can contribute by providing
are two examples of crowd-sourced platforms that allow users to upload individual spatial data about their consumption behaviours and daily
data about waste disposed on streets and open spaces. practices, such as transportation or what and when they use electronic
These new data sources can be relevant to planners when the in­ devices. These new bottom-up data are more granular than environ­
formation is integrated with social and built environment data sets. For mental statistics and might play an essential role in establishing urban
instance, to identify if sufficient waste bins exist near littered objects, or metabolism concepts at a neighbourhood or household level.
if waste accumulates near specific activities such as fast-food chains or GeoFluxus 9, a spin-off platform from the Repair project is a clear
transportation hubs. Although all these projects focus on developing the example of how spatial information about waste materials can be used to
IoT device and smartphone technology for data collection, and can advise governments and industries to better use resources. It resembles
enhance waste management operations, the importance of managing the in function an industrial symbiosis facilitator, and illustrates how digital
data generated and of using an adequate database structure is recog­ platforms that organise this knowledge can have positive effects over
nised (Maksimovic 2016; Hannan and Zailah 2012). Medvedev et al. enhancing industrial networks. Yet, after reviewing various IS networks,
(2015) propose a Smart waste management system to reduce collection (Paquin and Howard-Grenville 2012; Domenech et al., 2018; Bacudio
inefficiencies. Their system integrates real time operation data, cameras et al. 2016) conclude that there is a major need for harmonised frame­
and sensors to populate a system that automatically improve several works to analyse and enhance industrial symbiosis practices. Efforts to
performance indicators. By incorporating surveillance cameras and dy­ reduce this gap have explored how semantic web technology can
namic routing, their system proves to improve collection times. contribute to capture information about industries and automatically
Vitorino de Souza, et al., (Vitorino de Souza Melaré et al. 2017) identify potential waste exchanges. For example, (Song et al. 2017)
provide a systematic review of the various technologies used in Decision exploits information available in web sites of companies and extracts
Support Systems (DSS) for waste management. They noted that the use valuable data that is needed to understand if two firms could be matched
of database technology was sparse, and consequently it was grouped to exchange resources. The process relies on other databases and pro­
with other tools and methods, making it impossible to discriminate the jects with the objective of standardising information about waste,
extent and purpose of use of this technology. Despite the variety of DSS pollution or industrial processes. A comprehensive list of available data
created to address different operative and strategic questions in waste sources is provided in the study. Similar approaches were taken in
and resources management, these tools are hardly used in practice (Ghali and Frayret 2019), (Cecelja et al. 2015), but in these cases on­
because of their limited or lacking support for interpreting the results. tologies are used to model tacit and explicit knowledge extracted from
Furthermore, the spatial dimension relevant to city planning is mainly the industries’ web sites. These latter studies are important first steps
considered when studying logistics or location problems (Uran and that show how public information on the internet can be exploited and
Janssen 2003; Rubenstein-Montano 2000). organised to initiate industrial exchanges.
In a recent example, the Repair project 7 released an open-source The works covered in this section illustrate how Industry 4.0 is
Geo-design Decision Support Environment (GDSE) that can be used as improving waste and resource management. Significant IoT, data ana­
a co-creation planning tool in workshops, to define spatial strategies for lytics and DSS are being developed and applied, but diversity and lack of
waste exchanges to support IS (Arciniegas et al. 2019). The tool is harmonisation of data and models hinder their widespread usage.
innovative since it provides a bottom-up approach, overcoming several Recent bibliometric reviews (Alnajem, Mostafa, and ElMelegy 2021;
of the barriers discussed in Uran and Janssen (2003). During the Lang et al., 2021) identified that standardisation and clarification of
workshop, knowledge from experts is extracted and captured in the processes through digitalisation are essential to materialise the CE. And
GDSE, and the data is stored in a geo-server. The tool integrates per­ as suggested by Chou and Fan (2010), effective KM can provide a shared
spectives of various actors to understand how different circular economy background for constructing long-term solutions.
strategies can affect resource usage in city-regions. The GDSE allows
users to explore visually and interactively various territorial strategies, Data management and standards in waste and resources management
and contributes to illustrating the strong relationship between spatial
planning and urban metabolism. System integration is at the core of the Smart Cities paradigm, and
Although, it was designed as a co-creation tool, it relies on detailed developing and adopting data standards is essential to exchange infor­
information about waste flows in urban areas, so it would be important mation easily. For example, in the UK, Manchester municipality is
to detail what information and with what level of granularity is required working with Dsposal 10 to develop a data standard for residential waste
to use the GDSE. This information could be valuable to design top-down recycling centres 11. The project aims to harmonise information on
approaches where algorithms are used to determine what scenarios Household Waste Recycling Centres across the municipality to overcome

4 8
https://senseable.mit.edu/trashtrack/ http://metabolismofcities.org
5 9
https://www.unwaste.io/ https://www.geofluxus.com/
6 10
https://www.litterati.org/ https://dsposal.uk
7 11
http://h2020repair.eu/ https://github.com/OpenDataManchester/Open3R

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

be seen as simpler (i.e. in terms of diversity of actors and having only

waste stream), this study contributes to comprehend the potential
behind handling knowledge adequately. Throughout the study, one can
appreciated the central role played by well structured databases, on
which several stages of this development depend on.
While discussing the future of Industrial Ecology, (Davis, Nikolic,
and Dijkema 2010) highlights that these studies require data sources
that are usually ’unavailable, inaccessible, incomplete, incompatible, or
unreliable’ (as cited in (Ravalde and Keirstead 2017)), and data stan­
dards and protocols could help to improve cohesion across the disci­
pline. To handle industrial waste and support industrial symbiosis
strategies, the Maestri Horizon 2020 project 13 created the first database
of existing industrial symbiotic relationships. Using NACE codes 14 to
categorise industrial activity, and List of Waste (LoW) codes 15 to define
waste streams, it is possible to understand what industries have taken
secondary materials as inputs (Baptista et al. 2018; Holgado et al. 2019;
Ferrera et al. 2017). Using two standardised nomenclatures helps extract
knowledge from the database by a wider community of stakeholders in a
systematic way. Namely, (Patricio et al. 2017) exploits the database to
explore all the possible industrial exchanges in a Swedish region for a
specific industry sector. In another example, (Ravalde and Keirstead
2017) developed a first of its kind data set that contains information
about 202 production methods, and illustrate how information about
Fig. 1. Methodological stages and their interactions.
capacity, production method used, and materials needed to perform a
specific process can be managed. Future studies can use the exact
specification to estimate environmental impacts, in a comparable,
the challenge of information availability, variability, and quality. By replicable, and validated approach.
adopting a data standard, the city expects to improve its waste man­ Fundamental research about databases and data standards are at the
agement operations by providing reliable and uniform information to its core of Industry 4.0 advancements. On the one hand, effective databases
citizens. Technology advances at a fast pace and individual actors can are needed to host data captured by the growing IoT applications. On the
generate significant contributions outside government and academia, other hand, standards and protocols help in the digitalisation process by
thus GitHub and other collaborative platforms need to be surveyed to providing structured and comprehensive information that can be pro­
capture the state of the art of industry 4.0 in various domains. For cessed by machines. Several of the previously cited works have identi­
example, the Smart Data Models 12 initiative is currently hosting a data fied the mismatch between big data (i.e. large volume, velocity, veracity
model of waste containers, that was not mentioned in the literature and variety) of data generated and the need to organise it. In the
surveyed. The model includes an extensive description of the container following section, the methodology used to develop a data model for
object, container model specification and clusters of containers (named waste and resources is detailed.
’islands’) that can help municipalities to better manage such
information. Methodology
Research on semantics and domain specific ontologies contributes to
integrating heterogeneous systems, consequently plays a crucial role in The methodology followed in this study to develop the proposed data
multidisciplinary practices like sustainable urban planning. Web se­ model for Circular Flow of Waste and Resources in city-regions (CFWR)
mantics apply ontological models to translate explicit knowledge about adapts previous methods for building information systems (Storey
a domain by defining concepts and the relationships between them. 1991), and can be decomposed into four main activities: (i) Desk liter­
These translations are computer readable, support executing calculation ature survey, (ii) Engagement with stakeholders, (iii) Development of
and automated processes, and in particular ontologies allow information the data model, and (iv) Validation using case studies. Activities (i) and
interoperability across systems. For example, Howell, Rezgui, and (ii) helped understand the system, identify the problems and case
Beach (2017) proposes an ontology to enhance water management studies, and set the solution’s scope in light of related efforts. With the
systems by incorporating components of the demand-side. However, support of these activities, the model was designed and developed in
ontology construction is complex and requires the engagement of activity (iii), and activity (iv) was performed to demonstrate and eval­
various experts to provide knowledge about city systems and how the uate the main output of this research. Fig. 1 presents the main activities
technology can be deployed (Sattar et al. 2021; Ahmad et al. 2018). carried out during this study and how they interact to achieve the pa­
provide a methodology to construct ontologies using municipal waste per’s primary goal. The process that led to the final version of this data
management as a case study. They create an ontology called OntoWM model was organic and iterative. Further explanation of each of these
for waste management and present how it can manage smart bins. The activities can be found in the remainder of this section.
method used to construct OntoWM is useful for developing other data
models and standards, like the ones presented later on in this paper.
Desk literature survey
The use of ontologies is used to tackle the challenge of dealing with
radioactive waste materials, (Chou and Fan 2010) propose an archi­
A desk literature survey was carried out on how Industry 4.0 has
tecture and data structure to exchange and store information system­
been used to improve the KM of waste and resources in cities and
atically. The data model proves to be helpful by showing how an agent
model can navigate the XML document to maintain and manage critical
information of the system. Although, the radioactive waste system can 13
https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.WasteManagement 000D0532-20150601

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Table 1 Three types of interviews were performed. During the first round of
Interviews with stakeholders. interviews (SI), initial contact was established. Semi-structured in­
Stakeholder group N SI SII SIII Total terviews were used to understand better the actors’ challenges and how
the system was operating. The second interaction took the form of a
Representatives of waste management units 7 7 5 3 15
(public sector) workshop (SII), where a first version of the data model was presented to
Tech developers 6 2 4 3 9 verify if any system components were missing. This workshop was
Domain experts (non-public) 4 - 4 3 7 helpful to map the different actors and their roles in the system. Finally,
Total interviews 9 13 9 30 the last interviews (SIII) validated the model applied to the specific use
cases of each stakeholder and explored how KM could be used in their

Data model development

The third stage of the study involved developing the data model of
CFWR in cities in three steps: first, developing a conceptual diagram;
Fig. 2. ERM - notation Rein85. then, formalising the model into an ERM; finally, translating the ERM
into a database schema, in this case, using a relational database.
The objective of the conceptual diagram was to identify the different
regions. Scientific studies, grey literature, and technology projects were components of the waste and resources management system, an
surveyed to identify the system components, the current challenges, and abstraction needed to develop more formal models. The proposed con­
how information is being captured, used and managed. Moreover, this ceptual diagram was developed based on knowledge acquired in the
task was critical to identify potential case studies and stakeholders to previous two stages and is consistent with the meta-model used to create
interview. For academic articles, the Scopus database was queried using OntoWM (Kultsova et al. 2016). It was used during the interviews to
a combination of domain =-specific terms and specific tools or methods. validate the system components, to capture how they can be inter­
Domain specific terms included: (i) Urban Metabolism, (ii) Circular connected, and to identify the attributes of each of these components.
Economy, (iii) Industrial Symbiosis, (iv) Waste Management. And tools The conceptual diagram was then formalised into an ERM using the
and methods included: (i) UML OR Entity-Relationship Model (ERM) OR enhanced ERM notation (Chen 1976). The ERM provides a more detailed
Conceptual, (ii) Knowledge management, (iii) Relational database OR representation of the system components as entities, explicitly defines
Ontology OR Graph database OR SQL OR NOSQL OR POSTGRESQL, (iv) their relations, and defines the set of characteristics that describes those
IoT OR ICT OR smart OR industry 4.0. entities as attributes. Fig. 2, shows two entities related to each other. The
The survey was complemented with grey literature dealing with the diamond shape in the middle indicates the cardinality of the relation­
CE and smart waste management systems to learn how these topics were ship, where there can be many (n) of Entity A related to one (1) Entity B.
being approached in practice, including Deloitte, IBM, Ellen Mac Arthur For instance, a waste bin is an entity, and colour is one of its possible
Foundation, and several governmental projects. attributes. The waste bin can be owned by a firm (another entity), thus
Finally, since the challenge of this research lies within the Industry ownership defines the relationship between the firm and a waste bin, of
4.0 paradigm, new sources of knowledge such as source code re­ which a firm can own many.
positories (e.g., GitHub) and mobile device applications (Apps) were The development of the ERM is a crucial step towards a database
also surveyed. Within GitHub, the following combination of keywords architecture. Entities, attributes and relationships can be translated into
was searched: "Circular Economy", "Urban Metabolism", "Industrial different types of database management systems such as hierarchical,
Symbiosis", and "Waste Management". The main outcomes of this stage graph, or relational. In this case, we used a relational database schema to
are reported in Section 2. demonstrate how the ERM can be implemented. A relationship is a
formal link between two entities or in this case tables. Usually, there is
an ID attribute that will be used to connect information between them.
Engagement with Stakeholders
The ERM was constructed using DataBase Markdown Language
(DBML) 16, an open-source Domain Specific Language (DSL) used to
Semi-structured interviews and workshops with different stake­
define and document the database schema. Using a built-in Command
holders helped to complement and validate knowledge gained from the
Line Interface (CLI), a PostgreSQL database schema was generated.
literature survey. Although there is no single method to develop a data
model, using interviews to extract knowledge from stakeholders is
common practice when developing digital solutions (Gupta et al. 2019). Validation using case studies
The interviews provided first-hand information on how waste materials
are being managed by practitioners, and how the digitalisation process Finally, with insights from the interviews and literature survey, four
of information can enhance their practices. Table 1 provides information case studies were selected and formalised using the ERM for waste and
on the different stakeholders and interview stages. resources management in the cities of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and
Three groups of stakeholders were consulted at different stages: (i) Helsingborg (Sweden). Two municipal Waste Management (MSW) and
public sector staff from municipal waste management or environmental two Industrial Symbiosis (IS) case studies were instantiated and evalu­
departments; (ii) tech developers; (iii) domain experts from the fields of ated using a set of competency questions. These questions, relevant to
UM, CE and data management. Although all these stakeholders are the stakeholders’ practice, are used to understand to what extent the
working to halt environmental degradation by using resources more database developed can respond to domain-specific questions (Tolle
efficiently, their views and understanding of the system vary, thus are 2021). Then, once the ERM was applied to represent the case studies, a
complementary. In order to gain a broader perspective on the domain final round of interviews was used to warrant that the model could
and capture specificities of the system in various context stakeholders describe, analyse, and manage knowledge of different waste streams in
from different locations were contacted. The interviewees were from cities or regions.
Buenos Aires, Rosario and San Isidro (Argentina), London and Man­
chester (United Kingdom), Maputo (Mozambique), Philadelphia (United
States) and Gothenburg and Helsingborg (Sweden). 16

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058


Conceptual diagram of circular flow of waste and resources

The Conceptual Diagram of CFWR is general and captures the min­

imum set of components required to describe various waste and re­
sources management related scenarios. The conceptual diagram
presented in Fig. 3 is described below.
Any urban or regional system is composed of numerous and diverse
actors who, while using, producing or consuming products, generate
waste (residual material) and it needs to be handled adequately.
Consequently, Waste (1 in Fig. 3) is any substance or object that an actor
discards, intends to or is required to discard; it cannot be sold or pur­
chased, has no market value and is associated with a cost. Although the
actors in such systems can be diverse, their actions about waste can be
generalised into five roles, represented as circles in Fig. 3:

• Generation: Every time, there is a process that generates waste.

• Recycling: By various means, any waste or part of it is transformed
into a resource that can be reintroduced in the market for its use as
Fig. 3.. The Conceptual diagram of Circular Flow of Waste and Resources. energy or materials.
• Storage: Whenever waste materials are stored over a period of time,
for instance, in a transfer station or a landfill.

Fig. 4.. Entity Relationship Model (ERM) for waste and resources management - Rein85 notation.

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 5.. Relational data model schema for containers.

• Usage: After a waste material gets recycled, it is ready for another or Recycling activities are crucial to delivering sustainability and range
the same actor to use it. from cleaning, sorting or more complex resource manipulations. Waste
• Transportation: Every time waste material is moved from one transformed into resources is ready for actors with the role Usage.
Container to another, there is a need for Transportation. The (conceptual diagram) also includes place-specific characteristics
(4 in Fig. 3) that determine the geographic and institutional context and
An actor with the role Generation produces different waste streams highlight how the waste and resources system can integrate (or be in­
(1 in Fig. 3) that are disposed of in Containers (2 in Fig. 3). These con­ tegrated with) other systems. Regulations, institutions, built environ­
tainers are places of waste materials that can be found in geographic ment, demographics and jurisdictions impose restrictions and determine
locations (5 in Fig. 3) of actors. Actors with the role Transportation can the set of possible actions that can be performed over the system.
move these waste materials from one container to another. This move­
ment of material means from the place where it was generated to a place
Entity-relationship model (ERM) of circular flow of waste and resources
associated with another actor, for example with the role Storage. Actors
with the role Recycling contribute to reintroducing disposed materials
The Conceptual model was then formalised using a ERM. Fig. 4
into the system by transforming them into Resources (3 in Fig. 3).
presents the proposed ERM of waste and resources management in city

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

regions, focusing on the relationships between entities so that these can Actors, Waste Places, GPS reading, Service Zone, and Collection Routes
be described and visualised properly. The attributes of each entity will are spatial entities with location (i.e., geographic coordinates) in their
be detailed later, in the relational database schema. attributes. This feature enables answering spatial planning related
The entities of the model are grouped into five categories. Actors and questions and, more importantly, it allows establishing links with other
their roles in dark blue represent the stakeholders in the system. The data sources or geographical models of the built environment.
second group of entities, in light blue, is related to waste and resources
and captures information about how waste is generated, transported and Relational database schema
transformed into resources. The places that hold waste are represented
in black. Finally, in red are the entities related to waste transportation, The final data modelling step was the translation of the Circular Flow
and in green are institutional related entities, such as regulations and of Waste and Resources ERM to a relational data model schema, con­
maintenance. Next, we describe the entities and their relations in more taining a total of 27 tables and 281 fields. The following examples
detail. reinforce the understanding of the data model and illustrate the attri­
Actor is a parent entity with seven child entities that represent butes that define a class in more detail. To improve the organisation and
possible roles that an actor can have, the primary roles being: Generator, readability of the study, Appendix A (Fig 10-12)contains detailed figures
Recycling, Storage, CE Consumer and Transport. Two secondary roles, of different parts of the relational database schema; only Fig. 5 has been
Public office and Maintenance, are incorporated to capture additional included in this section.
complexities of the system. The roles will hold specific data about the Actor is a central class of this data model that can represent the
actors’ activities. Since the same stakeholder can engage in different household, productive, recreational or administrative units of a city.
activities, any general information such as name or address are attri­ Actors (i) are of many types, (ii) can employ resources, (iii) must comply
butes of the parent entity Actor, to avoid repetition. with regulations, (iv) communicate with other actors, (v) set objectives,
An Actor can have several instances of the Generation role for each and (vi) define operation details. Fig. 10 shows the attributes contained
waste stream that it produces. Data about the actual waste generated in the Actor class and its child classes (roles).
will be recorded in the Waste Generated entity. The Waste Generated Waste generated holds a registry with information about who
entity has two connections, one to the Actor and another to Waste Place, generated the waste (actor id), what type and how much was generated,
where it is disposed of. and where it was placed (waste place id). Moreover, there is a rela­
Waste Place has data about a general location where waste materials tionship between Regulation and Waste generated that stipulates what
are kept, e.g. a disposal site or a street corner. It is a parent entity regulations apply to a given waste type. The full details of the attributes
allowing for different child categories, and supports groups of containers and cardinality of these tables can be found in Fig. 11.
as in a recycling collection point or hub. At present, only a general Containers are one of the most frequently addressed entities in waste
container is represented, but more categories could be created to define related smart city applications. This class’s attributes include location,
other types of waste container. Each Container can have several IoT colour, type of waste that it should contain or capacity, and identify a
Devices that generate different reports about the Container status, such particular waste container in the system. Containers can also be
as weight, temperature, gasses or an image. embedded with IoT Devices that produce various readings on the status
Waste Transfers is an entity that registers waste movement, holding of the bin, its content (i.e., current capacity, temperature, humidity,
data about how the transfer was done, from where, to where, when the open lid), and its surroundings (i.e., sun exposure, temperature, image).
process occurred, and the type of waste and quantity that was moved. A single container can have multiple devices, and each of these devices
Waste Transfers has two pointers to Waste Place because waste is being generates readings with a specific frequency. Fig. 5 shows the cardi­
transported from one place to another place. Waste Transfers has two nality and attributes of each of these tables.
additional relationships, one to Equipment, and another with Staff, in Waste transfers has two Waste place ids indicating a starting and an
both cases entities related to the Transport role of an Actor. This role is ending container, and it has a timestamp that shows when the waste
linked to additional entities that store information about the Collection transfer job was performed, what waste types and amounts were
Route and Vehicle transporting waste and waste materials. transferred. Moreover, it is connected to Equipment and Staff to retrieve
This model is relevant for tracking progress in closing material loops information from those tables. Details of these table’s attributes can be
since it contemplates Actors that have other vital roles such as Recycling seen in Fig. 12.
and CE Consumers. In this case, Recycling contains data about places The complete data model schema can be found in an open source
where waste is transformed into a resource; CE Consumer is the final role repository in dbml and SQL formats for PostgreSQL 17. Also, an inter­
that an actor can have in the circular supply chain and will have data active version has been uploaded for visual exploration 18.
about what is being used and for what purpose. Both roles are related to
the entity Resource: on the one hand capturing information about the Validation of the data model of circular flow of waste and
stock of material saved, and on the other, the amount that is ready to be resources using case studies
used again.
The Actor entity can capture different relationships between stake­ The CFWR data model proposed in this study is aimed at supporting
holders via Contract and Messages. Actors can establish formal re­ the modelling – for data management, description, analysis, simulation
lationships with other actors in a Contract, recording who is demanding or visualisation - of the widest range of waste and resources manage­
a service, who is providing it, and who is controlling that the relation­ ment scenarios, while being flexible to represent the different local
ship is working accordingly. Contract can be used, for instance, to contexts. Four case studies were implemented to test to which extent the
indicate that a municipal unit has a contract with a private firm that is proposed data model can be applied to different contexts.
responsible for the collection of waste. Furthermore, the model can store The first two cases are related to Municipal Solid Waste Management
information transferred between actors in Messages, for instance, a (MSWM): (i) Recycling: Material recovery in Buenos Aires City and (ii)
waste management unit notifying its citizens of a change in collection Optimization: IoT in waste management operations in Helsingborg.
times or a resident informing that a waste bin was vandalised. Finally, a Although, the topic in both cities is the same, the operations of waste
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) entity related to Actor captures data management differ significantly. In Buenos Aires, urban pikers sort and
on different KPIs, and will enable to track and analyse the performance
of difference entities.
The ERM for Circular Waste and Resources Flows has been designed 17
to incorporate spatial aspects of the system supporting spatial planning. 18

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 6.. Recycling: Material recovery in Buenos Aires City.

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 7.. Optimization: IoT in waste management operations in Helsingborg.

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 8.. Reuse of materials: Construction and demolition sector in Buenos Aires City.

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 9.. Regional waste exchanges: A general implementation.

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

collect recyclable materials on the street after the citizens have put them The following Competency Questions could be answered using this
on the streets and in the case of Helsingborg, the sorting is done at origin database: (i) How long does it take to fill a waste container? (ii) What is
and the municipality is testing an on-demand collection service. the relationship between the property size and the waste generated? (iii)
The third and fourth cases are about Industrial Symbiosis (IS): (iii) Which system generates the most pick-ups?
Reuse of materials: Construction and demolition sector in Buenos Aires
City and (iv) Regional waste exchanges: A general implementation. IS Reuse of materials: construction and demolition sector in Buenos Aires City
happens when two or more firms engage in cooperation by exchanging
resources. This activity is of particular interest to the CE since it enables The construction and demolition (C&D) sector is vital for the CE of
the reuse of waste materials, as waste resulting from a production pro­ cities because of the number of resources handled. Depending on the
cess is treated as a potential input to another. location and other variables such as economics or regulations, the
Each case study is presented by an instantiated diagram of the CFWR amount of C&D waste can reach between 20% and 40% of the total
data model, and a set of three competency questions relevant to the municipal waste 19. Better management of the C&D sector will decrease
specific case are used to test the logic of the data model. For each of the not only the environmental pressure but also the financial costs of
case, in Appendix B (Fig 13-16 & Table 2-5) we included a more detailed managing these materials.
ERM and a longer list of competency questions is included. Since 2013, Buenos Aires City has a recycling centre to recover
materials from the C&D sector. Registered transport firms that comply
Recycling: material recovery in Buenos Aires city with current regulations can access and dispose of materials for free. On
arrival, transported containers, in this case skips, are weighed. More
In Buenos Aires City, urban pickers play an essential role in recov­ than 3000 tons of solid material gets into the facility per day and uses
ering recyclable material. These workers are employed by the Munici­ different technologies to reuse it by the construction sector.
pality and belong to a set of self managed recycling cooperatives. Today, demonstrates how the proposed data model can be used to manage
the Municipality of Buenos Aires works with six cooperatives and sup­ information on C&D waste streams. The Actor construction site can be
ports the work of approximate 6000 urban pickers. Each cooperative is the source of different waste streams depending on the project’s stage,
assigned a zone and the Municipality assigns a specific area of 6 urban and in this case, two waste typologies are presented, polymer and tim­
blocks to each worker, who collect paper, cardboard, glass, plastics and ber. These resources are disposed of in a skip, transported to a recycling
metals (dry waste). Waste is transported to facilities where the materials centre, detached and left for later transportation. This status of the skip
get sorted, cleaned, and readied to be sold to recycling firms that will is captured in the table Deployment. Another construction project can
transform it into a resource. use resources recovered at a recycling facility. As the recycle centre
shows a sample of how the data model can be used for this specific recovers different materials, some material is disposed of into another
case. Among the stakeholders of this case, we can find the municipality container and later transported to a landfill. The table Waste Transfer
and its departments (hygiene, recycling or circular economy) and the holds information about where the waste material is transportedFig. 8.
cooperatives, residents, staff, and recycling firmsFig. 6. The following Competency Questions could be answered: (i) How
The case shows how information at different scales can be organized much material is transported per skip? (ii) How much material is being
using the data model. City-data such as population and boundaries can reused and for what purpose? (iii) How much material is gathered per
be found in the Public Office entity. Waste generation information can day?
also be represented at different scales: zones or buildings. In this case, a
single building is responsible for generating different Waste Generated Regional waste exchanges: a general implementation
streams such as mixed, paper, metal, or plastics. Waste generated is then
disposed of in different containers. Containers holding recyclable ma­ Urban planning can promote IS processes by deliberate creation of
terials are visited by municipal Staff, and they take the material to a Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs). By fostering the co-location of different in­
Recycling facility where the material is treated for later reintroduction dustries and businesses, barriers for exchange of knowledge and re­
in the system as Resource. The other Containers are visited by Staff on sources are eroded. These exchanges can also happen outside EIPs, and
Vehicles and taken to Storage in a landfill, where the waste is weighed the data model can be used to manage information about actual and
and discarded. Note that the recycling facility also generates waste, and potential exchanges.
this is sent to the landfill in trucks. In this case, the CFWR model in Fig. 9 represents an exchange be­
The following Competency Questions could be answered: (i) How tween two industries in different sectors and locations. Both industries
much material of a specific type was collected at a specific time and are contained within a geographical boundary, in this case a city, but the
place? (ii) How much material and of what type arrives at the recycling model can be used to represent regions or country-level data. In this
facilities? (iii) Is there available capacity for recycling? example, Industry A generates a waste categorized as LoW X and In­
dustry C generates waste streams classified as LoW R and S. The appli­
Optimization: IoT in waste management operations in Helsingborg cation shows how a recycling centre transforms the residual material
from Industry A into materials (X1 and X2) that can be used by Industry
Helsingborg municipality, located in the southwest of Sweden, has a C.
contract with a firm responsible for managing municipal waste (NSR The following Competency Questions could be answered: (i) What is
AB). Currently, an on-demand system to collect waste generated by the closest industrial facility where a waste could be used?, (ii) What is
households is being tested with a set of 6000 units. Using an IoT device the contribution to GHGs of transporting the waste within a region? and
attached to the waste bins, the residents can demand a collection ser­ (iii) What waste materials are being recycled the most and the least?
vice. This test will allow NSR to re-evaluate their operations and
improve its operations. Discussion
shows how the data from this case study could be captured using the
data model. The implementation represents two processes: waste bins Industry 4.0 can play a significant role in delivering sustainable
equipped with the IoT device; and the traditional system. Moreover, in urban futures. IoT and new computational methods are expanding how
this case, the trucks’ position is currently being recorded, and such data
can also be incorporated in the CFWR model. Finally, the model shows
how data about the process of transforming organic material into com­ 19
posted soil ready for retail can be representedFig. 7. s-plantas-de-tratamiento

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

we manage waste and resources in city regions. As the ecosystem of waste generation and product consumption patterns at the building level
digital tools and techniques continues to grow, there is an increasing can provide useful insights to better plan neighbourhoods.
demand to manage and integrate these new data sources and tools. As Besides managing knowledge about waste and resources, the pro­
identified in sections 1 and 2, effective KM and data standards are posed data model provides a framework for digital tools and methods to
critical elements in the Industry 4.0 and data-driven paradigms. be validated, compared, replicated, inter-operated and extended.
Knowledge silos and islands of IT are known factors that make the Adopting a data standard enables the creation of reproducible tools and
transition towards a Circular Economy difficult. Lack of compatibility analysis methods, which is of particular interest for small and medium-
between data formats and diverse definitions of the same concept re­ size municipalities without financial or technical resources to develop
duces information exchange across different urban planning domains. such tools. There is an untapped potential that by using a data standard
This paper has addressed this challenge by proposing a data model to and developing open-source tools, solutions built for one place can be
support information management for waste and resources in city- reproduced in another with ease. Local action is needed to tackle global
regions. Stakeholder engagement proved to be a critical part of the environmental challenges; therefore, data standards, more and better
process, helping to incorporate different perspectives and correct open data and processes, all contribute to enhancing waste and re­
modelling inconsistencies. This model can be used in various contexts, sources management.
by different actors, and at various stages of the supply chain. Moreover, the proposed data model offers several data points of
Despite the existence of different waste streams and that their entry and exit that can be used to facilitate the interoperability between
management varies across local contexts, this paper has shown that KM systems. The geographic location of objects stored in the model is a
municipalities worldwide face similar challenges. Information collected clear point of linkage to other data sources. For example, by including
and used to address these challenges is also similar, if not the same. the geographic location of waste containers the model can be linked to
Namely, the operations of municipal waste services differ greatly from other aspects of the built environment, namely incorporated in digital
city to city, but the general components of the CFWR data model are twins of cities for visualisation and analysis in impact assessment of
sufficient to capture the specificity of the different cases. For example, in traffic, noise or air pollution. Conversely, other data sets such as those
the cases of Buenos Aires City and Helsingborg, where waste is managed from Litterati or Unwaste can be directly linked to the waste place class,
significantly different, it was shown that the data model can be used to feeding this crowd sourced data into a CFWR database to find where
describe both contexts. For instance, waste collection and transfers by littered objects are typically found.
urban pickers (actors) plays an important role in the Buenos Aires Finally, the methodology described in section 3 can guide future
context, whereas in Helsingborg case study, the containers, the IoT de­ research pursuing a similar objective of Knowledge Management for CE.
vices and their reporting become central components of the system. Other CE strategies, such as sharing economy, would require the
Although both cases depart from the same general data model, it be­ development of new classes and relationships to fit specific analysis and
comes clear that the instantiating of the data model acquired different objectives. Therefore, a new process going through the different stages,
forms. Although the resulting database implementations will differ from including a new conceptual model and engagement of different stake­
case to case, by using the same standard these two cases could be holders and experts, would be required. And ultimately these models
compared, or even digital tools developed for one case can be adopted in could be easily linked to provide a more integrated understanding of
the other with relative ease. Finally, the same CFWR data model also Circular Cities.
managed to accommodate a generic industrial symbiosis case, where it
can be noticed that the same actor is having different roles: a recycling
centre is a recycling actor but also a waste generator.
This study’s primary focus was to track objects from when they are
Contributions of the CFWR data model as a standard disposed of until they are stored, processed or reused. As a result, the
proposed data model falls short of managing knowledge regarding other
The primary contribution of this study is a general framework to CE strategies, such as sharing economy or design for circularity. For
integrate information about waste and resources management in city instance, to accommodate circular design, where material sourcing,
regions that conciliates perspectives from various actors. The proposed modularity and working towards expanding the life span of products are
data model goes beyond traditional waste management tools by key principles, new classes would be needed to capture production
considering the circular economy and the spatial dimensions. On the one processes. In addition, the model would need some rethinking to include
hand, the data model expands the traditional waste management the sharing economy since there is no disposal of objects. In this case, the
perspective so that wastes are seen as potential resources. By including model should include a new class to represent shared objects and their
in the model recycling and how the materials are being re-used, the data users to show the availability and usage intensity, among other attri­
model can support tracking progress on material circularity. On the butes. Nevertheless, it is possible to link related models, developed
other hand, the data model brings the ideas of CE closer to spatial separately, to expand their individual capabilities.
planners’ practice. By including geographical attributes in several In the development of the data model, even though the interviews
classes, it allows to ground Circular Economy strategies and Key Per­ were thorough, the number of stakeholders involved was limited. To
formance Indicators on the territory. For example, by explicitly fully understand to what extent the proposed model is more generally
including the location of firms, it is possible to analyze resource effi­ useful to manage knowledge about waste and resources in cities, more
ciency in different territories. Moreover, this information can be used to cases and interviews are needed. By interviewing new stakeholders, new
prioritise locations for intervention, based on the results from pre­ perspectives and narratives will emerge to complement this study. The
defined performance indicators. Finally, the more granular the infor­ validation process will continue, as more applications and studies use
mation about waste and resources becomes (in spatial terms), the closer the data model proposed here.
urban metabolism analyses get to urban planning practice. For instance, Beyond the list of stakeholders reported in section 3, many other

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

engagements did not result in interviews or workshops, potentially can boost the municipal digitalisation process. For example, developing
limiting the scope of application of the data model. For different reasons tools to extract information about waste treatment from municipal re­
meriting reflection, it was challenging to collaborate openly with some ports or from open-data web sites, and loading this information into a
stakeholders, and as a result, those who shared their knowledge already database so that is it more easily findable, queried and analysed. Or for
understand the value of and need for digitalisation of their processes. instance, by adhering to the classes, attributes and relationships of the
The interviews fulfilled their purpose, but it would be worth investi­ proposed model, the tools or methods developed for one place can be
gating some institutions that are more reluctant towards digital trans­ easily replicated in a different context. Future work can focus on
formation processes than others. Including their visions can be essential developing these tools and methods and exploring how to integrate
to address other challenges and dynamics not captured in the present already existing DSS with the proposed CFWR data model. These studies
CFWR model. are vital to increasing the DSS’ transparency and unpack black-box
There are also possible uncertainties surrounding the general adop­ analysis that only fit one problem.
tion of the data model, because the diversity of actors and political in­
centives around the waste and resources system are extensive. The Conclusion
multiplicity of actors translates into knowledge and data fragmentation,
which the proposed model tries to address, but requires more than This paper proposed a framework to improve KM for the waste and
technological efforts to reconcile in one platform. Digitalisation pro­ resources sector by developing a data model of Circular Flows of Waste
cesses can be perceived as a threat, and changing institutional, behav­ and Resources (CFWR). The CFWR data model details how different
ioural and corporate culture is a complex but worthy endeavour. In components of the system of waste and resources are related and defines
addition, business confidentiality and market competition erode po­ the characteristics that describe these components. As an intermediate
tential collaborations that could improve how we allocate and consume step towards developing an ERM, the paper delivered a conceptual di­
resources, as documented by efforts to establish IS networks. agram that identifies the fundamental system components needed to
Finally, it is important to highlight that the data model proposed in manage waste and resources in city regions. The ERM representation
this research is theoretical, and although it was validated to comply with expands this to captures the system’s components, their attributes, and
the rules of DBML syntax and by showing its application in different their relationships. Moreover, the paper provides a formal representa­
contexts, a final validation with extensive data sets and a database tion of the CFWR data model in the form of a relational database schema
implementation is needed. Until then, the model’s usability and real that should allow the sharing of information with ease. Although the
capabilities remain uncertain. conceptual diagram and the ERM were intermediate steps towards the
relational database, these representations were extensively used to
communicate with stakeholders and experts about how the urban waste
Future work and resources system operates, and to detail its various components.
Finally, to validate the model and test its general applicability, it was
As stated in the limitations, the CWRF model proposed here was used to represent different municipal waste management and industrial
developed based on knowledge derived from the stakeholders and symbiosis cases. Instantiating the ERM into these specific use cases was
almost no data was used during the process. Consequently, the next helpful to discuss with stakeholders the functioning of the specific sys­
natural step is to acquire various data sets and implement databases for tem, its components, and their relationships. The diagrams and the data
different case studies, in order to demonstrate application of the model schema are available online and freely accessible.
in practice, and to confirm if the classes, attributes and relationships The outputs of this work represent a step forward in the digital
currently implemented are sufficient. Furthermore, one must continue agenda for waste and resources management. Using new digital tech­
to engage with additional stakeholders to identify new cases, available nologies to measure, analyse or visualise information are relevant ad­
data sets, and to understand to what extent the proposed model can vances that illustrate some of the potential that Industry 4.0 has to offer.
become a data standard for waste and resources management. Additional (stronger and long term) benefits of digitising existing com­
As reported in Section 2, several initiatives are generating informa­ plex urban systems will materialise when the replication, expansion and
tion about waste an resources systems, and developing specific data integration of the different processes and systems is enabled. Specifi­
standards. Future efforts should pursue how to integrate these new data cations and protocols for handling data are a fundamental pre-requisite
sources and standards into a common framework, namely linking them to unlock the potential of Industry 4.0, and to achieve more Circular
to the proposed CFWR data model. By developing APIs, and defining Cities.
clear data points of entry and exit, the proposed data model can be
queried, populated and linked to other systems. Researching the inter­ Acknowledgments
operability of the proposed model with other data sources, standards
and tools will be crucial to understand its usability in urban spatial This work is part of the Digital Twin Cities Centre supported by
planning. Sweden’s Innovation Agency Vinnova under Grant No. 2019-00041. The
In this paper we presented a translation of the ER representation to a authors are grateful to all experts for their valuable time spent during
relational database because of their simplicity and popularity. However, the interviews and workshops. In particular, we thank Prof. Graham
other database technologies are available, in particular ontologies and Kemp for his guidance in the development of the ERM; and Dr. Leonardo
graph database technologies, more closely linked to the semantic web. It Rosado for his expertise on the challenges of the Circular Economy.
would be relevant to study possible benefits and limitations in data
processing, integration, storage, analytic performance, and usability, to Appendix A: Relational database schema
provide users with the adequate tool to tackle their challenges.
Finally, the proposed CFWR data model provides a stable informa­ Figure 10, 11 & 12 Should be here
tion structure to develop different automated tools and methods, that

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 10.. Relational data model schema of actors and roles.

Fig. 11.. Relational data model schema of waste generated.

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 12.. Relational data model schema for waste transfers.

Appendix B: Case Studies implementation

Figures 13, 14, 15, 16 should be here and Table 2, 3, 4, 5. Moreover,

the order should be: Figure 13, followed by Table 2.Figure 14, followed
by Table 3.Figure 15, followed by Table 4. Finally, Figure 16, followed
by Table 5

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 13.. ERM for Recycling: Material recovery in Buenos Aires City.

Table 2
Competency questions for Material recovery in Buenos Aires City.
Recycling: Material recovery in Buenos Aires City

1. How many workers have been working at a specific time-place?

2. How much material of a specific type was collected at a specific time-place?
3. What distance do they travel every day?
4. What is the average distance between each container?
5. What is the time distribution of time spent sorting and collecting in each container?
6. How much material and of what type arrives at the recycling facilities?
7. Is there available capacity for recycling?
8. How much value is recovered by an employee?
9. How many cooperatives are working in the city?
10. What is the area covered by each cooperative?

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 14.. ERM for Optimization: IoT in waste management operations in Helsingborg.

Table 3
Competency questions for IoT in waste management operations in Helsingborg.
Optimization: IoT in waste management operations in Helsingborg

1. What is the most popular time to demand a pick-up service?

2. What areas demand the most pickups?
3. How long does it take to fill a waste container?
4. Does the on-demand service generate more demands than the non tested one?
5. What is the most collected waste stream?
6. What is the relationship between plot size and waste generated?
7. What is the average distance between one transfer waste place to another?
8. What is the difference in distance between containers in one system and the other one?
9. which system generates the most pickups?

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 15.. ERM for Re-use of materials: Construction and demolition sector in Buenos Aires City.

Table 4
Competency questions for re-use of materials in CnD in Buenos Aires.
Re-use of materials: Construction and demolition sector in Buenos Aires City

1. How much material is gathered per day?

2. How many skips are in use every day?
3. How many skips are available?
4. How much material is transported per skip?
5. How many construction sites are currently happening in the city?
6. What is the total distance travelled between construction sites and recycling facility?
7. How does the number of construction permits and waste received at the recycling facility
8. How many emissions are being produced due to the transportation of these materials?

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Fig. 16.. ERM for Regional waste exchanges: A general implementation.

J. Cohen and J. Gil Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 12 (2021) 200058

Table 5
Competency questions for Regional waste exchanges.
Regional waste exchanges: A general implementation

1. How much waste is being produced by a specific sector?

2. How is industrial waste characterized in a specific area?
3. What is the closest destination that waste could be used?
4. What is the logistic cost of moving the waste from one place to another?
5. What is the capacity to recycle a specific waste stream?
6. What is the contribution of GHGs to move the waste in a region?
7. How much space is being used to store recyclable materials?
8. What is the capacity to store waste and of what type?
9. How many resources are being reused?
10 What materials are being recycled the most and the least?

References ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network), 2019. CIRCTER - Circular
Economy and Territorial Consequences - Draft Final Report. ESPON https://www.
espon.eu/sites/default/files/attachments/CIRCTER Inception Report.pdf.
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