Y7 Maths Revision (Unit 16) Interpreting Results 48 Marks From 48 Questions

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Y7 Maths Revision (Unit 16) Interpreting results

48 marks from 48 questions

Question 1

Right-handed Left-handed Totals

Year 4 25 2 27

Year 5 28 1 29

Year 6 26 5 26

Totals 74 8 82

Enter a number to complete this sentence.

Year has the most number of left-handed people.

Question 2

Learners were asked if they study French or German.

How many learners study both languages?

Question 3

What was the total number of females at the concert?

Question 4

Complete the two-way table for these 12 shaplers.

Hat No hat


No shoes

Question 5
Some people were asked two different questions and their answers recorded in a two-way table.

Yes No

Yes 8 6

No 12 5

How many people answered Yes to one of the questions and No to the other question?

Question 6

Right-handed Left-handed Totals

Boy 13 3 16

Girl 22 4 26

Totals 35 7 42

What fraction of the boys are left-handed?

Question 7
24 people were surveyed as to whether they liked raspberries and/or kiwi fruit.

A third of the people liked only raspberry.

A quarter of the people liked kiwi fruit only.
An eighth of the people liked both.

Complete the two-way table.

Liked raspberry Did not like raspberry

Liked kiwi fruit

Did not like kiwi fruit

Question 8

The two-way table shows the results of different ponds being tested for the presence of bacteria A and
/or bacteria B.

A Not A

B 60 57

Not B 42

25% of all the ponds tested had both bacteria.

How many ponds were tested altogether?
Question 9

How many boys chose athletics?

Question 10
The bar charts show the number of learners at a school and some of the subjects that they study.

How many more girls study languages than geography?

Question 11
The bar chart shows the number of males and females studying at university.

How many subjects are studied by more males than females?

Question 12
A group of 104 learners chose their electives for the next term.
Some did not hand in their forms so were not included on the bar graph chart.

How many learners did not hand in their forms?

Question 13

This compound bar chart compares the frequency of each score on two dice.
Which score had the highest total frequency?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. 6

Question 14
The bar chart shows the number of learners at a school and some of the subjects that they study.

How many more boys than girls study art?

Question 15

This compound bar chart compares the number of goals scored in each match by two hockey teams.
Which team is more likely to win the match if the Eagles and Harriers play against each other?
a. Eagles
b. Harriers
Question 16
Learners were asked which internet browser they preferred to use and the results were graphed.

What is the ratio of boys to girls for learners not using Firefox?
Give your answer in its simplified form.
Boys: girls = :

Question 17

Which ingredient takes up the least amount?

a. Sugar
b. Butter
c. Milk
d. Flour

Question 18

If you use two cups of sugar, how many cups of milk will you need?
Question 19

If there are 200 animals in total, how many sheep are there?

Question 20

Which of these waffle diagrams shows the same information as the pie chart



Question 21

If 10 learners have blue eyes, how many learners are there in Stage 5?

Question 22

If there are seven horses, how many chickens are there?


Question 23

If there are 27 chickens, how many cattle are there?

Question 24

What angle is missing in the sector for ‘Oil producers’?


Question 25

This infographic compares information about three different films.

How long is the film Aladdin?
Question 26

This infographic compares information about three different films.

How many million tickets were sold in total?

Question 27

This infographic shows information about the Nordic countries.

Which country has a population of 10 million people?
a. Denmark
b. Finland
c. Iceland
d. Norway
e. Sweden
Question 28

This infographic shows information about the Nordic countries.

Which country has the smallest land area?

a. Denmark
b. Finland
c. Iceland.
d. Norway
e. Sweden

Question 29

This infographic shows the results of a survey of Stage 7 learners.

What percentage of Stage 7 learners play computer games for between 1 and 2 hours each day?
Question 30

This infographic shows the results of a survey of Stage 7 learners.

How many more learners prefer adventure games to puzzles and problem-solving games?
Question 31

This infographic shows the results of a survey of Stage 7 learners.

Only learners who play computer games chose a favourite type of game.
How many learners completed the survey?
a. 1000
b. 2000
c. 3000
d. 4000
Question 32

This infographic compares the speed of a range of animals.

Work out the mean average speed of these animals.

Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

Question 33
Which type of chart should you use if the data changes over time?

a. Scatter graph

b. Bar chart

c. Compound bar chart

d. Pie chart

e. Line graph

Question 34
Lyndall surveyed her class about their favourite animals. Which of these types of graphs is the better
one to display her data?

a. A line graph
b. A pie chart
Question 35
What should you consider first when deciding on the most appropriate chart to use?

a. The type of data

b. The number of categories

c. The range of your data

d. The number of pieces of data

Question 36

Which of the three diagrams would be the most suitable for displaying this data about 120 learners’
subject choices?

a. A line graph
b. A scatter graph
c. A pie chart

Question 37
You want to compare the weekly expenditure of an average family in 10 different countries using a
chart or diagram.
Which of these statements is true?

a. An infographic would not be able to compare the countries

b. A line graph should be used as it shows the changes between families

c. A bar chart would show the differences by country clearly

Question 38

From which chart could you work out how many people travelled by train?

a. The pie chart

b. The waffle diagram
c. Both graphs

Question 39
For which of these sets of data would you NOT use a line graph?

a. The number of children in families

b. Changes in temperature over a day
c. Mass of a puppy over its first month
d. Canteen profits over a year

Question 40
Jin recorded the types of vehicles he observed on a road in one day.
This chart shows one way of displaying his results.

Which of these charts could Jin not use to display his results?
Be sure to select all the correct answers.

a. An infographic
b. A bar chart
c. A compound bar chart
d. A pie chart
e. A line graph
Question 41
7 5 1 6 7 5 7 10 7 6
The mode of these scores is

Question 42
19 21 23 24 25 28 30 32 32
The median of this set of scores is

Question 43

Score Frequency Score × frequency

20 1 20

30 3 90

40 4 160

50 2 100

Total 10 370

The mean for this data is .

Question 44
Select all correct statements from the following concerning the median, mode and range of a set
of scores.

a. The median is always one of the scores.

b. The range indicates the spread of the data.

c. If there is a mode, then the mode is always one of the scores.

d. The range indicates the position of the middle score.

Question 45
The median house price in Sandville is $380 000.
This means that:

a. about half the houses cost more than $380 000 and about half cost less

b. this is the average cost of a house

c. more houses in Sandville cost $380 000 than any other price

d. the most a house costs is $380 000

Question 46
Hani sits four tests. If the range of his marks is 20 and his highest mark is 81%, then his lowest
score is:

Question 47
On three Science exams, Jonah had a mean mark of 60%. After doing one more examination, Jonah's
mean mark rose to 65%.
For this last examination, Jonah must have scored:

Question 48
In which set of scores is the mean equal to the median?

a. 12 14 18 19 23 31

b. 12 14 18 19 23 25

c. 12 14 18 19 20 25

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