Co Axial Fed Microstrip Rectangular Patc

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Phani kumar TVB1, Abhinay Kumar Reddy S2, Aditya K3,NagaRaju A4

Assistant Professor, ECE Department, IARE, A.P, India, [email protected]
PG Student, CSE Department, University of central Missouri, Missouri, USA,[email protected]
Design Engineer Trainee, Avionics Department, InfoTech, Andhra Pradesh, India, [email protected]
UG Student, ECE Department, IARE, Andhra Pradesh, India,[email protected]

Abstract: - A design procedure for Microstrip rectangular patch antenna for Bluetooth application is presented. In Bluetooth open
wireless technology important constraints are size and installation of the antenna. In this paper the proposed antenna is designed
using transmission line model and can create resonance at 2.45 GHz with in Bluetooth frequency range 2400-2485 MHz. Coaxial
feed technique is used to excite the patch even though microstrip inset feed technique is present because of low radiation and
ease of installation. Placement of co axial feed for this patch is taken almost one third of length from virtual ground line i.e., at
the center line of the patch which is along the width lines and can creates resonance at 2.45 GHz with minimum reflection
coefficient (s11) at this feed position. Fabrication is done using photolithographic technique and is tested with Agilent Network
Analyzer to measure VSWR and S11 parameters. S-parameters are used to measure the antenna performance and shown that S 11
value is low at resonant frequency. Variation of input impedance as function of frequency is also presented using Smith Chart.
Radiation patterns are drawn both in E-plane, H-plane in anechoic chamber and parameters like gain, beam width (both E and H
planes) are measured. Designed antenna is simulated on FR4 substrate with loss tangent tanδ=0.02 using Agilent Advance
Design System (ADS) software. Simulation and measurement results are compared and discussed.

Index Terms: Transmission line model, Blue tooth communications, S-parameters, VSWR, Anechoic chamber.

---------------------------------------------------------- ----------***---------------------------------------------------------------------

1. INTRODUCTION by a transmission line of length L. Most of the electric fields

are reside in the substrate and parts of some lines are in air.
To exchange the data over a short distance communication a Since microstrip line is a non homogeneous, it can not
wireless technology called Bluetooth is used with in support Transverse Electromagnetic Mode (TEM) of
frequency range 2400-2485 MHz. So antenna is an essential transmission and because of phase velocities change in air
device to transmit the data through unguided media. In and dielectric media, it can support quasi-TEM mode only.
wireless communication applications the major constraints By considering the fringing effect and wave propagation,
are size, weight and ease of installation of antennas. These effective dielectric constant ( reff) is obtained rather than
constraints are overcome by using a low or flat profile dielectric constant ( r) whose value is slightly less than r.
Microstrip Antenna(MSA). MSA is a simplest configuration The length of the patch is slightly less than λg/2, where λg is
of radiating patch of different shapes on one side of guided wavelength in dielectric media (λ0/  reff ) and λ0 is
dielectric material whose dielectric constant lies in 4< r <12 free space wavelength to support TM10 mode.
and ground plane on the other side. It is a narrow band wide
beam antenna. The conductors used for patch are generally Patch is treated as an open-end transmission line and hence
copper and gold of different shapes. In order to simplify current is minimum and voltage is maximum at open-end.
mathematical analysis and to predict patch performance at At the center line of the patch along the width line, the
resonance frequency, conventional shapes like rectangular, voltage falls to minimum and almost becomes to zero, but
square, circular etc. are generally preferred. Excitation of current rises to maximum and forms virtual ground line.
patch is done by using different techniques like inset feed, Beyond that line again voltage rises to maximum in reverse
co-axial feed, aperture coupling etc. This paper describes polarity and current falls to zero. So input impedance ( Zin)
designing procedure for rectangular patch antenna with co of the patch varies along length line and remains constant
axial feed technique at 2.4 GHz resonant frequency and along width (W) lines. Normal and tangential components
radiating characteristics are presented in both E and H of electric fields are present at the edges of the patch with
planes. respect to ground. Since these two slots are separated by
distance of λg/2, the normal electric field components are in
In transmission line model, the microstrip antenna is
opposite direction along the width at the two edges and
represented by two slots of width W and height h, separated
hence they cancel with each other in broadside direction.
Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | NOV-2013, Available @ 591
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Where    r  1   r  1 1  12 h 

 4.08
However, tangential components are in phase resulting
2  W 
combined electric field and maximum radiation normal to reff
the substrate surface. Presence of the fringing fields along
and finally the physical length is L  Leff  2L  28.84mm
the radiating slots causes microstrip patch electrically
greater than physical dimension. The extended length (∆L)
is given empirically by Hammerstad [1]. Fig 1 shows The input impedance of rectangular patch antenna is given
Zin  jX f   243
f 
photographic negative of co-axial fed Rectangular patch [2] and is

1  2Q   1
antenna used for fabrication.

The loss tangent of dielectric media indicates the quantity of  fo 

electric energy converted into heat by dielectric media itself.
The antenna efficiency can be increased by having lowest Since a coaxial cable of 50Ω impedance is used as input
possible loss tangent. The relative dielectric constant r feed line of antenna, a 50 Ω impedance point on patch can
determines the physical dimension of antenna. Lower the be located by using the fallowing formula [1] and is given as

 
value of r larger the antenna size and vice versa. In this
x sin 1    4.32mm

presentation antenna is designed with FR4 material having L Zi
r=4.4, thickness h=1.6 mm and loss tangent tan =0.02. FR 4  Re 
is inexpensive and can be used for wireless communication
applications. Moreover, it gives better results and cost is The dimensions for ground plane are selected in such a way
effective. SMA( Sub-Miniature) co-axial connector is that it can cover spurious radiation present at the edges of
chosen to excite patch antenna. The main application of the patch and are given as Lg = L+6h = 38.44 mm and Wg =
SMA connector is on component for microwave systems. W+6h = 46.86 mm. The gain of the antenna is G = 4ΠA/λ2 =
4.19 dB and beam widths in E and H planes are calculated
[4] using fallowing formulas

 
 BE  2 cos 1  2 2 
 73.660
 

 0 
2 2
3 W 0 h
 
 

 BH  2 cos 
  119.250

  
0 
 2 1  2  
  

With above calculated values the antenna is simulated on

FR4 material with loss tangent of 0.02 using Advanced
Design System (ADS) software. The size of the antenna is
37.26X28.84 mm2, which is suitable for Blue tooth
Fig-1: Photographic negative of patch antenna communication. The co axial probe can carefully be inserted
to reduce the radiation. Ease of insertion and low probe
2. ANTENNA DESIGN radiation is advantages of probe feeding as compared to
microstip line feeding. Fig 2 shows the proposed structure of
The proposed antenna is designed with the specifications as antenna using ADS software Layout.
Resonant frequency (fo) = 2.45 GHz, dielectric constant ( r )
= 4.4, height (h) = 1.6 mm. The width and effective length
of the patch are given by the fallowing formulas [1] and
calculated values for above specifications are

W  37.26mm
r 1

2 fo

Leff   32.92mm
2 f o  reff

Physical length of the proposed patch antenna can be

calculated by considering effect of extended length ∆δ due
to fringing effects along the widths and is

W 
( reff  0.3)   0.264 
L  0.412h h   0.7303mm
W 
( reff  0.258)   0.8 
Fig-2: Layout of proposed antenna.
h 

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | NOV-2013, Available @ 592
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3. FABRICATION AND TESTING The performance of the designed antenna can be understood
by measuring parameters like reflection coefficient (S11),
The transformation of geometric shapes on a mask to the VSWR and input impedance (Zin) measurement using Smith
surface of FR4 wafer can be done by using photolithography Chart. They have been measured by using two port vector
and the steps involved in this process are wafer clearing, Network Analyzer. Fig 6 shows testing of fabricated antenna
barrier layer formation, photoresist application, soft using Agilent Network Analyzer.
banking, mask alignment, exposure and development and
hard banking. Below Fig 3, Fig 4 and Fig 5 shows the
ground plane negative of proposed antenna, front and back
photographic views respectively.

Fig-6: Testing of antenna using Network Analyzer

Radiation patterns are drawn by placing antenna in anechoic

chamber as shown in Fig 7 which is a room designed to
completely absorb reflections of either sound or
electromagnetic waves. They are also insulated from
exterior source of noise means that chamber is simulated as
an open-space of infinite dimension.

Fig-3:ground plane negative of proposed antenna.

Fig-4: Front View of antenna Fig 7: Testing of antenna in Anechoic Chamber


Simulation and measured results of proposed microstrip
rectangular patch antenna is presented in this section. Table
1 and Table 2 shows the dielectric specifications for antenna
design and calculated values for patch design. In Fig 8 the
simulation input return loss S11 which is about -12.529 dB at
2.417 GHz and is comparable with measured input return

second major result of this antenna is VSWR  2 which is

loss S11 as shown in Fig 9 and is -9.04 dB at 2.38GHz. The

very important. The VSWR corresponding to the return loss

as a function of frequency is given in Fig 10. The important
parameter of the antenna is impedance matching and is
Fig-5: Back View of antenna achieved by using a co axial cable of 50 Ω and the variation
Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | NOV-2013, Available @ 593
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

of input impedance as a function of frequency is shown in

Smith Chart and is about 54Ω at 2.38 GHz.

Table 1: Dielectric material specification for antenna


Substrate Conductor
Dielectric Substrate Loss Copper Conductivity
constant thickness tangent thickness
4.4 1.6 mm 0.02 20 um 5.8X107

Table 2: Calculated parameters for patch design

Width (W) 37.26 mm

Effective permittivity( reff) 4.08

Effective length (Leff) 32.92 mm Fig-9: S11 parameter measured using Network Analyzer

Extended length (∆δ) 0.7303 mm

Length (L) 28.84 mm

Ground length (Lg) 38.44 mm

Ground width (Wg) 46.86 mm

Feed position (x) 4.32 mm


S11 Fig-10: VSWR Variation measured using Network Analyzer

Mag. [dB]

2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Fig-8: S11 parameter simulation using ADS Fig-11: Input impedance variation using Network Analyzer

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | NOV-2013, Available @ 594
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

The drawn radiation patterns in both E and H plane in Table-3: Gain Measurement
control room section of anechoic chamber are presented in
Fig 12 and Fig 13 are in both rectangular and polar co Frequency STD A.U.T Difference STD (SA) Gain
ordinates respectively. The measured beamwidths are 920 in GHz Horn PrA in Pr Level HORN A.U.T
and 1140 in E and H planes respectively and are agreed with PrH (dB) Gain(dBi) (dBi)
calculated and simulated values. The gain of the antenna is (dB) PrH-PrA
measured by using two element antenna method with
standard Horn antenna of gain 16.9 dB. The gain of the 2.35 -19.8 -33.3 -13.5 16.9 3.4
proposed antenna is 3.4 dB at 2.35 GHz which is
comparable with calculated and simulated results. Table 3
shows gain measurement.
Comparative results obtained by calculation, simulation and
measurement are presented in below Table 4.

Table-4: comparison of proposed antenna parameters

Parameters Calculated Simulated Measured

frequency 2450MHz 2417 MHz 2350MHz
Bandwidth 40.55MHz 39.32 MHz 43.1 MHz
Beam 73.67 0 81.8 920
Width E-
Beam 1050
119.250 1140
Width H-
Gain 4.19 dB 2.59 dB 3.4 dB
This paper presents design procedure of a co-axial fed
microstrip rectangular patch antenna at 2.45 GHz for
Bluetooth application. Main parameters such as return loss
(S11), input impedance (Z0), gain and radiation patterns have
Fig-12: radiation patterns in polar coordinates been studied and are agreed with measured results. This
antenna can be used for Bluetooth application and it is fully
utilizes the entire frequency range 2.4-2.48 GHz. The

GHz and also VSWR is  2 which are important results.

resonant frequency of proposed antenna is occurred at 2.38

Moreover, any patch antenna with co-axial feed technique

with good resonant frequency can be designed with this

The author would like to thank Navaneeth Reddy Y for
given opportunity to visit ICOMM technologies, Hyderabad
to utilize Network Analyzer and Anechoic chamber and
thanks to principal, ECE HOD and faculties of IARE for
their support and encouragement.

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Phani Kumar completed his
M.Tech in Microwave Engineering
from Dept of ECE, Andhra
university in 2007. His broad
interested area of research is
antenna design. Presently working
as Asst Professor in ECE Dept,
IARE, Hyderabad.

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | NOV-2013, Available @ 596

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