Araya 2020 Mine Tailings

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Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555

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Towards mine tailings valorization: Recovery of critical materials from

Chilean mine tailings
Natalia Araya a, b, *, Andrzej Kraslawski b, Luis A. Cisternas a
Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Procesos de Minerales, Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, 1240000, Chile
School of Engineering Science, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University), Lappeenranta, FI-53851, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The mining industry produces large volumes of mine tailings e a mix of crushed rocks and process ef-
Received 16 June 2019 fluents from the processing of mineral ores. Mine tailings are a major environmental issue due to im-
Received in revised form plications related to their handling and storage. Depending on the mined ore and the process used, it
6 March 2020
may be possible to recover valuable elements from mine tailings, among them critical raw materials
Accepted 5 April 2020
Available online 9 April 2020
(CRMs) like rare earths, vanadium, and antimony.
The aim of this study was to investigate the techno-economic feasibility of producing critical raw
Handling editor:Yutao Wang materials from mine tailings. Data from 477 Chilean tailings facilities were analyzed and used in the
techno-economic assessment of the valorization of mine tailings in the form of CRMs recovery. A review
Keywords: of applicable technologies was performed to identify suitable technologies for mine tailings processing.
Mine tailings To assess the economic feasibility of CRMs production, net present value (NPV) was calculated using the
Critical raw materials discounted cash flow (DCF) method. Sensitivity analysis and design of experiments were performed to
Techno-economic assessment analyze the influence of independent variables on NPV. Two options were assessed, rare earth oxides
Discounted cash flow
(REOs) production and vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) production. The results show that it is possible to
Sensitivity analysis
produce V2O5 with an NPV of 76 million US$. In the case of REOs, NPV is positive but rather low, which
indicates that the investment is risky. Sensitivity analysis and the ANOVA run using the design of ex-
periments indicated that the NPV of REOs is highly sensitive to the price of REOs and to the discount rate.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction serious contamination of soils and groundwater with nearby

communities particularly badly affected by the results of eolian and
Mine tailings are waste from the processing of mineral ores. water erosion of tailing disposal sites (Mendez and Maier, 2008).
They are a mixture of ground rocks and process effluents generated Another cause of environmental pollution from mine tailings is acid
during processing of the ores, and their composition depends on mine drainage (AMD) (Larsson et al., 2018; Moodley et al., 2017).
the nature of the mined rock and the recovery process used. In AMD is formed from the exposure of sulfide ores and minerals to
copper mining, tailings can account for 95e99% of crushed and water and oxygen, once the ore is exposed, sulfate and heavy
ground ores (Edraki et al., 2014). Worldwide, mine tailings are metals are released into the water (Moodley et al., 2017). AMD is
produced at a rate of anywhere from five to fourteen billion tons considered one of the most significant forms of water pollution and
per year (Adiansyah et al., 2015; Edraki et al., 2014; Schoenberger, the USA Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) considers it to
2016). be the second only to global warming and ozone depletion in terms
In view of the volumes of mine waste produced and the nature of ecological risk (Moodley et al., 2017).
of the chemicals involved, the storage and handling of mine tailings Tailing storage facilities (TSF), also called tailing deposits, are the
is a significant environmental problem. Mine tailings are a source of source of most mining-related disasters (Schoenberger, 2016). Ap-
proaches to the handling and storage of mine tailings include
riverine disposal, wetland retention, backfilling, dry stacking and
storage behind damned impoundments (Kossoff et al., 2014). Mine
* Corresponding author. School of Engineering Science, LUT University, FI-53851,
Lappeenranta, Finland.
tailings dam failures can have catastrophic consequences. 237 cases
E-mail addresses: (N. Araya), andrzej.kraslawski@lut. of significant tailings accidents were reported for the period 1971 to
fi (A. Kraslawski), [email protected] (L.A. Cisternas). 2009 (Adiansyah et al., 2015). More recently, in January 2019, an
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 N. Araya et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555

accident at the Co  rrego do Feija~o mine in Brumadinho in the since 2011, the last update was in 2017, and it currently contains
metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte in southeastern Brazil killed twenty-seven CRMs including 3 element groups: light rare earth
at least 65 people with about 280 people were missing (De Sa , elements (LREEs), heavy rare earth elements (HREES) and platinum
2019). group elements.
To achieve a circular economy model, the valorization of mine According to the International Union for Pure and Applied
tailings is crucial for the mining industry, which needs to improve Chemistry (IUPAC), rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of 17
its processes to minimize its environmental impact and close the elements that includes lanthanides, composed of 15 elements, and
loops (Kinnunen and Kaksonen, 2019). Different approaches to yttrium and scandium, which are included in this group due to the
tailings valorization can be taken, such as reprocessing to extract similarity in chemical characteristics. REEs can be found in over 250
metals and minerals, tailings as backfill material, tailings as con- different minerals (Jordens et al., 2013; Sadri et al., 2017). REEs have
struction material, energy recovery and carbon dioxide sequestra- an important role in the transition to green technologies because of
tion (Lottermoser, 2011). their use in crucial components such as permanent magnets and
Challenges that the mining industry needs to face to achieve the rechargeable batteries, and their use as catalysts (Binnemans et al.,
valorization of tailings aligned with circular economy principles 2013a). China is responsible for almost 80% of the global supply of
include improving the rather limited knowledge about mineralogy, REEs, such monopoly has raised concerns about a possible shortage
impurities concentration, and the quantity of tailings; developing of supply, (Hornby and Sanderson, 2019; Vekasi and Hunnewell,
new business models that take account of price development, 2019).
lower disposal costs, and market demand; providing institutional Other elements on the list of CRMs are platinum group elements
impulse indispensable to encourage the transformation from a (PGEs), which include ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium
linear to a circular economy; technology development to make (Pd), osmium (Os), iridium (Ir) and platinum (Pt). These metals are
processes economically feasible since most mine tailings have low very rare in the Earth’s continental crust, ranging from 0.022 ppb
grades of different elements mixed with residues of previous pro- for iridium to 0.52 to Pd (Mudd et al., 2018).
cesses (Kinnunen and Kaksonen, 2019; Lottermoser, 2011). Nowadays, due to the increasing demand for CRMs, new sources
Due to the geological heterogeneity of the rocks mined and the are being sought, and secondary sources such as metal scrap and
continuous flow processes used in mineral processing, tailings industrial waste are attracting more attention. The use of the
deposits contain large quantities of valuable elements whose re- hitherto unexploited secondary sources can reduce demand for
covery could bring potential economic benefits. A number of virgin materials and, in consequence, contribute to a decrease in
studies have investigated the recovery of valuable elements from mining production. One of the core principles of the circular
mine tailings (Ahmadi et al., 2015; Alcalde et al., 2018; Andersson economy is the reduction and minimization of resource use, and
et al., 2018; Ceniceros-Go mez et al., 2018; Falaga n et al., 2017; ways to achieve that goal include recycling and reuse of wastes
Figueiredo et al., 2018; Khalil et al., 2019; Khorasanipour, 2015; (Kirchherr et al., 2017). Mine tailings from mineral processing of a
Mohamed et al., 2017; Sracek et al., 2010). certain branch of the metal industry could be used as a source in a
As shown by recent studies (Ceniceros-Go mez et al., 2018; process designed to obtain one or more critical raw materials, a
Markovaara-Koivisto et al., 2018; Moran-Palacios et al., 2019; Tunsu simplified flowsheet of this idea is shown in Fig. 1.
et al., 2019), among elements contained in mine tailings, there are Chile has a long history of mining and large-scale mining started
many critical raw materials (CRMs). Raw materials have significant in the first decade of the twentieth century. In 2016, Chilean mining
economic importance and are utilized in the manufacture of a wide exports were valued at 30,379 million USD according to the Na-
range of goods. In particular, critical raw materials can be applied in tional Service of Geology and Mining (SERNAGEOMIN), 90% of
areas such as alternative energy production and communications which came from copper mining (SERNAGEOMIN, 2017). Chile is
devices, and they play a significant role in the development of the world’s leading producer of copper. Currently, a decrease in the
globally competitive and eco-friendly innovations. Securing access grade of mined copper ores is being observed, which increases the
to a stable supply of many raw materials has become a major amount of processed ore and, consequently, leads to greater tailings
challenge for national and regional economies with a limited pro- deposits for the same level of copper production. Currently, Chile
duction, which relies on imports of numerous minerals and metals produces 1,400,000 tons of mine tailings daily and there are 696
(European Commission, 2017a). tailings storage facilities (TSF) (SERNAGEOMIN, 2018).
Many studies have examined the criticality of raw materials. The objective of this study is to conduct a technical and eco-
This study utilizes the list compiled by the European Commission nomic assessment of the valorization of mine tailings of Chile as a
(EC), where raw materials are considered critical when they are source of CRMs. Therefore, the research questions addressed in this
both of high economic importance for the European Union (EU) and paper are:
vulnerable to supply disruptions (European Commission, 2017b). What critical materials can be recovered from mine tailings?
The term “vulnerable to supply disruption” means that their supply What are the challenges in the production of critical materials
is associated with a high risk of not meeting the demand of the EU using mine tailings as a source?
industry. High economic importance means that the raw material is In recent years, the use of secondary sources for obtaining raw
of fundamental importance to industry sectors that create added materials has gained growing importance. This research supple-
value and jobs, which may be lost in the case of inadequate supply ments these works with a techno-economic feasibility study for
and if adequate substitutes cannot be found (Blengini et al., 2017). producing critical raw materials from mine tailings.
The most critical metals are those for which supply constraints The data used in the study refer to mine tailings samples of 477
result from the fact that they are largely or entirely mined as by- Chilean copper mining industrial deposits. These data have not
products, generate environmental impacts during production, been previously used to assess the economic potential of the re-
have no effective substitutes, and are mined in areas prone to covery of critical materials.
geopolitical conflict (Graedel et al., 2015).
In 2011, the European Commission (EC) published a list of 14 raw 2. Methodology
materials that are critical for emerging technologies of European
industries, so-called critical raw materials (CRMs) (European The first step to evaluate the recovery of CRMs from mine tail-
Commission, 2017a, 2014, 2011). The list has been updated twice ings is the calculation of the amount of each CRM present in
N. Araya et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555 3

Fig. 1. Simplified mining processes flowsheet featuring conventional processes to obtain metal and the re-processing of tailings to obtain CRMs.

tailings. The feasibility of recovery is next assessed for critical tailing deposit in the country (Ghorbani and Kuan, 2017). Previ-
materials found in larger quantities. ously, prior to the adoption of appropriate regulations, tailings were
In the technological assessment, technologies for processing abandoned in deposits and no efforts were made to ensure the
mine tailings are first examined. If no technologies are available, safety of the nearby communities but nowadays the handling and
technologies for processing ore, as an analogous process, are storage of tailings are strictly regulated. In 2011, the Law 22.551 was
considered taking into account differences between the processing promulgated. It regulates the closing of mining facilities and
of ore and processing of waste. specifies that tailings must be physically and chemically stabilized
In the economic assessment, the discounted cash flow (DCF) (Ministerio de Minería, 2011; SERNAGEOMIN, 2011).
method is used to assess the feasibility of the options for the re- In Chile, there are 696 mine tailings deposits registered in a
covery CRMs from mine tailings. This method has been widely used national registry, compiled between 2016 and 2018. The registry is
for valuation projects (De Reyck et al., 2008; Kodukula and expected to be updated as new mine tailings facilities are opened
Papudesu, 2006; Zi  zlavský, 2014). DCF is a commonly adopted and old abandoned tailing deposits are discovered. Antofagasta
economic valuation technique and consists of discounting expected Region hosts larger mine tailings deposits (SERNAGEOMIN, 2018)
cash flow of a future project at a given discount rate and then because of the size of the mining sector in this region, which ac-
summing all the cash flows of a determined period of time (Iba n
~ ez- counts for 47% of the contribution to Chilean mining activity. The
s et al., 2014; Zizlavský, 2014). most serious problems associated with tailings and handling and
Sensitivity analysis is performed to assess the impact of various storage of tailings are related to the seismic nature of the country,
parameters on the NPV of CRMs recovery from mining tailings. and risks associated with tailings dam failure include fatalities,
Sensitivity analysis is a tool used to analyze how different values of serious water contamination, and destruction of the land.
a set of independent variables affect a dependent variable. The sale
price of critical materials, operating costs, capital costs, and dis-
count rate are the main inputs in the DCF method, then these 3.1. Characterization of mine tailings
variables are studied in the sensitivity analysis. These variables and
interactions among them were also tested using a design of ex- The chemical composition of tailings in 477 mine tailings de-
periments with response surface methodology. posits is available on the website of the National Service of Geology
and Mining of Chile (SERNAGEOMIN) (SERNAGEOMIN, 2018). This
database contains values for concentrations of 56 elements,
3. Mine tailings assessment including 22 CRMs featuring on the latest EC list. The CRMs
analyzed in the SERNAGEOMIN database are vanadium, cobalt,
Mining is one of the main economic activities in Chile due to the yttrium, niobium, scandium, hafnium, tantalum, antimony, bis-
country’s favorable geochemical and mineralogical characteristics. muth, tungsten, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium,
Chile is the world’s leading producer of copper, producing 5,552.6 samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium,
thousand tons of copper in 2016 (SERNAGEOMIN, 2017), the world’s erbium, thulium, ytterbium and lutetium (SERNAGEOMIN, 2018).
second supplier of molybdenum, producing 62,746.1 tons in 2017, Chemical composition in each mine tailings deposit is different
and the second producer of lithium, producing 77,284 tons of and it depends on the type of mineral rocks mined and the pro-
lithium carbonate in 2017 (SERNAGEOMIN, 2017). For some regions cesses used in the plant. In the geochemical characterization of
in Chile, mining is the main economic activity; most mining activity Chilean tailings, it can be noticed that most tailings deposits have a
is found in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. high percentage of silicon oxide or ferric oxide due to the type of
The Atacama Desert is the driest non-polar desert on the earth, minerals processed (SERNAGEOMIN, 2018).
and its copper ore deposits are world-class porphyry copper de- Data in the SERNAGEOMIN database are classified by the current
posits (Oyarzún et al., 2016; Tapia et al., 2018). Porphyry deposits status of the tailings deposits: active, inactive, and abandoned. In the
are the principal sources of copper and molybdenum methodology used in this study, only inactive and abandoned tailings
(Khorasanipour and Jafari, 2017). Porphyry deposits consist of were analyzed, because their volume and chemical composition do
distributed and stockwork sulfide mineralization located in various not change over time. In the case of active tailings, although their
host rocks that have been altered by hydrothermal solutions into volume is greatest, their chemical composition may change over the
roughly concentric zonal patterns (Dold and Fontbote , 2001). course of years, which is why they have not been considered in this
Chilean mining processing plants produce large quantities of study. Mine tailings of the Antofagasta Region are examined because
waste every year. Tailings dams are the most common type of the tailing volume storage is greater in this region than in other
4 N. Araya et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555

regions. The TSFs analyzed cover 16 inactive deposits. The location of are assumed to be also applicable to the processing of mine tailings.
mine tailings of the Antofagasta Region can be seen in Fig. 2. Based on the content of the mine tailings analyzed, two feasibility
CRMs found in larger quantities are given in Table 1. The sum of studies are conducted; the first for producing rare earth oxides and
REEs was also calculated, to produce REE concentrate or mis- the second for vanadium recovery, using mine tailings as a source.
chmetal, which is an alloy of REEs. The sum of REEs does not The extraction process for REEs, in a general form, includes three
consider scandium because it is separated in a different process. steps: mining and comminution; ore beneficiation processes con-
sisting of flotation, gravity and magnetic techniques to generate
3.2. Technology assessment REE concentrate; and hydrometallurgical methods to extract REE
compounds (Sadri et al., 2017). Hydrometallurgical methods
A literature review was conducted to investigate the available include cracking of REE concentrate; leaching, neutralization and
technologies for the recovery of critical raw materials from mine precipitation processes; and separation and purification techniques
tailings. If no technologies are available for tailings processing, then such as solvent extraction. Solvent extraction allows recovering
those used for processing of primary ores are considered as a REEs with a high degree of purity, moreover, a variety of solvent
reference. It is important to notice that mine tailings are already in extraction reagents is available. For secondary waste, selective
the form of slurry or paste, depending on the percentage of water extraction of REEs is required from solutions with a high content of
present, so there are no mining costs, which represent approxi- other species (Tunsu et al., 2019).
mately 43% of operating cost in a mine (Curry et al., 2014). A life cycle inventory and impact assessment of the production
Existing technologies for CRMs production are briefly described of RE oxides from primary bastnasite and monazite has been pre-
in Table 2. Most of these technologies are for primary ores. Some sented for the Bayan Obo mine in Inner Mongolia, China, in (Koltun
applications for secondary sources such as industrial waste and and Tharumarajah, 2014). The study found out the mining and
mine tailings exist (Abisheva et al., 2017; Binnemans et al., 2015; beneficiation stage accounts for 6.98% of energy consumption and
Figueiredo et al., 2018; Innocenzi et al., 2014; Jorjani and Shahbazi, 6.51% of water consumption. When processing mine tailings, there
2016; Peelman et al., 2016), but they should be treated as emerging is no mining stage, so the values were adapted. Adapted values of
technologies. Significant further development of these new tech- energy and water consumption to obtain RE oxides from waste
nologies is required before they are suitable for industrial-scale material are included in the supplementary material.
usage (Kinnunen and Kaksonen, 2019). Primary ores of REEs are usually treated with alkaline pressure
In spite of the low concentration of REEs in comparison to end- leaching or sulfuric acid roasting. However, mine tailings are a low-
of-life consumer goods, mine tailings are a potential source of REEs grade source of REEs, so these technologies may not be economically
because of the large volumes of mine tailings, which mean that the feasible. Chloride-based hydrometallurgical processes may be a
total amount of recoverable REEs could be high (Binnemans et al., potential alternative to traditional capital intensive hydrometallur-
2015). Several processes have been proposed for the recovery of gical processes based on high temperature and pressure (Onyedika
REEs from mine tailings. Peelman et al. (2018) have proposed a et al., 2012) and they could be a suitable option for REE recovery
method for the recovery of REEs from mine tailings from apatite from tailings at economically viable capital and operating cost.
mineral with an REE content of 1200e1500 ppm using acidic In the case of vanadium, it is mainly produced as a co-product
leaching followed by cryogenic crystallization and solvent extrac- from the vanadium slag before the steel converter. The main va-
tion. They achieved a 70e100% recovery of REE. nadium products are vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and ferrovana-
There are no processing plants using copper mine tailings as a dium (FeV) (European Commission, 2017b). Other sources of
source of CRMs. Therefore, technologies used for primary sources vanadium are stone coal, steel scrap, and fossil fuels.
The mine tailings analyzed in this study have a CRMs content
that varies between 80 and 214,000 g per ton of tailing. In Chile,
there are currently no projects providing for the use of mine tailings
as a source of CRMs, nor approved initiatives for the production of
CRMs from primary ores.

3.3. Economic assessment

The economic assessment is done in two main steps. The first

step focuses on the economic potential of CRMs found in inactive
mine tailings as an in-situ value, considering the monetary value of
the CRMs to assess the feasibility of CRMs production. The second
stage concentrates on the analysis of the feasibility of CRMs pro-
duction using mine tailings as a source.
Prices of critical materials may differ from one source to another.
In addition, the prices of some critical materials are not publicly
available as they are traded privately. To calculate the economic
potential of inactive mine tailings deposits, the following prices
were used, see Table 3.
The economic potential of CRMs recovery was calculated as the
fraction of each CRM in the tailings multiplied by the mass of each
TSF for the 16 TSFs studied. The economic potential is a reference
value for the total REE value of the mine tailings. The economic
potential of these TSFs is shown as supplementary material.
Fig. 2. Tailings storage facilities in Antofagasta Region, blue represents inactive or
To assess the feasibility of CRMs recovery, the DFC method was
abandoned deposits and red is for active deposits. (For interpretation of the references used to calculate the NPV and IRR for REOs production and V2O5
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) production using mine tailings. The NPV is the difference between the
N. Araya et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555 5

Table 1
Total tonnage and uses of CRMs present in inactive tailings deposits of the Antofagasta Region (16 deposits).

CRMs Tons Uses

Vanadium (V) 46,110 Most of the vanadium produced is used in ferrovanadium or as a steel additive. Another use is as vanadium pentoxide.
Cerium (Ce) 22,886 Cerium is used as a catalyst converter for carbon monoxide emissions, as an additive in glass for reducing UV transmission, and in carbon-arc
Cobalt (Co) 16,940 The main uses of cobalt are in battery chemicals for NieCd, Ni-metal hydride and Li-ion battery types, superalloys, hard materials, catalysts, and
Yttrium (Y) 16,039 Yttrium is used for energy-efficient fluorescent lamps, in the treatment of various cancers, in aerospace surface and barriers, as a superconductor,
in aluminum and magnesium alloys, and in-camera lenses.
Neodymium 14,880 Neodymium is used to create high-strength magnets for computers, cell phones, medical equipment, electric cars, wind turbines, and audio
(Nd) systems. It is also used in the glass and ceramic industries.
Lanthanum (La) 10,253 Lanthanum is used in nickel metal hydride rechargeable batteries for hybrid automobiles, in high-quality camera and telescope lenses, and in
petroleum cracking catalysts in oil refineries.
Scandium (Sc) 9,359 Scandium is used to increase strength and corrosion resistance in aluminum alloys, in high-intensity discharge lamps, and in fuel cells to increase
efficiency at lower temperatures.
Niobium (Nb) 4,823 Niobium is used in high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels as ferroniobium and in superconducting magnets.
Antimony (Sb) 3,751 Principal uses for antimony are in alloys with lead and tin, and in lead-acid batteries.
Samarium (Sm) 3,456 The main use of samarium is in cobalt-samarium alloy magnets for small motors, quartz watches, and camera shutters. Samarium is also used in
Gadolinium 3,357 Gadolinium is mainly used for NdFeB permanent magnets, lightning applications and in metallurgy.
Praseodymium 3,245 Praseodymium is used in NdFeB magnets, ceramics, batteries, catalysts, glass polishing and fiber amplifiers.
Dysprosium 2,705 Dysprosium is used mainly and almost inclusively in NdFeB magnets.
REEs (total) 82,254

Table 2
Available and emerging technologies for CRMs processing.

CRMs Production process

Rare earth - Acidic leaching-cryogenic crystallization-solvent extraction from mine tailings with apatite and monazite. (Peelman et al., 2016).
elements - Bioleaching for REEs extraction from low-grade sources. (Peelman et al., 2014).
- Solvent extraction to recover REEs from mine tailings of gold and tellurium mining (Tunsu et al., 2019).
-Use of solvent impregnated resins (SIR) to recover REEs from low concentration solutions (Onishi et al., 2010; Sun et al., 2009; Yoon et al., 2016)
Antimony - Crushing and pyrometallurgical methods for primary ores (Anderson, 2012).
-Crushing and hydrometallurgical methods like leaching and electrodeposition (Anderson, 2012)
Cobalt - Bioleaching of sulfidic tailings of iron mines. (Ahmadi et al., 2015).
- Mineral beneficiation, comminution, flotation, smelting, leaching or refining for sulfide ores (European Commission, 2017b).
-Calcination, pyrometallurgical process, hydrometallurgical methods for lanthanides ores (European Commission, 2017b)
Niobium -Gravity separation, froth flotation, magnetic and electrostatic separation, and acid leaching depending on the ore (European Commission, 2017b)
Vanadium - Extraction of vanadium as a co-product to iron from vanadium slag includes bearing, roasting, acid leaching solvent extraction, ion exchange, and
precipitation (Xiang et al., 2018).
- Desliming-flotation from low-grade stone coal (European Commission, 2017b).
-Preform reduction process (PRP) based on a metallothermic reduction of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). (Miyauchi and Okabe, 2010).

Table 3
CRMs prices in July 2018.

Critical material Price ($US/kg)a Critical material Price (US$/kg)a

Antimony 8.51 Neodymium metal  99.5% 68.0

Cerium metal  99.5% 7.00 Neodymium oxide  99.5% 66.7
Cerium oxide  99.5% 5.59 Praseodymium metal  99% 125.00
Cobalt 87.5 Praseodymium oxide  99.5% 81.6
Dysprosium metal  99% 268.57 Samarium metal  99.9% 15
Dysprosium oxide  99.5% 226.80 Scandium metal  99.9% 3,458
Gadolinium metal  99.9% 44.00 Scandium oxide  99.95% 1,079
Gadolinium oxide  99.5% 20.94 Vanadium (as V2O5 80%) 40.00
Lanthanum metal  99% 7.00 Yttrium metal  99.9% 36.5
Lanthanum oxide  99.5% 7.80 Yttrium oxide  99.99% 4.60
Sources: (, 2018), (, 2018), (LME, 2018).

present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows in represent the investment made for the project, which includes
a particular period of time. IRR is the discount rate at which the NPV of costs of the development phase which, among other costs, com-
future cash flows is equal to the initial investment. NPV and IRR are prises the purchase of the equipment, building a manufacturing
metrics used in capital budgeting and decision-making. The calcula- plant and the cost of product launch. The investment represents the
tion does not include external factors such as inflation. To obtain the first cash flow in the DFC method.
NPV and IRR for the options assessed, capital costs and operating costs Operating costs, operating expenses or OPEX, are expenses
of projects with similar characteristics were used. incurred during the lifetime of the project. In the case of a mining
Capital costs, also referred to as capital expenses or CAPEX, project, these would include the cost of labor, water, and energy,
6 N. Araya et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555

maintenance, spare parts, and indirect costs (Bhojwani et al., 2019). vanadium project (Lee, 2018). This project has been designed as an
The first option assessed is the production, using mine tailings open pit heap leaching operation to obtain vanadium pentoxide
as a source, of the following rare earth oxides (REOs): cerium, (V2O5). The Gibellini project is designed for processing of low-grade
lanthanum, neodymium, yttrium, samarium, gadolinium, praseo- minerals, so it is suitable for mine tailings, but in this study, pro-
dymium and dysprosium. Scandium is also considered as REE but it duction is reduced because the grade in mine tailings is lower in
has different properties and a different production process, which mine tailings. The values used for the calculation of NPV and IRR are
is why it was not assessed together with the above mentioned REEs. given in Table 5. The values of NPV and IRR for vanadium produc-
The second option assessed is vanadium as the production of tion from Chilean mine tailings are shown in the supplementary
vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). It is due to the fact that vanadium is material.
the main CRM found TSFs in the Antofagasta Region (see Table 1). The NPV is 76 million US$ and the IRR is 21%, these values
indicate that the project is profitable as the NPV is positive and the
IRR is higher than the discount rate. Cash inflows and outflows are
3.3.1. Feasibility of producing rare earth elements using mine
shown as supplementary material.
tailings as a source
For REOs production, we have considered only REEs found in
larger quantities. Due to the lack of data about similar projects that
3.4. Sensitivity analysis
use mine tailings or industrial waste as source material, we used
data from a Canadian project that produces rare earth oxides
In this study, a sensitivity analysis was performed on four pa-
(Hudson Resources Inc, 2013) from primary sources to produce of
rameters: capital cost, operating cost, critical materials price, and
neodymium, praseodymium, lanthanum, and cerium. Data used for
the effect of the discount rate on NPV for the examined options. The
NVP calculation are shown in Table 4.
objective of the sensitivity analysis is to understand the uncertainty
The price used to calculate NPV corresponds to the weighted
in the NPV for the examined parameters. These parameters were
average for REOs; cerium, lanthanum, samarium, gadolinium,
chosen because they are the key components in the DCF method.
praseodymium, dysprosium, and yttrium oxide, which is 37 USD/kg
Sensitivity analysis determines how different values of one or
of REOs produced, 40% was discounted to reflect the difference
more independent variables affect a dependent variable under a
between REO concentrate and separated individual rare earth oxide
given set of assumptions. Sensitivity analysis is the last stage of the
prices, so the price used for NPV calculations is 22 USD/kg, as in the
process of assessing and selecting a technological alternative
report it was used as a reference price. The grade of REEs corre-
an~ ez-Fore
s et al., 2014). Sensitivity analysis studies how several
sponds to the average REEs grade in all the deposits analyzed. In the
sources of uncertainty contribute to the entire uncertainty of a
mine tailings covered by the analysis, the average grade is lower
mathematical model.
than in most primary ore processing projects, so the production
In the DCF method, the discount rate is the rate used to convert
was reduced accordingly.
the future value of a project cash flows to today’s value. The dis-
It is important to note that operating costs and capital costs are
count rate is adjusted to the risk associated with a project. There-
referential values. In the case of mine tailings, costs related to
fore, the higher the risk, the higher the discount rate (Kodukula and
extracting mineral ores should not be considered since tailings are
Papudesu, 2006). Risk is associated with the uncertainty of a
materials that have already been mined and processed.
project. In business, risks may have a positive or negative effect. The
The NPV is 672,987 USD which means that the projected earn-
discount rate was varied to acknowledge that mining projects deal
ings generated for this proposed REOs production exceed the
with uncertainties that can be included in the model by choosing a
anticipated costs and the overall value for the project is positive.
higher discount rate.
However, even though the NPV is positive, its value is too low to
Mining commodity prices always show greater volatility than
invest in a project of such a magnitude. The IRR is 10.03% which is
those of any other primary products (Foo et al., 2018). Prices of
almost the same as the discount rate chosen for the project, this
critical materials may experience price spikes due to their insta-
confirms that the project is not highly profitable. Cash inflows and
bility caused by the risk of supply disruption. Critical materials have
outflows are included as supplementary material.
inelasticity element in their prices, this means that the demand for
these materials is not highly affected by the price (Binnemans et al.,
3.3.2. Feasibility of producing vanadium using mine tailings as a 2013b; Leader et al., 2019). Critical materials are needed in tech-
source nologies, such as clean energy technologies, in which there are not
Vanadium is the main CRM found in mine tailings in the Anto- substitutes for the critical materials needed (Leader et al., 2019).
fagasta Region. There are 46,110 tons of vanadium in inactive TSFs, The price of each critical material assessed was considered as an
but active tailings in this area have the potential for ca. 900, 000 important parameter that contributes to the overall uncertainty of
tons of vanadium. the project.
Capital and operating costs for vanadium production are taken Since capital costs and operating costs used in this study are
from a preliminary economic assessment study for the Gibellini referential values, and they are further used as inputs in the DCF

Table 4 Table 5
Data for REOs project. Data for vanadium project.

Data Value Unit Data Value Unit

Capital cost 342,514,448 US$ Capital cost including 25% contingency 116,760,000 US$
Life of mine 20 years Life of mine 14 years
Operating cost 13,080 US$/ton REOs Operating cost 14,767 US$/ton V2O5
REOs Price 22,000 US$/ton REOs Vanadium pentoxide price 40,000 US$/ton V2O5
Production capacity 4,000 tons REOs/year Production capacity 1,000 tons V2O5/year
Annual increase (OPEX) 1.5 % Annual increase (OPEX) 1.5 %
Annual increase (PRICE) 1.5 % Annual increase (PRICE) 1.5 %
Discount rate 10 % Discount rate 10 %
N. Araya et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555 7

method, it was necessary to address the variability of the real values shows that if the discount rate increases by 0.01 from the value of
of these parameters vis-a-vis the values used here. 0.1 used to 0.11, the NPV decreases by 10 million US$ approximately.
Capital cost, operating costs, and prices varied between 30 and When the discount rate is higher than 0.21, NPV becomes negative.
30% of the original value. The discount rate varied between 0.05 and Results show that under certain prices, operating costs and
0.3. capital costs, it is possible to invest in producing CRMs using a
The results of the sensitivity analysis for the REOs price are secondary source such as mine tailings.
shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that for every 5% increase in the price The parameters analyzed in the sensitivity study may change
of the REOs, the NPV increases by 38 million US$. NPV is highly simultaneously. Therefore, their interactions were analyzed using
sensitive to changes in REO prices. NPV becomes negative when the design-of-experiments together with response surface methodol-
price of REOs is below 22 US$/kg, making the project financially ogy. In the analysis of the NPV of both projects, REOs production
unviable. and V2O5 production, four factors and three levels were considered.
The NPV is less sensitive to changes in operating costs than The factors are: the price, capital costs (CAPEX), operating costs
price; NPV decreases to 21 million US$ with an increase of 5% in (OPEX), and the discount rate (iÞ. The levels correspond to the value
operating costs. The results of the sensitivity analysis of the NPV to used in the economic assessment, then low and high levels for the
the capital cost show that as the investment cost increases by 5%, same value were multiplied by 0.85 and 1.15, respectively, which
the NPV decreases by ca. 15 million US$. means the experimental design results are valid in the range
The discount rate varied between 0.05 and 0.3. The NPV is not a between 15% and þ15%. A percentage of 15% was chosen to ensure
linear function of the discount rate, the value considered was 0.1. a good adjustment. The values tested for the discount rate are 0.05,
When the discount rate is 0.11, NPV decreases by approximately 21 0.1, and 0.15. ANOVA results show which parameters and in-
million US$. With a discount rate higher than 0.1, NPV becomes teractions influence the NPV by analyzing the p-value. For the p-
negative, making the project unviable. value < 0.01 all linear parameters and the interaction with the
Results of sensitivity analysis of NPV for vanadium pentoxide discount rate were significant. Also, the statistical analysis confirms
production are shown in Fig. 3. When the price increases by 5%, that price and the discount rate are the parameters exerting greater
NPV increased by ca. 14 million US$. When the price drops by 26%, influence. Regression models obtained have the following form:
NPV becomes negative and the project unviable.
Results of the sensitivity analysis of NPV to operating costs show
that NPV is slightly sensitive to changes in operating costs. When NPV ¼ a þ b CAPEX þ c OPEX þ d price þ e i þ f i2 þ g CAPEX i
operating costs increase by 5%, the NPV decreases by ca. 5 million þ h OPEX i þ j price i
US$. Sensitivity analysis of the NPV to changes in capital cost shows
that with an increase of 5% in the capital cost, the NPV decreases by The values for a; b; c; d; e; f ; g; h and j are 17.6, 0.9103,
ca. 5 million US$. The values of NPV are very similar for both 59.55, 67.1, 1766, 14323, 0.0, 242.9, and 299.5 for REOs project,
operating costs and capital costs. and 47.64, 0.9932, 12.572, 12.572, 1143.3, 5717, 0.828,
The sensitivity analysis of NPV to changes in the discount rate 49.63, 49.625 for V2O5 project, respectively. The units for NPV and

Fig. 3. Sensitivity analysis, a) Sensitivity of the NPV (REOs project) to the price of REOs, operating costs and capital costs; b) Sensitivity of NPV to discount rate in REOs project; c)
sensitivity of NPV (vanadium project) to the price of V2O5, operating costs and capital costs; d) Sensitivity of NPV to discount rate in vanadium project.
8 N. Araya et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555

CAPEX are million US$, OPEX and price are kUS$/ton, and the discount evaluation of geochemical content, identification of suitable tech-
rate is dimensionless. The R-squared values or the coefficient of the nologies, and an economic analysis will help to find more sus-
regressions were R2 ¼ 98:17%, R2 adj ¼ 97:99%, and R2 pred ¼ 97:79% tainable alternatives to CRMs production.
for REOs project, and R2 ¼ 99:95%, R2 adj ¼ 99:95%, and R2 pred ¼ The DCF is a widely used method of financial assessment, but it
99:94% for the V2O5 project. The R2 for both projects are over 98% is not a decisive metrics for making a final decision on real in-
which means that at least 98% of the variation of the NPV can be vestment. In order to ensure the robustness of assessment, sensi-
explained by the model. Also, excellent values of adjusted R2 and tivity analysis was performed to analyze the effect of the possible
predicted R2 were observed which suggests that the number of pa- fluctuations of market prices, capital and operating costs on the
rameters is the model is correct and that the model is able to produce analyzed options of CRMs production. It has been found out that
high quality predictions. The ANOVA results and Pareto graphics are the discount rate and both capital and operating costs play critical
included in the supplementary material. Also, supplementary mate- roles in economic decisions in different areas (Choi et al., 2018;
rial gives the results of the design-of-experiment and response sur- Cisternas et al., 2014; Santander et al., 2014).
face methodology for the IRR which behaves differently from the NPV. Reprocessing mine tailings will also have an impact on the
environment. Due to the nature of chemical and physical processes,
4. Discussion mineral processing is water and energy intensive, some quantities
of solvents and reagents are used and at the end of the process,
Mine tailings are waste obtained from the processing of a rock there will still be waste that should be stored in a tailing facility. The
with a view to obtain one or more products that will be refined to mining waste obtained after the reprocessing of tailings should be
finally get a metal(s) that is needed. Tailings should be stored in stored in a tailing facility complying with the regulations designed
facilities where they are disposed in accordance with the regula- to protect people and the environment.
tions binding in each region, otherwise, the consequences to the
environment can be devastating. 5. Conclusions
The lack of a long-term consideration of the entire life-cycle of a
mine and the instability of mine projects contribute to irreversible There are 696 tailings storage facilities in Chile, mainly from
mineral losses and resource sterilization. With this knowledge in copper mining, which is the biggest mining industry in the country.
mind, further research should address new strategies to anticipate The biggest TSF has the capacity to store 4,500,000,000 tons of
the future use of material beyond the closing of a mine (Le bre et al., tailings. Currently, there are some initiatives for recovering metals
2017). Mine waste hierarchy goes from prevention as the most of interest from mine tailings, but such initiatives are all in the early
favorable option to treatment and disposal as the least favorable stages of feasibility assessment. This study provides valuable in-
options; if waste cannot be prevented then reuse and recycling are formation for the assessment of the techno-economic feasibility of
needed (Lottermoser, 2011). Nowadays most mine tailings go to the industrial-scale critical materials recovery from copper industry
treatment and disposal phase. In the Sustainable Development tailings.
Goals, the World Economic Forum suggests the re-use of tailings, Copper production will continue to grow as the copper grade
these goals are meant to be achieved by 2030 (World Economic decrease. Therefore, the volume of mine tailings that are produced
Forum, 2016). The reprocessing of mine tailings is also an every year will increase as well. Mine tailings are a worldwide
element of the transformation from a linear to a circular economy environmental problem as they can generate acid drainage, and
that the mining industry must face. Reprocessing mine tailings to cause air pollution and soil contamination. Yet, mine tailings
obtain critical materials reduces the dependency on reserve contain several valuable elements, among them critical raw mate-
extraction (El Wali et al., 2019). rials. Therefore, the use of mine tailings as a secondary source
Other approaches to mine tailings management from a circular would help mitigate shortages in critical raw materials by mini-
economy point of view include recovering water from mine tail- mizing the reliance on primary sources.
ings, which helps to reduce the reliance on seawater (Cisternas and Chilean copper mine tailings have substantial economic poten-
Galvez, 2018). Recovering water or reducing the amount of water in tial as a source of critical materials such as vanadium, cobalt, rare
tailing diminish the need to pump water, which decreases energy earth elements and antimony. Minerals contained in Chilean mine
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions involved in pumping tailings from copper production are mostly silicates with a low
water to high altitudes, where mines are usually located in Chile grade of CRMs; currently, no approved projects exist that consider
(Araya et al., 2018; Herrera-Leon et al., 2019; Ramírez et al., 2019). mine tailings as a source of CRMs. Although mine tailings have a
Another approach is to use mine tailings as cementitious materials low grade of CRMs, their already stored quantity is enormous. In
and pigment for sustainable paints (Barros et al., 2018; Vargas and addition, prices of critical raw materials can be very high, and these
Lopez, 2018). factors could make a future production of CRMs from mine tailings
There have been conducted several studies on new technologies feasible.
or processes to recover CRMs from secondary sources such as mine Two options of producing CRMs using mine tailings were
waste (Alcalde et al., 2018; Andersson et al., 2018; Figueiredo et al., assessed; production of rare earth oxides (REOs) and production of
2018; Khalil et al., 2019; Markovaara-Koivisto et al., 2018; Peelman vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). The DFC method was used to evaluate
et al., 2018). Most of these studies are carried out at laboratory and the economic feasibility of both operations. The NPV and IRR for the
pilot plant scale. Nevertheless, the literature on the recovery of production of REOs are positive, which means that the project is
CRMs from mine tailings is constantly growing. It is due to the fact feasible. Nevertheless, the NPV is low for an investment of this scale
that new sources of CRMs are urgently needed as their importance and the IRR is close to the discount rate value. The sensitivity
in the global economy is constantly growing. Moreover, the utili- analysis of the NPV of REOs production from mine tailings showed
zation of wastes such as mine tailings, instead of mineral deposits, that NPV is highly sensitive to the discount rate and REO prices.
is essential from a circular economy point of view. Therefore, Results of the ANOVA confirm that the discount rate and price are
extrapolation of the potential of these technologies is immensely the most significant variables influencing the NPV behavior.
needed. Vanadium pentoxide production is feasible for an investment of
Results show that mine tailings facilities of the copper industry 14 years, as the NPV is 76 million US$ and the IRR IS 21% for V2O5
in Chile store valuable elements such as CRMs. Therefore, the early production. Vanadium is the main CRMs found in tailings in the
N. Araya et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 263 (2020) 121555 9

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