D&D 5E - Homebrew - Class Plague Knight

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Plague Knight Hunters of Aberrations

Class Details The Plague Knights are openly hostile to the

monsters known as the Aberrations, as it’s
A man clothed in dark garb, with both hands their destructive influence that they deem
on a combat scythe and a mask covering his responsible for the majority of problems in
face rushes towards an unholy abomination. the world. They are known to appear in
As the large creature turns its head towards places related to ancient cults and eldritch
the man and reveals its hollow eyes, an array temples. During hunts, they work in special
of homing, star-like missiles shots out of the groups called divisions, but when working
abyss in its maw. The blade cuts deeply, alone its possible to see a Plague Knight
leaving a sizeable gap in the vile mouth, yet working as a mercenary. It’s a common thing
the beams pierce the garb of the hunter all for Plague Knights to know many Warlocks,
the way through, searing his skin and filling partially because their skills are required in
the air with a smell of burnt flesh. As the tracking down their enemies, as well as
hunter falls down, glimmering blade severs a keeping an eye out for any Warlock that
leg of the abomination, as a swarm of insects finds himself in the service of an undesirable
starts to climb up its torso and burrows into patron.
its tendril-covered body. Two more figures,
wearing similar masks to the hunter, lunge
Far Travelers
out from the shadows and strike down the
beast, which upon death, dissolves and The Plague Knights rarely stay in one place
reveals that it was made of animated worms for long, often embarking on long journeys,
and vermin of all kind. The duo help their investigating places of occult and
wounded comrade to stand up, murmuring exchanging information with others of their
that task is not yet done. The abhorrent profession. Most Plague Knights tend to
abomination that controlled the creature still instinctively seek out the Aberrations, as in
lurks somewhere nearby. And the void still order to wield the Plagues they establish a
calls out to all of them. deep connection with things of eldritch and
obscure, dark origins.
Plague Knights, the hunters of abominations,
and the eternal enemies of Aberrations,
Making a Plague Knight
scout the mortal realms in search of cults
and worshipers of Elder Evils. Forming As you build a Plague Knight, consider three
divisions specialized in different combat important factors. First is your background,
styles, they hone their skills and tap into the which explains the reason you were fit to
forbidden arts for the sake of greater good. become a Plague Knight in the first place.
Choose a thing from your past that left a
Wielders of the Plagues deep emotional scar in your hart or a sudden
The Plague Knights get their names from the mental change that allowed you to
Plagues, which are lingering passive effects understand the dark nature of mankind,
that follow them like curses. Every time a becoming your link to the Plagues. Second
calamity occurs in a mortal realm, mass factor are your skills. Most Plague Knight
amount of grief and suffering can be tactics are passed down from teacher to
contained by magical means in form of a student, rarely in groups. However, nothing
Plague seeking retribution for harm. The stops you from finding external source of
Plague Knights allow for parts of their own combat training. Last factor is your
souls to be darkened in order to gain access motivation. What did you want to achieve by
these occult powers, drawing magical becoming a Plague Knight and, depending on
powers in exchange for life of suffering. the setting of the campaign, why would your
character join a party.

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The Plague Knight Spell Slots per Spell Level
Level Proficiency Features Plagues Active Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Bonus Known Plagues Known
1 +2 Fighting Style - - 2 2 - - - -
2 +2 Plagues 2 1 2 2 - - - -
3 +2 Plague Knight 2 1 2 3 - - - -
4 +2 Ability Score 3 1 2 3 - - - -
5 +3 Extra Attack 3 2 2 4 2 - - -
6 +3 Dark Harvest 3 2 2 4 2 - - -
7 +3 Division Feature 3 2 2 4 3 - -
8 +3 Ability Score 4 2 2 4 3 - - -
9 +4 Skin of Darkness 4 2 3 4 3 2 - -
10 +4 Division Feature 4 2 3 4 3 2 - -
11 +4 Dust to Dust 4 3 3 4 3 3 - -
12 +4 Ability Score 5 3 3 4 3 3 - -
13 +5 Skin of Darkness 5 3 3 4 3 3 1 -
14 +5 Versatile Dark 5 3 4 4 3 3 1 -
15 +5 Division Feature 5 3 4 4 3 3 2 -
16 +5 Ability Score 6 3 4 4 3 3 2 -
17 +6 Skin of Darkness 6 3 4 4 3 3 3 1
18 +6 Division Feature 6 3 4 4 3 3 3 1
19 +6 Ability Score 6 3 4 4 3 3 3 2
20 +6 Wheel of Pain 7 4 4 4 3 3 3 2

Quick Build
Class Features
First, make Strength or Dexterity your highest
ability score, depending on whether you want to As a Plague Knight, you gain the following
focus on melee weapons or on archery (or class features:
finesse weapons). Your next-highest score
should be Wisdom, as most divisions depend on Hit Points
it, followed by Constitution. It’s worth to note ◙ Hit Dice: 1d10 per fighter level
that while the Plague Knight is a semi-caster ◙ Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 plus your
class, it possesses no long range damage related Constitution modifier
spells, which is why the use of magic should be ◙ Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) plus
considered primarily as a support. For your Constitution modifier per fighter level
after 1st
background, consider the Haunted One.

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Proficiencies Spellcasting
◙ Armor: Light armor, medium armor, You have tapped into the flow of forbidden
shields arcana, spells of eldritch and scorned origins,
◙ Weapons: Simple weapons, martial lost in the annals of time, passed down to
weapons you by a Plague Knight teacher or discovered
◙ Tools: None during your training. As a result, your body
◙ Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom can channel a limited number of spells.
◙ Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics,
Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, ◙ Tools Required
Intimidation, Perception, and Survival You can cast your spells with the use of a
spellcasting focus. For the Plague Knight,
Equipment anything associated with strong emotions
You start with the following equipment, in and violence, like majority of weapons, can
addition to the equipment granted by your channel the power of the forbidden arcana.
background: During a long rest, designate a weapon to be
your focus. As long as you hold that weapon,
◙ (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor you can use it as a focus for your class spells.
◙ (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b)
two martial weapons ◙ Cantrips (level 0 spells)
◙ (a) a heavy crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your
two handaxes choice from the Plague Knight spell list. At
◙ (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an higher levels, you learn additional Plague
explorer’s pack Knight cantrips of your choice, as shown in
the Cantrips Known column of the Plague
Fighting Style Knight table.
You adopt a particular style of fighting as
your specialty. Choose one of the following When you gain a level in this class, you can
options. You can't take a Fighting Style replace one of the Plague Knight cantrips
option more than once, even if you later get you know with another cantrip from the
to choose again. Plague Knight spell list.

◙ Archery: ◙ Preparing and casting spells

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make The Plague Knight table shows how many
with ranged weapons. spell slots you have to cast your Plague
Knight spells. To cast one of your Plague
◙ Defense: Knight spells of 1st level or higher, you must
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher.
bonus to AC. You regain all expended spell slots when you
finish a long rest.
◙ Dueling:
When you are wielding a melee weapon in You prepare the list of Plague Knight spells
one hand and no other weapons, you gain a that are available for you to cast, choosing
+2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. from the Plague Knight spell list. When you
do so, choose a number of Plague Knight
◙ Two-Weapon Fighting: spells equal to your Wisdom modifier plus
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, half your Plague Knight level, rounded down
you can add your ability modifier to the (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of
damage of the second attack. a level for which you have spell slots.

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For example, if you are a 5th-level Plague You can have a number of Plagues active
Knight, you have four 1st-level and two equal to the number shown in the Active
2nd-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 14, Plagues column of the Plague Knight table.
your list of prepared spells can include four You can switch out your active Plagues
spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. during a long rest.
If you prepare the 1st-level spell Cure
Wounds, you can cast it using a 1st-level or a Plague save DC is equal to 8 plus your
2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn’t proficiency bonus plus your Wisdom
remove it from your list of prepared spells. modifier.

You can change your list of prepared spells Plagues are given birth by magic but are
when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new twisted embodiments of grief and suffering,
list of Plague Knight spells requires time thus not classified as spells or magical
spent on meditation with your spellcasting effects. Once active, they can’t be dispelled
focus: at least 1 minute per spell level for nor sppressed. Plagues are active when the
each spell on your list. user is unconscious or reduced to zero hit
points, but cease to exist if he dies.
◙ Spellcasting Ability
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your ◙ [1] Plague of Pollution:
Plague Knight spells; your link to the Crimson veil of flesh-melting putrid liquid
forbidden arcana allows you to use these manifests itself in times of need. Every time
spells with superior skill, provided that your you receive damage in melee combat, the
body withstands their destructive effects. attacker receives 1d4 points of Acid damage
You use your Wisdom whenever a Plague as a retaliation. This Plague damage
Knight spell refers to your spellcasting increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level,
ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
modifier when setting the saving throw DC
for a Plague Knight spell you cast and when ◙ [2] Plague of Vermin:
making an attack roll with one. When you move out of an enemy reach
without taking the Disengage Action, a
Spell save DC is equal to 8 plus your number of vermin of your choice (rats, frogs,
proficiency bonus plus your Wisdom cockroaches, mosquitoes, spiders, snakes,
modifier. crows or other small creatures of your
choice) appears in a gust of black winds,
Spell attack modifier is equal to your providing disadvantage for any creature that
proficiency bonus plus your Wisdom tries to make an opportunity attack. The
modifier. vermin disperses at the end of your turn.

◙ Ritual Casting ◙ [3] Plague of Infestation:

You can cast a Plague Knight spell as a ritual The first enemy in each turn that enters an
if that spell has the ritual tag and you have area of 10 ft. around you or starts its turn in
the spell prepared. it is forced into a Wisdom saving throw. On
fail, hundreds of dot-sized shadows crawl up
Plagues its body and begin to puncture through its
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to give skin. The victim’s speed is reduced to zero
shape to your powers of forbidden arcana in and it can’t make opportunity attacks, feeling
forms of lingering effects, known as the the crawling entities on its body. If the
Plagues. You learn additional Plagues of your creature failed the saving throw by 5 or
choice when you reach certain levels in this more, it can use only a main or a bonus
class, as shown in the Known Plagues column. action this turn.

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◙ [4] Plague of Flies: ◙ [8] Plague of Locust:
Every time you fall a victim to an area of When you take a Dash action, black mists
attack spell, trait or other effect of similar swirls around you and animates, creating a
origin, a purple haze envelops you, as cloak of locust. Every time a creature makes
thousands of ethereal bugs cloak you. They an opportunity attack against you, the locust
reduce the total damage that you receive swirls around, decreasing the damage that
from the area of attack effect by a number you receive by 1d10 plus your Wisdom
of points equal to 1d10 plus your Wisdom modifier. If you still receive the damage
modifier. Allied creatures standing next to which passed the mitigation, the angry locust
you also can benefit from this effect. lashes out, dealing 1d10 plus your Wisdom
modifier points of magical-piercing damage
◙ [5] Plague of Pestilence: to the attacker. The Plague of Locust
Your weapons carry disease which spreads disperses at the end of your turn.
with precise blows. First enemy in each turn
that receives damage from your melee or ◙ [9] Plague of Darkness:
ranged weapon is forced into a Wisdom The first enemy in each turn that deals
saving throw. On fail, vibrant, green marks in damage of any kind to you is forced into a
shapes of flower petals or insect wings Wisdom saving throw. On fail, a tendril of
spread on its skin. The creature is poisoned darkness swells from your location and
till the end of its next turn. blasts off towards the attacker. The creature
becomes blinded until the end of your next
◙ [6] Plague of Blisters: turn.
Every time an attack roll against you or an
ally you can see in 30 ft. scores a natural one, ◙ [10] Plague of Death:
the attacker’s limb becomes covered in You become an enemy of life itself. If a
festering blisters, which sprout black creature which is hostile towards you ends
tendrils, enveloping a part of its body. The its turn in 10 ft. range of you, it dies instantly,
tendrils take control of the limb and the if the number of its current Hit Points is less
creature is forced into redirecting its attack than your total level in the Plague Knight
with a new roll at its ally in 30 ft. or, if it can’t class. Temporary Hit Points do not count. A
reach any, against itself. creature with Legendary Actions is immune
to this effect. This ability can’t kill a creature
◙ [7] Plague of Elements: for good if it uses abilities that prevent it
When you receive a devastating blow that from dying, like Lich’s phylactery.
reduces you to zero hit points, forbidden
arcana lashes out, causing the elements Plague Knight Division
around you to go berserk. The area of 15 ft. is At 3rd level, you chose the division that you
covered in mist, making all ranged attacks belong to:
against you to be at disadvantage. Air in 10
ft. is enveloped by raging hail, causing a ◙ Shadow Scythe
creature inside to make melee attacks
against you at disadvantage. Lastly, Earth in ◙ Plague Bearer
5 ft. becomes covered by slithering fires
which worn out the attackers, forcing them ◙ Death Hand
to make only one melee attack per turn if it’s
aimed at you. All of the hindering effects The division you choose grants you features
work only for creatures targeting you. The at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and
Plague of Elements disperses when you are 18th level.
stabilized or no longer in threat of dying.

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Ability Score Improvement Versatile Dark Harvest
When you reach 4th level, 8th, 12th, 16th, and Starting at 14th level, your Dark Harvest
19th level, you can increase one ability score ability becomes empowered and is no longer
of your choice by 2, or you can increase two limited to your weapon attacks. If you use a
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, damage dealing spell or a cantrip that
you can't increase an ability score above 20 targets a single creature, you may expand an
using this feature. additional Spell Slot and deal necrotic points
of damage as stated in the Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest trait. The target of the spell or a cantrip must
Starting at 6st level, when you hit a creature be a creature.
with a weapon attack, you can expend one
spell slot to deal necrotic damage to the Aside from this ability, the Dark Harvest now
target, in addition to the weapon's damage. carries over passively to your weapon
The extra damage is equal to 1d8 for each attacks and single target damage dealing
spell slot level, for a maximum of 5d8 if used spells, increasing the damage you deal by an
with the highest spell slot. If a creature dies additional 1d8 points of necrotic damage.
with the use of this ability, you can expand Likewise, in order for this trait to work, the
reaction and regain a Spell Slot of first level. target must be a creature.

Skin of Darkness Wheel of Pain

Starting at 9th level, you gain ability to Starting at 20th level, you lose the ability to
exchange one of your active Plagues for one fear death, as the line between the mortal
of your known, inactive Plagues as a bonus and spiritual ceases to exist for you. When
action. When you do so, the forbidden arcana you are reduced to zero hit points, you
emanates from your body, mending it, continue combat like you never received
restoring a number of Hit Points equal to damage in the first place and do not make
half of your level in the Plague Knight class death saves. The damage done to you
rounded down and covering it in dark fumes, accumulates slowly in the negative zone and
granting you temporary Hit Points equal to can reach the negative amount of Hit Point
half of your level in the Plague Knight class equal to half of your base amount of Hit
rounded down. You can't use this feature Points rounded down. If this happens, you
again until you finish a long rest. You can use die instantly. During the time your Hit Points
this feature twice between long rests are in the negative zone, your body is
starting at 13th level and three times subjected to posthumous convulsions,
between long rests starting at 17th level. allowing you to make one additional weapon
attack or cast a cantrip at the start of your
Dust to Dust turn for free, provided a target is in range. If
Starting at 11th level, your body, while still your Hit Points are restored from the
mortal, becomes adjusted to the embraces of negative zone, you suffer a point of
death. You no longer require food or drink, Exhaustion. If your Hit Points stay in the
and can rest by meditation if you so desire. negative zone when the combat ends, you
You become immune to diseases and gain fall unconscious and start rolling death
resistance to poison. If you already possess saving throws, if there is no one to help you.
racial resistance to poison, you become The negative health pool of the Wheel of
immune instead. You still age, but not visibly Pain can’t be increased by any means,
outside. If subjected to a spell or a trait that magical or not.
has special effect for the Undead creatures,
like the Antilife Shell, you can expand your
reaction to be treated by it as an Undead

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Plague Knight Spell List 3rd Level Spells:
Animate Dead
Cantrips: Bestow Curse
Blade Ward Blinding Smite
Booming Blade Blink
Green Flame Blade Counterspell
Guidance Dispel Magic
Infestation Elemental Weapon
Message Fear
Sword Burst Feign Death
Thaumaturgy Haste
Thorn Whip Life Transference
Toll the Dead Nondetection
True Strike Protection from Energy
Remove Curse
1st Level Spells: Revivify
Absorb Elements Speak with Dead
Bane Vampiric Touch
Cause Fear
Command 4th Level Spells
Create or Destroy Water Arcane Eye
Cure Wounds Banishment
Detect Evil and Good Blight
Expeditious Retreat Compulsion
Heroism Confusion
Identify Death Ward
Inflict Wounds Elemental Bane
Jump Freedom of Movement
Longstrider Giant Insect
Protection from Evil and Good Locate Creature
Ray of Sickness Shadow of Moil
Searing Smite Staggerring Smite
Thunderous Smite
Wrathful Smite 5th Level Spells:
Zephyr Strike Antilife Shell
2nd Level Spells: Banishing Smite
Blindness/Deafness Circle of Power
Branding Smite Contact Other Plane
Cloud of Daggers Contagion
Crown of Madness Danse Macabre
Darkness Destructive Wave
Darkvision Dispel Evil and Good
Hold Person Geas
Invisibility Hallow
Magic Weapon Insect Plague
Misty Step Mislead
Protection from Poison Negative Energy Flood
Shadow Blade Raise Dead
Silence Steel Wind Strike

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Plague Knight: Shadow Scythe ◙ Execution
The Shadow Scythes lurk in the darkness, Beginning at 15th level, you can make
watching carefully the outside world for devastating blows that harm not only flesh
signs of obscure and occult, acting swiftly but scar the very soul of your enemy. Once
and without mercy, if they deem the per turn when you hit a creature, you can
situation to bring harm to the material deal additional necrotic damage equal to
planes. They hunt down the Aberrations that your Plague Knight level. If a creature is not
create cults for their profane deities and resistant to necrotic damage, it also suffers a
destroy their forces, working in organized point of Exhaustion. If you use this ability
groups of specialized hunters. They possess together with a Wide Swing, both targets
their own code, which justifies the killing of receive the damage and the point of
masses if done for the greater good. exhaustion. You can use this ability a number
of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. All
◙ Trick Weapon uses of this ability recharge on a long rest.
When you choose this division at 3rd level,
you learn how to increase the combat ◙ Whirlwind Swing
abilities of a weapon by applying additional When you reach 18th level, your mastery over
blades forged of eldritch shadows. Any time the blade allows you to achieve new heights
you use a glaive, halberd or a pike, its of brutality and bloodshed. Once per a short
damage die changes for you into 1d12 and or a long rest, you gain the ability to
the weapon gains finesse trait. You can concentrate your entire being on a powerful
choose for its shape to resemble a combat swing. Instead of making a Wide Swing, you
scythe or a bardiche. can make a Whirlwind Swing, which targets
every creature of your choice in your melee
◙ Existence is Pain range with the same attack roll. You must
Starting at 7th level, your body accumulates proclaim the use of this ability before the roll
the damage that you receive and is capable is made. In addition, the powerful whirlwind
of forcing itself to overcome physical feats, creates a cyclone of energy around you,
normally impossible to achieve. Every time forcing every creature of your choice in a
you receive damage outside of your turn, range equal to twice your melee range into a
your blows strengthen and allow you to add Dexterity saving throw against your class DC.
extra 1d4 points of damage to each of your On fail, the creatures receive the same
melee or ranged weapon attacks made in damage as the creatures in your standard
your next turn. As you continue to grow in melee range and are afflicted by any
power, so does the base damage modifier of additional effects placed on the strike.
this ability. It increases by a d2 when you
gain additional proficiency points at 9th
level, (1d6), 13th level (1d8), and 17th level

◙ Wide Swings
Beginning at 10th level, you learn how to
improve your ability to fight off groups of
foes. Once per turn, you can target two
creatures standing in your melee range
using the same attack roll. You must
proclaim the use of this ability before the roll
is made. Both targets become victims of
additional magical or trait effects if the
weapon carries them.

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Plague Knight: Plague Bearer In addition, after reaching 18th level,
Plague Bearers are the heralds of doom and creatures immune to necrotic damage are
destruction, not because they spread it, but treated as resistant, and creatures naturally
because they usually appear in groups resistant to necrotic receive this damage as
before grand calamities occur. Their job is to normal.
contain the damage made to material planes
inflicted by creatures of the eldritch origins ◙ Hex Eater
and fight off any leftover forces, essentially Beginning at 10th level, you learn how to
making them the cleaners that make sure no transmute the negative flow of energy from
vile thing leaves the contaminated area. your surroundings into the Plagues that you
Plague Bearers learn to draw power from bear. Every time you see a creature being
their Plagues in greater scale than the other afflicted by such condition as blinded,
divisions, allowing them to utilize them as charmed, deafeaned, frightened, paralyzed,
combat tools as well of lingering effects. poisoned, or stunned in 30 ft. of your
character, you can expand your reaction and
◙ Carrier automatically end the condition. As a part of
When you choose this division at 3rd level, the same reaction, you can use your Skin of
you learn how to draw more power from the Darkness trait for free. You can use this
Plagues you bear. After each long rest, you ability only once per a short or a long rest.
start with a number of temporary Hit Points
equal to 5 times the number of your active ◙ Final Plague
Plagues. Those temporary Hit Points last Beginning at 15th level, your mastery over
until depleted or until you decide to replace the ten standard Plagues allows you to
them by another pool of temporary Hit create your own, additional Plague. In
Points. In addition, your Active Plagues addition, your Active Plagues counter
counter increases by one. increases by one, for a maximum of 6 after
you reach level 20.
◙ Death Ripples
Starting at 7th level, you gain ability to force ◙ [11] The Black Plague:
your Plagues to go awry when they activate. After finishing a turn, your body becomes
Once per turn, when a Plague is activated, enveloped by a thick, semi-transparent, black
you can conjure up a ripple of dark energy veil. The first attack aimed at you during this
that travels in a 10 ft. radius around you. Any time is made at disadvantage and the first
hostile creature in this area receives 1d10 saving throw you make during this time is at
plus your Wisdom modifier points of necrotic advantage. In addition, if the attack misses
damage and makes its first saving throw on or if you succeed on the saving throw, the
its next turn at disadvantage. If this ability is veil disperses, as a chilling sound of pitch-
activated outside of your own turn, it can be black tendrils that reaps through the surface
used only once until the start of your turn. of reality shots up in the direction of the
attacker. The tendrils pierce its body and
With advancement made at 18th level, your enter it, causing 1d10 plus your Wisdom
ripples of dark energy become empowered. modifier points of necrotic damage. At the
They can reach 20 ft. radius and their end of each following turn, the target makes
damage increases to 2d10 plus your Wisdom a Wisdom saving throw. On fail, the damage
modifier points of necrotic damage. In roll is repeated. On success, the effect ends.
addition to making saving throw at In addition, when the Black Plague is active,
disadvantage, the afflicted creatures reduce the victim makes all saving throws at
their scores by 1d6. disadvantage and it loses resistance and
immunity to necrotic damage.

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Plague Knight: Hand of Death ◙ Shadow Strike
Hands of Death are the dark infiltrators and Beginning at 10th level, you learn how to
seekers of the abominations, serving as the conceal and utilize the unusual build of your
scout division. Their tasks include tracking skeletal arms. At the end of each turn you
down and marking the target for culling, have an option to have them compressed
which, if they find the situation to be dire, and hidden with a mental command. This
will be handled by themselves. Their skills causes the first attack made with your
drawn from the forbidden arcana allow them skeletal arms in the next turn to be at
to adapt their bodies to combat by twisting advantage, as the pair springs out from
the very essence of their souls, tethering it concealment, surprising your enemy.
to excess limbs and scorned machinations.
◙ Versatile Strikes
◙ Dark Embrace Beginning at 15th level, your mastery over
When you choose this division at 3rd level, the skeletal arms allows you to use them
you learn how to create a pair of skeletal with skill equal to that of your own pair. One
arms that are connected to your spine, which handed melee weapons held in the skeletal
are construct in origins, but based on organic arms gain finesse and reach property. If each
design. The extra pair of arms can hold of your regular arms and the skeletal arms
objects like your original one, but is clumsy in holds a separate weapon, your bonus action
mechanical tasks. If made to hold a weapon, utilized in the Dark Embrace trait allows you
the arms can make a melee or a ranged to strike with both weapons held by the
attack using your bonus action a number of skeletal pair at once, using separate rolls for
times equal to your Wisdom modifier, before both (four attacks per turn if each is made
becoming stiff and unusable. They become with separate limb). The advantage granted
fully charged after a short or a long rest. by the Shadow Strike works for both attacks,
as they are made with a single bonus action.
If you have no charges of Dark Embrace at
the start of a combat, you automatically ◙ Spine Implant
regain one charge. Starting at 18th level, your skill in versatile
combat becomes unmatched, lifting the
Starting at 18th level, the arms can be used charge requirement of the Dark Embrace
with no limitations, and the charges of Dark and allowing you to use the skeletal pair of
Embrace serve to empower it rather than to arms with no limitations. Instead, using the
fuel it, as explained in the Spine Implant Dark Embrace now empowers your skeletal
ability. arms. Every time you deal damage with
weapons held by your skeletal arms, you may
◙ A Helping Hand use a charge of the Dark Embrace to
Starting at 7th level, your motor skills with increase the damage by 2d10 plus your
the skeletal arms improve drastically. You Wisdom modifier points of necrotic damage.
gain the ability to, as a bonus action, pick and In addition, every time you reduce a creature
make them use an item. This includes to zero hit points, you regain one additional
administering a potion to a creature in range charge of this ability.
and interaction with a magical object, unless
its description requires use of other
components. For example, a Bead of Force
requires for it to be simply thrown, but a
Spell Scroll requires the act of reading, thus
rendering it impossible to use with skeletal
arms alone.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Plague Knight

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