Luxus Guide To Kitsardia

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Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)
age - are skilled at adapting to their surroundings. They have a
gray sense of morality, do not fully understand concepts of good
and evil, and can be raised to perform more sinister actions if
they must. Many secret organizations revel in the chance to add
a young Kits’adria to their forces, as their shapeshifting abilities
and naivete make them useful assassins, thieves, and infiltrators.
Though it is rare that they develop a taste for causing harm, it is
not unheard of.
Socialized Kits’adria who live openly among other societies
without hiding their identity are rare but not nonexistent. These
individuals are referred to as ‘live-ins’ by other Kits’adria and are
generally not treated much differently by their kind other than
being approached with caution by those who attempt to remain
hidden. Live-ins are often those who have a heart between both
realms: they see value in the social structure of a city or kingdom
and want to chase their goals within it. This is especially common
for the more scholarly members of their kind, and Kits’adria with a
knack for or interest in spellcraft may approach a mage to teach
them, using their own peculiar nature as a selling point in regards
to becoming an apprentice.

Stages of Life
A Kits’adria starts its life as a pup: a small fox that is only
discernible from a normal fox through its puffy tail, haunches, and
small tufts of fur at the joints on its legs, most noticeably
appearing like fluffy cuffs above their paws. The pup grows into
something physically resembling a fox (with the same attributes)
over the course of roughly a year. They remain in this form for
about a decade, living as a fox with a heightened sense of
awareness and comprehension, until puberty begins at around
ages 11-14. During this time, the Kits’adria begins to develop
arcane markings on their fur - appearing as if painted in - known
as kitscratch runes. The Kits’adria then begins to experience
dreams and wandering thoughts about a mortal form, which
eventually become clearer as their humanoid forms are imagined
into existence.
The parents and elders surrounding the Kits’adria aid them
during this period, helping them to hone their developing
shapeshifting abilities, imagine an ideal self, and reach out to
seize their new identity. Once they achieve the ability to
Kits’adria shapeshift they reach sexual maturity and create a body
equivalent to a 14-17-year-old human in age, taking a humanoid
Wanderers who tend to pop up in the most unexpected places, form with Elven beauty inherited from their divine originator.
the Kits’adria are natives of the continent of Cu Chullis, born as There are defining features that distinguish the Kits’adria in their
foxes who become shapeshifting humanoids with fox features in humanoid form, such as a huge fox tail, long fox ears in place of
adulthood. They are mischievous by nature and are proficient at regular ones, sharpened nails, and the presence of the kitscratch
sneaking, skulking about, and disguising themselves. Their markings they developed in puberty. Though difficult to
natural shapeshifting abilities allow them to turn into foxes or alter comprehend when going through it, this humanoid form - now
their features to resemble other humanoids. their true form - is something a Kits’adria can craft, their
imagination shaping their personal reality and constructing their
Culture future self.
Kits’adrian culture varies depending on where they are born. Once they take humanoid form they can use shapeshifting
Those born to proper Kits’adrian tribes in Cu Chullis are often magic to hide certain features, appear like other humanoids, and
raised with a respect for nature and life, learning not to take their even return to their fox form (with or without their markings). Over
mischief far enough that they hurt someone beyond repair or, god the next 5-8 years their body develops at the same rate as a
forbid, kill someone without reason. These Kits’adria are human. Aging then slows to a crawl, maintaining the appearance
connected to a loose social community that occasionally is called of a 17-23 year-old. For the remainder of their lives the Kits’adria
together by their matrons for gatherings, coming-of-age retain their youthfulness, partially through genetically slow aging
ceremonies, warnings of anything that their extended tribe should and partially through the subconscious application of
know about, and otherwise educate younger Kits’adria of the shapeshifting magic to retain their luster.
extended society they belong to. Though they rarely see one Kits’adria posses a natural vanity about youth that causes them
another , they have a capacity for remembering members of their to cherish it. Even in old age they have a sense of youth and
tribe and treat their own kind with respect, sometimes leading to dignity, though certain signs of weariness creep in during their
situations where it seems as though all Kits’adria know one final years. The oldest Kits’adria have one tell-tale trait: their
another across large expanses of territory. kitscratch runes fade and become silver. When a Kits’adria finally
Those born outside these circumstances - such as those who succumbs to death, their kitscratch vanishes as the light leaves
have lost their families or were taken away from them at a young their eyes.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Language Matriarchal
The Kits’adrian language is primarily based on how they Kits’adria have a naturally matriarchal society. Though they rarely
communicate whenever they are in their fox forms where they ascribe to the idea of social hierarchies, their mothers,
spend most of their early life. It consists of various yips and grandmothers, and eldest women tend to hold the largest
chirps that are similar in nature to the sounds an average fox may influence among their kind. When extended communities meet,
make, but the vocalizations tied to a Kits’adria is distinct from a they usually turn to the eldest and most capable of their women
fox. Their language, Kitzish, is not something regular foxes can to serve as their matrons. This individual is sometimes referred to
understand nor can the Kits’adria understand regular foxes. Once as a Tail-Mother, and those who are old enough are treated with
they take on their humanoid forms, Kits’adria generally speak almost religious authority. It is commonly known among their
whatever language is dominant in the community they grew up in, elders that several Kits’adria communities are secretly led by
usually Common or Elvish. While in humanoid form they can matrons who were one among the First to Skulk, living out
speak a dull, borderline offensive take on Kitzish by emulating immortal lives and watching over their descendants either
chirps and barks that may make them seem childish to any non- secretly or very plainly. The First to Skulk often have hidden
Kits’adria around them. groves and wild temples where they live and meet, distinguishing
them from their kindred.
In their individual families, women are often hunters and
warriors. These roles are far from absolute and, in fact, are
usually ignored, but all Kits’adria recognize their female family
members as guardians and primary providers. It is not
uncommon for their families to be relatively open in nature, with
the concept of monogamy not coming as readily to Kits’adria as
is the case in more structured cultures. It is common for Kits’adria
to have multiple partners who happen to spread out among
different family units and rely on unexpected encounters within
their territory, but when pups are being raised and trained it is
very common for their family units to have multiple mothers to
train and provide until the extra attention is no longer needed.
Kits’adria family units usually consist of three parents and their
pups, until those pups are ready to break free and head into the
world on their own. Their family units and long-term partners are
Mythological Roots usually met during community gatherings called by Tail-Mothers
and, generally, Kits’adria don’t settle down into long-term packs
The origin of Kits’adria ties back to the Eidolon Luxus, one of until they are into their hundreds and have found their direction in
Somnus Domina’s twelve Prime gods. When they were still life. Such gatherings only happen every 20-30 years, and the
mortal, this god was a fiery-haired Half-Elven woman who sign of Kits’adria being ready to settle in with a particular partner
traveled with a pet fox named Kitsune who served as her eternal can be measured by their desire to seek each other out between
companion. During the mortal Eidolon’s war against the Grand consecutive meetings despite their time apart.
Primaries this pet fox was killed, and the Primal God Luxus had
sworn her service to took pity. She granted them a combined life Names
force that revived the pet and granted it supernatural prowess;
Kits’adria that live within communities of their own kind have two
Luxus became a fox-like humanoid as a consequence of this
names: one spoken in Kitzish that they acquire then they are a
cross-species connection. When she ascended to godhood,
fox pup, and one they adopt later. They may take on many
Luxus altered her appearance to fully embrace this image, and
names by the end of their life, but these initial two hold great
her newly acquired divinity granted Kitsune wisdom and divine
importance to them. The first name is not pronounceable in any
power of her own, resulting in both the first eidolos and the first
tongue except Kitzish. The second is chosen by them or their
Primary Aspect. Kitsune became a magnificent nine-tailed fox of
relatives when they take a humanoid form and is generally taken
god-like power and took on a role as an Aspect of Luxus, as well
from a language spoken wherever the Kits’adria was raised. It is
as the power to shapeshift into a woman of noble bearing who
common for Human and Elvish names to be taken on by them,
had fox characteristics.
though they often twist them in a way that makes them sound fun
This aspect sought to create watchful eyes in the recovering
or catchy.
war-scarred world, and so granted a handful of foxes a flicker of
It is not uncommon for lone Kits’adria to go without an actual
awakened intelligence, the power to shapeshift, and humanoid
name for a long period of time unless someone suggests one or
appearances inspired by Luxus. These were the first of the
a community they’re a part of grants them one. They almost
Kits’adria, the First to Skulk, and would act with divine purpose
never take on any kind of family name unless heavily socialized
for over a thousand years until their services were considered
as live-ins, but if they impersonate someone for long enough or
fulfilled and no longer needed. Luxus released them from her
have assumed a false identity for a long period of time they will
influence, granted them the power to reproduce naturally, and
adopt the name of that identity as their own (unless doing so
passed on what Luxus considered the greatest gift a mortal could
would be morbid).
be given: endless curiosity, and a desire to seek amusement
Kits’adria also tend to go by a general nickname based on
through tricks and schemes among mortals. These naturally
descriptive aspects of them, such as Red, Swipe, Snore, Chirpy,
reproduced Kits’adria have finite lives, and their breeds are
Lunge, Sinister, Rocksalt, or Streak. It is common for their
based on the genetic makeup of the First to Skulk they are most
nicknames to be based on their hair color or kitscratch.
closely related to.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Kits’adria Traits Subraces
As a Kits’adria you have the following traits, as well as those Your Kits’adria has a subrace based on their breeds which you
granted by your subrace. choose when making your character. The subraces are loosely
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, based on memetic magical abilities left over from the First to
and one other stat increases as described by your subrace. Skulk they are most closely related to.
Alternatively, at your DM’s discretion, you can choose one of the
following options: Angelscratch
Born from an ancestry that ties back to both Kits’adrian and
Increase one of your Ability scores by 2, and another by 1. celestial origins, these soft-featured Kits’adria have divine
Increase three of your Ability scores by 1. influence in their veins. Their kitscratch usually indicates this, as
it appears as lines of celestial text with stylized feather-like
None of the Ability score increases gained through your race
patterns. They can manifest their angelic power in a manner
can increase any Ability score above 20.
similar to an Aasimar, but this radiant form evokes the divinity of
Age. Kits’adria reach maturity around the age of 17, at which
Kitsune rather than a winged angelic form.
point their aging process begins to slow and all but outright halts
Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score
for the remainder of their life. They remain as foxes until they are
increases, your Charisma score increases by 1 (to a maximum of
roughly 11-13 years old, when their kitscratch forms, after which
point their true humanoid forms are imagined into being. They
Celestial Heritage. In addition to a humanoid Kits’adria, your
can live up to 250-300 years, retaining their spry and youthful
creature type is also considered a celestial, and you are resistant
forms throughout their entire life.
to radiant damage.
Alignment. Kits’adria are chaotic by nature but have been
Echo Tail Form. Once per long rest you may use your bonus
known to be neutral. They are often good-aligned and rarely
action to assume a celestial form for 1 minute. During this time
vindictive enough to be evil, but an evil Kits’adria is not outside
your fur takes on a radiant glow, and you gain the following
the realm of possibility. Neither is a lawful Kits’adria, however
Darkvision. You can see in darkness up to 60 feet as if it were
Your fur produces light as though by the light spell,
dim light, and dim light in that range as if it were bright light. Your tail splits into a number of tails equal to your proficiency
When seeing in darkness, you see different colors in pastel
bonus plus 3. When you make an attack roll, saving throw, or
shades, with red and green hues blending into shades of grey. ability check, you can choose to expend one of your tails to
Impersonation. You can cast disguise self at will, requiring no
release divine energy from it, allowing you to roll a d20 and
spell slots or components (using Charisma as your spellcasting use it in place of the result. You can only do this before the
ability for it when relevant).
DM declares if the roll was a success or failure. Once a tail is
Kits’adrian Shapeshifting. You can shapeshift into the form of
used it disappears and merges with the remaining tails. When
a small fox or back into your true form as a bonus action. When the last tail is spent this transformation and its effects end.
in fox form you have advantage on Dexterity checks and saving Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack you may
throws, but your Strength and Constitution scores are treated as
deal extra radiant damage to them equal to half your level
10 (unless they were lower) - this does not affect your maximum (rounded down).
hit points, and your wounds are consistent between both forms. You cannot benefit from any illusory effects that change or
While in fox form you cannot perform verbal or somatic hide your appearance, nor can your form be altered (even if
components, and any illusion magic that changes your
you are willing). Effects altering your form when you activate
appearance with your consent is suppressed when you are in fox the effect are suppressed for the duration.
When you become a fox you can choose if your equipment Caped
drops harmlessly around you or merges into your new form.
Acclimated to hot sub-Saharan environments, these Kits’adria
Items that merge with you cannot be reached or used until you
commonly have shorter, wider ears, salt-and-pepper fur
transform back. As a fox, you can still wield melee weapons with colorations, and are descended from Kits’adria who evolved to
the light or finesse property by holding them in your mouth. While survive in the Strikelands. They are usually smaller than other
transformed you must roll a Constitution saving throw every time
Kits’adria and, while not all-encompassing, their age tends to
you take damage as if you were concentrating on the effect. On a
slow to a crawl slightly earlier than other Kits’adria (between 17
failure, you turn back into your true form and cannot change and 19). They are spry, making them able to flee and run freely
shape this way again until you complete a short or long rest. If even in difficult situations.
you are reduced to 0 hit points you revert to your true form.
Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score
Languages. Kits’adria can speak their fox form language
increases, your Charisma score increases by 1 (to a maximum of
(Kitzish) which has no written equivalent. This can be spoken in 20).
their fox form or true form. Additionally, they can speak either Escape Expert. When you move out of another creature’s
Common or Elvish, and one other language of their choice is
attack range and provoke an opportunity attack, you can use your
taken from a community they developed in.
reaction to take the Disengage action. You must choose to do so
Size. Your size is small or medium (you choose when creating
before the opportunity attack is made, and the attacker’s reaction
your character). Kits’adria can range in height from the size of is not expended when you do so.
Halflings to having more Elven body types, though they are
Unflinching Heel. When crossing difficult terrain that does not
always cunning and graceful.
involve any movement speed except walking, climbing, or
Speed. Your base land speed is 30 feet.
burrowing, you ignore any penalty to movement it might cause.
Furthermore, when in your fox form, you have a burrow speed
equal to half your base movement speed (rounded down).


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Deepwood Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score

These Kits’adria are used to living in forests and jungles. Their increases, your Wisdom score increases by 1 (maximum of 20).
Rundown. Once on your turn, you can choose to sprint
most common hair colorations are red, orange, or black and gray.
These Kits’adria might be considered the most common. suddenly as a burst of adrenaline spurs you forward. Your
Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score
movement speed doubles until the end of your turn. You can use
increases, your Constitution score increases by 1 (to a maximum this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus,
regaining spent uses when you complete a long rest.
of 20).
Shadow Dweller. If you are in dim light or darkness you can
Pursuit. When a creature provokes an opportunity attack from

you, you may use your reaction to chase them down a distance take the Hide action as a bonus action, and do not require cover
up to your movement speed. When you do, each time they move to hide as long as you are in darkness. If you make an attack
while hidden that misses, you may use your reaction to remain
a space you may move to stay in a space adjacent to them that
you can reach using your remaining movement. If at any time the hidden.
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision extends out to 120 feet.
target is more than 10 feet away from you and you are unable to
move adjacent to them you must stop giving chase.
Wild Life. You have proficiency in Wisdom (Perception)
checks. If already have proficiency in Wisdom (Perception) Kits’adria who breed with other humanoid species may produce a
checks through any other means, you add your proficiency bonus half-breed, just as a Half-Orc or Half-Elf might. Half-breed
to your Wisdom (Perception) checks a second time (unless you Kits’adria lose some of the core qualities their full-blooded
were already doing so, such as through a feature like expertise). brethren possess but make up for through the qualities of the
bloodline they inherit.
Devilscratch Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score

A fiendish planetouched Kits’adria who is similar in nature to increases, one Ability score of your choice increases by 1 (to a
Tieflings and Fey’ri in that they have devils somewhere in their maximum of 20).
Bloodline. You gain one racial trait from either of the races you
ancestry or suffer from some kind of fiendish curse. Their
features can appear somewhat demonic with their predatory were directly sired from. This can include regaining your
eyes, pronounced nails, and a more aggressive fox form. Their Kits’adrian shapeshifting or any racial trait from the other race.
kitscratch includes infernal writings and bloody tones of red or You cannot choose an ability score increase trait or any trait that
lets you take a feat.
toxic green.
Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score
You may use either race’s age, alignment, size, or languages
increases, your Charisma score increases by 1 (to a maximum of traits during character creation.
Half-Breed Adjustment. You lose the Kits’adrian shapeshifting
feature from this race but may take one feat of your choice that
Fiendish Heritage. In addition to a humanoid Kits’adria, your

creature type is also considered a fiend (devil), and you are you meet the requirements for. This feat is considered a racial
resistant to fire damage. feature for you, and so it can be taken again even if it normally
Flaming Fur. You can cast hellish rebuke a number of times
couldn’t. If the feature has an effect that might stack with itself
(such as sharpshooter or great weapon master), you can only
per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, using Charisma as
your spellcasting ability, requiring no spell slots or material ever benefit from one instance of the feat’s effects at a time.
Versatility. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
Hellfox. Your fox form is more sinister, featuring pronounced

fangs, a tail that has fur flowing in a manner resembling flames,

and sections of your paws and back are covered in thick leathery Blessed with magical prowess, the Megiscratch Kits’adria are
charcoal-like skin rather than fur. When you assume your fox descended from those among the First to Skulk who possessed
form you become a medium-sized creature instead, and your greater magical powers. They are naturally inclined toward the
Ability Scores are not changed. While in fox form you gain the arcane arts in their many forms. Their kitscratch resemble arcane
following benefits: runes and layered calligraphic symbols.
Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score

You can wield any one-handed melee weapon in your mouth increases, your choice of your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
that you are capable of wielding even if it doesn’t have the score increases by 1 (to a maximum of 20).
light property. Natural Arcana. Choose one class that is capable of

Your base movement speed is increased by 10 feet. spellcasting (not including through their subclasses), then choose
You can perform the verbal components of spells in Kitzish. one 1st-level and one 2nd-level spell that class is capable of
You have a bite attack that is considered a melee weapon and casting. Starting at 1st-level, you can cast the 1st-level spell a
can benefit from features like extra attack. It is considered to number of times equal to your proficiency bonus without a spell
have the finesse property and deals 1d6 piercing damage on slot or material components, regaining spent uses when you
a hit, plus Xd4 fire damage, where X is half your proficiency complete a long rest. When you reach 3rd-level you can cast the
bonus (rounded down). 2nd-level spell once per short or long rest. Your spellcasting
You can use your bonus action to make a claw attack that ability for these spells is the same one the class you picked
functions as your bite attack, except it deals slashing damage would use.
instead of piercing. When you choose spells for this feature you may also choose
spells that are part of the Skulker’s Grimoire spell group instead
Dustmoon of choosing a class, using Charisma as your spellcasting ability
Dustmoon Kits’adria are used to living in planes and fields and for those spells. You may otherwise cast these spells using spell
are expert night hunters. Their eyes have adapted to the night, slots of the appropriate level.
granting them a distinctly cat-like pupil that looks highly predatory Warding Kitscratch. When you are targeted by a spell or

compared to other Kits’adria, and their genes almost always magical effect that targets only you, you may roll the saving throw
leave them with yellow or golden eyes. Their fur is generally a with advantage or impose disadvantage on a spell attack
dark shade, most commonly black or dark brown. targeting you. You may do this a number of times equal to half
your proficiency bonus (rounded down) per short or long rest.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Wanderers who descended from Kits’adria who roamed as
nomads: they were used to many environments and able to adapt
as needed. These hearty Kits’adria are predisposed to being
naturally more muscular, usually featuring dusty red or yellow fur.
Their nails are sharper than their cousins, granting them a natural
means to defend themselves.
Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score

increases, your Strength score increases by 1 (to a maximum of

Hearty Restitution. When you are reduced to 0 hit points you

automatically succeed one death saving throw, and if you

succeed three death saves you immediately regain hit points
equal to 1d10 + your total level. Once you regain hit points this
way, you do not gain any benefits from this feature until you
complete a short or long rest.
Sharpened Nails. Your nails count as a melee weapon with the

light and finesse properties. They deal 1d6 piercing damage on a

hit, and if used to make an off-hand attack as a bonus action you
may add your ability score modifier to the damage roll. When you
reach 10th-level the damage increases to 1d8, then 1d10 at 16th-
Wanderer. You have proficiency in Wisdom (Survival) checks. If

you already do, you gain proficiency in one other skill of your

Snowy climates arel often home to packs of Kits’adria who
wander the snowy tundras and fields searching for food and fun,
doning snow-white fur that functions as camouflage. They are
highly adapted to the freezing environments they call home,
including being able to avoid detriments like snow blindness.
Ability Score Increase. If you are using racial ability score

increases, your Constitution score increases by 1 (to a maximum

of 20).
Blindness Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws

made to resist being blinded.

Cold Climate Dweller. You are resistant to cold damage, as

well as immune to the detrimental effects of frigid environments.

Snowstep. You do not suffer penalties from difficult terrain

caused by snow or ice and can move across those surfaces

normally. By using your nails to dig into them, you are able to
climb icy surfaces as if you had a climb speed equal to your base
movement speed.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

You can use the following tables to generate information and characteristics about a Kits’adrian character.

Personality Traits
d8 Personality Trait
1 I like to wander in great open areas, and the horizon always calls to me!
2 My natural curiosity often gets the better of me, and I love to ask questions that lead to more questions.
3 I make a game out of hiding that I’m a Kits’adria, purely for the fun of it.
4 I enjoy spending more time in my fox form than my humanoid form.
5 Varied groups are more enjoyable than ones filled with like-minded people, so I seek out such groups.
6 I like to collect bobbles and small items and make accessories out of them.
7 I purposefully play against the stereotypes people have of my kind.
8 I like practicing voices and mannerisms for my various disguises.

d6 Ideal
1 The world is filled with too many points of view to consider any single one correct. (Chaotic)
2 The law is imposed by mortals, but when engaging with civilized folk one should respect their customs and way of life. (Lawful)
3 The wind has a will of its own. I don’t want to miss its call, as so many people do. (Neutral)
4 The world is filled with fun if you know where to look. Even during the bad times. Especially during the bad times. (Good)
5 People are easily fooled and tricked. It’s of no consequence if that’s convenient for me. (Evil)
6 Staying still isn’t for me. I want to see more of the world than anyone else. (Any)

d6 Flaw
1 I have a terrible poker face and can’t keep a secret.
2 I’m a bit clumsy when I’m using my illusions, often forgetting where my tails and ears are. They frequently bump into things.
3 I don’t follow complex politics or regulations very well as I’m not used to them.
4 I have a tendency to assume people think the same way and I’m not always sensitive to local customs.
5 All too often I try to get the most out of a situation, sometimes to the point of it passing me by entirely.
6 I am very picky about the food I eat, and I’m just as vocal about it.

d6 Quirk
1 I compulsively brush my tail when I’m nervous.
2 My ears are highly emotive, often giving away my disposition.
3 I like to be treated like a pet when in fox form, often looking for strokes and treats.
4 I have a tendency to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
5 I’m secretive about basically everything. Better to keep them guessing.
6 I like to adorn my ears and tail with accessories and take very delicate care of my nails and teeth.

d6 Bond
1 I was born to a relatively large community of Kits’adria and know a great many of my kind.
2 My mother is the Tail-Mother of a community, and I’ve been raised to take her place someday.
3 I lost my parents or was abandoned as a child, and grew up with parents who didn’t know much about Kits’adria.
4 I have a best friend I met at a communal gathering. They stay in contact with me and we meet up frequently.
5 I’m secretly part of an influential family where I’m from, but no one there knows I’m a Kits’adria.
6 A criminal once discovered my secret identity and blackmailed me into working for them. Now they’re my partner in crime, like it or not.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Character Options

his section contains options a player can select
when building their character, outside the core Kits’adria
features. These options, subclasses, weapons and armor
options are available to you as your GM deems
appropriate, and at their discretion you may also utilize options or
content from the sections listed in the Dungeon Master’s tools.
Subclasses. These subclass options can be taken at the levels

Spells. A collection of spells that players and NPCs make use,

also including a description of spell groups, their use, and which

spells from this book belong to which.
Invocations. Extra invocations (included at the end of the

Warlock subclasses), some of which require the Warlock

subclasses listed here, and others presenting options for
Warlocks in general.
Feats. A handful of feats you can select when given the

appropriate opportunity in-game.

Sloan See (Order #37077152)


he subclass options included can be used when a
creature reaches the appropriate level in the class listed.

Barbarian Monk
Slight Skirmisher. Abandoning the need for heavy weaponry, Way of Flowing Energy. These Monks redirect beneficial and
slight skirmishers find greater utility in light weaponry and swift harmful energy in the world around them.
Way of the Slicing Nail. Warriors who slice through their enemies
Wild Wonder. Contrary to the savage image of a Barbarian, easily, deriving their teachings from ancient Kits’adrian tutors.
these fighters channel primal magic through their weapons.
Bard Oath of Silence.Warriors who feel actions speak louder than
College of Adventure.Lovers of fantastic tales who seek the words and focus on results that require no minced words.
most adventurous epics to record and bare witness to.
Oath of Passage. Paladins to protect those who wander and
Storytellers who gather knowledge about
College of Tradition. ensure none are trapped or held against their will.
traditions and communal practices and find the truth behind them.
Petal Knight
Cleric Foxglove. Predisposed to wandering, these fighters are adept at
Mischief Domain. Clerics who uphold the virtues of harmless dealing with poisons and the hazards of the wild world.
discord and stand against malicious harm and misfortune, and
those who abuse authority. Fox and Cub. This Petal Knight carries the sun’s light and can
conjure up various radiant energies and effects.
Circle of Pestering.These tricksters can seek, hunt, and bother Ranger
others with supernatural efficiency. They are deceptive and Gun-Dweller. A Ranger who has learned to use firearms to a
elusive by nature. masterful level of proficiency.

Circle of Souls.Druids of a circle that understands and can Pause Stalker. Trained in the magic and tactics of Kits’adria who
manipulate the nature of souls, both dead and alive. guard sacred temples, these warriors excel in forest
Corrosion Knight. A student of alchemy who mixes various Rogue
poisons into their combat style, delivering them with their Foxfire Pack. Sorcerous to a degree, this Rogue can summon a
weapons. pack of fiery fox spirits to aid them.

Roamer. Hearty and strong, this Fighter has experience with Sorcerer
travel and survival that they can pass on to their allies. Foxblood. Carrying a spark of magic of Kits’adrian origin, this
subclass grants quick and deceptive qualities.
Swiftcut. Rapid Fighters who rely on quick weapons and light
armor like a rogue might. Sword Saint
Way of Kyuubi. Focusing on the basics, this Sword Saint focuses
Inscriptor on the originator of the sword saint class as a whole
Pictography. Rather than rely on words, these Inscriptors use
pictures, symbols, and other images to evoke their powers. Way of Tamamo no Mae. A warrior who mixes a wizard’s magic
into their combat style.
Kitsune’s Scribe. Explores and nature lovers, these journalists
archive the natural wonders of the world and use their records to Warlock
conjure magic. The First Fox. A contract forged with Kitsune, which manifests as
a spiritual fox companion that they shape through their
Magus connection and growth.
Cognition Magecraft. Using magecraft to alter their senses,
these magi alter their perception and the perception of others. The First to Skulk. A pact with a member of the first Kits’adria,
which grants fox-like qualities and powers. Includes extra
Toxicology Magecraft. Magi who focus on exploiting and invocations.
manipulating toxins and poison.
Grassroots Alchemist.A mage who studies natural magic, and
produces alchemic concoctions from that research.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
When you take your third level as a Barbarian, you can choose
one of the following Primal Paths, gaining its features at the
levels listed.

Slight Skirmisher
Most Barbarians rely on brute force and lose themselves in the
primal rage that drives them. Slight Skirmishers don’t shy away
from their brutality but have trained themselves to be proficient
with more precise weapons. They do not aim to undermine their
own rage. Rather, when in a frenzy they allow their training to
intuitively guide their actions and trust the two skill sets will work
in tandem.

Slight Skirmisher Features

Level Features
3rd Flow State
6th Furious Pinpoint Strikes
10th Improved Critical (Swift)
14th Furious Quickdraw, Heightened Senses

Flow State
3rd-level Slight Skirmisher feature
While in a rage you can sharpen your instincts and let your
training guide you without thought. You gain advantage on
Dexterity checks, and your rage damage can be applied to all
thrown weapons and any melee weapon that uses your Dexterity.
These weapons can also gain advantage through your reckless
attack feature.
The first time you hit with a Dexterity-based weapon on each
turn, you may roll one of its weapon damage dice again and add
it to the damage roll.

Furious Pinpoint Strikes

6th-level Slight Skirmisher feature
When you take the Attack action, you may make one extra
weapon attack as long as all of your weapon attacks from that
action are made using weapons that can use your Dexterity for
attack and damage rolls.

Improved Critical (Swift)

10th-level Slight Skirmisher feature
You score a critical hit using Dexterity-based attacks on an
attack roll result of 19 or 20.

Furious Quickdraw
14th-level Slight Skirmisher feature
If a creature you can see leaves the normal/short range of a
thrown weapon you have on your person, you may use your
reaction to draw that weapon with a free hand and make a thrown
weapon attack against that creature.

Heightened Senses
14th-level Slight Skirmisher feature
While you are raging you can take a second reaction each
round, but both cannot be in response to the same trigger.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Wild Wonder Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher
You know three 1st-level Druid spells of your choice. The Spells
Attuned to the natural elements and at peace with them, the Wild
Known column of the Wild Wonder table shows when you learn
Wonder barbarians are empowered by arcane energies they
more Druid spells of 1st-level or higher. Each of these spells must
don’t fully understand. They command natural magic as if it was
be of a level you have spell slots for.
second nature, causing the elements to heed their call and spring
When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the
to life in response. Even while raging their innate connection with
Druid spells you know with another spell of your choice from the
nature allows this power to spring forth.
Druid spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you
have spell slots.
When you learn a Druid spell as a Wild Wonder you cannot
Wild Wonder Features
choose to learn any spells that allow creatures to regain hit
Level Features points, increase a creature’s hit point maximum, or gain
3rd Spellcasting temporary hit points.
6th Reckless Caster Spellcasting Ability
10th Raging Spell
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Druid spells since you
14th Primal Duplicity
learn them by heeding the natural world. You use your Wisdom
Wild Wonder Spellcasting whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition,
you use your Wisdom when setting the saving throw DC for a
—Spell Slots per Spell Level —- Druid spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Level Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom

3rd 3 2 - - - modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
4th 4 3 - - -
5th 4 3 - - -
6th 4 3 - - - Spellcasting Focus
7th 5 4 2 - - You do not require a spellcasting focus as long as you are
8th 5 4 2 - - wielding a weapon you are proficient with, which acts as your
9th 5 4 2 - - focus instead.
10th 6 4 3 - -
11th 6 4 3 - -
Spellcasting While Raging
12th 6 4 3 - - You can concentrate on and cast Druid spells while raging, and
13th 7 4 3 2 - your rage damage is added to any damage you deal with Druid
spells you cast.
14th 7 4 3 2 -
15th 7 4 3 2 - Skulker’s Grimoire
16th 8 4 3 3 -
If you are a Kits’adria or have a mentor who is a Kits’adrian
17th 8 4 3 3 - spellcaster/member of the First to Skulk, you may treat all spells
18th 8 4 3 3 - in the Skulker’s Grimoire as Druid spells and learn them as well.
19th 9 4 3 3 1
20th 9 4 3 3 1 Reckless Caster
6th-level Wild Wonder feature
Spell attacks you make as part of your Druid spells can benefit
from your reckless attack feature. When you cast a Druid spell
while raging, your rage does not end early on your next turn.
3rd-level Wild Wonder feature Raging Spell
Your primal anger gives way to a connection to nature that 10th-level Wild Wonder feature
allows you to draw upon arcane forces and cast spells from You can cast a Druid spell without expending a spell slot by
natural sources even in your fury. expending one use of your rage instead. When you do so, the
spell you cast must be of a level equal to or less than your rage
Spell Slots
damage bonus, and is treated as if it were cast with a spell slot of
The Wild Wonder table shows how many spell slots you have to that level as well. You may do this a number of times equal to half
cast your Druid spells of 1st-level and higher. To cast one of your proficiency bonus (rounded down), then cannot do so again
these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. until you complete a long rest.
You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell charm person and Primal Duplicity
have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you may cast 14th-level Wild Wonder feature
charm person using either slot. When you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your
weapon attacks with casting a Druid spell that has a casting time
of 1 action.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

hen you take your third level as a Bard, you can College of Tradition
choose one of the following Bardic Colleges, gaining its
features at the levels listed. Bards of this college gather information on stories and lessons
handed down within communities and try to discern their
College of Adventure meaning. They find the kernel of truth within them that is most
useful and play up the moral it is trying to pass on. By
Bards of the College of Adventure focus on the fantastic accumulating various anecdotes and stories like this they learn
setpieces and adventurous individuals who star in most legend how many people perform different tasks, see the world, live their
and heroic tales. They sing of the moments a hero crosses lives, and otherwise interact with one another. A Bard from the
blades with their greatest enemy and revel in the artistry of College of Tradition can be a helpful member of any operation as
combat. Their expertise on the matter leads them to proficiency in long as they know a bit about what they’re talking about since
martial combat, and they use their knowledge to join in the fray they are powerful improvisers that can quickly instruct and
as a martial combatant themselves. educate others on how to perform tasks they’re familiar with.
These bards will be found seeking hot-blooded adventure, and
sometimes will seem like they’re trying to star in their own epic
tale. Their songs share their love of a good fight, so their music College of Tradition Features
pushes their allies into a state of frenzied determination. These
bards are rarely found rooted in one place, and so will almost
Level Features
always be encountered on the road or in the company of 3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Expert Example
wandering adventurers. 6th Tale of Guidance
14th Moral of the Story

College of Adventure Features

Level Features
3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Leap of Faith Bonus Proficiencies
6th Encore Action 3rd-level College of Tradition feature
When you join the College of Tradition you gain proficiency
14th Victory March
with three skills or weapons of your choice.

Expert Example
3rd-level College of Tradition feature
Bonus Proficiencies When a creature benefiting from your bardic inspiration makes
3rd-level College of Adventure feature an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check using a weapon, save
You gain proficiency with medium armor and melee weapons. or skill you are proficient with, they may add your proficiency
When wielding a melee weapon you are proficient with you can bonus to the result of the bardic inspiration die if they choose to
use it as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells. use it. If they are already adding their proficiency bonus to it a
second time by a feature such as expertise, they add half your
Leap of Faith proficiency bonus (rounded down) instead.
3rd-level College of Adventure feature
When you or a creature within 60 feet of you makes any roll Tale of Guidance
that would normally be able to benefit from your bardic inspiration 6th-level College of Tradition feature
but they do not have any, you may choose to use your reaction to As an action, you can use your instrument to perform an
spend one use of your bardic inspiration to roll your bardic inspiring tale that benefits those around you, speaking
inspiration die and add it to the result of their roll. You must anecdotally of a similar situation and how to overcome it. You can
choose to do so before the roll is made. choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you, and of a
number up to your proficiency bonus. The next time within 1
Encore Action minute that those creatures make an attack roll, saving throw, or
6th-level College of Adventure feature ability check, they do so with advantage. If you use this feature
When you cast a Bard spell on your turn using a spell slot, you again before they do, the effect ends for them immediately.
may either make one melee weapon attack against a creature
within range or move up to half your movement speed (rounded Moral of the Story
down) without provoking opportunity attacks. 14th-level College of Tradition feature
When a creature within 60 feet of you uses your bardic
Victory March inspiration on a roll and succeeds, you can use your reaction to
14th-level College of Adventure feature reinforce their inspiration and pass it along to others. Choose a
When you give a creature a bardic inspiration, they can choose number of creatures within 30 feet of them equal to half your
one of the following: ability checks, saving throws, or attack rolls. proficiency bonus (rounded down) - which can include you and
Until they choose to use your bardic inspiration they roll 1d4 and the initial creature - to gain this benefit. Every time those
add it to the result of each roll of the chosen type they make. creatures make the same type of roll within the next 10 minutes
When they do finally use the bardic inspiration, if the bardic (a specific save, specific skill, specific ability check, or any attack
inspiration die result is half its highest possible value or less, they rolls) they roll 1d6 and add it to the result, and continue to do so
may roll 1d4 and add it to the result as well. as long as they succeed. If they fail, however, the effect ends
early for them.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)


hen you take your first level as a Cleric, you can
choose one of the following Divine Domains, gaining its
features at the levels listed.

Mischief Domain
Clerics of the Mischief Domain follow after gods that revel in
causing harmless discord, including Somnus Domina’s Luxus.
They are less traditional than Clerics often tend to be, using their
abilities to humble those who use their control over others to
cause misfortune and unhappiness. They often act like
vagabonds and rogues, performing heroic deeds against those
they consider to be stuffy or arrogant, and trying to reintroduce
some zest into the lives of those around them.

Mischief Domain Features

Level Features
1st Bonus Proficiencies, Improved Critical (Swift)
2nd Channel Divinity: Echo Attack
6th Killer Critical
8th Divine Strike
17th Illusion Master

Mischief Domain Spells

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Mischief
Domain Spells table below. See the Divine Domain class feature
for how domain spells work.

Level Domain Spells

1st Jackal’s Luck, Expeditious Retreat
3rd Mirror Image, Nathair’s Mischief
5th Hold Attacker, Kellia’s Deceptive Mark
7th Confusion, Freedom of Movement
9th Far Step, Steel Wind Strike

Killer Critical
Bonus Proficiencies 6th-level Mischief Domain feature
1st-level Mischief Domain feature Whenever you score a critical hit against a creature you gain
You gain proficiency with all light or finesse weapons. two benefits: if you did so using a weapon, once that turn you
may roll two of the weapon’s highest damage dice again and add
Improved Critical (Swift) the result to your damage roll; you may use your bonus action to
1st-level Mischief Domain feature make two more weapon attacks using a light or finesse weapon
You score a critical hit on melee attacks using weapons with (you may stow a weapon and draw a new one as part of this
the light or finesse property on an attack roll result of 19 or 20. bonus action).

Channel Divinity: Echo Attack Divine Strike

2nd-level Mischief Domain feature 8th-level Mischief Domain feature
You can use your channel divinity to fool a creature’s senses You can infuse your weapons attacks with disruptive energy.
and strike when their back is turned. As an action you can Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a
teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to one creature within weapon attack, you can choose to have that attack deal an extra
60 feet of you, leaving an illusory clone behind you momentarily, 1d8 thunder damage. When you reach 14th-level this extra
then take two weapon attacks against the target as part of the damage increases to 2d8.
same action. If the creature could see you when you teleport they
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they lose track Quick-Witted Illusion
of you, and both of your weapon attacks have advantage, and 17th-level Mischief Domain feature
the first to hit deals an extra number of one of your weapon’s On your turn, when you take the Attack action you may choose
damage die equal to your proficiency bonus, but this damage is to cast an illusion spell with a casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus
thunder damage. action as part of the same action.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

hen you take your second level as a Druid, you can
choose one of the following Druid Circles, gaining its
features at the levels listed. Circle of Pestering Features
Level Features
2nd Person of Interest, Rascal’s Whisper
Circle of Pestering
6th Hide and Seek
Proficient in seeking out particular individuals and tagging along 10th Puppetwood Clones
blissfully unaware of if they are needed (or wanted), Druids of the
14th Blurred Reflection
Circle of Pestering are slippery individuals who are difficult to
understand, pin down, or avoid. They have an uncanny sense of
direction when seeking out others, and seek to just as easily
vanish from sight when they don’t want to be caught.

Person of Interest
2nd-level Circle of Pestering feature
Each time you complete a long rest, you can attempt to
magically intuit the direction of a creature that you have met or
seen before. Unless that creature is shielded from divination
magic or is on a different plane, they must make a Wisdom
saving throw against your Druid spell DC, modified as though you
were casting the scrying spell and targeting them. If they fail, you
discern their direction. If they are within 1 mile of you then you
become aware of how far away from you they are. This feature
cannot track creatures that are dead, undead or a construct.

Rascal’s Whisper
2nd-level Circle of Pestering feature
You learn the message cantrip, which does not count against
your cantrips known. When you cast message you do not have to
point at your target and can choose a number of extra creatures
within the spell’s range equal to your proficiency bonus. Your
targets all hear the message you whisper, and each of them can
contribute a response that all the targets (and you) hear. When
you cast the spell you can choose any targets who you wish to
not be able to respond.

Hide and Seek

6th-level Circle of Pestering feature
You gain proficiency in Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can take
the Hide action as a bonus action. If you cast a spell while hidden
against a creature that cannot see you, that creature has
disadvantage on the first saving throw they make against it.

Puppetwood Clones
10th-level Circle of Pestering feature
Once per short or long rest as a bonus action on your turn, you
can channel illusory magic to create wooden puppets which are
made to look realistic and indistinguishable from you through
illusory magic. These puppets function identically to the mirror
clones created by the spell mirror image, but can still trick
creatures that do not rely on sight and do not count as a spell for
the purposes of effects like dispel magic. Each round, if any
puppets have been destroyed, you can use your bonus action to
restore one destroyed puppet.

Blurred Reflection
14th-level Circle of Pestering feature
You have learned how to further confuse your enemy’s
perception of you. You can cast misty step at will, and blur a
number of times per long rest equal to half your proficiency bonus
(rounded down).


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Circle of Souls Spirit Weave
2nd-level Circle of Souls feature
Druids from the Circle of Souls take care to nurture and support
You can create an ethereal weave that twists and winds around
souls that have yet to pass on, and use their influence over them
your astral form, invisible to all except you and those who can
to aid those whose time has not yet come to return to their
see into the ethereal. This chain connects various small motes of
bodies. They can draw energy out of a creature’s spirit, or form a
spiritual energy that you draw upon. You have a number of spirit
rapport with a fading spirit to speak to it and ease its anguished
links equal to your proficiency bonus. When you make an attack
heart. They can often be found in places where the undead have
roll or saving throw you can choose to expend a spirit link to roll
taken root, and lend their efforts to returning their desecrated
1d4 and add it to the result. You regain expended spirit links
bodies back to their natural state.
when you complete a long rest.

Spirit Sap
6th-level Circle of Souls feature
Circle of Souls Features
When you score a critical hit or reduce a hostile creature to 0
Level Features hit points within 60 feet of you, you can choose to absorb a
2nd Spirit Weave, Soulbinder fraction of their departing soul and use it to empower you. You
6th Spirit Sap can choose to either regain one expended spirit link or gain
temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + half your Druid level (rounded
10th Aura of Enduring Spirit, Last Thoughts
down). Once you do so, you cannot use this feature again until
14th Provisional Manifestation the start of your next turn.

Aura of Lucidity
10th-level Circle of Souls feature
Soulbinder Once per short or long rest you can create an aura as a 20-
2nd-level Circle of Souls feature foot-radius sphere centered on you, which follows your
You are invested with the power to compel souls to remain movements and eases the spirits of those within it. The sphere
within their dying bodies. If a creature within 30 feet of you fails a remains for 1 minute, until you lose consciousness, or until you
death saving throw (except in the case of a natural 1), you can dismiss it (no action required). Any creature within your aura that
use your reaction to have them either reroll the death save and you consider an ally makes Wisdom and Charisma saving throws
keep the new result, or erase the failed result and delay their fate with advantage, and cannot be charmed or stunned.
until the next time they roll. If the creature fails death saves as a Furthermore, when one or more creatures within your aura
result of taking damage while dying, you must choose to erase make a saving throw against the same spell or magical effect,
the result. You can only negate up to one failure per creature, you can expend a spirit link to give them advantage on their
which is restored after completing a long rest. saving throw, manifesting your spirit weave around them to
invisibly protect them.
Any undead creature that starts its turn within your aura or
enters it for the first time on its turn is burned by its natural
splendor, taking radiant damage equal to 1d10 + half your Druid
level (rounded down).

Last thoughts
10th-level Circle of Souls feature
If you touch the body of a dead creature, you can speak to and
communicate with its dead soul telepathically as long as it has
not been dead for longer than 1 day. When you do so you can
only speak with it for up to 10 minutes (beginning when you reach
out to it), after which point communicating with it further becomes
impossible through this method. Any creature who is in physical
contact with you when you are in contact with a recently departed
soul can hear you converse, and may telepathically speak to
them as well if you allow it.

Provisional Manifestation
14th-level Circle of Souls feature
You can harness the latent energy of your spirit weave to
create magical energy. As a bonus action, you may spend any
number of spirit links to create a spell slot equal to the number
you spend, and this spell slot can only be used to cast Druid
spells. You may only spend a number of spirit links equal to or
less than half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) in total,
then cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.
The next time you complete a long rest you lose any spell slots
created this way.
Any soulless creature you target with spells cast using these
newly created spell slots have disadvantage on saving throws
against them.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

hen you take your third level as a Fighter you can Double Application
choose one of the following Martial Archetypes, gaining 7th-level Corrosion Knight feature
its features at the levels listed. When you apply your homebrewed poisons you can choose to
apply multiple doses at once. If you do, their collective damage is
Corrosion Knight applied if the target fails their saving throw against it. You can
only apply a number of doses at once equal to half your
Investing in the less honorable act of poison, the Corrosion
proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Knight can brew special poison oils to apply to their weaponry
which burns away the vitality of their opponents. As they advance
Quick Preparation
their craft they learn to modify these poisons to suit different
10th-level Corrosion Knight feature
purposes. They carry these poisons in unique small satchels that
Each time you complete a short rest you can replenish up to
can be shattered upon weapons as needed for quick application,
two spent doses of your poisoned oil.
and with the proper experience can be modified to be used for
medical purposes.
Poison Advancement
10th-level Corrosion Knight feature
You can choose to make one of the following adjustments to
Corrosion Knight Features your poisoned oil when you take this level, which affects all
poisons you make from that point on. Each time you gain a new
Level Features Fighter level you can choose to change your selection.
3rd Homebrewer
7th Double Application Advanced Potency
10th Quick Preparation, Poison Advancement While your weapon is coated in your poisoned oil, each time it
15th Medical Mixture hits a creature it deals poison damage equal to one of your
corrosion damage dice.
18th Greater Advancement
Change in Grade
Your corrosion damage can be fire, acid or necrotic damage (you
choose when applying the oil).

If a creature fails their saving throw against your poisoned oils
DC by 5 points or more, they are poisoned for 1 hour. At the end
of each of their turns, they repeat the saving throw against your
poisoned oil, ending the effect on a success.

Extra Dose
When you complete a long rest you prepare two extra doses of
your poisoned oil.

Homebrewer Persistent Poison

3rd-level Corrosion Knight feature When a creature fails their saving throw against your poison, they
Your knowledge of poison allows you to create poisons of your take ongoing damage from it. At the start of each of their turns,
own. Each time you complete a long rest you can prepare a they must repeat their Constitution saving throw against it, taking
number of poisoned oil doses equal to half your Fighter level damage equal to one of your corrosion damage dice on a failure.
(rounded down), which you can apply to a weapon or five pieces On a success, this effect ends.
of ammunition each as a bonus action. Prepared oils become
inert next time you complete a long rest. Once applied they Medical Mixture
remain potent for 10 minutes or until a creature fails their saving 15th-level Corrosion Knight feature
throw against them (except on ammunition, which becomes inert You have learned to modify your poisoned oils to be beneficial
after being fired even if retrieved). When you hit a creature with if only combined with a quickly applied harmless chemical you
the affected weapon or ammunition for the first time on a turn keep with you. As a bonus action, you can spend one of your
they must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your doses of poisoned oil to apply it as a medical ointment on
Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus), taking your corrosion yourself or a creature within reach. That creature regains hit
damage on a failure. points equal to your corrosion damage dice.
Your corrosion damage is an amount of poison damage equal
to 3d4. When you reach 5th-level as a Fighter it becomes 3d6, Greater Advancement
then 3d8 at 10th, 3d10 at 15th, and finally 3d12 at 18th. 18th-level Corrosion Knight feature
Additionally, any time you apply poison to a weapon you may You may choose two additional options from your poison
do so as a bonus action, and you never run the risk of advancement feature to apply to your poisoned oil. Each time you
accidentally poisoning yourself. complete a long rest you can choose to switch one of these
When you use your action surge you can apply poisoned oil to options for another.
a weapon/set of ammunition (no action required) as long as you
aren’t restrained or incapacitated.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Roamer Carve a Path
15th-level Roamer feature
Hardened by a life on the road, the Roamer is used to making
When you attack a creature using a method you know how to
their way in rough environments and moving from group to group.
exploit, you can guide others to do the same. If you have
They have a resource of stories of their time on the road, some of
advantage when you make an attack roll against a creature, you
which can be used as cautionary stories told to others to help
can choose to forgo that advantage to grant instructions to
them avoid danger. When engaged in combat they are tough and
others. If you hit with that attack, the first attack every creature
difficult to stagger, able to put themselves in the way of danger
makes against that creature has advantage until the start of your
for the benefit of their allies.
next turn.

Unbreakable State
Roamer Features
18th-level Roamer feature
Level Features On your turn, you can choose to expend one use of your action
3rd Wanderer surge to enter a furious state of heightened attack and defense.
7th Heavy Block For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
10th Survivor Each time you take the Attack action, you can use your bonus
15th Carve a Path action to make one extra weapon attack.
18th Unbreakable State If you use your reaction, you regain it at the start of each
creature’s turn. If you use it twice or more before the start of
your own turn you can only use it to make opportunity attacks
or take the heavy block reaction.
Wanderer You score a critical hit on melee weapon attacks on a d20
result of 19 or 20, and critical hits with melee attacks deal an
3rd-level Roamer feature
extra weapon die of damage.
Your knowledge of survival and travel allows you to better
instruct your allies. Each time you finish a short or long rest, you This state ends if you fall unconscious or choose to end it early
can choose one of the following options: (no action required).

Inspiring Story
You and up to five other creatures you tell a cautionary tale of
survival to gain temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + half your
Fighter level (rounded down). These temporary hit points vanish
the next time they complete a short or long rest.

You advise on how to survive in the current environment. The
creatures you rest with have advantage on Wisdom (Survival)
checks until the next time they complete a short or long rest.

Eyes Open
A number of creatures you choose equal to your proficiency
bonus (including you) that you spend the rest with are warned
against letting their guard down, and have advantage on the first
initiative check they make before they complete their next short
or long rest.

Heavy Block
7th-level Roamer feature
As long as you are wielding a shield, when you are hit with a
weapon attack you can see you can use your reaction to reduce
the piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage you take by an
amount equal to your Fighter level plus the shield’s bonus to your
armor class.

10th-level Roamer feature
You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned,
paralyzed, or stunned, or that you make to recover from those


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Focusing on swift combat, these Fighters rely on lighter armor
and one-handed weapons with the intention of tearing through
the battlefield and rushing enemies, overwhelming them with a
series of rapid blows aimed at vital weak points.

Swiftcut Features
Level Features
3rd Flurry Action
7th Breathing Exercise
10th Strike Upon Strike
15th Pack Tactics
18th Advantageous Blow

Flurry Action
3rd-level Swiftcut feature
You are quick on your feet and able to strike precision blows.
As long as you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your
bonus action to Dash or make a weapon attack using a one-
handed weapon on your turn.

Breathing Exercise
7th-level Swiftcut feature
When you use your second wind as a bonus action, you can
Dash or Disengage immediately as part of the same action.

Strike Upon Strike

10th-level Swiftcut feature
When you use your action surge and use the extra action to
Attack, all one-handed weapon attacks you make as a part of that
action have the option to reroll one of that weapon’s damage dice
and add it to the damage roll’s result.

Pack Tactics
15th-level Swiftcut feature
When you make an attack roll against a creature while an ally
of yours is within 5 feet of your target and not incapacitated, you
have advantage on that attack roll.

Advantageous Blow
18th-level Swiftcut feature
You can pursue openings in your opponent’s defenses,
provided you have an edge to exploit. Once per turn, if you hit a
creature with a one-handed weapon and have advantage on the
attack roll, you may roll one of the weapon’s damage dice three
more times and add the results to the damage roll.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)


hen you take your first level as an Inscriptor, you
can choose one of the following Authorial Intents, gaining
its features at the levels listed.

These Inscriptors draw detailed or abstract images to capture
their targets. Erring on the side of artistic and interpretive, their
craft allows them to move beyond the limitations of language to
invoke physical characteristics and more visual effects.
The primary Correfont who celebrates and communicates with
these sorts of individuals is called Etskech: an aberrant being
who exists in two dimensions within flat surfaces and changes
their appearance at will to blend into whatever frame or surface
they’re inhabiting. Their library in Vulta de Congenio is a museum
consisting of parchment walls, with various frames copying the
works of famous artists from across the realms.Etskech’s primary Fine Details
means of communication is through changing its appearance into 5th-level Pictography feature
a variety of images, and it seldom ever speaks. You have the ability to alter the physical characteristics of
subjects you artistically render. You can cast alter self and
disguise self at will. When you cast alter self you can spend a
narrative twist to target a number of willing creatures within 30
Pictography Features feet of you equal to your proficiency bonus who benefit from the
Level Features spell in the same way you do.
1st Protected Vision
Painted Over
5th Fine Details
8th-level Pictography feature
8th Painted Over When you begin to take a long rest, you can draw a rendition of
12th Visual Reference the area you are attempting to rest in (a 20-foot-radius sphere
20th World of Personal Design centered on a point you can see), including footnotes to attempt
to reinforce it as a sanctuary to rest in. When you do, any
Chapter Spells creature who rests in the space within the next 8 hours (or until
Level Chapter Spell you leave) benefits from a +5 bonus to their Wisdom (Perception)
checks and passive Perception checks. All doors within that
1st Inflict Wounds space become locked for the duration as though by the arcane
3rd Mirror Image lock spell until you will them to unlock or the effect ends.
5th Hypnotic Pattern The conditions within that space become more livable and
7th Compulsion comfortable, granting all creatures resting in that space
9th Seeming advantage on any saving throws they must make against
environmental effects or ongoing effects like poison or disease.

Visual Reference
12th-level Pictography feature
Protected Vision When you see a creature cast a spell, you can use your
1st-level Pictography feature reaction to quickly create a visual representation of that spell’s
Your eye for detail is unparalleled. You are immune to being effects. At any time within the next minute, you can spend a use
blinded, gain darkvision out to 60 feet if you did not already have of consultation to cast that spell as well (invoking the same
it, and gain proficiency in Wisdom (Perception) checks. If you effects as the original caster, and cast at the same level as if
already have proficiency in Wisdom (Perception) checks you gain using the same level of spell slot). Once you do so, you cannot
expertise instead: when you make a Wisdom (Perception) check cast that spell again this way unless you see it cast again, and
you add your proficiency bonus a second time, unless another copying another spell effect into a visual reference erases the
effect already allowed you to do so. previous one.
If at any point you are given the option to gain proficiency in a If the spell you cast this way requires a 6th-level spell slot or
skill and do not have expertise in Wisdom (Perception) checks, higher, you must also spend a pact spell slot when you cast it.
you can choose to take expertise in them instead.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
World of Personal Design
While inside this space you gain the following benefits:
20th-level Pictography feature
You have a mental image of a world that you can project
You can see as though you had blindsight within the entirety
through quick description and artistic representation. As an action
of the area.
once per long rest, you can target all creatures within 30 feet of
You can cast the banishment spell as a bonus action,
you and transport them to a demiplane of your own creation, the
requiring no spell slot or components. When creatures are
environmental features of which you decide (and should be
banished they return to their location outside from before they
discussed with your DM when you gain this feature but may
change over time). The terrain cannot be directly damaging, but
You have advantage on saving throws and spell attacks.
you can decide the characteristics of the area as you see fit, and
You can cast 1st and 2nd-level Inscriptor spells you know at
even make it look aesthetically identical to a place you know of.
base level without expending a spell slot.
Creatures within it who could breathe and move when outside
Each round you can cast an Inscriptor spell as a bonus action,
(such as those who were swimming when drawn in) can move
as long as it would normally take 1 action or more to cast.
and survive as though still in that environment, allowing creatures
You ignore cover when targeting creatures with spells.
that were swimming for example to breathe air and swim through
the air as if it were water. You may choose the temperature, Also when you enter, you can choose to grant yourself and up
weather, dampness, level of light, and other basic atmospheric to six creatures two of the following benefits, which they retain
elements of the demiplane. At your DM’s discretion, it may while inside:
change or be altered based on your emotional or mental state.
You and the creatures within this demiplane remain there until They all gain temporary hit points at the start of each of your
you choose to end the effect (requiring no action), die, you are turns equal to 3d10 + your spellcasting ability.
removed from the plane for longer than 1 minute, or 10 minutes They are resistant to two damage types that you choose.
elapse. When returned to the outside, you can choose where They gain magic resistance: they have advantage on saving
creatures are returned to in the 30-foot-radius centered on where throws against spells and magical effects.
you were when you created the effect, and if returning to that They can use an action at any time to turn invisible, as though
space is impossible they are shunted to the nearest unoccupied by the invisibility spell.
space that can fit them. If you are not conscious they are They all gain the same senses (darkvision, truesight,
returned to a position relative to yours, and you are returned to blindsight, etc.,) as one creature you choose who entered the
the point from when you left when using this feature. demiplane.
A creature capable of teleporting or plane shifting may use They cannot have disadvantage on attack rolls (but
those features to attempt to escape, but when they do so must disadvantage can still cancel out advantage).
succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. Their attack rolls have advantage.
Features that allow for teleportation must not be limited to a Two types of saving throws you choose have advantage.
range in feet to qualify to escape the demiplane (for example,
dimension door, misty step and thunder step cannot escape,
while shadow gate, teleportation circle and teleport can).


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Kitsune’s Scribe Path of Nature
1st-level Kitsune’s Scribe feature
Those who chase legends in the open world may find themselves
When you choose to learn a new spell as an Inscriptor you
contacted by Kitsune, servant of Luxus and progenitor of the
may choose spells from the Druid spell list, which count as
Kits’adria, and offered a chance to enjoy the myths and legends
Inscriptor spells for you.
of the world on a more supernatural level. These Inscriptors were
those who valued the truth of nature above the second-hand Book of Adventures
recorded knowledge of civilization and left to make their own
5th-level Kitsune’s Scribe feature
records in the wide world. Kitsune appreciates those who seek
When you rest, Kitsune grants you knowledge of the landscape
the truth of the world and she grants them the tools needed to
that surrounds you. She does so in vague terms as a means of
survive, hoping they will capture its majesty and relay and speak
rousing your excitement, but even still grants you information.
of the world’s wonders back to her in their own terms, living
Each time you complete a long rest you may consult your notes
vicariously through them.
to see if anything has been left for you by your patron. If there is
Kitsune has no library in Vulta de Congenio, nor does she have
a natural wonder, mythical beast, ancient secret sight, or another
any direct interest in their records. Her interest in Inscriptors lies
area of remarkable interest within a certain distance of where you
only in supporting their endeavors and open minds, and so
rested you may be given a prompt about it, warnings about what
borrows the nature of Correfont’s pacts to grant her gifts in a way
might be encountered, and cryptic directions if you wish to seek
that emphasizes and supports them. In that her nature is
anchored in trickery and whimsy, the powers she grants are
The distance this effect considers is equal in miles to half your
innately steeped in those elements as well.
Inscriptor level (rounded down).
Furthermore, from general notes that she leaves about your
surroundings you can glean enough information to gain one of
the following benefits each time you finish a long rest, which lasts
Kitsune’s Scribe Features until you complete your next long rest:

Level Features You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks.

1st Path of Nature You have advantage on Initiative checks.
5th Book of Adventures You have advantage on saving throws made against traps and
natural hazards.
8th Kit Trickery
Difficult terrain caused by the environment does not impose a
12th Boundless Speed penalty on you.
20th Nine-Tailed Manifestation A swim or climb speed equal to your base movement speed.

Chapter Spells Kit Trickery

Level Chapter Spell 8th-level Kitsune’s Scribe feature
Kitsune’s roguish talents grant you certain supernatural
1st Hunter’s Mark
powers. As a bonus action you can spend a narrative twist to
3rd Invisibility invoke one of the following effects:
5th Counterspell
7th Tamamo’s Arrowfall Cast the invisibility spell at a level equal to your Inscriptor pact
9th Everest’s Isolated Undoing spell slots, but requiring no slot or component.
Cast greater invisibility, requiring no spell slot.
Teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

Boundless Speed
12th-level Kitsune’s Scribe feature
When you take the Dash or Disengage action, your movement
speed doubles until the end of your turn (including the movement
you have already taken).

Nine-Tailed Manifestation
20th-level Kitsune’s Scribe feature
You may invoke Kitsune’s divine power directly as an action,
summoning a spectral nine-tailed fox the size of a horse to watch
over and empower you for 1 minute. During this time you gain the
following benefits:

You are under the effects of freedom of movement.

Creatures cannot gain any benefit from attacking you from
hiding or while invisible.
By riding the spectral fox, your movement speed increases to
60 feet.
You are resistant to damage from spells and magical effects.
As a reaction to being targeted by an attack you can see, you
teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
After using this effect, you cannot use it until you complete a
long rest unless you expend a use of consultation to do so.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

hen you take your second level as a Magus, you Blindspot
can choose one of the following Craft Focuses, gaining 6th-level Cognition Magecraft feature
its features at the levels listed. As a bonus action on your turn, you can target one creature
that can see you and attempt to affect their sense of perception.
You must choose one of the options below, pay its ether point
cost, then force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell save DC. On a failure, they are subjected to
the effect you picked, and at the end of each of their turns, they
reattempt the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.

Cognition Magecraft Eye on Me (3 ether points)

The target becomes unable to see or hear any creatures that you
Your talents lie in altering the perception of those around you,
changing their appearance and characteristics to suit their needs. choose within 30 feet of you or them, who are magically
Rather than alter the properties of the subjects they wish to shrouded from them as though by the invisibility spell (requiring
affect, however, these mages are proficient in targeting the no concentration). If they have another sense that would be able
to perceive them, such as tremorsense or blindsight, the
senses of the onlooker directly: rather than bend light around a
creature to cause invisibility, they force an onlooker’s brain to creatures become invisible to those senses as well. You cannot
interpret signals in such a way as to not see the subject at all. shroud yourself using this effect.
They refine this craft to heighten their own senses and freely
Vanishing Point (1 ether point)
tamper with those of others.
You become invisible to the target for the effect’s duration, and
cannot be seen or heard by them even if they have special
senses that could otherwise detect you.

Greyscale (1 ether point)

If the creature has blindsight, devilsight, darkvision or truesight,
they lose those special senses for 1 minute.

Light Field Manipulation

10th-level Cognition Magecraft feature
You can cast seeming once per long rest, requiring no spell
slot or components.

Greater Crest
14th-level Cognition Magecraft feature
Cognition Magecraft Features You possess greater magecraft than would normally be
possible using regular means, learning it slowly as you master
Level Features your craft. When you gain this feature you can choose one 7th-
2nd Master of Occurence level illusion or enchantment spell from any spell list, which
6th Blindspot counts as a Magus spell for you. When you reach 15th-level as a
10th Light Field Manipulation Magus you can choose a spell of 8th-level, then when you reach
17th-level as a Magus you can choose another of 9th-level.
14th Greater Crest, Truesight
These spells do not count against your Magus spells known,
cannot be switched out for another spell when gaining Magus
levels, and cannot be transferred via crest transfer.

Master of Occurrence Truesight

2nd-level Cognition Magecraft feature 14th-level Cognition Magecraft feature
When you wish to cast a spell of the enchantment or illusion Your perceptive abilities sharpen, granting unparalleled visual
schools, you may spend one ether point while doing so to treat acuity. You gain truesight out to 60 feet, allowing you to see
the spell as if you had cast using a spell slot two levels higher through illusions, see in magical and nonmagical darkness, see
than the one you expended (maximum 9th), but only in regards to invisible creatures, and discern the true form of shapechangers
its effects that scale with slot levels. Spells like counterspell and you can see.
dispel magic are still treated as being cast at the level of spell slot
you spent to cast it.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Toxicology Magecraft
Toxicology is a specialization born in studying naturally corrosive
elements in nature, and replicating their effects using magecraft.
Mages who study toxicology strengthen their own body against
the effects of poisons and can often make their own body caustic
to others.

Toxicology Magecraft Features

Level Features
2nd Toxin Expert
6th Shroud of Microtoxins
10th Toxic to the Bone
14th Suffocating Shroud

Toxic Efficacy
You become immune to poison damage.
When this feature makes reference to your toxic efficacy, it is
The first time on each turn when a creature hits you with a
referring to the potency of the toxins you wield. Your toxic efficacy
weapon attack from within 5 feet, they take the damage from
is poison damage equal to 1d6 multiplied by your proficiency
bonus. your toxic efficacy.
The first time on each turn you deal damage with a weapon
Toxin Expert attack or spell, you deal extra poison damage equal to your
Magus level. If there are multiple possible targets, you must
2nd-level Toxicology Magecraft feature
choose one to take the extra damage.
You are immune to the poisoned condition and resistant to
If any creature would gain hit points or temporary hit points as
poison damage.
a result of dealing damage to you (such as by the spell
Shroud of Microtoxins vampiric touch), they do not gain those points and, instead,
take poison damage equal to half of what they would have
6th-level Toxicology Magecraft feature
gained (rounded down).
There is an ever-present invisible cloud of microscopic toxins
You do not need to breathe.
that swarm around you in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on
you. As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend a number of You can use this feature once per long rest, but after using it
ether points equal to or less than your proficiency bonus. If you once may use it again by expending 2 ether points.
do, you may target a number of creatures within your aura of a
number equal to or less than twice the number of ether points Suffocating Shroud
you use. Those creatures must make a Constitution saving throw 14th-level Toxicology Magecraft feature
against your spell save DC. On a failed save they take the When a creature fails their saving throw against your shroud of
damage of your toxic efficacy and are poisoned until the end of microtoxins, you can choose to spend an extra ether point to
your next turn. separate a fragment of your shroud from you and have it remain
on them, invisibly assailing and suffocating them. While this
Toxic to the Bone shroud remains on them they are poisoned, they take 2d8 poison
10th-level Toxicology Magecraft feature damage at the start of each of their turns, and they are unable to
Your craft has advanced far enough that you can infuse your breathe. The creature makes Constitution saving throw (using
own body with dangerous toxins at will, protecting you from those your spell save DC) against the shroud at the end of each of their
who look to physically threaten you. As a bonus action, you can turns, ending the effect on a success.
flood your body with toxins that are harmless to you but grant you A creature poisoned by this effect cannot recover from it until
the following benefits for 1 minute, or until you choose the end of they succeed its saving throw.
effect (no action required):


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

hen you take your third level as a Monk, you can Way of Flowing Energy
choose one of the following Monastic Traditions, gaining
its features at the levels listed. Listening to the natural energies of the universe, monks of the
Way of Flowing Energy feel the current of the world moving
through them and through everything around them. To them,
there is life in everything from the most ancient dragon to the
smallest sliver of stone. They learn to channel the flow of energy
in the world around them, rerouting it and bending it to their will.
Their understanding is to the contrary, however: their practice
may redirect energy, but it is their philosophy that they are merely
an instrument moving that flow where it wishes to go.

Way of Flowing Energy Features

Level Features
3rd Hand of Shared Agony
6th Resistant Body
11th Hand of Unified Mending
17th Avoidance

Hand of Shared Agony

3rd-level Way of Flowing Energy feature
By mastering the flow of energy affected when a creature is
injured, you can cause another creature to be sympathetic to
their agony. When a creature within 30 feet of you takes damage,
you can spend 1 ki point as a reaction and target one other
creature within the same range who was not subjected to the
same damaging attack or effect. The second creature must make
a Constitution saving throw against your ki save DC. On a failed
save, they take half as much damage as the primary target
(rounded down), but as force damage instead.

Resistant Body
6th-level Way of Flowing Energy feature
You can attune yourself to the world around you, giving you a
miraculous aversion to harm from it. Choose three damage types
(except piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, force or poison). You
gain resistance to those damage types. You can choose
additional resistances this way when you gain levels as a Monk.
You can choose one more each at 9th, 13th and 17th-level.

Hand of Unified Mending

11th-level Way of Flowing Energy feature
When a creature you can see within 30 feet regains hit points,
you can expend 2 or more ki points as a reaction, and choose
half that many willing creatures (rounded down) within the same
range who were not subjected to the same healing effect. Those
creatures regain a number of hit points equal to half of what the
primary target received (rounded down).
If the primary target is unwilling, they may make a Charisma
saving throw against your ki save DC. On a success, this effect

17th-level Way of Flowing Energy feature
Your ability to shake off and redirect energy grants you near
invulnerability if a path to safety exists. When you are subjected
to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw to take only
half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed, and
only half if you fail.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Way of the Slicing Nail
Monks of the Way of the Slicing Nail hail from monasteries out in Way of the Slicing Nail Features
the wilds of Cu Chullis, originating from an immortal Kits’adrian
teacher who resides deep in a nameless forest. They sharpen
Level Features
their reflexes and actions to be able to commune with nature and 3rd Foxnail Technique, Improved Martial Critical
draw out its latent power while striking with such precision that 6th Spirit of Roots
even an open palm could slice like a blade. The practice has 11th Foxpaw Strike
expanded beyond Cu Chullis, but their monasteries rarely have 17th Superior Martial Critical
physical buildings, and more often very small communities of
nature-faring monks live and train among others who live a more
druidic way of life.

Foxnail Technique
3rd-level Way of the Slicing Nail feature
You can strike so precisely with weapons that even a blunt
instrument can cut like a blade. When your unarmed strikes or
monk weapons would deal piercing or bludgeoning damage, you
can choose to have them deal slashing damage instead.

Improved Martial Critical

3rd-level Way of the Slicing Nail feature
Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a d20 result of 19 or
20. If this hit was with an unarmed strike or monk weapon, your
critical hit deals extra damage equal to two of your martial arts

Spirit of Roots
6th-level Way of the Slicing Nail feature
Choose one first-level and one second-level spell from the
Druid spell list. You can cast these spells at base level by
spending a number of ki points equal to their spell-level, using
your Ki save DC for them, and Wisdom as your spellcasting
ability. When you reach 8th-level you may choose a third-level
spell from the Druid spell list this way, a fourth-level spell at 11th-
level, and finally a fifth-level spell at 14th-level.
Each time you gain a Monk level you can switch out one of
these spells for another Druid spell of the same level.

Foxpaw Strike
11th-level Way of the Slicing Nail feature
When you strike a creature with an attack that deals slashing
damage, you can employ a series of quick strikes to attempt to
deal further damage by spending 2 ki points, and forcing the
target to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Ki save DC.
On a failure, they are dealt slashing damage equal to one of your
martial arts dice multiplied by your proficiency bonus.
You cannot use this feature the same turn you attempt your
stunning strike. If you use one of these features, you cannot use
the other on that turn.
When you reach 17th-level as a Monk, each time you attempt a
foxpaw strike against a creature who has not taken damage from
it that turn, you do not have to spend ki points.

Superior Martial Critical

17th-level Way of the Slicing Nail feature
Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a d20 result of 18,
19 or 20. If this hit was with an unarmed strike or monk weapon,
your critical hit deals extra damage equal to three of your martial
arts dice.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

hen you take your third level as a Paladin, you can Sly Passage
choose one of the following Sacred Oaths, gaining its You can use your Channel Divinity as bonus action to find a path
features at the levels listed. that gives you no resistance as an action. For 1 minute, when
you take movement and move through the space of a non-hostile
Oath of Passage creature, it consumes no extra movement speed. You may also
move through the space of hostile creatures (unless they are a
Traveling in search of new wonders, and seeing the world as a
solid mass such as a gelatinous cube, living wall, or other such
domain in need of patrol and protection, Paladins of the Oath of
creature) as you would normally move through a non-hostile
Passage are always on the move, seeking the next adventure or
creature’s space, provided there is an unoccupied space within
purpose they can find. Their passive vow is to follow the roads of
range for you to stop in.
civilization and clear the way for those with less power than
themselves, doing what they can to ensure the paths that Divine Haste
connect the world are clean and safe. Those who follow the oath
might do so because they find it hard to settle, and wish to As a bonus action, you can use your Channel Divinity to invoke
perform their duty on the road. They are wanderers by trade and an accelerated state of movement. For 1 minute your base
often are called upon by their churches and deities to address movement speed is increased by 10 feet multiplied by your
services required beyond the lands a Paladin might usually be proficiency bonus.
asked to explore. Alternatively, when you reach 7th-level and you choose to use
this action, you can split this extra movement speed among
creatures within your Aura of Junction. You can give other
Oath of Passage Features creatures a speed bonus that is a multiple of 5 feet, subtracting
that amount from your own bonus. No other creature can receive
Level Features a greater bonus to their speed from this effect than you.
3rd Channel Divinity, Cunning Action
7th Aura of Junction Cunning Action
15th Sacred Haste 3rd-level Oath of Passage feature
You are used to quickly gaining ground. You can use your
20th Light of Pure Passage
bonus action to take the Dash or Disengage actions.
Oath Spells
Aura of Junction
Level Oath Spell 7th-level Oath of Passage feature
3rd Feather Fall, Miraculous Evasion You project an aura of acceleration that affects all friendly
5th Misty Step, Spider Climb creatures within 10 feet of you. Any affected creature starting its
9th Haste, Power Word Repel * turn within this aura can use their bonus action to Dash. You can
also use your bonus action to swap places with a willing creature
13th Dimension Door, Find Greater Steed
within your aura as long as they are the same size as you. If your
17th Passwall, Tree Stride target is restrained or grappled by a creature or effect, that effect
switches to you.
Spells marked with * are from The Inscriptor.
At 18th-level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Sacred Haste
15th-level Oath of Passage feature
Once per long rest, you can cast the haste spell, targeting
yourself and requiring no spell slot or materials. When you cast it
this way you can concentrate on it at the same time as up to one
other spell, but make concentration checks for both as if they
were one spell, failing or succeeding together.
When you lose concentration on haste you do not suffer from
the round of exhaustion the spell would normally inflict.

Light of Pure Passage

20th-level Oath of Passage feature
You can grant all those around you a blessing that accelerates
and empowers their movement. As an action you present your
holy symbol, then may choose up to six creatures within 30 feet
of you to gain this benefit. All targets (and you) are blessed for 1
minute, granting you the effects of the freedom of movement and
expeditious retreat spells. While under this effect, their movement
is punctuated by a light divine aura shrouding their body and
ethereal feathers being left in their wake.
You can use this feature once per long rest but may use it
Channel Divinity additional times by spending a use of your Channel Divinity when
3rd-level Oath of Passage feature you do so.
You gain the following Channel Divinity options.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Oath of Silence Channel Divinity
3rd-level Oath of Passage feature
Paladins of the Oath of Silence requires a paladin to take on an
You gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
often underappreciated vow: to act rather than speak, to inspire
rather than threaten, and to waste no energy on boasts. They are Lost Voice
held to the standard that promises and vows carry no weight in
the moment. When deeds are done, the settling silence that You can use your Channel Divinity as an action to steal the
follows will hold the truth of the matter: justice was dealt, or it voices of your foes. All creatures you choose within 30 feet of you
failed. Paladins of this oath will take action without assurances must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, they lose
and allow the results to speak for themselves. the ability to vocalize entirely for 1 minute, during which time they
cannot produce any words, speak command words for items, or
perform verbal components. They must repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
Oath of Silence Features
Pass Unseen
Level Features
You can use your Channel Divinity to move from one place to
3rd Aural Blindsight, Channel Divinity another quickly. As a bonus action, you present your holy symbol
7th Aura of Hush and vanish in a silent wave of influence that teleports you to an
15th Free Movement unoccupied space you can see within range. The range you can
20th Asect of Silence teleport is equal to 20 feet multiplied by your proficiency bonus.
Upon landing at your destination, if you are obscured you may
Oath Spells take the Hide action as part of the same bonus action.
Level Oath Spell Aura of Hush
3rd Alarm, Sleep 7th-level Oath of Passage feature
5th Blur, Pass Without Trace You generate a passive aura that helps you and allies within 10
9th Magnesia’s Smothering Voice, Slow feet of you remain hidden and unseen. Creatures within this aura
13th Greater Invisibility, Nondetection (including you) have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
17th Everest’s Isolated Undoing, Power Word Forget* Furthermore, you and your allies do not provoke opportunity
attacks from hostile creatures within it.
Spells marked with * are from The Inscriptor At 18th-level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Free Movement
15th-level Oath of Passage feature
If you are grappled or restrained, you can escape from your
bindings by spending 5 feet of your movement. Standing from
being prone only takes 5 feet of your movement speed. When
you draw or stow a weapon as an interaction, you can freely draw
or stow another as part of the same interaction.

Aspect of the Unseen

20th-level Oath of Passage feature
Once per long rest, you can take on a form of divine protection
that erases any trace of your existence as an action. For 1
minute, you gain the following benefits:

Other creatures cannot see or hear you using their senses,

Aural Blindsight even hiding from creatures with truesight, blindsight or
3rd-level Oath of Passage feature tremorsense.
Your ability to trust in subtle audio cues allows you to sense the You are considered invisible to all creatures, and no effects
location of those around you. You have blindsight out to 30 feet, can allow creatures to see you for the duration.
allowing you to see creatures that are invisible or behind other The first attack you hit with on each turn deals an extra 2d10
objects. This blindsight does not apply to creatures who produce psychic damage.
no noise. You have advantage on all Dexterity saving throws, even if
disadvantage would cancel it out.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Petal Knight

hen you take your second level as a Petal Knight,
you can choose one of the following Epithets, gaining its
features at the levels listed. Foxglove Features
Level Features
2nd Bonus Proficiencies, Toxic Smite
6th Toxcological Miracle
11th Venom Epithet
15th Creeping Death

The Foxglove epithet manifests for natural wanderers and those
who feel most at home in the depths of exotic territory. Naturally
Bonus Proficiencies
attuned to poisons and toxins, this epithet reveals a solitary, 2nd-level Foxglove feature
distant nature best suited to exploring the world outside the You gain proficiency in Wisdom (Survival) checks and
reaches of civilization. poisoner’s kits.
Those who manifest this epithet only have their bold desire to
explore the wild amplified, as it grants them understanding and
Toxic Smite
immunity to poisons and toxic elements they might stumble 2nd-level Foxglove feature
across. You cannot use this feature on the same attack that benefits
from any other class feature with smite in its name. When you hit
a creature with a one-handed melee weapon attack you can
expend a pact spell slot to create a glowing purple miasma that
follows your strike, causing that attack to deal extra poison
damage equal to 1d8 per slot level of the expended spell slot.
A target hit with this attack makes a Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, they are poisoned for 1 minute and repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On a success the
effect ends. On any further failures while under the effect, the
creature takes 1d8 poison damage.

Toxicological Miracle
6th-level Foxglove feature
When you or a creature within 30 feet of you would take poison
damage, you can use your reaction to alter the composition of the
effect to be beneficial. The creature does not take poison
damage and instead regains hit points equal to the poison
damage they would have taken. If they took the damage from an
ongoing effect with a duration of less than 1 hour, that effect ends
immediately. If the effect’s duration lasts longer than an hour it is
suppressed for 1 hour instead. You can use this feature a number
of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down),
regaining expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Venom Epithet
11th-level Foxglove feature
You channel the power of poisons in each action you take. You
gain the following benefits:

Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8 poison damage.

You are resistant to poison damage.
You are immune to being poisoned.
You are immune to the effects of anything you breathe in.

Creeping Death
15th-level Foxglove feature
If you hit a creature that is poisoned with a melee attack using
a one-handed weapon, you can choose to spend a use of your
virtuous flora to force them to make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failure, your poison spreads instantly throughout their body
and reduces them to 0 hit points. On a success, they take 6d10
poison damage instead.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

When you gain this feature, you can switch the spell you would
Fox and Cub normally gain at this level, as well as one of your other known
Blessed to wear the Fox and Cub epithet, these Petal Knights Petal Knight spells, to a Druid spell if you wish to.
take on a radiant and nurturing role. They form a connection with Druid spells learned this way must be of a level you have pact
the sun, and like it they focus on powers that grant light, warmth, spell slots for.
and nourishment to everything around them. Nature responds in
kind, granting them powerful spells rooted in the earth they walk Cubfire Light
on. 6th-level Fox and Cub feature
The mind of this Petal Knight is likely to be as glamorous and As an action, you can envelop yourself in a warm radiant light
radiant as their epithet implies. They are giving, unafraid to let for 1 minute, during which time golden spectral foxes prance and
their personality shine, and have a deep compassion for others. move around you. During this time you gain the following
They understand that there is a balance to all things and know benefits, all of which end when the effect ends:
not to give too much of themselves, but all the same, are willing
to give warmth and support to everything within their reach. You can see invisible creatures within 30 feet of you as if they
were plainly visible.
Each time you deal damage to a creature they must make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, spectral foxes follow
and hinder them, reducing their movement speed by 10 feet,
revealing their location if they were invisible, and granting all
attackers advantage on attacks made against them.
Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you
finish a long rest, unless you spend a pact spell slot to do so.

Gift of the Sun

11th-level Fox and Cub feature
You gain the following virtuous flora options.

Golden Smite
This feature replaces your smite option, using the same effect but
causing your attack to deal radiant damage. If the attack is made
against a creature you cannot see due to invisibility, cover, or
darkness, you do not have disadvantage, and have advantage on
that attack instead.

Fox and Cub Features Radiant Enhancement

Level Features Choose one effect or source of light within 60 feet that is giving
off both bright and dim light. The dim light given off by the effect
2nd Golden Sun, Harmonious Oath
is amplified and becomes bright light with the same properties as
6th Cubfire Light the source’s bright light, until whichever occurs first from the
11th Gift of the Sun following: the light goes out, 8 hours pass, or you will it to stop
15th Regenerative Glow (no action required).

Solar Burst
All creatures within 20 feet of you are subject to a burst of golden
Golden Sun light. They must choose whether to avert their gaze from it or not.
2nd-level Fox and Cub feature If they do, they are treated as blinded toward you until the start of
When you are inside any source of magical darkness, a fox their next turn. If they don’t, they must make a Constitution saving
and cub flower made of glowing orange light blooms on your throw. On a failure, they are blinded for 1 minute and repeat the
collar (unless you consciously suppress it), which gives off light save at the end of each of their turns. On a success the effect
as though by the light spell, but can penetrate any magical ends.
darkness overlapping with the range of its bright light.
Furthermore, you learn the light cantrip and can cast it as a Regenerative Glow
bonus action or reaction to being in darkness or dim light, 15th-level Fox and Cub feature
creating a flower as described above. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to
5 + your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of
Harmonious Oath your hit points left, as your wounds knit themselves closed with
2nd-level Fox and Cub feature small golden threads of light. If you are exposed directly to
Upon manifesting this epithet, you find yourself connected to sunlight you gain this benefit regardless of how many hit points
nature and are able to draw out earthly magics. Whenever you you have. You don’t gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points or
would learn a new Petal Knight spell you can choose to take a are poisoned.
spell from the Druid spell list instead, which counts as a Petal
Knight spell for you.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

hen you take your third level as a Ranger, you may Gun-Dweller
choose to take either of the following Ranger Archetypes,
gaining its features at the levels listed. Adept in using firearms, these rangers focus on quick and
efficient use of these weapons for various purposes. Their skill
with these weapons excels beyond ordinary proficiency, allowing
them to perform stunt shots, reload with a dynamic flourish, and
channel their primal magic into arcane bullets.

Gun-Dweller Features
Level Features
3rd Firearm Proficiency, Improved Critical (Ranged)
7th Arcane Munitions
11th Reload Flourish, Stunt Shot
15th Extra Attack Improvement (Firearms)

Firearm Proficiency
3rd-level Gun Dweller feature
You gain proficiency with simple and martial firearms.

Improved Critical (Ranged)

3rd-level Gun Dweller feature
As you are proficient with ranged strikes, you can land
devastating blows from afar. When you make an attack with a
ranged weapon, you score a critical hit on a d20 result of 19 or

Arcane Munitions
7th-level Gun Dweller feature
You can expend a spell slot as a bonus action to reload a
firearm, creating several bullets for it equal to its reload property.
These bullets gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to
half the spell slot’s level (rounded down). These bullets disappear
the next time you complete a short or long rest or you reload the

Reload Flourish
11th-level Gun Dweller feature
When you are wielding two firearms at once, one in each hand,
you can reload them both using the same bonus action.

Stunt Shot
11th-level Gun Dweller feature
You can ricochet your firearm attacks off of scenery around you
or strike at unlikely angles. When you shoot your firearm at a
creature that is hiding behind half or two-thirds cover, you can
ignore that cover by shooting around it.
Furthermore, you can call a stunt shot when you make an
attack with a firearm to give yourself advantage on it. You can do
so only once per turn, and only a number of times per long rest
equal to your proficiency bonus.

Extra Attack Improvement (Firearms)

15th-level Gun Dweller feature
When you take the Attack action, you can make three attacks
instead of one, as long as one of those attacks is made using a


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Pause Stalker
Trained in the means of combat and magic of the Kits’adria who
guard the sacred temples of their faith, you can manifest the
magic their culture holds as a secret. This combat style lends
itself to easily navigating forests, and other locations Kits’adrian
kind would have reason to protect.

Pause Stalker Features

Level Features
3rd Prowler, Traditional Magic
7th Cunning Spell
11th Blessing of the Fox, Stepping Stone
15th Eye for Patterns

3rd-level Pause Stalker feature
When you are in a forest, field or jungle environment, you gain
several benefits:

You can take the Hide action as a bonus action, as long as

you have at least half cover.
You gain a bonus to your passive Perception score equal to
your proficiency bonus.
You do not suffer any penalties from nonmagical difficult

Traditional Magic
3rd-level Pause Stalker feature
When you gain or could replace any of your Ranger spells, you Stepping Stone
can choose spells from the Skulker’s Grimoire and Nine Branch 11th-level Pause Stalker feature
Arts spell groups as if they were on the Ranger spell list. When you gain this feature, you can choose one of the
following options and benefit from its effects immediately:
Cunning Spell
7th-level Pause Stalker feature Natural Athlete
Once per turn, after you hit a creature with a weapon attack, You gain a climb and swim speed equal to your base movement
you can cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action in place of speed.
another weapon attack, but if you do, the spell’s target must
either be you or the creature you hit. If the spell requires a melee Night Vision
spell attack but you hit with a ranged attack, you may still target
You gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision,
them, treating the attack that hit them as the spell’s delivery
its range increases by 60 feet instead.
Rapid Pace
Blessing of the Fox
11th-level Pause Stalker feature Your base movement speed increases by 10 feet.
Choose two spells from the Skulker’s Grimoire and/or the Nine
Branch Arts spell groups, which each must have a level equal to Eye for Patterns
half your Ranger level (rounded down) or lower. You can cast 15th-level Pause Stalker feature
each of these spells once per long rest as if they were Ranger You are an expert at exploiting short-term movement patterns
spells, requiring no spell slots. Each time you gain a level, you in your enemies. If a creature makes an attack targetting you,
can replace one of these spells with another that meets this they have disadvantage on all subsequent attacks they make
criteria. against you until the start of their next turn.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

hen you take your third level as a Rogue, you can Pack of Tailed Tricksters
choose the following Roguish Archetypes, gaining its 3rd-level Foxfire feature
features at the levels listed. Once per short or long rest, you can invoke a curious
supernatural power as a bonus action: you create a number of
small fiery fox spirits that each appear in a different space within
Foxfire Pack 60 feet of you. These foxes remain in the world for 1 minute, or
until you end the effect (no action required).
Harnessing latent sorcery, you form a connection with elemental
spirits of flame that take the shape of foxes you can conjure at As an action you can command a fox to move up to 15 feet to
will. This pack is an extension of your will, and as long as they an unoccupied space you can see, then you teleport into that
fox’s space (destroying the fox in the process). When you do, you
are within your sight, you can use them to quickly move about
can make one weapon attack against a creature within range as
and harness the flames that constitute their bodies for your own
purposes. Once your bond with them grows strong enough, they part of the same action.
will protect you and restore your strength whenever you come As a bonus action on your turn you can command two foxes to
move up to 15 feet each to an unoccupied space you can see.
close to death.
If you end your turn with any of your foxes in a space more
than 60 feet away from you where you cannot see them, that fox
disappears and reappears in a space within 30 feet of you.
When you use this feature, you summon a number of foxes
equal to your proficiency bonus plus three, and for each fox
Foxfire Features actively conjured a bluish silver ring that appears around one of
your arms.
Level Features Other creatures can target your foxes with weapon and spell
3rd Pack of Tailed Tricksters attacks. They have the same AC and saving throws that you
9th Red Steel Strike have, are immune to all conditions, and do not suffer the effects
13th Endless Pack or damage of difficult or dangerous terrains (such as lava). These
foxes do not have hit points, but if they do damage equal to or
17th Nine Lives
exceeding your Rogue level in a single turn, that fox is destroyed.

Red Steel Strike

9th-level Foxfire feature
When you use your pack of tailed trickers to teleport and attack
a creature, that weapon is wreathed in fiery energy that grants
one of the following effects, which you choose when making that

If it hits, your attack deals extra fire damage equal to half of

your sneak attack dice (rounded down).
You have advantage on that weapon attack, and all weapon
damage (and sneak attack damage) from that attack becomes
fire damage.

Endless Pack
13th-level Foxfire feature
If you roll initiative and have already used your pack of tailed
tricksters, you regain your use of it. However, if you use it this
way before completing a long rest, you only summon three foxes
instead of your usual amount.

Nine Lives
17th-level Foxfire feature
If you are reduced to 0 hit points by damage while you have
foxes from your pack of tailed tricksters remaining, one fox is
destroyed instead, enabling you to roll 1d10 + your proficiency
bonus to reduce the damage from the attack or effect by that
amount. If this reduction does not result in your having more than
1 hit point, continue sacrificing foxes this way one by one until
you do.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)


hen you take your first level as a Sorcerer, you Luxian Metamagic
can choose the following Sorcerous Origins, gaining its 6th-level Foxblood feature
features at the levels listed. You learn the following three metamagic options, which do not
count against the number of metamagic features you can
normally learn.
Fox Eye
A spark of magic within a Sorcerer may come as a result of an
old blessing or deal with Luxus, Kitsune, or one of the First to On you turn, as long as you are not incapacitated, you can spend
Skulk. Those who are descended from them or fell into their favor 1 sorcery point to gain truesight until the end of your turn. This
may have developed some degree of arcane influence as a allows you to see in nonmagical and magical darkness, see
result, and for sorcerers, they may find this power emerging as a invisible creatures and creatures in the ethereal plane as if they
whimsical, somewhat chaotic compulsion when performing their were plainly visible, see through illusions automatically, and know
arcane arts. While not dissimilar to wild magic, their power can be the true form of any shapechangers or creature transformed by
amplified by giving in to their instincts and allowing magic to flow magic that you can see. The radius of your truesight is equal to 5
naturally through them without trying to impose order upon it. feet x your proficiency bonus.

Quick Charge
When you cast a spell, you can spend a number of sorcery points
Foxblood Features equal to half the spell’s level (rounded down, minimum 1). If you
Level Features do, you can immediately cast another Sorcerer spell as a bonus
action as long as that spell has a casting time of 1 action or 1
1st Skulking Acanum, Shifting Face
bonus action. The second spell cast this way can be of any level,
6th Luxian Metamagic regardless of what rules regarding how many spells you can cast
14th Quickstep per turn dictate.
18th Trick Spell
Wild Spell
When you target a creature with a spell and either miss an attack
roll or they succeed their saving throw against it, you can spend 1
Shifting Face sorcery point to cause the spell to wildly twist back at a nearby
1st-level Foxblood feature target. Roll 1d100 for each creature within 20 feet of the initial
Having inherited the Kits’adrian ability to change your form, you target. Whichever creature rolls the lowest becomes the target of
can cast disguise self at will. When you do, you can also change that same effect (and the original creature is excluded entirely
the sound of your voice to match whatever you are attempting to from all related effects of that spell or its features), and the attack
disguise yourself as, giving you advantage on Charisma roll/saving throw against is re-attempted with them as its new
(Deception) checks made while disguised. target.

Skulking Arcanum Quickstep

1st-level Foxblood feature 14th-level Foxblood feature
When you learn a Sorcerer spell, you can choose any spell As long as you are not wearing medium or heavy armor, you
included in the Skulker’s Grimoire spell group, which counts as can take the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn. When
Sorcerer spells for you. you do, the extra movement you gain through your Dash action is

Trick Spell
18th-level Foxblood feature
By allowing your magic to run wild, you gain the ability to
channel power beyond what you’re normally capable of. As a
bonus action, you may spend 3 sorcery points and roll 1d10. You
create a spell slot of the number you roll (except 10) which you
must use to cast a Sorcerer spell as part of the same bonus
action. The spell you cast must have a casting time of 1 action or
1 bonus action and ignores rules regarding how many spells you
can cast in a single turn.
If you roll a 10 on the d10, you regain 1 spent sorcery point,
then roll the d10 again to determine the spell slot. You can only
regain up to 3 sorcery points by rolling consequtive results of 10
this way.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sword Saint

hen you take your third level as a Sword Saint, Jack of all Trades
you can choose one of the following Paths of Devotion, 3rd-level Way of Kyuubi feature
gaining its features at the levels listed. By following the teachings of a balanced lifestyle, you gain
moderate proficiency in all actions. When you make any ability
check that you are not already adding your proficiency bonus to,
you may add half your proficiency bonus to it (rounded down).

Refined Focus Techniques

3rd-level Way of Kyuubi feature
Rather than gain new focus techniques, your base Sword Saint
Way of Kyuubi techniques are refined in the following ways:

Kyuubi, first of the Sword Saints, student of Luxus, and member Adept Moment
of the First to Skulk, was the progenitor of most practices
commonly carried out by others who would go on to refine their You may use this feature to add a bonus to any ability check you
skills. She was highly adept at picking up on the techniques of make regardless of proficiency.
others and adapting them to her own style, leading her core
Cunning Vertical
teachings to become the fundamentals for those who wanted to
study the ways of other famous warriors. In following her This focus technique no longer costs focus points and can be
teachings one refines the talents of a Sword Saint to their peak. freely taken as a bonus action.
Kyuubi’s path was one that valued mindfulness and
moderation. She passed on her ways to many warriors, leading Falcon Wing Deflection
to it being spread as widely as it has been. She was proficient in This focus technique now only costs 1 focus point.
most tasks and could pick up skills easily. Legends state that all
she needed was to see a master perform a skill for her to match Falter Fleeting
their mastery completely, and that her disposition was as still and
The additional movement you gain is doubled.
composed as the surface of a lake.
Overwhelming Advance
If you roll less than a 10 on the new d20, you can treat the result
Way of Kyuubi Features as a 10 instead.

Level Features Skillsteal

3rd Jack of all Trades, Refined Focus Techniqes 6th-level Way of Kyuubi feature
6th Skillsteal Choose a number of focus techniques equal to your proficiency
11th Student of Luxus bonus from any other Sword Saint Paths of Devotion (except
those that involve casting spells). You learn those techniques and
14th Blade of the Splitting Path
can use them freely. Each time you gain a level as a Sword Saint
17th Ars Magnus
where your proficiency bonus would be higher than the number of
techniques you’ve learned this way, you may learn more until you
have the appropriate amount.

Student of Luxus
11th-level Way of Kyuubi feature
When you roll initiative, if you have fewer than 3 focus points
remaining you regain 3 immediately.

Blade of the Splitting Path

14th-level Way of Kyuubi feature
As long as you are wielding your attuned saint weapon, you
have advantage on all saving throws you make.

Ars Magnus
17th-level Way of Kyuubi feature
Each time you rest you may choose one of your focus
techniques to meditate on and mentally train yourself in its use.
This focus technique no longer requires you to spend focus
points when you use it, until you choose to meditate on a different


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Way of the Tamamo no Mae
A talented spellcaster and swordswoman, Tamamo no Mae was a
controversial figure who disguised herself as a noblewoman to
infiltrate various noble houses. There she enjoyed their wealth,
seduced their family heads, and would eventually take the lives of
entire dynasties once she became tired of them. Her true form
was a sukoshin daiyokai, a yokai lord of foxes who evaded
capture for hundreds of years. Legends state that she was
eventually sealed within a stone blessed by a deity of Cu Chullis,
but there is no evidence of divine or fiendish power within the
supposed sealing stone.
Sword Saints have been known to follow her teachings and
attempt to learn magic as she had. Some believe that she was
once one of the Kits’adrian First to Skulk, who had fallen from the
path of divinity and became a yokai lord out of selfishness.

3rd-level Way of Tamamo no Mae feature
You can harness your focus to channel magical abilities,
amplifying your martial techniques with spellcasting.

Spell Slots
The Way of Tamamo table shows how many spell slots you have
to cast your Wizard spells of 1st-level and higher. To cast one of
these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher.
You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell charm person and
have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you may cast Way of Tamamo no Mae Features
charm person using either slot. Level Features
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher 3rd Spellcasting, Focus Techniques
6th Rejunctive Surge
At 3rd-level you know three 1st-level Wizard spells of your
choice. The Spells Known column of the Way of Tamamo table 11th Fox Fiend Speed
shows when you learn more Wizard spells of 1st-level or higher. 14th Twisted Arcane Blade
Each of these spells must be of a level you have spell slots for. 17th Kayo’s Neck
The Wizard spells chosen must be of the abjuration,
enchantment, or illusion schools of magic, or parts of the Way of Tamamo no Mae Spellcasting
Skulker’s Grimoire spell group (which count as Wizard spells for
— Known — — Spell Slots per Spell Level —
When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the
Level Cantrips Spells 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the 3rd 2 3 2 - - -
Wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you 4th 2 4 3 - - -
have spell slots. 5th 2 4 3 - - -
6th 2 4 3 - - -
Spellcasting Ability
7th 2 5 4 2 - -
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Wizard spells, since 8th 2 5 4 2 - -
you learn them by heeding the natural world. You use your
9th 2 5 4 2 - -
Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
addition, you use your Wisdom when setting the saving throw DC 10th 3 6 4 3 - -
for a Wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with 11th 3 6 4 3 - -
one. 12th 3 6 4 3 - -
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom 13th 3 7 4 3 2 -
modifier 14th 3 7 4 3 2 -
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
15th 3 7 4 3 2 -
Any item or effect that would increase your focus technique DC 16th 3 8 4 3 3 -
also increases your Way of Tamamo spell save DC. 17th 3 8 4 3 3 -
18th 3 8 4 3 3 -
Spellcasting Focus 19th 3 9 4 3 3 1
You do not require a spellcasting focus as long as you are 20th 3 9 4 3 3 1
wielding a weapon you are proficient with, which acts as your
focus instead.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Rejunctive Surge
6th-level Way of Tamamo no Mae feature
When you use your dragon surge feature you regain a spell
Focus Techniques slot of a level equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded
3rd-level Way of Tamamo no Mae feature down).
You learn the following focus techniques:
Fox Fiend Speed
Arcane Split
11th-level Way of Tamamo no Mae feature
When you cast a Wizard spell using a spell slot, as long as that Your base movement speed increases by a number equal to
spell targets only one creature and doesn’t have a range of self, your proficiency bonus multiplied by 5.
you can spend a number of focus points equal to the level of the
spell slot expended to target a second creature with the same Twisted Arcane Blade
spell (a cantrip requires 1 focus point). To be eligible for arcane 14th-level Way of Tamamo no Mae feature
split, the spell and the spell’s effects must be incapable of If you hit a creature with two or more weapon attacks in the
targeting more than one creature at the spell’s cast level. same turn using your attuned saint weapon, you can immediately
cast a Wizard spell with a casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus
Splitting Stone Art action as part of the same Attack action, choosing either the
When you are grappled or restrained on your turn, you can spend creature you hit or yourself as the spell’s target. You can only
1 focus point to escape those effects immediately, entering the cast a spell this way once per turn.
nearest unoccupied space (if you were sharing a space with
another creature), then take the Disengage action (no action
Kayo’s Neck
required). 17th-level Way of Tamamo no Mae feature
You can inflict a serious injury upon those around you as an
Magic Mirror Stance action, spending 3 focus points and aiming to decapitate all
creatures you choose within 10 feet of you with a nefarious
On your turn, you may spend 1 focus point to enter into a stance
sweep of your weapon. All targets must make a Constitution
that allows you to resist magical effects, in which you remain until
saving throw against your focus technique DC. On a failure, they
the start of your next turn. While in this stance you have
take 8d10 slashing damage, or half as much on a successful one.
advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects,
Any creature that rolls a natural 1 and fails on their saving throw
and can also use your reaction to cast counterspell using a spell
is reduced to 0 hit points instead, unless they are resistant or
slot of an appropriate level, even if you do not know that spell.
immune to slashing damage.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)


hen you take your first level as a Warlock, you The First Fox
can choose one of the following Otherworldly Patrons,
gaining its features at the levels listed. Forming a pact with Kitsune, a warlock devotes themselves to the
eidolos’ as a watcher of the world. Kitsune forms contracts with
those who seek out protection from the oppressive, and cares
greatly for those who are not free to express themselves fully.
Their pact manifests in the appearance of a fox spirit companion,
which is capable of growing and evolving in response to the
needs of its partner. This spirit is a fey spirit that serves Kitsune
or Luxus, sent as an agent to look after the one they have
entrusted with their magical energy.

Companion Fox
1st-level First Fox feature
When you form your pact with Kitsune, a fox spirit finds its way
to you and watches over you as their agent. This fox is a fey
spirit, but for all intents and purposes is manifested as a fox
which can vanish and appear as needed.
As an action, you can magically summon the fox spirit that is
bound to you. It appears in an unoccupied space of your choice
within 30 feet of you.
The fox spirit is friendly to you and your companions, and it
obeys your commands. See its game statistics in the
accompanying Fox spirit stat block, which uses your proficiency
bonus (PB) in several places. When called into question, the
spirit’s proficiency bonus matches yours.
In combat, the fox shares your initiative count and takes its turn
immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its
own, but the only action it takes is the Dodge action unless you
take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another
action and/or bonus action. That action(s) can be one of those
specified in its stat block or some other action. If you are
incapacitated the fox spirit can take any action of its choice, not
just Dodge.
The fox spirit remains until it is reduced to 0 hit points, until you
use this feature to summon the fox spirit again, or until you die.
Anything the fox spirit was wearing or carrying is left behind when
the fox spirit vanishes.
Once you summon the fox spirit, you can’t do so again until
you finish a long rest, or until you expend a pact spell slot to
summon it again.
When you gain this first level, you can choose one of the
The First Fox Features
following options, which applies to your fox spirit companion:
Level Features
1st Companion Fox Familiar Senses
6th Companion Advancement You can project your senses into the fox spirit as if by the find
10th Companion Transformation familiar spell.
14th Greater Companion Advancement
Medical Aid
Expanded Spell List The fox gains proficiency in Wisdom (Medicine) checks. When
you are reduced to 0 hit points, your fox spirit will move to you
When you learn a new Warlock spell, you may treat the following
and, once adjacent, uses its action to attempt a Wisdom
spells as being on the Warlock spell list for you.
(Medicine) check to stabilize you. If it succeeds and rolls a result
Level Spell of 15 or more, you regain 1 hit point immediately. If the fox is
unable to move to you in one turn without using an action to do
1st Command, Longstrider so, it can use its action to teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied
2nd Boomerang Weapon, Nathair’s Mischief space next to you.
3rd Haste, Path to Victory
4th Dominate Beast, Guardian of Nature Pin Cushion
5th Commune with Nature, Wrath of Nature If you take damage and your fox spirit is within 30 feet of you,
your fox spirit can use its reaction to reduce the amount of
damage you take to half (rounded down), and it takes the same
amount of damage of the same type.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Companion Advancement Companion Transformation
6th-level First Fox feature 10th-level First Fox feature
Your fox spirit companion gains the ability to take two attacks Your fox spirit’s weapon attacks are considered magical, and it
instead of one when you command it to Attack. gains one of the following features:
Additionally, it gains one of the following features:
Elemental Junction
Illusory Scoundrel
The fox is infused with one of the following elements, which you
Attacks made against your fox spirit companion and anything choose when taking this feature: fire, cold, poison, psychic,
mounting it (if it becomes large enough) have disadvantage. lightning, acid, thunder. You and your fox companion become
When the fox or anything benefiting from this effect takes immune to that damage type, and your fox spirit’s weapon
damage, this feature is suppressed until the start of your next attacks deal an extra 1d8 damage of that type. While it is within
turn. 30 feet of you, your weapon attacks share this extra damage as
Your fox gains a fly speed equal to its base movement speed. It Mounted Form
is capable of flying by running through the air as if on solid Your fox can use its action to transform into a larger version of
ground. itself, assuming a new form that is one size category larger than
yours and has a base movement speed of 60 feet. It can also
Slippery Chase return to its smaller form as an action. You are capable of
Your fox spirit companion’s movement does not provoke mounting its larger form, and while mounted you can command it
opportunity attacks. to take its movement on your turn, but that movement is reduced
from its own when it takes its next turn. While it is in its larger
form, it deals an extra weapon die of damage with its bite and
claw attacks.

Your fox spirit’s ability scores all increase by 2.

Greater Companion Advancement

14th-level First Fox feature
Your fox spirit’s weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage,
and it gains one of the following features:

Frequent Conjuration
The fox spirit can be summoned once per short or long rest,
instead of once every long rest.

When your fox spirit is forced to make a saving throw to take only
half damage from an effect, it takes no damage on a successful
save, and half damage on a failed one. If you are mounting it you
gain the benefits of this feature as well.

Vicious Fighter
Your fox spirit can attack three times when it takes the Attack
action, its weapon damage dice for its Bite and Claws become
d10s, and it gains proficiency in two saving throws of your choice
that is doesn’t already have.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

The First to Skulk
Forming a pact with any of the first Kits’adria to have lived, these
Warlocks gain a variety of blessings. They take upon themselves Grimoire of the Fox
the natural tenacity and characteristics of these first intrepid spies 1st-level First to Skulk feature
and infiltrators. The First to Skulk and First to Consume are both All spells that are part of the Skulker’s Grimoire spell group are
viable sets of patrons for these Warlocks, and may have their considered to be on the Warlock spell list for you.
own individual goals. They are unlikely to take on many Warlocks
at a time due to their natural sense of discretion. Improved Critical
1st-level First to Skulk feature
When you hit a creature with a weapon or spell attack, you
score a critical on a d20 result of 19 or 20.
The First to Skulk Features
Level Features Speed of the Skulker
1st Grimoire of the Fox, Improved Critical 6th-level First to Skulk feature
Once per short or long rest, you can choose to grant yourself
6th Speed of the Skulker
accelerated speed for 10 minutes. If you do, your base
10th Swarm of One movement speed doubles for that period and opportunity attacks
14th Shadow of the Arrow made against you have disadvantage. If you are mounting a
creature that is serving as an obedient mount you can choose to
Expanded Spell List grant this benefit to the mount as well, though it loses this benefit
When you learn a new Warlock spell, you may treat the following if you dismount them.
spells as being on the Warlock spell list for you.
Swarm of One
Warlock Level Spell 10th-level First to Skulk feature
1st Hunter’s Mark, Zephyr Strike As an action on your turn, you may invoke your patron to
create several clones of you that all move up to your movement
2nd Blur, Tasha’s Mind Whip
speed. You can command them to make a single weapon attack
3rd Haste, Lightning Arrow each as if they were you using a weapon you are carrying,
4th Find Greater Steed, Freedom of Movement targeting a creature within that weapon’s range. Any magical item
5th Steel Wind Strike, Swift Quiver effects, spell effects, or class features (such as smites, effects
with charges, effects that work once per turn, etc.) count each
attack as a separate attack. Ammunition and similar resources
consumed by each of your clones are taken from you.
You can only attack a given creature a number of times with
this effect equal to half the number of clones you create (rounded
down), and must either waste excess clones or spread attacks
out against multiple targets accordingly.
When you use this feature you create a number of clones
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you can use this feature a
number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining spent
uses when you complete a long rest.

Shadow of the Arrow

14th-level First to Skulk feature
When you make a ranged weapon or spell attack and either
miss your target or attack a space without one in it, you can use
your bonus action to switch places with the spell
effect/ammunition that missed and appear in that unoccupied
space, then re-attempt that attack roll against a creature within
range using the same spell or piece of ammunition.
You must appear in a space behind your target that is inline
with where you started the attack (passing through your target’s
space). This new space must be farther from your previous space
than your target was when you took your action.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Eldritch Invocations
When choosing Warlock invocations, you may choose from the
following options as long as you meet their prerequisites:

Acting on Instinct
You cannot be surprised as long as you are conscious. When you
would be surprised you can take reactions and actions in your
first round of combat normally.

Companion Evolution
Requirements: 6th-level First Fox Warlock
You may choose one additional feature from your companion
improvement feature to apply to your fox spirit. Once taken, this
invocation can never be replaced with another.

Companion Transformation Evolution

Requirements: 10th-level First Fox Warlock
You may choose one additional feature from your companion
transformation feature to apply to your fox spirit. Once taken, this
invocation can never be replaced with another.

Greater Companion Evolution

Requirements: 14th-level First Fox Warlock
You may choose one additional feature from your greater
companion improvement feature to apply to your fox spirit. Once
taken, this invocation can never be replaced with another.

Run Wild
Requirements: 10th-level First to Skulk Warlock
Once per short or long rest, you can increase your base
movement speed by 30 feet for 1 minute.

Skulker’s Eye
You gain darkvision out to 60 feet and have advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve hearing or sight. If you
already have darkvision, its range extends 30 feet. If you have
devilsight its range is increased by 30 feet as well.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)


hen you take your second level as a Wizard, you
can choose the following Arcane Traditions, gaining its Repetitious Preparation
features at the levels listed. 14th-level Grassroot Alchemist feature
Choose two mixtures that are rare or less common. Each time
you prepare mixtures you may prepare one of those mixtures
Grassroot Alchemist without investing any points of alchemic inspiration into it. Each
time you gain a level as a Wizard you may change one of those
As mindful students of the arcane arts, some Wizards turn their mixtures for another that meets these criteria.
focus toward the observable world of magic. Sorcerers, Druids,
and other casters wield magic differently. Their powers are
similar, but somehow a world apart. The Grassroot Alchemist Grassroot Alchemist Features
keeps their mind open, tending to the distinctions between the
Level Features
science of the arcane and the natural splendor of organically
drawn spells, and learns to marry the two. Through this process, 2nd Natural Focus
they learn much about alchemy as a byproduct of studying the 6th Alchemic Inspiration
natural elements of the flora they draw inspiration from. 10th Rush of Vitality
14th Repititous Preparation
Natural Focus
2nd-level Grassroot Alchemist feature
Your study of magic has led to the knowledge of the magical
influences that naturally exist around you. When you learn a
Wizard spell from a scroll, spellbook, or by gaining a Wizard Mixture Lists
level, you can choose spells off of the Druid spell list. Spells from The following lists detail some mixtures available to you.
the Druid spell list count as Wizard spells for you.
The gold and time you must spend to copy spells on the Druid Common & Uncommon Mixtures
spell list into your spellbook are halved.
Oil of Slipperiness
Alchemic Inspiration Philter of Love
Potion of Animal Friendship
6th-level Grassroot Alchemist feature
Potion of Climbing
You gain proficiency in alchemist’s tools. You have a number of
Potion of Fire Breath
points of alchemic inspiration equal to your proficiency bonus.
Potion of Greater Healing
When you take a long rest you can spend these points to create
Potion of Growth
alchemic concoctions with effects equivalent to potions of various
Potion of Hill Giant Strength
rarities. The number of points it takes to prepare various mixtures
Potion of Poison
is detailed on the mixture point cost table below. Next time you
Potion of Resistance
complete a long rest (or after 24 hours), your prepared mixtures
Potion of Water Breathing
lose their potency and become unusable.
To make your mixtures when you complete a long rest, you Rare Mixtures
must have access to alchemist’s tools, as well as potion vials or
Elixir of Health
containers that can store the items you’re using. Regular potion
Oil of Etherealness
vials are generally acceptable, and reusable. Any type of acid
Potion of Aqueous Form
requires glassware.
Potion of Clairvoyance
The effects of your mixtures can never become permanent.
Potion of Diminution
Mixture Point Cost Potion of Fire Giant Strength
Potion of Gaseous Form
Rarity Points Potion of Heroism
Common / Uncommon 1 Potion of Invulnerability
Rare 2 Potion of Mind Reading
Potion of Stone Giant Strength
Very Rare 3
Potion of Superior Healing
Legendary 5
Very Rare Mixtures
Rush of Vitality Oil of Sharpness
10th-level Grassroot Alchemist feature Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
You can channel naturally drawn magic into a rejuvenating Potion of Flying
force that permeates your body and offers you protection. Any Potion of Invisibility
time you cast a spell that is on the Druid spell list, you gain a Potion of Longevity
number of temporary hit points equal to 1d4 multiplied by the Potion of Speed
spell’s level. Potion of Supreme Healing
Potion of Vitality
Legendary Mixtures
Potion of Dragon’s Majesty (any color)
Potion of Storm Giant Strength


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
New Weapons & Armor

he following equipment offers additional options a concealed barrel. Several triggers run along the weapon’s
when playing within the setting. shaft, requiring two to be pressed at once to fire as to prevent
Bolas. Two weights tied at the end of intercepted accidental discharges of the weapon.
cords, meant to be thrown at a creature to tie them up. Hand Cannon. A heavy firearm that is the relative size of a rifle
Bolas can affect creatures of the same size or one size less than but bulkier, and utilizes stronger charges. This weapon unleashes
the creature they’re made for (medium by default) and have a blast with greater force than rifles and handguns, but reloading
disadvantage on anything larger then failing against anything is a more involving procedure.
else. Mounted Blades. These blades are fitted onto a gauntlet or
When bolas hit a creature with limbs, that creature is restrained grip with blades extending from the back of the hand, either as a
by the bolas, and their speed is reduced to 0 while bound by curved claw-like weapon or a straight blade.
them, and if they score a critical hit, that creature is knocked Revolver. A handgun that has a six-round chamber.
prone as well. They can attempt to remove the bolas as if it was Revolver, Light. A smaller handgun featuring a smaller
grappling them (escape DC 14). chamber that can be fired with ease and stowed quickly.
The cord can also be cut by a weapon that deals slashing Revolver, Rapid. A handgun built with a rapid-fire mechanism
damage, requiring 5 points of damage (AC 13). that allows for many shots to be taken with a single sustained
Dagger, Blasting. A dagger with a firearm built into it, which is trigger press by flipping a small safety switch on its side.
capable of loading a single shot. Its handle is that of a revolver, Rifle. A lengthy firearm with a greater potential for precision
with a concealed trigger that can be pressed rapidly. compared to a revolver, requiring two hands to use.
Greatbow. A large bow, the length of an average human body. Rifle, Hunting. A rifle that has been built with great care, able
These bows require special great arrows instead of regular to load two shots and fire at a greater range.
arrows and at least 16 Strength to wield due to the difficulty of Rifle, Scoped. A hunting rifle outfitted with a magnifying device
pulling back the bowstring. These special bows use Strength allowing long-distance shots to be taken.
instead of Dexterity for their attack and damage rolls. Arrows for Seige Garland. A large metal weapon best described as a
this bow cost 2 gp per bundle of 20. portable cannon. This weapon requires its wielder to have a
Greatshield. Also known as a tower shield, this massive Strength score of at least 17, and unleashes an explosive charge
defensive armament is heavy and difficult to wield. For those who at a target or space within range. All creatures within 5 feet of the
can wield them properly, however, they provide a sturdy metal targeted space must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + the
wall between their wielder and any threats they face. wielder’s Dexterity modifier + their proficiency bonus + its
Gunblade. A bladed weapon the approximate size and weight enhancement bonus), taking half the weapon’s damage on a
of a sword but curved as to resemble a rifle. A barrel running failed save or no damage on a successful one.
through the weapon allows for a rifle shot to be taken with it. Shortspear. These short spears have two-thirds the length of
Gunlance. Otherwise similar to a glaive, this weapon has an their counterparts and can be wielded with greater dexterity.
explosive round loaded into one end, and its bladed end features Twinblade. This staff-like weapon has a blade on either side.

Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties

Simple Melee Weapons
Dagger, Blasting 60 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Light, thrown (20/60), trigger (2d6 piercing, range 10/30, reload 1)
Shortspear 1 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Martial Melee Weapons
Bolas 5 gp — 5 lb. Special, thrown (10/30)
Gunblade 250 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lb. Trigger (2d8 piercing, range 10/30, reload 2), versatile (1d10)
Gunlance 300 gp 1d10 slashing 10 lb. Heavy, reach, trigger (2d10 piercing, range 15/45, reload 2), two-handed
Mounted Blades 10 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Finesse, firm, light
Twinblade 40 gp 1d8 slashing 12 lb. Secondary, two-handed
Martial Ranged Weapons
Greatbow 50 gp 1d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, loading, special, two-handed
Simple Firearms
Rifle 180 gp 2d8 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), reload 1, two-handed
Revolver, Light 60 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), light, reload 2
Revolver 80 gp 2d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), reload 6
Martial Firearms
Hand Cannon 300 gp 4d10 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition(range 20/60), heavy reload 1, two-handed
Seige Garland 400 gp 4d12 fire 20 lb. Advanced, Ammunition (range 10/30), full reload 1, heavy, two-handed
Revolver, Rapid 140 gp 2d6 piercing 6 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), burst-fire, heavy reload 12
Rifle, Hunting 200 gp 2d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), reload 2, two-handed
Rifle, Scoped 250 gp 2d10 piercing 9 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), reload 2, sniping, two-handed
Armor Cost Armor Class Strength Stealth Weight Properties
Greatshield 50 gp +4 Str 19 Disadvantage 15 lb. Heavy


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Weapon Properties Firearm Properties
Several properties are specifically associated with firearm
The following new properties exist on some of the weapons
weapons. However, some of them (like the trigger property) may
included and can also be used or applied to other weapons.
appear on other weapons.
Eidolic. Weapons that are eidolic can properly injure beings
Advanced. This weapon requires an extra layer of proficiency
like Eidolons. Certain creatures have divine protection from harm,
beyond the regular proficiency of firearms. You must have
and eidolos can restore themselves to life repeatedly. Eidolic
proficiency in the firearm type and specifically in this weapon’s
weapons can ignore these qualities and bypass these
use. When you would gain an instrument or tool proficiency, you
can choose to be proficient in this weapon instead.
Firm. This weapon is secured to you well. You have advantage
If a creature without this proficiency tries to fire it, the weapon
on ability checks made to avoid being disarmed, and aggressors
will work properly, and they are treated as proficient but must roll
have disadvantage on checks made to steal, remove or disarm it.
1d100. On a result of 31 or higher, the weapon fails to fire.
Secondary. This weapon has a second readied weapon, such
Ammunition. The firearm uses ammunition, which is
as a secondary blade or weighted end. When you attack with this
consumed upon use.
weapon, you can immediately use your bonus action to make a
Bladed. A bladed firearm has a sharpened edge. It can be
second attack with it, though this second attack must use your
used to make weapon attacks and deal damage as if it were a
Dexterity score for its attack and damage rolls.
shortsword (if it has the light property) or a longsword (if it
Firearms doesn’t). When used this way, it does not add any ability score
modifier to the damage roll.
As of the eighth age of the fallen Somonian empire, firearms and Burst Fire. This weapon can either be fired normally or fired as
weapons related to their use have come to exist within Somnus an action to spray everything in a 10-foot-cube centered within its
Domina, mostly available in Retia and Cu Chullis. In Retia, normal range, forcing all targets in that space to make a Dexterity
firearm technology has advanced due to the efforts of engineers saving throw (DC 8 + the modifier you use to attack with the
in the technologically advanced city of High Wave. Cu Chullis has firearm + your proficiency bonus). Each creature that fails is dealt
kept pace by adding their own creative twists to firearms. a separate damage roll from the weapon.
Due to their upkeep and unique ammunition, firearms are rare A weapon with this property that fires in a cube can only target
and difficult to master. Most smiths are unsure of how to create a number of creatures equal to or less than its remaining loaded
them on their own, so constructing a firearm is generally a ammunition but empties its remaining ammunition regardless of
collaborative effort between a skilled smith and an engineer. how many it targets.
Though a niche market, they often see wild success if they find Full Reload. This property functions as the heavy reload
even a small number of receptive customers. property, except it is cumbersome and difficult to reload. A
Firearms use the wielder’s Dexterity for their attack and creature cannot move more than half their movement speed on a
damage rolls unless a feature or property states otherwise. turn they reload this weapon.
Ammunition. Firearms require special ammunition that varies Heavy Reload. This property functions as the reload property,
between weapons. The ammunition is defined by its damage except always requires an action to reload.
dice. Ammunition with a similar number of damage dice can be Reload. A weapon with the reload property can only fire a
used for any firearm that matches that damage. certain number of shots before it must be reloaded. A creature
may reload it using an action or a bonus action (their choice).
Ammo Damage Die Cost (1) Bundle Cost This property will always read the number of shots it can hold,
Light 2d6 & 1d10 5 sp 10 gp (20) written as, for example, “reload 6” for a weapon that can hold six
Medium 2d8 & 1d12 8 sp 16 gp (20) shots/be fired six times before reloading.
Sniping. A weapon with the sniping property has a scope or
Heavy 2d10 1 gp 20 gp (20)
other instrument that allows for more accurate shots. It can be
Buck Charge 4d10 5 gp 25 gp (5)
fired up to its long range without granting disadvantage if either of
Explosive 4d12 10 gp 50 gp (5) two conditions are met:

Proficiency The creature firing it is prone while they fire it, allowing them
During character creation, you should determine if you have to steady their aim (being prone does not give disadvantage
firearm proficiency. They require extra care and a different skill- to attack rolls with this weapon).
set than regular ranged weapons, so their proficiency is The creature firing it uses its bonus action to aim more
considered separate from martial and simple weapons. carefully, and it is the only attack they make on their turn.
Furthermore, if you are gaining proficiency with firearms, you
If both conditions are met, the creature also gains advantage
must gain proficiency with simple firearms before taking
on its attack roll.
proficiency with martial firearms. With your DM’s permission, you
Trigger. A weapon with the trigger property hs a firearm built
may choose one of the following options to gain proficiency
into it in a way that allows it to function as both. When it is listed
during character creation:
as such, it will include a damage die that represents its trigger
damage, as well as suitable range and reload properties. A
You may switch a skill proficiency for firearm proficiency.
You may have firearm proficiency in place of proficiency with trigger weapon can be fired like a firearm, and whether it is
simple and martial ranged weapons. simple or martial corresponds to the melee weapon’s type.
If you would gain a feat, you may choose to take a feat that If a trigger weapon hits with a melee attack, the wielder can
use a bonus action to fire the weapon, adding the trigger damage
grants weapon proficiencies (keeping in mind that simple and
martial firearms are separate proficiencies). (always piercing unless stated otherwise) to the weapon’s
damage roll. If fired this way, it does not add any ability modifiers
You can also gain proficiency in firearms through the usual to the trigger damage.
means of training during downtime, but only if you have access to Weapons with the trigger property always require an action to
the weapons and ammunition required. reload unless stated otherwise.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Endarwool Armor
In Cu Chullis, the creation of special lighter armor that is capable
of absorbing strikes was perfected by an Elven artisan named
Havar Endarwool. This armor was originally forged in the
Feywild, using the magical bark of Steelwood trees, and this early
armor was able to absorb the trauma from weapons of the
Material Plane entirely. However, after being released from his
service to the Eldradrin emperor of Cu Chullis in the Feywild, he
was granted the right to pass his secrets on to the Material
Plane’s artisans and smiths. Though difficult and considered
beyond masterwork, he did so, and a lesser variant was created
that is used by many important figures and special elite warriors
in Cu Chullis. However, it is rarely found all over the known world
This armor is lighter than regular armor and offers little
protection in terms of stopping weapons outright. However, its
design disperses the damage from piercing, slashing, and
bludgeoning weapons while allowing the wearer to retain their
mobility. The table below shows their properties and statistics,
which mostly function the same way as regular armor. There are
only three types: light, medium, and heavy, which corresponds to
their armor category.

Armor AC Reduction Weight Cost

Light 11 + Dex 3 + Enhancement 10 lbs 25 gp
Medium 12 + Dex 5 + Enhancement 17 lbs 500 gp
Heavy 13 + Dex 8 + Enhancement 25 lbs 2000 gp

Reduction. The reduction column refers to the damage they

soak when struck. When the creature wearing them is hit, they
reduce all piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage they take
by the amount listed in that column (calculated before
resistances, as reduction normally is). If the armor has an
enhancement bonus, it also reduces those damage types by an
amount equal to the bonus.
Adamantine. Adamantine weapons can bypass the reduction

from this type of armor, unless the armor itself is also made of
Rarity. These armor types are considered uncommon by

default. A +1 variant is rare, +2 is very rare, and +3 is legendary.

They are difficult to find, and generally, only Cu Chullian smiths of
the greatest renown know how to forge them, though their craft
may have extended beyond their shores.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)


feat represents a character achieving mastery in Deadshot
one of their capabilities or discovering a latent skill they
possessed but did not have the means to utilize. The You are an expert at exploiting the weaknesses of creatures you
following feats represent skills Kits’adria might excel at, have dealt serious harm to or already have an advantage
but unless otherwise noted, they are available to any creature against. You gain the following benefits:
who qualifies for them. You can take these if you use the optional
feat rule in the core rules of Dungeons and Dragons. If you score a critical hit against a creature, you have
If you take a feat, you must qualify for its listed prerequisites. advantage on the first attack you make each turn against
Furthermore, if you take a feat you qualify for, but later your them for 1 minute.
features or statistics change, and you no longer do, you If you have advantage on an attack against a target and miss,
immediately lose access to that feat’s benefits. You regain them if you can use your reaction to roll a new d20 and replace the
you later qualify for them again. d20 of your attack roll with it, possibly changing the outcome.

All But Invisible Firearm Expert

Prerequisites: proficiency in Dexterity (Stealth) checks. Prerequisites: proficiency with simple and/or ranged weapons
You can stay hidden more easily, taking advantage of a failure You learn to wield firearms and become highly proficient in
to strike a target when attacking from a stealthy position. You their use. You gain the following benefits:
gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency in simple and martial firearms, as long as
Your Dexterity score increases by 1. you have the corresponding proficiency in simple and/or
Once per turn, when you make an attack against a target martial ranged weapons.
while hidden and miss, you do not reveal your position You can reload firearms with a reaction instead of a bonus
immediately, and you remain hidden. However, that creature action.
gains advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks made to You do not gain disadvantage from firing a firearm within 5
find you (increasing their passive Perception by 5) until you feet of a hostile creature.
hide in a new location. You can reload weapons with the trigger property as a bonus
When you move from a place you were hiding and move action.
through an area you would be seen, you remain hidden until
you end your turn or take an action with a target.

Arcane Specialist
Prerequisites: the ability to cast at least 1st-level spells using
spell slots
You research specific schools of magic, learning about esoteric
magic groups and adding them to your repertoire. You gain the
following benefits:
Heavy Swing
Prerequisites: Str 15 and Dex 15
Your spellcasting ability score increases by 1. If you have You can swing weapons with overwhelming strength even if
multiple, you must choose one. they are so light they normally wouldn’t benefit from doing so.
Choose one spell group from this book’s spells section (such
as the Skulker’s Grimoire). You learn one spell from that spell Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.
list that you have spell slots to cast, and this spell does not When a feature, such as a barbarian’s rage, states that it
count against your spells known. That spell is counted as requires a Strength-based weapon to benefit from its effects,
being on the spell list corresponding to the spellcasting ability you can also use Dexterity-based weapons for those benefits.
you picked for this feat, and when you gain new spells from Furthermore, any effect that requires a melee attack can also
that class, you may choose to learn them from that spell group be used with a thrown weapon attack unless its effects
as if they were on that spell list as well. functionally require you to be in a certain proximity to your
You may take this feat multiple times but cannot use it to add target (such as an effect that grapples a creature).
the same spell group to the same class’s spell list more than Even when you use your Dexterity score for the attack roll of a
once. weapon, you can choose to use either your Strength or
Dexterity score on the damage roll. For effects that consider
Strength-based or Dexterity-based weapons, these attacks
are treated as using whichever was used for the attack roll.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Intrepid Climber Survival Master
Prerequisites: proficiency in Strength (Athletics) checks Prerequisites: proficiency in Wisdom (Survival) checks
You are quick and able to scale surfaces with each. You gain a You are a savant at scavenging for food, even in environments
climb speed equal to your base movement speed and can climb you aren’t familiar with. You gain the following benefits:
surfaces you can grip onto (such as wood, uneven cliffs, etc)
without requiring special climbing gear. You gain expertise in Survival checks (you add your
proficiency bonus to them a second time, unless you already
Night Eye did so through a similar feature).
You have advantage on any ability checks made to recognize
Prerequisites: proficiency in Perception checks or darkvision
if flora or fauna would be dangerous to touch, in conditions
You can keep track of shapes and small details in low-light
where it might be toxic, corrosive, or otherwise dangerous due
situations. You do not have disadvantage on Perception checks
to naturally occurring elements.
made in or to track targets in dim light.
You can use your Constitution score for Survival checks
relating to gathering food, using your intuition and experience
with food rather than a conscious knowledge of proper food.
If you get lost while traveling in unknown territory, you have
advantage on Survival checks you make to find landmarks or
paths you have encountered before and get back on track.
You have a passive Survival score, equal to 10 + your Survival
check modifier, which you can use to casually travel, find food,
and notice interesting elements of nature even when not
paying deliberate attention.

Sloan See (Order #37077152)


he following section contains spells pertaining to Nine Branch Arts
Kits’adrian culture, spellcasters, and other spells from
Somnus Domina added in for flavor. These spells are Spells founded and developed by Kitsune, and used by Kits’adria
referenced in some of the subclasses in this book, and who follow in her footsteps. These spells are supernatural powers
will more than likely be referenced in other books pertaining to she possessed that Luxus sublimated into spells that mortal
Somnus Domina. beings would be capable of casting, as a gift granted to her
devoted followers. Harnessing Kitsune’s divine flames, these
Spell Groups spells allow for a wide variety of environmental and personal
The spells listed below fall into several categories based on the
origins of the magic. These spells establish the context and Blessed Circle
origins of the spells included. The spell groups and their Catastrophic Shield
explanations are as follows: Desperate Retreat
Disorienting Scatter
Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts Firesage Robe
Unveiling Gaze
The eidolos Altissima-Cor of the Smothering Depths was a Violent Pillar
servant of the Eidolon Marrias. She was an elevated being who Vorpal Flames
had once been a prolific sorceress, and during her service
created a variety of arcane spells that tapped into her cosmic Agitated Pulse
shard, evoking her power over ice. Her teachings would be 3th-level Evocation spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
adopted by those who aided her in her mission: to serve as a
Casting Time 1 action
record-keeper and curator for the Eidolons who ensured that
matters of the old world remained buried and unseen. Range Self
Components S
Crashing Ice
Dire Restraints
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
Divine Armor A swirling wave of force protects you, occupying a 5-foot-radius
Divine Frost centered on you. When a hostile creature starts their turn there or
Entropic Shield enters into that space for the first time on their turn they must
Frigid Banishment make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save they are repelled
Orbs of Spelljamming to the nearest unoccupied space outside the spell’s range and
Sea-dweller’s Aspect take 4d6 force damage. A creature shunted this way cannot
Snap Freeze attempt to enter that area again on that turn, and if they teleport
Vampiric Mist into range, get stuck within it and are unable to move, or are
forced in by another effect, they are knocked prone and
Skulker’s Grimoire restrained as long as they are in it until the start of their next turn.
Attacks made against you from outside your protective wave of
The Skulker’s Grimoire is a compendium of magic created by the force have disadvantage.
First to Skulk - the Kits’adria created by Kitsune. These arcane At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
arts were developed from the natural abilities those individuals 4th-level or higher, you can choose one of the following effects
have, as well as from their experience under Kitsune’s service. for each slot level above 3rd:
Legends tell that some of this magic is drawn from Luxus and
Kitsune themselves. Those who have a strong relationship with The radius of the wave increases by 5 feet.
Kits’adrian communities might learn this magic, and Kits’adria The spell’s force damage increases by 2d6
themselves tend to naturally evoke it.
Blessed Circle
Agitated Pulse 5th-level Abjuration spell (Nine Branch Arts)
Boomerang Weapon
Elstrakin’s Instant Bounty Casting Time 1 action
Elstrakin’s Loving Embrace Range Self (30 feet)
Everest’s Isolated Undoing
Free Meadow
Components V, S, M (a paper charm with gold lettering,
signifying good luck)
Hold Attacker
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Jackal’s Luck A sphere of radiant energy pours from you, extending out 30 feet
Kellia’s Deceptive Mark in every direction. For the spell’s duration, gasses and liquids in
Magnesia’s Smothering Voice the environment that you do not wish to enter this space cannot
Miraculous Evasion do so. Breathable gas of moderate temperature passes through,
Springmoon’s Holy Shield allowing all creatures in this space to breathe safely. If
Tamamo’s Arrowfall submerged in liquid, you fall until you hit a solid surface.
Elementals, fey, and yokai (except you) are warded from
entering this space. When they enter the space for the first time
on their turn,


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
target creatures within the space with attacks or spells, or start Crashing Ice
their turn within it, they must succeed on a Charisma saving 5th-level Conjuration spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts)
throw or be forced to move to the nearest unoccupied space
outside, and be unable to target creatures within it with any Casting Time 1 action
effects until their next turn. Such creatures unable to move out of Range Self (50-foot-line)
its range take 3d10 psychic damage on a failed save. Components V, S
If you willingly move into a space where the range overlaps
with a creature it may affect and end your turn there, you must
Duration Instantaneous
make a Concentration check against a DC set by the highest CR With a sweep of your hand, a torrent of freezing water and ice
or level of all warded creatures within range. On a failure, this explodes forth from you in a 50-foot-long, 10-foot-wide, 10-foot-
spell ends immediately. tall line. All creatures in range must make a Dexterity saving
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a slot of 6th- throw, taking 4d8 bludgeoning damage and 4d8 cold damage on
level or higher, the spell’s radius doubles for each slot level a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Creatures
above 5th. who succeed may choose to move out of the range of the line,
emerging in the nearest unoccupied space.
Boomerang Weapon Afterward, the water and ice freezes in place. Creatures who
2nd-level Enchantment spell (Skulker’s Grimoire) failed their saving throw are partially embedded and restrained in
Casting Time 1 action the ice, requiring a successful Strength check against your spell

Range Touch DC as an action to escape.

At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 6th-level or

Components S higher, the bludgeoning and cold damage each increase by 1d8
Duration 10 minutes for every slot level about 5th.

You touch one weapon that has the thrown property, held either Desperate Retreat
by you or a willing creature. For the spell’s duration that weapon 7th-level Conjuration spell (Nine Branch Arts)
counts as magical, and any time that weapon is used as a thrown
weapon attack and misses, either you or the attacker can use Casting Time 1 reaction taken when you are hit by an attack
their reaction to cause the weapon to swerve in the air and fly at you can see, before damage is rolled
another creature within its normal thrown attack range from the Range 60 feet
initial target. The creature who throws it then rolls another attack
Components V
roll against the new target. If this attack misses, you or the
attacker can use their reaction to use this effect again. Duration Instant
After an attack is made with the weapon, it swerves in the air In response to the triggering attack, you cause your body to be
and returns to the creature that threw it as long as they are still covered in flames and violently explode, causing everything
within the item’s long range. within 20 feet of your body to make a Dexterity saving throw,
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of taking 10d8 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much on a
4th-level or higher, the normal and long range of the thrown successful one. Meanwhile, you teleport unharmed to an
weapon doubles, then doubles again for every two slot levels unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet, and are stunned
above 4th. until the end of the current turn. You do not take damage from the
triggering hit, but must choose to use this spell before damage is
Catastrophic Shield rolled or effects provoked by being hit are resolved.
5th-level Abjuration spell (Nine Branch Arts)
Casting Time 1 reaction taken when damage would reduce Dire Restraints
9th-level Conjuration spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts)
you to 0 hit points or fewer
Range Self Casting Time 1 action
Components S Range Self (30 feet)
Duration Concentration, up to 1 round Components V, S, M (a bracelet made of ivory chain links
worth at least 5,000 gp)
When damage would trigger this spell, you summon a spherical
barrier of orange and red arcane symbols. For its duration, you Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
cannot be reduced lower than 1 hit point by any source of You create several winding snake-like sharpened chains of ivory
damage you take. If damage would reduce you to 0 hit points, that curl around you for the spell’s duration, the tips of which form
you are reduced to 1 instead. You still must make concentration long white blades. You can use your bonus action to command
checks as if you had taken the full damage, but you are protected these chains to make two melee spell attacks against creatures
against those sources of damage even if you fail the within 30 feet of you (or both against the same creature). On a
concentration check that provoked them. hit, a creature takes 3d10 piercing damage and 3d10 cold
If you target the same creature with both chains and hit with
the first, then rather than make a spell attack with the second, the
target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are
grappled and restrained (escape DC equal to your spell save),
and a new chain is created to accommodate further attacks while
that one is occupied. A creature that breaks free of these
restraints or succeeds its Strength save cannot be bound by
them again from this instance of the spell.
You can only deal damage to a given creature once per turn
using these spell attacks.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Disorienting Scatter Elstrakin’s Instant Bounty
3rd-level Conjuration spell (Nine Branch Arts) 5th-level Conjuration spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
Casting Time 1 action Casting Time 1 action
Range 30 feet (60 feet) Range 30 feet
Components V, S Components V, S, M (a silver chalice worth at least 1000 gp,
Duration Instant which the spell consumes)
Choose any number of willing creatures within 30 feet of you. Duration Instantaneous
Those creatures are teleported to an unoccupied space of your You cause the bodies of all creatures you choose within range to
choice within 60 feet of you, and if they are paralyzed, restrained, become healthy and renewed. All targets are immediately cured
or grappled, those effects end. You do not have to be able to see of any exhaustion or poison that is plaguing them, are fully fed,
the targets or spaces they teleport to as long as you know they and if they are prone they may use their reaction to stand
are there. If something occupies the space you choose, the target immediately. Additionally, all creatures you choose have
is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space. advantage on saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Creatures who are teleported must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + the level you cast the spell Elstrakin’s Loving Embrace
at. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of their next turn. 7th-level Illusion spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of

4th-level or higher, the 30 foot and 60 foot ranges double at each Casting Time 1 action
slot level above 3rd (becoming 60/120 ft. at 4th, 120/240 ft. at Range 30 feet
5th, etc.). Components V, S
Divine Armor
Duration 1 day
7th-level Abjuration spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts) A deceptive illusion of someone or something dear to a target you

Casting Time 1 action choose within range appears, only to them, and takes them in
their arms. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. If
Range Self they fail, the illusion causes them to become docile and relaxed.
Components V The creature becomes paralyzed for the spell’s duration, unable
Duration 1 minute to focus on anything except the illusion. The creature can
reattempt their saving throw at the end of each of their turns,
Your body is immediately reinforced by a layer of ice which is ending the effect on a successful save.
comfortable and flexible to you, but rigid and protective against
others. You gain 15d10 temporary hit points. If the result is Entropic Shield
greater than your hit point maximum, you gain a number of 4th-level Abjuration spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts)
temporary hit points equal to that instead.
While you have these temporary hit points you are resistant to Casting Time 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by
piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage from nonmagical an attack
weapons, and the first time each turn a creature hits you with a Range Self
melee weapon attack they take 2d10 cold damage. However, Components V
while you have these points you are vulnerable to fire damage.
This effect ends when you lose these temporary hit points, and
Duration 1 round
they automatically vanish when the spell’s duration ends. A barrier of freezing energy appears between yourself and your
attacker, protecting you from harm. Until the start of your next
Divine Frost turn, you have three-quarters cover, including against the
5th-level Enchantment spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts) triggering attack. If an attack hits you the shield shatters and the

Casting Time 1 action effect ends, and if the attacker is within 30 feet its energy

Range 30 feet assaults them, forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failure, they take 4d10 cold damage and are stunned until
Components V, S, M (a preserved or frozen water lily) the start of your next turn.
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 5th-level or

higher, for every slot level above 4th you can choose one of the
Choose one creature within range.Their body and weapons following benefits:
become coated in a radiant layer of frost, pouring like smoke from
their body. For the spell’s duration, that creature’s weapon The shield grants you a +1 bonus to your armor class.
attacks deal an extra 2d10 cold damage, and they become The spell’s cold damage increases by 2d10.
immune to cold and radiant damage. The target cannot be
grappled or restrained for the duration, and any creature who Everest’s Isolated Undoing
attempts to do so automatically fails. Any creature that ends their 5th-level Abjuration spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
turn in direct contact with the target during the spell’s duration
takes 2d10 cold damage. Casting Time 1 action
At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 7th-level or Range Self
higher, you can target one additional creature within range for Components V, S
every two slot levels above 5th. Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You are phased out of the Material Plane slightly and granted
special protection against widespread attacks. If you are targeted
by an effect that requires a saving throw and targets or affects


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
more than one creature at the same time (such as a fireball), you At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of

can use your reaction to be ignored by the effect as if you aren’t 3rd-level or higher, you can choose one of the following effects
present, phasing through its effects harmlessly. If you are within for each slot level above 2nd:
an ongoing effect that lingers in an area (such as cloudkill) you
are ignored by its effects as long as at least one other creature is You may choose one additional target.
being affected by it. The fire and psychic damage dealt each increases by 1d8.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of

6th-level or higher, you can choose one creature other than you Free Meadow
for it to affect for each slot level above 5th. Those creatures must 3rd-level Transmutation spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
be within range to touch when you cast the spell. If ever this
Casting Time 1 action
spell’s effects would apply to every target of a single effect, it
Range 60 feet
offers no protection to them.
Components V, S
Firesage Robe Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
6th-level Enchantment spell (Nine Branch Arts)
You choose a point within range, and every surface within a 30-
Casting Time 1 action foot-radius centered on it is covered in soft grass and roots,
Range Self except for liquid surfaces and ones that would cause fire or
Components V, S, M (a jade stone worth at least 1000 gp, necrotic damage upon contact. For the duration of the spell, this
area remains this way, removing the effects of difficult terrain and
which the spell consumes)
Duration Concentration, up to 1 hour allowing all creatures to climb vertical surfaces as if they had a
climb speed equal to their base movement speed.
Your body is wreathed in a cloak of red and emerald flames, Any effect that is modifying the physical properties of the
which grants you protection for the spell’s duration. Your AC terrain within range is suppressed. If those changes are the result
becomes 8 + your spellcasting ability modifier + your proficiency of a spell, they are suppressed only if they were created by a
bonus (if it wasn’t already higher), you gain darkvision out to 240 spell with a level lower than the slot level used to cast this spell.
feet, become immune to fire damage, and if a creature within 5 When the spell ends, the grass and roots harmlessly
feet of you hits you with a melee attack they take 1d10 fire disappear. Any fire damage dealt to or in the space destroys the
damage. While in this state you cannot be charmed or frightened, spell’s effect there.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 4th-level or
and all of your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire
damage. higher, the affected radius increases by 15 feet for every slot
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of level above 5th.
7th-level or higher, the 1d6 fire damage and 1d10 fire damage
increase by 1d6 and 1d10 respectively for every two slot levels
Frigid Banishment
above 5th. 8th-level Abjuration spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts)

Flash Cure Casting Time 1 action

Range 60 feet
4th-level Evocation spell
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 bonus action Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range 30 feet
Components V, S Choose up to ten creatures within range who you attempt to force

Duration Instantaneous into a prison demiplane where time is slowed and senses are
dulled. Each creature must make a Charisma saving throw. On a
Choose a number of creatures within the spell’s range equal to failed save, they are banished to a demiplane that is empty aside
the level this spell was cast at. Those targets regain hit points from an infinite cold tundra, where they are blinded by a
equal to 1d4 plus your spellcasting ability modifier, and if they are permanent storm. While there, they take 2d8 cold damage at the
poisoned, paralyzed, stunned or incapacitated by an effect that start of each of their turns but are still able to take their turns.
involves an ongoing save, they may immediately make those Creatures attempting to teleport from their prison plane must
saving throws again with advantage, ending those effects on a make a spellcasting ability check against your spell save DC,
success. otherwise their attempt to do so fails. Creatures may escape their
prison plane by casting banishment on themselves, or by
Foxfire targeting themselves or the area around them with dispel magic
2nd-level Evocation spell (Skulker’s Grimoire) (or any magic-nullifying spell) and successfully dispelling its

Casting Time 1 action effects. When they return, they return to the nearest unoccupied
space relative to where they vanished.
Range 60 feet Creatures banished this way may reattempt the saving throw at
Components V, S the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute A creature that dies in their prison plane remains there until you
wish to conjure their frozen, statue-like remains in a space within
A flurry of psychic flames sprouts up around three creatures you 30 feet of you (or you die, and they appear where they vanished).
can see within the spell’s range. Those creatures must make a
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 fire damage and 1d8 psychic
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
The burning creatures who fail their saving throw continue to
burn, and on subsequent turns you can use your action to force
those remaining creatures to make the save again, taking the
same damage (or half damage). On a success, the flames are


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Hand of the Blackwind Joyful Toxin
3rd-level Enchantment spell (Daemoturgy) 3th-level Transmutation spell
Casting Time 1 bonus action Casting Time 1 action
Range Self Range Self
Components S Components V, S, M (a dose of poison worth at least 100 gp)
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration 1 minute
Your hands ignite with shadowy energy, granting them the ability For the spell’s duration you are immune to poison damage and
to strike the target’s mind as well as their body. For the spell’s cannot be poisoned. When you would have taken poison
duration, your unarmed strikes deal 2d8 psychic damage in damage, you instead regain hit points equal to half the poison
addition to their normal damage, and when you make an damage you would have taken (rounded down).
unarmed strike you can use your spellcasting ability modifier for
the attack and damage roll. Additionally, when you make an Literal Manifest
unarmed strike using the Attack action, you can make two attacks Illusion Cantrip
instead of one as long as they are both unarmed strikes.
Casting Time 1 action
When the damage from your unarmed strikes force a creature
to make a concentration check, the DC for those checks is Range Self
always at least equal to your spell save DC. Components S
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of

4th-level or higher, the psychic damage it deals increases by 1d8

Duration Instantaneous
for every two slot levels above 3rd. If cast using a slot level of 7th While touching a blank sheet of paper, you take a quick
or higher, when you take the Attack action and make only observation of everything within your field of vision. A complete
unarmed strikes, you can strike three times instead of once. documentary of what you see is copied onto the paper in
expoentrum -arcane ink- written in text that may be too small to
Hold Attacker read. When another creature touches the sheet of paper, they
3rd-level Enchantment spell (Skulker’s Grimoire) can use their action to focus on it and visibly witness a perfect
visual reproduction of what you could see, which blinds them to
Casting Time 1 reaction, taken in response to a non-undead everything else for as long as they remain within it.
creature within the spell’s range missing you with an attack
Range 30 feet Kellia’s Deceptive Mark
Components V, S, M (a small, straight piece of iron) 3rd-level Illusion spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)

Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time 1 action

Range 30 feet
The creature who triggers this reaction must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end Components V, S
of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
throw, ending the spell’s effects on a success.
Choose one target within range. That creature must make a
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
Wisdom saving throw or else be marked by this spell. For the
6th-level or higher, you can use this spell to target any attacker
duration, an invisible band appears over their eyes that only
regardless of their creature type. If you cast this spell at 8th-level
creatures who can see invisible objects are aware of, seeing it as
or higher, the target is paralyzed until the end of their turn
a band of cloth wrapped around their head. Creatures marked by
regardless of the result of their saving throw.
this spell cannot see you, treating you as if you were invisible.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
Jackal’s Luck
4th-level or higher, you can target one additional creature within
1st-level Divination spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
range for every slot level above 3rd.
Casting Time 1 action
Range 60 feet Magnesia’s Smothering Voice
Components V, S, M (a peridot worth 50 gp or more, which the 3rd-level Illusion spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
spell consumes) Casting Time 1 action
Duration 10 minutes Range Self (20-foot-radius)
Components V
You grant a moment of luck to one willing creature you can see
within range. When that creature makes an attack roll, ability Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
check, or saving throw, they can spend this boon and roll one You speak a phrase commanding silence, which is understood by
additional d20, then choose which of the d20 results they want to all creatures within 20 feet of you. All creatures within that range
use to determine their result. Alternatively, when that creature is must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they lose the
targeted by an attack, they can use this boon to roll one ability to understand any other creature or read any written
additional d20 and choose to use either their roll or the attacker’s language for the spell’s duration except that which originates
d20 result for the attack. Once used the spell ends. from you, and all other language seems like gibberish to them.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
They can still understand and produce their own words.
3rd-level or higher, your target gains one additional use of this For the duration, you can speak telepathically to any creature
boon before the spell ends for every two slot levels above 1st. under this effect as long as you are on the same plane.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of

4th-level or higher, the spell’s range doubles for every slot level
above 3rd.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Nogistune’s Negative Edge
9th-level Necromancy spell
Miraculous Evasion
Casting Time 1 bonus action
1st-level Abjuration spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
Casting Time 1 action Range Self
Range 30 feet Components V, S
Components V, S, M a number of pearls equal to the level the Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
spell is cast at, worth 50 gp each) You conjure a floating blade of pure necromantic force that
Duration 10 minutes connects directly to the negative energy plane, appearing either
as a glaive or uchigatana, which remains in your possession for
You target a number of creatures within range that you can see the spell’s duration. When you cast the spell, you can make up to
equal to the level of the level this spell is cast at. Those creatures two melee spell attacks with it, each against a creature or object
gain 1 temporary hit point (this number cannot be changed by made of living material within 10 feet of you. On a hit, the target
any effect) which remains until the spell ends. When any amount takes 4d12 necrotic damage. This attack scores a critical hit on
of damage would reduce their hit points while they have that an attack roll d20 result of 18 or higher, and on a critical hit it
temporary hit point, the creature rolls 1d100 plus your deals an extra 6d12 necrotic damage, which the target’s
spellcasting ability. On a result of 51 or higher, the damage from maximum hit points are also reduced by half of (rounded down).
that effect is reduced to 1 point, and their immunities, As a bonus action on your turn, you can make another two
vulnerabilities, and resistances aren’t considered. Otherwise, the melee spell attacks with this weapon, or can throw it as a single
damage is reduced to half (rounded down). ranged spell attack against a target within 60 feet, after which it
returns to your hand.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Nogistune’s Soulbound Vessel Path to Victory
8th-level Necromancy spell 3rd-level Enchantment spell
Casting Time 1 reaction, taken when a creature dies or is Casting Time 1 action
reduced to 0 hit points within range. Range Touch
Range 120 feet Components V, S
Components V, S, M (a container lined with black diamonds Duration 1 minute
worth at least 5000 gp)
Duration Instantaneous One creature you touch has its natural combat abilities amplified.
For the spell’s duration, when they take the Attack action they
The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, can make two attacks instead of one. If they already could make
their soul is captured and sealed within the spell’s material the number of attacks this spell would grant (such as by Extra
component, where it cannot escape unless you allow it to. The Attack), their first weapon attack each turn has advantage
container cannot be destroyed by nonmagical means and is instead.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
treated as having 30 AC, 150 hit points, immunity to nonmagical
damage, and resistance to all damage except force damage. At 6th-level or higher, your target can make three attacks instead of
the dawn of every day, it regains all lost hit points and will restore one instead, and if they already could then they have advantage
its physical integrity. It automatically succeeds all saving throws it on all attacks they make.
makes and takes half damage from spell attacks. This spell
cannot be ended by effects that negate magic or spells and is
Power Word Slow
ignored by them. 7th-level Enchantment spell
The soul cannot be resurrected, reincarnated, or otherwise Casting Time 1 action
return to another plane or body as long as it is sealed in this
Range 60 feet
container. It cannot be opened by another creature except you
Components V
unless you permit it.
A creature that is in contact with the container can speak Duration Instantaneous
telepathically with the soul contained within. Choose up to six creatures you can see within range to whom
The container cannot be used as the material component for you speak a word of debilitation to. Those creatures must then
this spell again unless emptied. make a Charisma saving throw, having their movement speed
reduced to 10 feet on a failure with no other effect capable of
Orbs of Spelljamming raising it above this amount. Creatures who are affected repeat
2nd-level Abjuration spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts) the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the
Casting Time 1 action effect on a success.
Range Self At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of

Components V, S, M (a collection of gemstones worth at least 8th-level or higher, its effects change. If cast at 8th level it can
target up to twelve targets, and if cast at 9th-level it can target
10 gp each, and equal in number to the number of orbs you any number of creatures you choose within 60 feet instead.
create, which the spell consumes) Additionally, any creature with 100 or fewer remaining hit points
Duration 10 minutes fails their first save against it automatically.

You conjure four pristine orbs of clear ice, each invested with a Sea-Dweller’s Aspect
small amount of magical energy that softly glows within it. For the 2nd-level Transmutation spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts)
duration, if you are targeted by a spell, you can expend a number
of these orbs to absorb magical energy from the oncoming spell. Casting Time 1 action
This produces the following effects, applying them in this Range Self
sequence: Components S, M (a string of seashells)
If a number of orbs equal to the level the spell was cast at can
Duration 1 hour
be expended, the target spell fails and those orbs are Your body is altered to be better suited to underwater activity. For
destroyed. the spell’s duration you can breathe both air and water, can walk
If you don’t have enough orbs to cancel the spell outright and on the surface of water (but not other liquids), gain a swim speed
if the spell was cast at a level higher than its base level, the of 60 feet, and suffer no penalties related to deep-sea
first orbs consumed reduce the spell slot used by one slot temperatures, choppy or torrid water currents, or regular
level each until the slot is equal to the spell’s base level. underwater combat penalties.
If the spell was not negated, is at base level, and would While submerged you gain darkvision out to 240 feet, and
damage you, your remaining orbs are consumed and you roll when you speak your voice is carried by the water to creatures
1d10 for each, then reduce the damage the spell deals to you within 60 feet of you. You can perform verbal components
by that amount. If this reduces the initial damage to 0, the underwater without issue.
spell has no further effect on you.
If the spell was not negated, is at base level, and does not
deal damage, each time you roll the save against it and fail
then an orb is consumed. You then roll 1d20 and recalculate
your save with the new result. This repeats until you succeed
or run out of orbs.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 3rd-level or

higher, it creates one additional orb for each slot level above 2nd.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Snap Freeze Tamamo’s Arrowfall
5th-level Evocation spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts) 4th-level Conjuration spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
Casting Time 1 action Casting Time 1 action
Range 30 feet Range Self
Components V, S Components V, S, M
Duration 1 minute Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute.
The body of one creature within range is shrouded in cold, You conjure a series of bolts of energy which drift around you in a
freezing from the inside out to an extent that they may not be circular pattern. As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can
able to move. They must make a Constitution saving throw. On a command up to three clusters of these bolts to become a
failed save they take 7d10 + 10 cold damage and are restrained particular type of energy and fire them at a number of targets
for 1 minute as their body locks up, or take half as much damage within 60 feet of you that you can see, each as an individual
and aren’t restrained on a success. Creatures immune to cold ranged spell attack. Multiple clusters can attack the same target
damage are not restrained. in the same turn but remain as separate attacks. Each arrow
A restrained target may reattempt the saving throw at the end cluster that hits deals 1d12 damage of its chosen energy type.
of each of their turns. Each time they take fire damage they may When you take the action to fire the clusters you must choose
also reattempt the save with advantage. Succeeding either save one of the following damage types, which all of the bolts assume:
ends both effects early. fire, lightning, cold, acid, or thunder. You can change the damage
At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 6th-level or type each time you fire the clusters.
higher, you can choose one of the following effects for each slot At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of

level above 5th: 5th-level or higher, you can fire one additional cluster each turn
for each slot level above 4th.
You may target one additional creature within range.
The spell’s cold damage against its target(s) increases by

Springmoon’s Holy Shield

7th-level Abjuration spell (Skulker’s Grimoire)
Casting Time 1 bonus action
Range Self
Components V, S, M
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
You produce the effects of a holy barrier which serves to protect
you when attacked. You gain resistance to all damage for the
spell’s duration, and when you make a saving throw you may use
your reaction to roll an additional d20 and choose which result
you want to keep between your original roll and the new one.
Only pure, breathable air can pass through the barrier, and it
filters out all harmful gasses and liquids that you cannot normally
breathe in.

System Flush
1st-level Abjuration spell
Casting Time 1 action
Range 30 feet
Components M (a healer’s kit or item that restores hit points
when used, which one use of is consumed)
Duration Instantaneous
Choose one creature within range who is suffering from the
effects of being poisoned or diseased. One of those effects ends,
including whatever other effects are causing that condition. The
creature gains 1d8 temporary hit points, which they lose after 1
At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 2nd-level or

higher, you can choose one of the following effects for each slot
level above 1st:

Choose one additional creature within range to target.

One additional effect ends on the target(s).
The creature gains an additional 1d8 temporary hit points.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Unveiling Gaze Volcanic Ash
3rd-level Divination spell (Nine Branch Arts) 5th-level Conjuration spell
Casting Time 1 action Casting Time 1 action
Range Self (30 feet) Range 60 feet (20-foot-radius)
Components V Components V, S, M
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
Your eyes become discerning. For the spell’s duration, you are A cloud of hot volcanic ash spews forth from a point you choose
aware if a creature is not assuming its true form when you look at within range, filling a 20-foot-radius sphere. This cloud of ash
them and they are within the spell’s range (such as if they have remains for the spell’s duration. Any creature within the cloud
polymorphed, shape changed, or used another feature to change when it appears must make a Constitution saving throw, taking
their form), though you do not learn what their true form is. 8d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful
At any time during this spell’s effects, if you see a creature that one. Any creature that ends their turn within the cloud of ash or
is not assuming its true form you can use your bonus action to enters it for the first time on their turn must make this save again,
force it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, this spell and take the damage again depending on their result.
ends and the target is compelled to use their reaction to return to On your turn, you can move the center of the cloud of ash up to
their true form, unless something is preventing them from doing 30 feet as a bonus action.
so (such as a curse, or if the transformation was induced by a Creatures that are not resistant to fire damage are blinded and
wish spell). If they succeed they are not compelled, and become cannot breathe when in the cloud of ash, and everything within it
aware that something attempted to force them to change their is heavily obscured. You are not blinded by your own cloud, and
form. when you make a save against your own cloud of ash you take
no damage on a success and half damage on a failure.
Vampiric Mist At higher levels. When casting this spell using a spell slot of

7th-level Necromancy spell (Altissima-Cor’s Arcane Arts) 6th-level or higher, you can choose one of the following effects
Casting Time 1 action for each slot level above 5th:

Range Self (20-foot-radius) The spell’s radius increases by 5 feet.

Components S The spell’s fire damage increases by 1d6.
Duration Instantaneous Vorpal Flames
A cloud of frost appears in a 20-foot-radius centered on you, 3rd-level Conjuration spell (Nine Branch Arts)
biting into all other creatures in this area. All creatures within that
range must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 10d6 cold Casting Time 1 bonus action
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Range Self
You absorb a fragment of the lifeforce of those creatures, Components V, S
regaining 2d12 hit points for each creature in range who fails their
saving throw. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
You call upon flames to join together in the form of an uchigatana
Violent Pillar which solidifies in your hand. This magic uchigatana (greatsword)
5th-level Evocation spell (Nine Branch Arts) lasts until the spell ends. It counts as a martial melee weapon

Casting Time 1 action that you are proficient with, has the heavy and reach properties,

Range 60 feet gives off 20 feet of bright light and 20 feet of dim light beyond
that, and deals 3d8 fire damage on a hit. You can drop the sword
Components S, M (a metal rod at least three feet long, or a and make it vanish freely, and can recall it to your hand as a
spear, javelin or quarterstaff which the spell consumes) bonus action while the spell persists. When you attack with it you
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes may use either your Strength or your spellcasting ability for its
attack and damage rolls.
You hold the spell’s material component aloft and send it hurling When this sword strikes a creature that is a Plant or Undead, it
at a target you can see within range. That creature must succeed deals an extra 3d8 fire damage to them.
on a Strength saving throw or take 8d10 bludgeoning damage At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
and be knocked back 15 feet, falling prone and ending the spell. 5th-level or higher, your proficiency with this weapon increases.
If there is a wall or solid surface within that 15 feet, they slam Using a slot of 5th-level or higher, you can make two attacks
into it instead and the spear keeps them bound to that surface instead of one with it as part of an Attack action. At 7th-level or
where they are restrained. They or another creature adjacent to higher this increases to three instead of one. If cast using a 9th-
them can attempt a Strength check against your spell save DC as level spell slot, this weapon scores a critical hit on a d20 result of
an action to pull the spear free from them, ending the effect on a 18, 19 or 20.
This spell is only capable of restraining creatures up to one
size category larger than you.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Writ Reappropriation
3rd-level Conjuration spell
Updated Spell Lists
Casting Time 1 minute
The following spells belong to the schools and levels listed.

Range 30 feet Spell Levels & Schools

Components V, S, M (a mythril ring worth at least 1000 gp, Name School
which the spell consumes) Cantrips
Duration Concentration, up to 1 hour Literal Manifest Illusion
Target one magical item you can see within range. You write a 1st Level
description of that item, allowing you to recreate it and its effects Jackal’s Luck Divination
in your possession. If you are wearing a piece of equipment that Miraculous Evasion Transmutation
would share its space, the existing item is sent to a harmless System Flush Abjuration
demiplane until the spell ends, after which it is returned. You are
Writ Recollection Illusion
treated as attuned to the item for the spell’s duration if it requires
it, and this attunement does not count against your regular limit of 2nd Level
attuned items, nor can it be attuned to by another creature. You Boomerang Weapon Enchantment
are considered proficient with the item while it is in your Foxfire Evocation
possession. When the spell ends, the item and its ongoing effects Hand of the Blackwind Enchantment
vanish. Orbs of Spelljamming Abjuration
The item you copy cannot activate any of its effects that require
Sea-Dweller’s Aspect Transmutation
an action or bonus action, nor can it produce the effects of spells.
The item must be a rare, uncommon, or common item. 3rd Level
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of Agitated Pulse Evocation
5th-level or higher, you can recreate a rarer item. When cast at Disorienting Scatter Conjuration
5th-level or higher it can recreate a very rare item. At 8th-level, it Free Meadow Transmutation
can recreate an item of legendary rarity. Hold Attacker Enchantment
Joyful Toxin Transmutation
Writ Recollection
Kellia’s Deceptive Mark Illusion
1st-level Illusion spell
Casting Time 1 minute Magnesia’s Smothering Voice Illusion

Range 60 feet Path to Victory Enchantment

Components S Unveiling Gaze Divination

Duration 1 hour Vorpal Flames

Writ Reappropriation
On a still surface within range, you create an animated 2d 4th Level
projection that has dimensions of 5 feet by 5 feet and glows Entropic Shield Abjuration
lightly, allowing it to be seen in the dark. The projection does not Flash Cure Evocation
have sound, but reflects your perspective from memory and
Tamamo’s Arrowfall Conjuration
shows what you saw in a 1-minute-long period of time within the
5th Level
last month. You can scrub through the visuals of the recollection:
pausing it, slowing it down, and allowing it to play freely at will. Blessed Circle Abjuration
Anything you were visually uncertain of and small details you Catastrophic Shield Abjuration
might not have noticed may be inaccurate, blurred, or absent. Crashing Ice Conjuration
This projection remains for the spell’s duration or vanishes when Divine Frost Enchantment
you choose.
Elstrakin’s Instant Bounty Conjuration
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of
Everest’s Isolated Undoing Abjuration
2nd-level or higher, you can choose one of the following effects
for each slot level above 1st: Snap Freeze Evocation
Violent Pillar Evocation
The dimensions of the projection double. Volcanic Ash Conjuration
The duration of the memory becomes 10 minutes, then at 6th Level
higher levels becomes 1 hour, then 12 hours, then 1 day.
Firesage Robe Enchantment
The spell’s duration becomes 12 hours, then at higher levels
becomes 1 day, then 1 week. 7th Level
The memory’s auditory effects are included and can be heard Desperate Retreat Conjuration
by everyone within a range equal to twice the projection’s Divine Armor Abjuration
dimensions. Elstrakin’s Loving Embrace Illusion
The memory can be drawn from up to 6 months ago, then at Power Word Slow Enchantment
higher levels becomes 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, then any
Springmoon’s Holy Shield Abjuration
time during your life.
Vampiric Mist Necromancy
If this spell is cast using a 9th-level spell slot, you can alter the
projection to show anything you’d like as if it were a memory,
including the bonuses above from casting it at a heightened spell
level. When modified this way it does not benefit from the details
of your memory.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Name School Kellia’s Deceptive Mark
8th Level Nogistune’s Negative Edge
Frigid Banishment Abjuration Sea-Dweller’s Aspect
Nogistune’s Soulbound Vessel Necromancy System Flush
9th Level Tamamo’s Arrowfall
Dire Restraints Conjuration Vampiric Mist
Nogistune’s Negative Edge Necromancy Violent Pillar
Volcanic Ash
Bard Spells
Boomerang Weapon
Inscriptor Spells
Disorienting Scatter Boomerang Weapon
Divine Frost Desperate Retreat
Elstrakin’s Instant Bounty Disorienting Scatter
Elstrakin’s Loving Embrace Divine Frost
Everest’s Isolated Undoing Entropic Shield
Hold Attacker Everest’s Isolated Undoing
Jackal’s Luck Firesage Robe
Magnesia’s Smothering Voice Free Meadow
Miraculous Evasion Frigid Banishment
Orbs of Spelljamming Hand of the Blackwind
Path to Victory Hold Attacker
Power Word Slow Literal Manifest
Tamamo’s Arrowfall Kellia’s Deceptive Mark
Vorpal Flames Nogistune’s Negative Edge
Path to Victory
Cleric Spells
Violent Pillar
Blessed Circle Vorpal Flames
Divine Frost Writ Reappropriation
Elstrakin’s Instant Bounty Writ Recollection
Entropic Shield
Paladin Spells
Flash Cure
Foxfire Boomerang Weapon
Miraculous Evasion Divine Frost
Snap Freeze Foxfire
Springmoon’s Holy Shield Jackal’s Luck
System Flush Orbs of Spelljamming
Unveiling Gaze Path to Victory
System Flush
Druid Spells
Agitated Pulse
Petal Knight Spells
Blessed Circle Agitated Pulse
Crashing Ice Boomerang Weapon
Desperate Retreat Catastrophic Shield
Dire Restraints Crashing Ice
Divine Armor Disorienting Scatter
Elstrakin’s Instant Bounty Divine Frost
Elstrakin’s Loving Embrace Entropic Shield
Firesage Robe Foxfire
Flash Cure Free Meadow
Free Meadow Hand of the Blackwind
Hand of the Blackwind Hold Attacker
Jackal’s Luck Joyful Toxin
Joyful Toxin Magnesia’s Smothering Voice


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Miraculous Evasion Warlock Spells
Tamamo’s Arrowfall Agitated Pulse
Unveiling Gaze Crashing Ice
Vorpal Flames Desperate Retreat
Dire Restraints
Ranger Spells
Divine Armor
Agitated Pulse Divine Frost
Blessed Circle Elstrakin’s Loving Embrace
Boomerang Weapon Firesage Robe
Elstrakin’s Instant Bounty Foxfire
Foxfire Frigid Banishment
Free Meadow Hand of the Blackwind
Hold Attacker Hold Attacker
Jackal’s Luck Kellia’s Deceptive Mark
Joyful Toxin Nogistune’s Negative Edge
Kellia’s Deceptive Mark Nogistune’s Soulbound Vessel
Magnesia’s Smothering Voice Springmoon’s Holy Shield
Sea-Dweller’s Aspect Tamamo’s Arrowfall
System Flush Vampiric Mist
Unveiling Gaze Violent Pillar
Sorcerer Spells Vorpal Flames

Catastrophic Shield Wizard Spells

Crashing Ice Boomerang Weapon
Desperate Retreat Catastrophic Shield
Dire Restraints Disorienting Scatter
Divine Armor Divine Frost
Divine Frost Elstrakin’s Loving Embrace
Entropic Shield Entropic Shield
Frigid Banishment Everest’s Isolated Undoing
Hand of the Blackwind Foxfire
Magnesia’s Smothering Voice Literal Manifest
Nogistune’s Negative Edge Magnesia’s Smothering Voice
Nogistune’s Soulbound Vessel Nogistune’s Soulbound Vessel
Orbs of Spelljamming Orbs of Spelljamming
Power Word Slow Path to Victory
Sea-Dweller’s Aspect Power Word Slow
Snap Freeze Snap Freeze
Tamamo’s Arrowfall Volcanic Ash
Vampiric Mist
Violent Pillar
Volcanic Ash
Vorpal Flames


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Dungeon Master’s Tools

he following section contains tools, information, and devices you may consider implementing in your game as a
Dungeon Master. If you plan to incorporate this content into your games, you may wish to read the following sections and decide
what is appropriate for your players to read, just as you would for the corresponding sections of the Dungeon Master’s handbook.
The sections contained within are:
Plot Hooks. Suggestions for character and campaign hooks that may inspire thought or give context to your Kits’adria-influenced game.

Divine Blessings. Blessings that may be given to creatures, PC or otherwise, by entities such as Luxus, Kitsune, the First to Skulk, or

other individuals related to the divine hierarchy of Kits’adrian culture.

Magical & Wondrous Items. Items, magical and otherwise, that have unique and exciting effects.

Artifacts. Ancient, unique items related to Kits’adrian culture, including Kits’adrian constellequaries and weapons and equipment of

some of the First to Skulk.

Creature Compendium. A collection of creatures you might find in games related to Kits’adria, Luxus, Kitsune, or the culture surrounding

them. They can be used out of context for other purposes as well. Has both particular individuals and general ones.
Racial Templates. Templates included that can allow you to apply the Kits’adria subraces to any humanoid stat block.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Plot Hooks

f running a campaign focused on Kits’adria or Loner in Need
including them, you might draw inspiration from some The party has received a distress call from Kyuubi or someone
Kits’adria-centric campaign arcs. This book provides lore acting on their behalf. This distress call might be meant for them
regarding the First to Skulk, Nogistune, Luxus, etc, as well as or for anyone who would listen. A loner among her kin, Kyuubi
stat blocks related to them and many creatures tied to them. You
has gotten herself in trouble and needs aid to free herself from a
can use some of the following general ideas for a Kits’adria (or a situation, such as being trapped in a dungeon, magic demiplane,
campaign as a whole). or needs someone to open a path back from the Shadowfell
which had been closed behind her. In aiding her, they become
Blackwind Acolytes
involved with whatever she was investigating, and she may be
In the area local to the adventurers, Blackwind monks are seen coerced to rely on them to aid her (though she would do so
recruiting people to take back to Samaru’s temple in the begrudgingly).
Shadowfell. Their activities become hostile or are related to other
ongoing activities the party is already looking into. The Blackwind Mistaken Misidentity
acolytes are motivated by the promise of new followers or A Kits’adrian player character was in the wrong place at the
resources and work on behalf of another group. wrong time. A known shapeshifter, they were blamed for a crime
committed by another shapeshifter (perhaps a doppelganger).
Call to the Temple
While they flee from the authorities, they need to clear their
An adopted/lone Kits’adria finds that an object they had held onto name. As an extra twist, the criminal shapeshifter may have
all their life, a small wooden amulet, speaks to them and tells intentionally pretended to use the Kits’adria’s humanoid form as
them to seek out the Deep Pause and rediscover their heritage. their own “true form,” showing they have some knowledge and
The voice is Elstrakin, inviting them to the temple to tell them connection to the Kits’adria.
about their lost family and testing them to set them on a path to a
greater purpose. The amulet acts as a magic compass that leads Saved by Magnesia
them to a Deep Pause Guardian that has been long dormant, and If ever they are lost at sea or suffer a sea-faring disaster, the
once the amulet is placed within it, the Guardian guides them (at party might be found and rescued by the at-the-time unknown
Elstrakin’s command) toward the temple itself. crew of the Tides of Conquest, including Magnesia, who are more
than happy to welcome them aboard and hear about their plight.
Cleric of Springmoon
Unless directly involved, they agree to take them to the nearest
A paladin or cleric associated with the temple of Springmoon has port, and while they are with this motley crew, they encounter one
an elder member who shares with them stories of their namesake or two critical, exciting sea-faring adventures. Though not
and their fall at the hands of Samaru and Nogistune. They seek necessarily granting an initial hook, their familiarity with Magnesia
greater truth about their fallen ancestors and, in the process, may play a critical role later in a campaign.
become aware of a plot to raise a force to attack the Deep
Pause, as Samaru has long since wished to steal the Foxfire Student of the Attendance
Hide hidden within. As a scholar of the Mirror Attendance, you become aware of the
return of the organization’s founder: Tamamo no Mae. As they
Fox Town
return to their role as archmage, they use their influence to twist
The party encounters a forest town centered around a very large its most powerful members over to their hidden, dark desires.
tree that greatly outgrew all other trees surrounding it. The town Tamamo no Mae’s role as a sukoshin daiyokai becomes the
seems empty, except for dozens of foxes that keep their distance campaign’s focus. Eventually earning her attention and ire, the
but watch them. At the party explores, the town is attacked by adventure becomes an effort to survive discovery by her and find
something, and if the party helps dispatch it, the foxes reveal the means to defeat her and free the Attendance from her
what they are and openly interact with the outsiders. Otherwise, influence.
they secretly try to steal from and harass the party to get them to Alternatively, a player may be related to a member of the
leave. Attendance, and their loved one may have fallen under their
control. The player’s mission may be to seek out their loved one
Incarnation of the Lost and discover why they have dropped contact, and in visiting the
Years into the young Kits’adria’s life, they begin having Attendance’s facilities, they find Tamamo no Mae’s influence
nightmares about a chamber of poison miasma and a Kits’adrian where it once was not present, and saving their loved one from
woman tormenting them, killing them repeatedly and consuming her becomes their goal.
their essence. Seeking guidance on these nightmares, they are
revealed to be the echoes of memories from Springmoon and Walder Infestation
their torment as Nogistune learned to consume the essence of A town is being attacked in the night by mysterious assailants,
their siblings. initially considered vampires or undead. Upon investigation, they
The Kits’adria come to realize that they have come to inherit find it is pause walders who are draining locals of blood and
the memories of Springmoon through an incomplete taking their yield back to a hive to feed it to a growing walder troll.
reincarnation of his consumed soul, as only his memories and The troll threatens the local community and is dangerously close
grief could pass on. These nightmares cause the Kits’adria to to awaking and going on a rampage.
seek a way to get justice for Springmoon, and the fear of what
would happen if this incomplete version of the singeing reached
its end causes them to seek help from the divine, trying to find a
means to commune with Kitsune.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Divine Blessings

he gods often grant blessings to those who Gift of the Jade Mirror
complete missions and trials for them. Luxus, Kitsune, When the blessed creature is targeted by a spell that requires a
and even Elstrakin are capable of granting blessings of saving throw, and they succeed against it, they are ignored
the same nature. If you ever wish to, you can offer the entirely by its resulting damage and effects.
following blessings to those who perform services for these divine
beings. Gift of Luxus’ Swiftness
Gift of Bright Sight The blessed creature can cast haste, targeting only themselves,
as a bonus action. They can do so once per long rest. When they
The blessed creature gains darkvision out to 60 feet. If they cast haste this way, they do not need to concentrate on the spell,
already had darkvision, the range increases by 60 feet instead. and when it ends, they do not suffer from a round of exhaustion.
Gift of Delicate Appetites Gift of Nine Branches
The blessed creature cannot be poisoned and can consume The blessed creature is granted the ability to cast any of the
spoiled or poisonous food as if it were in edible condition. spells from the Nine Branch Arts spell group. They can use this
blessing once per long rest, using their Charisma as their
Gift of Divine Experience
spellcasting ability, or their regular spellcasting ability if they have
The blessed creature gains one extra use of one of the following a spellcasting or pact magic feature.
class features, as the GM feels appropriate, which they regain
alongside their other uses: Gift of the Progenitor
The blessed creature gains one racial trait from a Kits’adria
Barbarian - Rage
subrace, except for ones that increase their Ability scores.
Bard - Bardic Inspiration

Cleric/Paladin - Channel Divinity

Gift of Rapid Steps
Druid - Wild Shape

Fighter - Action Surge The blessed creature’s base movement speed increases by 10
Inscriptor - Consultation
feet. Once per short or long rest, they can use their bonus action
Magus - Ether Points (equal to proficiency bonus)
to double their base movement speed for 1 minute.
Monk - Ki Points (equal to proficiency bonus)

Petal Knight - Virtuous Flora

Gift of Restoration
Ranger - Highest level Ranger spell slot The blessed creature can cast the greater restoration a number
Rogue - Sneak Attack (one extra per turn) of times equal to their proficiency bonus (at the time of the
Sorcerer - Sorcery Points (equal to proficiency bonus) blessing), requiring no components or spell slots.
Sword Saint - Focus Points (equal to proficiency bonus)

Warlock - Pact Spell Slot Gift of Safe Return

Wizard - Spell Slot (level equal to proficiency bonus)
When the blessed creature is killed, they are reduced to a
Gift of Divine Property number of hit points equal to 1d10 + their total level instead, then
this blessing vanishes. If the means of their death destroyed or
When the blessed creature makes a saving throw they do not damaged their body, that damage is undone, and they are
have proficiency in, they add half their proficiency bonus to the restored in full health with their body fully intact (as it was the last
result (unless they would already do so). time they finished a long rest).
Gift of Eidolic Enervation Gift of the Skulker
The blessed creature can invoke the blessing once as a bonus This blessing can be gained multiple times (once for each
action. When they do, they regain half their total hit points member of the First to Skulk), but only once per year by a given
(rounded up), and for 1 minute, they have advantage on all attack member of the First to Skulk. When a member of the First to
rolls, saving throws, and ability checks they make (even if they Skulk grants this blessing to a creature, that creature is granted
would otherwise have disadvantage). Each time they would be the ability to cast the spell from the Skulker’s Grimoire that
reduced to 0 hit points by damage during this period, they make a matches their name. They can cast this spell a number of times
Charisma saving throw (the DC being equal to 10 + whatever equal to half their proficiency bonus (rounded down), regaining
damage would have exceeded their hit points from the triggering spent uses upon completion of a long rest. Their spellcasting
attack or effect). On a success, the damage is ignored instead. ability for the spell is Charisma unless they have the spellcasting
or pact spellcasting feature, in which case they can use their
Gift of Growth
regular spellcasting ability (and can also cast the spell using
The blessed creature’s maximum hit points are increased by the regular spell slots of the appropriate level).
maximum result of one of their largest hit dice.
Gift of Tree Stride
Gift of Gold Alloy
Once per long rest, the blessed creature can cast tree stride,
When the blessed creature scores a critical hit on any weapon requiring no components or spell slots.
attack, they deal an extra 2d10 radiant damage in addition to the
weapon damage. Gift of the Wild Eye
When the blessed creature would be surprised in combat, they
act normally instead, taking their first turn as they normally would.
Features that target surprised creatures cannot target them.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Magical & Wondrous Items Belt of Wriggling
Wondrous item (belt), rare
The following items are ones that turn the head and possess
either magical or wonderous qualities. This belt has 3 charges, which it regains 1d4-1 of each dawn.
While another creature is grappling a creature wearing this belt,
100 Fold Weapon they can use their reaction and spend 1 charge to wriggle free
Weapon (any slashing weapon), rare (requires attunement) automatically, ending the grapple. Their body briefly alters by
magical means to escape. For each size category the grappling
This weapon has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and is creature is larger than you, this consumes 1 extra charge per
counted as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage use.
resistances. When a creature scores a critical hit using it, the
masterfully sharpened edge of this weapon causes the target to Blessed Scabbard
take an additional 2d10 slashing damage. If this weapon strikes a Wondrous item (scabbard), rare
creature who is resistant to slashing damage, they are treated as
if they were not, and if they were immune they take half as much This scabbard transforms to fit any bladed weapon inserted into
damage instead of none. it. When a weapon is stored for at least 8 consecutive hours
within it, the weapon is cleaned and polished, and if it is
Armor of Adaptive Resistance nonmagical it is returned to perfect condition (unless it was
Armor (any), legendary (requires attunement) entirely unusable or completely broken).
When you draw a weapon from it that has been within for at
This magic armor grants a +1 bonus to its wearer’s armor class. least 1 continuous hour you may activate the scabbard as a
When a creature wearing this armor takes damage, they can use bonus action, granting attack and damage rolls made with that
their reaction to grant themselves additional protection against weapon a +1 bonus, and it is considered magical for 10 minutes.
that type of damage. If they were not resistant, they become Once used, the scabbard cannot be used again until the following
resistant to that damage type while wearing this armor. If they are dawn.
resistant (including by the effects of this armor), they become
immune to it. This reaction can be used twice. Box of Endless Lunch
This armor’s uses and resistances reset each dawn. Wondrous item (ration box), rare

Assassin’s Teapot Two iron latches seal this wooden box. When opened, it contains
Adventuring gear (teapot), uncommon enough dried tasteless rations (not water) for up to fifteen
medium-sized creatures to eat their fill for 1 day. All food taken
This unique teapot is constructed with two chambers inside (both from it and not consumed disappears the following dawn, at
of which lead to the same spout) and two small air holes near the which point the box is replenished.
handle. Covering one or both of the air holes with one’s thumb
while pouring allows the user to control which of the chambers is Crescent Scimitar
poured out or if both are poured together. By doing so, a creature Weapon (scimitar), uncommon
can seemingly pour two different substances from the same pot
or mix the two substances without drawing attention to it. This The crescent scimitar has a blade that curves down and over the
allows for mixing poisons or other liquids into one drink, while hand and is made of particularly thick metal. While wielding it, a
pouring the next entirely safely. creature gains a +1 bonus to their armor class and is treated as
When using the pot around suspicious company, you must wielding a shield, or a +2 bonus if they are dual wielding crescent
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check against the passive scimitars. If another shield or shield-like weapon would grant a
Perception of those who might be watching your actions. If such greater bonus to the wielder’s armor class, that bonus overtakes
a check is called for and no one suspecting foul play is watching, this one.
you have advantage on this check instead. In company not
paying attention, no check is required. Fang of the Serpent
Wondrous item (fang), rare (requires attunement)
Band of Arcane Unraveling
Wondrous item (bracelet), very rare (requires attunement) This fang can be placed in an empty slot in a creature’s jaw, and
when they attune to it, the fang adheres to their bone. Once
This bracelet has six charges, which it regains each dawn. When attuned, it can only be removed if they are dead or if remove
a creature attempts to hit its wearer with a weapon attack from curse is cast on it. A creature attuned to this fang can use its
within 60 feet and the attacker is benefiting from the effects of bonus action to make a bite against a creature within 5 feet of
one or more spells, the wearer may use their reaction and spend them. This attack uses their Strength, and they are considered
at least one charge to target the attacker with the effects of dispel proficient in it. It deals 1d6 poison damage multiplied by half their
magic, targeting every magical effect on the creature proficiency bonus (rounded down) on a hit.
simultaneously. If they must roll a spellcasting ability check On critical hit, the target is poisoned for 1 hour, and makes a
against these effects, they roll a +3 if one charge is used, DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns,
increased by +1 for every two additional charges used. ending the effect on a success.
When using this reaction, the equipped creature can use more While this fang is in a creature’s jaw, they can taste the
than one charge. If they do, the spell level dispel magic is cast at presence of poisons in their food and drink and can spit them out
increases by one for each extra charge. harmlessly before they take effect. Poisons the creature expects,
like alcohol, do not trigger this reaction.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Four-Seal Jewel A creature attuned to it can use an action to expend any
Wondrous item (black jewel), legendary (requires attunement by number of charges (minimum 2) to activate it, causing an invisible
claw of force to assault a creature you choose within 50 feet. The
a spellcaster)
creature must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw. On a failure,
This jewel symbolizes misfortune: a failed experiment to create they are pushed 5 feet per charge in any direction you choose.
the perfect spell focus by Tamamo no Mae. It contains the echo If you choose to spend twice as many charges as you invest
of feuding souls of a hoard of yokai and a holy cleric who stood into the distance the creature is pushed, they are also restrained
against them in an age long past. When identified, it appears as if until the start of your next turn.
it were a spellcasting focus for divine spellcasters that grants a When the last charge of this rod is used, roll 1d6. On a result of
+2 bonus to spell attacks and their spell save DC. 1 the rod permanently becomes a nonmagical rod with no effects.
The jewel has 4 charges, which it cannot regain under any
conditions. A creature attuned to it can use its action to spend a
Sanctuary Pot
charge and cast any spell on any spell list they have access to, Wondrous item, rare
requiring no components (including material components with a
cost). These spells must be 5th level or lower and have a casting This large cast iron pot can boil up to five liters of water or any
time of 1 action or 1 bonus action, and when casting them, they other liquid, purifying it and removing anything that would be
gain a +2 bonus to your spell attacks and spell save DC. dangerous for the creature boiling it. If a substance that is
Once the final charge has been used, the jewel becomes a poisoned or unsafe to drink is poured into it, the pot will begin to
spell component worth 500 gp, which can be used in place of any boil immediately without any need for heat and will die down
other spell component with an equal or combined value equal to when it is safe. It requires 10 minutes to boil poisons, diseases,
the jewel. Once used as a component, it cannot be used this way and impurities out of whatever is within the mixture. Food
again until the following dawn, and being used as a component dropped into the liquid inside the pot will also be boiled, removing
does not require attunement. rot, disease, and poison from it.
Curse. This curse cannot be detected via the identify spell.
Creatures attuned to it cannot willingly unattune from it or let lit
leave their possession. If a creature attuned to it uses its final Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)
charge, that attunement slot is considered occupied until the This magical dagger grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage
curse is broken, even if another creature attunes to it. If the rolls. When it hits a creature, its wielder can use their bonus
creature spends a long rest separated from it they can make a action to activate it and cause the blade to start producing webs.
DC 20 Charisma saving throw, breaking the curse on a success. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be
A creature who attunes to this jewel gains this madness: “I partially covered, lose 5 feet of their movement speeds, and
have been chosen by the jewel. It will grant whatever wish I suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls. This effect can stack on a
desire, so long as I protect it.” creature up to five times, lowering their movement speed and
attack rolls with each iteration. Creatures that are large or bigger
Potion of Cleansing have advantage on their save.
Potion, rare A creature bound by these webs can use their action to try to
rip them off as a DC 14 Strength check, ending all iterations of
A creature who drinks this potion immediately recovers from any this effect on a success.
effect causing them to be stunned, paralyzed, poisoned, or taking
ongoing poison damage as long as those effects would naturally
Tangleshot Weapon
conclude in less than an hour. If one or more of these effects are Weapon (any ranged weapon), very rare (requires attunement)
successfully removed, the creature regains 3d10 + 6 hit points.
This magic weapon grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
Potion of Miracles made with it. When a creature attuned to it makes an attack that
Potion, very rare hits its target, it can declare it to be an entangling shot. Instead of
dealing damage, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Strength
A creature who drinks this potion gains a moment of luck as saving throw as tight vines coil around them. On a failure, they
though by the spell jackal’s luck, which disappears after 1 minute. are restrained for 1 hour, or until they use an action on their turn
to make and succeed on a DC 17 Strength check, breaking the
Ring of Barriers branches and vines. Each time they attempt this check, they take
Wondrous item (ring), rare (requires attunement) 2d8 piercing damage from thorns and vines on the branches.
You can declare an entangling shot up to three times. The
This ring has 3 charges, which are restored each dawn. While weapon regains spent uses each dawn.
attuned to it, you can spend a charge as a reaction to an attack
targetting you. A honeycomb-patterned barrier grants you a +5 Wayfinding Charm
bonus to your AC against that attack; then until the start of your Wondrous item, uncommon
next turn, you gain one of the following benefits (your choice): This small wooden charm has the image of a fox carved into it.
A creature can use its action to hold it tightly, reaching out to any
The next melee attack made against you has disadvantage. prophet of Luxus or another servant of the Deep Pause given the
The next ranged attack made against you has disadvantage. authority to be communicated with by the prophet. If any who
You have advantage on the next save you make. might be reached accepts this communication, they can cause
the charm to act like a compass that points the user either to the
Rod of Sliding Deep Pause temple or to themselves. Once granted this ability,
Wondrous item (rod), rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) placing it on a surface it can float in (like water) or hanging it from
a string loosely causes the fox to point in the correct direction.
This collapsable rod has several rotating segments that rotate
around a central shaft. The rod has 8 charges and regains 1d6+2
of them each dawn.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Items on the following page are one-of-a-kind, effectively
indestructible, and tied to ancient figures of legend.

Book of Deception and Thievery Burning Fox Hide

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a rogue) Armor (light armor), artifact (requires attunement)

This ancient tome was written by Luxus during her time in the The armor of Kitsune’s humanoid form. It is infused with her
mortal world, and is a comprehensive document regarding how to elemental essence, granting any who wear it that power. It burns
best serve as a rogue, thief and assassin. It is considered her hotter when yokai, monstrosities, and elementals draw near.
memoirs to many, and there are fables that the final period Creatures who attune to it can assume a form similar to Kitsune’s
written into its pages was done so at the moment she was elemental fox form, briefly granting them the strength to wield
elevated to the status of an Eidolic deity, granting the book its large weapons with ease.
divine power. This armor is sometimes used by the First to Skulk, but they
The book’s appearance is somewhat unassuming: it appears to consider wearing it to be an insult to Kitsune’s station above
be a leather-bound journal with a paw print on its cover. The them. Due to this, it is often sealed away and hidden by them in
pages seem worn and damaged, though in truth they are in one of many places. On some occasions it has been stored on
perfectly pristine condition. Many great masterminds and thieves the Tides of Conquest, and in others has been hidden in the
have told stories about the book simply appearing among their Deep Pause. The daiyokai Samaru has made several attempts to
belongings, blending in with other collections of notes and find and steal it, having given up his loyalty to Kitsune and
journals for years until they eventually discovered its true worth. knowing the benefits of the armor’s legendary properties.
Rogues and assassins who find themselves reading its pages This magical studded leather armor grants a +3 bonus to its
will find plenty of guides to performing their craft, including wearer’s armor class.
striking vital points more efficiently, a comprehensive Primordial Form. As a bonus action you can assume a shroud

documentation on traps and locks, and how best to hold one’s of primordial elemental energy which remains on your body for 1
body and move with intention at all times. minute. During this time you are resistant to all damage, and gain
Written in Code. In order to understand this document, a a fly (hover) speed equal to your base movement speed. While in
creature must be able to understand Thieves Cant naturally. this form, any fire, lightning, acid, poison, cold, and thunder
Those who have it explained to them, break the code using damage you deal ignores its target’s resistances, and treats
magic, or otherwise don’t know how to naturally see the codes immunity as resistance instead. Once you use this Primordial
and ciphers the book is written in will be unable to comprehend it, Form, you cannot do so again until dawn seven days later.
and so cannot attune to it. Enduring Spirit. When you are reduced to 0 hit points or killed

Destroying the Book. If a creature attempts to destroy the outright, you instead take no damage/are not killed, and your
Book of Deception and Thievery, they will find that the moment body turns to flames, exploding in a 20-foot-radius sphere
they intend it harm, it will unleash a cloud of suffocating smoke. centered on you. All creatures you choose within that range must
When the smoke clears, the book will have disappeared and will make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 fire damage on
reappear elsewhere in 1d10 years. a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. You then
Attunement. You must spend at least a full 32 hours reading reappear in an unoccupied space you choose within 30 feet and
the book to attune to it, which must be taken over a period of five cannot use this feature again until the next dawn.
days or you must start over. When attuned to the book, you gain Foxfire Immunity. While attuned to this armor you are immune

the following benefits: to fire and psychic damage.

Increased Dexterity. After you spend enough time reading the Wielder of Great Weapons. Weapons you wield have their

book to become attuned to it, your Dexterity score increases by properties slightly altered, making them lighter. When you wield a
2, to a maximum of 24. You can’t gain this benefit from the book weapon that doesn’t have the heavy or two-handed property, you
more than once, and only one creature can gain this benefit from can treat it as if it had the finesse and light properties. If it does
the book every year. have the heavy or two-handed property you can treat it as having
Deft Attacker. When you take the Attack action, you can make the finesse property, though it remains two-handed. When in this
three attacks instead of one as long as all those attacks are armor’s Primordial Form you can wield heavy/two-handed
made with weapons that qualify for your sneak attack feature. weapons with one hand, and they are treated as having the light
Furthermore, if you have expended your sneak attack damage property.
this turn, you can use it again on attacks that would qualify for it,
but only deal 3d6 extra damage instead of your full amount.
Lockpick Master. When you make an ability check using

thieves’ tools to attempt to pick a lock or disarm a trap and your

d20 result is less than 15, you can choose to treat that result as a
15 instead. You never accidentally set off traps related to
lockpicking or permanently damage locks when you fail to pick


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Deus Yankovic Nine-Branch Uchigatana
Armor (studded leather, major eidolic constellequary of Luxus), Weapon (greatsword, lesser constellequary), artifact (requires
artifact (requires attunement by a rogue or bard) attunement)
This armor consists of a long tunic reinforced with padding and This blade was forged out of red jade and belonged to the first
a hood. Metal composite plates line the shoulders, and cape eidolos, Kitsune. It is imbued with the power of flames and grants
covers one arm as a means to harken back to Luxus’ legacy as a protection to whomever wields it. The weapon is rumored to
rebel. remain in one of two locations: deep within the forests of Cu
As a constellequary, the armor has several stages of evolution. Chullis, where it remains pierced into an ancient living tree that
Those stages, their major cosmetic changes and their features defends it, or within the deepest chamber of the Deep Pause,
are as follows: waiting to be given to whomever Elstrakin deems worthy of using
Dormant The Nine-Branch Uchigatana is a magical greatsword that
While attuned to this armor you are resistant to poison damage. It grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
Awakening Properties. This weapon will only awaken when
otherwise functions as studded leather armor.
attuned to a chaotic or neutral creature, and only when it is used
Restored to: defeat a powerful elemental or monstrosity (CR 15 or higher),
perform a great act of heroism that benefits the natural order, or
Leather vambraces appear with snug gloves. Kunzite gemstones
an act befitting Kitsune’s sword is performed. It may awaken
appear, fitted into the design in various places like studs. It gains
temporarily when performing such an act, but will not stay
the following changes:
permanently awakened until the task is complete. When it
becomes awakened, it undergoes the following changes:
Wearing this armor grants a +1 bonus to your armor class.
You can cast alter self at will.
Weapon attacks using it deal 2d8 fire damage on a hit.
Twice per long rest you can declare a doppelganger tactic as
It can hold up to twelve foxfire charges instead of eight.
a response to an attack or effect that targets only you.
Its bonus to attack and damage rolls becomes +2.
Doppelganger Tactic. When you are targeted by an attack or Its Foxfire Spellcasting DC becomes 19, and extra charges
effect that targets only you, you may use your reaction to cause can be used when casting spells from that feature. For every
the appearances of all those around you to shift and swap extra charge used, the spell’s level increases by 1.
around momentarily. The creature targeting you must roll a DC When the weapon regains Foxfire Charges, it regains 1d8 + 1
15 Wisdom Saving Throw. If they fail you can choose another instead of 1d4 + 1.
creature within 30 feet of you and that creature becomes the new This weapon’s damage and damage caused by its features is
target. Whether they fail or succeed, after the attack resolves you eidolic.
become invisible for 1 minute as though you had cast the
Foxfire Charges. This weapon has eight charges, which can
invisibility spell, but you don’t need to concentrate on it and it
be used to cast the spells listed under its Foxfire Spellcasting
does not count as a magic effect.
feature, requiring no spell slot or material components. The
Awakened weapon regains 1d4 + 1 charges each dawn. When you use the
final charge, roll 1d6. On a result of 6 it regains 1d4 + 1 charges
This form gains the following changes: immediately.
Foxfire Spellcasting. The following spells can be cast using
You cannot be poisoned while wearing this armor. Foxfire Charges. They have a save DC of 17.
Once per short or long rest you can cast greater invisibility,
requiring no spell slot or components. Blessed Circle (2 charges)
You may declare a vanish step three times per short or long Catastrophic Shield (1 charge)
rest when you take movement. Desperate Retreat (2 charges)
Doppelganger tactic’s DC becomes 16 and you can use it Disorienting Scatter (2 charges)
three times per long rest. Firesage Robe (3 charges)
Unveiling Gaze (1 charge)
Vanish Step. When moving, you disappear and reappear in
Violent Pillar (1 charge)
your target location as a ghostly image. You do not provoke
Vorpal Flames (1 charges)
opportunity attacks while moving this way.
Strength Increase. While you are attuned to this weapon your
Resplendent Strength score increases by 2, to a maximum of 24.
The kunzite gemstones on this armor glow when it is in use, and Wheel of Heaven’s Flame. At the cost of 9 of the weapon’s

it has a pale pink reflective sheen. This form gains the following foxfire charges, the weapon invokes Kitsune’s cosmic shard as
changes: an action. A spinning wheel of flame and light made of intricate
interconnecting runic patterns appears centered on a space you
This armor’s bonus to AC becomes +2. can see within 240 feet. All creatures in a 30-foot-radius, 60-foot-
You are immune to poison damage. high cylinder centered there must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving
You may use doppelganger tactic four times per long rest, and throw, taking 30 (10d6) fire damage plus 30 (10d6) radiant
its DC becomes 18. damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
You can declare a use of vanish step at any time when When you use this feature, roll 1d10. On a result of 10, you
moving. regain 1d6 + 1 Foxfire Charges immediately. On a result of 1, you
are burned by the weapon, taking the same fire damage dealt as
if you had failed the saving throw.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Primal Kunzite of Luxus Seeking Solace
Wondrous item (primal gemstone of Luxus), artifact (requires Weapon (shortsword, lesser constellequary), artifact (requires
attunement) attunement)

The primal gemstone of Luxus: a pink kunzite with a light Seeking Solace is the secondary gunblade used by Luxus, which
embering glow within. So long as this gemstone - infused with the is also depicted as her weapon when she was elevated to godlike
faintest sliver of Luxus’ soul - exists in the Material Plane, Luxus power. It is a longblade that is balanced like a shortsword that
can manifest her aspects beyond the Divine Curtain. deals 2d8 piercing damage, and requires proficiency with
Attunement. A creature attempting to attune to this kunzite shortswords to use as a melee weapon. It can be fired as a rifle,
must attempt a DC 18 Charisma saving throw. On a success, and when it is, it creates a bullet of compressed flame.
they attune to it successfully. If they fail, they cannot attempt to Rifle Function. This gunblade can be used as a shortsword or

do so again until the next dawn, and their Charisma score is as a hunting rifle, but does not have to reload and it deals fire
reduced by 1d4+1. They regain 1 lost point of Charisma each damage instead of piercing.
time they complete a long rest, or when a 6th-level or higher spell Awakening Properties. This weapon will only awaken when

that can remove curses is cast on it. attuned to a chaotic or neutral creature, and when it is used to
A chaotic evil or lawful good creature cannot attune to this defeat a great tyrant, criminal mastermind, or oppressor. It may
gemstone, nor can a creature who has attuned to another awaken in the attempt to defeat such a person, but will only
Eidolon’s gemstone or constellequaries. Conversely, if a creature remain that way once they are properly dethroned, defeated or
is attuned to one or more of Luxus’ constellequaries, all of their killed. When it becomes awakened, it undergoes the following
artifacts and this gemstone collectively count as one item for the changes:
purposes of attunement limits.
Armor Bonus. While attuned to this item and wearing light Its enhancement bonus increases to +3
armor or no armor, you gain a bonus to your armor class equal to The damage from flaming critical increases to 4d10
half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) You can cast the spell firestorm (DC 19 Dexterity saving
Avoidance. While you are attuned to this gemstone, when you throw), then cannot do so again until the following day.
make a saving throw to take only half damage, you take half You can use Fire Bullet twice per day, and the DC increases
damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful save. to 19.
This weapon and damage from its features is eidolic.
Ring of Freedom
Enhancement. Attack and damage rolls made using this
Wondrous item (ring), artifact (requires attunement)
weapon count as magical, and benefit from a +1 bonus.
Fire Bullet. In place of one weapon attack, you can target a
This copper ring has a kunzite band wrapping around the length
point you can see within 240 feet, causing an explosion with the
of its exterior, designed to look like several coiling fox tails.
Though not terribly assuming, this accessory is a relic of the effects of the fireball spell (DC 18 Dexterity save) to erupt. You
can use this feature once, then cannot do so again until the
Eidolon Luxus and was an early manifestation of her divine
following dawn.
power when she was acclimating to the role she would later fully
Flaming Critical. When an attack with this weapon scores a
embody. It is a symbol of speed, acuity, and perception.
Those who have worn this ring have attempted to invoke critical hit, it deals an extra 3d10 fire damage.
Luxus’ speed and precision, but do so without knowing that
Luxus relied upon her divine immortality to resist the ill effects of
the item. By accelerating using this ring, a mortal creature would
trade their remaining life force and time in exchange for speed.
When attuned to the ring you gain the following benefits:
Elevated Dash. You can take the Dash action as a bonus

action, and when you do the movement speed you take as part of
that Dash action is doubled.
Free Movement. Your movement speed cannot be reduced.

Additionally you can spend 5 feet of movement to automatically

escape from nonmagical restraints, such as manacles or a
creature that has you grappled.
Haste. As an action or bonus action, you invoke the effects of

the haste spell for 10 minutes, targeting yourself. When the effect
ends (or when haste is cast on you by other means) you do not
suffer the negative effects of the spell. Each time you cast haste
this way, roll 1d6. On a result of 2 you age 1d4 years, and on a
result of 1 you age 1d6 years. If something would prevent you
from being aged by this effect you do not benefit from the haste
Teleportation. You can use your bonus action to move up to

your base movement speed by teleporting, disappearing from

where you are and reappearing in an unoccupied space within
range you can see. The distance between these two points is
taken from your remaining movement speed, which it cannot


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Tiberius Barrel Knife Resplendent
Weapon (shortsword, minor eidolic constellequary of Luxus), Bullets fired from the weapon now let out a pink flash as they do
artifact (requires attunement by a rogue or bard). so. This form has the following features and changes:

This shortsword has a handle like a long revolver, with a blade This weapon now grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage
that curves out from it with a small sealed gun barrel along the rolls made with it.
back of the blade. As a constellequary, this weapon has several This weapon’s fire damage becomes 1d6.
stages of evolution. These stages, their major cosmetic changes, This weapon may be fired up to 10 times before reloading,
and their features are as follows: which can be done as a bonus action.
Piercing shot can be used three times per short or long rest,
Dormant its DC becomes 18, and its damage becomes 4d10 + 5
This magic weapon can be used as a shortsword, or fired as a piercing and 2d6 fire. You can now declare one in place of one
revolver. It can generate its own ammunition, but requires an of your weapon attacks instead of as an action.
action when reloading to do so. It can also be loaded with You can declare a trigger frenzy as an action twice per long
external ammunition. rest.
You can declare a disintegrating bullet a number of times
Restored equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) per long
rest, and its DC becomes 18. You only roll the d6 to regain a
The blade of this weapon becomes kunzite. This form has the
use when you run out of uses.
following features and changes:
This weapon’s damage becomes eidolic.
This weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls Trigger Frenzy. You fire a series of shots at all creatures you
made with it. choose in a 30 ft. cube centered on a point you choose within 60
This weapon’s ranged attack deals an additional 1d4 fire feet. All creatures within range must make a DC 18 Dexterity
damage on a hit. saving throw, taking 5d8 + 5 piercing damage and is stunned until
This weapon may be fired up to 8 times before reloading. the end of their next turn on a failed save, or half as much
Twice per short or long rest, you can declare a piercing shot damage and isn’t stunned on a successful one.
as an action.
Once per long rest, you can declare a disintegrating bullet as
an action.

Disintegrating Bullet. One target you choose within this

weapon’s normal range (as a revolver) is subjected to the effects

of the disintegrate spell, with a spell save DC of 16. When you do
so, roll 1d6. On a result of 6 you regain one use of disintegrating
bulle t.
Piercing Shot. You fire the gun with additional force in a 50 ft.

line. All creatures along that line must make a DC 16 Dexterity

saving throw, taking 3d8 + 1 piercing damage and 1d6 fire
damage on a failed save.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Saint Myth Weapons
These weapons are Saint Myth weapons: special artifacts that
are tied to the history of the prolific figures in each path of
devotion’s lore. They are the equipment, usually the weapons,
wielded by the original warriors who carved out that path for
others to follow. These weapons can be used by anyone capable
of wielding them, but have special properties when held by Sword
Saints who follow the same path as their original user.
When the text of a saint myth weapon calls for rolling
detrimental and beneficial qualities, refer to page 219 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide for instructions on what to roll and
tables for those effects. Your DM may decide on specific qualities
or determine them randomly. However, if your DM wishes to, you
may simply disregard the artifact properties section of each

Mirror Spear
Martial weapon (glaive), artifact (requires attunement)

This polearm has a very long blade, at the base of which is a ring
of enchanted gold metal with a mirror affixed to the inside. The
weapon was designed to gather and reflect magical energy and
was wielded by a famous sukoshin spellcaster and warrior.

The Mirror Spear

The mirror spear is a magical glaive with the heavy, reach, and
two-handed properties. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made using it.
Artifact Qualities. If your DM wishes to include them, the Mirror

Spear includes the following artifact properties when you attune

to it; these effects are different for any creature that attunes to the
Mirror Spear, determined for them the first time they attune to it:

2 minor beneficial properties

1 major beneficial property
2 minor detrimental properties

Magic Reflection. If you are targeted by a spell that doesn’t

target any other creatures and you roll a natural 20 on your

saving throw against the effect, you may redirect the spell either
back at who or whatever cast it or to another viable target within
30 feet. When you do so, that becomes the spell’s target and
must roll against the original caster’s DC.
Tamamo Focus. If you are a Tamamo Sword Saint who attunes

to this weapon as your saint weapon, you gain the following


Your Wisdom and Strength scores increase by 2 and 1

respectively (up to a maximum of 20, unless your ability score
limit is increased by another effect).
Your spell attack and spell save DC for Wizard spells you cast
gain a +2 bonus, as long as this weapon is used as your
spellcasting focus.
You have advantage on saving throws against spells and
magical effects.
When you take the Attack action you can replace one of your
weapon attacks with casting a Wizard cantrip you know.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
The Loose Number
Martial weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement)

This orange sword made of spessartite garnet was once wielded

by a Kits’adrian prodigy: the first of the Sword Saints. Though its
origins are unknown, it was proposed to have been created by
Luxus as a graduation gift for her student, who she had no more
to teach. Records of the sword speak of it stealing the lifeforce of
those it strikes.

The Loose Number

The Loose Number is a magical uchigatana (greatsword) that
deals 2d6 slashing damage. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made using it.
Artifact Qualities. If your DM wishes to include them, the

Loose Number includes the following artifact properties when you

attune to it; these effects are different for each creature that
attunes to the Loose Number, determined for them the first time
they attune to it:

2 minor beneficial properties

1 major beneficial property
2 minor detrimental properties

Encouraging Voice. The echo of a soft, encouraging voice

whispers in your ear while attuned to this weapon. When you are
reduced to 0 hit points or killed outright, this voice steadies your
resolve and allows you to avoid being killed. Instead, you are
reduced to a number of hit points equal to half your total level (or
CR). This feature only functions once, then does not function
again until the following dawn.
Improved Critical Edge. This weapon scores a critical hit on an

attack roll result of 19 or 20.

Kyuubi Focus. If you are a Kyuubi Sword Saint who attunes to

this weapon as your saint weapon, you gain the following


Your Strength and Wisdom scores increase by 2 and 1

respectively (up to a maximum of 20, unless your ability score
limit is increased by another effect).
This weapon bypasses damage resistances, dealing normal
damage even to targets with immunity to its damage type.
When you make an attack with this weapon you can spend 1
focus point to add your proficiency bonus again to its attack
You can spend 3 focus points when reduced to 0 hit points or
killed outright to use this weapon’s encouraging voice feature
an additional time.
Tranquil Advance. If a creature uses a reaction that is

triggered by a weapon attack using this weapon, you can use

your own reaction to suppress whatever the effects of their
reaction were until your attack concludes.
Vigor Thief. When you score a critical hit with this weapon you

regain hit points equal to the weapon damage it deals.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Creature Compendium

he following section lists various characters and Creatures
NPCs, generic or otherwise that you may choose to use The following table lists all creatures within this compendium,
or modify in your campaigns. Among them are the listed in order of challenge rating. Any creature labled with the
remaining members of the First to Skulk and First to creature type “Kits’adria” is also a humanoid.
Consume, the progenitors of the Kits’adrian race, and various
beasts, groups, and templates for important organization CR Creature Name Creature Type Page
members, individuals, and beasts.
N/A The Tides of Conquest Vehicle 96
Using a Stat Block 1/8 Fox Beast 90
This book is meant to be a companion to the official Monster 1/4 Blackwind Cultist Humanoid 73
Manual for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons and works using 1/2 Crewmate Humanoid 94
the same rules and guidelines set out within it. If you are 1/2 Pause Walder Plant 116
unfamiliar with the monster stat block format, please read the 1 Dire Fox Beast 77
introductory section of the Monster Manual before continuing.
2 Blackwind Monk Humanoid 75
That book provides terminology and mechanical information not
repeated here, as well as guidelines for modifying creatures that 2 Dustpelt Cleric Humanoid 78
you may find useful when building your own adventure. 4 Fox Spirit Fey 90
4 Sukoshin Fiend (yokai) 122
Deity & Eidolos Creatures 4 Yūrei’adria Fiend (yokai) 126
Two special creature types exist within Somnus Domina, which 5 Kitz Wildfighter Kits’adria 93
are included briefly in this section: deities and eidolos.
5 Mythdog Kits’adria 95
Deity. Creatures with the “deity” creature type have some
amount of divinity, though they may not be full gods. They have 6 Dustpelt Paladin Humanoid 78
enough that they would fit into the categories of lesser or 6 Kitz Druid Kits’adria 93
demigods at least. Though their traits may not say so, all of their 7 Blackwind Speaker Humanoid 75
weapons and damage they deal are considered to be eidolic and 8 Kitz Ambusher Kits’adria 92
magical, allowing it to ignore the resistances of creatures that 8 Sukoshin (3 Tails) Fiend (yokai) 123
require those properties to be properly harmed. In these cases,
8 Walder Troll Plant 117
their primary creature type will be “deity,” and their other creature
types are listed as sub-types in parenthesis. 9 Blackwind First Order Kits’adria 74
Eidolos. Creatures that have “eidolos” in their creature types, 9 First Mate Kits’adria 94
which are usually but not always deities themselves, can be 10 Emberwing Celestial 84
permanently killed by eidolic damage, but only if that damage is 12 Deep Pause Guardian Construct 76
dealt to their sepherite after they are destroyed, and only if the 12 Sukoshin (6 Tails) Fiend (yokai) 124
creature dealing the damage has a higher CR or total level than
14 Dekishikori Fiend (yokai) 121
the CR of the eidolos. Otherwise, they return to life shortly after
being destroyed (as described in their stat block). The eidolos 14 Kellia Kits’adria 100
creature type is always listed as a subtype. 16 Elstrakin Kits’adria 98
16 Emberwing Sundyne Celestial 84
New Sizes 16 Magnesia Kits’adria 104
Content from Somnus Domina uses several creature sizes not 17 Kyuubi Kits’adria 102
present in the regular ruleset for 5th Edition Dungeons and
19 Sukoshin Daiyokai Fiend (yokai) 125
Dragons. This system includes the following size categories:
20 Samaru Fiend (yokai) 108
Size Space 21 Tamamo no Mae Fiend (yokai) 110
Titanic 40 ft by 40 ft 24 False Eidolon - Luxus Fiend (yokai) 86
Tremendous 60 ft by 60 ft 24 Kitsune Deity, elemental 88
Colossal 80 ft by 80 ft 24 Nogistune Undead 112
Supermassive 150 ft by 150 ft 27 Versellendrake Dragon (Chromatic) 118
Planetary 500 ft by 500 ft 30 Aspect of Luxus Deity (Half-Elf) 79
30 Beast of Catacysm Deity (Undead) 115
Not all of these sizes are used within this bestiary.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Blackwind Acolytes
The Blackwind acolytes are members of the Blackwind temple:
the sanctuary in the Shadowfell where the daiyokai Samaru takes
up residents, inviting those who have lost their way into his care
in order to train them. They have been indoctrinated over time to
adore and love Samaru as if he was a god, and serve his will
without question.

Blackwind Cultist
The rank-and-file members of the Blackwind temple, who have
shown very little prowess in other fields but are useful fodder.
They are strong fighters who are taught to obey Samaru’s orders
even if it brings about their death, though many of them have
never seen Samaru directly. Samaru will occasionally choose
individuals from among them to elevate to concubines or his


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Blackwind First Order
The first order members are the last of the blackwind Kits’adria
who fled with Samaru to the Shadowfell, fighting against the
erasure of their genetic relevance in future Kits’adrian bloodlines.
They were enraged by Kitsune and Luxus for punishing them for
Samaru’s actions and failed to understand the purpose of why.
That anger was then tempered by Samaru who offered guidance
as their new god. These Kits’adria gave their spirits over to him,
becoming twisted by the Shadowfell into yokai of a unique sort.
Now one with shadow, the first order serves as Samaru’s
personal assassins.
Shadow Shifters. These yokai have mutated versions of the

Kits’adrian shapeshifting talent. They can imitate the body and

voice of creatures they have seen and heard, and when doing so
they give off a psychic impulse that prevents others from
perceiving this change. Creatures who directly investigate them
may uncover the difference, but otherwise they have the
supernatural means to suppress the suspicions of others.
Custodial Assassins. When members of the Blackwind temple

take trips to the Material Plane to seek new recruits or perform

services for Samaru, they will usually be accompanied by at least
one first order member, who serves as their means to return and,
should they all be killed, will return in spirit to their temple and be
revived so they might relay what happened.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Blackwind Monk Blackwind Speaker
The monks of this order practice the way of the slicing nail, One who has been recognized by Samaru as understanding his
passed down to them by Samaru, though their teachings are will and intention, and is granted the right to speak for him. They
often incomplete. These monks serve as his footsoldiers and are sent on diplomatic missions, or as a doomsayer meant to
rarely see fit to leave the temple, let alone the shadowfell. On speak of his arrival when he desires fear or respect.
occasion, however, they are known to do so in order to seek out
tribute for Samaru, or to lure other lost souls into the care of their


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Deep Pause Guardian
The Deep Pause guardian is one of the sentinels of the Deep
Pause: the hidden Kits’adrian temple where Elstrakin resides.
These massive guardians are built in the image of dire foxes,
made of wood and stone, allowing them rigid strength but
flexibility enough to dodge and strike with surprising dexterity.
They stand tall, protecting the passages into the innermost
chambers of the temple. When Elstrakin means to travel about
Cu Chullis she often does so on the back of one of these
sentinels, or uses them to communicate remotely.
Guardians of the Tailmother. Kits’adrian druids who are

properly attuned to these guardians may be lent them to act in

their service outside the Deep Pause. These Kits’adria must be
selected by Elstrakin and put through secret trials within their
temple, but upon completing them may be given the beast and
charged with defending the land and forests they hold dear.
Generally no more than a handful of these guardians are ever
allowed to leave the temple.
Creatures bound to a Deep Pause guardian can project their
senses into them as an action at any distance, hearing and
seeing everything they can. While doing so the creature is
blinded and deafened to their own surroundings. Those
projecting themselves this way may speak through their guardian,
as their voice is echoed from its location. Those with such
attunement can speak with their guardian telepathically, issuing it
orders at will. If the user is unconscious or injured the beast will
employ Elstrakin to seize control so it may be guided to help its
Connected to the Prophet. If Elstrakin is ever killed with no

prophet of the Deep Pause capable of replacing her, these

guardians lose their ability to function outside of the temple.
Furthermore, they will treat all creatures that are not Kits’adria
within the Deep Pause as invaders until a new prophet returns, or
Elstrakin returns to life. Even if attuned to another, no Deep
Pause Guardian will ever attack or harm the prophet of the Deep
Pause, nor will they value the order of another over hers (if
compelled to by magical or supernatural means, they will become
incapacitated until the conflict resolves).
Constructed Nature. A golem doesn’t require air, food, drink or



Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Dire Fox
Larger and more vicious, dire foxes are monstrous beasts that
stand as tall as an average man and skulk through the night
searching for prey. What twist of nature caused them to become
so large and vicious is unknown, but luckily they only tend to
inhabit and stalk the depths of the wilderness, fearing large


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Dustpelt Conclave
Those who carry on the tenants and legacy of Springmoon are
known as the Dustpelt Conclave. These servants of the divine
stand up for those of less fortune, and are invested in avenging
their progenitor, Springmoon. To this end they investigate and
stand to interfere with the activities of the First to Consume,
primarily Nogistune. They carry light equipment compared to
many other clerics, lending to their Kits’adrian origins (though not
all of them are Kits’adria).


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Eidolons Aspect of Luxus
The Eidolons are the prime pantheon of Somnus Domina. The Eidolon Luxus is the queen of thieves and assassins, and
The Eidolons are split into three separate bodies of worship, all one of the twelve mortals who rose up at the behest of the
watching over the entirety of Somnus Domina, but each paying Primary Gods to receive the power of the Old World’s fallen gods.
special care to the land they reside. This is not something She was once a Half-Elven woman who led an information
expressed by the Eidolons directly and is considered to be a network that tracked and studied the Grand Primaries, but when
result of the international schism caused between the various her fox companion Kitsune was killed, she requested of her god
world empires after the Somonian Empire collapsed, but to grant it new life. Their hearts and lives were connected, and
nonetheless is considered true. Each continent has the original Luxus’ connection to her fox granted her a body that would serve
temples of their Eidolons, containing sealed Eidolic tempering as the proptype of Kits’adria. She accepted her Eidolic role as a
chambers that allow for direct communion with their god, and using the Constellequaries forged for her she fought the
corresponding Eidolon under the right circumstances - though Grand Primaries alongside her fellow gods and helped to re-
frivolous attempts to do so are considered taboo. sculpt the world from the chaos that the battle had left it in.
The Twelve. The broad observation of all of the Eidolons. Used She concerns herself with the morality of criminals and thieves
by those who are unconcerned with the separation between while also representing the beasts of the world. As Aymere is the
dogmas, it is typically used to refer to all gods, lesser gods, Eidolon of nature, Luxus is the leader of beasts and animals. Her
demigods, etc., as a collective. work in the mortal world is largely done in secret and usually
The Eight. The collective title of the Eidolons when the through her followers. She holds control over a paradise
Sentinels of the Twilight Authority, considered heretical, are promised to those who are one with nature, as well as her
disregarded. Retia and Cu Chullis both use this term when Kits’adrian progeny. Among the Eidolons she is the most bright-
referring to the universal protection and grace of the Eidolons, hearted and adventurous, and sometimes she is considered
and it is broadly considered to refer to the grace and role of all directly opposed to the cagey and secretive Vestias. Where
gods below them as well. Vestias would seal everything old and taboo within a vault, Luxus
The Knights of the Summer Sky. The Eidolons of Retia: cannot help but seek out secrets and liberate them.
Aymere, Harros, T’Quin and Vestias. They are celebrated most Due to the high-spirited, unnessesarily clever way she carries
during the summer months and considered to oversee the good out her business and the delight she takes in traps, tricks and
of mortal advancement and culture, as well as serve as harmless deception, she is known to many as a trickster
protectors of the world. Most major cities in Retia have a temple goddess.
dedicated to the Knights of the Summer Sky, complete with Her physical form is a foxlike woman with red and pink flames
various statues and reliefs featuring them. for hair which wisp around her wildly, and her dress somewhere
The Fellowship of Deep Water. The Eidolons of Cu Chullis: between a pirate queen and assassin lord.
K’hana Darros, Luxus, Marrias and Vadreem. They are Eidolic Weaponry. The Aspect of Luxus’ weapons are eidolic,

considered to be forces of nature that watch over the world of making them both magical and able to permanently kill eidolos if
spirits, and keep an eye on the past and future. Among them are they reduce their hit points to 0.
prophetic individuals. Though not entirely, they are seen as
harsher forces of nature and respecting them is often seen as
synonymous with paying respect to the sanctity of the arcane,
spiritual and nature worlds. The Fellowship are celebrated most
during the winter months, where they are prayed to in hopes that
they bring back the warmth of summer.
The Sentinels of the Twilight Authority. Considered heretical

or purely fictitious, these are the Eidolons of the mostly

uncivilized Strikelands. They include Copehtor, Huunde, Kevek
and So’kess.
There is proof that they exist and there certainly are religions
that follow them, but other religions reject the notion that these
stand among the Eight. Their fall from grace is due to a war
among the Eidolons in times long past, where the Sentinels
followed a questionable cause and rose up against their kin.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Aspect of Luxus
Medium deity (half-elf, shapechanger), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 23 (natural armor)

Hit Points 510 (60d8 + 240)
Speed 60 ft., climb 60 ft.


17 (+3) 28 (+9) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +19, Con +13, Int +13, Cha +11
Skills Insight +11, Perception +14, Stealth +18, Survival +14
Resistances piercing, slashing and bludgeoning from attacks
that aren’t eidolic
Immunities psychic, fire; piercing, slashing and bludgeoning
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t eidolic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened,
incapacitated, paralyzed
Senses truesight 60 ft., darkvision 240 ft., passive Perception 24
Languages All
Challenge 30 (155000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +9 Bonus Actions
Change Shape. The aspect changes their body and voice to match
the mannerisms, appearance and tonality of any small or medium
Avoidance. If the aspect makes any saving throw to take half humanoid they wish, or back to their true form. Any creature who
damage instead of full damage, she takes half damage on a failure tries to see through this transformation must succeed on a DC 23
and no damage on a success. Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Innate Spellcasting. The aspect’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence. Cunning Action. The aspect takes the Dash or Disengage action.
She can cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
Vanish. The aspect teleports to any space she can see within 30
At Will: hold attacker, seeming, teleport, thunder step feet and takes the Hide action.
3/Day Each: fireball
2/Day Each: firestorm, haste Reactions
Doppelganger Tactic. When the aspect is targeted by an attack she
Legendary Resistance (4/Day). When the aspect fails a saving can see, she can force her target to make a DC 26 Wisdom saving
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. throw. On a failure, they imagine one creature within their attack’s
range to be her and the attack is re-directed at them. On a success
Mastermind’s Fallback (Recharges after Short or Long Rest). If the the attack happens as usual. In either case, the aspect turns
aspect would be reduced to 0 hit points or killed outright, her current invisible as though by the invisibility spell until the end of her next
hit point total is instead reset to 400 hit points, she becomes invisible turn.
until the end of her next turn or takes an action, she recharges her
Kunzite Hurricane, regains any spent uses of her Legendary Legendary Actions
Resistance, and for 1 hour can use the options in the “Mythic
Actions” section. A party that defeats her after using Mastermind’s The aspect can take four Legendary Actions, choosing from the
Fallback is awarded an additional 155,000 XP (310,000 XP total). options below. Only one Legendary Action option can be used at a
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The aspect
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The aspect deals an extra 40 (10d8) damage regains spent Legendary Actions at the end of its turn.
when she hits with a weapon attack that has advantage, or when Attack. The aspect makes one weapon attack. If it qualifies for its
their target is within 5 feet of one of the aspect’s allies that is not sneak attack, it only adds 23 (5d8) damage instead of the full
incapacitated and if the aspect doesn’t have disadvantage on the amount.
attack roll. Invisibile Retreat (Costs 3 Actions). The aspect turns invisible
until the start of her next turn, and teleports into an unoccupied
Actions space within 30 feet.
Multiattack. The aspect makes four weapon attacks. Mythic Actions
The aspect can use the following options as Legendary Actions once
Seeking Solace (Gunblade). Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit,
her Mastermind’s Fallback has been activated.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (2d10 + 12) slashing damage plus 11
Organized Assault (Costs 2 Actions). The aspect’s physical form
(2d10) fire damage or Ranged Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, range
becomes blurred and distorted, splitting into various iterations of
240/720 ft., one target. Hit: 34 (4d10 + 12) fire damage.
herself until the end of her next turn. During this time all attacks
made against her have disadvantage, even from creatures with
Kunzite Hurricane (Recharge 5-6). All creatures the aspect chooses
within 30 feet of her must make a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw, truesight, blindsight, tremorsense, or the ability to see through
taking 39 (7d10) slashing damage and 39 (7d10) fire damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Any creature that Deadshot (Costs 2 Actions). One creature the aspect can see
fails by 10 points or more is stunned until the start of the aspect’s within 240 feet is assailed by a pointed bullet of force. They must
make a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) force
next turn. The aspect ends this attack in an unoccupied space
adjacent to any of their targets. damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A
creature that fails and rolls less than a 10 on their saving throw d20
result is stunned until the start of the aspect’s next turn.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Luxus’ Eidolic Reign Luxus’ main title as an Eidolon is the Soul of Trickery, but

The following is information regarding Luxus’ role as a deity in she has gone by many other names as well.
Somnus Domina.
The First Assassin
Artifacts. Luxus has several major artifacts associated with
The Fireknife
them. Like all Eidolons, they have two constellequaries: Deus
Mother of Foxes
Yankovic and the Tiberius Barrel Knife. They are also associated
Lady of No Consequence
with a primal gemstone, a Kunzite that allows them to project
themselves past the Divine Curtain and assume the form of one
Maiden of the Last Sight
of their aspects in the Material Plane. Aside from these items,
they are also known to be associated with three other artifacts: Portfolio. Luxus’ portfolio includes organized crime, trickery,
the Book of Deception and Thievery, the Ring of Freedom and wildlife, freedom and curiousity. She can automatically sense and
Steps, and the gunblade known as Seeking Solace. experience events and occurances to do with these aspects
Aspects. The most well known aspect of Luxus is Kitsune, who without involving an avatar or aspect.
was also the first eidolos. This fox companion became a
reflection of Luxus, and their wills became connected to one Worship of Luxus
another. Luxus rarely appears in the Material Plane unless Luxus is considered a fair but chaotic goddess, overlooking
looking for entertainment, and utilizes Kitsune to perform most of harmless crimes and even encouraging phantrophic ones. They
her work for her. As she is a secretive Eidolon the identity of her are an ally to the poor and humble, and a sign of ill omen to the
other aspects are not well known, but many famous rogues and rich and greedy.
tyrants in history are thought to have been tied to her. It is Domains. Like all of the Eidolons, Luxus inherited the domains
commonly suspected that her prophet Elstrakin is an aspect of and responsibilities of many of the former gods of the Old World.
Luxus, but this is more of a fairy tale than founded upon fact. They hold the domains of thievery, mischief, trickery, bravery,
Divine Rank. Luxus’ is an Eidolic Deity, a member of the kits’adria, half-elf, chaotic, joy, fire, luck, pleasure, strife,
Eidolons. wilderness, and fortune. They dabble in other lesser domains as
well, but these are outside their primary concern.
Symbol. Luxus’ emblem resembles an inverted teardrop with a

smaller droplet on the bottom, often thought to represent poison.

Atop it are small symmetrical flames that resemble the ears of a
fox or other animals, and a hole within the middle of the large
inverted drop gives it the vague appearance of a keyhole.
Temples of Luxus. The primary temple to Luxus is the Deep

Pause which is ruled and protected by Elstrakin. It is this temple

that holds the Eidolic tempering chamber that can allow
communion with Luxus, should she wish to respond. However,
smaller temples across Cu Chullis exist that worship her, as do
many hidden shrines in both Cu Chullis and Retia, usually
maintained by less-than-public organizations.
Divine Realm: The Island of Beckoning. Within the Wilderness of Rogues and Thieves. Luxus is a deity associated with good-

the Beastlands, upon the upper layer of Frigala, lit eternally by heartedness, but her nature as a chaotic neutral goddess lends
the sun, is the Island of Beckoning. Standing as the highest point itself to many interpretations. One will see her emblem on the
in the plane, it exists as a massive structure rising up upon huge shields of many clerics, but also often on the backs and blades of
pillars of stone, overgrown with plantlife. Unless invited, reaching assassins and thieves. Criminals often pray to Luxus for
it requires climbing these massive pillars, which is too great a guidance in their plans, and it is not said that she turns them
task for most visitors. down. Corruptions of her emblem have often been used to
This massive island has a variety of elevated resplendent represent major criminal organizations, including often being
gardens, towns, keeps, natural wonders, and expansive found in conjunction with the infamous Family of Retia.
wilderness, with animals roaming free and peacefully, fruit Rituals. Prayer to Luxus often involves wrapping a small

exclusive to the island, and is where Kits’adria spirits are invited amount of valuable mineral dust (such as that of platinum, gold,
when they reach the afterlife. The souls of many sapient animals, or silver) in twine and leaves, and burning it within an open flame
druids, heroic thieves and rogues, righteous pirates, and Beast or small ceremonial pot. This rite is called “paying celestial dues”
Tribe members would also be invited here if no other claim was or “offering a gesture of protection” and is symbolic of paying for
made to them. In general it is considered a paradise given as a the good will and protection of a thief’s guild. The valuable dust
reward to those who lived with their heart full of adventure and vanishes if their belief is true, signifying it has been accepted.
chaotic zeal, but did not close themselves off to the plights of the Particularly devoted petitioners grind kunzite into dust and offer
downtrodden. that, knowing it to be Luxus’ favorite material. When this is done
There is a central keep, the Last Camera, where Luxus as prayer the flames often turn pink, although only briefly.
resides. Though never confirmed, it is spoken in legend that nine Followers. Luxus has millions of followers across the Material

seats lay unclaimed within her court there, left open to her most Plane, including all of those who worship her as part of the
precious children should they ever decide that their immortality as Twelve, the Eight, or as a patron deity of Cu Chullis. Even without
the First to Skulk should end. Three of these chairs have lost those numbers she has many who worship her individually, and
their luster, fading slowly as if aged for thousands of years, and those who do so are referred to commonly as Luxian Abjects.
one among them has begun to crumble. The priests of her sole worship, known collectively (and
At Luxus’ control were a series of Monadic Devas known as humorously) as the Luxian Conspiratory Order, tend to be druids
Emberwings, born from her own divine power. and nature-oriented worshipers who pray to her for luck, warmth,
and protection from crime or exploitation.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Serving as the guardians and agents of Luxus, emberwings are
monadic devas who protect the Island of Beckoning. They share
the common attributes of regular monadic devas, though their
skin is a dark brown, with their most striking feature being their
hair and wings that are bright red, with layers of pinkish purple to
match Luxus’ own flames mixed in.
The emberwings share the lawful good alignment of all angels
but are particularly suited to determining whether thieves and
criminals are deserving of harsh judgment, or if they acted with
honor and virtue within their craft.
Monadic Deva. The deva does not require air, water, or food
and is immune to the effects of the inner planes (including the
elemental and energy planes) and extreme environmental Spears of Grey Sanction
effects. Their maximum hit points cannot be reduced. If it dies in These magical +2 spears held by the emberwings, the only
the Prime Material plane or Elemental planes, its body and possessions they carry on their otherwise bare forms, can
possessions vanish in a flash of light, and it reforms 10 years discern the morality of their targets. If a creature has committed
later in its native plane. If destroyed on any other plane, they are crimes that unjustly terrorized or disregarded the weak or needy,
destroyed permanently. these spears will enact judgment upon them. They roll with
Shapechangers. The emberwings, as a bonus action, can advantage against criminals with no moral principles, such as
polymorph into a humanoid of any description, a beast of a those who steal from the weak or poor or those who murder in
challenge rating no higher than its own, or back to its true form. If cold blood.
it dies, it reverts to its true form. In any humanoid form, its When thrown or disarmed, they return immediately to the
statistics remain the same, but in the form of a beast, it assumes hands of their masters in a flash of radiant light. When hurled,
the AC, movement, Strength, Dexterity, senses, attacks, and they can briefly split into copies of themselves to assail multiple
actions of the form (except class features, legendary actions, and targets before reforming as one in the deva’s hand.
lair actions), but keeps access to its own actions and senses as
well. Sundyne
Like all monadic devas, they hold a distaste for unnecessary Among the emberwings are enforcers who are meant to act as
armor and clothes, as they hold that their natural bodies are a avatars and divine warriors on Luxus’ behalf. These individuals
symbol of their divinity, so they often appear unclothed or close to have an extra set of wings and boast greater arcane powers and
it. They do not allow this to get in the way of appearing in combat abilities. While the emberwings keep the order on the
whatever form they must to appear in the Material Plane or to Island of Beckoning, the sundyne are akin to royal guards who
perform whatever tasks they are charged with. carry out Luxus’ will more harshly.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

False Eidolons
Emotions, tragedies, cultural pain, and other expressions of
negativity in Somnus Domina are often twisted by the nature of
the Shadowfell into yokai of various sorts. Many share qualities
that unite them, but there are certain abnormalities even among
these fiends: false Eidolons. With all worship comes those who
feel spurned by the gods, become obsessed with them, or feel
they are a chosen soul. These twisted desires give way to
unique, individual beings known as a false Eidolon, a yokai that
stands on par with daiyokai of other breeds. A false Eidolon
emerges from a collective tragedy, hatred, or misplaced worship
of one of the Eidolons and resembles an aspect of them. They
are not divine, however, though they believe that they are and try
to raise a following according to that.
No more than one of these yokai exists for a given Eidolon at a
time and generally only appears once every millennia, if even that
Delusional Avatars. False Eidolons know what they are at their
core, but their existence is founded representing a unique,
twisted version of the Eidolon they resemble. They fool
themselves into earnestly believing they are an aspect of that
Eidolon and will not stand to hear otherwise. Though they mimic
the morality of their counterpart, they are insidious toward threats
to their perceived identity and are dangerously narcissistic. They
build a following, steal worshippers from the true Eidolon, and
seek to raise themselves up as a god to fuel this illusion.
While in the presence of at least fifty of their worshippers or if
they have a community of at least 1000 worshippers in one place
who believe them to be the god they think they are, any effects or
special senses that divine their nature (such as a paladin’s divine
sense) detect them as the Eidolon they are, instead of as a fiend
or yokai, including the expected alignment.
Eidolic Nature. False Eidolons emulate the eidolic nature of
their counterparts. Like most yokai, they will simply reform in the
Shadowfell if killed, though it takes considerable time for these
yokai to return. However, if killed by eidolic weapons or damage,
they are destroyed permanently, even if they are not in the
Inherited Portfolio. The false Eidolon knows everything
required to represent the Eidolon they are copying, such as their
divine domain’s Plane of residence, portfolio, the names and
titles they should go by, their symbols and divine rank, etc. They
even share the nature of their portfolio, and can sense large
events that deal with their domains and aspects, just like an
Eidolon. If a creature within 500 miles offers a prayer to the
Eidolon they are copying, the false Eidolon becomes aware of it,
and if the Eidolon fails to respond to it, the false Eidolon may do


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Divine Rank. Kitsune is a lesser deity under Luxus. She has no
The first eidolos and an aspect of Luxus; Kitsune was once a divine realm and prefers to stay within the Material Plane to
small fox companion raised by Luxus. Following Kitsune’s death, perform whatever services Luxus requires of her. When she
the would-be goddesses’ undying love for the beast led Luxus to returns to the upper planes she resides in Luxus’ Island of
ask her primary god to return the fox to her. The deed was done, Beckoning, and can be often seen beside Luxus when she must
and Kitsune was revived in a state connected to Luxus’ own life make an appearance befitting an Eidolon.
force. When Luxus became an Eidolon their divine power poured Domains. Kitsune has many of the same divine domains as
into Kitsune, turning the fox into an elemental shape-shifting Luxus and some of her own, including Kits’adria, trickery, natural
beast with nine tails that was well-versed in the arcane arts. In an disasters, wilderness, fire, nature, rebirth, and beasts.
effort to stabilize its chaotic elemental form the first eidolos was Rituals. Similar to Luxus, rituals of prayer to Kitsune involve
created. flames; unlike her, however, the most common ritual is to write a
Appearance. She often assumes a humanoid form that prayer upon a dry piece of parchment and cut through it with a
sometimes resembles a Kits’adria, and other times a Half-elf. She hot instrument (usually a knife or blade) causing it to ignite and
bears a striking resemblance to Luxus when in humanoid form, burn away. Those who are devout to Luxus have also been
causing her to be depicted as the Eidolon’s daughter on some known to pray very conveniently at campfires, throwing their
occasions. prayers into an open flame and watching it combust irregularly
Her true form is a massive fox made of swirling red and white fast.
elemental energy, accompanied by nine magnificent tails. She Symbol. Kitsune’s symbol is a circle with nine blade-like
can solidify into a beautiful white or orange form, but her natural branches extending out and twisting in a clockwise pattern.
state is one of pure fire and energy. Her size varies due to her These represent her tails, her children, and her magic.
ability to shapeshift into a beast of truly colossal stature, or into a Followers. Kitsune has hundreds of thousands of devotees,
humanoid form. but as they overlap so strongly with Luxus’ they lack a proper
Unique Eidolos. Regular eidolos are reduced to sepherite and name. Druids that follow her sometimes call themselves Druids of
an eidolic armament when defeated, but due to Kitsune’s unique the Nine Branches, referencing a legendary uchigatana with nine
connection to Luxus, she does not leave behind either. Instead, secondary blades that Kitsune’s humanoid form wields.
when she is killed, she vanishes and reforms in the Last Camera Legacy. The First to Skulk are all considered Kitsune’s
within Luxus’ Island of Beckoning to regain her strength before children, and the Kits’adrian race was tooled in her and Luxus’
returning to the Material Plane. This unique ability is the sole image. For this reason the highest concentration of her followers
reason Nogistune has not yet confronted or tried to defeat her as are among them. She also passed on eight spells collectively
- without the ability to permanently destroy an eidolos - Kitsune called the Nine Branch Arts, though her followers and mages
cannot be properly eradicated, and Nogistune does not feel have noted that the name of the spells, her religious symbol, and
confident she could trap Kitsune’s soul at her current level of the number of spells don’t make sense: why only eight when the
power. number nine is so prominent? It is often speculated that her
cosmic spark, the Wheel of Heaven’s Flame, is the ninth spell
Worship of Kitsune and is entirely impossible for a mortal to use without incinerating
Despite being merely an aspect of Luxus, Kitsune has
worshippers across the world - though is seen as a lesser deity in
comparison to the extent that the Eidolons are worshiped.
Temples to Luxus are considered Kitsune’s as well, but clerics
that pray to Kitsune often err on the side of chaos more than
those who pray to Luxus. Her dogma includes the devastation of
crime and those who abuse nature, making her popular among
Artifacts. Kitsune has two artifacts associated with her,

prominently appearing on her person when assuming a

humanoid form: the Nine-Branch Uchigatana and the Burning
Fox Hide. The Uchigatana is a lesser constellequary that reacts
to those who stand up for the natural order.

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

A calm and playful beast that can survive in a variety of different
Fox Familiars. Foxes may agree to be taken on as familiars if

treated well and serve as playful, heart-warming companions.

When you cast find familiar you may choose to make a compliant
fox into your familiar instead of another option, and when you do
so you gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have
darkvision, your darkvision increases by an additional 30 feet

Fox Spirit
The Fox Spirit is a guardian of the land which roams in small
packs to protect nature and places of spiritual importance. These
beasts may be conjured by mages or druids to allow the spirits of
mistreated foxes to defend their kin. They are fey spirits that the
common onlooker may interpret as ghosts but are in actual fact
manifestations of the Feywild.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sloan See (Order #37077152)
The following stat blocks represent some basic Kits’adrian
warriors and individuals one might want to use in a campaign.

Kitz Ambusher
Assassins among the Kits’adria, usually trained to defend their
packs and communities from outsiders. Kits’adria rarely use their
talents for the purposes of being hired hands, but these talents
can be exploited if the Kits’adria find themselves in a tough spot
or dealing with unsavory organizations for long enough.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Kitz Druid
Kitz Wildfighter
Naturally attuned to the lands they roam, Kits’adria commonly
turn to magic that further connects them to Somnus Domina. Warriors who protect their communities and hunt for food and
Druids like these often end up serving as Tail-Mothers and pack supplies; wildfighters are proficient in hand-to-hand combat.
leaders, and hold respect when communal gatherings take place. When they’re not out living their lives and wandering, many of
this vocation can be found protecting their groves and temples.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Tides of Conquest
The pirates who collectively man the Tides of Conquest are an
intrepid unit, and are experts at operating the equipment on their
ship. They are all ruthlessly loyal to Magnesia - known to them as
the Rose of the New World - and with high spirits they would
follow her to the underworld and back.

Conquest Crewmate
These usual crewmates perform most of the basic duties on
deck, including operating the sails, cannons, and the internal
mechanisms that aid it when flying.

Conquest First Mate

Magnesia’s first mate, her most trusted crew member, and
always a Kits’adria who has proven they can mimic her and act in
her place when she is absent or needs to keep up appearances.
They are a talented fighter, commanding leader, and quick
thinker. They are proficient in arcane arts learned while manning
the Tides of Conquest, including being able to conjure the tides of
the ocean to do their bidding.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Conquest Mythdog
The bards who stay with the Tides of Conquest are jokingly called
mythdogs and do their part to keep spirits high. Magnesia
encourages the redpaw Kits’adria who serve under her to take
note of the many tales they spin together, and they take on this
role (usually in disguise like her, but not always). The mythdogs
are privileged to Magnesia’s true identity, and help to suffocate
rumors about her on board.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

The Tides of Conquest Capacity. The Tides of Conquest can carry up to 20 tons of

cargo, including a crew of 50 and room for 30 more passengers.

The Tides of Conquest is an ancient ship from the Old World Station Operation. The airship’s statistics are split into various

which was restored by Magnesia and her followers after they “stations”, all of which require a certain number of crewmates to
found it half-buried in a battlefield in the Strikelands. Left to rot operate. The crewmates of the ship are very capable at utilizing
after the war against the Grand Primaries, this ship is powered by its weaponry thanks to years of experience and familiarity.
a massive slab of enchanted crystal that has an unknown origin, Each station lists how many of it exist on the ship, and how
and seems to be the only one of its kind. The ship is somewhat many times they can collectively be used each round. Crewmates
sentient, can reject the option of moving, and has been known to operate the stations on their own turns (readying their actions at
be temperamental. It took to Magnesia however, and obeys her stations until enough are ready to activate it), but the ship’s turn
commands even when she is not present. in initiative represents when the ship’s stations become usable
Airship Nature. The ship cannot be targeted like a creature, again.
except by spells that deal damage (and only then, it only takes Each section has a hit point total, but the ship’s main hit point
damage and does not suffer or benefit from other effects unless total is its hull. If the hull is destroyed the ship will cease
they specifically target vehicles or airships). It can be targeted as operation, but individual damage to its component stations deals
if it is an object. The airship counts as both a structure and siege half the damage they would take to the hull as well.
equipment. The hull and each station can withstand damage up to their
Air and Waterborne. The ship can function as a ship on the listed threshold without being harmed. If an attack or effect does
sea with very little notice, appearing to be an old, Elven-looking less than that amount when it hits or harms them, they take no
galleon. When it turns into an airship it undergoes a partial damage.
transformation, engaging external engines to allow it to move
through the air. It has landing gear necessary to dock on land,
though the ship’s temperaments lean toward wanting to recline in


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
The First to Skulk The Singeing
One of the responsibilities Elstrakin exclusively overseas is the
Singeing: the ritual whereby one of the First to Skulk has grown
The First to Skulk were the first of the Kits’adria, created by
tired of their current life or has grown old, and seeks to be reborn.
Kitsune to be their eyes and ears across the Material Plane and
These events are a huge event for the Kits’adria, often
Feywild. These nine individuals performed their roles as spies
accompanied by a huge communal gathering that involves
and infiltrators for a thousand years before their duties were
revealing the identity of that First to Skulk who means to pass on
considered complete, and so were granted the ability to
as they give thanks to those who stood beside them.
reproduce naturally. Legends are indecisive regarding the genetic
During the ritual, Elstrakin helps them to sort through their final
origins of all Kits’adria: some accounts claim that all Kits’adria are
business in the world and determine how they might wish to
descended from these nine, others that the nine used their
return. The First to Skulk can return to any Kits’adrian body as
arcane influence to create more Kits’adria to grant plentiful
long as it shares their subrace, and so Elstrakin helps to guide
genetic diversity.
their soul and influence what their initial fifty or so years might
The First to Skulk were granted bodies that would die by old
look like. Once they have decided and enchantments have been
age (though they age at a fraction of their typical genetic speed),
placed upon them, Elstrakin oversees a cremation of their current
and a natural cycle of reincarnation that would protect their
body within a large chamber constructed as an arcane furnace. It
essence: if they were to die, their untethered soul would enter a
is believed that in burning this way they commune with Luxus
newborn Kits’adria. They would live unaware of their purpose
directly, who also plays a hand in their reincarnation.
until they came of age, and roughly half a century into living
In the wake of the ritual the remaining siblings mourn by way of
would start to regain past memories and become who they were,
celebration (even if they are keeping their identities hidden). The
albeit enriched by the perspective of their half-century of life.
family of the lost sibling speaks of their accomplishments and
These nine Kits’adria served as the leaders of their kind for a
contributions to their lives, and the Kits’adria who attend this
long while, until several of them fell to the temptations of the
gathering remain together for several days until Elstakin speaks
Shadowfell and pulled back from the society they had helped to
plainly about a prophecy pertaining to when and where the sibling
build. They turned to coveting the power Kitsune had spread
will return, before dismissing the community back to daily life.
among them, and their greed led them down dark paths. Two of
these individuals became yokai lords and let their temptations run Elstrakin’s Lair: The Deep Pause
wild, while the other turned to darker magic still and became a
necromantic lich with a unique, immortal soul. Elstrakin’s temple is a living sanctuary, built as a meeting place
for the First to Skulk in ancient days, and left to her to watch over.
Elstrakin She lives here with a select bloodline of Kits’adria who keep her
secrets and protect her (something that has become more
Originally tasked with monitoring the Elves of early Somnus important since the rising of The First to Consume).
Domina, Elstrakin resides within the deepest reaches of Cu This temple is used as the testing ground for Kits’adria who
Chullis. She is the most well-known Tail-Mother among her want to engage in service directly for Kitsune or Luxus, and are
people, serving as the center of the largest communal gatherings granted the divine right to commune with them should they
of Kits’adria in the modern age, but also disguising herself and succeed. It is the location of one of the ancient Dynasty Eyes:
operating under various other names and performing many duties magical installations used to scry freely, and as a teleportation
within the ranks of her people. network for those who know how to use them.
She is a naturally talented archdruid, considered a wise Defeating Elstrakin in her lair earns an additional 8000 xp.
prophet, and makes her home in a secret hidden temple
somewhere in Cu Chullis. It has been often proposed that she Lair Actions
has at all times existed as an advisor to the Elvish shogunates
that rule Cu Chullis, assuming many different faces across the On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Elstrakin can take a
ages. lair action to cause one of the following effects. She cannot use
Elstrakin often allows young parentless Kits’adria to live in the the same effect two rounds in a row.
temple while they are still in their youthful fox form, and among Repelling Vines. All creatures within 15 feet of Elstrakin are
those children is the common rumor that she is one of the grappled by vines that try to pull them away, and must make a
aspects of Luxus. This has no other evidence supporting it, but DC 17 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, each takes 9
her closeness to the goddess remains a thing of mystery and a (2d8) bludgeoning damage and is pulled to any space within 30
common topic of conversation among Kits’adrian kind. feet of where they were.
Progeny. She is the progenitor of deepwood Kits’adria.
Singing Ages. The voices of Kits’adria from across the ages
rise up in harmonious song. Up to three creatures Elstrakin
Prophet of Luxus chooses must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be
charmed by Elstrakin. This effect ends if Elstrakin or any of her
Elstrakin serves the role of prophet, and as such has the allies hurt or take hostile action against the charmed creature.
authority to use Luxus’ Eidolic Tempering Chamber to commune Spell Recovery. Elstrakin rolls 1d6+1 and regains a spell slot
with Luxus when she seeks guidance. This communication is of that level or lower.
rarely direct, and often in the form of visions that arrive after long Entanglement. Elstrakin chooses up to five creatures in a 20-
periods of meditation. When Elstrakin has died or undergone the foot-radius sphere centered on a point she can see. Vines and
singeing, she leaves another Kits’adrian cleric or druid in her roots spring up to latch on to them, forcing those targets to make
place as the prophet and grants them her ability to commune with a DC 17 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained
the various wayfinder charms, Luxian alters and Deep Pause by the vines until Elstrakin uses a different lair action. Creatures
Guardians connected to her, though the ability to beseech Luxus restrained this way can use their action to attempt a DC 17
is almost entirely lost when she does not hold the position. Strength check, ending the effect on a success.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Elstrakin Actions
Medium humanoid (kits’adria), chaotic good
Multiattack. Elstrakin makes three weapon attacks, one of which
she can replace with casting a spell with a casting time of 1 action.
Armor Class 22 (natural armor, wisdom)
Hit Points 255 (30d8 + 120) Nail Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Speed 30 ft. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage.

Quarterstaff of Splendid Smiting. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) When Elstrakin hits a creature with this weapon she can spend a
spell slot to deal extra damage to that creature equal to 1d8 acid
damage per slot level.
Saving Throws Dex +10, Wis +9, Cha +10
Skills Nature +12, Perception +14, Stealth +10, Survival +8 Bonus Actions
Immunities acid, poison Change Shape. Elstrakin transforms into a medium fox or back to
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned, exhaustion her true form while retaining her game statistics. This transformation
Senses darkvision 120 ft., blindsense 30 ft., passive Perception ends if she is reduced to 0 hit points, at which point she returns to
24 her true form. When transformed into a fox, her equipment becomes
a part of her unless her fox form can wear it, and she can wield a
Languages All single one-handed weapon in her mouth.
Challenge 16 (15000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
While in fox form, Elstrakin can still speak any language she knows.

Free Movement. If Elstrakin is restrained or grappled, she can Reactions

escape the effect grappling or restraining her by spending 5 feet of Tree Dodge. In response to a weapon attack being made against
movement. Elstrakin, she can force her attacker to make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw. If they fail or their attack misses, she teleports up to 30
Innate Spellcasting. Elstrakin’s spellcasting ability is Wisdom. She feet away. If there is a tree nearby her attacker has disadvantage on
can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material their attack as long as she teleports into or adjacent to it.
Legendary Actions
At will: alter self, charm person, disguise self, seeming, system
flush Elstrakin can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing from the options
3/Day each: charm monster below. Only one Legendary Action option can be used at a time and
only at the end of another creature’s turn. She regains spent
Instinct Caster. Elstrakin does not require components to cast her Legendary Actions at the start of her turn.
Druid spells, and can do so even when in fox form.
Guidance. Elstrakin chooses three creatures who can see and hear
Keen Perception. They have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) her (including herself). Next time those creatures make an attack roll
checks (reflected in her passive Perception). or saving throw before the end of her next turn, they have advantage
on that roll.
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). When Elstrakin fails a saving throw,
she can choose to succeed instead. Flee and Strike. Elstrakin moves up to half her movement speed
without provoking opportunity attacks, then makes one Nail Strike
Magic Weapons. Elstrakin’s attacks are magical. attack against a creature within range.

Spellcasting. Elstrakin is a 13th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting Cast Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Elstrakin casts any spell with a casting
ability is Wisdom. Elstrakin has the following spells prepared: time of 1 action.

Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, frostbite, primal savagery, Nature’s Grace (Costs 2 Actions). Elstrakin and up to 5 creatures
shillelagh she chooses within 10 feet of her regain 27 (3d10 + 10) hit points.
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, faerie fire, healing
2nd level (3 slots): flame blade, foxfire, moonbeam
3rd level (3 slots): agitated pulse, call lightning, hold attacker,
tidal wave
4th level (3 slots): blight, dominate beast, flash cure
5th level (2 slots): awaken, elstrakin’s instant bounty, greater
restoration, wrath of nature
6th level (1 slot): bones of the earth, heal, investiture of wind,
sunbeam, transport via plants
7th level (1 slot): elstrakin’s loving embrace, mirage arcane,


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sloan See (Order #37077152)
A wanderer who traveled with Magnesia, Kellia was an individual
who preferred arid and hot environments. He watches over a
community of Kits’adria that roam the Strikelands and guards the
old battlegrounds of the War in One Moment, making sure that
the Twilight Sentinel Eidolons don’t begin to stir. He is a talented
rogue and infiltrator.
Progeny. Kellia is the progenitor of caped Kits’adria.

Separated Siblings
Kellia was so affected by the deaths of Everest and Springmoon
that he turned to isolation, seemingly adopting Everest’s habit of
seeking solitude. Shortly after his siblings were killed and the
nature of Nogistune became evident, Kellia found himself unable
to deal with the stress and anxiety of his family turning against
itself. He underwent the Singeing so he could live in peace for a
time, and so he did, but their newly reborn persona suffered from
horrible nightmares about the deaths of their former siblings,
which he wouldn’t understand until summoned suddenly by
Elstrakin. Though it broke tradition, his past life was revealed to
him before his memories had fully returned.

Kellia’s Hunt
Upon Kellia’s memories suddenly coming back to him, he
determined he wouldn’t be able to escape his anxiety and
trauma. Kellia soon reunited with several Kits’adria companies
from his past life who had outlived his rebirth, and who had been
previously tasked with looking into various leads during his
rebirth: all contributing to seeking out the means by which
Nogistune had achieved lichdom. Though their name was lost to
time, Kellia found a dark mage who had been sealed in one of
Vestias’ vaults who understood undead on a level hitherto
unseen. This mage had been unsealed by Nogistune in
exchange for his services, and Kellia deemed it crucial to find this
mage and discern exactly what happened.
Armed with this information, he found the mage had gone on to
begin founding an elaborate cult that resembled a criminal
organization. After hundreds upon hundreds of years of
infiltration, Kellia finally managed to impose themselves among
their ranks and started climbing them, trying to get to the point
where they can meet this dark mage face-to-face and learn
everything possible about Nogistune’s transformation and
activities. Furthermore, Kellia has taken issue with the activities
of this particular organization, which lives in the shadow of
Retia’s royal family.

Interest in Luxus
Kellia has an interest in finding the artifacts of Luxus, including
their constellequaries and primal gemstone. He wants them in
order to combat the growing unrest in the world concerning the
gathering of those ancient items, and wants to do his duty to
Kitsune through the safeguarding of Luxus’ weapons. Though
unspoken, his siblings suspect he intends to use the artifacts to
hunt down and take revenge against The First to Consume, who
conspired against Springmoon together and were the first to take
members of his family from him.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Considered an aloof and despondent member of their kind,
Kyuubi was said to have never bred or shared their skills with
another. They trained under Luxus and became the first Sword
Saint in Somnus Domina, focusing on their talents as a warrior to
ensure they would be prepared for conflicts that might arise
regarding Kitsune and Luxus. Her whereabouts is unknown, and
her presence in the Material Plane is unconfirmed.

The Loose Number

The sword held by Kyuubi was forged alongside the
constellequaries. Though not one itself, it was originally wielded
by Luxus when she dealt with beings that didn’t require the divine
power of the more powerful constellequaries. When she
ascended and Kyuubi took up the mantle of sword saint, she was
gifted the Loose Number as a sign of graduation under the
condition that Kyuubi keep Luxus traditions (a school of combat
lost during the war against the Grand Primaries) alive and well in
the world. This resulted in the teachings that would later be
referred to by some as the ways of the Sword Saint, and much
like how Kyuubi dedicated themselves to Luxus, these
techniques allowed one to take on the talents and semblance of
historic figures with specific styles of combat, creating a school of
combat that focused on mimicry and refinement.
The weapon is forged with a gemstone blade made of
spessartite garnet farmed from the remains of the second cosmic
teardrop. Despite this, it was not made with the spark of divine
power required to become a constellequary. Some of the First to
Skulk consider this weapon to be a sign of Luxus’ favoritism
toward her student.

The Cold Saint

Kyuubi rarely touches base with her kind, unless summoned
directly. Even before the First to Consume appeared she seemed
to suspect Nogistune of being on the wrong path, and on
occasion had warned Magnesia and her crew of this while
traveling together. Her most famous interaction with her siblings
was when she confronted Tamamo no Mae after several hundred
years of running rampant as a daiyokai, and was the one who
defeated her and arranged for her to be sealed away in a large
sealing stone in the remains of the guardian rock Kaiyo-Ha.
She has never once required the Singeing or requested
Elstrakin’s aid in reincarnation, and some of the siblings believe
she has somehow retained her original body across the ages. As
she has no progeny, Elstrakin suspects that Kyuubi’s refusal to
pass on her traits somehow prevented her from losing her
physical immortality, though whether or not she knew this is
beyond anyone’s knowledge.

The Last Word

The last time Kyuubi was seen among her kind was during the
time of mourning that followed Everest’s death, when Magnesia
was sent to retrieve his corpse. Kyuubi remained and spoke with
Elstrakin in private for several days, as the two discussed their
priorities and how they would proceed regarding their kin’s
betrayal. The conclusion of these talks saw Kyuubi leaving and
wandering out into the world with some unknown purpose, of
which Elstrakin has refused to speak openly about.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Over her travels she became emboldened by her desire for
discovery, and started adopting various personas as she
traveled. She eventually came to be fond of one in particular: that
of a pirate with a crew of shapeshifters. This wasn’t always the
case, but she soon started to attract a crowd of followers who
wanted to join her adventures, many of whom would later be
Kits’adria and lend validity to the rumors about her. She poses as
an Elven pirate captain who goes by the title “Rose of the New
World”, shortened often to just “Rose”. She would eventually
unearth and restore her ship, the Tides of Conquest, and it would
become her iconic vessel.

Skulker’s Charter
When the First to Skulk need to travel they often contact and
employ Magnesia’s services. To this end she has a strong
relationship with most of her siblings, and knows Kyuubi better
than any of the others of the First to Skulk.

Magnesia Magnesia has featured in many legends where adventurers have
required an aid traveling, or have looked to hire aid in particularly
Versatile and capable, Magnesia is an adventurous woman with a
wonderous quests. She seems to always know where to be in
wild spirit. She serves most commonly as a close friend of Kellia,
order to involve herself in the affairs of others, and the good
but she takes it upon herself to roam and wander, keeping the
sense to assume a different identity among different groups.
First to Skulk informed of each other’s activities. She is a wild
Magnesia has a heart of gold and is almost always willing to lend
explorer known for her magical talents, and though few know it to
a hand to the heroic.
be true, she holds the identity of a famous undying pirate who
She has been known to involve herself with less than savory
rules a famous ship - the Tides of Conquest - which is manned by
crowds, only to subtly sabotage their missions and efforts to keep
a merry crew of wanderers and outcasts.
them from reaching their goals.
Progeny. Magnesia is the progenitor of the redpaw Kits’adria.
Among Kits’adria she is usually the most well known: when she
Uncharted Lands attends community gatherings she is rarely secretive about her
appearance, showing up with a flashy aerial display using her
Magnesia was given the role of searching the corners of the ship.
world to find anything that may have fallen outside of the When Magnesia starts becoming too famous in the outside
Eidolons’ gaze. Their influence extends only as far as the world’s world, she will undergo the Singeing to allow several decades
worship of them, so there would likely be many lands beyond the without the Rose of the New World, and when they start to doubt
major continents of Somnus Domina that they don’t know of. she was real she retakes her position as part of her new life. Due
Magnesia became a sailor and wanderer who sought out such to this passing of the torch to herself, sea-farers assume the
lands, also being the first to to discover the shores of the Rose of the New World is a title that is passed down from pirate
Strikelands. queen to pirate queen, and there have often been imposters.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Lair: The Tides of Conquest he found himself an easy target for Nogistune when she turned to
The Tides of Conquest is a versatile galleon that was recovered lichdom. He was killed and became one of the only permanent
casualties among the First to Skulk.
from the Old World and restored using elements and materials
Progeny. Everest was the progenitor of snowfield Kits’adria.
from the crater that would later be known as The Cauldron. It is a
living ship that refused to be tamed for a long time before it was
Everest’s Defeat
broken by Magnesia’s wild spirit, the two forming an eternal bond.
It is more than a simple galleon,serving as an airship as readily The second of his kin to fall, Everest had spent much of his time
as it serves as a vessel of the sea. This is a fact Magnesia tries hunting an ancient green dragon in the unnamed northern wastes
to keep hidden, however. of Somnus Domina where the beast was known to retreat when it
So bonded to her is the ship that when Magnesia undergoes was not hunting. This beast, Versellendrake, was an old and wise
the Singeing, it will refuse to take to the skies and becomes hunter. His hunt for it would prove to be his undoing, however, as
merely a sea-faring vessel, and when she is born again it senses Nogistune used the opportunity to entrap him.
her spirit and sails as close as it can to find her, sometimes His twisted sister, enriched by the divine power of Tamamo no
docking itself in a harbor for decades, waiting for Magnesia’s Mae, Samaru and Springmoon, approached the dragon and
memories to return and resume her post. warned it of her brother’s arrival. It engaged her as an enemy,
While it is present, Magnesia is considered to be within her lair and the two found an understanding after the destruction of much
and can use her lair actions to command it to act. of its lair. She told it that her sibling was stronger than her, but
If Magnesia is defeated while she has access to the Tides of that she was willing to help it defeat him. The dragon was
Conquest and its lair actions, an additional 7500 xp is awarded. skeptical (as Nogistune presumed), so she offered a rotten olive
branch: she would engage in a soul-binding contract with the
Lair Actions beast:
“I will help you to defeat Everest, and in return I ask you to help
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Magnesia can take a
lair action to cause one of the following effects. She cannot use me slay my kin and consume their divine powers. Should either
the same effect two rounds in a row. of us fail, may our souls be forfeit.”
Crying Hull. Until initiative count 20 the following round, the He accepted, unaware that her loose wording had trapped him.
She led the dragon to Everest, facing him in an open tundra he
Tides of Conquest lets out a suffocating wail which roars across
the surrounding land. This sound can be heard by all creatures would have no advantage in, and with the beast’s help she
within 2000 feet, and all creatures within 500 feet of the ship are prevailed, using her newly developed magic to capture his soul.
unable to hear, are treated as deafened, and when they cast a She then demanded the ongoing service of the dragon, showing
her hand: she had agreed to defeat Everest, but Versellendrake
spell must roll a Constitution save as if making a DC 18
concentration check, failing to cast the spell and wasting the was bound to help her consume all of her kin. The dragon then
action on a failure. Creatures concentrating on effects at the start became one of her greatest allies, a compromise it would
of their turn must make this roll as well, losing concentration on a eventually benefit from and learn to accept.
Before he died, Everest used divination magic to send a
failure. Magnesia is unaffected by this effect.
Fire Cannons. The Tides of Conquest fires two of its siege distressed message to his remaining siblings, and warned them
weapons (choosing from its cannons and hook shots) at targets of what he was facing. He captured an illusory recording of his
within range. final battle and moments in a magic ring he carried to monitor
and record his surroundings, and it is through this recording and
Summon Ship. As long as it is within 5000 feet of her,
Magnesia causes her ship to sail quickly through the water or his message that the remaining siblings learned of Nogistune’s
sky, moving up to its current movement speed as long as it ends actions and involvement. Though a loner by nature, his final acts
its turn closer to her than it was. If it collides with a creature that were to care for and warn his family of the danger they faced.
is huge or larger it must stop, and otherwise any creatures it
collides with must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking
20d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save. This feature can be Springmoon had once served as a cleric who spread the word of
used as long as the ship is within 5000 feet, and it can be used Luxus and tried to enforce a civil perspective on the Kits’adria of
multiple turns in a row. the world. He ensured their wild species interacted with others in
Wild Thrash. All hostile creatures who are on or within 15 feet a way that wouldn’t cause too much trouble and served as the
of the Tides of Conquest are subjected to its turbulent thrashing moral center of the First to Skulk. He was romantically entangled
and must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they with Samaru, and after Samaru turned to become a sukoshin,
are knocked prone and take 20 (3d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage. Springmoon’s misplaced trust led to his death and subsequent
consumption by Nogistune.

Fallen First to Skulk Progeny. Springmoon was the progenitor of dustmoon

Kits’adria, and in Cu Chullis there is a temple where Kits’adria

gather that is named the Springmoon Sanctuary in his honor.
There were originally nine members among the First to Skulk, This is considered the most sacred place in Kits’adrian society,
and they all had effective immortality. Unfortunately, when and gatherings of the First to Skulk will always occur here.
Nogistune betrayed the First to Skulk she set into motion various
plans to trap and consume her kin, and in two cases she has The Dustpelt Conclave
succeeded. Nogistune has devoured the souls of Everest and
An association of Kits’adria that upholds the morals and traditions
Springmoon, preventing them from ever being reborn so long as of Springmoon still exists. Though elusive, this group of clerics,
she remains in the world. paladins, and petal knights serves to reinforce the concepts of
Everest tolerance and extend an olive branch to other communities. They
are also prepared for the actions of any of The First to Consume
A more reclusive nomad who prefers the cold, Everest once if they were to try to claim more of their progenitors. The word
roamed the uncharted northern reaches of the great untamed among Kits’adria is that within this conclave there is a troupe of
and unknown continent beyond Somnus Domina’s northern seas. heroic rangers and clerics who hide in the shadows, waiting to
He was an assassin and warrior, but due to his habit of isolating, punish those who abuse the downtrodden, espousing grand


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
boasts of their achievements. This group of Kits’adria are the appropriated as cautionary tales to warn of what happens if their
heroes of many impressionable young Kits’adria, and are known kind gives in to dark or violent impulses.
in their stories as the Moontail Knights.
Springmoon’s Defeat
A vain man who did not hold the same morality as their brethren:
Springmoon was the first of the First to Skulk to be preyed upon who saw nothing wrong with stealing, killing, and deceiving. He
by Nogistune, and this was by design: she saw his upright and saw the world as his and thought of the First to Skulk as
divine nature as a threat to her influence as a prospective demigods. He turned against his peers when he saw the life of
undead. While still alive, she made sure to study and track his luxury Tamamo no Mae had gained, and offered himself up to the
efforts, knowing that if he ever discovered her after she Shadowfell to be freed from his morality and conscience.
completed her transformation he would not hesitate to turn Progeny. They were the progenitor of what was once known as

against her. He had been the one to seal away Tamamo no Mae, blackwind Kits’adria, but their genetics have since vanished as a
after all. result of their corruption.
Fittingly, Nogistune employed Tamamo in her efforts to ambush
Springmoon. She unsealed Tamamo and used her to lure The Odd One Out
Samaru, Springmoon’s partner, down the path of vanity so that Samaru was always one of the more uncharacteristically dower
he would seek the power and attention Tamamo had achieved. members of the First to Skulk. He was issued orders to suppress
This proved to be a success, and in return for turning against and sabotage those who stood in the way of the Eidolon’s war
Springmoon, Nogistune would help him become a daiyokai. against the Grand Primaries, and in doing so became somewhat
Using a rendezvous with Samaru as bait, Nogistune revealed her more cynical than the others. He frequently was shown that he
newly realized powers as a lich against him while he lay stood head and shoulders above average mortals, and after a
unsuspecting, and when he turned to Samaru to aid him was fateful encounter with a particular group of Primary worshippers
betrayed and brought low. who called him as such, he began to entertain the idea that they
Nogistune captured him, experimented on his soul within her were akin to demigods.
stronghold in the Feywild, and used him to learn to extract the As the years went on, Samaru often found himself in obscure
souls of her kin more efficiently; she developed her soulbound corners of the world where he could train as a monk and learn
vessel spell, which she would soon use against Everest. First, about the natural world. He had little interest in mortal culture or
however, she used a variation of it to bind the last vestiges of the the blooming Kits’adrian race, and his efforts were mostly
mortal souls of Tamamo no Mae and Samaru, completing their focused on finding inner peace to quell the uncertainty of his
transformation into daiyokai and consuming their willing divine spirit. He sought comfort in Springmoon, who had a warmth and
power. stillness of heart that he envied, and the two became
companions. Even this would not prove to be enough for Samaru,
First to Consume however.
Those who betrayed the First to Skulk and abandoned the natural From Monk to Fiend
order are known as the First to Consume. Among their ranks are
two daiyokai sukoshin who were once Kits’adria, and the other a Samaru often spoke to Tamamno no Mae about their shared
lich who persists by exploiting their blessing of immortality. They views of the mortal realm, and what it owed to them. Both
are considered the enemy of the Kits’adria, all of which possess a believed that their thousand years of service to the world plagued
memetic memory of them. Among their kind are various twisted with destruction by the Grand Primaries deserved some kind of
Kits’adria and fox spirits who do their bidding. reward. Tamamo no Mae spoke often to Samaru about believing
The three that earned the title of the First to Consume are that mortal lives were fleeting, and so they should be considered
Samaru, Tamamo no Mae, and the lich Nogistune. The former playthings to be used for pleasure and entertainment. Samaru
two abandoned their roles to seek pleasure and indulgence, listened, and kept her descent into corruption secret.
becoming sukoshin daiyokai within the Shadowfell. Nogistune, When Tamamo no Mae began bridging the gap to become a
however, turned to a much darker path, aiming to trap and sukoshin daiyokai, he could have stopped her. He had numerous
consume her fellow Kits’adrian progenitors so that she might chances to stand against her choices and pull her back to her
devour her way up the food chain to become a god in Luxus’ senses. However, when the eleventh hour came, he allowed her
place. She is the dark shadow of Kitsune and the Kits’adria race. to undertake the rituals that led to her being reborn as a daiyokai
which held no regard for Luxus or Kitsune. Samaru wished her
Erased From History well in her life as she promised she would not threaten the
societies they had helped to build: instead she planned to exploit
When these three Kits’adria fell from grace, Luxus saw fit to wipe
and enjoy them from whatever seats of power she could claim.
their influence from the future of the Kits’adria to reflect their
Her elation and prosperity tempted Samaru; Springmoon’s
corruption. The sub-species of Kits’adria that had once resulted
affection and his quest for inner peace were not enough to satisfy
from them ceased to be able to pass on their gene, and their
him. He found himself meditating at the sealing stone in Kaiyo-Ha
children were born as other breeds of Kits’adria. Those who
that Tamamo no Mae had been sealed within, hoping to find
fought back against this punishment rebelled against Luxus,
clarity like she had, but one day he came to find the stone empty,
some becoming sukoshin and fleeing with their respective
and Tamamo no Mae freed.
daiyokai, and others becoming undead or dark reflections of their
Soon after Tamamo no Mae came to him, offering him the
past selves. Many undead Kits’adria follow Nogistune, hoping to
means to undertake her transformation. She asked only one thing
be part of the pure Kits’adrian race she seeks to eventually
in return: the betrayal of Springmoon to Nogistune, who had
create once she takes her proper place.
turned to lichdom. He battled her briefly and could have killed
The Sukoshin Daiyokai Tamamo no Mae, but once again the eleventh hour came, and he
gave into his base instincts. He desired power, adoration, and
Samaru and Tamamo no Mae are spoken of among Kits’adria as freedom he felt he did not possess.
if they were boogeymen, used to scare children and otherwise


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

The Fallen Cleric
Samaru’s role was simple: lure Springmoon into the open; leave
him unarmed and vulnerable, long enough that Tamamo no Mae
and Nogistune could ambush and trap him; then, when he flees,
appear as an ally to Springmoon and offer support, only to turn
against him. He did so, and in their final moments together his
former lover couldn’t bear to even look at him. Overwhelmed by
guilt when he learned what Nogistune planned to do with
Springmoon, he demanded Tamamo no Mae uphold her end of
their deal. He became a daiyokai as well, and would later
surrender what was left of his mortal soul to Nogistune to relieve
himself of his lingering guilt. Thus he became one of the First to

Endless Lethargy
Samaru as a daiyokai gathers together those who are lost, and
holds a temple in the Shadowfell where he trains warriors who
serve as a harem for him. These monks and warriors treat him
like a god, offering anything he wishes, and are collectively
known by the name Blackwind Order. Among them are those who
remained of the Blackwind Kits’adria, a breed that no longer
exists. The Shadowfell’s influence on them turned them into
chaotic, vain warriors and assassins who age slowly and resent
life in the “unenlightened’’ mortal world.

Lair: The Temple of the Blackwind Order

Samaru’s temple is carved out of the earth in the Shadowfell,
paralleling the location in the Material Plane where Springmoon’s
Sanctuary is located. It is a dark reflection of that place, where
Samaru’s followers and concubines gather and seek his
guidance. Many of those within the temple are not there because
Samaru wishes it: he offers it up to those who feel the world has
scorned them and that they deserve more, and allows them a
place to train and gain refuge. Those who train here inevitably
end up falling under his sway, however, slowly coming to see him
as the deity he believes himself to be.
If Samaru is defeated inside his temple, an additional 10000 xp
is awarded.

Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Samaru can take a
lair action to cause one of the following effects. He cannot use
the same effect two rounds in a row.
Beckon Blackwind Acolytes. Samaru calls upon 1d6
Blackwind warriors, choosing between Blackwind Monks and
Blackwind Cultists. He cannot do so unless he has two or fewer
Blackwind warriors remaining at his side. Each monk he calls
counts as 2 warriors.
Black Sun. The area is bathed in purple and black light until he
takes his next lair action, serving as magical darkness for all
creatures that are hostile to him. He and his allies are unaffected.
Striking Nail. Samaru is aided by a wind that flows about him
and grants him smooth, tranquil movement. For this round his
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks, and all attacks
he makes have advantage.
Upon the Wheel. Black mind-lashing flames erupt around one
target Samaru can see, burning them and any other creatures
within 10 feet of them. Creatures within range must make a DC
20 Intelligence saving throw, taking 18 (3d12) psychic damage
and 18 (3d12) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
successful one. Any creature who fails this save by 5 points or
more is blinded until initiative count 20 the following round.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Tamamo no Mae sukoshin daiyokai, and many heretical students from the Mirror
Attendance soon bridged the gap to join her as yokai of various
A sorceress and swordswoman who thought of the divine power sorts.
within her as something that had yet to be tempered, and sought
more from life. She turned to the Shadowfell for answers and Pleasure and Capture
used her magic to take it into herself and became twisted. Once Tamamo no Mae went on to indulge in mankind’s foolishness for
she became a sukoshin daiyokai, she returned to the Material several hundred years, using her charms and magic to infiltrate
Plane and started using her influence to disguise herself as a various noble families in Cu Chullis. She would live a life of
noblewoman to infiltrate noble houses and seize control of them. wealth and indulgence, then once life began to bore her she
She succeeded for generations until she was supposedly sealed would devour her partners and families before moving on to the
within a sealing stone in Cu Chullis. That seal was undone by next family. Eventually she was discovered by Kyuubi and
Nogistune, however, and her services were gained in return. Springmoon, who subdued and sealed her inside a sacred stone
Progeny. Her progeny were once called the kitterkin, but their
pulled from the landing site of the first cosmic teardrop. They
genetics were prevented from reproducing by Luxus and mutated stored it in a sacred ground protected by Cu Chullis’ dragon of
as a result, so are more commonly referred to now as the east, the sea-spire Kaiyo-ha. They did so both because they
megiscratch. could not manage to kill her permanently, and because killing
their sister would bring them unimaginable pain.
Arcane Talent
Tamamo no Mae was a talented swordswoman who briefly Tamamo no Mae’s Release
trained alongside Kyuubi, but is also the most magically talented She would remain within Kaiyo-ha’s sealing stone chamber until
member of the First to Skulk. Tamamo was responsible for freed by Nogistune, who had a strong need for Tamamo no Mae’s
helping Vestias salvage the weave that lay dormant without talents. Nogistune needed two things: to use Tamamo no Mae’s
anyone to maintain and regulate it. She had hoped to take the arcane talents to oversee her full transformation into a lich, and to
role of the goddess of magic in Somnus Domina, but her talents ambush Springmoon. Initially resistant to Nogistune’s control and
were outshined by Vestias. She remained loyal to Luxus for her against such an act of untamed evil, Tamamo no Mae fought
years of service, but became obsessive about refining her arcane back, but was overpowered. She agreed to assist her, if only to
talents in hopes of one day taking a seat among the gods as she get vengeance on Springmoon.
felt she deserved. That day would never come, however. Tamamo no Mae aided in tricking and tracking Springmoon,
then later forced Nogistune to make a soul-binding pact with her:
The Mirror Attendance
Tamamo no Mae would turn over what remained of her mortal
After her service was released, Tamamo no Mae began training soul and divine power if Nogistune never tried to control her or
various apprentices and founded an order of Kits’adria and Elves fight her again. She agreed, and inadvertently completed
who wanted to study under her. They were referred to as the Tamamo no Mae’s transformation into a true daiyokai. She would
Mirror Attendance, and she would eventually leave her role as later turn Samaru over to her side as well, once he begged to be
archmage among them to one of her more talented students. The released from his mortal concept of guilt.
Attendance still exists in Cu Chullis, serving as one of the
greatest points of contention for Retia’s Academy. This circle of Lair: The Foxfang Spire
mages acts outside of the dynasties that control Cu Chullis, and Located in an approximately relative location that mirrors Kaiyo-
is considered a neutral academy of arcane scholars. ha, her lair following her release was named the Foxfang Spire.
In her later days among them Tamamo no Mae suspected This spire of earth in the Shadowfell pierces the sky, granting her
there may be dissent among her pupils, especially among the few dominance over what would be the Shadowfell’s country of
who knew her true identity as Kits’adrian progenitor, and so she Honokuni. In the Material Plane, Honokuni would later be
constructed a magic-bending artifact: the Mirror Spear. This swallowed up by Ravenloft, its equivalent in the Shadowfell
weapon could reflect magic directed at her, disrupt the weave, flooded, and her spire became a long tower submerged in the
and channel her own arcane power. middle of a dark ocean. Tamamo no Mae’s followers fill its
internal chambers, and she has made the Shadowfell’s
Fall from Grace
counterpart to the sealing stone chamber her primary ritual
After leaving the Attendance, Tamamo no Mae began to covet the chamber.
love and attention of the mortals who she felt benefited from the From within the chambers of her lair, Tamamo no Mae is
fruits of her labor. Their society was built upon the scarred world invested in her pet project: the restoration of the Old World’s
that the Eidolons had saved and replenished, and the First to shadow weave, which she would use to defy Vestias.
Skulk had been instrumental in that. This train of thought would If Tamamo no Mae is defeated within her lair, an additional
eventually lead her to study the yokai of the Shadowfell, which 12000 XP is awarded.
she came to refer to as “a collective imaginary refraction of the
weave’s inept management”. She confided in Samaru about her Lair Actions
studies, revealing that she had discovered some deep secret On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Tamamo no Mae can
about the nature of yokai that she became enraged at Vestias take a lair action to cause one of the following effects. She
about. In her studies she invented the sub-school of daemoturgy cannot use the same effect two rounds in a row.
by replicating the powers of fiends, and eventually found how to Arcane Recovery. Tamamo no Mae rolls 1d8, and regains a
fully bridge the gap to become a yokai herself. used spell slot of that level or lower.
When Samaru discovered her intention to invite an Scatter. Tamamo no Mae forces up to six creatures she can
uncountable number of yokai into her body to cross over and see to make a DC 22 Charisma saving throw. She can teleport
become a yokai, he initially attempted to stop her. He any creature that fails into any unoccupied space she can see
overwhelmed and almost killed her, but she appealed to his lack within 100 feet of her.
of satisfaction by speaking of the adoration and obsession they Shadow Tangent. One creature benefiting from a spell effect
could inspire in mortals if they simply decided to be everything must make a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take
they could be. Samaru relented, allowing her to become the first 1d10 irreducible damage multiplied by the spell level of the effect.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Tamamo no Mae
Huge fiend (yokai, shapechanger), lawful neutral

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 255 (30d12 + 60)
Speed 60 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 60 ft., fly (hover) 30 ft.


18 (+4) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 24(+7)

Saving Throws Dex +13, Int +5, Cha +14

Skills Deception +21, Insight +9, Perception +9, Persuasion +13
Immunities psychic; piecing, slashing and bludgeoning from
nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, exhaustion,
Senses darkvision 240 ft., passive Perception 19 Mirror Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Languages Common, Sylvan, and Elvish, telepathy 120 ft. target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) slashing damage.
Challenge 21 (33000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7
Beheading (Recharge 5-6). All creatures within 10 feet of Tamamo
no Mae while in humanoid form have a wire of arcane energy tied
around their neck. They must each make a DC 21 Strength saving
Enamored Charm. Tamamo no Mae can keep up to 10 creatures
charmed indefinitely, as long as she charmed them using a spell. throw, taking 35 (5d10 + 10) slashing damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures who fail are
Those charmed do not consider attempts to bite them or extract
also bound by this arcane wire, taking 1d12 slashing damage at the
blood a hostile action.
start of each of their turns for 1 minute, during which period they
Innate Spellcasting. Tamamo no Mae’s spellcasting ability is cannot breathe. Creatures bound this way can attempt a DC 21
Charisma. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no Strength check as an action against this effect, ending it on a
material components: success.

At will: alter self, charm person (7th level), detect thoughts, Creatures reduced to 0 hit points by this effect are decapitated,
instantly dying.
disguise self, faerie fire, misty step
Shadow Gate (Recharges after a Long Rest). As an action, Tamamo
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When Tamamo no Mae fails a
no Mae can replicate the effects of the shadow gate spell.
saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Bonus Actions
Magic Reflection. Tamamo no Mae has advantage on saving throws
against spells and magical effects. When Tamamo no Mae rolls a Change Shape. She can transform into a medium or smaller
natural 20 on a save made against a spell targeting only her, she humanoid creature, into the form of a regular fox, back to her true
form, or into the form of a small single-tailed fox. Her statistics
can redirect the spell to another viable target within 30 feet, using its
original caster’s save DC and attack bonus. remain the same across her three forms (except their size).

Love to Hate. Creatures charmed by the sukoshin (that it chooses)

Magic Weapons. Tamamo no Mae’s attacks are magical.
cease being charmed, and become frightened for 1 minute instead,
Spellcasting. Tamamo no Mae is a 15th-level spellcaster. Her during which time they take 6 (1d10) psychic damage at the start of
spellcasting ability is Charisma. Tamamo no Mae has the following each of their turns. All creatures frightened of it may attempt a DC
spells prepared: 22 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the
effect on a success.
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mage hand, minor illusion
1st level (4 slots): sleep, witch bolt, vibrance sap
2nd level (3 slots): crown of madness, hold person, hungering Charmed Guardian. In response to being targeted by a weapon
attack it can see, one creature charmed by Tamamo no Mae moves
up to its movement speed to a space adjacent to the attacker or
3rd level (3 slots): agitated pulse, counterspell, dispel magic,
Tamamo no Mae, and becomes the attack’s new target.
hold attacker, hypnotic pattern, power word misfortune
4th level (3 slots): confusion, polymorph, tamamo’s arrowfall Legendary Actions
5th level (3 slots): dominate person, dream, mislead, modify
memory Tamamo no Mae can take 2 Legendary Actions (plus 1 for every
6th level (2 slots): circle of death, heal, soul cage three conscious creatures it is in combat with, maximum 4),
7th level (1 slot): power word dispel, prismatic spray, unweave choosing from the Legendary Action options below. Only one
8th level (1 slot): sunburst Legendary Action option can be used at a time and only at the end
of another creature’s turn. She regains spent Legendary Actions at
Yokai Nourishment. Whenever she scores a critical against a the start of her turn.
creature, Tamamo no Mae regains hit points equal to the damage
dealt. Attack. Tamamo no Mae makes a weapon attack against a creature
within range.
Impulse to Betray (Costs 2 Actions). Tamamo no Mae makes an
Multiattack. Tamamo no Mae makes three weapon attacks, one of almost imperceptible gesture, and forces two creatures she can see
which she can replace with casting a spell. within 120 of her to make a DC 22 Charisma saving throw. On a
failed save, each of those creatures moves up to half their
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: movement speed and makes a weapon attack against a creature
17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage and 6 (1d10) psychic damage. Tamamo no Mae chooses.

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Nogistune Nogistune’s Phylactery
Drowned in a lake of poison, her phylactery is a large jade statue
The most notorious of the First to Consume and a direct enemy
of a fox that is roughly the size of a medium-sized creature. Its
of Kitsune, Nogistune fell from her good graces due to her hatred
size was necessary due to the power of her divine soul. The
and selfishness. She resented being held in the sway of Luxus
phylactery is immune to all damage except radiant, has 50 hit
and Kitsune, and felt that her spark of divine power being
points, 20 AC, and rolls a +8 on all saves that target it. If targeted
connected to Kitsune was an unfair restriction. She searched for
with a spell that it succeeds on its save against or that fails its
a way to elevate her station, and her answer came when she
attack roll against, the spell’s effects are reflected back at their
found and inadvertently unsealed an ancient arcane master from
caster, except using Nogistune’s spell save DC and spell attack
the primordial age preceding Somnus Domina. This entity
bonus rather than the original caster’s.
thoroughly understood matters of undeath, the arcane, and divine
While her phylactery exists, if Nogistune’s body is destroyed
she regains a new body in 1d10 days, regaining all her hit points
He granted Nogistune the means to become a lich, twisting her
and becoming active again. Her new body appears within 5 feet
immortal nature to have her require no souls to sustain herself.
of her phylactery.
Rather, her new form granted her the option of consuming the
souls of her kin, ending their immortal lives, and taking their
fragment of divine power into herself. She consumed the
discarded divine power of Tamamo no Mae and Samaru in return
for aiding them in different matters, and then with their help
managed to ambush and devour Springmoon and Everest. She
seeks to consume the other First to Skulk so that she may stand
on par with Kitsune, and then once she were to consume Kitsune
would challenge Luxus for the status of Eidolon.
Progeny. Nogistune was once the progenitor of the feeblecoat

Kits’adria, but her genetics have since vanished.

Undead Nature. Nogistune doesn’t require air, food, drink, or


Immortal Soul
Nogistune’s blessing of immortality allows her to persist without
the need for consuming pitiful mortal souls. Though she can do
so to gain power and knowledge, she only seeks the souls of her
former siblings. Her phylactery remains replete and full,
regardless of what she consumes, and her body remains ageless
and healthy. If she dies, she will reform near her phylactery with a Lair: The Poxroot Catacomb
copy of her body intact. Nogistune’s home base is a subterranean stronghold in the
Feywild, blessed and protected by her daiyokai allies, which
Dread Followers resides in the center of a large living forest that is twisted to her
Like other liches, Nogistune employs the power of many powerful purposes. This massive pit descends into a variety of tunnels and
undead forces. Due to her origins she also has the fealty of the caverns that are like a small city, of which she has enough
Daiyokai Samaru and Tamamo no Mae, though she usually influence over that she occasionally re-arranges and shifts it. At
allows them to follow their own ambitions. She possesses a its center is a poison lake, where she sunk her phylactery to keep
particular pet that she cherishes closely: a feathered ancient it hidden. In this swamp-like throne room, she practices her
green dragon named Versellendrake who she has been known to arcane magic and tests those who would serve her purposes. It is
ride about and send as a messenger to intimidate others. also in this chamber that she tormented her two uncorrupted
siblings after capturing them, developing her soul-stealing magic
Tailed Beast before consuming them.
Nogistune has five fox tails at present, earned by consuming the Defeating Nogistune in her lair earns an additional 15000 xp,
souls of her siblings. They represent her own soul, the souls of and another 15000 xp if she uses her Undead Reinvigoration.
Everest and Springmoon, and the surrendered mortal souls of
Lair Actions
Tamamo no Mae and Samaru. The latter two ceremonially
relinquished their souls to Nogistune as part of pacts made with On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Nogistune can take a
them: their souls reside within her, and if they were to die in the lair action to cause one of the following effects. She cannot use
Shadowfell and permanently vanish, those souls would fully the same effect two rounds in a row.
integrate into her own. When she consumes the soul of one of Shuffle Victims. Nogistune targets up to five creatures she can
her siblings she gains the magical arts named for them during see and forces them to make a DC 21 Charisma saving throw.
their time as the First to Skulk. On a failure, Nogistune can teleport the targets to any
Though previously she took great pain to consume her siblings, unoccupied space within 30 feet of her, or within 60 feet of where
she developed a spell - Nogistune’s Soulbound Vessel - which they were.
allows her to rip their soul from their dying body and imbibe it Spell Recovery. Nogistune rolls 1d8 and regains a spell slot of
over time at a later date. Fully integrating the soul of another that level or lower.
sibling would take her a full week of effort, during which time she Tormented Kin. Nogistune manifests the tormented souls of
hides away. the First to Skulk she has consumed, and of the Kits’adria who
If she did achieve a full nine tails, she would almost entirely have suffered at her hand, and forces them to wail in anguish. All
lose her sense of self and become a terrible beast beyond creatures in her lair must make a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw,
definition, which would serve as a dark reflection of Luxus and taking 32 (8d8) psychic damage on a failed save. The spirits then
Kitsune. disappear.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 21 (natural armor)

Hit Points 260 (40d8 + 120)
Speed 60 ft., fly (hover) 40 ft.


13 (+1) 26 (+8) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +13, Wis +11, Int +14, Wis +11
Skills Arcana +13, Perception +11, Stealth +15, Survival +11
Resistances cold, lightning, necrotic
Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, poisoned, blinded
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 21
Languages Common, Elvish, Kitzish, Sylvan, Primordial
Challenge 24 (62000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7
When a creature is hit by this attack for the first time on a turn, they
must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
Arcane Multi-engine. Nogistune can simultaneously concentrate on minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
a number of spells equal to half the number of tails she has its turns, ending the effect on a success.
(rounded up), all of which make, succeed, and fail concentration
checks as if they were one spell. Furthermore, when she consumes Bonus Actions
the souls of other First to Skulk she learns to cast any spells named
for them. Disrupt Arcane. One creature Nogistune can see who is
concentrating on a spell must make a DC 21 Concentration check,
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When Nogistune fails a saving or lose concentration.
throw, she may choose to succeed instead.
Teleport. Nogistune teleports to an unoccupied space she can see
Spellcasting. Nogistune is a 20th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting at a distance equal to or less than her remaining movement. If she
ability is Intelligence. She has the following spells prepared: teleports, half as much movement as she traveled is consumed for
that turn.
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, necrosis, ray of frost Legendary Actions
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, shield, thunderwave
2nd level (3 slots): orbs of spelljamming, shadow blade Nogistune can take 2 Legendary Actions (plus 1 for every three
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, counterspell, dispel magic, conscious creatures she is in combat with, maximum 5), choosing
hold attacker from the Legendary Action options below. Only one Legendary
4th level (3 slots): samaru’s traumatic aggravation, tamamo’s Action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another
arrowfall creature’s turn. She regains spent Legendary Actions at the start of
5th level (3 slots): everest’s isolated undoing, hold monster, her turn.
power word break, shadow gate, scrying
6th level (2 slots): circle of death, disintegrate, globe of Nail Attack. Nogistune makes one paralytic nail attack against a
invulnerability, vengeful beckoning creature within range.
7th level (2 slots): finger of death, springmoon’s holy shield,
Cast Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Nogistune casts a spell using a spell
power word slow, teleport
slot of 6th level or lower, which must have a casting time of 1 action.
8th level (1 slot): nogistune’s soulbound vessel, power word
stun Ignition (Costs 2 Actions). Nogistune uses the effects of an ongoing
9th level (1 slot): nogistune’s negative edge spell that normally require one action or bonus action.
Undead Reinvigoration (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Mythic Actions
When Nogistune is reduced to 0 hit points or killed outright and her
phylactery has either been destroyed or cannot be reached, her If Nogistune’s Undead Reinvigoration has activated, she can treat
current hit point total resets to 300, she loses concentration on the following options as Legendary Actions:
ongoing spells, regains expended uses of her Legendary Resistance
and one spell slot of each spell level, and can use the options in the Terrorizing Wave. Nogistune unleashes a wave of horror that targets
“Mythic Actions” section for 1 hour. Award the party an additional all non-undead creatures within 60 feet of her who can see or hear
62000 xp (for a total of 124000 xp) for defeating Nogistune after her her. Those creatures must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving
Undead Reinvigoration activates. throw or else are frightened as though by the fear spell until the start
of Nogistune’s next turn.
Soul-Wrenching Vortex (Costs 2 Actions). Nogistune creates a
Multiattack. Nogistune makes three weapon attacks, one of which vortex of necrotic energy centered on a point she can see within 120
she can exchange for casting a spell of 6th level or lower. feet and fills a 30-foot-radius sphere. All creatures in that space
must make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw, taking 40 (10d8)
Paralytic Nail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
target. Hit: Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) necrotic damage plus 11 (3d6) cold successful one. Nogistune gains temporary hit points equal to the
damage. damage all creatures take from this effect.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Beast of Cataclysm
This horrible form is the end result of Nogistune’s desire to
become a god. If she managed to consume the souls of all of her
siblings, she would contort into an apocalyptic beast that
resembles a horrific, twisted reflection of Kitsune. This form lacks
much of Nogistune’s tact, and the sheer power within would twist
her mind into an intelligent, but ferocious beast. In this state, her
only recourse is to kill and consume Kitsune itself, at which point
she would advance beyond this form to become a god on par
with an Eidolon.
Due to the chaotic state of this stage of her evolution,
Nogistune’s nature as a lich would come to an end. Her
phylactery would shatter, and a form of mortality would be
imposed on her undead form. As a god-like being, she would
have the same sort of protection as an eidolos however, and
could only be permanently killed by eidolic weaponry or damage.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Pause Walder Walder Troll
A cursed plant born from attempts to create guardians for the When a group of walder become numerous enough that they
Deep Pause temple, but were considered failures by the cannot sustain themselves as a community, they will find a place
Kits’adrian druids that created them. Though disposed of, the deep within the woods or an underground cave, and will join their
original walders mutated and their bodies released seeds that bodies together in a massive hive, forming a cocoon that begins
turned nearby plants into walders as well, spreading their kind selectively consuming the best components of its parts. This
across the nearby forests. Clerics of Cu Chullis and the creation takes several months to be born, during which time
Springmoon Conclave hunt and keep these beasts at bay, but some walders will remain detached to flee and find sources of
some samples have been stolen away and used elsewhere by water and blood to bring to the hive.
necromancers and evil druids who value them as servants. When the hive is born, the arcane power, nutrients, and
These creatures are made of twisting wood, leaves, and strength of the lesser walders are merged into the greater beast.
sharpened bark. They often run on all fours like a beast, and can This massive wooden creature rearranges its components to look
soak up spilled blood to sustain themselves in place of more like muscles, but is still a twisting mass of thorns, bark, and
photosynthesis. They often appear like small twisted trees when leaves. Its bestial form is always hungry, and will directly attack
inert, but can unwind and split their bark into spikes when large prey and communities it finds nearby. These creatures are
sources of food are within range. called walder trolls. The Dustmoon Conclave considers their
Walder Antimagic Weakness. Due to their arcane nature elimination paramount, fearing what may come about if enough
lesser walders have a critical weakness: if dispel magic is cast were created to join together into a greater hive.
upon them, the caster may attempt a spellcasting check against
the walder’s armor class. If they succeed, the lesser walder is
immediately destroyed. Walder trolls do not share this weakness.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

An ancient dragon, who is said to have lived since the age before Service to Nogistune
Somnus Domina’s creation and is one of a small number of Versellendrake is bound to Nogistune’s service by a soul-binding
primordial feathered dragons to live in the modern world. It does pact he engaged with her, which had greater implications than he
not require food, nor is its existence as simple as its physical had expected. Though trapped and forced to help her consume
shell. A recluse, it attempted to hide away from those who hunt it all of her siblings, he came to find this service somewhat
in the great northern expanses, as-of-yet untouched by modern liberating eventually. He had use and purpose beyond remaining
civilization. However, it could not hide from the First to Skulk and hidden, and knowing that Nogistune’s goal was to become the
so inevitably made a pact with Nogistune to strike back against equal of an Eidolon, he counted on her eventual rise to power,
Everest, his pursuer, before greater enemies were alerted to his protecting him from the ire of his kind and the Eidolons, as one of
position. his feathered counterparts had done with Vadreem.
To act in Nogistune’s service, Versellendrake learned some of
Primordial Dragons
her magic. In particular, her means of binding the essence of
At the dawn of recorded history, upon the creation of the Grand others in case he ever had the opportunity to defeat and retrieve
Primaries that threatened what would become Somnus Domina, the soul of one of the First to Skulk. As part of this deal, he also
there were a handful of ancient dragons who were exposed to the learned the power word recall, which allows him to return either
primordial energies that radiated across the world. Most to Nogistune’s side instantly or to return to his lair in the frozen
creatures were beyond perceiving this energy’s influence, but northern wastes.
these dragons were magically attuned to the universe in such a
way that they could harvest this power within themselves, and the
result was a unique breed, feathered dragons, who became
ageless supernatural beings. They played various roles in the
battle between the Primal Gods and Grand Primaries, including
playing a pivotal role in helping the Eidolons create the
Eidomantic Web, the basis of all modern magic.
When the dust settled, Versellendrake was among the dragons
who realized that growing powers, such as the Eidolons, were
taking interest in their kind and so began setting up means to
protect himself. He initially attempted to seize control of a
growing community in the newly reformed world and create a
personal utopia for himself, but several of his metallic
counterparts denounced and overthrew him. Over time he tried
many similar schemes but slowly isolated himself in the North.
Feathered Dragon Traits. Versellendrake does not require

food, water, or sleep, is immune to the effects of extreme

temperatures (but not damage types associated with them) and
volatile environments, does not age, and its thoughts and location
cannot be discerned magically.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Yokai Dekishikori
Yokai from Somnus Domina are spirits born in the Shadowfell Born from the shame and anger released when ancient dragons,
from the negative actions and emotions of mortals. wyverns, drakes, or other proud dragonkin die, are defeated, or
put to shame, these yokai resemble wingless dragons. Born from
pride and anger, they seek to control their environments and
inflict pain and shame upon those who defy their will. Their
bodies are made of shadow and psychic energy, allowing them to
become ethereal for brief periods of time.
These creatures subjugate and control lesser yokai. They are
revered as if the dragons of their plane, and have a particular
hatred for shadow dragons, feeling they are an incomplete
version of themselves.
When dekishikori makes it to the Material Plane they have a
straight-forward goal: inflict as much death and despair as
possible, seeking revenge for the beast that was put to shame to
cause their creation. They have no concept of personal
responsibility and so will treat all mortal beings as being guilty of
that crime.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sukoshin is a variation of yokai that resemble foxes and are as
shrewd as that likeness implies. These yokai are born from those
who crave affection or have experienced extreme loss. Those
feelings twist within the Shadowfell and produce these beasts,
who instinctively seek to fulfill the desires of those who feel alone
in the world. They feed on the misplaced affection and obsession
of others, growing stronger while deluding themselves into
thinking they’re helping their victims deal with their loneliness.
Like all yokai they have a desire for human blood. Some find
ways to convince their victims that they should allow them to feed
upon their blood as if it were a normal thing to do, while many
sukoshin hunt those around their target to isolate them and
create dependence. When the time finally comes that their
target’s desires have dried up or they become dull, a sukoshin
will likely slay them and move on to another.
Shapeshifters. Sukoshin can read minds, and will change their

form to match that which their target desires. All too often they
use their abilities to monitor the dreams and desires of potential
victims, then assume the form they most wish to see. They can
take the body of a former lover, close friend, or a new individual
entirely. Using their magic they integrate themselves into the lives
of their victims and breed obsession and necessity. They become
indispensable to their partners and consume those feelings of
desire to become stronger.
Beast of Many Tails. Each sukoshin grows in proportion to the

amount of mortal blood and desire that they consume, and after
several years their forms begin to change. They sprout additional
tails, growing in size and becoming more powerful as a result. At
increments of three, six, and nine tails they gain profound levels
of power. Those with three can hunt and kill more efficiently;
those with six learn to control multiple targets at once and learn
magic that can aid in protecting their own; those who reach nine
are the pinnacle of their kind, becoming daiyokai who thirst for
adoration from as many people as they can - they are the most
efficient temptresses and enticers of the yokai world.
As they grow in power they desire more subjects. Those with
three tails often charm multiple partners or small groups of
people, perhaps even worming their way into a family. Those with
six might aim higher, seeking the partnership of a leader among
their kind or becoming the head of an entire settlement. Those
with nine have an insatiable thirst for attention and adoration, and
so entice and charm all possible. To them, ruling a kingdom is an
appropriate means to their ends.
Kits’adrian Resemblance. Due to their nature as fox spirits,

sukoshin are often mistaken for the Kits’adrian foxkin of Cu

Chullis. They steer into this, often choosing humanoid forms that
are based on Kits’adria when they need a neutral form. They
might even go as far as to spread rumors about Kits’adria in their
communities when they risk being caught, then invent a
Kits’adrian identity to oust and “chase away” the source of the
problem, while they remain and continue their work.
In a reversal of this situation, some Kits’adria who become
obsessed with the attention of others or who live too long within
the Shadowfell might become sukoshin. Depending on the level
of their abilities and knowledge of magic, this transformation can
sometimes give rise to unique breeds of sukoshin or immediately
produce daiyokai. This transformation becomes burdened with
the obsessions of the sukoshin, compounding upon those the
former Kits’adria may already have felt.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sukoshin (Six Tails) Magic Weapons. The sukoshin’s weapon attacks are magical.
Large fiend (yokai, shapechanger), chaotic neutral
Yokai Nourishment. Whenever the sukoshin scores a critical it
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) regains hit points equal to the damage dealt.
Hit Points 162 (25d10 + 25) Actions
Speed 50 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly (hover) 30 ft.
Multiattack. The sukoshin makes three weapon attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
14 (+2) 22 (+6) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage.

Saving Throws Int +2, Cha +8 Nails. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Skills Deception +8, Perception +6, Persuasion +8 17 (2d10 + 6) slashing damage.
Resistances piercing, slashing and bludgeoning from Screaming Step (Recharge 4-6). The sukoshin envelopes itself in a
nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered shroud of psychic energy, then unleash it as it teleports away. The
Immunities psychic sukoshin teleports to an unoccupied space it can see within 60 feet.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened All other creatures within 15 feet of both the space it left and the
space it arrives in must make a DC 16 Charisma saving throw,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16 taking 33 (6d10) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much
Languages Common, Sylvan, and Elvish on a successful one.
Challenge 12 (8400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Bonus Actions
Change Shape. The sukoshin transforms into a medium or smaller
Affectionate Charm. The sukoshin can keep up to 3 creatures humanoid creature, into the form of a regular fox, back to its true
charmed indefinitely, as long as it charmed them using a spell. They form, or into the form of a small single-tailed fox. Its statistics remain
do not consider attempts to bite them or extract blood a hostile the same across its four forms (except its size).
Love to Hate. Creatures charmed by the sukoshin (that it chooses)
Innate Spellcasting. The sukoshin’s spellcasting ability is Charisma. cease being charmed, and become frightened for 1 minute instead.
It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material All creatures frightened of it may attempt a DC 16 Wisdom saving
components: throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a
At will: charm person (5th level), detect thoughts
3/Day each: dispel magic, faerie fire, major image, misty step Reactions
2/Day each: hold person (4th level) Charmed Guardian. In response to being targeted by a weapon
1/Day each: dominate person, heal, mislead attack it can see, one creature charmed by the sukoshin moves up
to its movement speed to a space adjacent to the attacker or the
Magic Resistance. The sukoshin has advantage on saving throws sukoshin, and becomes the attack’s new target.
against spells and other magical effects.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Curse Unleashed. Once the first were born, these yokai would
come into being all on their own as normal yokai do, even without
Kits’adria parents to sire them. They are born from the emotional
torment of miscarriages, rejection, and isolation. When hunting
mortals and trying to exploit them to feed, they often whisper in
the ears of targets to tear people apart, then convince those they
have isolated that they are unlovable and were abandoned
because they are worthless and weak.

Kits’adria of the fallen breeds - those of the feeblecoats, kitterkin
and blackwinds - suffered a schism when Luxus made the
decision to wipe their genetic code from the race’s future. This
act did not prevent breeding, but did cause their children to be
born as deepwood Kits’adria instead, a decision that the “cursed”
bloodlines didn’t understand. In retaliation, those Kits’adria
appealed to Kitsune, who only upheld that Luxus had their
reasons and that they did what they had out of a sense of duty.
Confused, these Kits’adria sought out their fallen progenitor.
Those who went to Tamamo no Mae, Samaru, and Nogistune
were welcomed with open arms. They were greeted with mercy,
and Nogistune went against Luxus’ will, using her necromantic
magics to grant the Kits’adria their ability to reproduce without
interference again. The results were not ideal, however: those
who were born were tainted by the Shadowfell, and shortly after
being born were revealed to have been born as yokai, referred to
as yūrei’adria.
Shadow Beast. The yūrei’adria have the vague semblance of a

Kits’adrian body, but with distorted characteristics. Their skin is a

featureless dark void. Their formerly humanoid bodies are often
hunched as they tend to walk on all four limbs. Their ears and
tails remain, but their legs have reversed joints like a fox. Their
only defining element is the glowing kitscratch that illuminates
their shadowy form, contrasting against the black canvas of their
skin. They have no mouth or nose, but their eyes resemble large
circular yellow lights.
Grim Service. These Kits’adria were one with shadows, lacking

personal features due to their shadowy bodies, and found

themselves drawn to the service of their progenitors. As yokai
they carry the pain of abandonment and are known to prey upon
those who have been abandoned by their loved ones or rejected
by others, and some even prey upon the faltering hearts of
parents who lost their children.
It is not known if this cursed state was due to Nogistune’s
interference with Luxus’ will, or if this outcome is what Luxus had
tried to prevent. Only Luxus and Nogistune would know the truth,
and neither wishes to speak upon it. Elstrakin and Kitsune have
found it improper to comment on it, and call it a curse provoked
by The First to Consume.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Racial Templates

he Kits’adrian races can be applied to any Caped
humanoid NPC by applying the following traits and small
changes. These templates can be applied to new Ability Score Adjustment. The Kits’adria’s Dexterity score
creatures you are designing, used to replace existing increases by 2, and is a minimum of 16.
racial features on a creature, or applied to any NPC with a type of Fleeting Action. The Kits’adria can Disengage in reaction to an

“humanoid (any)”. opportunity attack.

Ability Score Changes. You may ignore ability score increases Movement. The Kits’adria has a climb speed equal to its

and adjustments if you wish, but they are included to reflect the walking speed, and its fox form has a burrowing speed equal to
adaptations and general culture these NPCs are expected to half that.
have for their subspecies. If they do not apply, you may, of Unflinching Heel. The Kits’adria ignores penalties caused by

course, use your better judgment and say otherwise. difficult terrain unless they would cause damage to them.
DC Calculations. When any trait below states it is Ability-

based, it means the DC for the trait is equal to 8 + their Deepwood

proficiency bonus + the listed ability score. Apply the following traits:
Stylistic Changes. These traits may differ slightly from what a Ability Score Adjustment. The Kits’adria’s Constitution score
player’s race would receive. These changes are made to help increases by 2, and is a minimum of 16.
them run cleanly as an NPC without adding undue complications. Proficiencies. The Kits’adria has proficiency in Wisdom

(Survival) checks. If they already did, they add their proficiency

Kits’adria bonus to them a second time.
Pursuit. When a creature provokes an opportunity attack from
The traits found here are applied to any Kits’adria you may not them, the Kits’adria can use their reaction to move up to their
want to apply a subrace to, but they are also included in all movement speed but must use this speed to stay as close to the
Kits’adria you add the following traits to. triggering creature as possible.
Ability Score Improvement. The Kits’adria’s Dexterity score

increases by 2, to a maximum of 20. Dustmoon

Creature Type. The Kits’adria’s creature type is “humanoid

(Kits’adria)”. Apply the following traits:

Ability Score Adjustment. The Kits’adria’s Wisdom score
Darkvision. The Kits’adria has darkvision out to 60 feet.

Impersonation. As a bonus action, the Kits’adria can cast

increases by 2, and is a minimum of 16.
Rundown (recharge 4-6). The Kits’adria can use its bonus
disguise self at will, requiring no spell slots or components.
Languages. The Kits’adria can speak Kitzish, as well as Elven
action to double its movement speed until the start of its next
or Common. turn.
Shadow Dweller. When in darkness or dim light, the Kits’adria
Shapeshift. As a bonus action, the Kits’adria can turn into a

small fox or return to its true form. While it is a fox, its statistics can take the Hide action as if it had total cover. While hidden this
remain the same, except that its Strength and Constitution scores way, if it would be revealed by making an attack, it can use its
become 10, and it cannot perform somatic or verbal spell reaction to remain hidden instead.
components. Illusion magic cannot affect it while it is in fox form.
If the Kits’adria dies, it reverts to its true form.
Apply the following traits:
Angelscratch Ability Score Adjustment. The Kits’adria’s Charisma score

Apply the following traits: increases by 2, and is a minimum of 16.

Bite (Fox Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5
Ability Score Adjustment. The Kits’adria’s Charisma score is

increased by 2, and is a minimum of 16. ft., 1 target. Hit: 1d6 + X piercing damage plus Xd4 fire damage.
Celestial. The Kits’adria’s creature type is also considered a
The attack bonus is equal to their proficiency bonus plus their
“celestial”. Strength or Dexterity score (whichever is higher), and that
Resistances. The Kits’adria is resistant to radiant damage.
modifier is added to their piercing damage. The number of d4s for
Echo Tail Form (recharge 6). As a bonus action, the Kits’adria
their fire damage is equal to their proficiency bonus.
Claw (Fox Form Only). As a bonus action, the Kits’adria makes
assumes a celestial form with radiant fur and a tail split into a
number of new tails equal to its proficiency bonus. When it fails a Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: X
an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, it can roll a d20 and slashing damage. The attack bonus is equal to that of the Bite
replace its roll with the new result. It can do so a number of times attack, and the slashing damage dice are equal to their Bite
equal to the number of tails it has, then this effect ends. While attack’s piercing damage dice.
Fiendish. The Kits’adria’s creature type is also considered
under this effect, it cannot be targeted or affected by illusions, its
form cannot be altered, and all of its attacks deal extra radiant “fiend (devil)”.
Flaming Fur (recharge 5-6). As a reaction to being hit by a
damage equal to its Charisma modifier.
This effect does not roll to recharge while it is still active. weapon attack, the Kits’adria’s attacker must make a (Charisma-
based) Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 fire damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one
Hellfox. The Kits’adria’s fox form is a medium-sized fiery fox

that does not have altered Ability scores. While in fox form, they
can wield a single one-handed weapon in their mouth, their
movement speed increases by 10 feet, and they can perform
verbal spell components.
Resistances. The Kits’adria is resistant to fire damage.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Apply the following traits:
The Half-Breed is variable enough that there are few clean
ways to determine their traits. We recommend choosing one
racial trait from one of the Kits’adria subraces and from this
NPC’s other parent’s race and include both. When in a rush, you
may use the following basic adjustments, however:
Evasion. When the Kits’adria makes a Dexterity saving throw

to take half damage from an effect, they take half damage on a

failure and no damage on a success.
Shapeshift Adjustment. The Kits’adria does not have the

Shapeshift feature.
Versatility. When the Kits’adria makes a check using a Saving

throw, Ability score or skill in which it does not have proficiency, it

adds half its proficiency bonus (rounded down) to the check
instead (minimum +2).

Apply the following traits:
Ability Score Adjustment. The Kits’adria’s Intelligence score

increases by 2, and is a minimum of 16.

Limited Magic Resistance. The Kits’adria has advantage on

saving throws made against spells or magical effects that target

only it.
Natural Arcana. When giving it this feature, grant the Kits’adria

two spells a wizard, sorcerer, or inscriptor can cast, are part of

the Skulker’s Grimoire, or are arcane in nature. One must be 1st-
level, and the other must be 2nd-level. The Kits’adria can cast
each of these spells a collective number of times per day equal to
its proficiency bonus, using its Intelligence as its spellcasting stat,
requiring no material components.

Apply the following traits:
Ability Score Adjustment. The Kits’adria’s Strength score

increases by 2, and is a minimum of 16.

Hearty Restitution (recharge on short or long rest). When the

Kits’adria is reduced to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1d10 + its

challenge rating instead.
Nails. Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, light, reach 5 ft., 1

target. Hit: Xd6 + Strength or Dexterity piercing damage. This

attack can also be taken as a bonus action. The Attack bonus
equals their proficiency bonus plus their Strength or Dexterity
score, and the number of d6s for its damage equals half their
proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Proficiencies. The Kits’adria gains proficiency in Wisdom

(Survival) checks. If it already did, it has advantage on them


Apply the following traits:
Condition Immunities. The Kits’adria is immune to being
Resistances. The Kits’adria is resistant to cold damage.
Snowstep. The Kits’adria does not suffer penalties from snowy
or freezing environments and can treat its movement speed as a
climb speed when climbing icy and snowy surfaces.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)

Questions & Answers

laying a Kits’adria can come with a great many What is their connection to real-world cultures with stories
decisions and questions. Their culture and personal about foxes and fox spirits?
backgrounds can be varied and malleable. In this section, There is an obvious overlap between Kits’adria and various
you will be presented with various tools and some advice shapeshifting fox spirits in many cultures. In Somnus Domina,
that might help to inform the process of creating and playing they have a culture with aesthetics that would appear heavily
them. Gaelic/Celtic, and this is related to the setting as a whole: Cu
The following are a small number of questions that may come Chullis is inspired by various Asian cultures, as well as strong
up when running, building, or GMing for a Kits’adria. As with any inspirations from Gaelic and Norse mythology. The names of
game, your table is king regarding how things really are, but this various types of fox spirits are borrowed, such as Kitsune,
section exists to help sell the authorial intent of the race. Nogistune, etc, but they are not used in a way that is meant to
represent those cultures. Cu Chullis is an ambiguous melting pot
Do Kits’adria have anything resembling cities or large centers that borrows, not represents, or derives. Kits’adria are this: they
of civilization?
are not meant to be taken as allegories for nine-tailed foxes,
Kits’adria can! They tend to shift in size and scale, but they can kitsune, etc.
have large communities or a strong presence in a city, town, etc. To see the variety of mythologies they can draw from; please
They are traditionally druidic and like areas with lots of natural refer to all of the art included in this very book! You’ll notice that
elements, but this shouldn’t be confused with some kind of their progenitors, the First to Skulk, have few through-lines
conditioning: they can love cities just as much! A whole district’s beyond the fox aesthetic.
worth of Kits’adria in a city or a forest-bound city of Kits’adria can
absolutely exist. However, they will probably settle around some If they’re foxes, why do they have rabbit-like ears?
large important fixture, such as Springmoon’s temple or a major Foxes in Somnus Domina have ears like that. That’s the short,
natural wonder.
fun answer. The slightly longer answer is a reminder that they are
“fox-like”, rather than actual foxes. They aren’t half-fox but are a
As shapeshifters, what is a Kits’adria’s relationship with their
physical form? distant relative of a single fox turned immortal, later turned into a
divine elemental, who then forged their first members in the
A Kits’adria has a very fluid sense of self. Concepts like gender image of their master, who had themselves been visually mutated
and specific physical attributes are far from absent, but are not to be fox-like in some ways.
considered important. Their vanity regarding youth results from The short answer is better, though. Somonian foxes have long
their age-locked bodies and the natural sense of choice they fluffy ears and short normal ones, depending on their breed.
have as shapeshifters, not because they think youth and beauty
indicate superiority. Regarding gender, a Kits’adria pup will Kits’adria Outside Somnus Domina
largely discover themselves as they dream their mortal form into
existence, and a great deal of natural self-discovery takes place The Kits’adria is a race native to Somnus Domina, a world of
at this time. crystal gods and splintered nations. In particular, they hail from a
nation of Elven rule, Cu Chullis. As described previously, they are
Their physical sex and gender may entirely change by the time
this process ends, and these attributes may change over their a nomadic sort of civilization that rarely settles into large groups,
life. Even the First to Skulk, though usually consistent in their but this is not always the case. Regardless, you may not be
physical form, sometimes change their sex and gender across playing in this setting, as there are many wonderful settings to
choose to play Dungeons and Dragons in (perhaps even your
incarnations. Having spent over 1000 years in one state at the
start of their lives, however, they do tend to settle into what is own)!
familiar. If this is the case, then there are a few things you can do to
include Kits’adria and their culture in your setting. They fit in well
Do the Kits’adria have a shared moral center, since some of in the Feywild, occupying their own nation there, and the primary
the text implies they are tricksters and chaotic? settlements and temples they hold may be there instead. The key
figures in their history, the First to Skulk, can be wild spirits
Flavor text is what it is, but they come in all sorts. Kits’adria might
guided by Kitsune, who can serve as a powerful fey spirit rather
be as dull as a rock, as scholarly as an archmage, or as uptight
than a deity. Luxus’ role would inevitably be different, but she can
as a paladin from 2nd edition D&D. Their descriptions as
occur as a minor god of honorable thievery, pirates, and/or
tricksters describe common patterns of behavior that come from
trickery in most settings.
their cultural sense of freedom, ability to change their form, and
In settings where this is the case, they can populate the
the general boredom that comes from having an incredibly long
Material plane, but their origins can be traced back to the
life with no natural higher calling. It is a conclusion they can
Feywild. This could be used as the catalyst for all sorts of unique
commonly come to, but nothing is compelling them to act like
angles: perhaps they all seek to return to the Feywild during their
thieves, tricksters, or anything else. In fact, there would be
life to reconnect with their heritage, or communities of them in the
pockets of lore-keepers, mages, gentle druids, and scholars
Material plane may run temples that grant passage between the
among Kits’adria (primarily in Cu Chullis, where they’re more
planes, primarily to their own people. In any case, their overall
common), and Elves would likely share a large overlap in
role in other settings is easy to justify, even if their inclusion might
civilization with them.
be considered a new development when you decide to add them.


Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sloan See (Order #37077152)
Sloan See (Order #37077152)

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