EMI Important Questions-1

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1.Whenever the magnetic flux linked with an electric circuit change, an emf is induced in the circuit.
This is called
(a) electromagnetic induction
(b) lenz’s law
(c) hysteresis loss
(d) kirchhoff’s laws

Answer: (a) electromagnetic induction

2.An induced e.m.f. is produced when a magnet is plunged into a coil. The strength of the induced
e.m.f. is independent of
(a) the strength of the magnet
(b) number of turns of coil
(c) the resistivity of the wire of the coil
(d) speed with which the magnet is moved

Answer: (c) the resistivity of the wire of the coil

3.According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction

(a) electric field is produced by time varying magnetic flux.
(b) magnetic field is produced by time varying electric flux.
(c) magnetic field is associated with a moving charge.
(d) None of these

Answer: (a) electric field is produced by time varying magnetic flux.

4.The polarity of induced emf is given by

(a) Ampere’s circuital law
(b) Biot-Savart law
(c) Lenz’s law
(d) Fleming’s right hand rule

Answer: (c) Lenz’s law

5.Two pure inductors each of self inductance L are connected in series, the net inductance is
(a) L
(b) 2 L

(c) L/2
(d) L/4

Answer: (b) 2 L

6.Lenz’s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of

(a) charge
(b) mass
(c) energy
(d) momentum

Answer: (c) energy

7.The laws of electromagnetic induction have been used in the construction of a

(a) galvanometer
(b) voltmeter
(c) electric motor
(d) generator

Answer: (d) generator

8.The magnetic flux(Ф) linked with the coil is related to the number of turns (N) of the coil as

(a) ФαN
(b) ФαN-1
(c) ФαN2
(d) ФαN-2
Answer: (a) ФαN

9.The self inductance associated with a coil is independent of

(a) current
(b) induced voltage
(c) time
(d) resistance of a coil

Answer: (d) resistance of a coil

10.If number of turns in primary and secondary coils is increased to two times each, the mutual
(a) becomes 4 times
(b) becomes 2 times
(c) becomes A times
(d) remains unchanged

Answer: (a) becomes 4 times

12. An inductor stores energy in the form of

(a) Electric field

(b) magnetic field
(c) Both electric and magnetic field
(d) Neither electric nor magnetic field

Answer : (c) Both electric and magnetic field

13. S I unit of magnetic flux is

(a) Weber
(b) gauss
(c) Oersted
(d) tesla

Answer: (a) Weber

14. The motional emf induced across a conductor moving through a magnetic field does not depend
on its

(a) Length
(b) radius
(c) Velocity
(d) Orientation

Answer: (b) radius


1. The magnetic flux crossing a given surface area is maximum when it is held
_______________________to the direction of the magnetic field.
2. When the plane of a closed coil is held_____________________ to the direction of the magnetic
field, the flux linked with it is zero.
3. A coil of metal wire is held stationary in a non-uniform magnetic field. The emf induced in the
coil is _______________.
4. The magnitude of induced emf is__________________ proportional to the rate of change
magnetic flux linked with the closed circuit.
5. A metal rod of length I moves with a velocity v perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B. The
emf induced across the ends of the rod is________________.

6. A coil of area A is kept perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B. If the coil is rotated by 180°,
the change in flux is___________________.
7. _____________ rule is used to determine the direction of current induced in a conductor
moving in a perpendicular magnetic field.
8. Lenz's law a consequence of the law of conservation of________________.
9. The emf induced across the ends of a conductor due to its motion in a magnetic field is
10. In a straight conducting wire, a constant current is flowing from left to right due to a source of
EMF. When the source is switched off, the direction of induced current in the wire will
11. A conductor of length I moves with a velocity v in a magnetic field B along its direction, the EMF
induced across the ends of the conductor is_________________.
12. A copper rod of length I is rotated about one end perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B
with constant angular velocity Ѡ The emf induced acts its ends is________________.
13. A coil of 50 turns is pulled in 0.02 s from between the poles of a magnet, when its area includes
1×10-6 Wb. The average induced emf is______________.
14. A coil having number of turns N and area A B rotated about an axis perpendicular to union
magnetic field B with angular velocity o. The maximum emf induced in it is_______________.

Answers :-

1.perpendicular 2.parelllel 3.zero 4.directly 5.Blv 6. -2BA 7. Fleming’s right hand

8. energy 9.motional emf 10.left to right 11.zero 12.2 𝐵𝑙 2 𝜔

13. 2.5 X 10-3V 14.NBA 𝜔

2 Marks

1. What is magnetic flux ? Name the S.I unit.

Answer: Magnetic flux through a surface is the scalar product of magnetic field and surface area

i.e ФB= 𝐵. 𝐴
S.I unit is Weber(Wb)

2. Define self-inductance of a coil. Write its S.I. unit.

Answer: Self induction is the property of a coil by virtue of which it opposes the growth or decay of
the current flowing through it. S.I. unit of self-inductance is henry (H).

3. State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.

Answer: Faraday’s law states that “The magnitude of emf induced in a circuit is directly proportional
to the rate of change of magnetic flux linked with the circuit”. Mathematically, we can write,

e=− 𝑑𝑡 where [dϕ is the small change in magnetic flux in small time dt.

4. How can you produce induced emf ? explain.

Answer: Changing the strength of the magnetic field ( B)

Changing the area(A) of the coil
Changing the orientation (ϴ)

5. Write the S.I unit of Mutual inductance .Define its unit.

Answer: If one volt of emf is induced in one of the coils when the current in the other changes at the
rate of one ampere per second.

6. When is the magnetic flux through a surface (i) maximum (ii) minimum.

Answer: When ϴ=00 , the surface is perpendicular to B

When ϴ=900, the surface is parallel to B

7. Mention an expression for the emf generated when a coil is rotated in a uniform magnetic field.
Represent the variation of induced emf graphically.

Answer : e=e0sinωt

where e=peak value of emf

ω – angular frequency

8. What is AC generator ? on what principle does it works ?

Answer: AC generator is a device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works
based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

9. Define co-efficient of self induction .Write the expression

Answer: Let Ф be the magnetic flux linked with the coil, When current I flows through it,then


Where L is the constant of proportionality and is called co-efficient of self – induction,


10. Define one Henry, What is one Henry equal to ?

Answer: One Henry is defined as , the current at the rate of 1 AS-1 through the coil changes, then an
emf of 1V is induced in the coil.

1 Volt
1 Henry= 1 𝐴𝑆−𝟏


1. Define self-inductance of a coil. Show that magnetic energy required to build up the current I
in a coil of self-inductance L.
Answer: The self-inductance of a coil may be defined as the induced emf set up in the coil due to a
unit rate of change of current through it. Let I be the current through the inductor L at any instant t
The current rises at the rate , so the induced

Work done against the induced emf in small time dt is

Total work done in building up the current from 0 to I in

This work done is stored as the magnetic field energy U in the inductor

2. Define Self Induction. Arrive at the expression

The phenomenon of an emf being induced in a coil due to varying current in the same coil is
called self induction.

When the power supply is switched on, the current coil starts
increasing. Magnetic flux linked with coil also increases due to
which emf induced by lenz’s law, direction of the induced emf is
such that it opposes the cause, it opposes the growth of the
current. However, when the power supply is switched off, then
magnetic flux & hence & hence induced emf is decreased.
The direction of induced emf opposes the decay of the current.
Let ФB be the magnetic flux linked with the coil when current I flows through it, then


Where L is called coefficient of self induction or self inductance.
If I=lA, ФB=L(l) or ФB=L
Thus, self inductance is numerically equal to the amount of magnetic flux linked with the coil
when unit current flows through the coil.
Also, according to Faraday’s law of EMI
𝑑Ф𝐵 𝑑
є= = − (LI)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
If 𝑑𝑡 = l , then є = -L or L= - є

Self inductance of a coil is equal to the emf

3.What is electromagnetic induction? Explain.

Ans. The phenomenon in which an emf and hence a current is induced in a closed circuit, due to
a change in the magnetic flux linked with it, is called electromagnetic induction.
Whenever there is a relative motion between the magnet and the coil, a momentary current is
induced, resulting in a momentary deflection in the galvanometer. When the magnet moves
towards the coil the magnetic flux linked with the coil increases, and when moved away from
the coil, the flux decreases.

4 .Give the expression for mutual inductance between a the pair of coaxial solenoids of same
length. Give the meaning of the symbols used.
µ0 µ𝑟 𝑁1 𝑁2 𝐴1
Ans. M12 = M21 = 𝑙
Where, N1, N2 represent number of turns in coil (1) and (2) and A1, represents area of cross
section of the inner solenoid.

1. Define self inductance of a solenoid. On what factors does it depend?

Ans. The phenomenon in which an emf is induced in a coil due to the change of current through
it under resonance, is known as self induction. The proper of a coil to oppose any change of
current in it, Grown as self inductance. The self inductance depends on,
(i) its length
(ii) number of turns
(iii) area of cross section and
(iv) permeability of the material used as its core.

6.Define mutual inductance between a pair of coils. On what factors does it depend?

Ans. The phenomenon in which a change of current in one coil induces an emf in a neighboring
coil is called mutual induction. Mutual inductance between a pair of coils is numerically equal to
the emf induced in the secondary coil when the current through the primary coil changes at unit
Mutual inductance depends on,
(i) the number of turns in both the coils
(ii) the area of the inner coil,
(iii) the length of primary coil and
(iv) the magnetic permeability of the core on which the primary is wound.

7.Define Motional Electromotive force. Derive the expression.

An emf induced by the motion of the conductor across the magnetic field is a motional electromotive

Consider a rectangular conductor PQRS (closed loop enclosing an area that

changes as PQ moves) placed in a magnetic field and one of the sides of
the conductor PQ is movable and has resistance r. conductor is moving
perpendicular to magnetic field with constant velocity v. If length RQ=X &
RS=l the magnetic flux ΦB enclosed by the loop PQRS is

ΦB = Blx

Since x is changing with time, the rate of change of flux ΦB will induce an emf
given by

dΦB 𝑑 𝑑𝑥
E=– = (𝐵𝑙𝑋)
Bdt 𝑑𝑡
= -Bl 𝑑𝑡
E = Blv ( = −𝑉) The induced emf is called Motional emf

8.State and explain lenz’s law

According to this law, the direction of induced emf is such that it opposes the cause which produces it. It
gives the direction of induced emf by Faraday’s law of EMI.

E= 𝑑𝑡

Since by lenz’s law the cause opposes the production of induced emf. Therefore Faraday’s lenz’s law is E= -


1. Define Mutual Inductance. Arrive at the expression . On what factors does it depends.
The phenomenon of an emf being induced in a coil(secondary) because of varying current in
another coil(primary) is called mutual induction.
Consider two coils as shown in fig held nearby P is connected to a cell through key K & is
called primary coil. S is connected with galvanometer & is called
secondary coil.When key K is pressed,then current in P begins to
increase i.e. magnetic flux linked with P increases. Since S is very close
to P , i.e. magnetic flux associated with S also increases resulting in
induced emf called mutual induction.
The magnetic flux linked with secondary coil is proportional to the
current flowing in the primary coil
i.e.Ф𝑠 α IP or
Ф𝑠 =M IP
Where M is called the mutual inductance between the two coils.
In eq1 when Ip=IA, M=Ф𝑠
Thus,mutual inductance between a pair of coils is numerically equal
to the flux linked with secondary coil when unit current flows through
the primary coil.
From Faraday’s law of EMI
Єs= -

Єs= -M
If = 𝐼 , Єs= -M

Thus, the mutual inductance is numerically equal to the induced emf produced in the secondary
coil when the current decreases at a unit rate in the primary coil.
The SI unit of mutual inductance is also henry.
From eq2, when 𝑑𝑡
=𝐼𝐴𝑠−1 and |e|=1 we find M=IH

Hence, the mutual inductance between two coils in one henry, if one volt of emf is induced in
one of the coils when the current in the other changes at the rate of one ampere per second.

For a given pair of coils M is a constant & it depend:

(i)Number of turns in the primary & secondary coil
(ii)Permeability of the medium between the two coils
(iii)Separation between the coils.

2. Derive the expression for the Mutual inductance of the two long solenoids
Consider two long coaxial solenoids as shown in fig. Let r1 be the radius, N1 total number of
turns & n1 the number of terms per unit length in the inner solenoids S1. Let the corresponding
quantities be r2 , N2 & n2 for the outer solenoid S2.
Let I2 be the current in S2 which sets up a magnetic field B2 at the axis. Then, the magnetic flux
linked with S1 is N Ф1 =N1B2(π𝑟12 ). If M12 represents the mutual inductance of solenoid S1 with
respect to S2 we have N1Ф1=M12I2
𝑁1 Ф1 𝑁1 𝐵2 (𝜋𝑟12 ) 𝑛1 𝑙
M12= 𝐼2
= 𝐼2
= 𝐼2
(µ0n2I2) X π𝑟12

M12 = µ0n1n2 π𝑟12 l ……(1)

If the current flows in S1 rather than in S2 , the mutual inductance

of the solenoid S2 with respect to S1 denoted by M21 can be
similarly calculated. Let I1 be the current flowing through S1 then
by definition,
𝑁2 Ф2
N2Ф2= M21I1 (or) M21= 𝐼1
(µ 𝑛 𝐼 )
M21=(n2l) (π𝑟12 ) 0 𝐼 1 1 = µ0n1n2π𝑟12 𝑙
M21= µ0n1n2π𝑟12 𝑙 ………(2)

From eq 1 & eq 2 we observe that

M12= M21……….(3)
Instead in air,if the solenoids are in the medium of relative permeability ,the mutual inductance between them is given by M12= µ0
µrn1n2π𝑟12 𝑙

3. Derive the expression for the Self Inductance of a solenoid

Answer: Consider a long solenoid of length l, area of cross section A & N number of turns carrying
current I.
The magnetic field of such a solenoid is given by B = µ0nI (n= 𝐿 )
Where µ0 is the permeability of free space.
Magnetic flux linked with each turn of solenoid is
ФB=BA = µ0nIA

Total magnetic flux linked with the solenoid is

NФ𝐵 = Number of turns X flux linked with each rurn
µ0 𝑁𝐼𝐴
=N( 𝐿

µ0 𝑁 2 𝐼𝐴
NФ𝐵 = 𝑙

If L is the co – efficient of self inductance of the solenoid then

NФ𝐵 =LI …….(2)

From 1 & 2
µ0 𝑁 2 𝐼𝐴

µ0 𝑁 2 𝐴
L= 𝑙

L= µ0n2al

4. Derive the expression for instantaneous induced emf in an A C generator.

An A.C. generator is an electronic device used to convert

mechanical energy into electrical energy using the principle of
electromagnetic induction

or, ϕ=NBAωt

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction has many technological applications. An important

application is the generation of alternating current (ac).One of the methods to induce an emf or current
in a loop is by producing a change in the orientation of a loop because of which a flux change occurs.

An AC generator is a device used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Construction: An AC generator consists of the following components.

(i)Armature: coil ABCD which consists of a large number of turns of insulated copper wire wound on a
soft iron core.

(ii)Slip rings: The ends of the armature coil ABCD are connected to the slip rings R1 & R2 made of brass
which rotate along with the coil.

(iii)Brushes: Two carbon brushes B1 & B2 are placed so as to be in touch with the rings R1 & R2
continuously. These brushes are in turn connected to the land resistor through which output is

(iv)Applied field magnet: The armature coil is placed between two cylindrical magnetic pole pieces
which establish a magnetic field perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the coil.

Working: The armature of the coil is rotated mechanically about its vertical axis.It cuts the magnetic
lines of forces in its course of rotation. As a result flux linked with the coil changes which gives rise to
induced emf & induced current. The current flows out through brush B1 in one half rotation & through B2
in the other half rotation. Hence, it reverses its direction in one complete rotation.(The direction of
induced emf or current can be determined using Fleming’s right hand rule) . Therefore, the emf
produced in this process is said to be sinusoidal in nature.

Theory: Let the rectangular coil ABCD consists of n turns & A be the area of each turn, Let the coil be
rotated about its vertical axis with an angular speed w.

At time t=0, the plane of the coil is placed perpendicular to the direction of the field & made to rotate.
After an interval of t seconds, let the coil rotate. After an interval of t seconds, let the coil rotate through
an angle ϴ. Then, the flux associated with the coil in the rotated position is given by
Ф=nBAcos 𝛳
Since the coil is rotating with an angular speed w, the displacement after time t is ϴ= ωt

ФB=nBAcos ωt ……..(1)
Due to the changr of flux linked with the coil an emf is induced in it.According to Faraday lenz law,
𝑑Ф𝐵 𝑑(nBA cos ωt)
e= - =−
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
e= - nBA (−sin ωt. ω)
e= nBAω sin ωt.
e0= nBAω

Then e=eosin ωt.....(2) Represents that induced emf is sinusoidal in


Numerical :-

1.A small piece of metal wire is dragged across the gap between the pole pieces of a magnet in 0.5 s.
The magnetic flux between the pole pieces is known to be 8 × 10 -4Wb.Estimate the emf induced in the

Solution. Here dt = 0.5 s,

dФ =8 × 10-4 – 0=8×10-4wb
The emf induced in the wire
𝑑Ф 8 × 10−4
|є|= 𝑑𝑡 = 0.5
= 1.6x10-3 V

2.The magnetic flux through a coil perpendicular to the plane is varying according to the relation :

Ф = (5t3 + 4t2 + 2t-5) Wb

Calculate the induced current through the coil at t = 2s,if the resistance of the coil is 5 Ω.
Solution. The magnitude of induced emf set up at any instant t will be
𝑑Ф 𝑑
|є|= 𝑑𝑡 = 𝑑𝑡 (5t3 +4t2 +2t-5) =15t2 + 8t+2
At t =2 s,
|є| = 15(2)2 + 8(2) + 2 = 60 + 16 + 2 = 78 V
Resistance of the coil, R=5Ω
Induced current,
|є| 78
I= 𝑅 = 5 =15.6 A

3.A flat coil of 500 turns, each of area5x10-3 m2 ,rotates in uniform magnetic field of 0.14 T at an angular
speed of 150 rad s-1.The coil has a resistance of 5Ω. The induced emf is applied to an external resistance
of 10Ω. Calculate the peak current through the resistance.

Solution. Here A=5 x 10-3m2, B=0.14 T,

Ѡ=150 rad s-1
Total resistance, R = 5+ 10 = 15Ω
Є0= NBAѠ= 500 x 0.14 x 5 x 10-3 x 150 = 52.5 V
Є 52.5
Peak current, I0 = 𝑅0 = 15 =3.5 A

4.A 200 turn coil of self-inductance 20 mH carries a current of 4 mA. Find the magnetic flux linked with
each turn of the coil.

Solution. Let Ф be the magnetic flux linked with each of the N turns of the coil. Then
NФα I or NФ = LI

𝐿𝐼 20 𝑥 10−3 𝑥 4 𝑥 10−3
Ф= 𝑁 = = 𝟒𝒙 𝟏𝟎−𝟕 𝑾𝒃

5.If a rate of change of current of 4 As-1 induces an emf of 20 mV in a solenoid, What is the self-
inductance of the solenoid?
Solution. Here 𝑑𝑡 = 4 𝐴𝑠 −1 ,

|є| = 20 mV = 20x 10-3 V

As |є| = L𝑑𝑡
|є| 20𝑥10−3
L=𝑑𝑙/𝑑𝑡 = 4
=5x10-3 H = 5 mH.

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