Anant Achievement Classes Physics: SECTOR - 4, Gurgaon Topics: Electromagnet5Ic Induction & Ac

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1. A metallic rod of length l is rotated with 4. a. How are eddy currents reduced in a
a frequency v with one end hinged at the metallic core ?
centre and the other end at the b. Give two uses of eddy currents.
circumference of a circular metallic ring
of radius r, about an axis passing through 5. State Lenz’s law. Does it violate the
the centre and perpendicular to the plane principle of conservation of energy.
of the ring. A constant uniform magnetic Justify your answer.
field B parallel to the axis is present
every where. Using Lorentz force, 6. Obtain a relationship between the charge
explain how emf is induced between the flowing through the circuit and the
centre and the metallic ring and hence change in magnetic flux.
obtain the expression for it.
7. Define the term self-inductance of a
2. a. Describe a simple experiment (or solenoid. Obtain the expression for the
activity) to show that the polarity of emf magnetic energy stored in an inductor of
induced in a coil is always such that it self-inductance L build up a current I
tends to produce a current which through it.
opposes the change of magnetic flux that OR
produces it. Define self-inductance of a coil. Show
b. The current flowing through an that magnetic energy required to build
inductor of self-inductance L is up the current I in a coil of self-
continuously increasing. Plot a graph inductance L, is given by ½ LI2.
showing the variation of
i. Magnetic flux versus the current 8. How does the mutual inductance of a
ii. Induced emf versus dl/dt. pair of coils change when
iii. Magnetic potential energy stored i. distance between the coils is increased
versus the current. and
ii. number of turns in the coils is
3. a. Define mutual inductance and write its increased ?
SI units
b. Derive an expression for the mutual 9. A conducting rod of length l is moved in
inductance of two long co-axial a magnetic field of magnitude B with
solenoids of same length wound one velocity v such that the arrangement in
over the other. mutually perpendicular. Prove that the
c. In an experiment, two coils c1 and c2 emf induced in the rod is ||=Blv
are placed close to each other. Find out
the expression for the emf induced in the 10. a. What are eddy currents ? How are
coil c1 due to a change in the current they produced ?
through the coil c2. b. Describe briefly three main useful
applications of eddy currents.

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