The Commandments

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Yahuah and Yeshuah’s Torah/law

(AKA Moses Law)

The Commandments
MATT 5:17-18 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to
destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or
one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

JOHN 7:19 Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law?

ACTS 24:14 But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I
the Elohim of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in
the prophets

HOW TO LOVE YAHUAH ......................................................................................................................... 3
TYTHING .................................................................................................................................................. 6
IDOLS AND IMAGES ................................................................................................................................ 7
FORNICATION ......................................................................................................................................... 8
COMMANDMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 8
VOWS ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
THE DEAD AND MAGIC ......................................................................................................................... 10
YEARS OF RELEASE/REST ...................................................................................................................... 11
GENTILES ............................................................................................................................................... 11
MEN ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
CLOTHING ............................................................................................................................................. 12
YOUR BODY .......................................................................................................................................... 13
HOUSING............................................................................................................................................... 14
FARMING .............................................................................................................................................. 14
FOOD LAWS .......................................................................................................................................... 17
BECOMING UNCLEAN ........................................................................................................................... 21
YAHUAHS FEASTS ................................................................................................................................. 26
SACRIFICES ............................................................................................................................................ 28
HOW TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR....................................................................................................... 35
PARENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 38
MURDERING ......................................................................................................................................... 39

ADULTERY ............................................................................................................................................. 39
THIEVES AND STOLEN GOODS ............................................................................................................. 41
TESTIFYING OR DEALING FALSELY........................................................................................................ 41
COVETING ............................................................................................................................................. 43
THE POOR, WIDOWS AND ORPHANS .................................................................................................. 43
MARRAGE AND DIVORCE ..................................................................................................................... 43
TREATMENT OF STRANGERS ................................................................................................................ 45
GENTILES ............................................................................................................................................... 46
LOANS AND BORROWING .................................................................................................................... 47
LOSS OR DAMAGES TO SOMEONE ELSE OR HIS PROPERTY ................................................................ 48
FIGHTING AND INJURY ......................................................................................................................... 50
EMPLOYMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 50
JUDGMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 51
VIOLATION ............................................................................................................................................ 53


Pslams 19:7-11

The law of Yahuah is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of Yahuah is sure,
making wise the simple.

The statutes of Yahuah are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of
Yahuah is pure, enlightening the eyes.

The fear of Yahuah is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of Yahuah are true
and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than
honey and the honeycomb.

Old Testament (Targums) New Testament
How to love Yahuah
MARK 12:30 And thou shalt love Yahuah thy Elohim with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
What Yahuah DEU 10:12-14
requires from us what doth Yahuah your Elohim require of you, but that you fear Yahuah your Elohim, to
walk in all the ways that are right before Him, and that you love Him, and serve Yahuah
your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul, to keep the commandments of
Yahuah and His statutes which I command you this day, that it may be well with you

No.1 of the 10
2 Thou shalt have no other Elohim beside Me You must love Yahuah thy Elohim with all your
Love Yahuah with heart, and with all thy soul, and out of all your
all your heart understanding

SERVE Yahuah EXD 23:25 MATT 4:10
And you shall do service before Yahuah our Then Yeshuah said to him, “Go away Ha-Satan,
Elohim and He will bless the provision of thy for it is written ‘You must worship your
food and thy drinks, and remove the bitter Elohim, and Him alone you must serve.’”
plague from among thee.

FEAR Yahuah DEU 6:2 MATT 10:28
that thou mayest fear Yahuah thy Elohim, And you must not be willing to fear them who
and keep all His statutes and precepts which kill the body, for they are not able to kill the
I command thee; thou, thy son, and the son nephesh(soul). You must fear with abundance,
of thy son, all the days of thy life; and that Him who is able to place the body and
thou mayest prolong thy days. nephesh(soul) in Gei-Hinnom(hell)
LUKE 12:5, 1 PETER 2:17
Yahuah is ONE DEU 6:4 MARK 12:29-30
HEAR, ISRAEL OUR FATHER: YAHUAH OUR So Yeshuah answered and said, “The chief
ELOHIM IS ONE ELOHIM! Jakob made commandment is, ‘Hear Israel, your Elohim
response, and said, Blessed be His Glorious Adoni is one. Him you must love with all
Name for ever and ever. your heart and with all your nephesh(soul,
and with all your thoughts, and with all your
strength.’ This is the chief commandment.

CLEAVE to Yahuah DEU 10:20-21 ACTS 11:23
and WORSHIP Him Revere Yahuah your Elohim, and worship that with purpose of heart they
before Him, and cleave closely to His fear, would cleave unto the Lord.
and swear by His Name. He is your praise,
and He is your Elohim,

DEU 6:4-6
Follow after the true worship of your fathers, that you may love Yahuah your Elohim with each disposition of
your hearts, and also that He may accept your souls, and the (dedicated) service of all your wealth; and let these
words which I command you this day be written upon the tables of your hearts.

No.3 of the 10 MATT 5:33-35

Let no one of you swear by the name of the Moreover you have heard what was said to
7 Word of Yahuah your Elohim in vain; for in the elders, ‘You must not cease to preform
No one may swear the day of the great judgment Yahuah will your oaths, but fulfil to Elohim what you
by the Name of the not hold guiltless anyone who sweareth by swear.’ And I say unto you that a man must
Word of Yahuah His name in vain. not swear by the heavens, because it is the
throne of Elohim; and not by the earth,
because it is the footstool of His feet; and not
by Yerushalayim, for it is the city of Elohim.
Don’t use the LEV 18:21 JOHN 7:23
Name of Yahuah nor shalt thou profane the Name of thy the law of Moses should not be broken
outside biblical Elohim: I am Yahuah.
You may not LEV 24:16 MATT 12:31-32
BLASPHEME (use A man young or old who shall blaspheme And in this respect I say to you that an
with disapproval or the known Name of his Elohim shall bear his iniquity of a curse will be atoned for the
call by ill names) sin. Whosoever expresseth and revileth the men, except whosoever says a curse against
the Name of Name of Yahuah shall verily be put to death; the Ruach Ha-Qodesh(Holy Spirit). For
Yahuah whosoever speaks against the Ruach Ha-
Qodesh will not have atonement in this
world or in the coming world
No.4 of the 10EXD 20:8 MARK 1:21
COMMANDMENTS Remember the day of Shabbatha, to And immediately, on the Shabbath, they
sanctify it. Six days you shall labour, and do entered into their house of gathering, and He
10 all your service: but the seventh day is (for) taught them.
KEEP THE SABBATH rest and quietude before Yahuah your MARK 2:27
Elohim Then He said, “The Shabbath was made for
the sake of man, not the man on account of
the Shabbath.
yourselves and be But sanctify yourselves (make yourself I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the
HOLY so your clean), and be holy in your bodies, that your mercies of Elohim, that ye present your bodies
PRAYERS MAY BE prayers may be received with acceptance: I a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Elohim,
HEARD am Yahuah who sanctify you. And observe which is your reasonable service.
My statutes and perform them: I am Yahuah
who sanctify you.

BE MERCIFUL as LEV 22:28 (Removed from KJV) LUKE 6:36
our FATHER IS as our Father in heaven is merciful, so shall Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also
MERCIFUL you be merciful on earth: is merciful.

13 DEU 6:16 MATT 4:7

DO NOT TEMP be warned not to tempt Yahuah your Again He answered him, “It is written, ‘You
YAHUAH Elohim as you tempted Him in the ten must not tempt your Elohim.’”

Do NOT listen to a DEU 13:1-3 MATT 7:15
FALSE PROPHET When there may arise among you a false Guard yourselves from the prophets of
prophet or a dreamer of a profane dream, deception, who come in clothing of ewes but
and he give you a sign or a miracle, and the in their inside they are rending wolves.
sign or the miracle come to pass, (yet)
because he spake with you, saying, Let us go
after the gods of the peoples whom thou
hast not known, and worship them, you
shall not hearken to the words of that lying
prophet, or his who hath dreamed that

You must KILL A DEU 13:6-10 JOHN 7:23
FAMILY member When thy brother, the son of thy mother, the law of Moses should not be broken
trying to LEAD YOU when even the son of thy father, or thy own
ASTRAY from son or thy daughter, or thy wife who
YAHUAH reposeth with thee, or thy friend who is
beloved as thy soul, shall give thee evil
counsel, to make thee go astray, speaking
out and saying, Let us go and worship the
gods of the Gentiles, which neither thou nor
thy fathers have known; or the idols of the
seven nations who are near you round
about, or of the rest of the nations who are
far away from you, from one end of the
earth to the other; you shall not consent to
them, nor hearken to him, neither shall your
eye spare him or have compassion, nor shall
you hide him in secret; but killing you shall
kill him;

You shall have 2 or DEU 19:15-16 MATT 18:16
3 WITNESSES to The testimony of one (witness) shall not be But if he does not listen to you, take one
confirm any charge valid against a man for any crime (regarding companion with you, or two, for every
the taking) of life, or guilt concerning testimony is established by two or three.
money, or any sin with which one may be
charged with sinning; but, by the Word of
Yahuah, (to insure) retribution upon secret
crimes, (while) one witness may swear to
deny what hath been attested against him,
the sentence shall be confirmed upon the
mouth of two witnesses, or of three.

Each person is DEU 24:16
GUILTY for his or Fathers shall not die either by the testimony or for the sin of the children, and children
her OWN SINS shall not die either by the testimony or for the sin of the fathers: every one shall die, by
proper witnesses, for his own sin.

Offering every EXD 13:13 JOHN 7:23
FIRST BORN child and every firstborn man (child) among thy the law of Moses should not be broken
to Yahuah sons thou shalt redeem; but thy servant
thou mayest not redeem with money.

You may NOT CUT DEU 20:19-20 JOHN 7:23
down FRUIT TREES When you beleaguer a city all the seven the law of Moses should not be broken
baring fruit when days to war against it, to subdue it on the
TAKING A CITY in Sabbath, you shall not destroy the trees
war thereof by bringing against them (an
instrument of) iron; that you may eat its
fruit, cut it not down; for a tree on the face
of the field is not as a man to be hidden (put
out of sight) before you in the siege. But the
tree that you know to be a tree not making
fruit to eat, that you may destroy and cut
down. And you shall raise bulwarks against
the city which maketh war with you, until
you have subdued it.

TYTHE a 10th of DEU 14:22-29 Matthew 23:23
everything you Be mindful to tythe your fruitage of Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
grow or earn whatsoever cometh forth, and which you hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise
gather in from the field year by year; not and cummin, and have omitted the weightier
giving the fruit of one year for the fruit of matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and
another. faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to
leave the other undone.

TYTHE 3 times a DEU 26:12-13 Luke 18:12
10th of all you When you make an end of tything all the I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that
make or grow tenths of your produce in the third year, I possess.
which is the year of release, you shall give
the first tenth to the Levites, the second
tenth, which is the tythe of the poor, to the
stranger, the orphan, and widow, that they
may eat in your cities, and be satisfied. But
the third tenth you shall bring up, and eat
before Yahuah thy Elohim, and thou shalt

TYTHING and LEV 27:30-33 JOHN 7:23
Redeeming And all the tythe of the land, of the seed of the law of Moses should not be broken
(gain or regain the ground, or the fruits of the tree, is
possession of Yahuah’s, and is most sacred before
(something) in Yahuah. But if a man will redeem any (part)
exchange for of his tythes, he shall add a fifth part of its
payment) value thereunto. And every tythe of oxen
and sheep, whatever passeth under the
(tything) rod, the tenth shall be consecrated
before Yahuah. He shall not scrutinize
between the good and the bad, nor
exchange it; but if changing he will
exchange it, both it and that for which it is
changed shall be sacred, and not be


No.2 of the 10
You shall not make to yourselves image or So Yeshuah answered and said, “The chief
23 figure, or any similitude of what is in the commandment is, ‘Hear Yisrael, your Elohim is
Have NO OTHER heavens above, or on the earth beneath, or one.
Elohim BESIDES ME in the waters under the earth. You shall not
bow down to them, or worship before ACTS 15:20
them; for I Yahuah your Elohim am a jealous But that we write unto them, that they abstain
Elohim and an avenger, punishing with from pollutions of idols, and from fornication,
vengeance and from things strangled, and from blood.

24 EXD 23:13
Don’t let the and the names of the idols of the Gentiles JOHN 7:23
NAMES OF IDOLS remember not, nor let them be heard upon the law of Moses should not be broken
cross your lips your lips

DESTROY the DEU 7:5 JOHN 7:23
Gentiles PLACES you shall destroy their altars, break their the law of Moses should not be broken
AND THINGS of statues in pieces, cut down their groves for
WORSHIP worship, and burn the images of their idols
with fire.

26 DEU 12:1-4
You MAY NOT You shall utterly destroy all the places in JOHN 7:23
DESTROY places, which the people (whose land) you will the law of Moses should not be broken
altars or holy possess have worshipped their idols, upon
THINGS TO the high mountains and hills, and under
WORSHIP YAHUAH every tree of beautiful form. You shall lay
their altars in ruin, break down their pillars,
burn their abominations with fire, and
utterly destroy the images of their gods, and
abolish their names from that place.
Not so may you do to blot out the
inscription of the Name of Yahuah your

You may NOT DEU 7:26 Luke 16:15
BRING IMAGES OR You shall burn their images with fire, nor And he said unto them, Ye are they which
IDOLS into your desire the silver and gold that may be upon justify yourselves before men; but Elohim
HOUSES. DESTROY them, nor take them, lest through them you knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly
THEM! offend, for they are an abomination before esteemed among men is abomination in the
Yahuah your Elohim. Neither may you bring sight of Elohim
their abominable idols or their service
vessels into your houses, that you be not
accursed as they but you shall utterly loathe
them as a loathsome reptile, and abhor
them altogether, because they are

You may NOT DEU 13:13-16 JOHN 7:23
REBUILD a city When, in one of your cities which Yahuah the law of Moses should not be broken
DESTROYED your Elohim will give you to dwell in, you
because of hear it said that (certain) men of pride are
IDOLATRY drawing back from the doctrine of Yahuah
your Elohim…Let us go and worship the
gods of the nations which you have not
known... you shall smite the inhabitants of
that city… and it shall be a desolate heap for
ever, never to be builded again:

29 LEV 20:15 JOHN 7:23
You shall not LIE And a man who lieth with a beast shall be the law of Moses should not be broken
WITH A BEAST surely put to death with the stoning of stones,
and the beast shall be slain with spikes.

30 REV22:18-19
You are NOT DEU 4:2
ALLOWED to ADD Ye shall not add to the words that I teach For I testify unto every man that heareth the
or TAKE AWAY you nor diminish them, but keep the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man
from the commandments of Yahuah your Elohim shall add unto these things, Elohim shall add
COMMANDMENTS which I command you. unto him the plagues that are written in this
book: And if any man shall take away from the
words of the book of this prophecy, Elohim
shall take away his part out of the book of life,
and out of the holy city, and from the things
which are written in this book.
MEDITATE upon DEU 6:7 Working on it…..
the meditate upon them when thou art sitting
commandments in your houses, at the time when you are
ALL the TIME occupied in secret chambers, or in
journeying by the way; at evening when you
lie down, and at morn when you arise

WRITE the DEU 6:9 Working on it…..
commandments on And thou shalt write them upon the pillars,
your PILLARS and and affix them in three places, against the
affix them in 3 cupboard[3], upon the posts of thy house,
PLACES: and on the right hand of thy gate, in thy
CUPBOARDS, going out.
TEACH the DEU11:19 Working on it…..
commandments to And thou shalt teach them to thy children to
YOUR CHILDREN study them when you are sitting in your
house with your kindred, and when you are
walking in the way, and in the evening when
you lie down, and in the morning when you

You HAVE TO for NUM 30:2-16 Working on it…..
fill a VOW made to 2. A man, a son of thirteen when he shall
Yahuah have vowed a vow before Yahuah, or have
sworn an oath, saying, I will withhold from
such a thing which is permitted to me, shall
not be allowed to relax his word (at his own
3. And a female who hath not passed
twelve years when she hath vowed a vow
before Yahuah, and hath bound herself in
her father's house until her thirteenth year;

Nazirite VOW NUM 6:2-4 Working on it…..
Full vow When a man or, woman, seeing her who
NUM 6:2-21 had gone astray in her corruption, shall
(resolve to) become abstinent from wine, or
for any other cause shall make the vow of a
Nazir in separating one'- self unto the Name
of Yahuah, he shall abstain from wine, new
and old, he shall drink neither vinegar of old
wine or new; neither may he drink liquor in
which grapes have been crushed, nor eat of
grapes either fresh or dried. All the days of
his vow he shall not eat of the tree which
maketh wine, from the husks of grapes even
to the kernels within them.

You may NOT DEU 23:18 Working on it…..
OFFER any MONEY You shall not bring a gift of the hire of an
made from a harlot, nor the price of a dog to offer it in
WHORE OR A DOG the sanctuary of Yahuah your Elohim for any
as a VOW OR vow, much less as any of the oblations;

You may NOT USE DEU 23:18 Working on it…..
the MONEY made You shall not bring a gift of the hire of an
FROM a WHORE harlot, nor the price of a dog to offer it in
OR A DOG for our the sanctuary of Yahuah your Elohim for any
FATHERS vow, much less as any of the oblations; for
OFFERING OR VOW they are abominable, both of them,
to Him

Don’t DELAY to pay DEU 23:21-23 Working on it…..
your VOWs to When you vow a vow before Yahuah your
Yahuah Elohim, delay not to fulfil it in (one of) the
three festivals; for Yahuah your Elohim
requiring will require it.


You may NOT EXD 22:18 Working on it…..
PRACTICE whosoever practiseth witchcraft you shall
WITCHCRAFT not suffer to live.

HAVE nothing to LEV 19:31 JOHN 7:23
do with BRINGING Go not astray after those who inquire of the law of Moses should not be broken
UP the DEAD or impostors, or bring up the dead, or
inquire about them interrogate the bone of Jeddua: neither be
ye inquirers with them, to pollute
yourselves thereby

You may not offer LEV 20:2 JOHN 7:23
your children to who shall make (an offering) of his offspring the law of Moses should not be broken
MOLEK unto Molek to be burned in the fire, shall be
verily put to death:

Have nothing to do LEV 20:27 JOHN 7:23
with DIVINATION The man or the woman who hath in them the law of Moses should not be broken
(magic) the spirit of divination(aid of magic) or
necromancy(dealing with the dead as
means of magic) shall die by the casting of
stones; for they are guilty of death.

You MAY NOT DEU 18:10-14 Working on it…..
make your None shall be found among you to make his
CHILDREN to PASS sons or daughters pass through the fire, nor
THROUGH FIRE nor who enchant with enchantments, or inspect
have anything TO serpents, nor observe divinations and
DO with MAGIC auguries, or make (magical) knots and
bindings of serpents and scorpions or any
kind of reptile, or who consult the oba, the
bones of the dead or the bone Jadua, or
who inquire of the manes.

FIFTIETH YEAR is a LEV 25:8-9 Working on it…..
JUBILEE year And thou shalt number to thee seven
Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years.
And you shall sanctify that year, the fiftieth
year, and proclaim liberty in the land of
Israel to all the inhabitants; Jubela shall it be
to you,

7th year is the YEAR LEV 25:23 Working on it…..
OF RELEASE for the And the land of Israel shall not be sold
LAND OF ISRAEL absolutely, for the land is Mine; for you are
sojourners and guests with Me. And in all
the land of your possession you shall let the
ground have redemption.
DEU 15:1-2
At the end of seven years you shall make a
Release. And this is the indication of the
custom of the Release:

SET FREE (end DEU 15:12-14 Working on it…..
contract) a If your brother, a son of Israel, or if a
BROTHER OR daughter of Israel, be sold to you, he shall
SISTER working for serve you six years; and when the seventh
you ON THE 7TH comes, thou shalt send him from you free.

You may NOT LEV 22:25
OFFER ANYTHING And from the hand of a son of the Gentiles Working on it…..
to our FATHER that you shall not offer the oblation of your
comes FROM a Elohim of any of these, because their
GENTILE corruption is in them; a blemish is in them,
they are profane, they shall not be
acceptable for you.

You may not make DEU7:2
a COVENANT You shall strike no covenant with them, nor Working on it…..
(bound or secured have pity upon them.
deal) with a

49 JOHN 7:22-23
male child on 8th day When a woman hath conceived and Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision;
Every male serving borne a male child, on the eighth day (not because it is of Moses, but of the
Yahuah must be she shall be loosed, and her child fathers;) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise
circumcised shall be circumcised in the flesh of his a man. If a man on the sabbath day receive
foreskin. circumcision, that the law of Moses should
not be broken; are ye angry at me, because I
have made a man every whit whole on the
sabbath day?

A MAN may NOT LIE LEV 18:22 Working on it…..
with ANOTHER MAN Nor with a male person shalt thou lie
(GAY) as with a woman; it is an abhorrent

MENS HAIR and BEARD LEV 19:27 Working on it…..
requirements You shall not round off the (hair on)
the sides of your heads, nor shave
the corners of your beards.

You shall not LEV 22:22 Working on it…..
EMASCULATE/CASTRATE you shall not emasculate (Castrate
anything or anyone)

Make for yourselves NUM 15:38-40 MATT 14:36
FRINGES/TSIYTSITH to make for themselves fringes,[3] not of And besought him that they might only touch
remember the threads, nor of yarns, nor of fibres, the hem of his garment: and as many as
commandments but after a manner of their own touched were made perfectly whole.
(lesumhon) shall they make them, MARK 6:56
and shall cut off the heads of their And whithersoever he entered, into villages,
filaments, and suspend by five or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the
ligatures, four in the midst of three,[4] streets, and besought him that they might
touch if it were but the border of his garment:
upon the four corners of their
and as many as touched him were made
garment in which they enwrap
themselves, unto their generations;

A WOMAN may not DEU 22:5
wear a MANS CLOTHS Neither fringed robes nor tephillin
and A MAN may not which are the ornaments of a man
appear LIKE A WOMAN shall be upon a woman; neither shall
a man shave himself so as to appear
like a woman; for everyone who
doeth so is an abomination before
Yahuah thy Elohim.

You shall NOT CLOTH DEU 22:11 Working on it…..
yourself with You shall not clothe nor warm
INTERWOVEN FABRICS yourselves with a garment combed
MIXED TOGHTHER (carded) or netted, or interwoven
with woollen and linen mixed
together. Nevertheless, on a robe of
linen thread you may be permitted to
make fringes of woollen upon the
four extremities of your vestments
with which you dress in the day.

You may NOT make a LEV 19:28 JOHN 7:23
MARK FOR THE DEAD on And a corrupting incision for the soul the law of Moses should not be broken
your BODY of the dead thou shalt not make in
thy flesh
DEU 14:1-2
you shall not make lacerations in
your flesh, nor make bare the crown
of the hair over your foreheads on
account of the soul of the dead.

You may NOT MAKE an LEV 19:28 Working on it…..
INSCRIPTION or neither set upon yourselves an
incutting of any inscription by the incutting of any
FIGURATED SIGN ON figurated sign

DON’T MARK yourself LEV 21:5 JOHN 7:23
BETWEEN your EYES or They shall not mark themselves the law of Moses should not be broken
UPON you HEAD between their eyes, nor set a mark
upon their heads, nor cut away the
corners of their beards, nor make any
incision in their flesh:

You must have a FENCE DEU 22:8 Working on it…..
on your ROOF When thou buildest a new house,
thou shalt make a surrounding fence
to thy roof, that it may not be the
occasion of blood guilt by the loss of
life at thy house,

Make sure ITS CLEAN DEU 23:12-14 Working on it…..
after USING THE TOILET Let a place be prepared for thee
without the camp where thou mayest
shed the water of thy feet, and insert
a blade with your weapon in the
place oil which you bind your swords,
and in thy sitting without thou shalt
dig with it, and do what thou needest
there, and turn and cover it.

DON’T REAP the LEV 19:9-10 Working on it…..
CORNERS of your FIELD, And in the time that you reap the
Leave it for the poor harvest of your land you shall not
finish one corner that is in the circuit
of thy field, and the (full) ingathering
of thy harvest thou shalt not collect.
Neither mayest thou shake out thy
vines; (the whole of) their bunches,
and the remnant of thy vines thou
shalt not gather: thou shalt leave
them for the poor and for the
strangers at the time of their

DON’T GENDER you LEV 19:19 JOHN 7:23
ANIMALS with VARIOUS Thy cattle shall not be made to the law of Moses should not be broken
kinds gender with various kinds, neither
sow thy field with mixed seeds, nor
put upon thee a garment of divers
materials, (as) wool and linen.

You may ONLY EAT the LEV 19:23-25 JOHN 7:23
fruit of any FRUIT TREES have planted any tree that may be the law of Moses should not be broken
in the 5TH YEAR eaten of, you shall verily circumcise
the fruit of it; three years shall it be
to you for rejection, to be destroyed;
it shall not be eaten. And in the
fourth year all the fruit of it shall be
consecrated, (a token of) praise
before Yahuah delivered for the
priest But in the fifth year thou mayst
eat the fruit of it; for produce will be
increased to you from the heavens:

You may not KILL a
MOTHER and her
Let you FIELD REST on LEV 22:28 JOHN 7:23
the SEVENTH year as our Father in heaven is merciful, so the law of Moses should not be broken
shall you be merciful on earth: neither
cow, nor ewe, shall you sacrifice along
with her young on the same day

You MAY NOT SOW your LEV 25:3-6 Working on it…..
field with SEEDS OF Six years you shall sow your fields,
DIFFERENT KINDS and six years prune your vineyards
and gather in the fruit; but in the
seventh year there shall be a rest of
remission to the earth, that she may
rest before Yahuah; you shall not sow
your fields, nor prune your vineyards.

You shall NOT PLOUGH DEU 22:9 Working on it…..
with ANIMALS OF 2 You shall not sow your vineyard with
different SPECIES bound seeds of different kinds, lest thou be
together chargeable with burning the mixed
seed that you have sown and the
produce of the vine.

You shall NOT MUZZLE DEU 22:10 Working on it…..
an ox WHEN WORKING You shall not plough with an ox and
an ass nor with any animals of two
species bound together.

Offering every FIRST DEU 25:4 Working on it…..
BORN animal to Yahuah You shall not muzzle the mouth of
the ox in the time of his treading out;

You MAY NOT DO any EXD 22:12-13 Working on it…..
WORK OR SHEAR with thou shalt set apart before Yahuah
the FIRSTLINGS of your every one that openeth the womb;
HERDS OR FLOCKS and every animal that its dam
beareth and that openeth the womb
if it be to thee a male thou shalt
sanctify before Yahuah. And every
ass that openeth the womb thou
shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou
redeem him not, thou shalt cut him
off; and every firstborn man (child)
among thy sons thou shalt redeem;
but thy servant thou mayest not
redeem with money.

DEU 15:19-22 Working on it…..

Every firstling male that cometh of
thy herd and flock thou shalt
consecrate before Yahuah thy
Elohim. Thou shalt not work with the
firstlings of your herd, nor shear the
firstlings of your flocks; you shall eat
thereof before Yahuah your Elohim
from year to year,

Old Testament (Targums) New Testament
BLESS Yahuah DEU 8:10-12 Working on it…..
AFTER you Be mindful, therefore, in the time when you
have EATEN will have eaten and are satisfied, that you
and are render thanksgiving and blessing before
satisfied Yahuah your Elohim for all the fruit of the
goodly land which He hath given you,

LEV 11: These are the animals which are fit to you for food, of every beast which is UPON THE EARTH.

You MAY NOT Gen32:32 Working on it…..
eat SINEW Therefore the sons of Israel eat not the sinew
which shrank, which is in the hollow of the
thigh of cattle and of wild animals, until this

CLEAN LEV 11:3 Working on it…..
BEASTS FIT of every beast which is upon the earth.
TO EAT Whatsoever divideth the hoof and is
cloven-footed, and that which hath horns
bringing up the cud among the beasts, that you
may eat.

UNCLEAND LEV 11:4-8 Working on it…..
BEASTS NOT But you may not eat of the kinds that (only)
FIT TO EAT bring up the cud, nor (of them which only)
divide the hoof, because (they are) born of the
unclean. The camel, because he bringeth up
the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is
unclean to you. And the coney, because he
bringeth up the cud, but divideth not the hoof,
is unclean to you. And the hare, because he
bringeth up the cud, but divideth not the hoof,
is unclean to you. And THE SWINE, because he
divideth the hoof, and is cloven, footed, but
cheweth not the cud, is unclean to you. Of their
flesh you shall not eat, nor touch their carcase;
they are abominable to you.

And these you may eat, of all that are in the WATERS
CLEAN FISH LEV 11:9 Working on it…..
FIT TO EAT And these you may eat, of all that are in the
waters: every one that hath fins and scales in
the seas and the rivers,

UNCLEAN LEV 11:10-12 Working on it…..
FISH NOT FIT and of anything that is in the sea that crawleth,
TO EAT shall be an abomination to you, and an
abomination shall their jelly and their sauce be
to you; of their flesh you shall not eat, and their
carcase you shall have in abhorence, and from
the use of them you must keep aloof.Every one
that hath fins nor scales in the waters shall be
an abomination to you.

kinds of BIRDS
UNCLEAN LEV 11:13-20 Working on it…..
BIRDS NOT And these kinds of birds must be abominated:
FIT TO EAT those not a finger long, or that have no vesicle
Any other bird (zephaq), or whose crop (kurkeban, ingluvies)
may be eaten peeleth not away, are not to be eaten they are
abomination; the eagle, the black eagle, and
the osprey, and the kite, and the vulture after
his kind, and every raven after his kind, and the
ostrich, and the night raven, and the gull, and
the hawk after his kind, and the snatcher of
fish from the sea, and the ibis, and the
bustard, and the cuckoo, and the woodpecker,
and the white stork, and the black, after his
kind and the woodcock, and the bat.

CLEAN LEV 11:21-22 Working on it…..
INSECTS FIT So also of these you may eat, of every flying
TO EAT reptile that goeth upon four; every one that
hath joints above his feet to leap therewith
upon the ground. Of these kinds of them you.
may eat: the wingless locust after his kind, and
the bald locust after his kind, the serpent-killer
after his kind, and the karzeba, which is the
palmerworm, after his kind.

UNCLEAN LEV 11:23 Working on it…..
INSECTS NOT And every flying reptile that goeth upon four,
FIT TO EAT the fly species, the wasp (or hornet) species,
and the bee species shall be an abomination to
you: nevertheless, of honey of the bee you
may eat.

FLESH TORN EXD 22:31 Working on it…..
by BEASTS flesh torn by wild beasts alive you may not eat,
alive you may but throw it to the dog as his portion.
not eat

You may not LEV 7:22-25 Working on it…..
eat the FAT fit You may not eat any fat of oxen, or sheep, or
to sacrifice goats; but the fat of an animal which
(Agrade meat) corrupteth in the hour of sacrifice, or which
OR any fat of dieth a dead thing by death, or the fat of a
inwards beast that is torn, may be used in any work; but
the fat of an animal that is in a right (condition)
shall be burned upon the altar, and shall in no
wise be eaten. For he who eateth (the fat) of
an animal that is fit to be offered as an oblation
before Yahuah, that man who eateth the fat
shall be cut off from his people.
LEV 3:14-16
All the fat (shall be offered) before Yahuah. It is
an everlasting statute unto all your
generations, that neither the fat nor the blood
shall be eaten in any of your dwellings, but
upon the back of the altar it shall be sacrificed
unto the Name of Yahuah.

When you LEV 17:13 Working on it…..
KILL AN And any man, whether young or old, of the
ANIMAL fit TO house of the stock of Israel, or of the
EAT, You must sojourners who sojourn by dwelling among
let all the you, who hunteth venison of beast or fowl
BLOOD DRAIN proper to be eaten, shall pour out its blood
and COVER IT when it is killed; and if what he hath killed be
WITH not destroyed (or strangled?), let [the blood]
DUST/SAND be covered with dust.

You may NOT LEV 17:14 Working on it…..
EAT any let [the blood] be covered with dust. Because
BLOOD the subsistence of the life of all flesh is its
blood; it is its life; and I have told the sons of
Israel, You shall not eat the blood of any flesh;
for the subsistence of the life of all flesh is its
blood: whosoever among you eateth it shall be
LEV 19:26
You shall not eat the flesh of any sacrifice while
the blood remaineth in the veins.

You may NOT LEV 17:15-16 Working on it…..
EAT an animal And any man who shall eat flesh which hath
that has been been thrown away on account of having been
STRANGLED or strangled (or corrupted), or the flesh of that
with TORN which hath been torn, (any man,) whether
FLESH native or sojourner, shall wash his clothes, and
bathe in forty seahs of water, and be unclean
until evening when he shall be clean;

OFFERING to LEV 19:7 JOHN 7:23
Yahuah may On the day that it is sacrificed you may eat of it, the law of Moses should not be broken
NOT BE EATEN and on the day following; but what remaineth
on the 3rd day on the third day shall be burned with fire. But if
it be indeed eaten on the third day, it is
profaned, and shall not be accepted.

You may NOT LEV 20: Working on it…..
EAT an animal Defile not your souls by (eating of) the animal
TORN by that is torn by a wild beast, or the bird torn by
BEASTS the falcon, or anything that creepeth upon the
which I have from you for their uncleanness.

You MAY NOT DEU 14:21 Working on it…..
dress, boil or It shall not be lawful for you to boil, much less
EAT MILK AND to eat, flesh with milk when both are mixed
FLESH MIXED together.

You MAY DEU 22:6-7 Working on it…..
TAKE the If thou find the nest of a clean bird before thee
EGGS of a in the way, in a tree, or upon the ground, in
CLEAN BIRD which there are young ones or eggs, and the
but SEND THE mother sitting upon the young ones or eggs,
MOTHER thou shalt be sure to send the mother away,
AWAY but thou mayest take the young for thyself

You MAY EAT DEU 23:24-26 Working on it…..
to YOUR FILL When thou hast come for hire into thy
in your neighbour's vineyard, thou mayest eat there as
NEIGHBOUR’S thou wilt, till thou art satisfied; but thou
LAND but you mayest not put any into thy basket. When you
MAY NOT put go to work for hire in the field of thy
into YOUR neighbour, thou mayest gather with thy hands,
BASKET but thou art nolt to put forth the sickle upon
thy neighbour's corn (for thyself).

Old Testament (Targums) New Testament

LEV 5:2-3
Or if a man touch anything, unclean, whether the carcase of an unclean beast, or a carcase of unclean cattle, or
the carcase of an unclean reptile, and it be hidden from him, and he, being unclean, shall touch any consecrated
thing, he is guilty. Or if he touch the uncleanness of a man, even whatever uncleanness that defileth him, and it
be hidden from him, and he touch anything consecrated, after that it is discovered by him, and he knoweth that
he is defiled and not clean, he shall be guilty.

You may NOT LEV 11:27-28 Working on it…..
Whoever toucheth their carcase shall be unclean
until evening. Whoever beareth their carcase
shall wash his clothes and be unclean until
unclean animal
evening; unclean are they to you.

UNCLEAN LEV 11:29-30 Working on it…..
animals you the weasel, the mouse, black, red, and white,
and the toad, after his kind; and the sucking
may NOT
serpent, and the chameleon, and the lizard, and
the snail, and the salamander. These eight kinds
are unclean to you among all reptiles: whoever
toucheth them, their skin or their blood, shall be
unclean until the evening

If a LEV 11:32 Working on it…..
SEPARATED And whatever upon which any part of their dead
body may fall, as their members when separated
from them, shall be unclean;
every vessel of wood, or garment, or leather, or
on any VESSEL sack, anything in which work is done, in four
OR GARMENT measures of water it shall be dipped, and be
it is UNCLEAN unclean for use until evening,

If a CARCASE LEV 11:33 Working on it…..
falls into an And any earthen vessel into which any of the
earthen VESSEL carcases may fall, any vessel in which they may
it must be be, shall be unclean and be broken;

Any FOOD OR LEV 11:34 Working on it…..
DRINK which a all food for eating upon which (such) water
CARCASE cometh shall be unclean, and any fluid which is
touches is used for drinking in any such vessel shall be
UNCLEAN unclean.

OVENS and LEV 11:35 Working on it…..
PANS must be And anything upon which a part of their carcase
BROKEN if a may fall shall be unclean, whether ovens or pans
CARCASE falls they shall be broken, they are defiled and shall
in it be unclean to you.

SEED is LEV 11:37 Working on it…..
UNCLEAN when And if any part of their carcase fall in the way
contaminated upon seed that is to be sown, that which is sown
water from a dry shall be clean; but if the carcase of any of
CARCASE them fall upon water that is put upon the seed
touches it when so wetted, the seed is unclean to you.

You may NOT Lev 11:39 Working on it…..
TOUCH THE And if the limb of any clean beast that you
CARCASE of a may eat be torn and it die, whosoever
clean animal toucheth its carcase shall be unclean until the
Torn by beasts evening.

Don’t DEFILE LEV 11:43 Working on it…..
YOUR SOULS You shall not contaminate your souls by any
with UNCLEAN reptile that creepeth, nor defile yourselves
FOOD with them, lest by them you make yourselves
unclean. For I am Yahuah your Elohim;
therefore sanctify yourselves, and be holy, for
I am Holy, and defile not your souls by any
reptile that creepeth upon the ground: for I
am Yahuah who have brought you up free
from the land of Mizraim, that I may be a
Elohim to you; and you may be holy, for I am

BIRTH of a LEV 12:2-4 Working on it…..
MALE child When a woman hath conceived and borne a
male child, she shall be unclean seven days, as
the days of the removal of her uncleanness
shall she be unclean. But on the eighth day she
shall be loosed, and her child shall be
circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. And
thirty and three continuous days she shall
have for the purification of the whole blood;

BIRTH of a LEV 12:5-6 Working on it…..
FEMALE child And if she hath borne a daughter, she shall be
unclean fourteen continuous days according
to (the law of) her separation; and on the
fifteenth she shall be released; but sixty and
six continuous days shall she have for the (full)
purification of the blood.

UNCLEAN LEV 15:19-30 Working on it…..
woman by And if a woman hath an issue of blood, red or
MONTHLY dark, yellow as saffron, or water of clay, or as
PERIOD red wine mixed with two parts of water, she
hath an uncleanness of blood in her flesh; she
shall dwell apart seven days; anyone who
toucheth her shall be unclean until evening….
But when she is cleansed from her issue, let
her number to herself seven days, and
afterwards wash in forty seahs of water, and
be clean

• Separate for 7 days OR as long as the issue

lasts (she is unclean for that period)
• All she touchs or lies on will be unclean in
that time
• After issue stops number 7 days then wash
and be clean then offer on the 8th day

UNCLEAN man LEV 15:2-15 Working on it…..
by DEFLUXION A man, whether young or old, who hath a
defluxion from his flesh, when he hath seen it
three times, is unclean. And this shall be his
uncleanness, the appearance of the colour of
white in his defluxion inflaming, the defluxion
of his flesh; or when his flesh hath stopped
from his defluxion, it is his uncleanness.

UNCLEAN due LEV 15:16-17 Working on it…..
to SEMEN But if a man sin through ignorance and seed
goeth from him, let him wash all his flesh in
forty seahs of water, and be unclean until
evening. And any garment or skin on which
seed may be shall be washed in water, and be
unclean until evening; and secondly, a woman
with whom a man lieth shall wash in forty
seahs of water, and be unclean until evening.

A MAN may not LEV 15:18 Working on it…..
LIE with a he who lieth with her shall be unclean.
WOMAN And a man who lieth with a woman who is
unclean, and dishonoureth her nakedness, they
shall both of them be destroyed by a plague
from among their people.
You MAY NOT LEV 20:18
have And a man who lieth with a woman who is
INTERCOURSE unclean, and dishonoureth her nakedness,
with a WOMAN they shall both of them be destroyed by a
ON HER PERIOD plague from among their people.

If a MAN has a DEU 23:10-11 Working on it…..
“WET DREAM” Should there be a man among you who is
he is UNCLEAN unclean from accidents of the night, let him go
until EVENING without the camp, and come not among the
tents. But at evening time let him wash with
water, and on the going down of the sun he
may come within the camp.

LEPROSY LEV 13:9 Working on it…..
When the plague of leprosy is upon a man, let
him be brought to the priest.

Leprosy in LEV 13:47-59 Working on it…..
cloths And a garment in which is the plague of
leprosy, whether a garment of wool or a
garment of linen,

MOLD/LEPROSY LEV 14:34-53 Working on it…..
in a HOUSE When you have entered upon the land of
Kenaan which I will give you for a possession,
and a man who hath builded a house by rapine
finds that I have put the plague of leprosy in
the house of the land of your inheritance; and
he who owneth the house shall come to the
priest, saying, There is a plague, as it
appeareth to me, in the house: then the priest
shall direct that they make the house empty
before the priest cometh to inspect the house,
that all that is in the house may not be
(condemned as) unclean;

Be careful not DEU 24:8 Working on it…..
to CUT INTO AN Take heed that you cut not into flesh in which
ULCER in case there is an ulcer; but make careful distinction
its LEPROSY between the plague of leprosy and ulceration;


UNCLEAN from NUM 19:11-13 Working on it…..
a DEAD BODY Whoever toucheth the body of a dead man, or
of a child of some months old, either his body
or his blood, shall be unclean seven days.

UNCLEAN from NUM 19:14 Working on it…..
entering into a a man when he hath died under the outspread
house with a tent every one who entereth into the tent by
DEAD BODY IN the way of the door, but not from its side,
IT when its door is open, (or when one hath
opened its door,) and whatever is in the tent,
its floor, stone, wood, and vessels, shall be
unclean seven days.

Blowing of the NUM 10:9-10 Working on it…..
SHOFAR to And when you enter upon the order of the line
chase away of battle for your country, with oppressors
Satan and your who oppress you, then shall you blow the
enemies alarm on the trumpets, that the remembrance
of you may come up for good before Yahuah
your Elohim, that you may be delivered from
your enemies. And in the day of your
rejoicings, and in your solemnities, and at the
beginning of your months, you shall blow with
the trumpets over your burnt offerings and
your consecrated victims, and they shall be for
a good memorial to you before Yahuah your
Elohim; for Satana shall be troubled at the
sound of your jubel notes: I am Yahuah your

Old Testament (Targums) New Testament
NEW MOONS NUM 10:10 Working on it…..
at the beginning of your months, you shall blow
with the trumpets over your burnt offerings
and your consecrated victims, and they shall be
for a good memorial to you before Yahuah your
Elohim; for Satana shall be troubled at the
sound of your jubel notes: I am Yahuah your

3 TIMES a year EXD 23:14 Working on it…..
you must Three times in the year thou shalt keep festival
keep Yahuahs before Me.

Keep the LEV 23:4-5 Working on it…..
Feast of In the month of Nisan, on the fourteenth day of
PASSOVER the month, between the suns (shall be) the
time for the sacrifice of the Pascha to the
Name of Yahuah.

Keep the EXD 34:18 Working on it…..
Feast of You shall observe the feast of the unleavened.
UNLEAVENED Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened (cakes),
BREAD as I have commanded thee

Keep FIRST LEV 23:10-14 Working on it…..
FRUITS you shall bring the sheaf of the first fruits of
your harvest unto the priest; and he shall uplift
the sheaf before Yahuah to be accepted for

Do NOT EXD 22:29 Working on it…..
The firsts of thy fruits, and the firsts of thy
wine‑press, thou shalt not delay to bring up in
offer your
their time to the place of My habitation
Keep the EXD 34:22 Working on it…..
FEAST OF The feast of weeks also shalt thou make to thee
WEEKS in the time of the firsts of the wheat harvest;
and the feast of ingathering at the conclusion
of the ear.

Keep the LEV 23:24-25 Working on it…..
Feast of the seven month, shall be to you a festival of
TRUMPETS seven days, a memorial of trumpets, a holy

Keep the DAY LEV 23:26-32 Working on it…..
OF But on the tenth day of this seventh month is
ATONEMENT the Day of Atonement; a holy convocation shall
it be to you, and you shall humble your souls

Keep the LEV 23:33-42 Working on it…..
FEAST OF In the fifteenth day of this seventh month shall
TABERNACLES be the Feast of Tabernacles, seven days unto
the Name of Yahuah.

At the end of DEU 31:10-13 Working on it…..
every 7 years At the end of seven years in the time of the
at the FEAST year of remission at the feast of Tabernacles,
OF SUKKOT …., you shall read this law before all Israel while
we must read they listen… that they may behold the majesty
the whole of the law, and be reverent all of them before
TORAH the Word of Yahuah your Elohim, and observe
to do all the words of this law

We do not offer actual sacrifices anymore. Yahuah requires spiritual sacrifice from us in
Hebrews 10:6(1-31), Hebrews 13:13-16, 1 Peter 2:5, Romans 12:1

124 Burnt Offering – Lev 1

HOW TO OFFER Mincha Offerings – Lev 2
YOUR OFFERINGS Inwards and Fat – Lev 3

Every oblation LEV 2:13
MUST be offered And every oblation of thy mincha thou shalt salt with salt; thou shalt not withhold the salt
with SALT of the covenant of thy Elohim from thy mincha, because the twenty and four gifts of the
priests are appointed with a covenant of salt; therefore, salt shalt thou offer with all thy

Before SABBATH NUM 28:2-10
offering offer it from the firstlings on the Sabbath., that it may be accepted with favour before
Yahuah, and two-tenths of flour mixed with olive oil for the mincha and its libation. On the
Sabbath thou shalt make a Sabbath burnt sacrifice.

• 2 unblemished lambs before the Sabbath

• The one lamb with one tenth (fourth hin) flour mixed with oil and old wine (forty
days or older)
Thou shalt perform in the morning to make atonement for the sins of the night
• The second lamb
thou shalt perform between the suns to atone for the sins of the day
• 2 unblemished lambs on the Sabbath
• Two lambs with two tenths flour mixed with oil and old wine

NEW MOON NUM 28:11-15
offering And at the beginning of your months you shall offer a burnt sacrifice before Yahuah;. This
burnt sacrifice shall be offered at the beginning of every month in the time of the removal
of the beginning of every month in the year

• two young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• one ram & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil and its
drink offering of wine
• seven lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
for each lamb and their drink offering of wine

And a sin offering before Yahuah at the disappearing (failure) of the moon, with the
perpetual burnt sacrifice shalt thou perform with its libation.

• one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

an OATH Or if a man shall swear to make declaration with his lips to do evil or good upon any
matter upon which a man may affirm,… and he know that he hath falsified, and he repent
not; though he hath become guilty in any one of these, if he shall have (thus) sinned in any
one of these four things, but afterwards repent, he shall make confession of the sin by
which be hath sinned.

• 1 female lamb or a kid of the goats, for a sin offering;

• 2 large turtle doves or 2 young pigeons
• a tenth part of three sein of flour without oil

SIN by misusing of LEV 5:15-16
any HOLY thing When a man falsifieth with falsity and sinneth, though with inadvertence, in making
misuse of the holy things of Yahuah

• 1 Unblemished Ram and a fifth of silver according to the value of the Holy thing

SIN against the LEV 4 (Sinning)
COMMANDMENTS When a man hath sinned inadvertently against any of the commandments of Yahuah (in
doing) what ought not to be done, and he hath done it against any one of them: … he shall
bring for his sin a young bullock unblemished before Yahuah for a sin offering. …. And all
the fat of the bullock of the sin offering he shall separate from him, the covering of fat
which covereth the inwards, even all the fat which is upon the inwards. And the two
kidneys, and the fat which is upon them, upon the folding, and the caul that is upon the
liver, with the kidneys, he shall remove. …And if the whole congregation of Israel have
erred, and the thing hath been hidden from the sight of the congregation in doing
inadvertently against one of the commandments of Yahuah what was not right to be
done, and (thus) have sinned; and the sin which they have sinned be made known to
them; the congregation shall offer a young bullock as a sin offering…..
At what time the ruler of his people shall have sinned, and done against any of the
commandments of Yahuah his Elohim that which ought not to have been done, and he
hath sinned through ignorance; if his sin that he hath sinned be made known to him, he
shall bring for his oblation a kid of the goats, a male, unblemished;……
And if a man of the people of the land sin through ignorance in doing (against) one of the
commandments of Yahuah what was not right to do, and he hath sinned; if his sin that he
hath sinned be made known to him, he shall bring for his oblation an unblemished female
of the goats for the sin that he hath sinned; ….and he shall be forgiven.

Individual sins:
• 1 young Unblemished Bullock

Whole congregation of Israel sins:

• 1 young Unblemished Bullock

A Ruler Sins:
• 1 Unblemished male kid Goat

The people of the land sins:

• 1 Unblemished female Goat

LEV 5:17-19 (Sinning without knowing)
If a man sin, and do against any one of all the commandments of Yahuah that which is not
right to do, though he knew it not, he hath sinned, and shall bear his guilt

• 1 Unblemished Ram

SIN with falsehoods LEV 6:1-7
When a man sinneth and falsifieth with falsehoods unto the Name of the Word of Yahuah,
or denieth to his neighbour the deposit which hath been deposited with him, whether in
partnership of hands, or by rapine, or reckless dealing with his neighbour

• 1 Unblemished male from the flock (lamb or goat)

ATONEMENT for LEV 6:9-18
your THOUGHTS This is the law of the burnt offering which is brought to make atonement for the thoughts
(errors) of the heart:

• Handful of the best flour and frankincense

TRESSPASS offering LEV7:1-10
1. And this is the law of the Trespass Offering; it is most holy…And he shall offer all the fat
thereof, and the tail, and the fat which covereth the inwards; 4. and the two kidneys, and
the fat which is upon them, and upon the inwards. And the caul that is upon the liver upon
the kidneys shall he take away;…it is a trespass offering….As the rite of the sin offering, so
is the rite of the trespass
LEV 5:17-19 (Sin Offering)
If a man sin, and do against any one of all the commandments of Yahuah that which is not
right to do, though he knew it not, he hath sinned, and shall bear his guilt

• 1 Unblemished Ram (All fat and inwards)

offering And this is the law of the Sanctified Victims which they may offer before Yahuah. If he
offer it for a thanksgiving let him offer with the oblation of thanks unleavened cakes
mingled with olive oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with olive oil, and flour fried
with a mixture of olive oil. Upon the cakes he shall offer his oblation of leavened bread
with the hallowed sacrifice of thanksgiving. And of it he shall present one as a seperation
before Yahuah; the priest who sprinkleth the blood of the hallowed sacrifice shall have it.
And the flesh of his hallowed sacrifice of thanksgiving shall be eaten on the day when it is
offered; none of it may be laid up (or covered up) until the morning.

VOW or FREE WILL LEV 7:16-21
offering But if his hallowed sacrifice be a vow or a free-will gift, the sacrifice may be (partly) eaten
on the day when it is offered, and the remainder may be eaten on the day following at
evening. And what remaineth of the flesh of the hallowed sacrifice on the third day shall
be burned in fire. If, eating, he will eat of the flesh of his hallowed sacrifice on the third
day, it shall not be accepted of him who offered it, nor reckoned to him for righteousness;
it will be a profane thing, and the man who eateth of it shall bear his sin. And if the flesh of
things hallowed touch any uncleanness, it must not be eaten, but be burned in fire; but (as
to) flesh that is consecrated, every one who is clean by sanctification may eat the
hallowed flesh. But the man who eateth of the flesh of the hallowed sacrifice that is
offered before Yahuah with his uncleanness upon him, that man. shall be destroyed from
among his people. The man also who toucheth any unclean thing, whether the
uncleanness of man, or of unclean beasts, or any unclean reptile, and eateth of the flesh
of the hallowed sacrifices offered before Yahuah, that man shall be cut off from his

Offering for a LEV 15:28-30
WOMAN on her when she is cleansed from her issue, let her number to herself seven days, and afterwards
PERIOD wash in forty seahs of water, and be clean. And on the eighth day, let her take for herself
two turtle doves, or two young pigeons, … one a sin offering, and the other a burnt
offering and the priest shall make atonement before Yahuah, on account of the defluxion
of her uncleanness.

Number 7 days after period stops. On the 7th day wash yourself and all that one has
touched and worn. On the 8th day make your offering to be cleansed:
• 2 Turtle doves OR 2 young Pigeons
• 1 for a sin offering and 1 for a burnt offering

Offering for a MAN LEV 15:13:15
with a running he who hath had the issue shall have ceased from it, he shall number to himself seven
ISSUE days for his purification, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in spring water, to be
clean. And on the eighth day let him take for himself two large turtle doves, or two young
pigeons, …. and he shall be cleansed from his issue.

Number 7 days after the issue stops. On the 7th day wash yourself and all that one has
touched and worn. On the 8th day make your offering to be cleansed:
• 2 Turtle doves OR 2 young Pigeons
• 1 for a sin offering and 1 for a burnt offering

Offering after BIRTH LEV 12:6-8
of a male or female when the days of her purification are completed for the son or the daughter, she shall
CHILD bring a lamb of its year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtle dove for a sin
offering, ….This is the law of the purification of her who hath borne a son or a daughter.

• 1 Lamb for a (Burnt offering)

• 1 Turtle dove OR young Pigeon (Sin offering)

Offering after being LEV 14:1-32
clean from LEPROSY And he who is cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off all his hair, and wash himself
in water, and be clean; ….And on the eighth day let him take two lambs unblemished, and
one ewe lamb of the year unblemished; and three-tenths of flour for the mincha
mingled with olive oil, and one log of olive oil. ….one lamb, and offer him as an oblation
for trespass, with the log of oil, …. And the priest shall perform the oblation of the sin
offering, and make atonement for him who is to be cleansed from his defilement; … and
he will be clean.
But if he be a poor man, and his hand have not sufficiency, let him take one lamb for the
trespass offering to be an elevation to make atonement for him, and one tenth of flour
mingled with olive oil for the mincha, and a log of olive oil. And two large turtle doves, or
two young pigeons, of the sufficiency of his hand, and let one be for the sin and one for
the burnt offering.
• 2 Unblemished Lambs
• 1 Unblemished ewe
• 3 tenths flour mixed with oil
• 1 Unblemished Lamb
• 1 tenth of flour with oil
• 2 Turtle doves or 2 young Pigeons

Requirements after NUM 19:11-13
being unclean from Whoever toucheth the body of a dead man, or of a child of some months old, either his
a DEAD BODY body or his blood, shall be unclean seven days. He shall sprinkle himself with this water of
the ashes on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean. But if he sprinkle not
himself on the third day, his uncleanness will remain upon him, and he will not be clean on
the seventh day. Whoever hath touched the body of a dead man, or of a child nine
months old, either the body or the blood, and will not sprinkle himself, he hath defiled the
tabernacle of Yahuah, and that man shall be cut off from Israel; forasmuch as the water of
sprinkling is not sprinkled upon him, he is unclean, his uncleanness is yet on him, until he
shall sprinkle himself; yet may he sprinkle and make ablution on the seventh evening.

• On the 3rd day after becoming unclean from a dead body, sprinkle yourself with the
“ashes of the red heifer water” (Num 19:2-10)
• After 7 days you will be clean


• One unblemished lamb or kid of the goats

BREAD • two young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for each bullock
• one ram & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
• seven lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
for each lamb
• one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

• one Lamb & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
• Fourth of a hin of wine from grapes

OF WEEKS • Two breads of two tenths of flour baked with leaven (first of new fruit offering)
• two young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• one ram & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil and its
drink offering of wine
• seven lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
for each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

TRUMPETS • two young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• one ram & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil and its
drink offering of wine
• seven lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
for each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

• one young bullock & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for the bullock and its drink offering of wine
• one ram & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil and its
drink offering of wine
• seven lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
for each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

147 NUM 29:12-38

SUKKOT/ First Day (Fifteenth Day):
TABERNACLES • 13 young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• 2 rams & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for each
ram and their drink offering of wine
• 14 lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for
each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• 1 kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

Second Day (Sixteenth Day):

• 12 young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• 2 rams & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for each
ram and their drink offering of wine
• 14 lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for
each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• 1 kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

Third Day (Seventeenth Day):
• 11 young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• 2 rams & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for each
ram and their drink offering of wine
• 14 lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for
each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• 1 kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

Fourth Day (Eighteenth Day):

• 10 young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive
oil for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• 2 rams & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for each
ram and their drink offering of wine
• 14 lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for
each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• 1 kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

Fifth Day (Nineteenth Day):

• 9 young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• 2 rams & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for each
ram and their drink offering of wine
• 14 lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for
each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• 1 kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

Sixth Day (Twentieth Day):

• 8 young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• 2 rams & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for each
ram and their drink offering of wine
• 14 lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for
each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• 1 kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

Seventh Day (Twenty-First Day):

• 7 young bullocks & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
for each bullock and their drink offering of wine
• 2 rams & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for each
ram and their drink offering of wine
• 14 lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for
each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• 1 kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)

Eighth Day (Twenty-Second Day):

• 1 young bullock & three tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil
and its drink offering of wine
• 1 ram & two tenths deals minchas of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil and its
drink offering of wine
• 14 lambs of the year & a tenth deal mincha of wheat flour, mingled with olive oil for
each lamb and their drink offering of wine
• 1 kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you (sin offering)



Old Testament (Targums) New Testament
LEV 19: thou shalt love thy neighbour himself, as that though there be (cause of) hatred with thee thou mayest
not do (evil) to him:

Love Your Neighbour

MARK 12:31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than these.
You may not KIDNAP EXD 21:16 Working on it…..
our Fathers people And he who stealeth a soul of the
children of Israel, and selleth him, or if
he be found in his possession, shall die
by strangling.

If you find an EXD 23:4 Working on it…..
ANIMAL of your If thou meet the ox of thine enemy
ENEMY LOST you whom thou dislikest on account of the
must RESTORE IT TO wickedness which thou only knowest is
HIM in him, or an ass that wandereth from
the way, thou shalt surely bring it to

You must help an EXD 23:5 Working on it…..
ANIMAL of your If thou seest the ass of thy enemy whom
ENEMY if it is thou dislikest on account of the
struggling wickedness which thou only knowest to
be in him, lying under his burden, and
thou wouldst refrain thyself from going
near him, thou shalt relinquish at once
the dislike of thy heart against (thy
enemy), and release and take care of the
ass (or, charge thyself with him).

You may NOT LEV 19:11 Working on it…..
CONCEAL THE My people, you shall not steal, nor
TRUTH or DEAL prevaricate(make misleading statements
FRAUDULENTLY with or conceal the truth), nor do
YOUR NEIGHBOUR fraudulently one man with his

You may NOT LEV 19:13 Working on it…..
OPPRESS or TAKE Thou shalt not be oppressive (hard)
AWAY BY FORCE upon thy neighbour, nor take away by
from your neighbour force,.

You may NOT CURSE LEV 19:14 Working on it…..
the DEAF OR BLIND Thou shalt not curse one who heareth
not, nor set a stumbling-block before
the blind

You may NOT HAVE LEV 19:17 Working on it…..
HATRED in YOUR Speak not bland words with your lips,
HEART for your having hatred to your brother in your
brother but you hearts; but reproving you shall reprove
must REPROVE HIM your neighbour; and though it make you
ashamed, you shall not contract sin in
account of him.

You may NOT TAKE LEV 19:18 Working on it…..
REVENGE but rather Be not revengeful, nor cherish animosity
love your neighbour against the children of thy people; but
thou shalt love thy neighbour himself, as
that though there be (cause of) hatred
with thee thou mayest not do (evil) to

You must STAND UP LEV 19:32 Working on it…..
RESPECTFULLY You shall rise up before the aged who
before the instruct in the law and honour the
AGED/OLD who presence of the wise,

You shall NOT GIVE LEV 19:29 Working on it…..
your DAUGHTERS up You shall not profane your daughters to
to FORNICATION give them up to fornication:

RISE UP before the LEV 19:32 Working on it…..
AGED and HONOUR You shall rise up before the aged who
the WISE instruct in the law and honour the
presence of the wise,

WALK NOT in the LEV 20:23 MATT 15:9
LAWS OF PEOPLES walk not after the laws of the peoples But in vain they do worship me, teaching
whom I drive away from before you; for for doctrines the commandments of men.
they have committed all these
abhorrent things, and My Word hath
abhorred them.
RESTORE lost DEU 22:1 Working on it…..
PROPERTY OR Thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his
ANIMAL to your lamb going astray,…; thou shalt certainly
brother restore them to him. But if knowledge of
thy brother is not thine,..., thou shalt
bring it into thy house, and it shall be
supported by thee till the time that thou
hast sought out thy brother, and thou
shalt restore it to him. So shalt thou do
with his ass, with his garment, and with
any lost thing of thy brother's. If thou
find, it is not lawful for thee to hide it
from him; thou shalt cry it, and restore

You may NOT MAKE DEU 23:17 Working on it…..
your DAUGHTER A You shall not profane your daughters to
WHORE make them harlots; nor shall any man of
Israel debase himself by fornication.

You MAY NOT TAKE DEU 24:6 Working on it…..
SOMETHING A man shall not take the millstones,
DETRIMENTAL to lower or upper, as a pledge; for they are
their LIVELIHOOD as necessary in making food for every one.

You may not DEU 19:14 Working on it…..
REMOVE a You shall not remove the boundary mark
BOUNDARY MARK of of your neighbours which the
anyones PROPERTY predecessors did set for the limit in your
possession of inheritance in the land
which Yahuah your Elohim giveth you to

No.5 of the 10
Let every man be instructed in the And honour not his father or his mother, he shall
164 honour of his father and in the honour be free. Thus have ye made the commandment
Honour your father of his mother: that your days may be of Elohim of none effect by your tradition
and your mother multiplied upon the land which Yahuah
your Elohim giveth you.

You may not Wound EXD 21:15 Working on it…..
your PARENTS And he who woundeth his father or his
mother shall die by strangling.

You may not CURSE EXD 21:17 Working on it…..
your PARENTS And he who curseth his father or his
mother by the Great Name, dying he
shall die by being stoned with stones.

REGARD your LEV 19:3 Working on it…..
PARENTS with DEEP Let every man revere his mother and his
AFFECTION or father,

DISOBEDIENT DEU 21:18-21 Working on it…..
CHILDREN If a man hath a son depraved and
rebellious, who will not obey the word
of his father or of his mother, and who,
when they reprove him, will not receive
admonition from them; his father and
mother shall take him, and bring him
before the sages …, and say to the sages
..,, We had transgressed the decree of
the Word of Yahuah….; he will not hear
our word, but is a glutton and a
drunkard. … if he brought to fear and
receive instruction, …., you shall let him
live; but if he refuse … his city shall
stone him with stones that he die;


PARENTS do not Fathers, provoke not your children to Working on it…..
PROVOKE your anger, lest they be discouraged
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children
to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture
and admonition of Yahuah.

No.6 of the 10
COMMANDMENTS EXD 20: 13 Working on it…..
You shall not be murderers; you shall
170 not be companions of or partakers with
You shall not be murderers: in the congregations of Israel
Murderers there shall not be seen a murderous

If you ACCIDENTLY NUM 35:19-34 Working on it…..
MURDER someone you shall provide you cities with streets
YOU MAY FLEE and houses of living (boarding houses),
cities of refuge shall they be to you, that
thither the maiislayer may flee who hath
killed a man inadvertently.

Have 3 CITIES where DEU 19:2-13 Working on it…..
ACCIDENTAL three cities shall you set apart within
MURDERERS may your land which Yahuah your Elohim
FLEE TO giveth you to inherit. You shall prepare a
high road, and divide your limit which
Yahuah your Elohim bestoweth upon
you, that any manslayer may flee thither

No.7 of the 10
COMMANDMENTS EXD 20:14 Working on it…..
Be ye not adulterers, nor companions
173 nor partakers with adulterers: nor in the
You shall not be congregations of Israel shall there be
Adulterers seen an adulterous people

You may not show LEV 18: 6-19 Working on it…..
or see the No man, either young or old, shall come
NAKEDNESS of a nigh to any of the kindred of his flesh to
family member dishonour (their) nakedness by carnality,
or by the knowledge of their nakedness.

You may NOT have LEV 20:11 Working on it…..
INTERCOURSE with And a man who lieth with his father's
your FATHERS WIFE wife, whether his own mother or
another wife, and who hath
dishonoured the nakedness of his father
shall be verily put to death:

You may NOT have LEV 20:12 Working on it…..
INTERCOURSE with And if a man lieth with his daughter-in-
your DAUGHTER-IN- law, both of them shall be put to death;
LAW they have wrought confusion,

You may NOT LEV 20:14 Working on it…..
MARRY a WOMAN And if a man take a wife and her
and her MOTHER mother, it is fornication let them be
burned with fire with melted lead in
their mouth, that fornication may not be
among you.

You may NOT have LEV 20:17 Working on it…..
INTERCOURSE with And if a man lie with his sister, his
your SISTER father's daughter, or the daughter of his
mother, and he dishonour her
nakedness, it is depravity:…. but after
the law bath been declared in the world,
every one who committeth these things
shall be destroyed by mortality

You may NOT see LEV 20:19-20 Working on it…..
naked or have Nor shalt thou dishonour the nakedness
INTERCOURSE with of thy mother's sister nor thy father's
your AUNT OR sister; for he hath dishonoured the flesh
UNCLE of his near kin: they shall receive the
penalty of their guilt in dying. And if a
man lie with the wife of his father's
brother, he hath dishonoured the
nakedness of his father's brother: they
shall receive their punishment; they
shall be consumed by mortality;

JEALOUSY from a NUM 5:12-31 Working on it…..
husband If the wife of any man go astray and
commit wrongness against him, and
another man lie with her, and it be
hidden from her husband's eyes.. or, if
the testimony be not clear which is
witnessed against her.. or, if the spirit of
jealousy come upon him, and he be
jealous of his wife… bring his wife unto
the priest…. And the priest shall take
holy water…and he shall take of the dust
that is upon the ground…and put it into
the water ….Then shall the priest adjure
the woman …Yahuah make thee a
curse…in causing thy thigh to corrupt,
and thy belly to swell;… those proving
waters will enter into her with a curse,

and her belly will swell, and her thigh
become corrupt…The adulterer as well
will be detected by these waters of
probation, in whatever place he may be.
But if the woman hath not been defiled
by adultery, but is innocent, they will
enter without harm, and her brightness
will shine forth, and she will find
affection before her husband, and
become the mother of a son.


No.8 of the 10
COMMANDMENTS EXD 20:15 Working on it…..
Ye shall not be thieves, nor companions
181 nor partakers with thieves: there shall
You shall not be not be seen in the congregations of
Thieves Israel a thievish people

EXD 21: (verse missing from KJV) Working on it…..

When a man stealeth an ox or a sheep,
sells something he and killeth or selleth it, five oxen shall he
must PAY FIVE OR make good for one ox, because he hath
FOUR TIMES ITS hindered him from his ploughing; and
PRICE four sheep for one, because he hath
impoverished him by his theft, and not
done service by it.

Law regarding THEFT EXD 22:2-4 Working on it…..
/ A MAN BREAKING If a thief be found in a window of the
IN YOUR HOUSE wall, and be smitten and die, there shall
not be on his account the guilt of the
shedding of innocent blood. If the thing
be as clear as the sun that he was not
entering to destroy life, and one hath
killed him, the guilt of the shedding of
innocent blood is upon him; and if
spared from his hand, restoring he shall
restore. …. he shall restore two for one.


No.9 of the 10
COMMANDMENTS EXD 20:16 Working on it…..
Ye shall not testify against your
184 neighbours a testimony of falsehood,
You shall not Testify nor be companions or partakers with
Falsely those who bear false witness nor shall
there be seen in the congregations of
Israel a people who testify a testimony
of falsehood

DON’T BELIEVE EXD 23:1 Working on it…..
ACCUSATIONS take not up lying words from a man who
toward another and accuseth his neighbour before thee, nor
become a FALSE put thine hand with the wicked to
WITNESS become a false witness.

You may NOT EXD 23:8 Working on it…..
RECEIVE or GIVE a And thou mayest not receive a bribe; for
BRIBE a bribe blindeth their eyes who have
taken it, and casteth down the wise
from their seats, and perverteth the
right words which are written in the law,
and confoundeth the words that are in
the mouth of the innocent in the hour of

HAVE NOTHING to LEV 19:16 Working on it…..
do WITH SOMEONE Thou shalt not go after the slanderous
that has a CRUEL tongue, which is cruel as a sword that
SLANDEROUS killeth with its two edges in uttering
TONGUE false accusations to afflict thy people.
Slander=false report

You may NOT DEAL LEV 19:35-36 Working on it…..
FALSELY in You shall not deal falsely in the ordering
MEASUREMENTS of judgment; in the admeasurement of
when SELLING OR summer and winter; in weight and
BUYING measure, in heaping up, or in sweeping
off: but balances of truth, weights of
truth, measures of truth, and tankards
of truth, shall yours be.
DEU 25:13-16
You shall not have in your bag weights
that are deceitful; great weights to buy
with, and less weights to sell with. Nor
shall you have in your houses measures
that deceive; great measures to buy
with, and less measures to sell with.
Perfect weights, and true balances shalt
thou have, perfect measures and scales
that are true shall be yours

No.10 of the 10
COMMANDMENTS EXD 20:17 Working on it…..
Ye shall not be covetous companions or
189 partakers with the covetous: nor shall
You shall not be there be seen in the congregations of
Covetous Israel a covetous people


You may NOT MAKE EXD 22:22-24 Working on it…..
POOR a WIDOW or You shall not impoverish the widow or
ORPHAN the orphan. If thou impoverish her,
beware; for if they rise up and cry
against you in prayer before Me

You MUST GIVE to the DEU 15:7-11 MATT 19:21
POOR thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou
hold back thy hand from thy poor hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt
brother; but thou shalt open thy hand have treasure in heaven: and come and
to him, and lend to him according to the follow me.
measure of his want through which he
is in need. Beware lest there be a word
in thy proud heart

Be sure to PAY ALMS to DEU 23:21-23 Working on it…..
the POOR you promised bring the libations and the gifts of the
or DECLARED YOU sanctuary of which you have spoken (in
WOULD promises), and alms for the poor which
your lips have declared.


SEDUCTION and EXD 22:16-17 Working on it…..
INTERCOURSE with a If a man seduce a virgin unbetrothed,
VIRGIN and have criminal conduct with her,
endowing, he shall endow her to be his
wife. If this doth not appear to him (to
be desirable), or if her father be not
willing to give her to him fifty sileen of
silver shall be laid upon him, according
to the endowment of a virgin.

Do not DELAY to give LEV 19:29 JOHN 7:23
your DAUGHTERS unto neither delay to give your daughters the law of Moses should not be broken
HUSBANDS unto husbands in their proper ages, lest
they go astray

If a MAN MARRY A DEU 22:13-21 Working on it…..
VIRGIN and bare FALSE If a man take a wife or virgin and go
WITNESS against her unto her,….. because he had brought
then he will STAY WITH out an evil report against an upright
HER FOR LIFE virgin of Israel; and she shall be his wife,
nor shall he have power to put her
away all his days.

NEWLY WEDS shall be at DEU 24:5 Working on it…..
LEISURE in their house When a man hath taken a new wife a
for A YEAR and not virgin lie shall not go forth with the
depart from each other army, lest anything evil befall him; he
shall be at leisure in his house one year,
and rejoice with his wife whom he hath

You may not MARRY a DEU 7:3 Working on it…..
GENTILE You shall not intermarry with them;
your daughters you shall not give to
their sons, nor take their daughters for
your sons; for whosoever marrieth with
them is as if he made marriage with
their idols.

You shall NOT JOIN IN DEU 24:6 Working on it…..
MARRIAGE through Neither shall a man join bridegrooms
MAGICAL and brides by magical incantations
INCANTATIONS (magical formula, spell, charm or chant)

You may NOT MARRY LEV 20:21 Working on it…..
your BROTHERS WIFE And if a man take the wife of his
while he is STILL ALIVE brother during his life, it is an
abomination: he hath dishonoured the
nakedness of his brother; without
children shall they be.

You may NOT give in DEU 25:5 Working on it…..
MARRIAGE A WIDOW to nor the wife of the (deceased) brother,
her HUSBAND’S who would be mated with one smitten
BROTHER if he is with an ulcer, and who is poorly related,
POORLY RELATED OR shalt thou tie up with him.

Law for a wife without DEU 25:6-10 Working on it…..
child’s INHERITANCE When brethren from the (same) father
when her HUSBAND inhabit this world at the same time, and
DIES have the same inheritance, the wife of
one of them, who may have died, shall
not go forth into the street to marry a
stranger; her brother-in-law shall go to
her, and take her to wife, and become
her husband. And the first-born whom
she beareth shall stand in the
inheritance in the name of the
deceased brother,

FIRSTBORN will INHERIT DEU 21:15-17 Working on it…..
BIRTH RIGHT the first-born son be of the hated, it
shall be in the day that he deviseth to
his sons the inheritance of the wealth
that may be his,

DIVORCE DEU 24:1-4 Working on it…..
When a man hath taken a wife and
gone unto her, if she hath not favour in
his eyes because he findeth the thing
that is wrong in her, then he may write
her a bill of divorce before the court of
justice, and put it into her power, and
send her away from his house.

You may NOT SPEAK LEV 19:33-34 Working on it…..
HARD WORDS to a you shall not molest him with hard
STRANGER but will words: but the stranger who sojourneth
TREAT HIM as one of among you shall be (treated) as the
YOUR OWN native born, and thou shalt love him as
thyseIf: thou shalt not deal with him as
if thou didst hate him

You may NOT HARASS a LEV 19:34 Working on it…..
STRANGER with hard if a stranger becometh a sojourner, and
words, TREAT him like a settleth among you in your land, you
NATIVE BORN shall not molest him with hard words:
but the stranger who sojourneth among
you shall be (treated) as the native

You may NOT deliver or DEU 23:15-16 Working on it…..
REJECT A STRANGER Thou shalt not deliver up a stranger into
that FLED FROM his the hand of the worshipper of idols;
IDOLATRY (the sojourner) who hath escaped to be
among you shall be under the
protection of My Shekinah; for
therefore he hath fled from, his

You must WELCOME A DEU 23:15-16 Working on it…..
STRANGER that has Thou shalt not deliver up a stranger into
ACCEPTED OUR FATHER the hand of the worshipper of idols;
and TEACH him the …for therefore he hath fled from,his
LAW/COMMANDMENTS idolatry. Let him dwell with you, and
observe the commandments among
you; teach him the law, and put him in a
school in the place that he chooseth in
one of your cities

You may NOT VEX(cause EXD 22:21 Working on it…..
mental distress or And the stranger you shall not vex with
harass) a words, nor distress him by taking his
stranger/gentile goods:

You may NOT MAKE A EXD 23:32-33 Working on it…..
COVENANT with a Thou shalt make no covenant with
GENTILE or let them them, nor with their idols. Thou shalt
LIVE AMONG YOU not let them dwell in thy land, lest they
cause thee to err, and to sin before Me,
when thou dost worship their idols; for
they will be a stumbling-block to thee.

You may NOT SLEEP LEV 18:20-21 JOHN 7:23
with a And of thy offspring thou shalt not give the law of Moses should not be broken
GENTILE/UNBELIEVER up any to lie carnally with the daughters
of the Gentiles, to perform strange
worship; nor shalt thou profane the
Name of thy Elohim: I am Yahuah.

Law on If something EXD 22:7-9 Working on it…..
BORROWED OR STORED When a man confideth to his neighbour
at a FRIEND GETS silver, or vessels to keep, without
STOLEN recompense for the care, and they be
stolen from the man's house, if the thief
be found, he shall restore two for one.
If the thief be not found, the master of
the house shall be brought before the
judges, and shall swear that he hath not
put forth his own hand upon the
property of his neighbour.

Law on LOOKING AFTER EXD 22:10-13 Working on it…..
another’s ANIMAL If a man deliver to his neighbour all ox,
or a sheep, or any animal to keep, (if)
he is to keep it without recompense,
and it die, or be torn by wild beast, or
be carried off, and no witness seeing
who can testify it; an oath of Yahuah
shall be between them both, that he
hath not put forth his hand upon the
property of his neighbour; and the
owner of the thing shall accept his oath,
and he shall not (be required to) make
it good. But if it be stolen from him who
was to receive recompense for the care,
he shall make it good to its owner.

If you BORROW MONEY EXD 22:25-27 Working on it…..
to one of Yahuahs If thou lend money to (one of) My
people you may not add people, to (one of) the humble of My
interest people, thou shalt not be to him as an
usurer, neither lay it upon him that
there shall be witnesses against him, or
that he give pledges, or equivalents, or

You may NOT ADD DEU 23:19-20 Working on it…..
INTEREST TO A LOAN for Thou shalt not make usury of that
a BROTHER but you which is thine from thy neighbour upon
MAY ADD INTEREST the loan which thou lendest, either of
when LENDING TO A money, or food, or any thing by which
GENTILE thou mayest make usury. To a son of
the Gentiles thou mayest lend for usury,
but to thy brother thou shalt not lend
for usury;

When YOU LEND with DEU 24:10 Working on it…..
security for payment When a man hath lent anything to his
you may NOT GO INTO neighbour upon a pledge(thing
ones HOUSE to take the deposited as security for payment) , he
PLEDGE shall not enter into his house to take his
pledge; he shall stand in the street, and
the man to whom thou hast made the
loan shall bring out the pledge to thee
into the street.

RELEASE your BROTHER DEU 15:2 Working on it…..
from a LOAN ON THE 7TH Every man who is master of a loan, who
YEAR but you may lendeth to his neighbour, shall give
require from a GENTILE remission. He shall not have power to
coerce his neighbour in demanding his
loan, nor of his brother, a son of Israel;
because the beth din hath published
the Release before Yahuah. From a son
of the Gentiles thou mayest exact, but
the lawful right (dina) which is thine
with thy brother thou shalt release with
thine hand.


If something EXD 22:14-15 Working on it…..
BORROWED is And if a man borrow anything of his
DAMAGED without the neighbour, and the vessel be broken, or
owner being present the animal die, and the owner be not
YOU MUST REPLACE IT with it, lie shall certainly make it good.
If the owner be with it, he shall not
make it good: if it had been lent for
profit, its loss came on account of its

If damage to ones EXD 22:5 Working on it…..
property is caused by If a man break in upon a field or a
your ANIMALS you vineyard, and send in his beast to feed
MUST RESTORE what in another man's field, the best of his
was damaged field and the best of his vineyard he
shall restore.

Causing of a FIRE IN EXD 22:6 Working on it…..
SOMEONE ELSES PLACE If fire break out, and catch thorns, and
consume the sheaves, or whatever is
standing, or the field, whoever kindled
the fire shall surely restore.

If an ANIMAL KILLS a EXD 21:28 Working on it…..
person for the fist time And if an ox goreth a man or woman to
the animal must be cause death, the ox must be stoned, but
killed and the owner is shall not be killed that his flesh may be
excused eaten; and the owner of the ox shall be
exempt from the condemnation of
death, and also from the price of the
servant or handmaid.

If an ANIMAL known to EXD 21:29-31 Working on it…..
have a problem before But if the ox (had been wont) to gore
KILLS a man then the yesterday and before, and it had been
animal must be killed attested before his owner three times,
and the owner must be and he (had neglected) to restrain him,
put to death the ox, when he killeth man or woman,
shall be stoned, and his master also
shall die with a death sent upon him
from heaven. Yet if a fine of money be
laid upon him, he may give a ransom for
his life, according to what shall be
imposed on him by the sanhedrin of
Israel. Whether the ox hath gored a son
or a daughter of Israel, according to
that judgment it shall be done to him.

If SOMEONE’S ANIMAL EXD 21:33-34 Working on it…..
gets HURT OR DIES DUE And if a man openeth a pit in the street,
TO SOMEONE else’s and doth not cover it, and an ox or an
fault then that person ass fall therein; the master of the pit
must COMPENSATE FOR shall deliver silver to give to its owner
THE LOSS the price of the ox or the ass, and the
dead body shall be his.

If someones ANIMAL EXD 21:35-36 Working on it…..
KILLS someone elses And when an ox woundeth his
ANIMAL neighbour's ox, and he die, they shall
sell the living ox, and divide the price,
and the price of the dead one shall they
also divide. But if it hath been known
that the ox was wont to gore in time
past, and his master did not restrain
him, he shall surely deliver ox for ox;

If you FIGHT and INJURE EXD 21:18-21 Working on it…..
A PERSON you must And when men strive together, and one
COMPENSATE him smite his neighbour with a stone, or
UNTIL he is HEALED with his fist, so that he die not, but fall
ill, if he rise again from his illness, and
walk in the street upon his staff, he who
smote him shall be acquitted from the
penalty of death; only for his cessation
from labour, his affliction, his injury, his
disgrace, and the hire of the physician,
he shall make good until he be cured.

Eye for an Eye and EXD 21:22-25 Working on it…..
Tooth for a Tooth If men when striving strike a woman
with child, and cause her to miscarry,
but not to lose her life, the fine on
account of the infant which the
husband of the woman shall lay upon
him…... But if death befall her, then
thou shalt judge the life of the killer for
the life of the woman. The value of an
eye for an eye, the value of a tooth for a
tooth, the value of a hand for a hand,
the value of a foot for a foot, all
equivalent of the pain of burning for
burning, and of wounding for
wounding, and of blow for blow.

A WOMAN may NOT DEU 25:11-12 Working on it…..
GRAB the PRIVET PARTS While men are striving together, if the
of a man WHEN 2 MEN wife of one of them approach to rescue
ARE FIGHTING her husband from the hand uf him who
smiteth him, and putting forth her hand
layeth hold of the place of his shame,
you shall cut off her hand; your eyes
shall not pity.

Let your EMPLOYEE go EXD 21:26-27
free if you cause LOSS And when a man strikes the eye of his
OF A BODY PART Kenaanite servant or handmaid, and
causeth blindness, he shall let him go
free, on account of the eye. And if he
strike out the tooth of his Kenaanite
man or maid-servant, he shall make the
servant free on account of the tooth.

You MUST PAY agreed LEV 19:13 Working on it…..
SALARY at AGREED nor let the hire of the hireling be
TIME and not a minute remaining all night at thy side until the
after morning
DEU 24:14-15
You shall not be hard upon your
neighbours, or shift (or decrease) the
wages of the needy and poor hireling of
thy brethren, or of the strangers who
sojourn in your land, in your cities. In
his day thou shalt pay him his hire.

You may NOT CURSE or EXD 22:28 Working on it…..
CALL your JUDGES ILL ye shall not revile your judges, nor curse
NAMES the rabbans who are appointed rulers
among thy people.

You may NOT go AFTER EXD 23:2 Working on it…..
THE MULTITUDE to DO you shall not go after the many to do
EVIL or restrain the man evil, but to do good; and no one among
trying to do good you shall restrain himself from affirming
justly concerning his neighbour in the
judgment, by saying, Behold, the
judgment sides with the many.

You MUST TESTIFY if LEV 5:1 Working on it…..
you are A WITNESS When a man shall have sinned, and
heard the voice of the oath of
execration, or have been himself a
witness, or shall have seen that cue of
the world hath transgressed against the
words of an oath, or shall have known
that his companion hath sworn or
imprecated vainly, if he show it not, he
shall bear his sin.

We must SET LAW DEU 16:18-19 Working on it…..
ABIDING judges over us upright judges and efficient
administrators you shall appoint in all
your cities which Yahuah your Elohim
will give you for your tribes, and thev
shall judge the people with true
judgment. You shall not set judgment
aside, nor respect persons, nor take a
gift, because a gift blindeth the eyes of
the wise who take it

You may NOT FAVOUR a EXD 23:3 Working on it…..
POOR MAN in judgment And to the poor man who is guilty in his
if HE IS GUILTY cause, thou shalt not be partial in
having compassion upon him; for there
must not be respect of persons in

TAKE NO PART in a EXD 23:6-7 Working on it…..
FALSE MATTER or From a false matter keep distant. And
JUDGMENT when one hath gone forth from thy
house of justice acquitted, and they
(afterwards) find out his guilt; or one
hath been brought out condemned, and
they (afterward) find out his
innocence,-thou shalt not put him to
death; for I will not hold (the former)
innocent, nor the latter guilty.

You may NOT FOLLOW LEV 19:26 Working on it…..
OR LISTEN to You shall not be observers of
SOOTHSAYERS in a auguries(soothsayer), after the
court of justice sanhedrin (court of justice) of the

Judgment of getting DEU 25:1-3 Working on it…..
STRIPES If there be a controversy, between two
men, then they shall come to the
judges… and of condemnation to the
guilty. …. by his judgment, according to
the measure of his guilt. Forty (stripes)
may be laid upon him, but with one less
shall he be beaten

EXECUTION of a GUILTY DEU 21:23 Working on it…..
PERSON, His body must When a man hath become guilty of the
be buried on the same judgment of death, and is condemned
day to be stoned, and they afterwards hang
him on a beam, [JERUSALEM. And you
hang him on a beam,] his dead body
shall not remain upon the beam, but he
shall be certainly buried on the same

RAPE of a married DEU 22:23-27 Working on it…..
woman If a damsel a virgin is betrothed to a
man, and another man find her in the
city, and lie with her, they [p. 625] shall
bring forth both of them to the door of
the beth din of that city, and stone
them with stones that they die; the
damsel because she did not cry out in
the city,

RAPE of a single woman DEU 22:22 Working on it…..
If a man find a damsel who is not
betrothed, and seize and lie with her,
and they be found, then the man who
lay with her shall give to her father, as a
fine for her dishonour, fifty shekels of
silver, and she shall be hiswife, because
he humbled her, nor shall be have
power to put her away by divorcement
all his days.


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