MYP Service As Action

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MYP Service as Action

Student handbook
Service as Action in IB Middle Year Programme

Service as action is a foundational element of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years
Programme (MYP). It seeks to develop caring members of the community who act to make a
positive difference to the lives of others and their environment. Service as action requires
students to engage with their local community and all MYP students at the academy are
expected to be involved in some form of service in each year of the programme.

The emphasis is on:

 Developing community awareness and concern

 Learning to balance social, academic, and recreational avenues in life whilst
maintaining a healthy lifestyle
 Becoming independent
 Developing the skills needed to make an effective contribution to society including
personal reflection, resilience and working collaboratively
Service as Action: Learning Outcomes

MYP students can achieve the following learning outcomes through involvement during their
time in the programme. Fulfillment of the school’s expectations for Service as Action is a
requirement of the MYP Certificate.
Types of Services:

According to IB there are four types of services:

1. Direct Services: This involves interaction with people, environment or animals. Students
can provide to organization or cause by doing hands on activities.

2. Indirect Services: Students do not see the recipient during indirect services. Fundraising
or any other type of project that works with community or environment without face to
face interaction are a part of indirect services.

3. Advocacy: Student speak on behalf of a cause or concern to promote action on an issue

of public interest. Examples include awareness campaign, role play on bullying, video on
sustainable water solutions.

4. Research: Students collect information through varied sources, analyse data and report
on a topic of importance to influence policy or practice. Survey on environmental issues
to influence society, compiling the most effective means to reduce litter in public places
can be a part of this.
Stages of Service as action:
I. Investigation

 Reflection prior to and during investigation:

o What community/communities would I like to help?
o What problems bother me? What would I like to change?
o What do I value? What positive things would I like to strengthen?
o What service as action learning objectives would I like to develop?
o What skills might I need to use and/or strengthen to investigate this issue,
problem, community?
 Conduct research: Generate questions about the issue, problem, community and
determine which of the below research methods would be best to provide answers to
those questions.
o Media
 Online (websites, blogs, videos, films), magazines, maps, photographs,
o Interviews
 Interviewing experts
o Surveys
 Collecting information online, in-person
o Observations (and experience)
 Authentic observation of the issue, problem and/or community

II. Preparation/planning

 Make a plan:
o Develop a plan (roles, responsibilities, time lines, resources).
o Continue to ask, research and resolve questions regarding the need, issue,
 Reflection during preparation and planning:
o What resources do I have access to? What resources do I need to get?
o Who can I contact to help me or provide guidance?
o What skills do I need to develop or strengthen in order to plan and prepare for
this experience?
III. Action

 Implement the plan and reflect during your action:

 What do I notice about this community, and its response to my actions?
 What do I notice about myself (my thoughts, feelings, skill level)?
 What successes and challenges am I experiences? How am I addressing any
 What new questions and ideas do I have?
 What approaches to learning (ATL) skill and skill strategies did I use and how successful
were they?
 What learner profile attributes did I demonstrate? How did this help me in this service as
action experience?
 What learner profile attributes were challenging to demonstrate? Why?

IV. Demonstration/sharing

 Share your service as action experience with others!

 Reflection after demonstration/sharing:
o What did I notice about myself while sharing my experience (my thoughts,
feelings, skill level)?
o How did others respond to what I shared?
o What questions or observations were expressed?
o How might I continue, expand on or change this service as action activity?
o What collaboration challenges did we encounter?
o What ATL collaboration skills and skill strategies needed strengthening?
o In what ways and to what extent did I/we achieve my/our goals for the project?
o In what ways and to what extent did I achieve the service as action learning
outcomes I identified?
Getting started with Service as action:

A. Pre-approval

Before the start of an activity, complete the Supervisor Approval form found in
B. Doing the activity

While doing the activity keep uploading the relevant documents which may include the
time line, planning documents, questions, reflections and evidence sections.

C. Once the three sections visible of mangebac are completed. The supervisor may decide
the activity has been satisfactorily completed or not.

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