Grade-12-PRE-BOARD EXAMINATIONS-Mathematics QP-Jan-24

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DISHA – A Life School


This Question Paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
Candidates are required to attempt all questions from Section A and all questions EITHER from
Section B OR Section C.
Section A: Internal choice has been provided in two questions of two marks each, two questions of
four marks each and two questions of six marks each.
Section B: Internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks and
one question of four marks.
Section C: Internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks and
one question of four marks.
All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent to the rest of
the answer.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Mathematical tables and graph papers are provided.
Section-A [65 marks]
Answer the following questions,
Internal choice provided to selected questions.
QUESTION:1 [15 × 1 = 15 Marks]
a) Let a relation R on the set N of natural numbers be defined as xRy↔x2-4xy+3y2=0
∀ x , y ∈ N . The relation is
i)an equivalence ii)reflexive iii)transitive iv) symmetric
b) If A = {1,2,3,4} and B = {1,2,3,4,5,6} are two sets and function f: A→B is defined by f(x) =
x+2, ∀ x ∈ A ,then the function f is. [1]
i) bijective ii)onto iii) one-one iv)many-one

c) If A = [ 25 −73 ], then the value of AtA = ? [1]

i)I ii)3I iii)-4I iv) 2I

d) The value of sin (sec-1 ) is equal to [1]
21 23 24 24
i) ii) iii) iv)
3 61 41 25

| |
43 1 6
e) The value of 35 7 4 without expanding [1]
17 3 2
i) 1 ii) 3 iii) 42 iv) 0

{kx3 , ,ifif xx>2≤ 2}

f) The function is defined by f(x)= is continuous at x=2 then the value of k [1]

4 3 −4 −3
i) ii) iii) iv)
3 4 3 4
g) The gradient of f(x) =2x2-x + at (2,8) is
i)2 ii)3 iii)−4 iv)6
h) If f(x)=a then the value of f”(x) is [1]
i) a x (log x)2 ii) x a (log x )3 iii)a 2( log x)4 iv)a y (log x) y
i) The slope of the curve y = x2 - sin x at x=0 [1]
1 1 1 1
i) ii) iii) iv)
4 2 √2 √2 2
j) The Maximum value of f(x) = sin x+ cos x, [0, ]
i)√ 2 ii)√ 5 iii)√ 6 iv)√ 3 [P.T.O]
k) The value of :∫ cos (5−3 x)dx [1]
−1 −1
i) sin 5x ii) sin (5x-3)
5 2
−1 1
iii) sin (5-3x) iv) sin (5-3x)
3 3
cosec x
l) Integral of: ∫ dx=¿ ? [1]
1+cot x
i)-log(1+cotx)+c ii) log(1+cotx)+c
iii) log(1+cosec x)+c iv) -log(1+cos x)+c
m) The value of ∫ 2 x +3 dx . [1]
i)12 ii)14 iii)11 iv)-14
n) The probability of even A occurring is 0.5 and of B occurring is 0.3. if A and B are mutually
exclusive events, then the probability of neither A not B occurring is. [1]
i) ii)0.6 iii)0.7 iv)0.2

| |
a b c
o) Assertion (A): if a+b+c = 4 and ab+bc+ca = 0 then the value of b c a is -64 [1]
c a b

| |
a b c
Reasion (R): If a+b+c=4 and ab+bc+ca =0 than the value of b c a is zero.
c a b
i)Both Assertion and Reason are true and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
ii)Both Assertion and Reason are true But reason is not correct explanation for
iii)Assertion is true and Reason is false.
iv)Assertion is false and reason is true.

a) Let R be a relation defined on the set of natural numbers N as R = {(x,y): x∈N, y ∈ N, and
2x+y =41}, find the domain and range of this relation R. also verify whether R is i) reflexive,
ii) symmetric, iii)transitive. [2]
b) Prove that the relation R in the set A = { {1,2,3,4,5} given by R{(a,b):|a−b| is even} is an
equivalence relation. [2]
a) Use composition to show that f and g are inverse of each other:
−3 −3−5 x
f(x) = , g(x) = [2]
2 x +5 2x

b) Prove that tan-1 ( 34 )+tan -1( 35 )- tan-1( 198 ) = π4 [2]


| |
x +a b c
a) Use properties of determinants to solve for x: c x +b a . [2]
a x x+ c
b) If f(x) = x sin x then f”(x) [2]

a) Evaluate: ∫ 2 [2]
9 x −1

dy y
√ √ =
−1 −1
a) If x = asin t , y = acos t, show that [4]
dx x

a) A wire of given length is cut into two portions which are divided into shapes of a circle and a
square respectively. Show that the sum of the areas of the circle and the square will be least
when the side of the square is equal to the diameter of the circle. [4]

a) Three students from Disha School, Rithika, Abinav, and Hrishikesh attempt a Mathematics
problem independently. The odds in favor of Rithika and Abinav solving the problem are 3:2,
4:1 respectively and odds against Hrishikesh solving the problem are 2:1 find: i) the
probability that all the three will solve the problem, ii) the probability that problem will be
solved. [4]
1+ sinx
b) Evaluate:∫ dx [4]
sinx (1+cosx )

2 x+ 1
a) Evaluate : ∫ dx .
( x−1 ) (x +2)(x−3)
b) Show that the following equations are homogeneous and solve them.
( y 2−x 2 ) dx -2xy dy = 0 [4]

a) Solve the following system of equations by matrix method:
2 3 10 4 6 5 6 9 20
+ + =4 , − + =1 , + − =2 [6]
x y z x y z x y z
b) Using properties of determinants, show that Show that:

| |
a a+ b a+b+ c
2 a 3 a+ 2b 4 a+3 b+ 2 c =a3. [6]
3 a 6 a+ 3 b 10 a+ 6 b+3 c


a) Evaluate : i ¿∫ cot x dx ., ii)∫

√ sin x dx [6]
π √ sin x+ √cosx
sin2 x
b) Evaluate :
∫ sin x+ cos x dx [6]

a) In an VIVO Laptop factory, certain parts are to be fixed into the class is in a section
before it moves into another section. On a given day one of the three persons Raga,
Kaniska, Shibi carries out this task. Raga has 45%, Kanishka has 35%, and Shibi has
20% chance of doing the task. The probability that Raga, Kanishka, Shibi will take
1 1 1
more than the allotted time is , . respectively. If it is found that time take is
6 10 20
more than allotted time, what is the probability that Raga has done the task?
a) Find the altitude of the right circular cylinder of maximum volume that be inscribed in a
sphere of radius a. find the value of the maximum volume. [6]

Section-B [15 marks]

Answer the following questions:
Internal choice provided to selected questions.
QUESTION:15 [5×1=5]
⃗ ⃗
a) Assertion: The unit vector parallel to the vector ⃗ 4 jis 3 i+¿− 4 j ¿
−3 i+ ⃗

Reason: Unit vector can be found using n^ =

|a⃗| ||
i)Both Assertion and Reason are true and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
ii)Both Assertion and Reason are true But reason is not correct explanation for
iii)Assertion is true and Reason is false.
iv)Assertion is false and Reason is true.
v) Assertion and Reason both are false.
⃗, b⃗ , c⃗ have components (1,1), (2,3) and (-1,4) respectively. Find the components of
b) If a
2a⃗ -3b⃗ +5c⃗ .
i)(9,13) ii)(9,-13) iii)(-9,13) iv)none [1]
c) The Angle between ⃗ ⃗ a ,=⃗
a , b if ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
3 i+ ⃗j - 4 k , b = ⃗
2 i−⃗ ⃗
2 j+ 4 k .

i)cos-1 ( √−721 ) ii) cos-1 ( √721 ) iii) cos-1 ( √2221 ) iv)none [1]

a , b⃗ if ⃗
d) The sin Angle between ⃗ a ,=⃗i+3 ⃗j +k⃗ , b⃗ = 2i⃗ −⃗
4 j+ k⃗ .

( −147
√ 151
) ( √147115 )
ii) sin-1 ( √−147
iii) sin-1
) iv)none [1]

e) The direction ratios of a line are 1,-2,-2 then the direction cosines are?
1 2 2 −2 −2 1 −1 −2 −2
i) , , ii) , , iii) , , iv)
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 −2 −2
, , [1]
3 3 3

a) Find the vector equation of the line passing through the point 2i⃗ + ⃗j−3 ⃗k and parallel
to the vector i⃗ +2 ⃗j+ ⃗k [2]
b) Find the angle between each of the following pairs of lines.
r⃗ =⃗ 2 j−4 ⃗k +α ( ⃗i + 2 ⃗j+ 2 k⃗ ), and r⃗ =⃗i −2 ⃗k + β (3 ⃗i + 2 ⃗j+ 6 ⃗k ).
3 i+ ⃗ [2]

x−18 y+ 19 z−10
a) Find the shortest distance between the lines = = and
3 −16 7
x−15 y−29 z−5
= = .
3 8 −5

a) Show that the points hose position vectors are ⃗ 6 j+7 k⃗ , 7 i⃗ −8 ⃗j+ 9 ⃗k ,
5 i+ ⃗

3 i+ ⃗ ⃗
20 j+5 k , are collinear. [4]
b) Find the angle between 2 planes 3x-6y+2z=7a and 2x+2y-2z = 5 [4]

Section-C. [15 Marks]

Answer the following questions:
Internal choice provided to selected questions.
QUESTION:15 [5×1=5]
a) Find x , y the arithmetic means of x and y respectively if the two regression of lines of a
bivariate distribution are x+2y = 5 and 2x+3y = 8.
i)2,1 ii)1,-2 iii)-1,2 iv)1,2 [1]
b) Find the total cost of producing 600 pens, if the marginal cost C’(x) is given by C’(x) =
+ ¿2.5, when the output is x.
i) 2000 ii) 1500 iii) 1800 iv) none
c) If the two lines of regression are 3x-2y-10 = 0, and 24x-25y+145 = 0, then the value of r is
5 4 −5 16
i) ii) iii) iv) [1]
4 5 4 25
d) Assertion: For the lines of regression 4x-2y = 3, and 2x-3y = 5 then value of bxy and byx
are: .
Reason: The byx and bxy can satisfy the condition that r¿1, but bxy and byx respectively cannot
satisfy the condition.
i)Both Assertion and Reason are true and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
ii)Both Assertion and Reason are true But reason is not correct explanation for
iii)Assertion is true and Reason is false.
iv)Assertion is false and reason is true.
e) A company wants to launch a new product. It invested Rs.37000 as fixed cost and Rs.200 per
unit as the variable cost of production. The revenue function for the sale of x units is given by
4825x-125x2. Then the break- even point is [1]
i)300 ii)350 iii)500 iv)-550

c) Given the total cost function for x units of a commodity as C(x) = +x2 -6x, find the i)
marginal cost ii) average cost, iii) the slope of the marginal cost. [2]
d) For the first year the fixed cost for setting up a new electronic picket calculator’s company is
Rs,3,00,000. The variable cost for producing a calculator is Rs.70. the company expects the
revenue from the sale of the calculators to be Rs.270 per calculator. i) find the revenue
function, ii) find the breakeven point. [2]


b) Find the equations of the regressions y on x and x on y, r from the following observations.
(Karl Pearson’s) and also find i) coefficients of regression and ii) regression equations.
Predict the value of x when y =3. [4]
x 10 10 11 11 12 15 16 11
y -5 -3 -2 0 1 6 4 -2

c) A dietician wishes to mix two kinds of food X and Y in such a way that the mixture contains
at least 10 units of vitamin A, 12 units of vitamin B and 8 units of vitamin C. the vitamin
contents of one kg of food is given below: [4]
Food Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin c
X 1 unit 2units 3 units
Y 2units 2units 1 unit
One kg of X food costs Rs.24 and one kg of Y food costs Rs.36. Using Linear Programming
find the least cost of total mixture when will contain the required vitamins.
d) A manufacturer manufactures two types of tea-cups, A and B. three machines are needed for
manufacturing the tea cups. The time in minutes required for manufacturing each cup on the
machines is given below: [4]
Time in minutes Time in minutes Time in minutes
Type of cup Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
A 12 18 6
B 6 0 9
Each machine is available for maximum of 6 hours per day. If the profit on each cup of type
A is Rs.1.5, and that on each cup of type B Rs.1. find the number of cups of each type that
should be manufactured in a day to get maximum profit.

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