Course Outline FALL-2023: Department of Management Sciences University of Gujrat

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Department of Management Sciences

University of Gujrat

Course Outline FALL-2023

Course Information
Course Title Product and Brand Course Code MKT-435
Credit Hours 3 Course Level BBA
Instructor Information
Name Dr. M Arslan Sarwar Office A210
Email [email protected] Contact No.

Course Details
1: Course Description
Brands are among the most valuable corporate assets. This course is about how brands are viewed,
built, managed, and measured to ensure firms’ superiority and sustainability in profits. To explore
such issues, this course provides relevant and up to-date theories, concepts, techniques, and models
in branding. The course will interweave lectures, exercises, guest speakers, case discussions, and a
brand audit group project. This course will enable students to understand the process of new
products entrance and progress in the market, specifically how complicated it is in the current
drastically changing business environment. Brand management has gained great importance issues
of this course, so studying this course will provide a deep insight into the field of brand management
as an emerging field.

2: Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, you would be able to:
• Learn basic concepts of product management from marketing point of view at all stages
from ideas generation to successful launching of new product.
• To comprehend the evolvement of products from commodity products stage to product
brand stage.
• To understand how important, it is for the success of the corporations to maintain and update
Brands periodically in accordance with dynamic market conditions.
• To provide an understanding of the meanings of brand in alternative ways.
• To provide the appropriate concepts, theories and techniques related to the important issues
in brand management operations.
• To enhance students’ ability to apply creative and critical strategies and tactics involved in
developing, positioning, leveraging, managing a brand, and measuring its value.

3: Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, student will be able to:
1. assess different viewpoints on brand and think cogently and critically about these
2. analyze specific problems and challenges in brand management, and to devise sound and
practical solutions to these problems;
3. undertake a brand audit and to use the information for brand planning;

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline FALL-2023

4. use resources (e.g., marketing research, research studies, expert advice, etc.) in an informed
and skillful way as part of the process of developing ideas, plans and solutions;
5. effectively communicate branding knowledge in oral and written contexts;
6. work individually and as an effective member of a team.

4: Course Pre-requisite/s
1. Principles of Marketing
2. International Marketing
3. Marketing Management

5: Recommended Textbooks and Journals

1. Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2017). Principles of Marketing. Pearson Education, Limited.

2. Keller, K. L., Parameswaran, M. G., & Jacob, I. (2011). Strategic brand management:
Building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Pearson Education India.

3. Kevin, K.L., (2013). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing
Brand Equity, 4th Edition, ISBN 10: 0-13-266425-9

6: Course Readings
The suggested course readings are

• Kapferer, J. (2008). The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining
Brand Equity Long Term 4th edition (New Strategic Brand Management: Creating &
Sustaining Brand Equity).
• De Chernatony, L. (2010). Creating powerful brands. Routledge.
• Zhang, X. (2012). Brand strategy: five branding decisions. A research on Manchester
United Fc.
• For each topic in this course the supplementary readings will be suggested in the class.
Supplementary readings are not mandatory, but they should be read selectively to give
you a broader, deeper and more critical understanding of the material presented in this
course. Keep in mind that they have been chosen to illustrate a point or provide a
perspective on a subject under discussion, but you should try to track down additional
7: Course Evaluation Criteria
Course will be evaluated on following basis
1. Assignments 10%
2. Presentation 10%
3. Quizzes 05%
4. Mid-term 25%
5. Final Term 50%

8: Plagiarism Policy
Be very careful to avoid plagiarism
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline FALL-2023

Material submitted for assessment in connection with coursework assignment must represent the
student's own efforts, and be his / her work (except group work). Brief quotations from the published
or unpublished work of another person may be used, but must always be attributed. quotations, or
close paraphrasing or copying from the work of another person (including another student) without
acknowledgement both at the relevant point in the text, and in any bibliography, constitutes
plagiarism, which is an assessment offence.

9: Assignment/Presentation/Case Study Briefings

The assessment approach is based on a concern for assessing the quality of the learning outcomes
achieved by the student. The assignments are structured to assess group as well as individual
performance and will involve the evaluation and application of both marketing principles to a given
business situation.

Research The report should present evidence beyond the standard textbook
material and company provided information. There should be
evidence of information and data from various sources, including
the use of literature to support argument.
Analysis The quality and quantity of the analytical input, including
application of theoretical models, frameworks and concepts,
together with logical reasoning and arguments.
Understanding Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the subject
materials and chosen organisation in the context of their marketing
Evidence Use of evidence from literature, internet sites financial and regular
press and professional journals and similar sources to support
assertions and conclusions
Presentation Quality of standard of presentation, including the use of logical
structure, use of headings and subheadings, use of diagrams,
appropriate references, citation of published sources and
appendices. (Harvard System Preferred)
Writing Skills and Quality of the written work in terms of grammar, syntax and
Techniques spelling, and also clarity, cogency and economy for writing style

10: Class Attendance and Missed Exam Policy

Students are required to attend all classes in the course. Students who miss classes are far likely to
meet the requirements of the course. A student who misses more than 5 classes will get zero in
class participation. If a student does not attend minimum of 70% of total classes he/she will not be
permitted to take final examination in the course.

Students are advised not to miss any exam under any circumstances. A makeup exam will be
allowed only under very special circumstances and that too only after the approval of the
Chairperson of the department.

Sixteen Weeks Plan

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline FALL-2023

Week Class Course Contents/Activities *Teaching Deadlines
1 Introduction to Product & Brand Lecture
Management. What is a Product? What is Class Discussions
a Brand?
2 Product Strategy Development. Lecture
Class Discussions

3 Pricing and Positioning Strategies. Lecture

Class Discussions
2 4 New Product Development. Lecture Group Formation
Product Life Cycle Class Discussions

5 Branding of the product: Brand Lecture Assignment 1

Development. Class Discussions
Group Project
3 Branding of the Services Briefings
6 Analyses of Competitive Environment and Lecture Quiz-1
Creating Competitive Advantages Class Discussions

7 Understanding Comparison between Lecture

1. Product and Brands Class Discussions
2. Signs and Symbols
3. Symbols and Logos
4. Brand and Branding
8 Overview of Branding and Brand Lecture Question/Answer
Management Class Discussions Session for reading
What is a brand
Why do Brand Matters
Reading1: Brand’s Branding Lesson
9 What can be branded Lecture Question/Answer
Brand Challenges and Opportunities Class Discussions Session for reading
Reading:2 Marketing Brand in Recession
5 Lecture Question/Answer
10 Understanding Brand Equity Concept
Strategic Brand Management Process Class Discussions Session for reading
Reading:3 History of Branding
11 Developing a brand strategy Lecture
Brand Equity Model by Aaker Class Discussions Submission of
initial Project
Customer Based Brand Equity Model by Report
Keller Question/Answer
6 Reading 4: Brand Critics Session for reading
12 Making a Brand Strong: Brand Knowledge Lecture
Sources of Brand Equity Class Discussions Qizz-2

13 Identifying and Establishing Brand Lecture Feedback on the

7 Positioning Class Discussions initial Project
Positioning Guideline
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline FALL-2023

Defining a Brand Mantra Question/Answer
Session for reading
Reading 5: Positioning Politicians
14 Brand Resonance and the Brand Value Lecture Assignment 3
Chain Class Discussions
Building a Strong Brand: The Four Steps
of Brand Building
15 Brand Judgments Lecture Quiz-3
Brand Feelings Class Discussions
Brand Resonance
8 16 The Brand Value Chain Lecture Question/Answer
Value Stages Class Discussions Session for reading
Reading 6: Putting customer first
17 & Mid-term Examination
19 Designing and Implementing Brand Lecture Question/Answer
Marketing Programs Class Discussions Session for reading
Criteria for Choosing Brand Elements 114 Assignment 2
10 Reading 7: Counterfeit business is
20 Options and Tactics for Brand Elements Lecture Question/Answer
119 Class Discussions Session for reading
Brand Names, URLs
Logos and Symbols, Characters
Slogans, Jingles
Reading 8: Do-Overs with Brand Makeovers
21 Designing Marketing Programs to Build Lecture
Brand Equity Class Discussions
New Perspectives on Marketing
Integrating Marketing
Personalizing Marketing
11 22 Product Strategy Lecture Question/Answer
Perceived Quality Class Discussions Session for reading
Pricing Strategy
Consumer Price Perceptions
Reading 9:Making Sense Out of Brand Scents
23 Integrating Marketing Communications to Lecture
12 Build Brand Equity Class Discussions

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline FALL-2023

The New Media Environment
Challenges in Designing Brand-Building
Role of Multiple Communications
24 Four Major Marketing Communication Lecture
Options Class Discussions Question/Answer
Session for reading
Advertising 10
Online Marketing Communications
Events and Experiences
Mobile Marketing
Brand Amplifiers
Public Relations and Publicity
Developing Integrated Marketing
Communication Programs
Criteria for IMC Programs
Using IMC Choice Criteria
Reading 10:Brand Building
25 Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations Lecture
to Build Brand Equity Class Discussions
Conceptualizing the Leveraging Process
Creation of New Brand Associations
Effects on Existing Brand Knowledge

26 Celebrity Endorsement Lecture Question/Answer

Potential Problems Class Discussions Session for reading
Reading 11: Managing a person brand
27 Developing a Brand Equity Measurement Lecture
and Management System Class Discussions Submission of
Exercise Group Project
Conducting Brand Audits
Brand Inventory Question/Answer
Brand Exploratory Session for reading
Brand Positioning and the Supporting 12
Marketing Program
14 The Role of Brand Personas

Reading 12: Brand Equity

28 Designing Brand Tracking Studies Lecture
What to Track Class Discussions
Establishing a Brand Equity Management
Marketing Assessment System
29 Class Presentations of the assigned topics and Presentations and
15 course discussions course discussions

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline FALL-2023

30 Class Presentations of the assigned topics and Presentations and
course discussions course discussions
31 Class Presentations of the assigned topics and Presentations and
course discussions course discussions
16 Class Presentations of the assigned topics and Presentations and
course discussions course discussions
End-term Examination
*Lecture, Discussion, Class Seminar, Case Study, Presentation etc
**Weekly Class reading will be allocated from the list provided in Course Readings

11. Group Project Report

Description of the task

You will be fully briefed in class about the content and format of this assignment in Week 3. You
will be required to work in a group consisting of approximately 3-5 members and you are free to
choose the composition of your group (to be formed in or before Week 2). Each group will be
allocated (randomly) to one of the available brands, which will be notified in the brief in week 3.

Group Project Progress Report

You are required to submit a progress report in week 6 in class. This report will comprise the names
of your team members, the brand allocated to you for audit, an outline of how you are planning to
carry out the assignment and progress to date. This will not directly contribute to your final grade.
The purpose of the progress report is to help you manage your time and give you the opportunity to
gain feedback. It is in your best interest to treat this seriously – it is better to identify and resolve
problems at this stage than to let these carry across into your final report. It is mandatory for all
groups (and group members) to be present and contribute to this progress report.

Due Dates
The final report (printed copy of your written report) is due on week 14 –should be handed in at the
start of the lecture, accompanied by a signed Assignment Cover Sheet.

Purpose of the Group Assignment

The purpose of the major assignment is to help you to:
1. Critically evaluate a brand, in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, value and implied strategic
2. Propose strategic recommendations for leveraging a brand, using established theory and your
assessment of available data;
3. Anticipate factors influencing the success or failure of the proposed strategy
4. Apply theoretical concepts in a specific business context, in order to integrate theory and
practice in the process of strategic brand management;
5. Work effectively in a group environment.

Group Work, Roles and Responsibilities and Conduct of Meetings

You are expected to work in groups throughout the semester, and to divide work among group
members equally. Group members are required to exchange contact details and formulate and agree
on a Group Process Plan and a Pre-Project Action Plan. The Group Process Plan details member

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline FALL-2023

roles, identifies group rules, allocates tasks and responsibilities and shows agreed project milestones.
The Pre-Project Action Plan details problems and issues that may arise and how the group will
manage them.
Students are to actively manage the conduct of meetings and record each member’s contribution and
the decisions/actions agreed to at each meeting through the use of brief minutes.

Signature Signature
Course Instructor Coordinator Specialization

Signature Signature
Chairperson, Department of Management Dean, Faculty of Management and
Sciences Administrative Science

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