Course Outline FALL-2023: Department of Management Sciences University of Gujrat
Course Outline FALL-2023: Department of Management Sciences University of Gujrat
Course Outline FALL-2023: Department of Management Sciences University of Gujrat
University of Gujrat
Course Information
Course Title Product and Brand Course Code MKT-435
Credit Hours 3 Course Level BBA
Instructor Information
Name Dr. M Arslan Sarwar Office A210
Email [email protected] Contact No.
Course Details
1: Course Description
Brands are among the most valuable corporate assets. This course is about how brands are viewed,
built, managed, and measured to ensure firms’ superiority and sustainability in profits. To explore
such issues, this course provides relevant and up to-date theories, concepts, techniques, and models
in branding. The course will interweave lectures, exercises, guest speakers, case discussions, and a
brand audit group project. This course will enable students to understand the process of new
products entrance and progress in the market, specifically how complicated it is in the current
drastically changing business environment. Brand management has gained great importance issues
of this course, so studying this course will provide a deep insight into the field of brand management
as an emerging field.
2: Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, you would be able to:
• Learn basic concepts of product management from marketing point of view at all stages
from ideas generation to successful launching of new product.
• To comprehend the evolvement of products from commodity products stage to product
brand stage.
• To understand how important, it is for the success of the corporations to maintain and update
Brands periodically in accordance with dynamic market conditions.
• To provide an understanding of the meanings of brand in alternative ways.
• To provide the appropriate concepts, theories and techniques related to the important issues
in brand management operations.
• To enhance students’ ability to apply creative and critical strategies and tactics involved in
developing, positioning, leveraging, managing a brand, and measuring its value.
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
4: Course Pre-requisite/s
1. Principles of Marketing
2. International Marketing
3. Marketing Management
2. Keller, K. L., Parameswaran, M. G., & Jacob, I. (2011). Strategic brand management:
Building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Pearson Education India.
3. Kevin, K.L., (2013). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing
Brand Equity, 4th Edition, ISBN 10: 0-13-266425-9
6: Course Readings
The suggested course readings are
• Kapferer, J. (2008). The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining
Brand Equity Long Term 4th edition (New Strategic Brand Management: Creating &
Sustaining Brand Equity).
• De Chernatony, L. (2010). Creating powerful brands. Routledge.
• Zhang, X. (2012). Brand strategy: five branding decisions. A research on Manchester
United Fc.
• For each topic in this course the supplementary readings will be suggested in the class.
Supplementary readings are not mandatory, but they should be read selectively to give
you a broader, deeper and more critical understanding of the material presented in this
course. Keep in mind that they have been chosen to illustrate a point or provide a
perspective on a subject under discussion, but you should try to track down additional
7: Course Evaluation Criteria
Course will be evaluated on following basis
1. Assignments 10%
2. Presentation 10%
3. Quizzes 05%
4. Mid-term 25%
5. Final Term 50%
8: Plagiarism Policy
Be very careful to avoid plagiarism
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Research The report should present evidence beyond the standard textbook
material and company provided information. There should be
evidence of information and data from various sources, including
the use of literature to support argument.
Analysis The quality and quantity of the analytical input, including
application of theoretical models, frameworks and concepts,
together with logical reasoning and arguments.
Understanding Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the subject
materials and chosen organisation in the context of their marketing
Evidence Use of evidence from literature, internet sites financial and regular
press and professional journals and similar sources to support
assertions and conclusions
Presentation Quality of standard of presentation, including the use of logical
structure, use of headings and subheadings, use of diagrams,
appropriate references, citation of published sources and
appendices. (Harvard System Preferred)
Writing Skills and Quality of the written work in terms of grammar, syntax and
Techniques spelling, and also clarity, cogency and economy for writing style
Students are advised not to miss any exam under any circumstances. A makeup exam will be
allowed only under very special circumstances and that too only after the approval of the
Chairperson of the department.
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Due Dates
The final report (printed copy of your written report) is due on week 14 –should be handed in at the
start of the lecture, accompanied by a signed Assignment Cover Sheet.
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Signature Signature
Course Instructor Coordinator Specialization
Signature Signature
Chairperson, Department of Management Dean, Faculty of Management and
Sciences Administrative Science
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